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On guard at the poles

Ziggy Kelleher
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On guard at the poles Empty On guard at the poles

Post by RickFE Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:54 pm

Everyone looks at Antarctica and its treaty as the only thing stopping exploration. Well the arctic also has treaties and military bases set up.

Here is a recent article detailing Russia's new arctic base:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4421072/Russia-unveils-new-Arctic-military-base.html

On guard at the poles 3f52bb10

Pretty big base for such a remote location.On guard at the poles 3f52bb13

And of course they have people stationed here for 18 month tours....On guard at the poles 3f5c5111
On guard at the poles 3f5c5311
On guard at the poles 3f5c5211
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On guard at the poles 3f599214
On guard at the poles 3f599215

These men have pool tables, movie theater, fitness gym etc. All the comforts you would need. Imagine these goons running down flat earth explorers on reindeer driven sleds....On guard at the poles 3f59fb11

Strategic positioning of the base between Greenland and northern Europe. Any boats going through there, will definitely have a welcome wagon.On guard at the poles 3f58a614
On guard at the poles 3f58a615

Interior seems pretty cozy. Open concept, not the greatest for heating and ventilation.....They must have a hydro electric dam somewhere nearby powering this beast.....How do they generate electricity at these remote bases in the arctic and Antarctic....Must be some gravity magic.I can't get power to my cottage 2 hours out of the city.....unless I pay to put in the poles and the lines.....On guard at the poles 3f52ba11

Some type of Cogen plant or steam plant. Since they are on permafrost, I doubt they have underground plumbing or electricity. This plant could provide heat as it seems to have an enclosed structure attached in blue. Probably the pipes are housed in that channel going to all the buildings. There aren't any trees around, so I wonder what they are burning?

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by RickFE Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:38 pm

Not to be outdone, my home nation of Canada, slave to the British empire, has also stepped up their presence in the arctic.


They use Russia's increased measures to warrant adding more base of our own. Which makes no sense since our military is all positioned to the north...On guard at the poles Hueber10
On guard at the poles Arctic10

It seems since Flat earth has spiked on the internet, arctic bases are going up faster than ever.On guard at the poles 65312910
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On guard at the poles Ccgs-l10
On guard at the poles Desgro10

Our coast guard has an icebreaking ship. In case some people try to go up the north coast, they are ready to cut through ice to catch you. If you do make it to land somewhere in the arctic, they have patrols and temporary bases setup as they do "training" exercises.On guard at the poles 46980010
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For back up, they train the local Inuit to help patrol.On guard at the poles Canadi11

All of this military action in the north recently, shows they are prepared for anything. Exploration is needed, but with the amount of presence they have, do we stand a chance at making it through? A lot of shills are promoting this arctic voyage and making go fund me pages for support. Full well knowing they will just pocket the money and pretend. No one is going on their own to the arctic. They would scoop you up stating they are rescuing you, and your journey is done. Before we even contemplate exploring, these organizations need to be dismantled.

And forgot to add, British forces come to Canadian bases all the time. We are British owned, so a lot of our bases, are their bases as well.

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Artemis Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:39 pm

RickFE interesting new section.
There is many Military bases in Acrtic.

On guard at the poles 866076e23229153b741fab3a566f8aa9

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by RickFE Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:26 pm

I was reading the mainstream news the other day, and the Russian base came up. I will be adding more countries as I do more research. I left a lot out to be able to research more and I have a few military acquaintances who have been posted up north. I plan on getting them drunk and seeing if they will talk lol.

I have been seeing people promoting arctic trips and trying to set up go fund me pages. So I thought it might be best to have a section showing the arctic is no easier to get to than the Antarctic. North pole is probably harder to get to in my opinion since it is such a small area.

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by growyourmind86 Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:34 pm

those pics are crazy. So if they are starting to set up shop up there they def do not want people poking around. If nothing was up there why not just let people go at their own risk. You die then you die o well. This sort of thing kinda shows something is going on though. Curious how things start getting in the near future. Flat earth has been getting a lot of exposure.


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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by esraymeh@gmail.com Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:28 pm

That is a serious looking building.

There is a new ship named after a famous broadcaster, link below. £200 Million is quite an investment for a research ship. Replacing though HMS Endurance. This ship will not wear the 'HMS' (Her Majesty's Ship) prefix. Mmmmm. I believe it's first mission is this March to Antartica! There are articles related to this on the same page as the link.

As you might see, the british public were asked by a poll to give the name 'Boaty McBoatface' won it but was not used! So much for democracy eh!


An exert from the article for the McBoatFace named sub......

“We will measure how fast the streams flow, how turbulent they are, and how they respond to changes in winds over the Southern Ocean.

“Our goal is to learn enough about these convoluted processes to represent them in the models that scientists use to predict how our climate will evolve over the 21st century and beyond.”

The craft will be sent back and forth through a cold abyssal current that forms an important part of the global circulation of ocean water.

In other words a best guess at what prediction. Seems to me that they are using the climate change excuse to explore the hidden depths under the ice shelves??

Another article (tutting to myself) Really $500 billion? I'd like to know how much carbon they burn to generate electricity to pump all that water. We'd all have to pay of course!!



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On guard at the poles Empty WTF! Warning, ISIS in Antartica, security threatened .Hope they enjoy the weather.

Post by Ziggy Kelleher Tue May 16, 2017 5:57 pm


I am seeing an increasing concerted effort from media to reinforce the propaganda.

Ziggy Kelleher

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Admin Thu May 18, 2017 7:59 am

Petition for Full Public Exploration of Antarctica:


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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Calamity Thu May 18, 2017 6:14 pm

I signed the petition and shared it on my facebook. My facebook account was disabled for suspicious activity shortly afterwards. Not a fan of coincidence.

EDIT: Recently heard rumor that FB hired a handful of people to clean up spam accounts.


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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by RickFE Fri May 19, 2017 3:10 am

That is because they are in retreat mode. They have to clean out old sock accounts they forgot about : ). And any links promoting flat earth. These clowns cannot program a simple Qbasic sequence. Their search algorithms are purposely biased, or flawed. If I owned youtube, and hit the search results, saw that if I change the categories it always changes, I would ask for my money back. If it is tied to a database, it should never change.

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by TheFreedomMinistry Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:40 am

Calamity wrote:I signed the petition and shared it on my facebook. My facebook account was disabled for suspicious activity shortly afterwards. Not a fan of coincidence.

EDIT: Recently heard rumor that FB hired a handful of people to clean up spam accounts.
The intelligence agencies love Zuckerberg and his tracking softwa.... I mean social media website. If it wasn't for connecting with some of my family and staying up-to-date with them I wouldn't have an account (I rarely go on anyways, I've debated disabling/deleting it for sometime now.)

This is a very interesting thread, so say the least. GRU Войска специа́льного назначе́ния (Spetsnaz) on Reindeer!! Now that's something you don't see everyday!

I'm going to do more research into the various militarized zones in and around the Arctic region. I'd love to take an expedition there... so cold, though... so cold...

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On guard at the poles Empty Google Earth cover up of Alexandra Island

Post by Havenangle Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:55 am

The collage of images seems to be over the part of the island where this new russian base is located...just an observation, forgive the open tabs and my name, tried to crop but didnt seem to work
On guard at the poles Alexan10

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Schpankme Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:00 am

Havenangle wrote:
over the part of the island where this new russian base is located

How interesting, fake satellite images show the fake Antarctica, and of course the Russians are there to lend credence to the Story. Basketball

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Havenangle Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:18 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Havenangle wrote:
over the part of the island where this new russian base is located

How interesting, fake satellite images show the fake Antarctica, and of course the Russians are there to lend credence to the Story.  Basketball

This is by a island the north pole actually. But yeah you know how it is why guard a frozen tundra and cover up pictures if supposedly nothing is there?
TBH tho i wonder what is actually at the north pole that is so secretive it has to be guarded...

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Admin Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:59 am


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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by superuserdo Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:32 pm

Yeah, that's the spirit. Be prepared to do something when the opportunity arises!

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Admin Sat Apr 20, 2019 4:28 am


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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by AlmightySavoisien88 Mon May 18, 2020 9:25 am

Hi everyone. Do you have the name of the american scientist who died from 6 brain tumors just before he launched his polar expedition in the 2000s ?

I can't find it anywhere on the internet.

He was supposed to go with a russian tanker.

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Mon May 18, 2020 8:48 pm

There was this physician who was said to perform surgical and oncology procedures upon herself in Antarctica in 1998 for breast cancer. And then she succumbed to metastatic brain cancer years later. Jerri Lin Nielsen.


Is that who you are thinking of? Or someone else?


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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by AlmightySavoisien88 Mon May 18, 2020 9:22 pm

No. It was a man. An american scientist. He planned an expedition in Arctic if I remember correctly and was scheduled to go with a russian tanker to explore.

He was perfectly healthy and all the sudden was diagnosed with multiple brain tumors. He died very quick.

I just can't remember his name.

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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

Post by Jadepurplelover Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:12 pm

It's funny anyone that has a invention or great idea or exposes things always seems to get cancer or heart attack or die mysteriously .


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On guard at the poles Empty Firefighter / government contractor on Antarctica blows the whistle

Post by perseus Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:37 pm

What do you guys think about that : Firefighter / government contractor Antarctica whistleblower???


I guess too much public interest towards Antarctica, and they are giving us “ a fake whistleblower” to kill the interest down.



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On guard at the poles Empty Re: On guard at the poles

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