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Meeting like minded people IRL

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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by JonFromEarth Sun Sep 10, 2023 8:55 am

Hello, definitely not here to fed post. I have not been active on this forum but I'm feeling very isolated in the world. I recently moved from California to the PNW because of practical reasons and I really have no friends anymore. I find it ever increasingly difficult to relate to the world due to my world views. I am fairly out going but I just don't know how to connect with people anymore in my everyday life off the internet. Especially as a single parent with little spare time.
A bigger issue is I have a daughter who is going to be starting school in the next few years. How the hell am I supposed to teach her the truth without her being ostracized by everyone?
Is there any irl communities for flat earthers? I have even been part of white nationalist type circles and even most of these guys branded as "far right" and every other pejorative name want to belittle FEers too, most of them anyway.
Other then being with my daughter I feel totally alone. Nobody to do things with and its really hard to even conversate with most people, even open minded types.
I know there used to be a "flat earth convention" before 2020. Is there anything like this happening anywhere now?
It was filled with shills and even Logan Paul showed up once to mock it at one time but I'm certain there was plenty of genuine people too.
Anyway I just don't see myself running into FEers randomly and I'm exhausted from trying to convince anybody of anything. It always turns to an argument, people need to be ready when theyre ready. So it would be really awesome to have a friend or 2 to chill with sometimes.
Anyone have a suggestion how to remedy the loneliness?


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by IamOsoGorgeous Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:07 pm

Just be truthful with your Daughter.


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by IamOsoGorgeous Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:11 pm

It's better to be alone than be with the wrong people or partner. Demand and expect truthfulness & faithfulness from everyone in your friend circle & trust everyone once. Invest your time into your Daughter. Everything else will fall into place.


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by Forest4theTreez Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:37 am

JonFromEarth wrote:Hello, definitely not here to fed post. I have not been active on this forum but I'm feeling very isolated in the world. I recently moved from California to the PNW because of practical reasons and I really have no friends anymore. I find it ever increasingly difficult to relate to the world due to my world views. I am fairly out going but I just don't know how to connect with people anymore in my everyday life off the internet. Especially as a single parent with little spare time.
   A bigger issue is I have a daughter who is going to be starting school in the next few years. How the hell am I supposed to teach her the truth without her being ostracized by everyone?
   Is there any irl communities for flat earthers? I have even been part of white nationalist type circles and even most of these guys branded as "far right" and every other pejorative name want to belittle FEers too, most of them anyway.
   Other then being with my daughter I feel totally alone. Nobody to do things with and its really hard to even conversate with most people, even open minded types.
   I know there used to be a "flat earth convention" before 2020. Is there anything like this happening anywhere now?
  It was filled with shills and even Logan Paul showed up once to mock it at one time but I'm certain there was plenty of genuine people too.
  Anyway I just don't see myself running into FEers randomly and I'm exhausted from trying to convince anybody of anything. It always turns to an argument, people need to be ready when theyre ready. So it would be really awesome to have a friend or 2 to chill with sometimes.
  Anyone have a suggestion how to remedy the loneliness?

I can 100% relate and it’s basically the same story more or less for everyone else I’ve encountered whether in person or online, although like you mentioned, in person has been very rare. Most people respond the same way with their preprogrammed media responses of laughing and calling it a stupid nut job tin foil hat conspiracy theory. Some say it doesn’t matter to them whether it’s flat or a ball. I’ve had some get angry and aggressively tell me they don’t want to hear it. All the classic defense mechanisms that Eric Dubay covers in his defense mechanism video. It’s really frustrating and I may never understand why this is the case.

Me personally, I don’t care if I get a negative response and I will continue to talk about to anyone that gives me the opportunity. As far as your daughter situation is concerned, I would explain to her that unfortunately this “education” is mandatory, that’s basically akin to the coercion that was used by employers to get their employees vaccinated. We all know now it’s not really education but it’s indoctrination, deception, propaganda and preparing the next generation of corporate debt slave drones. Vaccines for babies and children mandatory for school enrollment. It’s an obvious trap and I’m surprised the topic of vaccines schedules that are forced upon our voiceless and defenseless babies isn’t being talked about more. Especially after the scamdemic. Appeal to authority and fear mongering is used to manipulate parents into immediately allowing their babies to be injected with pharmakeia mystery potions. They start with this and then immediately start with the spinning ball earth heliocentric model deceptions in elementary school for a reason and is probably why most people can’t seem to even pause and contemplate the possibility it’s a lie. You’ll be surprised how a child will respond when you explain all this to them, in my experience it’s the opposite of what we experience with most adults.

It’s a generational trap and cycle that only parents can break. The best and most valuable education comes from parents that aren’t brainwashed zombies that are aware of the harsh reality of this world. You be your daughters ultimate arbiter of truth. as far as being lonely, that’s the outcome of becoming aware. We’re surrounded by hypnotized and deceived zombies.

Long rant but hopefully it helped.


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Hi JonfromEarth, I'm Ellie from Texas

Post by ellie Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:03 am

I feel your dilemma. I have 2 FE friends. Both are in different states. I discovered my first FE video on YT in 2016, during a huge ice storm, and being home-bound for a few days. I immediately knew I'd tapped into something real. Truth has a recognizable resonance... for me anyway. (I'm an empath, with a finely tuned BS meter). I told my grand-daughter about it, she was 6. She laughed. She got it! She's like, of course, people aren't standing upside down. She trusts me more than her parents and teachers, b/c I've provided daycare for her since she was 2, and I've always been honest and open with her. She's 13 now. She no longer needs daycare, but she still needs me, one adult in her life that she knows has her back. All during the plandemic, I kept her updated about what was going on, and about her mom & dad being paranoid for nothing. I'm so grateful they didn't give her a corona jab. Makes for tough family dynamics, but the truth is the truth and I won't pretend it isn't for anybody.

I provided books and DVDs about vaccines to my GD's parents (my daughter and SIL) soon after she was born. They found a vax-friendly pediatrician. They aren't anti-vax like I am, but my GD has only had 3 shots in 13 years, which I consider a victory! The CDC says she should have had 45 by now! The last one she got was this summer, when my daughter took her to an annual wellness checkup so she could attend summer dance camp for 2 weeks. wth? She's at risk for Hep B going to dance camp? The whole germ theory is Complete Insanity! ZERO vaccines have ever been proven safe or effective. ZERO. Baby wellness visits, and older children's annual exams for athletics, dance, etc, is all marketing BS to get them in the door for shots! I wish my daughter would have let me home-school my grand-daughter. But I enjoyed unschooling her (and 2 unvaxxed daughters of a chiropractor/friend) every day after school, with plenty of fresh air, sunshine, organic food, tree-climbing, dancing, mud pies, art, music, and the truth. A few years ago I set a boundary for myself to only provide childcare for unvaccinated children, because I want the compatible philosophy with the parents, and I don't want the stress and liability of a vax-injured child. Stand strong for who you are, and for your daughter. She is blessed to have you.


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by maril Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:42 am

you moved to my area, feel free to message me :-D

all things ive been through

the conventions are run by feds or fed-controlled people, because it is the easiest target for them to control, so just ignore them sadly

accepting FE just helps you be a free thinker and understand more in context

either way, the beliefs don't have to compromise your relationships with others, this can't be the only thing you realize that sets you apart from the masses


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by Visionseeker68 Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:59 am

Hey I understand how you feel. It's been necessary for me to back away from a few disingenuous friendships for more or less the same reasons. It definitely can feel like a lonely existence at times when you walk away from the herd of globies, etc. I'm glad you at least have a child to encourage by setting a positive example with your rising awareness. I'm a solitary creature by nature and never married or had children, unlike the rest of my family.

Last edited by Visionseeker68 on Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by HACKIECHAN Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:09 am

Yea it sucks ass realizing everyone is a balltard and their is nothing you can do about it....you can lead a horse to water. It is frustrating to see friends disrespect or downright ridicule you over FLAT EARTH but it is what it is. I am IN GEORGIA and feel the same way. If anyone from this forum ever wants to link up LMK. Good DAY FOLKS


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by stukatotherescue Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:19 am

I agree about telling young children the truth. It was so nice to see my 8 or 9 year old daughters reply to saying '6 million jews didn't get killed', she said 'oh that's wonderful!'. Just be sure to be there BEFORE the system feeds its shit into your kid.
I personally don't feel that lonely because I'm just a loner of myself. I can relate though and sometimes wish I could communicate with like-minded people or at least don't be surrounded by drones.. Maybe teams or zoom meetings are an option?


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty your GD is lucky to have you

Post by IamOsoGorgeous Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:17 pm

ellie wrote:I feel your dilemma. I have 2 FE friends. Both are in different states. I discovered my first FE video on YT in 2016, during a huge ice storm, and being home-bound for a few days. I immediately knew I'd tapped into something real. Truth has a recognizable resonance... for me anyway. (I'm an empath, with a finely tuned BS meter). I told my grand-daughter about it, she was 6. She laughed. She got it! She's like, of course, people aren't standing upside down.  She trusts me more than her parents and teachers, b/c I've provided daycare for her since she was 2, and I've always been honest and open with her.  She's 13 now. She no longer needs daycare, but she still needs me, one adult in her life that she knows has her back. All during the plandemic, I kept her updated about what was going on, and about her mom & dad being paranoid for nothing. I'm so grateful they didn't give her a corona jab. Makes for tough family dynamics, but the truth is the truth and I won't pretend it isn't for anybody.  

I provided books and DVDs about vaccines to my GD's parents (my daughter and SIL) soon after she was born. They found a vax-friendly pediatrician. They aren't anti-vax like I am, but my GD has only had 3 shots in 13 years, which I consider a victory! The CDC says she should have had 45 by now! The last one she got was this summer, when my daughter took her to an annual wellness checkup so she could attend summer dance camp for 2 weeks. wth? She's at risk for Hep B going to dance camp? The whole germ theory is Complete Insanity! ZERO vaccines have ever been proven safe or effective. ZERO. Baby wellness visits, and older children's annual exams for athletics, dance, etc, is all marketing BS to get them in the door for shots! I wish my daughter would have let me home-school my grand-daughter. But I enjoyed unschooling her (and 2 unvaxxed daughters of a chiropractor/friend) every day after school, with plenty of fresh air, sunshine, organic food, tree-climbing, dancing, mud pies, art, music, and the truth. A few years ago I set a boundary for myself to only provide childcare for unvaccinated children, because I want the compatible philosophy with the parents, and I don't want the stress and liability of a vax-injured child. Stand strong for who you are, and for your daughter. She is blessed to have you.    
I wish you luck, my kids & I don't agree about everything but I fight for my GK's health & future.


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty I hear you too

Post by John Rain Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:47 pm

I can totally relate, waking up to FE and living under zombies is weird. Leaving the rat race has helped me to reduce time with normies and this is a huge relief. Working from home gives me more time with like minded people online. I would love to have more IRL FE friends though.

The other day I actually met one by coincidence and that was so cool. He is actually know in the scene and supported the community a few years ago. I knew he was awakenend, but didnt know to what state.

Meeting up in cafe about a total different consulting topic....
He: I am really awake.
Me: Not as much as I am bro, I am so deep in it you can't imagine.
He: Then you must be a flat earther like me"
Me: YES! So good to meet you IRL!!!!!

Anyway, this is actually a good point that we need more IRL contacts. I am happy to start a private Telegram and have only vetted folks in there. I have a sixth sense for people who pretend. Then people can connect there and we can have groups for different regions. If anybody is interested, just message me. I will set it up asap.
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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by IamOsoGorgeous Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:17 pm

We ought to use 'I'm really awake as a fe IRL password


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by JonFromEarth Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:27 am

Thank you all for the replies, im in the PNW if anyone is interested... My daughter at least will have to learn how to not care about what others think. In terms of why oeople react the way they do is because the ego and the narcissism our culture has encouraged. In order to accept a conspiracy theory you have to admit that you were fooled. That you weren't smart enough to see the deception. I really think people refuse to believe that about themselves.


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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Re: Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by susie Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:14 am

Yeah teach her individualism is the best way to conduct yourself. Keeps you grounded.

I make flat earth comments all the time. Like when construction workers enclosed our porch I asked them how they could use that level on a ball. And it helps the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway is just down the road. Everyone here has been across that and they know you can see the city from this side. I remind them how far it is and what the curvature would be according to spherical trig. It has caused quite a bit of conversation let me tell you.
Ballers just walk away shaking their heads. They are convinced the curvature for the bridge is converted at the bottom of the pylons somehow.

So you see with a visual at the distance that shouldnt be possible and an actual structure that obviously proves the flatness of it even I have trouble convincing these yahoos. I have over several years gathered a group of folks who know the truth and its nice to have a close knit group of friends. Local Thai Restaurant owner, local Bar/Music Club owner, local LCSW among them.
I have noticed the younger generation is picking up on it faster than mine did.

Im up for any group get togethers yall wanna conduct. shotgunsusie@pm.me

I have faith that we will eventually reach enough folks to stop some of this indoctrination going on.
And at my age it's refreshing to know some folks have their heads out of their asses.

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Meeting like minded people IRL Empty Meeting like minded people IRL

Post by Reinhardt Hoffman Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:55 pm

Tell her the truth. Let her know what to expect from the worldy education. And how to deal with the Helio centric realm. Helios the pagan sun god. It's nothing short than worshiping the devil. In a realm where. Rev 12v9 The devil will decieve the whole world. Show her this is how he did it.
I am not sure if your flat earth awakening brought You to realizing that there is a creator. For me it did.
I find the pursuit of wisdom ie the gospel truth from scripture and extra chronical books to be more fascinating than anything this world has to offer. Personally I find people who practice the Sabbath through virtual house church. Rob Skibas church. There are blue dots around the world. Of like minded souls who have woken to the truth and are practicing Sabbath and God's festivals. With there contact and area info. I hope that helps.
Finding the truth is never a easy road.
God bless Jon

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