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9-11 Truth

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:38 pm

Posted by susie on 09/26/2015

Sept 26, 2015 3:14:02 GMT thinkforyourself said:
Sept 26, 2015 2:22:40 GMT susie said:

How coincidental that it is a part of the Bible which happens to mention retaliation. I wonder if they staged this? 

With what method? I can only think it was done in the initial photo shoot of the discovery which is totally possible but I believe Dr Wood has examined it. I can check that.

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:39 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 09/26/2015
The new leader of the opposition Political Party in Britain has written about the NWO and the fact that Bush and Blair falsely accused Bin Laden of planning the 911 attacks in order to invade Afghanistan:


I wonder if he is now a sell out to the NWO, or if he is being controlled without realising it? This may be the beginning of the public acceptance of 911 truth in the mainstream media, in order to pretend that Saudi Arabia is actually to blame.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:39 pm

Posted by susie on 09/27/2015

Sept 26, 2015 14:05:55 GMT thinkforyourself said:
The new leader of the opposition Political Party in Britain has written about the NWO and the fact that Bush and Blair falsely accused Bin Laden of planning the 911 attacks in order to invade Afghanistan:


I wonder if he is now a sell out to the NWO, or if he is being controlled without realising it? This may be the beginning of the public acceptance of 911 truth in the mainstream media, in order to pretend that Saudi Arabia is actually to blame.

Considering the Saudi Royals are Jewish they are keeping it all in the family. Sauds did help Israhell and the USA to do it. All Jewish lead I might add.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:40 pm

Posted by lizardking on 09/27/2015

This article is what TFY was referring to and sums up why blaming the Saudis is not a good thing:

For years the 9/11 Truth movement (9TM) has been vainly pleading with mainstream media – and the “alternative” 9/11-Truth-rejecting media (which we’ll include for our purposes as mainstream) to cover any of the endless, obvious problems with any of the Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (OCT) tales we’ve been told. Now, all of a sudden, these same mainstream media, echoing prestigious players like former US Senator Bob Graham, are on the rampage about a “9/11 cover-up,” and are pushing for the release of 28 redacted pages from the 2002 Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee 9/11 Inquiry’s report! So…let’s all of us 9/11 Truthers jump aboard this fast moving train with both feet, right?

The 9TM has gradually been gaining a foothold with the public; a growing number of people countenance some kind of government role in 9/11 and/or its cover-up. Suspicion has likewise grown about the role played by Bush-administration neocons and their Zionist bedfellows. After 15 years of staunch media refusal to report the flagrantly obvious holes in the various OCT stories we’ve been fed, why is this particular issue suddenly headline news? Why at this particular juncture? And how does it just happen to be spearheaded by one of the major contributors to the initial cover up?

It is now commonly assumed among the public that those 28 pages in some way implicate the Saudi government in the events of 9/11, probably by financing the OCT-alleged hijackers. But consider the not unlikely possibility that the real players in 9/11 were not the Saudis, but rather the Bush neocons and their Israeli partners in crime. If they were looking for a way to deflect increasing public doubt about the OCT, blaming the Saudis would be an excellent choice. Some of us in the 9TM consider the 28 Pages campaign to be just such a classical misdirection, so that the Saudis can be pulled out of the hat as the new scapegoats for 9/11.

Sure, there’s some risk involved. Releasing the 28 pages (if they say what it is widely believed they will say) would, after all, make it obvious to the public that the government has been involved in some kind of cover-up. Hardly a surprise to the 9TM, or to that majority of Americans who have lost confidence in the official narrative. But let’s remember that the government survived the Snowden/NSA disclosures virtually unscathed – Big Brother can now legally get all the info he wants, and polls have indicated that many Americans are absorbing this “new normal” by censoring themselves online. So another such embarrassment might be just as easily spun and exploited to the real perpetrators’ advantage.

On the other hand, the benefits of suchmisdirection would be huge:

1. Everyone’s focus would now be on the Saudis, and off the Neocons and their Zionist bedfellows.

2. The core OCT mythology would not only remain intact, but become solidified in the public mind (i.e., the catastrophic events of 9/11 were entirely the result of 19 hijackers’ actions, whose commandeered airliner crashes were the efficient cause of numerous fire-induced building collapses).

On the broadest level of geopolitics, the OCT myth is the basis for Western Islamophobia and the perpetual “Global War on Terror.” Blaming the Saudis only amplifies the assumption of “international Islamic terrorism,” still omitting all reference to Western players.

It is patently clear that the hijacker aspect of 9/11 is logically unsustainable (see below). Whether or not these men ever really existed, whether or not they behaved as devout Muslims, whether or not they were on the planes and whether or not they were financed by the Saudis, Pakistan’s ISI or anyone else – these may be useful questions for some purposes, but not for determining who was ultimately behind 9/11. Moving the public perception in the direction of blaming the Saudis for 9/11 because they supported the “hijackers” – the effect of 28 Pages campaign-support websites like hr14.org, — means abandoning the ever-widening trail of truth so relentlessly blazed by the 9TM, a trail leading close enough to their doors that the real culprits are beginning to feel some heat.

Yet 9TM veterans who should know better are falling all over each other to jump on the campaign bandwagon, and indeed, to be seen as leading the parade for “HR14,” the Congressional resolution demanding that the administration declassify those 28 pages! As 9TM activists, they are well aware that the whole OCT story is a fabrication, and that the Saudis could not possibly have masterminded 9/11. Here’s their rationalization in a nutshell: Because the mainstream media are suddenly embracing the topic, any wide public revelation of a “cover-up” will eventually lead to an unraveling of the real cover-up, and therefore represents 9TM’s first – and perhaps last – real opportunity to break into the wider realm of acceptable public opinion. But meanwhile, to “protect” the politicians (and the uninformed public?) whose support is needed for the passage of this bill, these websites, whilst making a pretense of advancing the cause of 9/11 Truth, implicitly embrace the long-debunked OCT (now twisted ever so slightly to incriminate the Saudis).

But consider the past fourteen years of consistent derogatory treatment by the corporate (and even many “alternative”) media of those who seriously question the basic OCT myth, and the media consolidation this represents – the control of these sources by corporate directors and the Deep State agents who write their playbook. These people are not fools – they don’t launch a propaganda ploy without Plans B, C, etc. in place for potential damage controlBased on the mainstream media’s track record of the past fourteen years, the chances of their running away with this story in a way that genuinely promotes 9/11 Truth seem vanishingly small. And the Achilles’ heel of such an overly optimistic hope is that the solid research and evidence gathered by the 9TM fall outside (and contradict) the Saudi-financed hijackers-dunnit scenario, so the media is unlikely to seriously reference any of it in its treatment of any forthcoming 28-pages “revelation.”

Looking ahead, where will this leave the 9TM? How is it going respond if the 28 pages say exactly what people are expecting them to say, and 9TM leaders are credited for their release? Will these same 9TM activists now tooting the horn for hr14 be able to credibly turn around and say “Wait, this information is misleading because ‘the real 9/11’ was something far beyond the abilities of the Saudis to manage!”? And will the media do an about-face with them, and obligingly lavish coverage on what it has complicitly covered up since 9/11?

About those “Hijackers”

Our position on the irrelevance of Saudi “financing” admittedly hinges on the question of the alleged “hijackers.” If these alleged 19 hijacked and flew the jetliners in question, Saudi involvement might be argued to have significance (albeit still not the key to 9/11 perpetration). But there are a host of reasons for rejecting the entire OCT hijack scenario:

* The “hijackers’” publicly documented behavior was not that of devout Muslims [1]

* There is no credible time-stamped video record of them boarding planes, much less arriving at the departing airports. [2]

* The stories told about Muhammed Atta and whomever it was who allegedly accompanied him to Portland, Maine changed constantly. [3]

* There is no original flight manifest showing Middle Eastern names. [4]

* The FBI came up with a list of hijackers within just a few hours of the first 9/11 event, a number of whom they replaced with substitutes shortly afterwards. [5]

* The transmission of cockpit comments of “hijackers” heard by the control towers could have been generated anywhere.

* The simple button-press sequence (“squawk”) signaling a hijacking was not executed on any of the four planes. [6]

* The initially-alleged cellphone calls that reported hijackings in progress were proven in most cases to have been technically impossible; most were later changed to on-board phone calls, some from planes that didn’t have on-board phones, and some calls (per the FBI) were never completed or didn’t exist – particularly the only one referencing “box cutters.” [7]

* The conditions in the planes’ passenger cabins that would have existed under the alleged flight behavior of the planes at the time of the calls were completely inconsistent with the background sounds on the calls and the behavior of the alleged callers [8].

* With one exception, the alleged “pilots” had never flown a jet-liner; one had flown a simulator of a different plane with a completely different cockpit layout; the one who allegedly made the almost-impossible maneuver over the Pentagon had been declared by his instructors to be unable to even fly a single-engine plane. [9]

* The claims of finding a “hijacker” passport unscathed on the ground in NYC, and undamaged red bandanas (indicative of the wrong Muslim sect, in any case) in Pennsylvania, given the alleged physical reality of those crashes, are absurd on their face. [10]

The list goes on. . . As one considers each piece of evidence, the chance that “hijackings” took place approaches zero. The real role of the alleged hijackers is not yet known – those with documented flying lessons may very well have been unwitting patsies. In any case, the question of who might have been financing their stay in this country, Saudi or otherwise, is at best tangential to the larger picture of what really happened on 9/11. No matter what the motive, then, any attempt to persuade people that the final answer to the question of 9/11 perpetration lies in this direction can only be construed as dangerous misdirection. The real price already being paid by the 9TM is the subversion of unwitting 9TM activists who help promote such meretricious campaign propaganda, thereby betraying the 9TM’s hard-won, fact-based alternative perspective.

The 28 Pages campaign: 9/11 Truth bonanza or limited hangout?

Our own concern about the 28 Pages campaign was triggered by the emergence of several websites supporting it, which hold out the promise that the 28 pages will answer the question of who was really behind 9/11 (and that this will turn out to be Saudi Arabia). Examples are 28pages.org and most especially hr14.org. As the latter is controlled by a veteran 9/11 truther, we appealed to him as fellow activists – an ad hoc group of 9TM actvisists sent him a letter critiquing the website from the standpoint of 9/11 Truth, requesting specific revisions of its message. Because his reply failed to substantially address the issues we raised, we have now published it as an open letter.

We are hardly the first to find serious problems with the direction of the 28 Pages campaign. Perhaps the first notable critique came from the blog of Kevin Ryan; whilst this early criticism was on the milder side, its excoriation of the leadership of the 28 Pages campaign – Bob Graham and his “CIA protege” Porter Goss – is not to be missed! Years earlier, in fact, Ryan had opinedin Washington’s Blog: “Those redacted pages, and much of the 9/11 Commission report that followed, have always seemed to be a kind of ‘Get into Saudi Arabia free’ card for the powers that be.” Given the recent sea change in Saudi foreign policy – its nearer alignment with Russia and the BRICS bloc – such a prospect cannot be overlooked. What better way to incite public animosity towards the Saudis than by playing the tried and true 9/11 blame game?

Expanding on Ryan’s disquieting report, Professor Michel Chossudovsky, of Globalresearch.ca, wrote:

Calling for the official release and publication of the 28 page classified section of the joint inquiry report pertaining to Saudi Arabia is an obvious red-herring. The objective is to confuse matters, create divisions within the 9/11 Truth movement and ultimately dispel the fact that the 9/11 attacks were a carefully organized False Flag event which was used to declare war on Afghanistan as well as usher in sweeping anti-terrorist legislation.

Both the Congressional inquiry as well the 9/11 Commission report are flawed, their objective was to sustain the official narrative that America was under attack on September 11, 2001. And Graham’s role in liaison with the CIA, is “damage control” with a view to protecting those who were behind the demolition of the WTC towers as well [as] sustaining the Al Qaeda legend, which constitutes the cornerstone of US military doctrine under the so-called “Global War on Terrorism”.

As the 28 Pages campaign unfolds, such scathing criticism has proven remarkably prescient. We urge our fellow 9/11 Truth activists to take it to heart, and to approach the 28 Pages campaign juggernaut, if at all, with extreme caution, so long as it faithfully clings to the OTC.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:41 pm

Posted by susie on 09/27/2015
Lifted by the energy.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:41 pm

Posted by radicaldualist on 09/28/2015


All about Shillaphobia

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:41 pm

Posted by radicaldualist on 09/28/2015

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:42 pm

Posted by radicaldualist on 09/28/2015

All about Shillaphobia

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:42 pm

Posted by radicaldualist on 09/28/2015

All about Shillaphobia

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:43 pm

Posted by susie on 09/30/2015

John Barbour's World with Dr Judy Wood

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:44 pm

Posted by rickscabrousdotcom on 10/05/2015
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. A story in memes:

9-11 Truth  - Page 4 79fbb625f166af37635a146eb7e3b4649-11 Truth  - Page 4 A5a05ed1dc7b7f5b713b488553c464619-11 Truth  - Page 4 23c55408bd0cc26ffe9864560523e5359-11 Truth  - Page 4 12a8482c50c6c0bdd9412849ecc7a30b9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Fc4c4822abc0c858368a8b0450e31c999-11 Truth  - Page 4 Ef14d90fa48796192fa1bfcca1d70a8d9-11 Truth  - Page 4 7df1691e64b280146b5e846b96af96399-11 Truth  - Page 4 9cd1268f86bdd5aa170e3b6549acde499-11 Truth  - Page 4 095b90cd52544a9f8b66979905a753059-11 Truth  - Page 4 B37e680497b23b8a7478c0511030fb7a9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Eb3ff57e6bd27283541ebbdb96b8e87d

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:45 pm

Posted by lizardking on 10/08/2015

9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Jeb10

On the campaign trail in New Hampshire two weeks ago, Jeb Bush was asked a question for which he clearly wasn’t prepared, which hearkened back to Bush’s time as Florida Governor. You can see the question here.

“According to Sergeant Marty (Mike) Treanor and other law enforcement officials in Sarasota Florida, the files pertaining to 9/11 hijacker pilots Marwan Al-Shehhi and Mohamed Atta from Huffman Aviation Flight School in Venice Florida were loaded onto two Ryder trucks and driven onto a C-130 cargo plane which left Sarasota the day after 9/11,” began newly-minted radio talk show host Mike Jackman, who with his brother comprise a media outlet pols this election season can ill afford to miss appearing on called Jackman Radio.

jackman-bros“Is it true that you were onboard the C-130? And, if so, can you tell us what became of the files?”

According to those who were there, a certain amount of discomfort ensued. Bush, who has appeared as limp as overcooked spaghetti on the campaign trail, visibly stiffened. 

“No. Not true,” he replied. Then, as an aside to those sitting in front row of his town hall meeting, he said, “How weird.” 

Bush began taking another question, then stopped. His voice rising slightly to convey indignation, he said, “I was in the Emergency Operations Center trying to make sure the state of Florida was safe… trying to work with local officials to figure out how to make sure another attack wouldn’t hit and devastate our economy…That’s what I did.”

“So, that was kind of a weird… (question.)”

No, Governor, not really. What would be "weird" would be if you could back up your off-the-cuff and very startled assertion that on the day after 9/11 you were in the Florida Emergency Center with anything like proof. Because there are a number of people who know you can't. 

Jackman’s question refers to evidence uncovered during my investigation into the activities of the 9/11 hijackers in Venice. And somewhere in there Jackman had also referenced Wally Hilliard and Rudi Dekkers, the principals in Hoffman Aviation. When he did, one observer noted, Bush seemed to freeze slightly.

Perhaps that has something to do with the little-known fact that a Learjet belonging to Hilliard, who owned the Venice flight school that trained both pilots who flew planes into the World Trade Center Towers, had been caught carrying 43 pounds of heroin by DEA agents in July of 2000.

Just weeks earlier, Jeb Bush’s Secretary of State, the infamous Katherine Harris, had heaped praise on Hilliard's start-up commuter airline, Florida Air.

What follows is a re-cap from primary sources who were there —including local official and aviation observers—about what took place on the day after 9/11.

And, after that, one final astonishing disclosure, a world exclusive, revealed here for the first time.

But first, a word about the sources of the information about Bush, who it came from, and how I learned of it. In his question, Jackman references Mike (Marty) Treanor from the Venice Police Department.

Treanor was the first person to tell me of Jeb Bush’s flight to Washington with the files from Huffman Aviation and the Venice Police Department. But not the last.

“The FBI took all our files, everything,” Treanor told me. “They loaded the files right outside this window into two Ryder trucks, then drove them right onto a C-130 military cargo plane at the Sarasota Airport, which took off for Washington with Jeb Bush aboard.”

Treanor wasn’t a flake, or a name I made up. He’d been quoted in national news reports right after 9/11.

“Det. Sgt. Mike Treanor of the Venice Police Department said that FBI agents had obtained the two suspects' school records from the Huffman school and the Voss home and identified them as two of the men who agents believe flew the hijacked jets,” reported the LA Times on Sept 13 2001.

“Treanor said FBI agents were drawn to Venice after finding Arabic language flight manuals in a car at the Boston airport.”

“’This one man, Atta," said Treanor, "was confirmed on one of the planes that hit the towers.’”

My personal involvement began the day after 9/11, with the news that three of the four terrorist pilots had learned to fly in tiny Venice Florida, a sleepy retirement community on Florida’s Gulf Coast. And immediately—there’s no other way to say this—I smelled a rat. For two reasons:

First, I knew Venice. My parents retired there in the early 80’s. And being a (semi)-dutiful son, I’d visit them regularly, flying in from California, where I lived. And if by the third or fourth night I was there I was restless enough to feel the need to go out and have a beer, I knew from personal experience that there was no place to go, and nothing to do… because Venice, Florida has the second oldest population in the entire United States. Picture Sun City, or Leisure World… only without the bright lights.

So what were young men with no known fetishes for blue-haired widows doing in Venice? Especially considering there are 220 other flight schools in Florida alone? 

It didn’t make sense.

And second, the way the news quietly dribbled out didn't make sense, either. That three of the four terrorist pilots—including both pilots who slammed planes in the World Trade Center Towers—had learned to fly in Venice instantly made Venice Florida the biggest September 11th crime scene that wasn’t reduced to rubble.

But when I rolled into Venice Florida three months after 9/11, there hadn’t been any spotting of Bob Woodward or Seymour Hersh or Michael Isikoff at any local watering holes.

The town seemed eerily quiet. Quiet but jittery, I discovered. In 25 years of visiting the parents I hadn’t remembered ever even seeing a cop, but on my first day in town, I was pulled over twice by local police.

Neither traffic stop resulted in a ticket. But when I wondered aloud if it might be prudent to pay a courtesy call on the Police Chief, the courteous officer allowed that it might.

So I slid on by the new Police Headquarters to say hello. The Chief wasn’t in, or if he was, wasn’t receiving. And that’s how I met the Sergeant on duty, Mike Treanor, who proved congenial enough for me to ask the burning question I had about Huffman’s manager Rudi Dekkers, who had been everywhere on television during the days after the attack.

My strong suspicion was that every word out of his mouth had been a lie. So I asked my question. “Does Rudi Dekkers’ have any local priors (prior arrests)?”

Sergeant Treanor sighed. He started to say something. He thought better of it. And then he sighed again.

When Treanor died of cancer in 2008, his obituary in the Sarasota Herald Tribune called him the “voice of the Venice Police Department.”

“His professionalism, compassion and occasional humor had earned him the respect of his colleagues in law enforcement,” said a fellow officer. "He was gregarious, friendly and had a big heart.”

Moreover, he wasn’t afraid of speaking his mind. He was openly critical of a Venice Chief of Police— even filing a complaint against him for improperly handling a criminal investigation—for more than a year before the Chief was forced out.

And that’s why I think, when I spoke with him, in 2002, he told the truth. Because that’s who he was. He was an honest local cop.

Treanor said he couldn’t tell us if Dekkers had been in any trouble in Venice. All of his files were gone.

I asked, “Gone?”

"The FBI took all our files, everything. They loaded the files right outside this window," Treanor said, indicating the parking lot outside the station, ‘into two Ryder trucks, then drove them onto a C-130 military cargo plane at the Sarasota airport, which took off for Washington with Jeb Bush aboard”

At the time, I was unaware of the Governor of Florida’s national security responsibilities. The important point seemed to be that taking all the Venice Police Department’s files was a lot different than merely copying them.

Much later, I received confirmation that Jeb Bush was aboard the C-130 that took off from Sarasota Airport. It came from the man who had been in charge of the flight crew. That’s usually the pilot. But when this man asked to remain anonymous, I completely understood, as will anyone who remembers what happened to CIA pilot Richard Brenneke.

Brenneke piloted a flight carrying CIA Director Bill Casey and then-Vice-President George H.W. Bush aboard on their way to a meeting in Europe where they conspired with Iranian officials to keep 53 American hostages in captivity until Ronald Reagan took office.

It was called the "October Surprise." 

The man who confirmed that Jeb Bush was aboard the C-130 was, I knew for a fact, also a CIA pilot, with experience flying Lockheed C-5 Galaxy military cargo planes, among the largest military aircraft in the world.

In addition to confirming Jeb Bush’s presence on the plane, he had one other piece of startling, and dispiriting, news. Everyone I’d spoken to with knowledge of the flight had assumed the files from Huffman Aviation, and the criminal records of the Venice Police Department, were being flown to FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

The FBI never got them. The files never got there. They were diverted to McLean Virginia. If memory serves, that's the home of the CIA. Repeated phone calls to the Venice Police Department on whether the files were ever returned received no response. It doesn't take a psychic to figure out that means they were never returned. 

Somebody should ask Jeb Bush what he knows about that. 


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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:14 pm


A YouTube video called "Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions" contains an interesting internal memo from Fox News headquarters. The memo, dated March 23, 2004, says:

"The so-called 9/11 Commission has already been meeting.

In fact, this is its eighth session. The fact that former Clinton and both former and current Bush administration officials are testifying gives it a certain tension, but this is not 'what did he know and when did he know it' stuff. Don't turn this into Watergate"

A screenshot of the memo (from 5:25 into the video) is below.

It is clear (especially within the context of the other memos presented in the video) that Fox headquarters was essentially instructingits reporters to stay away from reporting anything controversial about 9/11. The memo constitutes evidence that Fox reporters wereordered not to mention that:

(1) It was obvious that the administration knew more than enough to stop the 9/11 attacks (that is -- in the words of the Watergate prosecutors -- Bush and Cheney knew a lot, and they knew it before the attacks started)
(2) The Commission wanted to interview Bush and Cheney, but they would only testify if they could be interviewed jointly, and if they were not under oath
(3) The investigation of 9/11 was important, because the government's story made no sense
While you might think that Fox News is an especially-biased news source, this is really just business as usual in terms of media coverage of 9/11.

9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Fox

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by susie Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:09 am


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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Paranoid Gramdroid Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:29 am

I know a lot of people that still believe the official story of 9/11. I also have a friend of a friend who was in New York that day and has apparently been telling people for years that one of the planes flew right over his head and he saw it crash into one of the towers.

My attempts to show people that it was an inside job have failed miserably and I have only said to one friend that I don't believe that any planes hit the towers. That didn't go down very well because he knows the bullshitter I mentioned above. But there is one fact that cannot be ignored.

In 1968, 9-1-1 became the national emergency number for the United States. The exact same year they started to build the north tower. To me this is evidence of forward planning of the towers coming down. Getting those number embedded in peoples minds. But no doubt a lot of people will leap to that dirty C word. Coincidence.
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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:02 pm

9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Tumblr_nko866UN8S1slqn12o1_540

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by mitch Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:59 am

Fight Club (1999)

"... trust me, everything's going to be fine..........."

A Scene of blatant predicative programming illustrating a cinematically enhanced accelerated freefall destruction of several high rise buildings within seconds that serves as yet another example in scurrilous attempts to discredit and undermine Dr Judy Wood's forensic and damning ongoing investigations into the vaporisation of the twin towers

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by lizardking Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:50 pm

'Guess whose brother's company maintained security for the World Trade Center Towers up until the terrorists attacked?

Meet Marvin P. Bush, brother of George W. Bush and son of George H. W. Bush:

9-11 Truth  - Page 4 E5861937a28b7753b4f5d238e1785357

Bush was on the board of directors of Securacom from 1993-2000, which controlled security for the World Trade Center Towers up until September 11, 2001.

But it gets better! Not only did Securacom control security for the WTC, they also controlled security for Washing Dulles Airport where security allowed some hijackers to board the flight that crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

The very same company maintained security for United Airlines Flight 175 which hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center and Flight 93 which crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.'

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Post by lizardking Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:37 pm

The Flying Bin Ladens

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by lizardking Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:42 pm

BANNED FROM CNN Flight 93 eyewitness admits not seeing dead bodies

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by lizardking Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:07 pm

9/11 Pentagon Event Victim April Gallop interviewed by CIT

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Rare Amateur 9 11 Footage with audio NOT SHOWN ON TV

Post by George Tirebiter Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:14 pm

This is a video with a good viewing perspective of WTC 1 with WTC 2 behind and to the side (until it comes down).
There is also marked points during the audio that indicate massive explosions occurring along with resulting dust clouds.
In no way does this rule out the additional use of directed energy weapons.

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty 9/11 Myths Exposed By Firefighters, Architects & Engineers

Post by George Tirebiter Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:24 pm

The video below documents that firefighters are finally getting involved in exposing the lies about what happened on 911.

This is certainly good news.

The long delay was undoubtedly related to the massive payoff that hundreds of firefighters received to keep quiet, along with the threat that firefighters who spoke up would not receive their pensions.

There is no mention of directed energy weapons by the speakers, but this does not rule out their use in the destruction.

There also is no mention of who might have done the demolition, although the A & E speaker does emphasize that any thermite being used was not created in a cave in Afghanistan.

There is some good visual footage in the film depicting the claims of the speakers:

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by mitch Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:08 pm

Rockefeller gloats about 9/11 in 1967

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9-11 Truth  - Page 4 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:24 pm

George Tirebiter wrote:
There also is no mention of who might have done the demolition, although the A & E speaker does emphasize that any thermite being used was not created in a cave in Afghanistan.

A&E and their nano-thermite/molten steel theory are controlled opposition. I believe the WTC came down with a mixture of controlled demolition/DEW but there is no evidence regarding the use of thermite:


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