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9-11 Truth

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by susie Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:58 pm

911 The Rockefellers and the US money
The scenes on the Federal Reserve notes are the destruction of the towers.

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty 911 Emergency

Post by OGNature Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:07 am

Does anyone know if there is a connection between 911 being the emergency contact number for the states, and the 9-11 bombings? I say bombing because of the percentage of damage the planes could have done. The number was introduced in the 60's and lot's of other bollox happened around then like the moon landing, so could that also be some kind of satanic joke? I'm sure it's possible I almost don't want to know.....
Peace to all Smile


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by susie Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:35 pm

There were no planes. The evidence shows no debris from a plane. The motors that were found did not come from the type of supposed airliner that the official story claims was involved.
The towers were dustified by a directed energy device using the energy from Hurricane Erin which was located just off the coast of NYC at the moment the towers were destroyed. The hurricane then deflected East immediately.

As far as the date of 9-11 it is a powertrip number for the Freemasonic bastards who carried it out.

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by OGNature Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:15 am

Thank you very much susie and for the great detailed video's. Amazing work


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by susie Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:49 am

https://youtu.be/x2mg5ndzVgg You didnt say you wanted videos. This is an overview of a great series of videos.

This is Dr Wood explaining the evidence. https://youtu.be/ysvsty5757w

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by OGNature Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:43 am

Oh my Buddha! That overview is great. I've seen all the stuff on Nicola Testla and free energy, never made the connection with 911 though. It makes sense Testla nearly melted his own apartment building down with his earthquake machine. They stole all his other inventions purely designed to be used for humanity and not against it. The poor guy would be turning in his grave if he wasn't permanently in Tetsuya heaven beside guru Rinpoche Smile Peace!


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Schpankme Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:41 am

a song by Alicia Keys from her debut studio album "Songs in A Minor".

Released: April 2, 2001, by J Records  [Month of Fools]

Best-selling single of 2001

In 2009, Fallin' was named the 29th most successful song on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs of the Decade.


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by csp Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:43 pm


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Dab_Tsog Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:52 pm

Hello all.

last year i had an amazing forum suggested to me, dedicated to the mysteries surrounding the death of Princess Diana. I highly recommend everyone with interest reads it. It can be a bit of a push at times, but there are some mighty revalations to be read.


I realise that this seems like it's completely off topic, but i assure you that isn't so. The forum delves wherever it needs to go to find answers, and answers to the mystery of Diana were clearly linked to the events of 9/11, symbolically (the Statue Of Liberty) and celestially (Sirius), and archs (Arc de Triomphe)

Did you ever hear about the bomb sniffer dog named, Sirius, who was housed in the towers when they collapsed?


I'm going to apologise now as I have no idea how to post images or links, but I will give it a go.


The above page explains the oddities surrounding Washington Square Park in the years leading up to 9/11.


The page above shows just where Sirius was on the morning of Princess Diana's death, and where it was on the morning of 9/11


above it a crudely cobbled together image of aforementioned comment.


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Realearth Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:57 pm

Just finished reading this Book, very sad

Book by Edward Hendrie
9/11-Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Goodreads 4.3/5  
Amazon 4.2/5  

9/11-Enemies Foreign and Domestic proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the U.S. Government's conspiracy theory of the attacks on September 11, 2001, is a preposterous cover story. The evidence in 9/11-Enemies Foreign and Domestic has been suppressed from the official government reports and censored from the mass media. The evidence proves that powerful Zionists ordered the 9/11 attacks, which were perpetrated by Israel's Mossad, aided and abetted by treacherous high officials in the U.S. Government. 9/11-Enemies Foreign and Domestic identifies the traitors by name and details their subversive crimes. There is sufficient evidence in 9/11-Enemies Foreign and Domestic to indict important officials of the U.S. Government for high treason. The reader will understand how the U.S. Government really works and what Sir John Harrington meant when he said: "Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason." There are millions of Americans who have taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The mass media, which is under the control of a disloyal cabal, keeps those patriotic Americans ignorant of the traitors among them. J. Edgar Hoover, former Director of the FBI, explained: "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous-he simply cannot believe it exists." 9/11-Enemies Foreign and Domestic erases any doubt about the existence of the monstrous conspiracy described by Hoover and arms the reader with the knowledge required to save our great nation. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6.

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Earthisflat Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:56 am

I recently came across this great video that combines the work of several 911 truthers I personally hold in high regard:


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:09 pm

So we have an FBI agent, investigating the 1993 world trade centre bombing, who goes against the wishes of the higher up security services, and is frustrated at why he isn't helped with his efforts trying to prevent further attacks, and he eventually joins the Trade Centre as security staff. He never got to comment about the fact that the towers were attacked, or to find out that the CIA/Zionists did it, because he died that day in the towers.

Now a series 'the looming tower' is on TV, trying to stop people from investigating his research and trying to control the narrative.


All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Schpankme Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:17 am

Thinkforyourself wrote:
we have an FBI agent
investigating the 1993 world trade centre bombing
He never got to find out that the CIA/Zionists did it
because he died that day in the towers

The FBI identified 19 hijackers within days of 9/11/2001.

Passports recovered
It seems many of the hijackers' passports survived the CGI impacts and subsequent, flaming-fire balls, as shown by the Zionist controlled Media.


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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Dual1ty Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:19 am

Just got banned from Russianvids' channel for making this comment on his Russianvids Response To Mag Truth 9/11 "Hologram Planes" Claims video:

9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Russia11

To be clear, I have no idea who Russianvids is—except for him having had a few appearances over on BTIC and some people praising him in the chat box. I check different channels from time to time and I saw that video on his channel, where he defends the CGI planes and thermite controlled demolition theories. This is already a very shilly stance to have on the 9/11 events in and of itself—but what's even more shilly is banning people for making valid points, and only listening to your circle-jerk of people who agree with you and tell you how great you are (evidenced by his comment section). His other videos seem equally pathetic. I don't know what this guy's deal is, but it's best to avoid his content, if you ask me.

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Earthisflat Sat Sep 22, 2018 2:27 pm

Dual1ty wrote:Just got banned from Russianvids' channel for making this comment on his Russianvids Response To Mag Truth 9/11 "Hologram Planes" Claims video:

9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Russia11

To be clear, I have no idea who Russianvids is—except for him having had a few appearances over on BTIC and some people praising him in the chat box. I check different channels from time to time and I saw that video on his channel, where he defends the CGI planes and thermite controlled demolition theories. This is already a very shilly stance to have on the 9/11 events in and of itself—but what's even more shilly is banning people for making valid points, and only listening to your circle-jerk of people who agree with you and tell you how great you are (evidenced by his comment section). His other videos seem equally pathetic. I don't know what this guy's deal is, but it's best to avoid his content, if you ask me.

Russianvids is mentioned in the shill thread: http://ifers.123.st/t38p125-flat-earth-shill-wall-of-shame so I'd be wary of his videos in general!

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Dual1ty Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:59 pm

Earthisflat wrote:Russianvids is mentioned in the shill thread: http://ifers.123.st/t38p125-flat-earth-shill-wall-of-shame so I'd be wary of his videos in general!

Thanks for the link—the forum's search function almost never works.

Yeah, it definitely makes a lot of sense what people are saying about him. I saw Elissa Hawke in the chat box a while ago calling him out for being a shill and he threw some low-level insult at her in response. She knew. Smile

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Schpankme Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:35 pm

The original World Trade Center was a large complex of seven buildings in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States.
It featured the landmark Twin Towers (1 WTC, 2 WTC), the complex also included 3 WTC, 4 WTC, 5 WTC, 6 WTC, and 7 WTC.

13 February 1975, The World Trade Center experienced a fire

26 February 1993, Bombing

14 January 1998, Bank robbery

24 September 1998, Port Authority privatize the World Trade Center

00 July 2001, Silverstein Properties leased the World Trade Center

11 September 2001, the News Media showed two Boeing 767 jets flying into 1 WTC, 2 WTC, which led to the collapse of all seven buildings that made up the World Trade Center complex.

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by markwilson Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:51 pm

Something missing?

Nein Elven [sic] Fairy Planes

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Just Vital Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:29 pm

20 years ago it started on 9/11 with fake (CGI) planes. Now 20 years later, it ends with a coded 9/11 and another fake (inflated) plane/blimp.


9-11 Truth  - Page 5 4b9f7110
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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by its_Goyim Thu Oct 28, 2021 4:18 am


9/11 in 5 minutes

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9-11 Truth  - Page 5 Empty Re: 9-11 Truth

Post by Russian Blue Cat Sun Nov 28, 2021 3:13 am

911 affected the plane industry a lot, look up articles and they'll talk about how commercial travel was affected and security was increased.
They most likely made it harder for individual people or parties wanting to explore antarctica via air. They could have said the "terrorists" stole guided missiles or something more realistic than 2 planes supposedly causing all this damage
9-11 Truth  - Page 5 91110

but they said it was planes to better control plane travel to prevent exploration of the earth
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