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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:34 am

Here is another source supporting cyclical cataclysms.

Chan Thomas wrote The Adam & Eve Story. It was declassified in 2013 in a CIA freedom of information dump. The book talks about the historical evidence of clock like cyclical cataclysms. You can read parts of it online.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:35 pm

One thing I want to highlight is how a lot of the debate about climate change has been whether the temps are going up or down. I think that locks people into an artificial dialectic, and distracts from some of the more relevant big picture stuff. Meaning that what I'm observing and learning is that it can be both. You can have increasing extremes that push out the normal temperature brackets beyond historical norms. So it could actually be getting hotter and colder. This seems to have conflated much of the productive conversation around our changing environment. In addition there are extreme jumps, like this spring we experienced one day at 60 degrees and the very next day turned 94 degrees. That is unusual as there historically has been more of a gradual rise or fall.

Another point I want to mention the putrification influence the moons light has on things. This is testable and measurable. So in my mind when I see data that shows the sun's output weakening, I think that then the moon has more influence causing an increase in putrification. This increase in the moons influence can be correlated with bouts of pestilence. Pestilence meaning a bacteria or a microbe. It doesn't have to be a virus.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Guest Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:45 pm

What i said before is that there is very little data we have on the temperatures or properly observed sunspots (around 130 years or so) that you can say anything useful about or even call historical.

When you make observations where you compare current rise and fall to the past what does that really mean? i feel that you are kind of reading into it more than it really is, that is my main point. Not that you bring to our attention about the sun cycle or changes, but rather the kind of "pushed" conclusions from it.

Basically that makes you just a doomsayer. I can take so many things and predict some doom scenario and if you look in the right place you can get the data to "support" your claims. You know science is doubt. It is constant doubt. And if you don't know for certain you say: "I don't know",

If you enlarge some details and draw conclusions you can make it anything you like but it isn't science or scientific, it remains speculation.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:41 pm

That simply isn't factual. We have much more historical climate data that 150 years. I don't know who you heard that from but it's just not true. But Ive heard you say it a lot now. Let's agree to disagree as I'm confident I get your point.

It might be true with some qualifiers. So I'm open to it with qualifiers. But do you understand that if a big flood happens in China we have a historical record of when and where it happened via the writings of survivors? Do you see that the geological record goes back beyond 150 years? And we can extract factual relevant info from geology alone?

I say again, wait for the harvest reports for this year. That will be the definitive information you need to see that I'm spot on with my conclusions.

Just this week a storm came in and devastated a lot of corn fields in the Midwest. That storm is happening now. There are weather anomalies all over right now. If you took the time to really consider what I'm saying you would see that it makes sense and explains a lot of what is going on in the world right now. It actually ties many of the conspiracies discussed in this society together into a consistent whole.

Furthermore in case you didn't notice there is something dramatic going in in the world right now. And yes when I first heard this over a year ago, I thought it was fear mongering too. But the world is responding just as expected. There is something dramatic happening in every country.

We still get all our food from plants and farming. That hasn't changed. Food isn't made with chemicals in a lab yet. So our food supply is vulnerable to changes in weather patterns.

The government's and corporations around the world are behaving in a manner consistent with this conclusion.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Guest Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:30 pm

First off, saying something dramatic is going on in every country is not saying anything. It is hinting on a emotion also and generalizing what you feel as something reflected by events in every country. That is simply not even possible. In fact if you look at actual events nothing is going on it is the media that is a shitshow.

About your conclusions. I don't even mind someone coming on saying nothing about flat earth or anything and warning us, but don't think that will work without supporting your claims with showing your actual thought process. Like actually putting effort in explaining your train of thought.

I am not even asking for hard evidence as that is impossible anyway. Just a train of thought how you get to the conclusion. What corporation exactly is behaving in what way to support this claim. What data exactly made you a believer of some sort of harvest disaster? And how would say the harvest reports for this year be any guarantee that it will be this way from then on? How come you think this way?

Maybe you are at a point that you cannot place yourself anymore into the shoes of someone who is not into this(this is very important to me because also with flat earth we have to be very mindful of people with very stern beliefs and think of how to break through that veil)

besides this covid19 has a huge impact on traditional farming.. How will you isolate the role of the sun cycle in this?


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:47 pm

President Trump visits Iowa after storm "derecho" kills 43% of Iowa's corn and soy fields. Unprecedented hurricane force winds cause over 4 billion in damage. Trump hosts disaster briefing. Yet mainstream news does not cover it. Not CNN, not the Jew York Times, not the Washington post. You have to get it online.

--Don't look here people. Nothing to see. We are not experiencing a food shortage! --

Hottest known temps in Death Valley, heat wave in the southwest while simultaneously record cold in the southern hemisphere. Hotter and colder. Increased extremes.

My questions are: How much does Iowa provide in terms of overall national crop yield? Is it 10%, 30% ? Will this event impact food prices?

Iowa according to the Iowa Area Development Group it is 1/14 th of the nation's food supply.

18.1% of the nation’s corn supply
13.3% of the nation’s soybeans
13.3% of the nation’s eggs
34.8% of the nation’s pork
14% of the nation’s cattle

It doesn't sound like much. But expect the heatwave and power outages to impact some of California's agriculture. Because of the rain the last two years harvests were under performing. So we have already as a nation been eating through the reserves. Like you eat whatever is in the pantry when money is tight.

And because of the flooding in China they are buying up all the food they can get on the international market to feed their people. Eating up the surplus.

Oh, and here's a fun one. Google Iowa Pork Corona virus and read how the pork industry was already shutdown in Iowa due to plandemic. Also the egg producers. And they are being paid to euthanize their animals by the federal government.

At what point do rising food prices lead to general civic unrest?

Last edited by Ifersgold on Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:24 pm

The New York Times and other mainstream sources are reporting: New Zealand Election Delayed Amid New Coronavirus Outbreak

The precedence has been set. Watch for more canceled or delayed elections. National elections canceled.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:12 am

Washington State is stockpiling shelf-stable foods to feed a record number of people in need due to pandemic. Warehouses full of pallets of food.

Only found in local news. Mainstream won't cover it.


A June article listing postponed elections to that point in time: https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/22/coronavirus-elections-postponed-rescheduled-covid-vote/

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:58 pm

Southern hemisphere indicates the kind of winter we can expect in the northern hemisphere. Australia getting unprecedented snow. While northern hemisphere is getting unprecedented heat. Increased extremes and swings. Agriculture around the world is struggling. All is blamed on pandemic cover story. "It's anything but a food shortage. We are currently experiencing food shortages but it's not because there is a food shortage. We just can't get it to the grocery store." Yeah ...right.

It's not so much about the temps as it is about traditional food growing zones being disrupted by changing weather patterns. Keep watching the harvests around the world.



Maybe it's time to start getting food producing communities organized and going in your area.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:06 pm

Category 2 hurricane winds in Salt Lake, 6 semi trucks blown over. The source is local news ksl. Thousands without power for days. Record heat and record cold in North America in the last few weeks.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:16 pm


Australia runs out of domestic rice by december. Extremely dry conditions are to blame. Now they must buy from overseas.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Sat Oct 24, 2020 12:18 am

It's time to follow up with the prediction of poor harvests and food shortages. Here are some news articles trying to convince you that the corn shortages that are now obvious in many stores are due to covid. It's not covid it's the solar minimum.



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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Guest Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:19 am

Ifersgold wrote:It's time to follow up with the prediction of poor harvests and food shortages. Here are some news articles trying to convince you that the corn shortages that are now obvious in many stores are due to covid.  It's not covid it's the solar minimum.



Even though there are food shortages in corn for example that can be clearly shown and is said by the farmers largly due to a changing climate that does not mean that the changing climate is linked to the solar minimum.

Second, there are huge poverty problems world wide because of the lockdown, not covid19 but the restrictions. Also a lot of total lockdowns have caused food shortages. Because people couldn't get to work. That is a very direct reason for shortages. So yes there are definitely problems that have to do with the fast changing climate, however not unsolvable. There are however much bigger problems with poverty and lockdown/restriction suffering.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:04 pm

The food shortages in reference are the supply side not the demand side. The shortage is on the grocery store shelf, not in the pantries of the locked down. The weather causes corn shortages, the solar minimum causes the weather. At this point it doesn't seem as important as to what is causing the shortages than the fact that there are food shortages. It is my contention that there are even bigger food shortages to come. Get ready for rising food prices.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Guest Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:42 am

Ifersgold wrote:the solar minimum causes the weather

This is bullshit.

How come nasa is with its nose all the way up there? The lying nasholes that lie everything else together? They are "concerned" about this solar minimum. So let us ask some basic questions.. What is the sun?


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:10 pm

Ifersgold wrote:The food shortages in reference are the supply side not the demand side. The shortage is on the grocery store shelf, not in the pantries of the locked down. The weather causes corn shortages, the solar minimum causes the weather. At this point it doesn't seem as important as to what is causing the shortages than the fact that there are food shortages. It is my contention that there are even bigger food shortages to come. Get ready for rising food prices.

Of all the things I have learned while hanging out here in IFERS, I have learned to provide evidence.  I would therefore ask you to consider your speculative statement that food shortages are coming and to provide evidence that could possibly support that claim.

Within two minutes, I found two substantial pieces of evidence that are a strong counterclaim:

Farming Reports with yields expected in North America

Dow Jones Corn Index

The farming reports show comfortable yields in corn throughout 2019-2020 and that there was understandably some distribution issues with COVID-19 and storage issues.  Next, you see the Dow Jones reports, corn has held steady for five years, give-or-take and is almost three times cheaper than it was in 2012.

I would say that if there was any tiny bit of evidence of a food shortage, regardless of the cause, the commodity pricing would react quickly.  Your warning seems empty sky-is-falling speculation, because the first piece of convincing supporting evidence of any near-term or long-term food shortages would be corn, wheat and soybean pricing.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:48 pm

Farm harvests reports are one of the most important national security issues hands down. If you think government published harvests reports are good sources then you don't understand how things work. Our actual harvest reports are a national security secret, as it is for all countries. So all countries public publications regarding crop reports are always rosy and warm.

David Dubyne is a professional commodities trader. He watches the international commodities markets for a living. A commodities trader has the perfect perspective regarding actual crop performance. They would also know where to look to get first hand data. Not a filtered gov report.

But your right guys I'm an alarmist. There is nothing unprecedented going on in the world right now. Everything is normal. It's all about the covid.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:39 pm

I don't know if you believe me, but I am ready to believe you. It's just that your previous links were all contrary to each other.

And canned corn is what they consider sweet corn and it is not truly even a drop in the bucket of corn production.

I still don't understand what you are trying to say in terms of Solar Minimum and all that -- so, what Are you trying to tell us?

If you have any reasonable evidence of what you mean by Solar Minimum, I would love to know more.

I am ready to believe. Please advise.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Guest Tue Oct 27, 2020 11:35 pm

i'd like to apologize for becoming rude Ifersgold which is a problem i am working on. I get quickly impatient and I do not always consider or respect the others point of view. Although i just want to say, like Oliver_Bestfall, I am open to theories of anything really. I asked before about the thought process behind the theory. I get especially impatient and irritated with bigotry, people that overcomplicate or use many words and references to others except their own common sense and words and explanations. I know that is my own problem, although it is a reaction a mechanism that has been pressed into my psyche because people in my life experience rarely give a fuck even with a good explanation. So i have build up a hatred against that type of thinking, not so much to people or characters but a certain way of giving away the part of accessing knowledge and information to others. As i said i will stop reacting with this feeling i have which has nothing to do with anyone but myself and i will stay as objective as possible and try to give constructive feedback to work for the betterment of all.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty “Solar Minimum”

Post by Zzzap Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:45 pm

This is a term I have heard once . I’d be interested in more information on the “Solar Minimum” as well.

Oliver_Bestfall wrote:I don't know if you believe me, but I am ready to believe you. It's just that your previous links were all contrary to each other.

And canned corn is what they consider sweet corn and it is not truly even a drop in the bucket of corn production.

I still don't understand what you are trying to say in terms of Solar Minimum and all that -- so, what Are you trying to tell us?

If you have any reasonable evidence of what you mean by Solar Minimum, I would love to know more.

I am ready to believe. Please advise.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:16 pm

The solar minimum theory is that the sun has cyclical patterns of up and down similar to the equinox's and the solstice's. However the time scale is on the period of hundreds and thousands of years where the sun gets warmer or cooler. A solar minimum is a period of extreme cooling, and comes with some signature catastrophic markers. The study of the solar minimum phenomena is fairly new to academia. Several important historic solar minimums have been identified and corelated with human population bottlenecks, catastrophic weather, and social unrest, and the fall of empire. The sun's electromagnetic influence on cloud formations, and other weather phenomena change during these periods disrupting historic climate and weather patterns around the world thus leading to food shortages. The rising prices of food during a famine usually destroy the economy, and unrest and war ensue, followed by a cold period with lots of disease. That's it in a nutshell.

The three podcasters below are the sources that predicted the timing of the Covid cover story one year in advance. In reality the Covid cover story happened three months sooner than their prediction. So far what we are seeing is all consistent with the food shortages theory proposed by those watching the solar minimum. When I first listened to them I disregarded it as fear mongering. When covid happened on que I started listening to them a little more, and following up with all their source material. Most of it is public access, ie. radar images, weather data, etc. While I can't list all the sources I have used to get myself to this perspective I can share with you the most recent and most important sources. These do not reflect the best sources, nor a totality of sources on this subject.

-David Dubyne from Adapt 2030
-Christian from Ice age farmer
-“Diamond” from the Oppenheimer Ranch Project.
-James Corbett from The Corbett Report (general propaganda not solar minimum)
-Eric Weinstein, Brett Weinstein from A Dark Horse

The Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas
The Little Ice Age, By Brian Fagan
Life/Death Rhythms of Ancient Empires – Climatic Cycles Influence Rule of Dynasties by Will Slatyer


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Guest Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:33 am

wiki wrote:An equinox is commonly regarded as the instant of time when the plane of Earth's equator passes through the geometric center of the Sun's disk. This occurs twice each year, around 20 March and 23 September. In other words, it is the moment at which the center of the visible Sun is directly above the equator.

So how is this translated to a flat earth? Or how would you explain it exactly?

Something else i'm wondering with this is: If the sun is sort of spiraling higher and lower causing cooling and warming and taking into account this is due to intelligent design then it probably has a function right? A function other than causing us life problems, but rather something essential to the maintaining of the system we live in. In other words, the tone of some big thing coming due to this solar minimum is to what i can see not really in proportion to the data we can see. Yes it will have influence and yes there are ups and downs, but not in some way that you talked about early about this being some kind of natural way of balancing humanity out. That specifically is the part that i not based on data or anything, it is just a belief.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Ifersgold Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:57 pm

Yeah. Good point on the belief part. That was expressed as my opinion.

As to the flat earth translation, I find it translates well. If the data is measurable it is useful. I've found that the fe knowledge gives me an edge piecing things together. It makes the mountains of mis information easier to bypass.

There is nothing in the core data of this theory that contradicts fe in any way. It fits in a sort of blank spot in the ifers working theory in my view. Nor does any of the data for the solar minimum theory I'm using dependent on fake space explanations. Solar minimum and flat earth make sense together in my mind.

It also seems to be another piece of the puzzle in history and in terms of the archeological record. I.e what happened to the advanced civilizations of the past? The idea of extreme changing of environmental conditions start to make sense.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Guest Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:38 pm

Well, at least thank you for explaining it further Ifersgold. I will take my time to go through it next to other things.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   - Page 6 Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Alpha Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:48 pm

I think we also need to take into account that the climate is being purposely changed through weather manipulation and weather warfare.


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