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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty NASA Caught In Mind Blowing Temperature Fraud In Greenland

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:52 pm

Posted by The Modern Gnostic on 09/09/2015

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Wpid-wp-1441768605939

The Apollo Mission hoaxes, The International Space Station hoax, The Space Shuttle disaster hoax and it goes on and on and on. 

Whether the fraud is big or small NASA thinks they can fool them all.

It seems the Khazarian Satanists of NASA are also the bagmen for the global warming fraud. Here’s CGI images of Greenland purportedly melting, referenced in the article below about the Fraudulent Greenland Meltdown. I can’t tell if these images are even CGI they’re so bad. Maybe it’s crayon or possibly a sharpie?

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Wpid-wp-1441771196571

GHCN temperatures for Nuuk, Greenland show a sharp cooling trend over the past decade, of more than 3°C

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Wpid-wp-1441767955012

[url=file:///Users/benwellesley/Downloads/html 2/threads/826.html]ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all/GL000004250.dly[/url]

NASA data is based on GHCN, so it should be the same. But they don’t show much cooling over the past decade.

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Wpid-wp-1441768032544

They accomplished this through a spectacular hockey stick of data tampering, which has raised recent temperatures more than 2.5 degrees relative to the 1960’s.

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Wpid-wp-1441768074810

But the fraud is much worse than it seems. Over the past four years, GISS has also wiped out Greenland’s warm past. Greenland is much cooler now than it was 75 years ago, and NASA has to hide that fact in order to keep their fraudulent Greenland meltdown story intact.
Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Wpid-wp-1441768111631
NASA GISS data is managed by Gavin Schmidt of RealClimate, whose other most famous member is fraudster Michael E Mann.

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Wpid-wp-1441768181591

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:09 pm

Posted by starfishprime on 05/23/2015
Lately NASA has been releasing "satellite" information which suggests that Antarctica is growing. They actually try to argue that there is more ice because it is *warmer*, which apparently is causing more ice to melt and then refreeze. WTF? www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/antarctic-sea-ice-reaches-new-record-maximum

This is on top of the 18-year "pause" in global warming... Meanwhile, Obama is saying that "climate change deniers" are a threat to "national security." Are they just intentionally making the lies obvious, like with the Boston smoke bombing and other recent false flags, to fuel the "climate change" distraction?

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:10 pm

Posted by somechickonthenet on 05/27/2015
I have a basic idea of global warming being a hoax, but I haven't really looked into it to see the "other side". But I didn't put much stock into GW because it seems to me from what little I know, earth has been warming and cooling in cycles for millions of years...Anyway, I went to youtube looking for videos, and I watched one and started watching a second one, but then I noticed in the comments people were throwing out "shill", which I'm still not certain what that means, but I've seen you guys mention it here, so I wondered if I was watching the wrong ones and decided to come ask, lol. Also, I'm looking for info about the existence and/or purpose of CERN. I have only read about some machine they supposedly built to "recreate the big bang in a test tube", but I'm thinking if they don't have space technology, or nukes, then they probably wouldn't have that technology either. So, GW and CERN.....Information would be appreciated Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Smiley

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:11 pm

Posted by on 05/27/2015

It's all a big bunch of sweaty choad. Your mind is where it's at, somechickonthenet

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:11 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 05/27/2015

May 26, 2015 15:55:05 GMT somechickonthenet said:
I have a basic idea of global warming being a hoax, but I haven't really looked into it to see the "other side". But I didn't put much stock into GW because it seems to me from what little I know, earth has been warming and cooling in cycles for millions of years...Anyway, I went to youtube looking for videos, and I watched one and started watching a second one, but then I noticed in the comments people were throwing out "shill", which I'm still not certain what that means, but I've seen you guys mention it here, so I wondered if I was watching the wrong ones and decided to come ask, lol. Also, I'm looking for info about the existence and/or purpose of CERN. I have only read about some machine they supposedly built to "recreate the big bang in a test tube", but I'm thinking if they don't have space technology, or nukes, then they probably wouldn't have that technology either. So, GW and CERN.....Information would be appreciated Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Smiley

There is no denying that the entire 'Climate Change' campaign is a complete hoax, designed to scare the public and to allow 'green' taxes. 

There have never been more polar bears than we have now, and the ice is not melting at the pole, in fact there is more ice this year than last year. There have been no recorded rises in global temperature since 1997. The whole 'global warming' concept is a complete scam. 

Scientists need funding, and if they publish climate change papers, based on false evidence, they get paid big money to do so. 

Watch the documentary 'The Greenhouse Conspiracy'. It is a British documentary made by Channel 4 in  1990, and it fully revealed the entire fraud that was to come. It highlighted how they move the temperature monitors into hotter, inner city areas in order to make it look like the entire planet is warming. 

A few years ago, emails from the University of Ipswich were leaked. The University supplies most of the information that the UN uses, released under the banner of the IPCC. The emails revealed that all of the scientists know and admit in private that they are lying, that they have no evidence and that they are fraudulent. It also revealed how bitter and hate filled they were to anyone who correctly outed them for their nonsense. 

Last edited by Thinkforyourself on Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:12 pm

Posted by lizardking on 05/27/2015
“The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.“
– Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations


When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.

Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming. 


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:12 pm

Posted by on 05/27/2015
Remember David Bellamy? The plants guy? He knew it was a scam right from inception and the BBC never let him work since. 


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:13 pm

Posted by lizardking on 05/27/2015

Thank you for posting the TED video, it completely destroys the concept of constants in science. The "speed of light" and the "big G" are shown up as complete fantasies.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:13 pm

Posted by somechickonthenet on 05/27/2015
Thanks for the links Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Smiley Ha! GW is just part of Agenda 21? How did I not put that together? It seems that everything leads back to it. And the more it concretes with me, the more disgusted I am that there are people in the world who think like that. :/

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:16 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/27/2015

If anyone out there is still taken in by Al Gore's convenient lie, namely man-made "global" warming, take a look at these two documentaries which show how this fraud is meant to instigate the first ever world-wide tax, a UN carbon tax paid to the same international banksters engineering the current economic bust. Above is Global Warming or Global Governance? below is The Great Global Warming Swindle.

Climate-Gate: Hackers Expose Global Warming Fraud

Last week hackers broke into emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University which expose deceit, duplicity and collusion between climate researchers to maintain the fraud of the manmade global warming theory. They found that supposed "scientific researchers" were plotting to shut out dissenting editors from peer-reviewed journal boards, falsify data, and manipulate the submission of papers.

Among the thousands of emails and documents hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University last week are several references to an agenda to shut down scientific debate on global warming by stifling counter-evidence from other scientists. Dating back to 1996, the emails show that both U.S. and U.K. based scientists referred to any research offering alternate viewpoints as "disinformation", "misinformation", or "crap", that needs to be kept out of the public domain. The emails include deliberations amongst the scientists regarding efforts to make sure that reports from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change include their own research and exclude that of dissenting scientists. In one of the emails, Phil Jones, the director of the East Anglia climate center, suggested to climate scientist Michael Mann of Penn State University We "will keep them out somehow - even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"

For anyone who believes the media/IPCC hype that "all" scientists agree that Earth is warming and it's due to human carbon emissions, please take a look at The Oregon Petition. This petition has been signed by over 31,000 climatologists and meteorologists (vs. the IPCC's 2,500, half of whom are just UN bureaucrats) stating that "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth."

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Al-gore-404_682507c

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:16 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/28/2015
Knee-jerk ridicule, just like they've been taught to do about GW and FE:

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:17 pm

Posted by susie on 06/06/2015

Tampering with the data.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:17 pm

Posted by lizardking on 09/25/2015
Scientist who advocates prosecuting climate skeptics ‘paid himself & his wife $1.5 million from govt climate grants for part-time work’

From 2012-2014, the leader of the 20-scientist effort to prosecute climate skeptics under RICO reportedly paid himself and his wife $1.5 million from government climate grants for part-time work.

George Mason University Professor Jagadish Shukla, a Lead Author with the UN IPCC, reportedly made lavish profits off the global warming industry while accusing climate skeptics of deceiving the public.

Shukla is leader of 20 scientists who are demanding RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) charges be used against skeptics for disagreeing with their view on climate change.

Shukla reportedly moved his government grants through a ‘non-profit’. The group “pays Shukla and wife Anne $500,000 per year for part-time work,” Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. revealed.

“The $350,000-$400,000 per year paid leader of the RICO20 from his ‘non-profit’ was presumably on top of his $250,000 per year academic salary,” Pielke wrote. “That totals to $750,000 per year to the leader of the RICO20 from public money for climate work and going after skeptics. Good work if you can get it,” Pielke Jr. added.

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:18 pm

Posted by schpankme on 09/26/2015
From childhood you're told to beLIEve about the Earth using gases called the atmosphere to trap heat from the 
Sun, keeping it from escaping into the far reaches of OUTER SPACE.

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   7f5a28c3d1b9139c51935fd3cd7177c7

Everywhere across the face of the Earth, the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates, that hot flows to cold; that 
is until we go above the Stratopause, up into the realm of the NASAsphere; then heat can flow in both directions!

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   YM9oTsuwvDr8EBDOEmlw

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Mesosphere_diagram_big

Temperatures in the NASAsphere continue to climb, reaching as high as (3,600°F)

Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Atmprofile

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:19 pm

Posted by putontheglasses on 09/27/2015

Shill-host meltdown

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:20 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 09/28/2015
What a stupid cunt, he makes me ashamed to be British. 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:21 pm

Posted by marleyites on 09/28/2015

Sept 27, 2015 16:42:17 GMT thinkforyourself said:
Sept 27, 2015 5:41:57 GMT putontheglasses said:

Shill-host meltdown

What a stupid cunt, he makes me ashamed to be British. 

Yikes.  Interview so the interviewer can get HIS position across.  

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:22 pm

Posted by putontheglasses on 09/28/2015

At about the 3 min mark, you can almost hear his feet stamping away under his desk in frustration, no doubt getting grief in his ear for losing control of the narrative. It's pathetic, and a great example of the value of Youtube to document and remind people what these fools are all about.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by George Tirebiter Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:03 pm

The Global Warming Obsession
Rests on Acceptance of Billions of Years of Evolutionism

The global warming hoax, like so many other hoaxes, clearly has its obvious motives, including the standard bearers of fear based control and financial parasitism, but......

"The real story behind the increasingly impassioned rhetoric of global warming advocates is very different from “the sky is falling” arguments about melting glaciers and all the rest."(1)

"The pressure from the all-knowing “Theoretical Science Idol” is what is driving all the hype. The USA has been a holdout on bowing to some of the dictates of this Idol--most especially on the issue of evolutionism--and this global warming concept is handcuffed to that “theory”. Indeed, its climatological models are based on an earth that has allegedly been evolving for over four and a half Billion years."(1)

"Never mind that historical records plainly show that comparable warming periods--and “little ice ages”--are cyclical phenomena, not doomsday scenarios.

Never mind that the same ozone patterns have been around since anybody started looking.

Never mind that the elevation of the Maldives Islands out of the Indian Ocean (av. 3 ft.) has not measurably changed in spite of all the hoopla about how much the icecaps have melted and how coastal cities around the world will be flooded in fifty years."(1)

"So why is the political, scientific, and economic offensive to get the USA on board with the Kyoto agenda so intense?  Just about everyone agrees that profit-driven corporations, etc., will pollute land and sea if they aren’t controlled by law. So such control is not the real motivation behind this Global Warming Obsession."(1)

"The “Global Warming” issue’s real importance lies in its name, i.e., it is GLOBAL in its outreach!

"As the world of sovereign nation states morphs into a global economic, cultural, and soon-to-be political and religious system, the long-hidden chief goal behind all of it comes into focus.  That over-riding goal, that long-sought but now achievable political triumph over nation states is, above all else, religious.  And not just religious, as we shall see, but specifically anti-Bible, anti-Christian religious."(1)

"Global Warming is one among many deceptions aimed at securing a final victory for a Religion that has one overriding goal which it is achieving through its control of the “theoretical” science establishment:  That goal is the final destruction of all remaining resistance (in the USA particularly) to the acceptance of billions of years of Evolution as the one true “scientific” factor of how all that exists came to be as it is."(1)

"Once faith in the evolutionary explanation for the origin of all that exists is established in people’s minds, there are two and only two belief systems available that will take hold and color every aspect of such a believer’s life: First: They can become atheists, believing in no religion or “god”, but solely in random chance “evolution”. Second: They can accept some New Age “Force” or little g’d or g’ds which have worked with or “used” billions of years of evolution to create all that is, including mankind, (but belief in the God of the Bible Creationism is not an option)."(1)

"Since the Truth about the Origin of all things is unarguably the foundation of all knowledge, it is certain that the entry of the evolution-dependent “Global Warming” Model into the Origins Sweepstakes is quite different from what its propaganda is telling us."(1)

"Indeed, one needn’t dig very deep to determine that the now famous Al Gore documentary scaring the bejabbers out of everybody with its doomsday ice-melting, oceans-rising scenario, has as many critics from the world of science and politics and economics as it has supporters. We just aren’t hearing from the critics as much."(1)

"The money and prestige stakes in all this are enormous, of course, but “evolution science” is the real beneficiary.  It stands to score three big home runs, namely: 1) Resistance to evolutionism in the USA, etc., will be further weakened; 2) Resistance to the Global Warming agenda and environmentalist extremism in the USA, etc., will be dealt a hard blow; 3) Another hard blow will be dealt to Bible Credibility regarding it’s plain teaching of a Creator God."(1)

"This brings us to those big questions growing out of the “billions of years” that are the lifeblood of evolutionism.  Followed by their answers, they are:

Q) What religion and what science are providing those eons of time?

A)  Writing in Kabbala in the 1st century A.D., Pharisee Kabbalist Nechunya ben HaKanna--using a 42 letter name for g’d--determined the age of the universe to be 15.3 billion years.  This is the same age that is in today’s textbooks.  Other concepts of today’s Pharisaic cosmology (relativity, heliocentricity, Big Bang, expanding universe, superstrings, parallel universes) are found in 13th, 16th, 20th century Kabbalist writings.

Q) Does this Pharisee religion and this Kabbalist "science" have a g’d; or is it atheistic?  Or, can it be either so long as it keeps the billions of years of evolution??

A) As long as the billions of years of evolution are retained, this Religion with its mystic Kabbala writings can accommodate both atheists and any g’d or g’ds or “Force”, etc., just so long as the God of the Biblical six day creation is eliminated."(1)

"When Global Warming Zealots point to a host of “scientists” who support their dire warnings, they are not only pointing to scientists who are strong believers in the evolution model that encompasses billions of years of climatological change on the earth, they are pointing with equal conviction to a universe that is many billions of years OLDER than the earth."(1)

"What they have not known (or have ignored!) is that a BIG FACT has emerged in the last dozen years or so which puts an entirely new face on everything that is dependent upon or otherwise connected with “evolution science”.   That fact tells the world: a) That a 15 billion year old cosmos is the first of several indispensable concepts that make up today’s Big Bang Cosmology, and; b) That it and ALL of the other essential concepts have their source in century’s old “holy Rabbinic writings” found in the mystic Kabbala, and; c) That those concepts, i.e., these Kabbalist “holy writings”, constitute today’s textbook cosmology which is an alternate, contra-Biblical (and contra-Koranic) “creation or origins scenario”."(1)

"This "scenario" has been conceived and nurtured in secret over many centuries by Pharisee Kabbalist Sages, and has been erected by a Theoretical Science Establishment made up of conspicuously Kabbalist-friendly "scientists" in all fields of "knowledge". Moreover, this whole masquerade--which has deceived the world into believing its "science" was entirely secular, but which doesn't have a secular bone in its body--has now been taught todo el mundo to be the scientific cornerstone of all “knowledge” with public funds. What a trick!  What a deal!"(1)

"Clearly, this now-out-of-the-closet fact automatically re-labels and transfers all of the “science” that is based on billions of years of evolutionism into a new category.  All such “science” is automatically re-labeled and transferred out of the “secular” science category of information into a “religious” category of information.  It is impossible to overstate the importance of this re-labeling of evolutionary “science”.  Scientists--and all the rest of us--have been taught that “evolution science” is “secular” science with no “religious” agenda or source or connection of any sort.  We now know that all of that teaching was wrong."(1)

Cite-(Read More)
(1) http://www.fixedearth.com/global-warming-obsession.html
George Tirebiter
George Tirebiter

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Leo725 Sat Sep 24, 2016 4:48 am

Climate Change....that is the one area I do not agree with you all on but I see no point in making a issue out of it, thanks for all the work you do here! Some good info!

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by fightback5289 Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:58 am

I have lived in my current city for at least a decade, and in the last few years I've watched a significant change in climate during the summer months. Summers here used to be overcast, wet and windy. Then in 2013, the summers switched to perfect blue skies everyday and an oppressive heat like nothing before.
We know they have the power to control the weather through ionospheric heaters and chemical spraying by planes. And "climate change" is their explanation for weather abnormalities.
We keep hearing about how the Antarctic ice sheets are melting and causing severe changes. What if they are using HAARP to break open the Antarctic ice barrier?


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by Schpankme Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:27 am

fightback5289 wrote:

I have lived in my current city for at least a decade

in the last few years I've watched a significant change in climate during the summer months.

Summers here used to be overcast, wet and windy. Then in 2013, the summers switched to perfect blue skies everyday and an oppressive heat like nothing before.

We know they have the power to control the weather

What if they are using HAARP to break open the Antarctic ice barrier?

What is the name of the City you've lived in for the past decade (10 years)?

Where is the climate history for that City over the last 10 years?  Basketball

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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by vortexpuppy Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:26 pm

Personally I think that attempts at Geo-engineering are real. It is being researched, funded and put into practice. Does it work? Is it all just fakery like NASA? Could be.

Global Warming / Climate change is a hoax to extract money from us through guilt association. So maybe they just need the "geo-engineering to skew the data and reinforce the scam.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by fightback5289 Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:08 pm

vortexpuppy wrote:Personally I think that attempts at Geo-engineering are real. It is being researched, funded and put into practice. Does it work? Is it all just fakery like NASA? Could be.

Global Warming / Climate change is a hoax to extract money from us through guilt association. So maybe they just need the "geo-engineering to skew the data and reinforce the scam.

I think extorting money for climate change is a good opportunity, but perhaps not the underlying motive. If you controlled the Fed, why not endlessly deposit digital currency into your bank account? Just add zeroes. (As long as you don't cause hyper-inflation). By comparison, a climate tax seems a bit petty.


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Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax   Empty Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax

Post by fightback5289 Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:23 pm

Schpankme wrote:
What is the name of the City you've lived in for the past decade (10 years)?

Where is the climate history for that City over the last 10 years?  Basketball

It was just an anecdote that some people might relate to. I'm not assuming there is a permanent change in climate, but rather a pattern of unusual weather. Remember the recent heat wave in New York, and the heat wave in Europe in 2003 (which killed 50,000+ people).


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