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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by jollyfree Sun Aug 08, 2021 11:39 pm

Fantastic interview thanks Eric for posting to Bitchute, I'm a bit late seeing it. This video has disappeared from their Rokfin channel. Given that this curious bag of upstarts have only done four podcasts that is an amazing 25 percent Shoah rate! Full marks to them for making their channel free to air for now HOWEVER enquiring minds would like to know if they've simply pussied out and pulled it themselves OR has the allegedly censor free Rokfin operation already started pulling content that the jew dislikes? Jeranism and the others that shill Rokfin so hard need to pay attention to this unwelcome turn of events. Perhaps I'm jumping to hasty conclusions and misjudging others but damn it all we've every right to be paranoid in these times of repression. Best wishes.


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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Mon Aug 09, 2021 7:58 am

Thanks Jollyfree! Yes, I'm not impressed with Rokfin and their "community guidelines" the first one being "No Pro-Nazi or Holocaust Denial content." I discussed this with the owner of Rokfin and it appears he isn't even a "truther" and the exodus of truthers to his platform has just been coincidental similar to what the owner of LBRY said about Flat Earthers when he began. So many Flat Earthers joined his platform early on that he was shocked and talked about it in interviews. The reason was because we were being censored on other platforms and were eager to join a free-speech platform. To this day LBRY/Odysee/BitChute have not blocked/banned a single video of mine. As you noted, we've just started uploading to Rokfin and already they have banned my latest podcast. Hibbeler said he's going to try and facetime with the owner about it but I already spoke to him about it a couple weeks ago and I have a feeling he's not going to change his mind because he's not even really a truther or awake to any of this information.

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Tree Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:00 am

Wow that’s disappointing. I thought the whole point of Rokfin was to not have censorship. People should be able to express their ideas in a podcast. Yeah, maybe I’m missing something but personally i don’t really see what the big draw of Rokfin has been. It is a little sleeker than odyssey/bitchute/lbry but it also cost money and if they censor anyways then what’s the point? I do support people being able to make some money for their content though. Maybe the owner will come around or maybe Hibbeler can keep the ‘sensitive’ topics on odyssey? Idk, that is annoying. Until then Odyssey/bitchute/lbry seem good.

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:04 am

Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 22404010

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by jollyfree Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:31 pm

Great news!  Apparently your interview is back on Rokfin in a super new improved and EDITED version. Have not checked yet myself but  am just watching Jeran's Baby Truther Show streamed on yootube this evening where this is "addressed". Please  watch from 18:25 https://youtu.be/EcJqfKPL54g?t=1108 where the jew Weiss smooths it all over and tells us that Rokfin is really "all about da money" and if Eric's comments are illegal in 30 odd countries they just have to go. cos, ya know we've all found a way to monetise Flat Earth and this inconvenience with Eric's video must not spoil our new revenue stream.  I've had more than a glass of wine so will not comment further.  This is just another part of the game. Rokfin will never extract one cent from me. Love to all.


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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Jadepurplelover Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:42 pm

David Weiss is Jewishs and a schill connected with the globebusters mark Sargeant Karen b potatoe crew , so we can't expect or hope for him to expose the jewish world order.
Jeran is a former fbi agent who's already been exposed on iffers and he's all about the crypto scam along with his butt buddy the dollar vigilanti who's scammed thousands of dollars from truthers in anarchapoco.
And rokfin is not free speech as they admit blaming the Jews is forbidden, so nobody give them any money or time.
And do not donate to the potato schill crew as they are all about donations and money 💲.


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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Jadepurplelover Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:44 pm

The hibbeler crew all know about the Jewish world order which is refreshing as others hide behind freemasons and Jesuits and all this nonsense.
And at least hibbeler edited it and still put the interview up which was a great interview.


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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Jadepurplelover Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:47 pm

Please hibbeler watch out putting the schill crew on level 2. Stay away from mark Sargeant Karen b globebusters jeran Patricia steere and I was not impressed with that British guy level interviewed and has on level, as in the interview he stated level was too hard hitting with Eric challenging tyson? What the hell was that British guy talking about? And he's also condoning drinking your own piss? Yuck!!!!


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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Tree Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:33 am

Jadepurplelover wrote:David Weiss is Jewishs and a schill connected with the globebusters mark Sargeant Karen b potatoe crew , so we can't expect or hope for him to expose the jewish world order.
Jeran is a former fbi agent who's already been exposed on iffers and he's all about the crypto scam along with his butt buddy the dollar vigilanti who's scammed thousands of dollars from truthers in anarchapoco.
And rokfin is not free speech as they admit blaming the Jews is forbidden, so nobody give them any money or time.
And do not donate to the potato schill crew as they are all about donations and money 💲.

Is anyone not a shill? You throw that attack out pretty liberally.

I’m not vouching or defending anyone particular. I don’t know all the specifics. but just remember that one of the corrupters main goals is to get us fighting amongst ourselves. Really, we have so many people that we naturally disagree with, but they somehow also got us flat earthers split into various camps, calling each other shills. I’m sure they’re happy about that. It might be time to unite more.

I would use Level Two as a chance to bring the community together.

Either way, I’ll keep following Eric’s great content. But that’s just my opinion.

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:12 pm

Seth Davis Gets 2 Real with Eric Dubay:

Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Sether10

Seth Davis of 2RealNews interviews Eric Dubay covering subjects including Flat Earth, Secret Societies, World War II, Veganism, Religion, Karma, and the Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap theory

Watch the entire uncensored interview here:

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:49 pm

DIY Solutions to the New World Order:

Discussing the two-party system, secret societies, conspiracies, cosmology, spirituality, and self-sufficiency with Max in Alaska

Max's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ilovenoo4ever.118

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Thu Mar 16, 2023 5:13 pm

Two "Crazy" Flat-Earthers Spouting Common Sense:

Discussing typical globe fallacies, the rise of the flat Earth movement, the case for intelligent design, density and buoyancy vs. a constantly rising Earth, and several possible answers for the big question of "why would they lie" with TheSeattleGreen in America

Subscribe to TheSeattleGreen: https://www.youtube.com/@theseattlegreen1871

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Mon Mar 20, 2023 5:02 pm

Destroying the Globe with Socratic Questioning:

Destroying the Globe with Socratic Questioning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7nfxZHHiMk Discussing effective flat Earth activism, alternative economies, and the benefits of homeschooling, veganism, and magic mushrooms with Levelheaded William in California

Subscribe to Levelheaded William and Natalie: https://www.youtube.com/@LevelheadedWilliamNatalie

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:06 pm

Flat Earth and the Soul-Lure System:

Discussing flat vs. globe cosmologies, the matrix reincarnation soul trap, Project Bluebeam, the jet fuel hoax and more with Chad from Open Your Reality

Subscribe to Open Your Reality: https://www.youtube.com/@OpenYourReality

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:31 pm

Hold the Tartary Sauce, All Roads Lead to Rome:

Discussing many topics including religion, politics, hidden history, Tartaria, astrotheology, voluntaryism, flat Earth and more with Andrew in Idaho

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sun May 07, 2023 6:27 pm

Government Infantilization of the Nation, from Technocracy to Idiocracy:

Discussing self-publishing, water fasting, evidence of holograms and directed energy weapons on 911, Project Bluebeam, the benefits of paper money and the enslaving effect of digital transactions, the rise of A.I. and the technocracy, its infantilizing effect on humanity and how we can stop it, the nature of property, the big difference between the three Abrahamic vs. other world religions, and a secular discussion of faith vs. works with Steven from the Watch The Collapse Podcast

Subscribe to Watch the Collapse: https://www.youtube.com/@WatchTheCollapsePodcast

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sat May 20, 2023 4:44 pm

Be the Change You Want to See on the Flat Earth:

Discussing effective activism, sophistry and logical fallacies, Flat Earth, maps and claims of extra lands beyond Antarctica, secret societies and controlled opposition with Justin, the head of WeAreChange Orlando

Subscribe to Justin and WeAreChange Orlando: https://www.youtube.com/@wearechangeorlando7072

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:35 pm

Amish Space Station Confirms the Flat Earth:

Discussing internet censorship, flat earth, CV-19 and worldwide lockdowns, moving abroad, experiencing new cultures, learning new languages, happiness vs. contentment, meditation, spirituality, the dangers of cashless society, statism vs. voluntarism, modern vs. traditional values, quitting smoking, fasting, veganism, and how to stop the new world order with Will from the Amish Space Station

Get Connected With Will:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0RMXjY3tuZcyBRBqLpHGCQ
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@amishspacestation:3?&sunset=lbrytv
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/amishspacestation/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/Amishspacestation
Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/amishspacestation

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Mon Jun 26, 2023 3:22 am

Religion is Like a Finger Pointing to the Moon:

Discussing world religions, a call to action and the heroes journey, limiting beliefs surrounding money, the caste system, Kali Yuga, God, the Quran vs. the Bible and flat Earth found in scriptures with Quranic scholar Sam Gerrans

Get Connected With and Help Support Sam:

Get Connected With and Help Support Eric:
Website: http://www.EricDubay.com
Blog: http://www.AtlanteanConspiracy.com
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Books: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EricDubay

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:12 pm

Time Dilation for Anti-Aging and Other Globe-Earth Science-Fiction:

Discussing flat earth awakening, globe contradictions and inconsistencies, modern physics courses, time as a fourth dimension, formal logic, the philosophy of science, and more with University of California Davis graduate and Electrical Engineer Vahid Ebrahimi

Email Vahid Ebrahimi: gsxbuickgnx@gmail.com

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:41 pm

Flat Earth Enlightenment and the Modern Renaissance Man:

Discussing flat earth awakening and passive activism, NASA's fake Moon and Mars landings, flat earth conferences and controlled opposition, veganism, juicing, fasting, introversion vs. extroversion, the detrimental effects of materialist philosophy, comparative religion, the reincarnation soul trap, psychopathy, and mixed martial arts with Patrick Burke from Denton, Texas

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:42 am

Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and the Globe:

Discussing daylight savings time, Eratosthenes sticks and shadows experiment, the law of perspective vs. the theory of gravity, heliocentric cosmology as trauma-based mind-control, hollow vs. flat earth, globe inconsistencies and much more with Billy Zig in Australia

Subscribe to Billy: https://www.youtube.com/@billyzig

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:29 pm

The Global Cult, Ego Death, and Radical Agnosticism:

Discussing beneficial side-effects of learning flat earth, becoming your own authority, introverts and INFJ personality types, the imperfections of perfectionism, free will vs. determinism, the dream-like nature of reality, and debating the shape of the earth with Chris in Texas

Join the Flat Earth Discord and Get Connected with Chris:
_ChrisV ( Flat lloyd Wright ) Discord.gg/Flatearth
@FlatLloydWright tiktok
@FlatLloydWright Instagram

Get Connected with and Help Support Eric:
Website: http://www.EricDubay.com
Blog: http://www.AtlanteanConspiracy.com
Forum: http://www.IFERS.123.st
Books: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EricDubay

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:53 pm

Vanquishing Subconscious Victim Narratives:

Discussing narcissism, psychopathy, co-dependence, the origins of evil, the pathologizing of mental illness, generational trauma, male/female relationship dynamics, the feminization of men and the masculinization of women, the reclamation of courtship, and cosmological cognitive dissonance with holistic psychiatrist Kelly Brogan M.D.

Learn More About Kelly:
Website: https://www.kellybroganmd.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KellyBroganMD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellybroganmd/

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Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews - Page 3 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Interviews

Post by Admin Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:17 pm

The Duped vs. The Undupable:

Discussing pros and cons of Trump's presidency, Israeli involvement in 911, government scaremongering, Earth's true cosmology and why they would lie, the Ron Paul revolution, presidential assassinations, child trafficking and The Sound of Freedom, duper's delight and secondary psychopaths, voluntarism, public school indoctrination, formal logic and logical fallacies, mixed martial arts vs. jeet kune do, Bruce Lee's philosophies, and how love wins over all with Eddy Bicker in Ohio

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