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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Schpankme Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:06 am

Briarpatch wrote:
I would suggest
you have many assumptions

With regard to the others
you may have overlooked them
Most are excellent mathematicians
and they may have worked within its constructs
The list I posted is short

we have no choice but to reach beyond our community in order to effect change

NO, it is not the role of this forum to convert Heliocentric Authors, with Academic tenure, into flat Earthers.

Say it with me:
Theoretical Math means PRETEND
Gravity replaced Abracadabra
Theoretical Physicists is another term for Science Fiction Writer

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Briarpatch Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:16 pm

Let me see if I understand you
We are posting comments in a thread titled
Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth
And whereas I suggest it is incumbent upon us to reach out
You oppose that line of reasoning
With a flat denial that any such role exists

Is that a fair description?

Denial in and of itself is seldom a good position to adopt
Merriam Webster defines the word in a number of ways
: refusal to admit the truth or reality of something
: psychology : a defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

I am going to assume that you are not in denial for the point that you are simply adamant
Your position seems at odds with possessing a most important truth
And deciding with whom one might share it

With regard to Theoretical Math
All Math is a language seeking instruments (formulas) that accurately predict outcomes
One might employ a myriad of formulas seeking a predictable outcome
Some will not lend themselves to that end
And will be discarded
It is the nature of problem solving that in many instances NEW formulas arise
These must be theorized, then tested

I do not think it accurate to say that testing theory is pretending
It's a nomenclature use that doesn't apply well
Testing theory is well...Testing theory
A=A, it is what it is

Gravity is a theory being tested as we speak
It has glaring flaws and in time will likely be discarded

"Theoretical Physicists" literally translates to Mathematicians dealing with observation of physical phenomenon
And the testing of theory to explain what is witnessed
It is a branch of logic that seeks to describe (and so predict) aspects of the world we witness

I do not think Science Fiction Writing would be defined as such
Perhaps we have different definitions

Oh, and one thing to point out about myself
I do not take to commands very well
So please to eliminate the use of sentences like: "Say it with me"



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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by observer Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:02 pm

talking about flat earth on a personal level is a time and energy consuming task, and this is only after you have convinced them to listen to you, witch might be an even harder task.
The best is to put the info out in public like eric has, and let those with intrest come by choice and intrest.
If youre life work was spinning space balls, and all of a sudden a book of 200 profs youre life work is bull shit became very popular, dont you think this info would eventualy reach you? And wouldnt you see it as youre duty to check it out?
Eric has invited the world, these liars/fools included, if they are honest enugh to understand and brave enugh to speak, they now have the opertunity to stand up and show it.

Any way, once you converted 1 of these serious players, he will be as usefull as a farmer the way things are now. "serious player" or farmer, once they want to or just might want to tell the world the truth, they will be rejected by mainstream like a sick person.

If you think there is honest and brave ppl on that list im happy if you contact them, but i doubt we get any help or honesty from this area.


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Dual1ty Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:14 pm


You said it—theoretical physics relies entirely on mathematical models. That's why it's BS. Real physics relies first and foremost on substance (tangibles), and uses the language of mathematics as an aid. Even an "uneducated" simpleton like me can understand that. Wink


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Briarpatch Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:18 pm

Well put

Allowing the public to find their way to the subject and decide the merits for themselves is honorable
I do choose to believe there are honorable people out there that have (like ourselves) been deceived on many fronts
The subject itself has been a topic of debate for centuries
The point of original query was Tyson is not the only or even desirable person to debate on the subject
His view is compromised to begin with, and his stature is limited within the community he is a part of
And I had wondered who else had been contacted...apparently no one (so far)
Which I found surprising.... Owe it to my naivete that honest discussion has and does occur

One might guess that is the reason for debate challenges appearing frequently
And I did not mean for my inquiry to turn Eric's thread here into a debate between the three of us
(If needed, perhaps Admin can start a new thread and move this discussion there) (apologies where needed)

The mainstream can only hold its position up to a critical point where a vast cross section
We'll say about 20% utterly rejects that position
Science is not a democracy, and if we (any of us) succeed reaching and conversing with one
One that adheres to Scientific inquiry
I believe it is part of the process
I shall endeavor to see if any are open to such a discussion

Thanks for your input Observer

Responding to Duality:
Within the list (which by no means is that short) of other working physicists we might open a dialogue with
Are topics of research ranging all over the place in modern mathematics inquiry
I am reminded that it was theoretical physics that made possible things like nuclear reactors and atomic bombs to name just two
Many things begin with theory and math and are then turned over to engineering to determine if they can be made real
I do not agree that all theoretical explorations are bull shit or science fiction
I do not think it prudent to be that closed


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Dual1ty Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:01 pm

So nuclear reactions and atomic bombs are real? Where's your proof? To me and others here, they're just as real as the magical globe. I don't believe in magic.

I think you're the one who is closed—you believe in a world of fantasy that exists only in the mind. Your brain has been filled with nonsense and delusional stories made up by mainstream Scientism—once you know that for a fact (by asking the right questions), you can then move on [to a higher state of consciousness] and begin to think for yourself (real freedom).

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by observer Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:30 pm

if you are truly serious about it, here is an idea for you(offcorse you will have to talk to admin first) you could start a thread with your "checklist of many names", and start crossing few names off by contacting them and show us in the thread what responce you got. If you start by crossing few off, it might get interesting enugh for more ppl to join in and help you with it. Even if its not ifers job i dont see a reason to stop any one who want to do it, and it could become an interesting thread.

But the question would be, how capable you are at communicateing the subject.

Last edited by observer on Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:07 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Schpankme Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:13 am

Briarpatch wrote:
With regard to Theoretical Math
All Math is a language seeking instruments (formulas) that accurately predict outcomes

Theory like Faith is based on Pretend.  

As for your inability to comprehend; it requires "Theoretical Math" to describe the man-made construct called SPACE; for this is the only place that Spaceball Earth can exist.

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Briarpatch Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:32 am

Duality first...
You might ask the people of Japan about both reality's
That is Nuclear bombs, and nuclear reactors
They would be the foremost group on the plane to share with you the revelation of what both can and have done
I believe they may be able to provide evidence that would not be described as fantasy
Of course, if your definition of reality is...hmmm...let's see
A 17 trillion pixel definition hologram that you will wake from at some time
Well, then safe journey to you

"Theory like Faith is based on Pretend."
No it is not
Theory is nothing like pretend
The two words literally have nothing in common

Let me see if I can clear these words for you
A Theory  is a plausible philosophic observation, logically rendered, and scientifically acceptable in general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena that can be witnessed...
We pretty clear on that?
It involves principles that logic has been employed to offer a possible answer
Math is a branch of logic not pretense

Faith is sometimes defined as confidence and trust
But in this case, it is best defined as belief without knowing, or ignorance of the facts

Neither of these terms are based on pretense of any kind
In fact, they require no pretense to be involved
You can not pretend to have faith anymore than you can pretend to have a theory
You either have it, or you do not
As an aside, I do not have an " inability to comprehend"
The word space requires dimensions
Usually length, width and depth
and that requires consciousness to perceive them
Man did not make the environment known as space
Nor did he make the environment known as Earth

Both of you have become somewhat tedious
Condescending is really not the best tone level for you to employ
As your comments are off topic having nothing to do with the importance of this threads topic
I would say... Be cool...Chill some



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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Briarpatch Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:56 am

observer wrote:if you are truly serious about it, here is an idea for you(of course you will have to talk to admin first) you could start a thread with your "checklist of many names", and start crossing few names off by contacting them and show us in the thread what response you got. If you start by crossing few off, it might get interesting enough for more ppl to join in and help you with it. Even if its not ifers job i don't see a reason to stop any one who want to do it, and it could become an interesting thread.

But the question would be, how capable you are at communicating the subject.

A charming idea
If there are any admin reading along
Now would be the time to chime in

To answer your question, among the skills in the set, advertising, publishing, high end retail and performance art to name a few
I believe I could draft a proper, sincere and respectful, honest inquiry to any professional in any profession

It would be a good outcome if any would engage in discussion
And it didn't just become a list of crossed out names
So yeah, we have nothing to lose for trying


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Schpankme Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:15 am

Briarpatch wrote:
You might ask the people of Japan about both reality's
That is Nuclear bombs, and nuclear reactors
They would share with you the revelation of what both can and have done

There are NO Atoms, therefore there was NO ATOMic pretend nor Half-Life to injure the people after the "Fire Bombs" were dropped on Japan.  For ATOMS to exist, there must have been a Jesuit created Big Bang.

From birth, you are indoctrinated to worship the man-made construct of Heaven and Space (Fiction).

Jesuit Creation Stories (see crypto Jew):

  Theoretical Science, THEO means God:  *God Science*
      Space  (Big Bang)  ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion

  Creation Science, CREATION means God:  *God Science*
      Heaven  (Holy Spirit)  ADAM, remove Rib create Women

Briarpatch wrote:
A Theory is scientifically acceptable to explain phenomena that can be witnessed
Math is a branch of logic not pretense

"Theoretical Math (pretend)" is required to describe the man-made construct called SPACE.  Space only exists in Science Fiction Stories.

Theoretical Physics has become an accepted belief system (faith not fact), the word "theory" means something very different in lay language than it does in Scientism, it is assumed that "theories" follow principles of rational thought or logic; nothing could be further from the truth.

  Religion - Faith Based
  Created through Science Fiction Stories and Academic Theory (pretend)

Theories within Scientism are explained as interpretations of Faith:

  Big Bang Theory
  Theory of Spherical Earth
  Theory of Gravity
  Theory of Evolution
  Theory of Relativity
  Theory of Heliocentricism
  Theory of Communication Satellites

Briarpatch, it is my observation that you came into this Forum to sell Theory based science, in an effort to confuse and to distract from the flat Earth message.

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Schpankme Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:27 pm

Myth of the flat Earth
From Wikipedia, the Zionist Jew owned and controlled, free encyclopedia

"The myth of the flat Earth is a modern misconception that Earth was widely believed to be flat rather than spherical during the Middle Ages in Europe."

  • Middle Ages - from c. 1100 to 1453
  • Jesuit see crypto Jew

What is Wikipedia spinning:

  • That flat Earth appears to date from the 17th century as part of the campaign by Protestants against Catholic teaching.

What do we know to be historical fact:
  • Jesuit Nicolaus Copernicus negotiates territorial dispute between the Polish Crown and the Teutonic Knights
  • The Kingdom of Poland is awarded administration by the Vatican (Bishop of Warmia).
  • Braniewo (Braunsberg) becomes the center for the Jesuit educational establishments in Northern Europe.

  • Jesuit Nicolaus Copernicus publishes his book tilted, "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres".

  • Jesuits reform the calendar using Copernican Heliocentricism, Pope Gregory XIII gives his approval to publish the Gregorian calendar.

  • Telescope invented

  • Jesuit Galileo Galilei, claims to see Spaceballs, spinning and orbiting about one another.

  • Jesuit Christopher Clavius, confirms Galileo’s observations of Spaceballs.
  • Heliocentricism begins entering the major faith based universities, where men of science replace faith with theory.

Today virtually every child grows up worshiping Scientism by claiming the earth is a rotating sphere that orbits the sun.

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by RedorBlue Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:07 am

1541 Ignatius Loyola forms Jesuits .

1601 Brahe dies (or is murdered) and Kepler steels his work. Jesuits trick their way into China and proceed to take over high positions in the court astronomy in order to remove the knowledge of flat earth from Chinese philosophy.

1670s Cassini surveys S - N across almost 9 degrees of latitude in France . His never refuted results show earth is neither a perfect or oblate sphere . Funnily enough his results fit a plane earth with a relatively close pole star .

1712 Cassini dies and the Jesuits breathe a sigh of relief and carry on with the "age of reason".

Just adding a bit while I've got a minute .


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Schpankme Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:08 am

RedorBlue wrote:
1670s Cassini surveys S - N across almost 9 degrees of latitude in France

Giovanni Domenico Cassini

Born:  8 June 1625
Died:  14 September 1712 (age 87)

Graduated from the "Jesuit College at Genoa" (age 22?)

1650 - 1671
appointed professor of astronomy at the University of Bologna (age 25)
publishes new tables of the sun, based on his observations at San Petronio
presents model of the planetary system that was in accord with the hypothesis of Nicolaus Copernicus
develops method, inspired by Kepler's work, of mapping successive phases of solar eclipses
discovers the Great Red Spot on Jupiter

1671 - 1684
Became director of the Paris Observatory (age 46)
confirms the sun-planet distances
observed and published surface markings on Mars
determined the rotation periods of Mars and Jupiter
discovered the Cassini Division in the rings of Saturn
discovered four satellites of Saturn

1690 - first to observe differential rotation within Jupiter's atmosphere

Will the real Cassini please stand up?

1653 - Cassini was employed by Pope Clement IX in regard to fortifications, river management, and flooding of the Po River.
Cassini composed several memoirs on the flooding of the Po River and on the means of avoiding it; moreover, he also carried out experiments in applied hydraulics.

1663 - he was named superintendent of fortifications
1665 - inspector for Perugia

1670s - he began work on a project to create a topographic map of France

Let me suggest, that Cassini was a well known surveyor and engineer, and that these astronomical roles and observations accredited to him were just more historical nonsense to further reinforce the lie that is Heliocentricism.

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by RedorBlue Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:01 pm

Your suggestion fits perfectly with my own view . Like the nobel peace prize given to Kissinger and peace envoy to the middle east awarded to Tony Blair.
   Cassini was tasked by the French royal academy of science with resolving the dispute as to whether earth was a perfect sphere  ( the common theory ) or an oblate sphere ( Newtonian theory via gravity ) . The survey would indicate one or the other - but this brilliant surveyor/engineer turned out to be nobody's fool .
   His results showed earth to be neither but his results are consistent with a flat earth.
  I recall that after he had completed his survey he waited a year or two to release his results , probably because he realised that everything he had been brainwashed with was shown to be wrong by his own observation and measurement.
  Caused a great long lasting debate - Cassini and real astronomers who carried out experiment and observation against the new age philosophical theorists . Some chap , maybe Voltaire , suggested he had lunged science back into the dark ages . So when he died the decision was taken to map earth as if it were a sphere - and spherical calcs were to be added to any further survey. The whole story is out there in bits and pieces as the truth is never hidden .
     I've even seen G. Cassini credited with measuring Jupiter's oblateness with his telliescope lol.
What better way to bring the dead Cassini back into the fold than credit him with so much garbage - along with awarding the head position of the academy to his descendants.


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Schpankme Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:28 am

Jesuits provide a new vocabulary, which through Scientism, will be taught in the major Universities replacing faith with theory.

Jesuits map the Moon (Selenography), inventing impact craters, lava flows, highlands, mountain ranges, tunnels, trenches, oceans, seas, and defining other fictional features for us.

Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Jesuit10

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Admin Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:26 pm

When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 500 year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have all been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally all of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Earthtoed Thu Dec 02, 2021 6:53 am

Admin is 100% correct. Once FE is exposed public education, politicians, and all of the collaborators fall quickly. But perhaps the biggest domino of all that will fall is the biggest mind-control device in history - television. A new paradigm.


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by superuserdo Thu Dec 02, 2021 10:09 pm

In all honesty I think there's more chance of governments (this system) being overthrown because of the current level of tyranny and attempted world genocide than that of flat Earth being the trigger. It seems more plausible to me that once the system has been overthrown, that flat Earth would then become the fascinating class room subject that it deserves to be. People are far more concerned with survival at the moment to be taking this subject seriously. If we can get the scum, clones, demons, A.I, and inter-dimensionals out of the way first then flat Earth will no doubt take its rightful place on the curriculum. That's if there's anything left of human consciousness by the time this is all over -we may all find ourselves in the non-physical realm sooner than we think. The idea of things falling into place is a good one though, it's just that things are not looking so hot right now as far as the restoration of education and order are concerned. I hope I'm wrong but it feels like we're all living on a borrowed timeline. I know things can turn in an instant and in that regard I will never give up but this roller coaster ride is just getting a bit too squirly for some kinds of optimistic envisioning. I expect to get out of the other side of this shit show intact but I don't hold my breath for the billions who are taking the A.I body invasion/potential death-shot and I think the devastating fallout of the sick will take precedence over the consideration of flat Earth for decades to come.

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Earthtoed Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:01 pm

Superuserdo, Good points, and I agree the shot was a preplanned war against humanity. Hopefully not too many die or suffer serious consequences, but the fact that there is no liability is a red flag. You can never predict what/when will happen, but we will win in the end. And telling the truth about FE helps accelerate the win because of the potential of such an unprecedented paradigm shift.


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Admin Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:23 pm


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Xander Sat Jun 25, 2022 7:10 pm

Admin wrote:

Well said. I will never begin to understand the mentality of that question. I honestly don't have a clue how some people think and what actually happens between their ears.

I remember my brother looking at me like I was an idiot when I said I would never get the jab. He asked why wouldn't I? In his head he couldn't understand why I'd risk never being able to go abroad again or do other social activities that required the jab. I didn't know how to answer that question without sounding patronising so I didn't.


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Earthtoed Sat Jun 25, 2022 8:17 pm

People have long realized that politicians and big businesses are too often dishonest. Many people over the decades have also realized that other conspiracies tie in such as: wars, drugs, political assassinations, psyopts, etc... BUT ONCE PEOPLE FIND OUT THAT THE EARTH IS FLAT AND MOTIONLESS GOVERNMENTS AND MEDIA WILL LOSE VIRTUALLY ALL OF THEIR POWER. Spreading this truth is imperative to reclaim a wholesome loving and honest society.


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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by nowhereelsetogo Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:46 pm

Earthtoed wrote:People have long realized that politicians and big businesses are too often dishonest. Many people over the decades have also realized that other conspiracies tie in such as: wars, drugs, political assassinations, psyopts, etc... BUT ONCE PEOPLE FIND OUT THAT THE EARTH IS FLAT AND MOTIONLESS GOVERNMENTS AND MEDIA WILL LOSE VIRTUALLY ALL OF THEIR POWER. Spreading this truth is imperative to reclaim a wholesome loving and honest society.

It really shows how the whole world is a puppet show, they ALL promote the globe.

Iran just did it's first 'space' launch, note the rocket goes up, up, up, er.... over, over over and then cuts out just when something interesting happens!

My wet dream would be Putin suddenly announcing to the world that Earth is flat and stationary and we can all go and have a good look round Antarctica and the North Pole.

I don't think it'll happen, proving the whole of our realm is a plaything.

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Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Post by Earthtoed Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:50 pm

nowhereelsetogo wrote:
Earthtoed wrote:People have long realized that politicians and big businesses are too often dishonest. Many people over the decades have also realized that other conspiracies tie in such as: wars, drugs, political assassinations, psyopts, etc... BUT ONCE PEOPLE FIND OUT THAT THE EARTH IS FLAT AND MOTIONLESS GOVERNMENTS AND MEDIA WILL LOSE VIRTUALLY ALL OF THEIR POWER. Spreading this truth is imperative to reclaim a wholesome loving and honest society.

It really shows how the whole world is a puppet show, they ALL promote the globe.

Iran just did it's first 'space' launch, note the rocket goes up, up, up, er.... over, over over and then cuts out just when something interesting happens!

My wet dream would be Putin suddenly announcing to the world that Earth is flat and stationary and we can all go and have a good look round Antarctica and the North Pole.

I don't think it'll happen, proving the whole of our realm is a plaything.

It would be nice if Putin explained that the Earth is flat in a public forum. He undoubtedly knows, as do most of the higher politicians in the world. The time is ripe now because other deceptions are more obvious and readily accepted.

With or without the help of noted personalities, we have a duty to spread the FE truth. Even though we don't have a large forum, the trust has definitely shifted from "experts" to conspiracy theorists - the former fringe.


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