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Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:02 pm

Posted by lizardking on 09/12/2015
US soldiers raped at least 54 Colombian children with immunity

US soldiers and military contractors sexually abused more than 54 children in Colombia between 2003 and 2007, according to a recently released historic document on the country’s conflict. The suspects have allegedly not been prosecuted due to immunity clauses in bilateral agreements.

The 800-page independent historic report was commissioned by the Colombian government and rebel group FARC to establish the causes and violence aggravators of the 50-year-long conflict they are negotiating to end.

The document is to help negotiators determine who is responsible for the more than 7 million victims of the armed conflict between leftist rebels and the state while they are negotiating peace.

One of the scholars that helped redact the historians’ report, Renan Vega of the Pedagogic University in Bogota, focused part of this historic document on the American military that has actively supported the Colombian state in its fight against drug trafficking and leftist rebel groups like the FARC and ELN.

According to Vega, “there exists abundant information about the sexual violence, in absolute impunity thanks to the bilateral agreements and the diplomatic immunity of United States officials.”

In his report, the historian cited one 2004 case in the central Colombian town of Melgar where 53 underage girls were sexually abused by nearby stationed military contractors “who moreover filmed [the abuse] and sold the films as pornographic material.”

According to Colombia’s leading newspaper, El Tiempo, the victims of the sexual abuse practices were forced to flee the region after their families received death threats.

Other Americans stationed at the Tolemaida Air Base allegedly committed similar crimes, but possibly also never saw a day in court due to an immunity arrangement for American soldiers and military contractors agreed by Washington and Bogota.

One case that has called most attention in Colombian media was that of a 12-year-old who in 2007 was raped by a US Army sergeant and a former US military officer who was working in Melgar as a military contractor.

Colombian prosecutors established that the girl had been drugged and subsequently raped inside the military base by US sergeant Michael J. Coen and defense contractor Cesar Ruiz.

However, prosecution officials were not allowed to arrest the suspected child rapists who were subsequently flown out of the country.

“Yes, we took her and we raped her. So what?”
- Alleged words of US Sergeant Michael J. Coen to the mother of a 12-year-old rape victim.

The case has caused major indignation among Colombians for years.

Nevertheless, the rape victim, her little sister and mother were forced to flee Melgar and eventually moved to the city of Medellin as forces loyal to the suspects were threatening the family, the mother told Colombian television.

In 2009, the US embassy in Bogota told Miami newspaper El Nuevo Herald that the US government did not rule out the possibility to reopen the apparently closed case against Coen and Ruiz.

However, according to El Tiempo, no US court has since indicted both suspects for their alleged crime in the six years since.

According to left-leaning news website El Turbion, the case of the 12-year-old girl is not the only one.

“In 2006 there were 23 reported cases of sexual abuse committed by active American soldiers and another 14 in 2007,” the website said. Colombia Reports was unable to confirm this claim with other online sources.

However, if this claim is confirmed, there would be more than 90 cases of sexual violence against women and children committed by American soldiers between 2004 and 2007 alone.

According to the governmental National Victims Unit, 7,234 Colombian women have been registered as victims of sex crimes within the context of the conflict in the decades that it has lasted.

While the FARC and the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos are negotiating who is responsible for the 7.2 million registered victims of the country’s half-a-century armed conflict, US President Barack Obama sent Special Envoy Bernie Aronson to Colombia to assist in the process.

Aronson has so far met with Santos and, reportedly, with negotiation team members of the FARC and the government, and will be the intermediary between Bogota and Washington.

The special envoy will possibly have to deal with the role of the US military and its members in the alleged victimization of Colombians.

His most difficult task will be balancing the US government’s duty of “protecting American interests” — as he was reminded by Tea Party Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) — and trying to “stand by Colombians’ side in this journey,” as Aronson said himself.


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:03 pm

Posted by lizardking on 09/12/2015
John Grisham: men who watch child porn are not all paedophiles

America is wrongly jailing far too many people for viewing child pornography, the best-selling legal novelist John Grisham has told The Telegraph in a wide-ranging attack on the US judicial system and the country's sky-high prison rates.

Mr Grisham, 59, argued America's judges had "gone crazy" over the past 30 years, locking up far too many people, from white collar criminals like the businesswoman Martha Stewart, to black teenagers on minor drugs charges and - he added - those who had viewed child porn online.

"We have prisons now filled with guys my age. Sixty-year-old white men in prison who've never harmed anybody, would never touch a child," he said in an exclusive interview to promote his latest novel Gray Mountain which is published next week.

"But they got online one night and started surfing around, probably had too much to drink or whatever, and pushed the wrong buttons, went too far and got into child porn."

The author of legal thrillers such as The Firm and A Time to Kill who has sold more than 275m books during his 25-year career, cited the case of a "good buddy from law school" who was caught up in a Canadian child porn sting operation a decade ago as an example of excessive sentencing.

"His drinking was out of control, and he went to a website. It was labelled 'sixteen year old wannabee hookers or something like that'. And it said '16-year-old girls'. So he went there. Downloaded some stuff - it was 16 year old girls who looked 30.

"He shouldn't ’a done it. It was stupid, but it wasn't 10-year-old boys. He didn't touch anything. And God, a week later there was a knock on the door: ‘FBI!’ and it was sting set up by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to catch people - sex offenders - and he went to prison for three years."

"There's so many of them now. There's so many 'sex offenders' - that's what they're called - that they put them in the same prison. Like they're a bunch of perverts, or something; thousands of ’em. We've gone nuts with this incarceration," he added in his loft-office in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Asked about the argument that viewing child pornography fuelled the industry of abuse needed to create the pictures, Mr Grisham said that current sentencing policies failed to draw a distinction between real-world abusers and those who downloaded content, accidentally or otherwise.

"I have no sympathy for real paedophiles,” he said, "God, please lock those people up. But so many of these guys do not deserve harsh prison sentences, and that's what they're getting," adding sentencing disparities between blacks and whites was likely to be the subject of his next book.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:03 pm

Posted by lizardking on 09/12/2015
Myles Bradbury: CEOP 'failed to alert abuse doctor to police'

Doctor 'abused children with cancer'

Authorities failed to alert police of suspicions about a paedophile doctor more than a year before his arrest in December 2013, it has emerged. Myles Bradbury, of Addenbrooke's Hospital, admitted offences against boys he was treating for cancer. Child abuse investigators CEOP were told in July 2012 Bradbury bought suspect movies online, but did not act.

The National Crime Agency (NCA), which took over CEOP, said a case review took place and action was taken. It said CEOP's delay in disseminating the information was "unacceptable".

Bradbury, 41, a paediatric haematologist from Herringswell, Suffolk, pleaded guilty on Monday at Cambridge Crown Court, to 25 offences including sexual assault and the making of more than 16,000 indecent images.

The offences were committed at the Cambridge hospital against 18 victims, some as young as eight, who were in his care between 2009 and 2013. He has yet to be sentenced. The NCA tackles serious organised crime and took over the running of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), a non-departmental public body, last year. It said CEOP received information from Toronto Police, via Interpol, of up to 2,345 UK individuals, including Bradbury, in July 2012.

This was part of the Canadian force's Project Spade investigating child pornography across the world. The NCA said the material provided to CEOP included "details" of online purchasers of potentially harmful DVDs and videos. It added the material was assessed by CEOP at the time and the screenshots were classified as Level 1 on the Copine scale, the least harmful grade.

'Serious failing'

Sixteen months later in November 2013, a few weeks after the agency took over CEOP, the NCA said its deputy director general Phil Gormley became aware the material had not been disseminated to UK police forces and took immediate steps to do so.

It said the data on Myles Bradbury was shared with Suffolk Police a few days later on 27 November, which, by coincidence, was the same day a grandparent of a victim at the hospital made a complaint about the doctor.

Dr Myles Bradbury admitted a total of 25 offences

Suffolk Police arrested Bradbury on 18 December. Cambridgeshire Police made a further arrest 12 days later.

The NCA said Mr Gormley ordered an independent review of CEOP's handling in 2012, stating that it was clear that all steps "which should have been completed at the time did not take place".

It said the review has now finished and action has been taken, but the details are not yet known.

Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat, said: "This is an incredibly serious failing. Even if just one child was abused then that's a huge problem, but in this case it was worse than that.

"There's no excuse for sitting on this. All of us want to stop child abuse images. What's needed is not more powers for the police, it's for them to look at the information they've been given.

"This could have been avoided from almost two years ago."

He added Bradbury's victims had the right to be "furious", but he had been assured by ministers after previously raising the issue about the 2,345 suspect perpetrators in parliament that measures had been taken to ensure it would not happen again.

Dr Keith McNeil, chief executive of Addenbrooke's Hospital, said: "These reports that Myles Bradbury was known to the authorities in 2012 will be deeply distressing for patients and families.

"CUH [Cambridge University Hospitals] took immediate action when concerns were first raised with us in November 2013.

"If we had been alerted earlier, we would have taken action earlier."

It previously said it had contacted 800 families of the children it was aware of that Dr Bradbury saw and set up a specialist helpline for anyone affected by the case.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:04 pm

Posted by lizardking on 09/13/2015
When those meant to keep the peace commit sexualized violence

A young girl walks a short distance to visit her relatives in Haiti. But she doesn’t get far before men start harassing her, asking her to come with them. Their intentions are not even thinly disguised, and this girl is just one of their many targets.

“They do this with all of us young girls,” she says. “I have a few friends that have gone to bed with them. Some of them are asked to give them a lesbian show, and they are paid for that.” 

But what may be surprising is exactly who these men are. The unnamed girl’s quote is from a 2008 report by the U.K.-based nonprofit organization Save the Children on sexualized violence toward children in conflict zones. The men she mentions are from an international peacekeeping force more than 10,000-strong that has been in her country since 2004: the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti. Perhaps not surprising is that Haiti is not the only place where such propositions and sexual assaults are taking place. The misconduct of peacekeeping forces in conflict zones has dogged the UN since the inception of the peacekeeping program more than 50 years ago. 

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Peacekeepers%20haiti
Peacekeeping forces from the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) patrol Darfur’s Abu Shouk internally displaced persons camp.

As the number of missions and peacekeepers has grown, widespread accounts of inappropriate behavior and sexual exploitation by peacekeepers have been reported around the world, notably in Haiti, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Bosnia, Cambodia, East Timor, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s, UN peacekeepers helped support sex trafficking as customers of brothels relying on forced prostitution, according to Amnesty International. 

Save the Children found evidence that UN peacekeepers had raped young girls in the Ivory Coast, southern Sudan, and Haiti. Cornell constitutional law scholar Muna Ndulo recounted cases of UN peacekeepers fathering and subsequently abandoning children at the end of their deployment. Ndulo quotes staggering numbers in his report: that UN peacekeepers have fathered an estimated 24,500 babies in Cambodia and 6,600 in Liberia. 

In addition to supporting prostitution and raping women during wartime, UN peacekeepers have been accused of standing by when sexualized violence is used as a war tactic by combatants. In 2010, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Atul Khare reported to the UN Security Council that UN Peacekeeping had “failed” to protect women and children from rapes ineastern DRC. Approximately 300 rapes had been reported in a village near the UN Peacekeeper’s camp in just a four-day period. 

Cases of sexual abuse by peacekeepers over time may have tarnished the organization’s work, but it wasn’t until there was widespread reporting of peacekeeping failures—including numerous reports of rapes and prostitution during the Bosnian war—that the UN sought to change the system. In response, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan called on a group of experts to evaluate peacekeeping operations and recommend institutional changes to help prevent abuses by peacekeepers. 

Despite enacting changes that improved oversight, abuses continued, most notably in the Congo—where peacekeepers were reportedly paying young girls food for sex in 2005. The UNresponded by releasing yet another report that placed a heavier emphasis on pre-deployment conduct and discipline, and making training on preventing sexual exploitation in the field mandatory. (Multiple attempts by Women Under Siege to contact UN Peacekeeping for comment went unanswered.) 

Subsequent reform documents have been released yearly, but the cases continue. While the emphasis on reform has shown UN Peacekeeping’s awareness of its troops’ sexual misconduct, the structure of UN peacekeeping allows abuses to persist. In 2011, the United Nations reported 74 allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers. While this is down from 357 cases in 2006, the UN is limited in how it can prevent and prosecute these allegations due to the organization’s size and member state-centric operating system. 

Much of the problem lies in the basic structure of UN Peacekeeping, which echoes the problematic structure of the UN—the organization’s autonomy is limited as member states provide the mandate for peacekeeping actions as well as contribute personnel for missions. UN peacekeepers come from nearly 120 countries and bring with them their cultures, attitudes, and experiences on assignment. As they are recruited out of their national defense forces, these military personnel are “first and foremost members of their own national armies,” and only contracted to the UN. Currently, UN Peacekeeping is engaged in 16 missions worldwide, utilizing a force of more than 120,000. Within that force, there is turnover of 300,000 peacekeeping troops annually, contributing to a transient culture with few repercussions for poor conduct, according to activists. 

As peacekeepers are under the control and direct leadership of their home military forces, the United Nations does not actually have that much power to enforce their behavior once they are on the ground. 

While UN Peacekeeping has a zero tolerance clause of sexual abuses within its code of conduct, it is only enforceable if the military command of the member state country taking part in the operation chooses to enforce it. Peacekeepers are protected from prosecution of sexual abuses as troops are traditionally granted jurisdictional immunity through Status of Forces Agreements in the countries where they operate. These agreements give peacekeepers absolute immunity within host countries and give exclusive jurisdiction to the peacekeeper’s nation of origin. If abuses occur, peacekeepers are held accountable to the rules and regulations of their country’s armed forces, not according the to the laws of the land where they serve. Trials are not held in civilian courts, but in military courts most often in the peacekeeper’s home country, not where the abuse occurred. This is a clear path to immunity from punishment, as men are tried by their peers in a context in which impartiality is questionable.

The lack of accountability inherent in this structure has contributed to poor reporting of sexual abuse as well as inconsistent prosecution of peacekeepers taking part in abuse. 

In January, five Uruguayan peacekeepers accused of the 2011 rape of a Haitian teenager were let off on a technicality in a Uruguayan courtroom, despite video evidence of the rape having taken place. In March, two UN peacekeepers from Pakistan were found guilty of raping a 14-year-old boy in Haiti. They were sentenced to just a year of prison in their home country. Overall, efforts at reform have been only Band-Aid fixes to systemic problems. Academics and international human rights groups like Amnesty International and Save the Children have called forgreater transparency, improvements to incident reporting and for the UN and its member states to reevaluate the conditions of jurisdictional immunity for peacekeepers committing human rights abuses in the communities they serve. Promising developments like the prioritization of diversifying peacekeeping forces, hiring female peacekeepers, and trying abuses in the country in which they are committed are steps forward. But the UN and its member states have much further to go to toward addressing the systemic problems that allow peacekeeping forces to commit and be complicit in sexual abuse in the world’s most vulnerable communities. 

So far this year, the UN has reported 22 allegations of sexual abuse—at least 10 of which were made against military or police personnel—and an unknown number of cases have gone unreported. 

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:04 pm

Posted by chev4206 on 09/15/2015
Yup, and the stupid mugs in the UK still fork out annually for a TV "licence" to fund the BBC even though it is financed by the EU, meaning it's no longer a public concern.


was the frontage of the old BBC building, since demolished.......

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:05 pm

Posted by lizardking on 09/25/2015

Ken Livingstone knew about Paedophile Rings for decades

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:05 pm

Posted by lizardking on 09/27/2015
US priests accused of sex abuse get a second chance by relocating to South America

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — The Catholic Church has allowed priests accused of sexually abusing children in the United States and Europe to relocate to poor parishes in South America, a yearlong GlobalPost investigation has found.

Reporters confronted five accused priests in as many countries: Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Peru. One priest who relocated to a poor parish in Peru admitted on camera to molesting a 13-year-old boy while working in the Jackson, Mississippi diocese. Another is currently under investigation in Brazil after allegations arose that he abused disadvantaged children living in an orphanage he founded there.

All five were able to continue working as priests, despite criminal investigations or cash payouts to alleged victims. All enjoyed the privilege, respect and unfettered access to young people that comes with being clergy members.

In the US, Catholic leaders have come under intense pressure for concealing priests’ sex crimes, and for transferring perpetrators among parishes rather than turning them over to law enforcement. The scandal has cost the church billions of dollars and led to a sharp decline in new clergy.
Victim advocates say that relocating priests to poorer parishes overseas is the church’s latest strategy for protecting its reputation.

In response, in 2002 US bishops approved a “zero-tolerance” policy, under which priests who molest children are no longer allowed a second chance to serve in the clergy.

Victim advocates say that relocating priests to poorer parishes overseas is the church’s latest strategy for protecting its reputation.

“As developed countries find it tougher to keep predator priests on the job, bishops are increasingly moving them to the developing world where there’s less vigorous law enforcement, less independent media and a greater power differential between priests and parishioners,” said David Clohessy, spokesman for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP. “This is massive, and my suspicion is that it’s becoming more and more pronounced.”
Reporter Will Carless shows women documents from the lawsuit against admitted child abuser Father Paul Madden outside the small church in Puerto Huarmey, Peru, where Madden had just celebrated mass. The women were not aware of the priest's past before GlobalPost spoke with them.

The priests GlobalPost confronted on camera, far from the US and European churches where the sexual abuse allegations occurred, include:

Father Carlos Urrutigoity, accused of sharing beds with and fondling teenage boys in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The bishop of Scranton called him a “serious threat to young people,” but in Paraguay, reporters found him leading Mass in a major church. He had been promoted to second-in-command of the diocese of Ciudad del Este.

Father Francisco “Fredy” Montero, accused of abusing a 4-year-old girl in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He relocated to his native Ecuador, where he was placed in a succession of remote parishes — despite a dossier sent by the Archdiocese of Minneapolis to his new diocese, warning of Montero’s past.

Father Paul Madden, who admitted molesting a 13-year-old boy on a mission trip when he was stationed in Jackson, Mississippi. The diocese paid the victim’s family $50,000 and Madden moved to the diocese of Chimbote, Peru, where he still celebrates Mass each week.

Father Jan Van Dael, accused of molesting several young men in his native Belgium before moving to northeastern Brazil, where he started an orphanage for street kids. Van Dael is under investigation by Belgian and Brazilian authorities after accusations of abuse arose in Brazil, too.

Another priest we tracked down, Father Federico Fernandez Baezap, was indicted by a grand jury in 1987 on two second-degree felony charges of indecency with a child.

The priests we tracked headed south after sex abuse allegations were made against them in US and European dioceses.

A family in San Antonio, Texas accused Fernandez in a civil lawsuit of ritually raping two brothers over a two-year period. Prosecutors dropped the criminal case after the diocese of San Antonio reportedly paid the family more than $1 million. Fernandez flew to Colombia, where he continued a high-profile career in the church. We traced him to the city of Cartagena, where he’s a senior administrator and priest at a Catholic university.

After consulting with Fernandez’s office, university guards prohibited us from entering the campus, and Fernandez has not responded to requests for comment.

The priests told us they have been allowed to continue preaching unfettered, without facing internal investigations, despite Pope Francis’ pledges to clean up the church.

Last year, the pope sent a letter to every bishop in the world, ordering them to follow a global “zero tolerance policy” on child abuse. This year he created a commission tasked specifically with protecting children from church sex abuse.

Following repeated phone calls and emails, both the Vatican’s press office and the head of the commission, Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, declined to provide comment for this story.

The cases GlobalPost found are exactly what the church and Cardinal O’Malley’s commission need to be focusing on, said Peter Saunders, an advocate for abuse survivors and a lay member of the church’s commission.

“Zero tolerance is meaningless unless it applies to the whole institution,” he said. “Arguably, some of the biggest problems are in the less well-off parts of the world, South America, Africa, the Far East. This is where we know many priests flee to in order to carry on their abuse, which is an absolute outrage.”

View the full investigation here.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:08 pm

Posted by rickscabrousdotcom on 10/07/2015
I learned a lot of creepy stuff about the CIA, satanism, and the most revered (and most loved!) TV personalities in Hollywood watching this vid. There's a good mix of facts and speculation, but I can't flatly discount any of it. These people don't get that far if they aren't either dirty or criminally complacent. The world of politics and celebrity is teeming with sickos, and who could guess how many victims 

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Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:09 pm

Posted by lizardking on 10/08/2015
Bishop escaped abuse charges after MPs and a royal backed him, court told

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 The-retired-bishop-peter

Peter Ball, former bishop of Lewes, sentenced to 32 months after admitting abuse of 18 young men between 1977 and 1992

A member of the royal family, a senior judge, cabinet ministers and public school headmasters all supported a Church of England bishop who escaped prosecution for sexual abuse 22 years ago, the Old Bailey has heard.

The scale of the backing of senior establishment figures when Peter Ball was first accused in 1993 by a vulnerable young man of sexual exploitation and abuse was revealed for the first time on Wednesday.

Ball, 83, was in court to be sentenced for 15 years of grooming, sexual exploitation and abuse of 18 vulnerable young men aged 17-25, who had come to him for spiritual guidance and inspiration between 1977 and 1992 when he was bishop of Lewes.

Jailing him for two years and eight months, Mr Justice Wilkie said Ball had abused his position as a senior member of the established church. “You pursued selected individuals to commit or submit to acts of physical or sexual debasement under the guise of it being part of an austere regime of devotion,” Wilkie said. “These acts were committed at your suggestion for your own sexual gratification.”

Ball, who counted the Prince of Wales as a loyal friend, had first been accused in 1993 by Neil Todd, who had attempted suicide three times as a result of his abuse, and went on to kill himself in 2012.

The police investigated and six other victims came forward. But support flooded in for Ball from within the establishment and he was never charged. Instead he received a caution for gross indecency, resigned his post as bishop and was allowed to continue officiating at ceremonies for many years by the then archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey.

Bobbie Cheema QC, prosecuting, said: “The police report that accompanied the papers sent to the CPS in 1993 after the police had done their work stated they had received telephone calls supportive of Peter Ball ‘from many dozens of people – including MPs, former public school headmasters, JPs and even a lord chief justice’”.

She said there were many more letters of support, including from cabinet ministers and a member of the royal family.

After accepting the caution, Ball resigned and rented a cottage on the Prince of Wales’s Duchy of Cornwall estate.

Clarence House in a statement said: “The Prince of Wales made no intervention in the judicial process on behalf of Peter Ball.”

The decision not to prosecute Ball was finalised by the then DPP, Barbara Mills, Cheema said.

At the time of the allegations, Ball told other young men in his charge that Todd’s story was “total fantasy” and tried to deter them from coming forward.

Todd’s sister, Mary Mills Knowles, said in a victim impact statement: “Neil had already made three attempts on his life in 1993 before he summoned the courage to speak out … The church wanted to sweep this under the carpet. They had no concern for Neil’s wellbeing. He was very distressed, vulnerable and distraught. He felt nobody believed him.”

He killed himself in 2012 – unable, she said, to bear the weight of what had happened to him when a new police inquiry began.

Ball was arrested and charged after the 2012 investigation. After months in which Ball attempted to avoid justice by pleading unfit to stand trial and arguing his role as a bishop was not a public office he finally admitted his years of offending last month.

He pleaded guity to misconduct in public office relating to the exploitation of 16 young men and two counts of indecent assault on two young men.

The court heard he ran a scheme to encourage young people to give a year of their life to the church, through which he met his victims, many of whom lived in his home.

Cheema said: “He was highly regarded as a godly man who had a special affinity with young people. The truth was that he used those 15 years in the position of bishop to identify, groom and exploit sensitive and vulnerable young men who came within his orbit.

“For him, religion was a cloak behind which he hid in order to satisfy his sexual interest in those who trusted him.”

The court heard the abuse included beatings, and victims who were in his sway were made to strip naked during baptisms in which Ball also was naked. One victim said he saw Ball as a “living saint”.

Another said: “It seemed to be the better-looking boys, we were taken from the chapel and we would then remove all our clothing and be naked in front of the bishop, in front of the altar, in front of God.”

Defending, Richard Smith QC said the offending was part of the former bishop’s “dark side”.

Bishop Paul Butler, lead bishop on safeguarding in the Church of England, said the case was a matter of “deep shame and regret”. “There are no excuses whatsoever for what took place and the systematic abuse of trust perpetrated by Peter Ball over decades,” he said. “We apologise unreservedly to those survivors of Peter Ball’s abuse and pay tribute to their bravery in coming forward.”

The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has commissioned an independent review of the way the church has handled the case.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:10 pm

Posted by lizardking on 10/10/2015
The Use and Abuse of Culture (and Children): The Human Terrain System’s Rationalization of Pedophilia in Afghanistan

Over the past eight years, news reports gradually revealed that Afghan soldiers and police officers allied with US military forces are sexually abusing young boys held against their will—sometimes on US military bases. Last month, Joseph Goldstein (2015) published a front page story in the New York Times under the headline “US Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies,” which opened with the disturbing story of Lance Corporal Gregory Buckley Jr., who was fatally shot along with two other Marines in 2012. Buckley was killed after he raised concerns about the American military’s tolerance of child sexual abuse practiced by Afghan police officers on the base where he was stationed in southern Afghanistan. Buckley’s father told the Times that “my son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

The Times story provides the now standard boilerplate narrative that adult men having sex with young boys–some as young as twelve years old–exemplify a culture complex known as bacha bazi, or “boy play.” But it also includes vignettes of US soldiers walking into rooms of Afghan men bedded with young boys, a young teenage girl raped by a militia commander while working in the fields, and the story of a former Special Forces Captain, Dan Quinn, who was disciplined after beating an Afghan militia commander who was “keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave” (Goldstein 2015). The article recounts a number of harsh disciplinary actions taken against other US soldiers and Marines who attempted to stop such abusive practices.

The military’s position is that these are local cultural practices, like differences in dress, diet, or musical preferences, and American forces should look the other way and not interfere with these cultural differences. According to a recent report by Shane Harris (2015), Marines are offered little direction if they witness rape or other forms of sexual abuse by local people in other countries. Harris obtained a copy of training materials in which sexual assault is explicitly described as a “cultural” phenomenon in Afghanistan.

Perhaps such revelations were predictable. A decade ago, the counterinsurgency doctrine developed by General David Petraeus and his associates was lauded by supporters as a kinder, gentler way of conducting war. They embraced the idea that the local populations of Iraq and Afghanistan were the “center of gravity,” a fulcrum upon which the fate of the US led occupations rested. The doctrine, most clearly expressed in US Army Field Manual Counterinsurgency: FM 3-24 (US Army 2007), required American forces to work with “host nation” allies (Iraqi tribal leaders in Anbar province, Afghan warlords opposed to the Taliban, etc.) whose beliefs and practices might be very different from those of US troops. Neither FM 3-24 nor any other doctrinal materials provided guidance for dealing with allies who regularly violated basic principles of human rights–or of human dignity for that matter. To make matters worse, the Petraeus doctrine clearly functioned in a top-down manner: soldiers and Marines were expected to set aside their better judgment and experience in order to conform to the demands of the new counterinsurgency.

What makes this topic somewhat tricky is the obvious fact that cultural beliefs and practices vary dramatically from one culture to another. A custom that is considered taboo in one place may be widely accepted or even encouraged elsewhere. Among the most significant contributions made by 20th century anthropologists was the idea of cultural relativism–the notion that each society should be viewed within its particular context, or understood on its own terms. But, as we discuss below, cultural relativism is not the same thing as moral relativism. There has been a surprising lack of inquiry into how American military officials who were obsessed with “cultural awareness” came to accept practices in which unwilling children were taken by Afghan police and militia leaders for sexual gratification.

Rationalizing Child Abuse

While much of this story remains unknown, there is some evidence that the US Army’s Human Terrain System (HTS) played a role in rationalizing pedophilia in Afghanistan, both within military circles and in the popular media’s discourse supporting the establishment of these policiesCounterPunch readers may remember HTS as an experimental and controversial counterinsurgency program that embedded social scientists with combat brigades in Iraq and Afghanistan. During its eight years of existence, the program cost tax payers more than $720 million, making it the most expensive social science project in history. It was fraught with ethical problems and was even condemned in 2007 by the American Anthropological Association. Earlier this year, one of us discovered that the Army quietly shelved the program in 2014 following accusations of fraud, mismanagement, and waste (González 2015).

An early public acknowledgment of the abusive practices of the US’s Afghan allies–and of American military anthropologists encouraging military acceptance of Afghan men having sex with boys–occurred on October 10, 2007 on a radio broadcast of The Diane Rehm ShowIn an interview, HTS’s Senior Social Science Advisor Montgomery McFate provided an account of how Human Terrain Teams had helped a US battalion accept these “cultural differences.” McFate (who holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from Yale University) said that HTS had raised intercultural awareness and acceptance of something she referred to as the NAMBLA-like sounding “Man-Boy Love Thursday.” She recounted this as a “humorous” story illustrating the role of Human Terrain Teams in establishing military interactions with local populations:

“I’m just laughing, because anthropologists are great believers in reflectivity and in understanding your own biases, and sometimes it can be somewhat challenging and humorous to try to teach those perspectives to the military. And I’ll just give one example from Afghanistan, which is that on the Forward Operating Base it was a common practice on Thursday afternoons for some of the older men to go off with some of the younger boys for a little hanky-panky in the bushes. And the Brigade asked the Human Terrain members: ’what’s up with Man-Boy Love Thursday—what is going on?’ And, you know, essentially the Brigade’s view was ‘we need to put a stop to this because it was wrong, it was [in a laughing voice] wrong, it, you know, violates our notion of what’s appropriate.’

And the Human Terrain Team members said, ‘you know, actually that’s part of Afghan culture and there’s not really much you can do about it. If you don’t like it, you can’t stop it. It’s just part of what they are. Don’t try and impose your values on the people you’re working with because you’re not going to change them.’ So [that’s] somewhat a humorous example.” (McFate quoted in “Anthropologists and War” 2007).

McFate’s public persona was that of a bohemian counterculturalist, and her indifferent depiction appears to have influenced rapt US military officials who began to view rampant pedophilia as little more than a cultural oddity. McFate’s glib summary of “Man-Boy Love Thursday” stands as an example of what happens when anthropology is stripped of its ethics for the sake of convenience. By peddling this cheap, tawdry version of social science for military consumption, McFate told her sponsors and the general public that anthropology could serve a useful role in the age of American Empire by simplifying the moral complications of invasion and occupation.

While the New York Times now deserves some credit for focusing critical attention on the current manifestation of “Man-Boy Love Thursdays,” for years, the newspaper played an essential role in portraying HTS in glowing terms. In 2007, the Times ran a sympathetic front-page story in which HTS’s supporters described the program as effective and even “brilliant” (Rohde 2007). The corporate media largely ignored critics of the program. Later that year, the Times followed up its feature story with an op-ed piece lauding HTS, as University of Chicago anthropologist Richard Shweder praised McFate’s program, writing, “Ms. McFate stressed her success at getting American soldiers to stop making moral judgments about a local Afghan cultural practice in which older men go off with younger boys on ‘love Thursdays’ and do some ‘hanky-panky.’ ‘Stop imposing your values on others,’ was the message for the American soldiers. She was way beyond ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ and I found it heartwarming” (Shweder 2007). Shweder did not fully understand what sort of program of cultural acceptance he found heartwarming, yet his ignorance helped HTS gain the public legitimacy it needed at a crucial moment when anthropologists who were critical of HTS found it impossible to be heard by the Times’s editorial board.

Turning a Blind Eye

Between 2009 and 2011, the US military created a situation in which official reports and documents effectively portrayed the sexual exploitation of children as a natural and acceptable part of Afghan culture.

In 2009 an unclassified Human Terrain Team report on “Pashtun Sexuality” was released to the public. The report, authored by AnnaMaria Cardinalli (who holds a Ph.D. in theology from Notre Dame University), argues that a vast number of Afghan men practice “a culturally-contrived homosexuality,” particularly with boys, which can be partly explained by “a long-standing cultural tradition in which boys are appreciated for physical beauty and apprenticed to older men for their sexual initiation” (Cardinalli 2009: 1,2). Cardinalli’s report suggests that US military personnel need to understand such dynamics as “an essential social force underlying Pashtun culture,” and although it acknowledges that these practices may involve “a great imbalance of power and/or authority to the disadvantage of the boy involved,” it casts doubt on “whether this can rightly be termed abusive when seen through a lens from within the culture” (Cardinalli 2009: 2).

Two years later, in 2011, the Army released a draft training handbook which explicitly advised US personnel to ignore abuses perpetrated by Afghan security officers. The handbook, entitled “A Crisis of Trust and Cultural Incompatibility,” was written by Major Jeffrey Bordin (2011). According to his LinkedIn page, Bordin has a Ph.D. in psychology and holds a “Human Terrain Team Leader” certification from the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (LinkedIn 2015). The draft handbook includes a list of “taboo conversation topics” that American soldiers should avoid, including “any criticism of pedophilia” and “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct.” Like Cardinalli, Bordin downplays child abuse as a cultural quirk. The handbook states: “Bottom line: Troops may experience social-cultural shock and/or discomfort when interacting [with Afghan security forces]. . .Better situational awareness/understanding of Afghan culture will help better prepare [American troops] to more effectively partner and to avoid cultural conflict“ (Bordin quoted in Nissenbaum 2011).

It is remarkable that HTS’s justifications of pederasty provoked so little media attention. By contrast, military narratives of the mistreatment of Afghan women by the Taliban were routinely recycled by a willing press after 2001, and many Americans came to believe that Afghan women needed to be saved from their own men. Curiously, US news organizations have largely ignored the mistreatment of women in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, or Pakistan–close allies of the United States.

In fact, Human Terrain Team analyses fit the preconceived off-the-shelf Orientalist stereotypes of Islamic societies critically dissected by the late Edward Said. One need look no further than the cover of Said’s Orientalism. It features Jean-Léon Gérôme’s painting The Snake Charmer, a romanticized portrayal of a nude boy dancing before tribal elders. The image neatly aligns with long-standing European notions of Oriental exoticism. (It is striking that European and American critics of pederasty often ignore the fact that it was practiced in the West for centuries–most famously in ancient Greece and Rome. Some suggest that the practice may have been introduced to Central Asia during the period of Alexander the Great, long before the arrival of Islam.) The “anthropological” information provided to the military by HTS frequently stressed such exoticism, while ignoring centuries of contact with the West, legacies of European colonialism, and the inequities of power relations that most anthropological analyses would address.

In any event, the reports by Cardinalli and Bordin were entirely consistent with the nonchalant attitude expressed by Montgomery McFate. In 2010, documentary film maker Adam Curtis (2010) blogged about a conversation he had with McFate. When Curtis asked her what she thought anthropology could provide to the military, she answered, “cultural relativism.” To illustrate, she told him about “Man-Boy Love Thursday,” saying:

The Americans running the base had decided it was wrong. They worried about elder men preying sexually on young boys. They wanted to arrest the Afghan men–but the Human Terrain team persuaded the base commanders that this was an accepted part of Afghan sexual culture. I wonder how long it will be before the anthropologists start telling the military that what they think of as ’corruption’ is in reality a deeply rooted system of tribal patronage in Afghanistan that they should accept.” (Curtis 2010)

Curtis was clearly disturbed by her response.

Cultural Relativism is Not Moral Relativism

The comments of McFate and other former HTS personnel such as Cardinalli and Bordin reveal a profound misunderstanding of anthropology–and of Afghan society. Perhaps the biggest problem is that the ideas expressed by Human Terrain Team members betray a basic misunderstanding about the differences between cultural relativism and moral relativism. The first is a basic anthropological recognition that all cultures have distinct beliefs and behaviors that are seen by members of the cultural as normal and proper. Given the universality of this arrangement anthropologists use cultural relativism to understand cultural differences in their own terms.

But moral relativism is another thing altogether. Moral relativism moves beyond the acknowledgment of cultural difference and refuses to engage with any evaluation of the morality of practices. In this context, pedophilia in contemporary Afghanistan cannot be separated from the American military’s presence there, as HTS’s pseudo-philosophers maintain. By adopting a position of moral relativism, the Human Terrain System pretends to remove itself and the US military from responsibility for these abusive acts occurring on American military bases. One can only wonder why, as they reached this position of moral relativism, HTS’s anthropologically-trained personnel blatantly disregarded the American Anthropological Association’s commitment to the principles of international human rights (AAA 1999; see also Engle 2001). Interestingly, Afghanistan’s president Ashraf Ghani–who holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from Columbia University–recently condemned the sexual abuse of children in his country and vowed to crack down on the abusers (Rosenberg 2015).

There are, of course, cultural differences in expressions of human sexuality. Indeed, the impacts of these cultural differences are significant, and include things like cultural constructions of acceptable sexual expressions, orientations, and consent. Culture’s impact on these elements of sexuality are real and important. But what is vital and missing from such militarized social science analysis is a central acknowledgment of the political context generating these analyses. Like most other things created in a context of military invasion and occupation, the studying and reporting on sexuality occurs through a fog of war obscuring and permeating the operationalization and analysis of that which is studied. In such contexts, what might be normalized descriptions of variations in sexual behavior are transformed by power relations, and efforts to de-exoticize cultural differences in these contexts becomes counterinsurgency intelligence, used not only to understand and accept, but to understand and control. In Afghanistan, these conditions created a cascading escalation of events where HTS personnel provided the rationalization needed to transform American military facilities into areas where US-backed allies raped and brutalized screaming children. These dynamics of rationalization are not unique to this war. As anthropologist Marshall Sahlins observed half a century ago in his essay “The Destruction of Conscience in Vietnam,” soldiers are often placed in a predicament where “all peripheral rationales fade into the background. It becomes a war of transcendent purpose, and in such a war all efforts on the side of Good are virtuous, and all deaths unfortunate necessity. The ends justify the means” (Sahlins 1966).

HTS’s efforts to absolve American officials of responsibility or agency in these reports of abduction and child rape places US soldiers in an impossible position: they are asked to pretend that US protection and sheltering of those undertaking these acts does not make them morally culpable, even when they bear witness to sexual exploitation, coercion, and abuse. Perhaps there is no clearer indication of the Human Terrain System’s moral bankruptcy than the second-hand effects of its reckless forms of “research,” which have a real human cost. As Afghan children suffer the consequences of official indifference in the face of sexual abuse, American soldiers are haunted by the moral guilt of enforced complacency as they endure yet another lie about the US-led occupation of Afghanistan.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:11 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 10/11/2015
Yet another music industry Jew turns out to be a Pedofile:


All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:35 pm


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The death of 13-month-old Poppi Worthington (above), in Cumbria in the UK, may be linked to a well protected child abuse ring.


In 2012, according to a judge, Poppi died 'after being sexually abused by her father Paul Worthington.'

There was a suspected cover-up by the authorities.

The Crown Prosecution Service decided not to press charges against anyone.

Paul Worthington remains a free man.


Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Worthington

A judge ruled that Poppi was sexually assaulted by her father, Paul Worthington, (above) and this led to her death in December 2012

In 1995, Paul Worthington was interviewed by the police, following an 'association with someone who may have committed offences against children'. 

In 2003, an unrelated allegation was made by his then stepson.

After Poppi's death, the police appeared to be trying not to collect any forensic evidence.

Poppi had broken legs.

Paul Worthington's laptop ‘went missing’.  

Detective Chief Inspector Mike Forrester, "would not permit even basic tests to be conducted, refusing to authorise forensic testing of any samples or items seized."

Cumbria police failed to use any individual with specialist knowledge of investigating sexual abuse.


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Virtually nothing was done to protect Poppi's three sisters and two brothers after Poppi's death.


In March 2014, a two-week fact-finding hearing was held at the High Court in London.

Justice Peter Jackson found in his judgment that Poppi died as a result of a penetrative assault inflicted upon her by her father.

The judge criticised police, social workers and the coroner.

However, the ruling was kept secret.

Cumbria County Council applied to the judge for a secrecy order to keep all facts about the death suppressed for 15 years.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

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Jimmy Savile, in the North West of England, in Cumbria.

There has been a lot of child abuse in Cumbria.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 3174574

The former Underley Hall School

We reported earlier:

A major criminal inquiry is under way into child abuse at residential schools across Cumbria - including South Lakeland.

Police probe child abuse claims

Detectives probing historic child abuse allegations are investigating a former South Lakeland school, Underley Hall School, in Kirkby Lonsdale.

Former South Lakes boarding school at centre of child ....

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Cumbria-map
Cumbria in North West England (www.itraveluk.co.uk/maps/england/cumbria/)

In late May 2010, David Sanger, 63, appeared in court, accused of eight counts of gross indecency against boys.

(Acclaimed organist David Sanger found dead)

On 29 May 2010, David Sanger's body was discovered by a police officer at a house in Embleton, near Cockermouth, in Cumbria.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Bird

Derick Bird, who shot dead 12 people.

On 2 June 2010, twelve people were killed when gunman Derrick Bird, a 52-year-old taxi driver, opened fire in several areas of Cumbria.

('Row' theory over Cumbria rampage )

Bird had worked for the spooks in Northern Ireland, reportedly.

codshit.com: Why Damaged Covert Operator Derek Bird ....

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 0+0+dylan

Dylan, who was found hanged at a UK children's home

On 20 October 2009 we learnt that 11 year old Dylan McDonald had been found hanged at a children's home, the Appletree Centre, in Cumbria in the UK.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Harry+Hucknall

Harry Hucknall.

In the UK, on 19 September 2001, 10 year-old Harry Hucknall was found hanged. (Tragic death of boy, 10 )

He was discovered by his next-door neighbour at his home in Dalton-in-Furness in Cumbria.

Harry was a pupil at George Romney Junior School.

He is related to singer Mick Hucknall.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Mother_child_smith
Lianne Smith and her daughter.

On 20th May 2010 we read about Lianne Smith.

Lianne Smith ran a nursery for children aged 3 to 6 in Barcelona.

In the UK, she was head of the Cumbria County Council department set up to protect children.

She reportedly killed her two young children, five-year-old Rebecca and 11-month-old Daniel, in a Spanish hotel.

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Steven Grieveson 

Steven Grieveson was convicted of the murders of four teenage boys in the city of Sunderland between 1993 and 1994.

Steven Grieveson was taken into care when he was 13.

He was sent to live at a children's care home in Cumbria in the UK.

Children's care homes are sometimes used by the elite as child brothels.


In 2013, a court in England heard that Steven Grieveson was gang raped in his youth and became a rent-boy.

Sunderland rent-boy

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David Grieff

There is a suspicion that Grieveson may be linked to some powerful and important people 

In 1996, Grieveson was convicted of murdering Thomas Kelly, 18, David Hanson, 15, and David Grieff, 15, in 1993 and 1994.

Initially, the police claimed that the deaths of these three boys were 'drugs' accidents.

Headteacher Jim Farnie, said the "vast majority" of people felt there was something "a lot more sinister" going on and their deaths were too much of a "coincidence" to be accidental.

It was eight months before the case was reviewed and it thenemerged that all three boys had been strangled.

BBC News - Steven Grieveson trial.

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Simon Martin

In 2013, Grieveson was found guilty of murdering 14-year-old Simon Martin.

"Mistakes in the initial investigation into Simon's death included a pathologist failing to spot strangulation marks on the teenager's neck and their theory that he had died within 48 hours of his body being discovered when in fact he had been dead for a week.

"Police also did not consider it might have been a sexual assault.

"Northumbria Police interviewed Grieveson, who had 12 criminal convictions at that point, three days after Simon's body was found because the pair had been seen together.

"Grieveson told them he had never been inside Gillside House and they took him at his word.

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"In 2000 a sample of DNA found at the scene underneath Simon's body was sent for analysis as part of a case review and matched to Grieveson.

He was subsequently arrested but not charged as the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said there was 'insufficient evidence'. 

He was only charged with Simon's murder in 2012.  

BBC News - Steven Grieveson trial.

Steven Grieveson was convicted of the murders of the four teenage boys in the city of  Sunderland from 1993 to 1994.

Last edited by lizardking on Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:28 pm


Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Image

Thatcher, Hogg (Hailsham), Brittan, Joseph.

In 1971, Brian Reader broke into a bank vault in London.

In one safe-deposit box, he found pictures of a top Conservative sexually abusing children.

Hatton Garden Heist leader 'found sick pics of Tory child abuser'.

Brian Reader says that one box belonged to Quintin Hogg, the Lord Chancellor, the head of the judiciary.

Bank job that opened the door on a sex scandal

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Brian-Reader

Brian Reader

Brian Reader left the pictures for the police to find.

But the Conservative politician's crimes were covered up.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Lloyds-Bank-1971

Lloyds Bank, Baker Street and Marylebone Road, was robbed by Reader.

The Government "forced the media to stop reporting on the burglary."

It is believed that the UK political parties, the UK security services, the UK military, the UK media and the UK criminal justice system are all linked to child abuse rings.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 75px-Lord_Bramall

Quintin Hogg was a Knight of the Garter, as is Edwin Bramall, Baron Bramall.

In 1932, Quinton Hogg's half brother, Edward Marjoribanks, was found shot dead in the billiard room in the home of his stepfather, Lord Hailsham.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:18 pm

[ORIGINAL RESEARCH] The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies

Two high profile pedophilia cases have come to light in recent years, the abuses of Jerry Sandusky at Penn State and those of famed British entertainer Jimmy Savile. While both cases certainly garnered their fair share of media attention, their time in the spotlight has ended and we are led to believe that their horrific abuses were the result of a lone pedophile preying on children, while esteemed institutions turned a blind eye to their discretions.

Occasionally, however, the media would pick up on a story such as “Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring” 1, EXPRESS UK, or “Jerry Sandusky was part of pedophile ring, victim claims” 2, GLOBAL POST. These stories seem absurd at first glance. Yet if they are investigated further, we are lead down a horrific and disturbing rabbit hole of pedophiles populating positions of power in government, finance, and entertainment.

This post will lay out the evidence for an international pedophile ring of massive proportions. The information contained within is of tremendous importance, for we are sitting on our very own modern holocaust, a holocaust of children. I promise that this statement is by no means an exaggeration, and urge you to not be scared away by these walls of text, which are as concise as possible while still conveying the necessary information. Throughout, I will be completely transparent with my sources, and will not beat you over the head with conclusions, but rather present you with evidence and let you decide for yourselves.


I will begin in Belgium, with a case known as the Dutroux affair. This case is important because it illustrates how investigations can be undermined by a cabal able to place its members in crucial positions of power, and how powerful people can be implicated in abusing children. The Dutroux affair is was covered extensively by the mainstream media, 3, NY TIMES, I use the MSM as most of my sources and was HUGE 4, NY TIMES news in Belgium, where 350,000 people took the streets to protest the handling of the case, known as the famous White March, from a nation of just 10 million.

The case begins in 1995, when multiple young girls began disappearing around the area of Bertrix. Young girls had been disappearing in this area for a couple of years but the BOB (equivalent of the FBI) was unable to develop any solid leads. A breakthrough was made when a suspicious white van was reported, and the police were able to trace it to Marc Dutroux, a known pedophile. Dutroux had been released from prison just a few years earlier, after serving a third of his sentence, despite reservations among those involved in the hearing and his own mother, who had warned the parole board that he would certainly cause harm again 5, BBC. It was also revealed that Dutroux, though unemployed and receiving welfare from the state, owned seven homes and lived quite lavishly 6, NBC, from his involvement in selling children and child porn. It turns out that his mother was right, and Dutroux was responsible for the recent abductions. Girls as young as 8 reportedly starved to death in a makeshift dungeon in his basement, after months of sexual abuse 7, GUARDIAN UK.

The horrible transgressions committed by Dutroux are widely available knowledge and thoroughly documented, and though disturbing, are not important enough to focus on this case. Now, I will attempt to highlight the incompetence of the investigating police, and the subsequent cover-up of evidence by the state. Police had investigated Dutroux multiple times without any arrests. Once, they entered his home and witnessed the outside of a makeshift dungeon in his basement, while two girls were being held and starved inside. They even reported hearing voices, though they said they believed Dutroux's story that the voices were coming from the street outside 8, FOX NEWS. Police ignored a tip from an informant, who said that Dutroux offered him between 3,000 and 5,000 dollars to kidnap young girls 9, CRIME LIBRARY. Again and again, police failed to act on information, or acted with complete incompetence. Incredibly, Police had in their possession a video tape of Dutroux constructing the makeshift dungeon in one of his basements, and would have saved the lives of two girls who were being tortured while the police held on to the evidence, had they viewed the video tape and acted on it 10, GUARDIAN UK.

By September 1996, the official body count had reached 8, and public outrage over police incompetence mounted 11, GUARDIAN UK. Why had a known pedophile been released so early from his original prison term, and allowed to terrify a country while the police stumbled about, seemingly complicit in the carnage?

When the case transferred from the police to the courts, the coverup became much more egregious. The lead prosecutor, Jean-Marc Conorrette, was dismissed from the case, which drew huge criticism from across the nation 12, NY TIMES. Conorette became a hero because it was his initiative that led to the police actually finding two girls in Dutroux's captivity. He also was instrumental in finding the bodies of four more girls. Conorette would later break down in tears in court while describing the death threats he received when he was still involved with the investigation 13, TELGRAPH UK.

Fuel to the fire would be added when a highly regarded childrens activist, Marie France Botte, claimed that prosecutors were sitting on a politically sensitive list of high profile customers of Dutrouxs thousands of video tapes 14, LA TIMES.

Marc Verwilghen, the Flemish parliamentarian who became the most popular politician in the country after leading the inquiry into Dutroux, claimed that many in the Belgian establishment, including heads of government, refused to cooperate, and sought to stifle and ridicule his report. He claimed that magistrates and police were officially told to not answer certain questions, in what he described as a 'characteristic smothering operation'. He was further quoted as saying 'For me, the Dutroux affair is a question of organized crime'. 15, GUARDIAN UK. A parliamentary panel revealed the names of 30 government officials it said were complicit in the hiding of Dutrouxs misdeeds, none have been punished 16.

The most important information on the case comes from a victim of Dutroux. Regina Louf was the first to come forward, and was candid about the abuse she received at the hands of Belgiums child abuse networks. In 1996, she named and described in great detail, to a specially assembled police team, the people and places involved in the paedophile ring. Senior judges, one of the country's most powerful politicians - now dead - and a very influential banker were included. 17, BBC. The BBC article [17] says, “The sessions not only involved sex, they included sadism, torture and murder; and again, she described in detail, the place, the victims and how they were killed.” She corroborated that one of Dutrouxs associates, Jean-Michel Nihoul, was instrumental in the abuse parties. "At these parties Nihoul was a sort of party beast while Dutroux was more on the side." Nihoul had significant connections among Belgian political and financial elite. He confessed to organizing an orgy at a Belgian chateau attended by government officials 18, TELEGRAPH UK. It emerged that Dutroux and Nihoul were part of a long distance child trafficking ring that imported children from Slovakia 19, BBC.

Lets get back to the questioning of the witnesses. The primary witnesses to step forward all suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder. In 98% of DID cases, the person suffered extreme sexual abuse as a child 20, MERCK WEBSITE. The abuse that the Dutroux witnesses attested to is beyond comprehension. Louf, and other witnesses, recounted being raped by dogs and snakes, and being forced to witness the murders of other children which were captured on video tape 21, REGINA LOUFS BOOK. That Louf spoke the truth about witnessing these murders is laid out HERE in an excellent manner. She gave a tremendous amount of detail to her prosecutors that she simply could not have known without being there herself, and there is simply way too much evidence to lay it out here. I recommend reading the whole page, which is as long as a short book, as the research is simply phenomenal. She also reported being involved with Satanic rituals, which I will address in greater detail later in the post.

Despite evidence that linked Dutroux and Nihoul to abuse parties and murder snuff films, the prosecutor that replaced Conorette, Jacques Langlois, completely dismantled the investigation. He sent police out on false tips and helped spread disinformation in the media. Although nearly 100 high profile people in government, religion, entertainment and finance being accused of involvement in child abuse 22, ISGP, no one of significance other than Dutroux was ever jailed. 9 police officers would eventually be arrested in connection with the murders but none of their superiors. [THIS LIST, ISGP]%28https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/dutroux/Belgian_X_dossiers_alleged_assassinations.htm]23, LA TIMES contains dozens of suspicious deaths among those who were helping the case. I have only presented a small picture of what amounts to a mountain of documentation on Dutroux. For further reading, look HERE, ISGP and HERE, CRIME LIBRARY.

I understand that my discussion on the Dutroux affair does not validate any of the claims in the title of this post. It is only one small piece of the puzzle. It shows how, from the bottom level of police work to the top level of prosecution politics, people complicit with pedophiles can be placed into key positions to ensure that investigations never bear fruit. Now I will briefly highlight pedophile rings that operated parallel to Dutrouxs during the same time period, again in which no high level officials were brought to justice, although they undeniable participated, to illustrate how widespread the child porn and child abuse epidemic is. I will then move on to more important cases. In Latvia, three top officials, including the Prime Minister, were named in connection with a pedophile ring in which 2000 children in the country were abused 24, LA TIMES. An online ring known as Wonderland was busted and yielded 750,000 images of children 25 BBC. From the article [25]: “Wonderland originated in the United States but also operated in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Britain.” None of the men charged in relation to the ring served more than 30 months in jail, and only two were put on the sex offenders registry (in the year 2000!!!) 26, GUARDIAN UK. A child porn ring in Mexico was busted and said to have thousands of clients in the United States 27, BBC. Child porn videos reportedly made a Russian ring 410 million dollars being sold in Germany, Italy, and the United States 28, GUARDIAN UK. A Dutch ring was discovered in which images and videos of abuse of infants were circulated 29, NY TIMES. A magistrate leading an investigation into an Italian pedophile ring denounced what he called a “paedophile lobby” of powerful politicians which he said openly obstructed his investigation 30, INDEPENDANT UK. French police arrested 250 people associated with child pornography within a year of the Dutroux affair [31, NY TIMES](http://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/14/world/french-police-arrest-250-men-linked-to-child-pornography-ring.html


From here on out the post gets more surreal. These child abuse and pedophile rings are not by any means limited to Europe. Rather, the United States has perhaps the biggest child trafficking epidemic in the world. It is important to note, before I begin the next segment of this post, that the FBI does not track statistics for missing children. Of all the statistics it keeps tabs on, rape, homicide, domestic abuse, what amounts to perhaps the single most important one in terms of citizen safety is ominously missing. Perhaps they simply do not want us to know how bad the epidemic is? It should also be noted that FBI prosecution of major child trafficking rings had been virtually non-existant.

Take a good look at THIS, WASHINGTON TIMES frontpage story, published on June 29, 1989. The first chapter reads: “A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides, and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washingtons political elite, documents obtained by The Washington Times revealed.” The story never fully hit the streets, as agents grabbed the copies from newstands in the early hours of the morning. Another good article for background before I move on to American organized pedophilia and satanism is THIS, CHICAGO TRIBUNE. The first paragraph reads: “All nine children tell the same story, a grisly tale of being taken out of school and abused in a blue house. They name the same culprit, a school administrator who, they say, performs satanic rituals as part of his twisted routine. In the 14 months since the first child came forward, police said they have conducted 150 interviews and cannot substantiate the claims of the children, who range in age from 5 to 9. Prosecutor Stanley Levco is more blunt: He doesn`t believe them, and he plans to publicly clear the accused.”

I will now talk about America's own Dutroux affair, which began in Lincoln, Nebraska, in the late 1980s. A good part of the story, minus the satanism aspect, is covered in a documentary called The Conspiracy of Silence. The documentary was set to air on the Discovery Channel in 1994 but at the last minute, it was pulled and destroyed. We only have access to it now because of a “cutting room copy” leak a year later. The story begins with Omaha businessman Lawrence King, who was a rising star in the Republican party at the time. In 1988, it was revealed that he had diverted millions of dollars from the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, the investigation of which spawned an investigation into a pedophilia ring of mind blowing proportions 32, OMAHA WORLD HERALD. Soon enough, investigators into the embezzlement scandal began receiving reports of sexual abuse 33, NY TIMES. Omaha newspapers were running stories of how young boys from Boystown were being prostituted among local business leaders and sometimes traveled to Washington. Parties would include sex, and abuse such as “beatings with extension cords while naked”[33]. Immediately, the FBI began claiming that there was no substance to the sexual abuse allegations 34, OMAHA WORLD HERALD. The stories of the victims told a drastically different story. “The older sister alleged that King arranged for her to fly to parties in Washington, D.C., and other cities where men engaged her in sexual activity,”35, OMAHA WORLD HERALD. Apparently, the abused were all foster children, and they would miss weeks of school each year taking these trips [35].

The head of the investigative committee, known as the Franklin Comittee, Gary Carodori, was also convinced of the rampant child abuse and was determined to bring perpetrators to justice. As a side note, you can view Caradori's interviews with the victims here. Early on in the investigation, Gary Caradori would meet an untimely death, during a flight on his way to Chicago to review new evidence. There was a scattered wreckage pattern, indicating that the plane broke apart in the air, and not upon impact 36, OMAHA WORLD HERALD. The new head investigator would repeatedly lead the committee in the wrong direction, away from child abuse and satanic ritual claims. A state senator resigned from the investigative committee and said, “"I really don't think the things Larry King knew will ever be made public,” 38, OMAHA WORLD HERALD. He also cited concerns about the change in leadership.

A New York Times article 39 confirms that state investigators were given thousands of files regarding sexual abuse from children and testimonies from people involved in the foster care and education system. What happened next is amazing. Instead of indighting the accused perpetrators to develop cases against them, Grand Juries twice ordered the thousands of files to be sealed, and then brought charges of perjury against some of the victims! 40,SALEM NEWS. The mainstream media did their part to defend the grand jury and to marginalize the testimonies of the victims Example, NY TIMES. One of the victims was sentenced to 9-15 years in prison, and spent two years in solitary confinement!!! [40]. 8 years later the woman in question, Alisha Owen, was denied a hearing to commute her sentence 41, OMAHA WORLD HERALD. Lawrence King, however, would leave prison after just 10 years, being found guilty only of financial crimes 42, OMAHA WORLD HERALD. As with the Dutroux affair, I have again only shown a small portion of a truly mind blowing and exceptionally well documented story. Many victims in their interviews cited being forced to participate in satanic rituals, and had named King as a participant. What I hope I have laid out here is that there are certainly child prostitution rings in the United States and that kids are transported across the country for high profile customers. When people get in the way of these activities, they are silenced or killed. To learn more about the Franklin Coverup (and there is a lot more to learn!!), read this book by John DeCamp, watch this documentary, and view this website which has a great collection of information.

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Post by lizardking Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:23 pm


Unfortunately, the next step in this expose takes us to truly bizarre and disturbing places. A particularly disturbing child abuse case involving a military day care center came to light in 1987 43, NEW YORK TIMES. Allegations of abuse involving 60 children, some infants, surfaced at the Presidio military base in San Francisco. I would like to point out that this article claims that child abuse allegations had surfaced at more than 30(!!!) military day care centers across the country in the previous 3(!!!!) years before its publishing, including some of the most esteemed bases such as West Point and Fort Dix. It would be impossible to lay out the cases for each one here, but I would like to share this quote from the San Jose Mercury News: “Children at West Point told stories that would become horrifyingly familiar. They said they had been ritually abused. They said they had had excrement smeared on their bodies and been forced to eat feces and drink urine. They said they were taken away from the day care center and photographed. “ [44]. At the Presidio, at least 4 children were found to have chlamydia, and up to 60 had shown clear signs of abuse. The most important exposes into the Presidio case were written by Linda Goldston of the San Jose Mercury News. In an article titled 44, “Abuse Case at Presidio Quietly Closed By U.S.”, the events are told in chilling detail. The first victims to come forward were aged 3 and 4. Interestingly, the Presidio child care center was not closed until over a year after these allegations came to light. Initially charges were only brought against one man, Gary Hambright, a civilian employee. Later, however, it was revealed that police were investigating a man named Michael Aquino, a Lt. Col. Aquino was the founder of a satanic church known as The Temple of Set. Army documents showed that children were often taken on unnanounced trips outside the center, and many children could accurately describe Aquinos house. The search of Aquinos house got investigators thousands of videos and photographs, and what appeared to be a soundproof room, but charged were never brought against him. [44]

The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 45 wrote an extensive analysis of the victims of the Presidio. They stated: “The severity of the trauma for children at the Presidio was immediately manifest in clear cut symptoms. Before the abuse was exposed, parents had already noticed the following changes in their children: vaginal discharge, genital soreness, rashes, fear of the dark, sleep disturbances, nightmares, sexually provocative language, and sexually inappropriate behavior. In addition, the children were exhibiting other radical changes in behavior, including temper outbursts, sudden mood shifts, and poor impulse control. All these behavioral symptoms are to be expected in preschool children who have been molested.” [45]

The San Jose Mercury News expanded on the story a few months later with an article titled Army of the Night, 46. This article dives into the satanic aspect of the child abuse at the Presidio. Satanism had apparently surfaced at the Presidio years earlier. Military Police had investigated some buildings after reports of a man dressed in all black holding a little girls hand had been reported. An MP was recorded as saying: “We kicked the door open and here's this nice little bedroom. In a corner was a mannequin with a gun aimed at the door. On the left side there was a bunk against the wall. There was a pentagram on the floor, a huge one. There were dolls' heads all over the ceiling, just off-the-wall stuff... We were sitting there, we've got a cult on the Presidio of San Francisco and nobody cares about it. We were told by the provost marshal to just forget about it.” As a side note, in February 1987, Aquino appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show and gave a passionate defense of his Satanic beliefs. On the Autumnal equinox of 1987, an occult day of importance, fire would strike a building adjacent to the day care center, destroying many records relating to the center. A month later, fire would destroy the day care center itself. The ATF found that the causes of both fires had been arson, contrary to the Army which claimed faulty wiring. Prosecutors would once again bring charges against Gary Hambright, but suspiciously they did not include the allegations of children with serious documented abuse such as missing hymens and rectal lesions. Apparently the children were chosen on the basis of who would make the best witnesses. The strategy did not pan out, the judge ruled the charges as “too vague” and Hambright walked free, and no charges were again brought against the Presidio military base day care center [46].


The next case I will address is known as the McMartin Preschool abuse scandal. But before I delve into that, I need to address the False Memories Syndrome Foundation, FMSF. They are a prominent group promoting the idea that children who claim they have been abused in satanic rituals have either wild imaginations, or were prodded along by zealot psychologists. They have been tremendously successful in their mission. Recently a Reddit post promoting the false memory theory received over 2000 upvotes in r/TIL. Members of FMSF have been called to appear as expert witnesses in dozens of court cases. I have already established that there have been hundreds of different children reporting satanic abuse not only across the country, but in different continents as well. This alone should be enough to make the false memory theory very flimsy. However, there is a lot more interesting information about the FMSF to discuss. A huge amount of members of the FMSF have not only been accused of pedophilia themselves, but are also a part of the military industrial complex. Peter J. Freyd founded the FMSF after being accused of sexual abuse by his daughter. David Dinges, a member of the scientific advisory board of the FMSF, was involved with Navy Intelligence. Harold Leif was involved with CIA mind control experiments. Paul McHugh has been a very vocal critic of Dissociative Identity Disorder and has worked at many military hospitals. Martin T. Orne was funded by MKULTRA Harvard Crimson. Ralph Underwager claimed it was 'gods will' when adults engage in sex with children. There are more suspicious members of the FMSF but I feel that this list suffices. I will end this paragraph with a quote from the Columbia Journalism Review: "Rarely has such a strange and little-understood organization had such a profound effect on media coverage of such a controversial matter. The [False Memory Syndrome] foundation is an aggressive, well-financed PR machine adept at manipulating the press, harassing its critics, and mobilizing a diverse army of psychiatrists, outspoken academics, expert defense witnesses, litigious lawyers, Freud bashers, critics of psychotherapy, and devastated parents.”


Now, on to the McMartin Preschool case. The McMartin preschool, located in California, was the center of a massive child prostitution and pornography ring, and appears to be the center of an equally massive coverup. Concerns began in August 1983, when a mother told police that her two year old son had been sexually abused 47, LA TIMES. By 1984, 360 children had come forward claiming abuse 48, NY TIMES. A significant number showed physical evidence of abuse 49, NY TIMES. These kids also described wild satanic rituals they were forced to participate it, such as eating feces, necrophilia and coprophilia, with some claims as bizarre as a babies head being chopped off, and being forced to drink the blood 50. CRIME LIBRARY. The children told stories of being transported in underground tunnels. The mainstream media did their best to discredit the tunnel theory. However, archeologist E. Gary Stickel, PhD conducted a study of the McMartin preschool grounds, which you can read here. The survey was conducted in 1990, after the property had been sold, and long after charges against the abuse perpetrators had been dropped, and the victims thoroughly marginalized in the mainstream media, with help from the FSMF. Stickel found two extensive tunnel complex systems underneath the preschool, which accurately reflected the testimonies given by the children. In summation, the media and government would have us believe that 360 children all invented false memories of horrific satanic abuse, of participating in rituals in which adults sheathed in black ceremonial robes uttered chants, that they lied about being transported for prostitution across town, and that they lied about being photographed and videotaped for child pornography, despite verification of physical abuse in most of the children as well as the existence of tunnels under the complex. Again, the victims were marginalized in the press, the FBI denied any legitimate claims, the prosecution harassed victims endlessly in court, and all charges were eventually dropped.


In 1987 the New York Times ran a story, 51 about a little known cult called “The Finders”. The first paragraph reads: “Police officials here said today that six disheveled children found in Tallahassee, Fla., might be the offspring of members of a little-known cult, but the officials said they had not ruled out the possibility of kidnapping.” The Finders had previously been described in the media: “In appearance, the Finders—mostly middle-aged men, always in dark suits—wouldn’t be out of place managing a local funeral home. But the behavior of the handful of adherents has people wondering whether they arrived by flying saucer. Townspeople say the Finders constantly walk the streets, following people home and taking extensive notes and pictures. They often appear at local council meetings, never saying a word but simply observing the scene. At other times, they plunder the visitor’s center of brochures, maps, and local travel guides. And they haunt the courthouse, scouring land deeds to find out who owns the local real estate,” 52, WASHINGTON CITY PAPER. Who are these suspicious people, and what were they doing with 6 undocumented children, transporting them across the country? The children were found to show signs of sexual abuse 53, CHICAGO TRIBUNE. Customs agents raided one the Finders compounds, and found detailed instructions on obtaining children for unknown purposes and several photographs of nude children 54, US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT .The US News and World Report article continues: “The more the police learned about the Finders, the more bizarre they seemed: There were suggestions of child abuse, Satanism, dealing in pornography and ritualistic animal slaughter. None of the allegations was ever proved, however. The child abuse charges against the two men in Tallahassee were dropped.” The stories about The Finders quickly died down, but would not disappear entirely, as rumors linking The Finders to the CIA persisted. According to the US News and World Report, “Customs Service documents reveal that in 1987, when Customs agents sought to examine the evidence gathered by Washington, D.C., police, they were told that the Finders investigation 'had become a CIA internal matter.' The police report on the case had been classified secret,” [54] Florida congressman Tom Lewis was quoted as saying: “'Could our own government have something to do with this Finders organization and turned their backs on these children? That's what all the evidence points to," says Lewis. "And there's a lot of evidence. I can tell you this: We've got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldn't be happening if there was nothing here.'“ A connection was produced, and confirmed by the CIA: A firm that provided computer training to CIA officers also employed several members of the Finders. Anyone researching the CIA will come to the conclusion that the organization does not contract training out to other sources, it only ever creates proprietary organizations.

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Post by lizardking Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:24 pm

From jonrappoport.wordpress.com:

 “Vatican reveals how many priests defrocked for sex abuse since 2004”:

“The Vatican revealed Tuesday that over the past decade, it has defrocked 848 priests who raped or molested children and sanctioned another 2,572 with lesser penalties, providing the first ever breakdown of how it handled the more than 3,400 cases of abuse reported to the Holy See since 2004.”

Yes, and how many cases have gone unreported, or were concealed by the Church? Notice, too, the penalties for the criminal priests: being fired from the job (defrocking), and “lesser” discomforts (lifetime penance and prayer).

The current Pope has spoken out against these crimes, but what has he actually done about them?

Time Magazine, February 11, 2016, “Catholic Church Tells Bishops They Are Not Obliged to Disclose Child Sex Abuse: Report”:

“The Catholic Church is allegedly telling newly ordained bishops that they have no obligation to report child-sexual-abuse allegations to law-enforcement officials, saying instead that the decision to take such claims to the authorities should be left to victims and their families.

“The policy was first reported by a veteran Vatican journalist at Catholic news website Crux, who cited a presentation given by French Monsignor Tony Anatrella.

“Anatrella, a consultant to the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, also authored a training document for new bishops released by Church authorities last week, in which similar guidelines are laid out.

‘“According to the state of civil laws of each country where reporting is obligatory, it is not necessarily the duty of the bishop to report suspects to authorities, the police or state prosecutors in the moment when they are made aware of crimes or sinful deeds,’ his document states, according to a citation in the Guardian.”

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Post by lizardking Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:03 am


Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Jepps

Natalie Bennett met her partner Jim Jepps after reading his blog, revealing to herlocal paper how “he blogged something about me which was wrong so I corrected him”. Yet on that very same blog, Jepps, a far-left activist, makes a series ofdisturbing comments about rape fantasies, kidnap and murder fanfiction, paedophillia, “childhood sexuality” and sex between teachers and pupils.

In a blog about rape fantasies, the partner of the Green leader, whose party claim in their manifesto that they want to “work to change attitudes towardsrape“, argues:
“Some people have rape fantasies, they do, it’s a fact. It does not mean they actually want to rape or be raped they are simply drawing from the deep, dark well of sexuality and if you are one of them it does not make you a bad person and you shouldn’t spend even one second feeling guilty about those fantasies.”

In another blogpost, titled “Even monsters have feelings”, about Natascha Kampusch, the Austrian girl who was abducted aged 10, held captive and repeatedly raped, Jepps claims: “even in the horrors of Natascha Kampusch’s imprisonment mundanity, kindness and laughter were still present… These are two people who had a long term and human relationship”.

Jepps also ran a poll on his blog titled “Sex with pupils – good idea / bad idea?”, writing “Personally I’m ambivalent”Parents and the law however are not…

Commenting on a news story about a 16 year old girl who was banned from wearing a chastity ring at school, Jepps writes: “It will also make it so much harder for her to get educated about the facts of life, or learn how to f**k properly”.

And in a bizarre blogpost headlined “Would you drink tea made by a paedophile?”, Jepps argues that we should still be able to enjoy the books of a man convicted of sexually abusing girls as young as four. He wrote:

“We can burn these books as a public statement against the author (who is in jail for his crimes) or try to understand that whatever monstrous acts individuals commit they are still complex human beings for all that. Good, evil, interesting and banal by turns – not devils who can taint everything they touch with evil.”

Jepps also blogged about fan fiction featuring the pop group Girls Aloud. He describes the content as “about the famous girl band members being kidnapped, raped and murdered”. He comments: “Personally I didn’t find it that shocking”.

In another blogpost headlined “Childhood Sexuality”, Jepps describes his“sexual” feelings towards a six year old girl when he was the same age. He writes:

“I remember inviting [girl’s name withheld] to my birthday party (around the sixth I think)… I’m absolutely certain there was an unseen sexual element to my invitation, although I would not have been thinking beyond a light snog or perhaps even a spot of hand holding… I think this example shows is that even at a young age I was not adverse to hand holding, kissing the bride and generally being seen to hang around with girls… and I’m fairly sure my motives were not always so innocent… Whilst it’s clear I had sexual feelings as a child these were not the terrible all consuming passions of later life – and although they contained neither the intensity, depth nor carnality of adult life they were very real and important to me at the time.”

Natalie Bennett has refused to comment, despite having full knowledge of the blog. A Green Party spokesman says: “The party does not endorse the views expressed and would not want to be associated with them. Jim Jepps has not been a member of the party since 2012”. An apologist for rape fantasists and paedophiles just lives with their leader Natalie Bennett…

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Post by lizardking Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:06 pm

Max Keiser talks to investigative journalist and author Leah McGrath Goodman about her being banned from the UK for reporting on the Jersey sex and murder scandal. They discuss the $5 billion per square mile in laundered money that means Jersey rises, while Switzerland sinks. The nonexistent mainstream media coverage and ban on some literature to keep the sleepy islanders unaware, investigating police officers removed and an official jailed who called for the truth to be outed.

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Post by lizardking Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:39 pm

Former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone knew about Paedophile Rings for decades

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Post by lizardking Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:11 pm

Clinton’s War on Women

Sophie Shevardnadze: Roger Stone, political strategist, former advisor to presidents Nixon, Reagan, to candidate Donald Trump.. Now, you’ve just pen a book, called “Clinton’s war on women”, where you alleged that a lot of, frankly, sensational things about the personal lives of Bill and HIllary Clinton. For instance, you claim that Clintons systematically abused women, sexually and physically. Do you mean to say they rape and beat them? I mean, is that what you’re saying?

Roger Stone: Well, Hillary Clinton’s running for president of the U.S., claiming to be an advocate for women and that’s true - unless you’re one of those women unlucky enough to have been sexually assaulted by her husband. Eileen Wellstone, Juanita Broaddrick, Carolyn Moffet, Liz Ward, Becky Brown, Helen Dowdy, Polly Jones, Cathy Ferguson, Christy Zercher, Kathy Willey - I could go on, because they are in the hundreds. These women have been sexually assaulted by Bill and then it is Hillary Clinton, as I establish in my book, who hires the heavy-handed private detectives to then threaten those women, to intimidate them into silence, so they don’t get in the way of the Clinton’s rise to power and wealth.

SS: Okay, so, mr. Stone, I guess the important question here is where do you get this information from?

RS: From the women themselves. They’ve all been interviewed, extensively. Unfortunately here, in the mainstream media in the U.S., through most of the 90s you had a very substantial media blackout, but Juanita Broaddrick, for example, spoke about her horrific rape at the hands of Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton not only raped her but he bit her upper lip, almost bit it through as a bid to be silenced. She said this on NBC in an interview with Lisa Myers. She said it with Sean Hannity on Fox News network. Unfortunately, many in the mainstream media, in the thrall of the Clintons, didn’t cover it. But, it happened, and no one has been able to disprove it. One of the great canards that comes from the Clinton’s supporters is that they say: “Oh, that’s all been discredited and has been disproved” - actually, none of it has been discredited, none of it has been disproved. We also reveal in the book that Hillary has been physically abusive of her husband.

SS: Hold on, hold on, before we get to that point, I want to ask you, because, you know, these are very serious allegations, okay? So, why are we only hearing about them now, and, honestly, where is the guarantee that, you know, these women telling these stories, they are true? How can you trust them?

RS: It’s kinda like Bill Cosby: if there were one or two women, you might guess. I interviewed 27 women who tell an identical story. These women have not even spoke to each other in many cases. Here, in the U.S., when you publish a book like this, you can be sued. My lawyers, for the publisher, have gone through every word, my book is carefully documented with footnotes and sources. I stand behind my book and let the book speak for itself. Last week, Hillary Clinton put out a video designed for college rape victims and she said, and I quote: “You deserve to be believed”. Why are those women different from these women who have been sexually assaulted by her husband? Why are we just hearing about it now? Because the mainstream media in this country has blocked this information. It’s a very sad thing, but it’s true. These women are available, they talk to other reporters, all these things have been reported elsewhere, but they don’t get picked up by CBS.

SS: How come they didn’t block Monica Lewinsky but they block all these other women from telling their story?

RS: Because Monica Lewinsky’s relationship with Bill Clinton was a consensual relationship. My book is not about consensual sex. I am libertine, I understand consensual sex between adults…

SS: No, no, hold on, that’s not the point of my question. The point of my question is, if a woman wants to talk about having sex with a President, whether it’s rape or consensual, media definitely grabs that story and then you have a President who is almost impeached,  so why wouldn’t they talk about these other 27 women that you allege were abused by Bill Clinton?

RS: In many cases it took a lawsuit. Bill Clinton denied, for example, that he ever met Paula Jones. Then, in the House impeachment inquiry, when he was under oath, he reluctantly admitted that he had assaulted her and her paid her $850,000 in a legal settlement. So, these women have spoken out in many cases. Let me say this: when you have your children threatened, your pets killed, you home ransacked and broken into, your car windows shattered, when you have late-night phone calls saying “We know where your children go to school”…. many of these women were very reticent to talk because they are poor women. They are not women who can afford lawyers. They are not women who can afford to fight back. By the way, Michael Isikoff from NBC, he has reported this, Roger Morris, Pulitzer prize-winning author of Washington Post, he has reported this. So, it’s not just Roger Stone who has made these allegations.

SS: Now, you say, Hillary “psychologically raped” her or Bill’s victims. Why do you refer to it like that? Aren’t you just being inflammatory?

RS: No, not at all. Well, you’re a woman, how would you feel if your pet was killed, if you cat was killed and left at the front door? If a man called your home late at night and said: “We know where your kids go to school”? If your home was broken into? In my book, I establish the actual names and, in many cases, the reports by other journalists that Jack Palladino, private detective, Anthony Pellicano, private detective, now in prison for illegal wiretapping, Ivan Duda, private detective - these men all said the same thing, they were retained by Hillary Clinton to keep tabs on and conduct a terror campaign to silence Bill’s sexual assault victims. No, I’m not being inflammatory, I deal in facts, not rumors, not conspiracy, facts. By the way, I’m open to lawsuits, here in the U.S., the Clinton’s won’t sue me, because they know that I can then depose them, under oath, about anything in this book.[/size]

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by mitch Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:05 am

Katie Hopkins and the paedophiles
MARCH 7, 2016

Deranged rent-a-gob Katie Hopkins has caused outrage by calling footballer Adam Johnson’s victim a ‘slag’.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Hopkins-tweet

Of course, Johnson has been treated in a very different way to Eton scum, Andrew Boeckman/Picard who was allowed to walk away from court scot-free, despite making and distributing thousands of disgusting child-rape images.

To keep the heat off Boeckman and his family’s links to this country’s elite baby-raping scum the Sun published a photograph of Johnson with the headline ” Paedo in his Speedos.”

This was done deliberately to confuse readers because it is in fact Andrew Boeckman who is a semi-professional swimmer (and disturbed paedo)  and his father is Chair of the very shady Chelsea and Westminster Swimming Club.

Andrew Boeckman was even allowed to change his name for the court case to Picard in a pathetic attempt to stop his vile past being linked to his family.

Fucking epic fail on that score then.

Andrew Picard/Boeckman and the VIP paedophile connection

What a state

Strangely, Katie Hopkins never tweets about VIP paedophiles such as Leon Brittan, Greville Janner and Jimmy Savile etc.

She appears to have been placed in the limelight by the security services to gauge public reaction to her “controversial” views.

She was a key asset in Zionist filth Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. All his top assets are child-raping satanists.

Many of her media colleagues are VIP-rapist apologists, such as David Aaranovitch, Danny Finkelstein and Nick Cohen.

Hopkins recently tweeted about the Madeleine McCann case but conveniently played  on the false idea that Madeleine was abducted when there is zero evidence to this effect.

It’s a little known fact that Katie Hopkins was trained at top military school Sandhurst.

Hopkins was sponsored throughout college by the Military Intelligence Corps.

The military are key players in Britain’s VIP-paedophile network.

Shortly before her death, Peaches Geldof argued with Katie Hopkins on This Morning.

In July 2014, we posted the following:

” Did Peaches Geldof really die of a heroin overdose, or was she murdered, like many before her, because she had knowledge of the powerful VIP paedophile ring linked to the BBC, Government and Royalty?

Are the filthy British Establishment willing to stop at nothing to cover their sordid secrets?

She had already tweeted the name of the mothers who helped depraved singer Ian Watkins abuse babies.


Ian Watkins Fearne CottonIan Watkins FilthPeaches tweet

Ian Watkins was once the boyfriend of Fearne Cotton.

Fearne Cotton’s second-cousin was BBC executive, Bill Cotton.

Did Peaches Geldof contact Fearne Cotton about what she knew?”

Who killed Peaches Geldof?

Peaches Geldof links to many other mysterious deaths at the paedophile infested BBC, including Jill Dando, Mike Smith and Mark Speight.

Katie Hopkins works for LBC radio.

Decrepit hag Shirley Porter founded LBC at the same time she was keeping a lid on Westminster Council’s links to the Dolphin Square boy-brothel scandal.

She also ran a fake charitable trust with Jewish peer, Gerald Ronson.

Ronson is the cousin of boy-rapist Leon Brittan and Malcolm “the poof” Rifkind.

Malcolm Rifkind spent years in charge of Britain’s Military Intelligence Services and is a top Mossad agent.

This shit goes deep.

Last year Alisa and Gabriel blew the lid off the Hampstead satanic scandal involving the rape and torture of children by the very upper echelons of the Establishment.

The media and intel agencies went in to overdrive to vilify the children’s supporters and play down any mention of satanic rituals.

Children across Britain are being brutally raped and murdered and these vile ‘snuff’ films are being sold across the world for millions. The money made from these films is then laundered through fake boiler-room companies and children’s charities.

In a strange twist, Katie Hopkins recently formed her own company.

She named it Satan’s Mother.


How very strange indeed.

Is there more to Katie Hopkins than meets the eye?

We haven’t got a bloody clue.

Have you?


Mysterious deaths at the BBC

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Post by Themis Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:25 pm

Rare case that jew is convicted :

Director for Holocaust museum and member of the Anti-Defamation League has been arrested for possessing more than 23 child pornography videos. Bill Surkis, a leader of B'nai B'rith has been arrested for possessing at least 23 child pornography videos on his hard drive. The videos were discovered when Surkis turned over his PC to a shop for repairs.

Surkis, 71, has admitted to downloading nearly nine hours of videos of men engaged in sexual activity with girls, but said it was because he was curious.

At his sentencing hearing in a Quebec Superior Court in Montreal Surkis's lawyer asked him how he would feel if his name were added to the national sex offender registry as the Crown is requesting.Surkis's lawyer said in November 2009 that the videos were downloaded for research reasons.



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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 3 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by mitch Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:05 pm

Themis wrote:Rare case that jew is convicted

Not exactly a sentencing that addresses the severity of the crime though is it for this lying piece of scum? Lesser mortals would get several years etc.; also some dubious numerology here
"...The father and grandfather said he still has contributions to make to his community and he wouldn't be able to make them if he were registered.
The Crown and the defence are recommending Surkis be sentenced to 45 (9) days in jail to be served on weekends, the minimum sentence allowed by law.
They're also recommending he be placed on probation for three (3) years and do 240 (6) hours of community service..."

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Post by csp Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:31 pm

I agree with Mitch, not really a suitable punishment for the crime - obviously a severely perverted psychopath.

I would image it was a mock trial full of actors to put on a show for the media.

These pieces of shit should be thrown into a cell for the rest of their lives for the suffering they cause to these young children.

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Post by Themis Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:08 pm

My comment was "Rare case that jew is convicted ". That is fact, he got  45 days in prison for his conviction on child pornography charges and 240 hours of community service. He will also be under inspection for three years.


So mitch, he is convicted.

Is that fair or not, it is totaly another question,  I didnt commented about that anything.  Of course it is not.

Here Canadian Law about childe pornography and provided penalties:


Criminal Code of Canada (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46):

Possession of child pornography

(4) Every person who possesses any child pornography is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of six months.

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