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Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:40

Posted by lizardking on 08/25/2015

Exclusive Footage of "Eddie" Cadaver Dog at HDLG

Once more VFC is able to bring its readers/viewers another, what we are told is, a world exclusive.

With the assistance of Former Senior Investigating Officer of the Jersey Child Abuse Investigation, and Former Deputy Chief Police Officer Mr. Lenny Harper, we are able to bring you exclusive video footage of arguably the world's most renowned Cadaver Dog "Eddie" not only working at the crime scene of the Former Jersey Children's Home, Haute de la Garenne, but alerting to the scent of human death.

Not a great deal of these Cadaver dogs work has been reported in the State Media, other than to discredit them, so we asked Mr. Harper to document for us just exactly what is happening in the video below, what does a Cadaver dog do? How significant to the investigation the dog was? What, if anything did he (the dog) find?The results, it has to be said were astounding. Mr. Harper agreed to our request and once again we thank him for his commitment to the truth and justice.

For viewers information "JAR/6" is the fragment of child's skull.

00.00.0 Getting ready. I was reluctant to let the dog inside as I did not feel that it would do much good. In truth, I was a little sceptical – I had not felt a favourable impression from the handler (Martin Grimes) at our initial meeting and I was dubious, although my opinion of his qualities and integrity was to markedly change as events unfolded. I began to realise as I worked closely with him over a period of months that what I originally took as arrogance was simply supreme confidence in the ability of his dogs in the face of jealous, empire protecting rivals who were not as professionally capable. Throughout the investigation, we subjected Martin and his dogs to many ‘verifying’ tests, from burying swabs in sand (which he always found no matter how large an area), to minute blood stains. The dogs never failed. Many of these tests were carried out in front of Jersey politicians and media, including Channel Television and Diane Simon of the JEP. Frank Walker and Andrew Lewis were only two of the politicians who witnessed the ability of the dogs in hugely impressive displays. Funny how they all forgot this when they jumped on the bandwagon which sought to ruin Martin Grime’s reputation. One of the most spectacular exercises occurred when one of the Anthropologists brought a vial of sand back that she had removed from the tomb of a mummy in Egypt. We put this vial on a beach, below the sand, and let Eddie off to look for it. The dog amazingly sought it out in a few minutes and gave us the reaction you will see in this video. To get back to the start of the video and my initial doubts, after a few days outside I had at least gained a grudging respect for Martin’s hard work and dedication. I still was not keen to extend the search inside the house with the dog; however, I reluctantly conceded that we should look at all our possibilities so that we could walk away and say that we had given it a good shot. You can see me standing looking less than confident.

00.00.45 The first indication that the dog (Eddie) is finding something amiss. His behaviour has changed, and is remarked on by the handler. He is initially reacting further down from where we were to eventually find the initial fragment, (which ILM and others still incorrectly claim to be definitively identified as coconut) and in the flow of the drainage from the area where it was found. To clarify, Eddie is trained to trace the scent of dead human flesh. He will react where this scent is found, not necessarily where it was originally located. His strongest reaction will normally be where that scent is strongest, which will usually be where the dead flesh has lain longest, but he will sense it in areas where the scent has been carried, for instance, by drains.

00.01.08 Eddie is starting to react strongly now. Although still some yards from the finding of JAR/6, he smells something which has been carried down in the drainage from the original source. We were later to find that the drain ran down from where we found JAR/6 and where the bones were found by the builders, who suspected that they were also the bones of juveniles. One of them identified a child’s pelvic bone from the internet. These bones were found with children’s’ shoes which were to be later the source of interesting conflicts between the evidence of the pathologists and the staff at the Jersey Museum.

00.01.50 The doors and wall where Eddie is reacting so strongly now lead into the room where the top wall adjoins the stair area where JAR/6 (the infamous initial fragment) was found. Note the change in the dog’s behaviour, and the strong indication from his that there is something to be investigated here. It is important to note at this point, that the dog is only telling us that the scent of human death is here. He is not telling us that there has been a murder; he is not telling us that this is the spot where a body has been buried. He is only telling us that the scent of human death is at this spot. He is saying, “There is something here for you to investigate.” It is worthy of note, that this is also next to the location where builders found the bones which they thought were human juveniles, and where they were told that if they found bones to let “bygones be bygones.”

00.02.25 Eddie is now at the doors leading to the stairwell where both JAR/6 and the “builders’ bones” were found. Note that he is reacting strongly. To corroborate Eddie’s reaction we used the most up to date geological equipment supplied to us by the British Army and the Metropolitan Police (more services obtained through the use of contacts and a hospitality budget!) for which we paid nothing. These surveys confirmed inconsistencies in the sub floor levels.

00.02.39 Eddie is telling us that there is something we need to investigate on the other side of the door and he wants through to indicate this to us.

00.02.58 Eddie is now reacting very strongly and indicating to us that the scent of dead human flesh is in this location. This is where we were to find JAR/6, which the establishment continue to say was only coconut, but cannot explain how Eddie reacted as he did, nor indeed, how the lab at Oxford found Collagen.

Collagen is not found in coconut or wood, it is only present in mammals, which would seem to destroy the claims of the Jersey establishment, aided and abetted by the Jersey Evening Post and Channel Television, that JAR/6 is coconut or wood. Again, it is worthy of recall, that the builders who found the bones at this location thought they were human, and that one of them actually identified a bone as that of a child’s pelvic bone from the internet. Additionally, the police officer who was called to the scene was also dubious of the bones’ origins, as was the female pathologist who attended. She “did not like” the situation and referred the matter to her boss who said the bones where not consistent with being human. However, an Anthropologist later stated that he was incorrect and the measurements he quoted were entirely consistent with the bones being children’s’ pelvic bones as identified by one of the builders. The Anthropologist further stated that the Pathologist was not qualified to make the statement that he had.

00.04.06 Now Eddie has just left the wall adjoining the stair area where he reacted earlier. The drains in the building run from those stairs, under the adjoining wall, and down the room where we are now standing. As the dog is trained to detect the scent of dead human flesh, he is now following the strong scent emanating from the other side of the wall and being carried in the drains under the floor of this room and down the room towards the corridor seen earlier in the video.

00.04.15 Note the dog’s return to the wall. This was almost the exact spot where JAR/6 was found. It is a few inches from where the builders found the bones which they thought were human and which they were told about, “Let bygones be bygones.” If this dog was a waste of money, then how did he lead us to this exact spot? How did he later, in the ‘live’ presence of Wendy Kinnard (the then Home Affairs Minister) and Graham Power (the then Chief Police Officer), lead us to the bones in the cellars which an Anthropologist in the United Kingdom said were “fleshed and fresh” when burnt and buried? It cannot be a co-incidence that this dog, trained to detect the scent of dead human flesh, reacted so strongly in an area where we were to find a fragment of substance initially identified by a professional, accomplished, Anthropologist, as a part of a child’s skull, and right beside the spot where builders found bones and children’s shoes which they thought were human bones. No amount of spin by Le Marquand and others can contradict this, and no amount of misinformation from Warcup and Gradwell can conceal this truth.

00.04.41 Eddie still on stairs, right above the location where JAR/6 was found. He comes down again to the exact spot.

00.05.20 Eddie still reacting strongly at the spot where JAR/6 was found.

This is the live video, filmed on a mobile phone as it happened. The film was made by the Homicide Search Advisor of the National Policing Improvement Agency, on his mobile phone. He was to later say that the way we had carried out the search of HDLG was a “shining example” and should be documented as an example of good practice. Where has this recommendation been lost in the mists? The reactions of the dog speak for themselves. Eddie is not telling us that murder was committed at HDLG. He is telling us that somewhere in the floor-space of the premises; the scent of human death has been present. He is telling us that there is something there for us to investigate. His findings have been corroborated by the finding of the bones and teeth, by the results of the surveys carried out by the most sophisticated of electronic geological equipment, and by the evidence of builders and former residents and victims of abuse in HDLG. This video totally contradicts the spin of Frank Walker, Andrew Lewis and Diane Simon of the Jersey Evening Post, all of whom were taken on a tour of the building and given a demonstration of the ability and capability of Eddie and his companion "Keela" the blood detection dog. All of them were aware of the true situation relating to the dog and the finds. All of them, for their own reasons, chose to ignore the truth and to peddle the myths of those seeking to discredit the victims of the horrific abuse within HDLG. They are now, in my opinion, exposed as craven cowards and not fit to lick those victims’ boots. As for Martin Grimes and the dogs that they have tried to discredit, they are now working full time for one of the best Law Enforcement Agencies in the world in the USA.(END)

We will publish some of the documented evidence concerning the finds of human remains in the comment section of this post.


Some documented evidence.

JAR/30: 3-4; 1940s to 1980s. Two fragments of burnt bone one is fragment of longbone? Tibia. Submitted to University of Sheffield with KSH/158. Origin confirmed as human. Submitted for dating awaiting results.

JAR/33: 3-4; 1940s to 1980’s.
Calcined fragment of bone. ?human.

JAR/53: 183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
5 fragments of calcined long bone ?human.

JAR/54: 183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
4 fragments of calcined bone ?human.

JAR/55: 183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
1 fragment of calcined bone ?human.

JAR/57:183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
2 fragments of bone of unknown origin.

JAR/56: 183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
1 fragment of bone ?human.

JAR/67: 183. Zone 3 East Cellar 3.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Human Tooth: deciduous left maxillary first molar, age 9 yrs ± 3 yrs. Could have been shed naturally (Anthro exam).
Submitted to odontologist, see report.

JAR/69: 183. Zone 3 East Cellar 3.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragments x 3 of possible human cortical bone.

JAR/61: 183 Zone 4 East Cellar 3.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
23 Fragments of bone:
1 Burnt fragment which closely resembles a human juvenile mastoid process.
2. Burnt fragment of ?human mandible.
3. Fragments of burnt long bone x 3 measuring between 11.3 and 16.3 mm.
4. Fragments of unidentified burnt cortical and trabecular bone x 7.
5. Fragment of slightly burnt long bone measuring 33 mm. The cortex of the
bone resembles human but it is quite thick and the trabeculae can not be seen because it requires cleaning. It appears to have been cut at one end.
6. Fragments of unburnt unidentified long bone. x 3 The appearance and texture of the cortex of the fragments appears more animal than human but it is advised that further examination should be undertaken in order to confirm this.
7. Fragments of unidentified long bone x 7. 5 have been burnt and 2 haven’t. Species
uncertain although two of the burnt fragments could possibly be human

JAR/90: 183 Cellar 3 Zone 3 East.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragments of unidentified bone of unknown species. One which is calcined is possibly human bone.

Cellar 4 Context 169 (redeposited char material from fire elsewhere. Unsealed)

JAR/36: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragment of bone ?human.

JAR/37: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragment of burnt bone. ?human mastoid process

JAR/39: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragment of burnt bone ?human.

JAR/40: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragment of bone ?human.

GMK/18: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Human tooth. Anthro exam – deciduous left maxillary lateral incisor. Age range 6 yrs ± 2yrs

Other burnt bone fragments were also recovered from the context within this area.

The EVRD alert indications were confirmed by intrusive archaeological excavation and sieving. A significant number of bone fragments and teeth have been recovered which have been corroborated as human.

Predominantly the human remains have been recovered from cellars 3, 4 and 5 which historically were one large classroom.

Enquiries at this time are suggestive that the human remains were deposited in this area and covered with top soil in a deliberate act of concealment. The deposition could only have taken place during a period of time when the floor had been removed. Research into the historical renovation of the property suggests that the floor above cellars 3, 4 &5 was taken up in the late 60’s early 70’s.

Karl Harrison’s archaeological theory of the burnt debris including human bone fragments and teeth being deposited in the east wing cellars from the west wing is contained within this report. This theory is suggestive that the solid fuel furnace in operation in the west wing around the time of 1960 – 1970 may have been used to dispose of human remains.

Enquiries to date are showing that the original solid fuel central heating and hot water supply furnace in the west wing was replaced in the late 60’s early 70’s with oil fired furnaces. This may have coincided with the floor in cellars 3, 4 & 5 being removed. This would explain the deposition of the bone fragments and teeth with ash deposits as being the waste from the furnace upon decommissioning. It would also suggest some element of ‘guilty knowledge’.

The tests clearly indicated the presence of human remains decomposition scent.

Remains identified by the resident forensic anthropologist Miss Julie Roberts as human, and items of interest to the enquiry, have been submitted for forensic analysis.

Forty eight human deciduous teeth have been recovered to date. Twenty six of which are presently in the UK being examined to identify the number of individuals from whom they originate.

Numerous bone fragments are being examined at Sheffield University for histology purposes.

The meticulous search of Haut De La Garenne has now been completed and the building handed over to Property Services. Evidence has been obtained to support the abuse enquiry and suggestive evidence that the remains of at least one child were present within the structure of the building.

A significant amount of human remains have been recovered that is suggestive of foul play in relation to the cause of death and guilty knowledge during deposition.

65 Human deciduous teeth

Numerous human bone fragments

It would appear at this stage that the remains were deposited into the area of cellars 3,4 &5 having been removed from a secondary deposition site in the west wing. They were then distributed evenly over the ground and covered with a layer of top soil so as to conceal the deposition from all but the most meticulous scrutiny.

For more "evidence" click HERE.

To the commenter (above) who clearly hasn’t followed the story of the child’s skull. Your assumption that it almost certainly isn’t bone is that wide of the mark it could have been written by the State Media.

The “evidence” clearly points to the item being the partial remains of a child’s skull containing 1.6% collagen (0nly found in mammals). The evidence also strongly suggests that the item (JAR/6) that left Jersey for further examination was not the same item that returned as Mr. Harper has explained on many of occasion including in a comment he left on an earlier posting (below)

“There should be no problem whatsoever with accounting for the movements and whereabouts of this fragment, JAR/6, at any time. Each time it moves from or to the police store it should be carefully logged. We found the item on 23rd February. It remained with us, until from memory, the 6th March when it was taken to the Carbon Dating Lab in Oxford. We logged it out. We logged it back in again on 8th April when our Anthropologist again examined it and noticed that its appearance had changed considerably, and she was now not so sure of her verdict, although she could not reach a definite conclusion. The item should have been in the presence of the Oxford lab throughout the time it was there but it seems, that in breach of the rules of evidence they 'passed it around.' They seem to have got themselves into a real tangle, first of all stating it was too old for finding collagen, then finding it, then saying it was too degraded to date. Somewhere in all of this, a lab technician made the throwaway comment that it looked like a piece of coconut. (Funny how it was an unqualified technician and none of the experts who had examined it closely) This is the origin of the "ILM coconut" theory and of course encouraged by Warcup and Gradwell, along with their other public declarations such as the cellars not being cellars but only three feet voids. The item JAR/6 came back to us without a log of its movements from Oxford. As soon as it returned then we commenced again logging its movements and it should be no problem whatsoever to account for it from there on. Lenny Harper” END

As for the “real experts” it appears this was “a lab technician” We, and former Deputy Bob Hill, tried to find out more about the “experts” but Home Affairs Minister Ian Le Marquand, was not at all forthcoming as demonstrated HERE.

The misinformation the commenter wishes to peddle about, possibly the world’s leading Cadaver Dog also needs addressing.

The fact is that in over 200 cases, it has been reported, he (Eddie), has NEVER given a false positive. The commenter has clearly not done any homework because if he/she had have done they would know that the dog that gave a reaction to the “tissue after sex” item was in fact a blood dog by the name of “Keela.”

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:41

Posted by lizardking on 08/25/2015


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:43

Posted by thinkforyourself on 08/25/2015
Here is a great series of documentaries about the McCann's involvement in their daughter's murder:

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:44

Posted by lizardking on 08/25/2015

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:45

Posted by mitch on 08/25/2015

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Messham

This is typical police behaviour when crime or negligence has been exposed by the public with regard to any public figure or entity. Make no mistake about it, there is a pattern: Brian Pead, Peter Hofschroer, Chris Spivey, Sabine McNeill, and more.


"The people in positions of power, from local councillors, MP's, police, crown prosecution service, civil service and council employeees will use all the apparatus of the state, corporations and institutions under their control to defend the status quo. A whistleblower will face first denial of their assertions and then an attack upon themselves as a potential upsetter of the applecart or gravytrain."

Child Sexual Abuse Campaigners and Whistleblowers targeted by state organisations...

Sonia Poulton interviews Barbara and Peter Hofschroer on Police and Social Worker Corruption from Peter Hofschröer on Vimeo.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:46

Posted by lizardking on 08/29/2015
In just the last few weeks, there have been 11 police officers caught with child porn or caught raping children:












All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:46

Posted by lizardking on 08/30/2015
French Troops Accused Of Child Abuse In Central African Republic

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 S4.reutersmedia.net
President François Hollande pictures here meeting French soldiers on a trip to Central African Republic. Photo: AFP

The Guardian: UN aid worker suspended for leaking report on child abuse by French troops

Anders Kompass said to have passed confidential document to French authorities because of UN’s failure to stop abuse of children in Central African Republic

A senior United Nations aid worker has been suspended for disclosing to prosecutors an internal report on the sexual abuse of children by French peacekeeping troops in the Central African Republic.

Sources close to the case said Anders Kompass passed the document to the French authorities because of the UN’s failure to take action to stop the abuse. The report documented the sexual exploitation of children as young as nine by French troops stationed in the country as part of international peacekeeping efforts.

Update #1: French troops accused of raping boys in CAR -- The Local
Update #2: France's poisoned legacy in the Central African Republic -- David Smith, The Guardian

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:47

Posted by lizardking on 08/30/2015
Met’s paedophile unit seizes video of ex-minister at ‘sex party’
By Mark Conrad, Mark Watts and David Hencke | 7 December 2013

Detectives have seized video that places a former Conservative cabinet minister at one of several parties where boys were sexually abused by men.

The Metropolitan Police Service’s paedophile unit seized the footage under ‘Operation Fairbank’, which is scoping historical claims against politicians of child sex abuse. It is investigating additional allegations against politicians and other prominent people under ‘Operation Fernbridge’.

The unit is focussing on a series of parties in London three decades ago at which boys were supplied for the sexual gratification of men. 

Sources close to the investigation say that this line of enquiry will spin off from Fairbank to become a separate operation with its own name in the New Year.

Exaro has also learnt that police have “talked to” the ex-minister about his attendance at the “sex party”.

The ex-minister, according to the sources, confirmed to police that he was at the party, and that he “knew of” a specific victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons. But the ex-minister denied that he carried out any sexual abuse.

Exaro knows the ex-minister’s identity, but has decided against publishing it to avoid jeopardising police operations.

The police have obtained video that captures the ex-minister at one party. They are also talking to one victim in particular who was videoed at the same party.

Exaro can reveal that photographic evidence of the same victim at other “sex parties” in London was among material seized this summer from a known paedophile, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

The key witness told Exaro that the ex-minister could not deny that he attended one of the gatherings “because he was filmed at the party.”

He said: “They tell me that they have photographic evidence that I went to these parties. They have a photograph of me as a child, and it matched some other photographs that they have of me. They have quite a few photographs, and they have a bit of film as well.” 

Detectives believe that some of the “sex parties” were organised by Sidney Cooke, the notorious paedophile who led the ring of four who were jailed for killing Jason Swift, a 14-year-old boy, in Hackney, east London after gang raping him in 1985.

Other notorious paedophiles went to some of the parties. They include Jimmy Savile, the late BBC star, and Cyril Smith, the late Liberal MP, according to the key witness.

Exaro revealed in October how detectives from the Met’s paedophile unit had opened two new lines of enquiry in their investigation of the ex-minister.

One strand of the investigation centres on the same victim’s allegations that he was trafficked to Amsterdam, where, he claims, he was sexually abused by the ex-minister. He provided the police with a highly-personal description of the ex-minister.

He also gave a detailed account of the gang that trafficked him as a boy, along with other children, from the UK to Amsterdam. He told police that Cooke was a member of the gang. 

The Met has sought assistance from Dutch police for its investigation into the allegations.

A senior Dutch police officer travelled to the UK to attend an interview by Met detectives with the key witness.

In February, Exaro also revealed how Met commanders received a secret briefing by the head of the paedophile unit on its plans to arrest the ex-minister over allegations of child sex abuse. The detective chief inspector made clear that he was not planning to take the step imminently, but this is where he expected the investigation to lead.

While the video and photographic evidence places the ex-minister and the victim at a party where boys were supplied to men, they do not prove that the senior former politician carried out abuse.

But one source close to the investigation, a specialist in child protection, stressed the significance of the seizure.

He said: “This is potentially bombshell stuff. I have long been aware of the fact that these parties took place in London,” adding, “This is potentially very significant.”

The developments come as the Crown Prosecution Service is planning to drop key charges brought under Operation Fernbridge against two men accused of child sex abuse.

Update 11 January 2014: The Security Service, MI5, and Scotland Yard’s Special Branch are understood to be taking a close interest in the investigations by the Met’s paedophile unit.

The witness claims that MI5 officers sat in on a formal interview with him conducted by police. He says that police told him this after the interview.

He also claims that the Met’s Special Branch, which often works in effect as MI5’s police arm, is keeping close watch on developments.

Exaro has established that one section of the Met has been tapping the witness’s telephone.

It is also understood that a Special Branch officer has been posing as a journalist in an attempt to contact several witnesses in Operations Fernbridge and Fairbank. One officer falsely claimed to the key witness to be a reporter from the Sunday People.

The developments have raised alarm because of the intelligence services’ track-record to help cover up evidence of child sex abuse by senior politicians and other prominent people, such as Sir Cyril Smith, the former Liberal MP who was exposed as a paedophile following his death in 2010.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:47

Posted by lizardking on 08/30/2015
Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 BdxmrpKIEAAFPYj

All about Shillaphobia

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:48

Posted by lizardking on 08/30/2015
Who is on the Tory Paedophile list?

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Tory+MP+List-500x332

Mild mannered Phil Schofield made headlines for waving a list of alleged Tory Paedophiles at a rankled David Cameron.

Cameron’s response was as iffy as one would expect, automatically assuming that the people who were involved were gay; which is definitely not the same thing as paedophilia. He gave the usual “no stone unturned/serious issue response” and had a jibe at “trial by twitter”.

Although Schofield’s efforts were somewhat clumsy and embarrassing, he has done one great thing – made it impossible for the Government to cover this thing up. It’s now gone mainstream.

So… who’s allegedly* on the list?

Sir Edward Heath (linked with Savile and Jersey boy’s home abuse) – Deceased

Sir Peter Morrison (ex Thatcher aide) – Deceased

Alan Clark (This allegation came from none other than Max Clifford)

A Senior Tory Cabinet Minister – as yet unknown

Michael Portillo

Peter Lilley

Derek Laud (party political fixer in Thatcher years)

Ken Clark (he vehemently denies rumours and says he will sue)

Leon Brittan

Ian Greer

Michael Colvin

Julian Lewis (close pal of Cameron’s)

Savile’s links to the above are in the position of procurer of young victims.

Bill Oddie: "Everyone knew about Savile at BBC".

And it’s not just senior Tories that there are rumours about:

Blair’s government allegedly prevented senior Labour politicians from being named in the same Paedophile investigation that outed Pete Townshend for looking at child porn. Allegations around downloading child porn have been rumoured to include: Gerald Kaufman, Gordon Brown, Alan Milburn, John Prescott, and Peter Mandelson, Phil Lyon, Grevill Janner and George Robertson.

*I should point out that all names appearing here are the subject of internet rumour and speculation. As far as I know, no charges have been brought as yet. These people may or may not be involved and if they are innocent, I unreservedly apologise and I will correct this post accordingly as news comes in.

But in case you think this whole thing is a bit of a fairy story – here are some of our politicians that have been CONVICTED of child sex abuse offences – these are just the tip of the iceberg, there are many more to be found online:

Tory Party General election candidate, Michael Powell – Convicted and jailed for 3 years for downloading hardcore child porn.

Tory Party Councillor (Wickbar/Bristol) Roger Talboys – Convicted and jailed for 6 years for multiple sex attacks on children

Tory Party MP (Billericay) Harvey Proctor – Stood trial for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.

Tory Party Councillor (Stratford-upon-Avon) Christopher Pilkington – Convicted of downloading hardcore child porn on his PC. Placed on sex offenders register and forced to resign.

Tory Party councillor (Coventry), Peter Stidworthy – Charged with indecent assault of a 15-year old boy.

Tory Party Mayor ( North Tyneside ), Chris Morgan – Forced to resign after being arrested twice in 2 weeks, for indecent assault on a 15-year old girl, and for suspicion of downloading child porn.

Tory Party Liaison Manager on the London Assembly, Douglas Campbell, Arrested for allegedly downloading child porn. He is currently suspended while the Police investigation continues.

Tory Party Councillor (Folkestone – in Leader, Michael Howard’s constituency), Robert Richdale – 4 sex attacks against underage schoolgirls.

Labour Councillor (Newton Aycliffe) Martin Locklyn – Convicted and jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys.

Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner – Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.

Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green – Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10.

Labour Party activist Mark Tann recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old girl on 2 separate occasions.

Labour Party activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before he could be convicted.

Labour Councillor (Manchester), George Harding – Charged with indecent assault on a girl of 12.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:49

Posted by lizardking on 08/30/2015
Portuguese president denies link to child abuse scandal
By Paul Mitchell
20 January 2004

Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio has appeared on television to criticise a newspaper that linked him to a paedophile scandal that has dominated the news in Portugal for the last year.

Sampaio denounced the “irresponsibility” of certain newspapers for reporting “the ill-considered leaks” originating from magistrates investigating the sexual abuse scandal at the Casa Pia children’s homes. Casa Pia is one of Portugal’s oldest and most respected public institutions and runs 10 homes caring for 4,500 children.

Sampaio continued, “It’s a crime that should be punished when the time is right. The head of state cannot legitimately let these offences pass.... They have the most serious consequences for the respect and consideration due the president of the republic.”

News reports appearing in the Jornal de Noticias claimed Sampaio and Portugal’s European Commissioner Antonio Vitorino were mentioned in anonymous letters sent to the magistrates investigating the Casa Pia scandal. A few days earlier, Portugal’s Attorney General José Souto Moura formally charged 10 people, including well-known politicians and celebrities, with organising a paedophile network, sexual abuse and rape of children at Casa Pia. No date for a trial has yet been decided.

The most high-profile person amongst those charged is Paulo Pedroso, the MP and labour and training minister from 1999 to 2001 with responsibility for Casa Pia who is regarded as a future leader of the Socialist Party. The Socialist Party says the scandal is a plot and Pedroso says he is the victim of a smear campaign and, along with the others accused, denies the charges.

Souto Moura also charged Jorge Ritto, a former Portuguese ambassador; Herman José, a comedian and talk show host; the popular TV games show host Carloz Cruz, known as “Mr Television”; Joao Diniz, a high society doctor; and Manuel Abrantes, a former assistant director of Casa Pia.

The charges against these members of Portugal’s elite come after a year of investigations, 15,000 pages of evidence and the questioning of 600 witnesses. The case only saw the light of day after persistent campaigning by the abused children and their families led to reports appearing in the newspapers in November 2002.

In October 2003, Carlos Silvino, a former driver at Casa Pia, was charged with 35 counts of sexually abusing four children over a three-year period and last month charged with a further 662 counts of sexual abuse. Silvino is alleged to have organised the paedophile ring for over two decades, with many incidents apparently occurring at Ritto’s villa near Lisbon.

The Casa Pia scandal has been described as Portugal’s biggest political crisis since the overthrow of the military dictatorship in 1974. Not only have top politicians and celebrities been implicated in the paedophile ring, but the authorities apparently knew about it and covered it up for years. Reports first emerged in the 1980s, but police dropped their investigations and officials destroyed documents. The former secretary of state for families, Teresa Costa Macedo, said she received death threats after she notified the police.

The Diario de Noticias warned that if a paedophile “mafia network ... really exists, it is Portuguese democracy which is danger” and the author Antonio Mega Ferreira mourned, “I can’t recall, during the past 25 years of democracy, ever having felt we were going through such a disturbing, frail, demoralising, upsetting time as we are going through now.”

Sampaio himself has called the Casa Pia scandal “a national disgrace” and urged the Portuguese people to keep their faith in the justice system, as has Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, saying, “The Portuguese people want justice to be done. So do I.... As prime minister, I have complete confidence in the Portuguese legal system.”

Rui Fernandes, who sits on the national secretariat of the Portuguese Communist Party, insisted that “the idea of a crisis of the legal system is excessive.”

He accused Durao Barroso’s government of finding it “beneficial to develop this idea of crisis in order to justify deep reforms of the justice system,” including restrictions on “the independence of the judges or placing the Criminal Investigation Department under the direct control of the government.”

There is no doubt that the government has used the scandal to attack the opposition and justify the widespread use of phone tapping (there are nearly 300 pages of transcripts of tapped calls made by Socialist Party leaders, including its leader Ferro Rodrigues), long periods of detention without charge and other repressive measures. A whole debate on “limits on the freedom of the press” has also been opened up, with Durao Barroso saying that as long as journalists “are held to respect the law” the freedom of the press “is crowned and untouchable.”

However, the public anger over the scandal and the behaviour of Portugal’s ruling class expresses discontent with the political elite and with social conditions for which all the official parties, including the Communist Party, must take responsibility. Portugal is one of the poorest countries in Europe, with the lowest wage rates and high employment, and is threatened further by the lower costs offered by the eastward expansion of the European Union into the former Eastern bloc countries. The use of phone taps, detention and other repressive measures will be vital to defeat any political rebellion against the government.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:50

Posted by lizardking on 08/30/2015
Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 DLaud2


Derek Laud (born in Chelsea in London) is a former British political adviser...

Laud is a long standing family friend of Samantha Cameron's family and a personal friend of David Cameron and attended their wedding at Ginge, in Oxfordshire.

The list of Tory friends with whom he is known to go on holiday and socialise with includes Lord McAlpine, Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo.

In 2001, he provided an alibi for his friends Neil and Christine Hamilton when they were accused by Nadine Milroy-Sloan of sexual assault.

Derek Laud, who is gay, became the first and only black master of foxhounds when he took that role with New Forest Foxhounds in 1999. (New Forest, MI6)

Derek is an acquaintance of Camilla Parker Bowles.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Drek
Derek with Anne (left) and Cicely Meehan, the spinster sisters who gave Derek a home.

"He's a friend of royalty, advises Ministers and was the most cultured contestant on Big Brother - but those are the least surprising things about Derek Laud.

"With a feckless father and a mother who had little time for him, Derek seemed certain to be a failure - until two quintessentially English sisters took in the lost little boy and transformed his life..."

Derek Laud's parents, Lyn and Samuel Laud, came to England from Jamaica in the late 1950s.

Derek's mother was a nurse. Derek's father left home when Derek was still very young.

Anne and Cicely Meehan became Derek's minders.

Anne was the deputy headmistress of Falconbrook House School in Clapham which Derek attended as a child.

Derek began to visit the Meehan sisters.

When Derek was eight, Anne became headmistress of a school in Brixton, but Derek's friendship with her continued.

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 CarolFelsteadNurse
Carol Myers, who may have been brainwashed at the Tavistock clinic, and who claimed that a UK government minister raped her with a claw hammer in Conservative Central Office. (The mystery of Carole Myers) 

Cicely Meehan was a child psychologist.

The Meehan sisters helped to look after two godchildren, Charles and Dorothy, black children with family problems.

The Meehan sister's mother was a fan of Margaret Thatcher.

One Saturday, Anne drove Dorothy and Derek to the house of 'a very grand lady called Mrs Maybe, who bore a striking resemblance to Mrs Thatcher'.

Cicely Meehan, the child psychologist, began to exert more of an influence on Derek's life.

Derek's mother began travelling to Jamaica.

Derek spent more time with Anne and Cicely in Clapham.

Derek says that he realised he was 'homosexual' from about the age of eight.

He would always rather play with the girls.

Derek left his mother's house and went to live with the Meehan sisters.

Derek went on to have a successful career in finance.

Derek Laud became "a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher".

Scallywag magazine made some allegations against Derek Laud.

From Scallywag magazine:

"Derek Laud... ran a Pimlico PR agency called Ludgate Communications for a number of years...

"(He was) in cahoots with Ian Greer Associates which has since been scandalised because of the Neil Hamilton Affair and payment for questions on behalf of Al Fayed...

"Ludgate Communications was at the very hub of our investigation into .... allegations. 

"At his Pimlico flat, and selected addresses in Dolphin Square nearby, Laud threw ......... parties."

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:51

Posted by lizardking on 08/30/2015
Tom Watson Alleges Westminster Paedophile Ring

Tom Watson failed to mention that the big ‘bombshell’ he let off in PMQs was actually mentioned by the Sunday Times this weekend. The paper reported that Edwina Currie’s autobiography carried claims that Sir Peter Morrison, a Tory MP and aide to Margaret Thatcher, had sex with underage boys during the 1980s. Morrison’s lovers were sixteen, with the age of consent for homosexuals at the time standing at twenty-one.

Funny that Watson didn’t say “as printed in the Murdoch press this weekend and exposed by a former Tory MP”.

One to watch though, rumours are swirling around about all sorts of politicians…

UPDATE: Nick Davies first made the shocking allegations about Morrison in 1998

Fleet Street routinely nurtures a crop of untold stories about powerful abusers who have evaded justice. One such is Peter Morrison, formerly the MP for Chester and the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party. Ten years ago, Chris House, the veteran crime reporter for the Sunday Mirror, twice received tip-offs from police officers who said that Morrison had been caught cottaging in public toilets with underaged boys and had been released with a caution. A less powerful man, the officers complained, would have been charged with gross indecency or an offence against children.

At the time, Chris House confronted Morrison, who used libel laws to block publication of the story. Now, Morrison is dead and cannot sue. Police last week confirmed that he had been picked up twice and never brought to trial. They added that there appeared to be no trace of either incident in any of the official records.

UPDATE: Tom Watson says his allegations are not about Peter Morrison:

I am not naming the person for obvious reasons but for clarity it is not former MP, Peter Morrison. This afternoon my office has been bombarded with calls regarding Morrison, I think because he was named by Edwina Currie at the weekend as having inappropriate sexual relations with teenage boys.

Note: It appears as though Tom Watson is a gatekeeper for the Elite.

The sheer scale of child sexual abuse in Britain
The Guardian
Published April 1998

In November last year, every newspaper in Britain carried the story of how Scotland Yard had worked with police forces around the country to raid the rooms of teachers at private schools in search of evidence of their involvement in a paedophile ring. The more interesting story, however, was the raid which never happened.

In the weeks before the operation, specialist detectives from the Paedophile Unit at Scotland Yard had discussed with Thames Valley the possibility of raiding a teacher at the most prestigious private school in the country – Eton College, whose pupils include the off-spring of some of the most powerful families in Britain, including the heir to the throne, Prince William.

The move started after a teacher who had recently left Eton went to Thames Valley police and claimed that one of his colleagues had been indecently assaulting boys at the school. Detectives investigated and discovered that the suspect teacher had been the target of similar allegations in the past; and that police in Yorkshire had seized a collection of child pornography and found letters from the teacher in which he referred to “sending the happy items”.

Clearly, this did not amount to proof that the teacher was guilty. His former colleague may conceivably have had a grudge against him; the letters in Yorkshire may have had some innocent explanation; other witnesses who also suspected him, may simply have been mistaken. But the whole series of raids was being mounted on similar intelligence which Scotland Yard believed was strong enough to demand that suspects be interviewed and their property searched. Yet when the raids finally took place, Thames Valley held back, arguing that the evidence was too weak to justify action.

The result: the truth about the suspected abuser was never found.

Earlier last year, the Guardian revealed the international police hunt for two unidentified men who had made the “Bjorn tape”, a chilling video which recorded their relentless sexual assault on an adolescent Dutch boy who was carried in front of the camera, limp and hooded, before being strapped into a chair where he was defenceless against the indulgence of his two attackers.

Following the story in the Guardian, which was linked to an ITV documentary, Dutch police traced Bjorn’s accent to an area in the north of Holland, where they combed through files of reported child abuse – and found him. It turned out that he had contacted the authorities a year earlier to complain that a Dutch man, whom he named, had been drugging and raping him since he was only three years old, most recently with the assistance of an English man. The Dutch man had been tried and – in the absence of the video – he had been acquitted. He had then sued Bjorn for making a malicious complaint against him. Bjorn had collapsed into mental illness and been given refuge in an orphanage.

Now, the tape not only proved that the boy had been telling the truth in all its grim detail, but it also confirmed the identity of the English man who had taken part. He is John Peters, a former soldier who went AWOL in the early 1970s after being charged with having sex with a 14-year-old boy in public toilets near his base in Sutton Coldfield. Since then, Peters has been convicted in Denmark of a separate offence of child abuse.

Although Bjorn’s Dutch abuser is now due to be tried again in Holland, Peters remains at liberty. Just as he evaded the police in Sutton Coldfield in the 1970s, so now he has evaded them again in Holland, simply by crossing a border. He is believed to be in Asia, whose population of impoverished and vulnerable children has become a magnet for paedophiles and whose police have no active intelligence link with the British or Dutch. The result: the abuser has escaped.

That same story in the Guardian also disclosed the activities of Warwick Spinks, a British paedophile who was then serving a sentence of five years after Scotland Yard arrested him for abducting and raping two homeless boys from the streets of London. He had sold one of them into a brothel in Amsterdam.

Spinks is a paedophile of grandiose ambition, a man who has commercialised his obsession, first by running an agency in Britain which sold boys to like-minded punters, and then by moving to Amsterdam where, as the Guardian disclosed, he worked in brothels and joined a group of British men who produced videos in which five boys were alleged to have been raped and murdered for the pleasure of viewers.

As he approached the end of his five-year sentence, Spinks was transferred from prison to a probation hostel in south London where, last September, he was asked to fill in a form so that the police could enter his details on the new register of sex offenders. He is precisely the kind of compulsive offender for whom the register was designed so that police can keep an eye on their movements. Spinks, however, refused to fill in the form.

He simply walked away from the hostel and sent his probation officer a postcard with an invitation to come and see him in Amsterdam. Since then, he has travelled to Frankfurt, Johannesburg, Moscow and Prague pursuing his own special interests with never a care for the sex offenders’ register or any other limb of the child protection system. The result: another abuser has escaped.

The sexual abuse of children is a special crime, not simply because of the damage it does to its victims, nor even because of the anger and fear it provokes in communities, but more particularly because it is so easy – easy to commit, easy to get away with.

Recently, it has broken into the headlines, through the communal fear of a handful of child killers like Robert Oliver and Sidney Cooke; in the exhumation of the crimes of Mary Bell; with the reluctant resignation of Grampian’s Chief Constable following his force’s bungled inquiry into a paedophile murder. But the debate that has followed has been fragmentary and confused, discoloured by populist reactions from ministers.

Over the last six months, the Guardian has conducted the most detailed and exhaustive investigation of paedophilia that has ever been undertaken by a British newspaper. We have tracked down abusers and their victims, we have spoken to the social workers and detectives and Customs officers who deal with them, to private agencies and to the most senior officials who lead the defence against child abuse.

We have seen the results of courageous work by thousands of dedicated men and women but also we have seen the results of cover-up and concealment, occasionally of corruption, of whistleblowers who are punished for trying to expose the truth, of local authorities, churches and other organisations who have closed ranks to deny or conceal allegations against their staff.

In an investigation of this, the most secret of crimes, we have found evidence of what is an open secret among many of those who fight it – that after twenty years of scandal and alarm, after numerous inquiries and reports, and despite the best efforts of those who work in it, we have created an elaborate and sophisticated failure, a child protection system which does not protect the children.

The origin of the problem is the easiness of the crime, the violent equivalent of taking candy from babies. It is physically easier for a rapist to overpower a child than an adult, to subdue a victim who has less than half his body-weight. In February of this year, for example, police reported that a paedophile had boarded a train outside Brighton one evening and abducted not one, but three young boys, aged between eight and eleven. Police said that the man forced the three boys to get off in the village of Glynde, where he marched them into the public toilets and indecently assaulted all three of them before threatening to kill them, raping one of them and putting them all back on the train.

Equally, it is easier to confuse a child than an adult. A woman who spent four years from the age of seven being raped regularly by her stepfather, told the Guardian she had never thought to complain: “I thought it was normal, I thought everyone was going home from school and being hurt by their dad.” Children have emerged from abuse to report variously that they were told that there was a bomb inside them which would explode if they disclosed what was happening; that there was no point in telling because no one would believe them and they would be put into care; or, commonly, that the abusive parent would be sent to prison, thus destroying the family and bringing hardship and misery to the other parent.

Children are conned by their abusers in a way that no adult would be. Bruce McLean, for example, who is serving nine years for indecent assaults in Cheshire, was using Manchester United tickets to entrap boys. A man who is now awaiting trial for producing a small orgy of child pornography videos in the north of England bought adolescent girls with Kentucky Fried Chicken and toffees, according to one who has spoken to the Guardian.

The ease of the crime is reflected in its scale. No one knows the exact numbers, but to construct a picture is to watch an arithmetical explosion. Start with a hard fact. At the last count, there were 2,100 child sex abusers behind the bars of British jails. Now think of all those who have previously been convicted but who have been released back into the community. You have to multiply by 50: according to the Home Office Research Department, there are 108,000 convicted paedophiles in the community.

Now, think of all the child victims who are conned and confused and never report their abuse in the first place; and all those cases which are reported but which fall short of the demands of the courts; and all those cases of rape and indecent assault which are convicted but which are not statistically recorded as crimes against children. At the most conservative estimate, the NSPCC and specialist police agree with studies here and in the United States, that the official figures for convictions record no more than ten per cent of the paedophile population. Which means that today in Britain, there are probably 1.1 million paedophiles at large. Other studies suggest that the figure is very much higher.

This vast scale appears to be confirmed by “prevalance studies” which take samples of the population and establish how many were childhood victims of sexual abuse. In the UK, the United States, Germany, Switzerland and Australia, studies consistently find that around 20% of women and around 8% of men suffered sexual abuse as children. In the current population of UK children, that would cover 1.5 million girls and 520,000 boys, a figure that is consistent with the projection of 1.1 million offenders.

Child sex abuse is not only easy to commit, it is also easy to get away with. It is the least reported crime on the planet. Numerous victims say that they were silenced by their own emotions – the same emotions which gag the adult victims of rape, but which are magnified in a child’s mind. Some children simply cannot report it: social workers in East Sussex four years ago found paedophiles deliberately targetting children who were too disabled to give evidence. Others had picked children who were terminally ill and who died before the system could catch up with them.

Those children who do report what has happened to them are uniquely likely to find their stories rejected. Often, like the adult victims of indecent assault, they will have nothing but their own word as evidence. And the word of a child is viewed with suspicion from one end of the criminal justice system to the other. It is for that reason that the tribunal of inquiry into abuse in children’s homes in North Wales is only now attempting to get to the truth of hundreds of complaints which were first made by children up to 20 years ago – to council officials, doctors, social workers and parents who, almost without exception, believed not a word of it.

North Wales is only the beginning. It is now clear that during the last 30 years, children’s homes in Britain suffered an epidemic of rape and violent assault. It was an epidemic that went unnoticed, like a plague that struck dumb its victims or else blinded those around it.

There are now literally thousands of men and women, in North Wales, South Wales, Manchester, Liverpool, Sunderland, Northumbria, Edinburgh – in seventeen different police areas in all – who have come forward to make detailed, credible allegations about their childhoods of abuse in care. The combined force of these different inquiries amounts to the biggest contemporary police operation in the country. And yet, at the time that these people were children, at the time that they were being used as human aids to masturbation, just about all of them were overlooked by just about every agency that was supposed to protect them – the police, social workers, the Social Services Inspectorate, health visitors, doctors.

The passage of time, itself, often allows abusers to escape. In Cardiff, Paul Conibeer, who is now aged 28, is trying to persuade the police to prosecute Alan Williams, Lee Tucker and John Gay for buggering him and passing him around their friends when he was a 13-year-old in care. The three men have since been convicted of paedophile offences and become involved in the abuse of children in Portugal and Amsterdam, where they shared their pleasures with Warwick Spinks. Police in Cardiff, however, say Conibeer’s story is too old to be proved. Conibeer has a grim alternative: “I’m giving it a year. If nothing is done in a year, I’m doing it my own way. If I can take three scum off the street that would be my debt paid back to society, because I have been a bad bastard in my time.”

The fact that the sexual abuse of children is so hidden is not entirely the result of the age its victims. This is also a crime of conspiracy, of the abuse of power and, from time to time, of incidents which suggest that a paedophile with prestige may be more likely to escape justice than a more humble offender.

For example, police now invest relatively little time in the surveillance of public toilets where gay men go cottaging. The one thing that is likely still to trigger such an operation is a complaint that under-aged boys are involved – unless, that is, the toilets in question happen to be those behind the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, in which case, under the terms of a long-standing Metropolitan Police policy, the operation will take place only if it has the approval of an officer of the rank of commander or above. According to experienced London officers, the reason is that those toilets are used by High Court judges and barristers, and the Metropolitan Police have always said they do not want to encounter such a powerful offender without special authority.

Fleet Street routinely nurtures a crop of untold stories about powerful abusers who have evaded justice. One such is Peter Morrison, formerly the MP for Chester and the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party. Ten years ago, Chris House, the veteran crime reporter for the Sunday Mirror, twice received tip-offs from police officers who said that Morrison had been caught cottaging in public toilets with underaged boys and had been released with a caution. A less powerful man, the officers complained, would have been charged with gross indecency or an offence against children.

At the time, Chris House confronted Morrison, who used libel laws to block publication of the story. Now, Morrison is dead and cannot sue. Police last week confirmed that he had been picked up twice and never brought to trial. They added that there appeared to be no trace of either incident in any of the official records.

A lot of paedophiles are loners. The NSPCC found that 70% of them were closely related to their victim – and, contrary to popular belief, they were not always men. Dr Michelle Elliott from Kidscape says she has dealt with more than 700 cases of women sexually abusing children and that she takes on one or two new such cases each week. Academics who have analysed the history of sexually abused children on the At Risk register have found that one in three were assaulted by adolescent or pre-adolescent children. The Young Abusers Project in London, has dealt with one abuser who was only seven years old.

Even though most abusers – whatever their age or sex – work alone, there is clear evidence of some conspiracy, of the existence of paedophile rings, sometimes deliberately infiltrating parts of the child protection system, often taking advantage of each other’s political or social power to conceal their activities.

Researchers at Manchester University trawled the records of eight police areas in search of cases of organised abuse and they concluded that nationally they would expect to find 242 cases every year where children were the victims of adults who had colluded together to use them for sex. They noted, in line with other specialist researchers, that these official records probably captured only one tenth of the truth. It is these cases of organised abuse which present some of the most frightening incidents.

Some are never brought to trial – like the group of men who were believed by police to be abducting homeless girls from the streets of London in the early 1990s and holding them in a converted garage with padded walls, where they were being abused and finally killed. The closest they came to being caught was when the man who was said to be disposing of the girls’ bodies, for £2,000 a time, was identified by Number Eight Regional Crime Squad, in Wales, as an ex-convict, a man with a history of spectacular violence who was living in Cardiff. Police investiged him but were unable to identify those who had hired him or to find evidence to charge him.

Others come to trial only partially – like Robert Oliver and Sidney Cooke and their friends who together abducted, drugged, raped and killed Jason Swift, Barry Lewes and Mark Tildesley. They were convicted of manslaughter. Officers from Operation Orchid were frustrated, first because there was insufficient evidence to convict them of murder, and, second, because they were never able to bring any charges at all in relation to six other boys who, they believed, had also died at the hands of the same ring.

Often the links between abusers lie beneath the surface of less horrific conspiracies. Take, for example, the case of Greystone Heath, an approved school for boys in Warrington, which for years enjoyed an unsullied reputation until police finally discovered that it had become a hot spot for paedophiles. This one institution – whose history of abuse is echoed now in scores of others – is a model of everyday paedophile collusion.

It appears to have started in 1965 when a 21-year-old student teacher named Keith Laverack went to work there and embarked on a campaign of buggery and indecent assault. Over the ensuing four years, he raped at least 16 boys, three of whom he shared with his colleague, Brian Percival, the clerk and storeman at the home. Once these two men had established sexual rights over the boys at Greystone, other abusers joined the staff: Alan Langshaw, who raped at least 24 boys; Dennis Grain who raped at least 18; Roy Shuttleworth who raped at least ten; Jack Bennett who indecently assaulted two; and Steve Norris who assaulted an unknown number.

The Greystone abusers then fanned out. Keith Laverack went to childrens’ homes in Cambridgeshire; Alan Langshaw became Principal of St Vincent’s Catholic boys’ home in Formby; Grain and Shuttleworth were both promoted to other homes in the Warrington area; Steve Norris went to North Wales. At their new homes, all of them continued to rape boys who were in their care and wherever they went, they crossed the paths of other paedophiles.

In Cambridgeshire, Keith Laverack worked with numerous colleagues, four of whom are now also suspected of abusing children. Dennis Grain worked in Doncaster for the same group of private schools as Terence Hoskins who went on to become headteacher of St Aiden’s Community Home in Widnes, where he liked to thrash naked boys with a cane, which he then pushed into their backsides, while his housemaster, Colin Dick, indecently assaulted those who caught his eye. Dennis Grain had previously attacked boys in Danesford childrens’ home in Congleton, opening the door to three others, John Clarke, Joseph Smith and Brian Hudson, who set about the boys with relish. Dennis Grain, in the meantime, went off to work at Eton, where he became a housemaster. The web is almost endless.

While he was Principal of St Vincent’s, Alan Langshaw recruited a care worker named Edward Stanton, who joined in Langshaw’s orgy. Stanton appears to have got the job through the good offices of Roy Shuttleworth, who was continuing to abuse the boys at Greystone and who is believed to have known Stanton from their time in Birmingham when they took the same course in residential child care.

That course in Birmingham, in turn, is believed to have been lectured by Peter Righton, a notorious paedophile who attempted to legitimise his obsession in a series of academic studies. Righton, for his part, belonged to the Paedophile Information Exchange, along with Jack Bennett who joined in the abuse at Greystone. Righton had earlier worked in the same childrens’ home in Maidstone, Kent as Peter Howarth, who went on to become a legendary abuser in the homes of North Wales where he shared his indulgence with Steve Norris, formerly of Greystone.

Each of these men claims to have abused alone. Even though their paths connected so frequently, even though the Greystone abusers were assaulting boys in buildings within yards of each other, even though several of them were raping the same boys, they claim never to have colluded with each other. No one who has been involved with investigating Greystone believes them.

The evidence suggests that such abusers not only collude to give each other work and access to children, but also to infiltrate the child protection system. Peter Righton lectured not only in Birmingham but in numerous other colleges. Before he was finally taken to court and convicted, he became a highly regarded consultant in child care and, eventually, the Director of Education at the prestigious National Institute of Social Work in London, a position from which he was able to have some influence on Government policy.

With similar cynicism, Keith Laverack, who opened the catalogue of abuse at Greystone Heath, went on to run the Guardian Ad Litem panel for Cambridgeshire County Council, with the job of representing the interests of children in court cases. This job not only introduced him to the most vulnerable children in the area but also gave him access to files on abused children all over the country. Terence Hoskins, who worked with some of the Greystone abusers, used connections with South Yorkshire police to get access to his own file, from the supposedly secret National Criminal Intelligence Service, NCIS.

Roger Saint who spent years assaulting his foster children in Clwyd secured himself a job on the local adoption panel, from which he could referee complaints about people like himself.

But this is only the beginning. Beyond the inherent difficulty of detecting and preventing this most secret crime, beyond the obstacle course of concealment erected by the collusion of clever paedophiles, the child victims of sexual abuse are betrayed by organisations who repeatedly prefer to avoid embarrassment by concealing awkward allegations and by a system of protection which simply does not work.

All about Shillaphobia

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:52

Posted by lizardking on 08/31/2015

An Australian Program broadcast on 19/07/2015 investigating British Establishment Paedophilia discusses the matter with both victims and paedophiles in the following video, this has caused a lot of reaction and it is well worth watching to get a view on how the mind of a paedophile works.

Named by the victims among others in this video is the paedophile MP Leon Brittan, the former home secretary for the UK, named as a paedophile by David Icke years ago, but sadly people chose not to listen to this until official Media confirm it after Brittan died in January 2015, so no justice for his many, many depraved crimes against children.

60 Minutes Australia: Special Investigation Spies Lords and Predators

The problem we have is that this is a huge cover up, it has spanned many decades, and it is not only still being covered up but it is still happening, on an unbelievable scale... That is why names are only coming out when it's too late, (like Savile/Brittan/Cyril Smith). This gives us the impression that the investigation is honest and genuine, but actually it goes on to protect the current paedophiles still operating in parliament and British Establishment. David Cameron knows everything, and the Royal family are intimately involved, investigate them. The newspapers serve to distract us and serve them, as do the media networks on TV and radio so you simply cannot trust the information that comes from those sources. Start searching the internet for the information, you kind of have to be the investigator yourself to decide what you really think is happening, but there are so many shocking stories involving MPs, members of the Royal family, corporate bosses, school teachers and many others, it does paint a grim picture of our ruling establishment.

For many this is a new topic of interest that has only just in recent times come to light, but people like myself have been aware of this for a number of years before this became a mainstream subject, the reason I became aware of the scale of Child abuse among the ruling classes world wide is because author David Icke has named many Politicians, including UK Prime Ministers and US Presidents as paedophiles in several of his books, and issued no law suit for saying it either...

So based on that information and a lot of further research I became well aware of the scale of abuse and how wide spread it is. At first the stories can be hard to believe, mainly because you don't want to believe it, but in the end there are so many accounts, and enough evidence to make you come to terms with the nature of what we are dealing with - This is Child abuse on a world wide scale, by paedophiles who are not the stereo-typical 'loner/drop-out' but high ranking personnel in Government, Banking, Military, Media, Entertainment and business and they are suited wealthy rulers of countries, armies and financial empires.

The expose of this element of the nature of those who control us is a significant step forward to exposing the deeper conspiracy that most of us spend our lifetime blissfully unaware of. 

The rest of this article has been researched and written by Teresa Cooper, I would like to thank her for allowing me to share this information, please take the time to visit www.no2abuse.com. 

Teresa Cooper is the Author of Trust No One/Pin Down. 

Convicted MPs - at a glance

Labour Councillor (Northampton/Northamptonshire), and former School Governor, Alec Dyer-Atkins – Convicted and jailed for 2 years in 2003 for downloading more than 42,000 pictures and films described in court as “Horrifying images of child abuse”. Dyer-Atkins was a member of an international paedophile ring called `The Shadows Brotherhood` which was successfully penetrated following sterling work by Britain’s National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU). Commenting on the conviction of the depraved Labour Party beast, NHTCU Deputy Head, Mick Deats said: “This man had some of the worst images on his computers that officers from this unit have ever viewed”.

Tory Party General election candidate, Michael Powell - Convicted and jailed for 3 years for downloading hardcore child porn.

. Tory Party Councillor (Wickbar/Bristol) Roger Talboys - Convicted and jailed for 6 years for multiple sex attacks on children.

. Tory Party Vice-Chairman of Welsh Conservatives, Andrew Baker - Received a banning order for stalking women.

. Tory Party MP (Billericay) Harvey Proctor - Stood trial for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.

. Tory Party Councillor (Stratford-upon-Avon) Christopher Pilkington - Convicted of downloading hardcore child porn on his PC. Placed on sex offenders register and forced to resign.

. Tory Party councillor (Coventry), Peter Stidworthy - Charged with indecent assault of a 15-year old boy.

. Tory Party Mayor (North Tyneside), Chris Morgan - Forced to resign after being arrested twice in 2 weeks, for indecent assault on a 15-year old girl, and for suspicion of downloading child porn.

. Tory Party MEP, Tom Spencer - Caught smuggling drugs and porn through customs.

. Tory Party councillor and former Mayor (Wrexham), Michael Morris - Convicted and put on probation for 2 years, for the indecent assault of another man, which was captured on CCTV.

. Tory Party Liaison Manager on the London Assembly, Douglas Campbell, who’s job includes running the Tory GLA website - Arrested for allegedly downloading child porn. He is currently suspended while the Police investigation continues.

. Labour Councillor (Newton Aycliffe) Martin Locklyn - Convicted and jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys.

. Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner - Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.

. Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green - Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.

. Labour Mayor (Todmordon) John Winstanley - Convicted and jailed for rape and threats to kill. After raping and threatening to kill his terrified victim, Winstanley then ordered the woman to go on all fours before urinating on her.

. Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann (who has met Tony & Cherie at Party functions) recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old girl on 2 separate occasions.

. Labour’s current Parliamentary Candidate (Reading East) Tony Page - Has 2 Convictions for Acts of Gross Indecency` in public toilets.

. Labour Mayor (Burnley) Mark Swainston - Convicted of sex offences in public toilet.

. Entire Labour Party conspired to conceal the activities of Labour Party activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before he could be convicted.

. Labour Councillor (North Yorkshire) Raymond Coats - Court appearance for indecently assaulting a woman.

. Labour MP (Rhonda Valley) Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as “Horny as bu**ery” and says, “I’d love a good long f**k”.

. Labour Councillor (Manchester), George Harding - Charged with indecent assault on a girl of 12.

. Labour MP Ron Davies was mugged by a Rasta on Clapham Common while cruising for gay sex. He was photographed again by the media recently, engaged in some `man-on-man` action in a field off a motorway. “I was only looking for badgers” he said.

. Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne - Arrested by Police following a sex attack.

. Labour MP, Joe Ashton - Caught up in a Police raid while frequenting a brothel. Tried to lie his way out of the scandal.

. Labour Councillor (Shropshire), Derek Woodvine - Arrested by Police in anti-porn operation.

. Labour Councillor (Basildon), Tony Wright - Forced to resign after being caught using his council computer to download porn.

. Labour MP (Sheffield), Clive Betts - Suspended from Parliament for 7 days after being caught forging immigration papers to extend the stay of his Brazilian rent-boy gay lover.

* Senior clerk Phillip Lyon, who arranges the weekly Prime Minister’s Question Time for Tony Blair, was arrested after vice cops raided his Commons office.Lyon, 37, is accused of making indecent images of children.
* The Labour Party in Calderdale has been plunged into a crisis as their lead candidate, and former Mayor of Hebden Royd, Stewart Brown, has been arrested on suspicion of child porn offences.

Labour Councillor and Deputy Council Leader (Northumberland), John Whiteman, who was also a senior member of the local police authority – Convicted and fined in 2002 for soliciting a prostitute in the red light district of Middlesbrough. The court heard Whitman was arrested in his car as Police discovered him in a “state of undress” with a lady of the night he had just paid £35 for sex. He subsequently resigned from the council.

Labour Councillor (Stoke/Staffordshire), Michael Barnes, put forward a motion in July 2004 to change the constitution of Stoke-on-Trent Council. The proposed amendments were designed to prevent the City’s two British National Party councillors from chairing any committees, so as to `protect` the good citizens of Stoke from the beastly BNP types they’d voted for in huge numbers to represent them. As Mr Barnes explained to the local paper, the move was “to prevent the BNP from exerting more influence”, and was “in the best interests of the people of Stoke-on-Trent”. A few months later, in November 2004, the civic-minded and virtuous Councillor Barnes appeared at North Staffordshire Magistrates Court, to face seven different charges relating to child pornography

Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne – Arrested by Police following a sex attack

Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), Liam Temple - Convicted in 2004 of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency` after the 58-year old Labour pervert had attempted to molest a 12-year old girl. During the case, the brave youngster told the court via a video link: “He said if I let him touch me he would give me money”.

Labour Councillor (Coxhoe/Durham), Les Sheppard – Convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years, and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks. After his arrest, the Labour nonce-case told police “I love women, but you do things which you regret”. Sheppard’s `women` victims were between 9 and 13 years old.

According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr. Blair?

Yusef Azad – One of Ken Livingston’s overpaid left-wing cronies on the London Assembly gravy train – Resigned from his 60K-plus a year job `assisting` Assembly members, after being arrested on suspicion of downloading child porn in 2003.

Labour Councillor (Wokingham/Berkshire), Nelson Bland – Convicted on 16 counts of possession and distribution of hardcore child porn in 2004. Sentenced to community service, placed on the sex offender’s register and ordered to attend rehabilitation classes for paedophiles. Bland used his own teenage daughters computer to hoard his grotesque gallery of child abuse, which was discovered by police during a search of Bland`s home, when they arrested him in connection with the murder of a Nottingham businessman

Labour Councillor and Mayor-Elect (Merton/London), Sam Chaudry – Due to become Merton’s first Asian Mayor, before he was arrested, tried and convicted of multiple sex attacks on young girls in 1999. One of his victims was a 5-year old.

Labour Councillor (Halton/Leeds), Lee Benson – Convicted and awaiting sentence in 2005, after pleading guilty on 12 counts of possession of indecent images of children, featuring youngsters between the ages of 5 and 11. Benson, who has a child of his own, repaid the fools who voted for him by storing his revolting kiddie porn collection on the computer provided for him by the council. Benson has been `suspended` - not expelled - by the Labour Party, which means his name remains on the Labour Party membership list, as well as on the sex offenders register. As to which is the more shameful – take your pick!

Labour Councillor (Bridgend/South Wales), Iestyn Tudor Davies – Convicted, jailed for 7 years, and placed on the sex offender’s register for life in 2005, for repeatedly raping a 9-year old girl

Labour Councillor (Newham/London), Greg Vincent, who was the Election Agent to Labour MP Tony Banks at the 2001 General Election – Convicted and given a 2-year community rehabilitation order in 2003, for possession of hardcore kiddie porn films and photos, featuring children as young as 8. One of the photos the Labour Councillor found so entertaining, featured – as described in court – a girl aged around 10, naked except for a dog-collar, being assaulted and abused while her hands were tied behind her back around a beam. Vincent was also a School Governor

Prominent Edinburgh Labour party activist and election candidate, Rab Knox - Convicted and jailed for 3 years in 2005 for a horrific sex attack on a woman passenger in his taxi cab.

Labour Party Official (North West England Regional Officer, and parliamentary adviser to the Home Office Minister responsible for crime and policing, Hazel Blears), Peter Tuffley – Convicted and jailed for 15 months and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years in 2006, for the sexual molestation of a 13-year old boy that he had previously `groomed` on the internet. Tuffley was described as a `rising star` within the Labour Party - which is nothing to be proud of either

Labour Councillor (Hornchurch/Essex), Alan Prescott, who was also a senior magistrate – Convicted and jailed for 2 years in 2001, for molesting children at the East London care home where he was the superintendent. Prescott, described in court as a “pillar of his local community” admitted carrying out sex attacks on four teenage boys as they slept in their beds

Labour Parliamentary candidate (Cheadle/Cheshire), Paul Diggert – Subject of a 2002 police investigation into the alleged procurement of underage girls for sexual purposes via internet chatrooms. According to the `Sunday Mirror` (3/11/02), Diggert had admitted to having four underage girls that he was `grooming` for sex. In 2004 Diggert was convicted of making and distributing indecent pictures of children

Labour Councillor (Dagenham/London), Terry Power – Forced to resign in 1999 after being arrested and charged with sex attacks on teenage boys. Details of trial and conviction to follow.

Labour Councillor (Westlands/Worcestershire), Keith Rogers – Convicted, fined, and placed on the sex offender’s register in 2003, after downloading over 2,000 hardcore child porn photos on his computer

Labour councillor Ex-Paston councillor Gilbert Benn (48) A former city councillor was a five-year jail sentence for molesting an 11-year-old boy and threatening the youngster’s mother in a bid to cover his tracks.

A FORMER Wirral Tory councillor led a secret life looking at indecent images of children. While his wife and two daughters slept upstairs, Ian McKellar spent hours poring over child porn downloaded from the internet onto his computer. Ex-Tory councillor was sentenced after admitting child porn charges

Former Children’s Minister and prior to that, chair of the Campaign For Civil Liberties Harriet Harmann while in CCL, collaborated with the Pedophile Information Exchange and another pedophile activist groups in a campaign to decriminalise/legalise child pornography. 

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:53

Posted by lizardking on 08/31/2015
Pope Francis Charged in Trafficking Orphans Trial

Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio was named as the chief defendant in a child trafficking case involving Catholic orphans. Pope Francis will be asked to defend his role in child trafficking during Argentine's 1970s Junta Dirty War. This case of orphaned children from missing political prisoners was set for trial on March 31 2014 in a Brussels international court.

A witness has agreed to come out of hiding in Spain to testify against Pope Francis. The Argentine civil servant took extensive notes of meetings between the now-Pope Francis and Junta military officials.

Is Pope Francis just another devil in disguise?

Pope Francis's fast ascension to head the Argentina Catholic Church was suspected to be a result of an agreement between Pope Francis and the Junta military to traffic children from Catholic orphanages.

The witness wasn't alone in his accusations against Pope Francis. According to a 2005 Los Angeles Times article, the now-Catholic Pope Francis was accused by a human rights group of trafficking babies, plus helping to kidnap opponents of Argentine’s military Junta during the Dirty War. Lawyers filing the 2005 complaint represented the Plaza de Mayo human rights group.

A year ago Catholic Pope Francis came to power over the global Catholic Church after Pope Benedict resigned from office. The unprecedented resignation of a Catholic pope happened within days of Pope Benedict being served an arrest warrant by the same international court that would try Pope Francis in March.

Catholic Pope Benedict's Feb. 2013 guilty verdict came after months of deliberation by 36 jury members and six international judges on 150 cases surrounding over 50,000 missing Canadian native children.

The international jury found that native children were being raped, tortured and murdered in residential schools across Canada - the majority of which were Catholic-run institutions. The 80 schools were jointly owned by the Canadian government, Queen Elizabeth and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.

The Catholic Pope, Canadian government and Queen Elizabeth were not alone in their crimes against vulnerable children. The 50,000 missing native children were also found to be subjects of illegal CIA mind control experiments including drug testing.

The drug tests were operated in association with pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly, Upjohn and Bayer. The drug companies funded the United, Anglican and Catholic churches which ran the 80 Indian residential schools in connection with the Canadian Government, Catholic Church and English Crown.

Since 2008, 32 child mass gravesites have been discovered on Canadian institution and native residential school grounds. Even though human remains were uncovered on at least two sites, all child mass gravesites have been refused further excavation. Evidence of the Canadian child holocaust was chronicled in Kevin Annett's book," Hidden No Longer" that can be read for freehere.

Annett stated this child abuse and cover up was "a deliberate attempt to eliminate native Canadian tribes and take possession of their lands which in many instances, has been accomplished."

The Feb. 2013 international court also found Queen Elizabeth guilty for the October 10 1964 disappearance of ten children from Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. Parents of the missing children were prevented by the Canadian government from taking their case to trial - the reason for the 2013 international court.

Three witnesses to the kidnapping died of mysterious causes prior to trial. One was William Combes, age twelve at the time. He stated in his video testimony, "It was strange because we had to kiss the Queen's boots which were white with laces. Seven boys and three girls ages six through 14 left with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. We never heard or seen them after that day, even when we got older."

The announcement today to take Pope Francis to trial was made by Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. It was done on the first anniversary of the 25 Feb. 2013 conviction of former Pope Benedict and 29 other global elites including Queen Elizabeth, for their Crimes Against Humanity.

Pope Bergoglio, Queen Elizabeth charged for child trafficking?
(Before It's News)

Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio, Queen Elizabeth and top officials of the Jesuit Order have been charged with international child trafficking and cover up of crimes against children. An international Common Law court will begin prosecution 31 March 2014 in Brussels according to Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. www.itccs.orgwww.iclcj.com

In apparent retaliation, Annett was warned he could be issued an arrest warrant by Queen Elizabeth’s Privy Council office and the Canadian government. Annett’s apparent “crime” was heading successful prosecution of a 50,000 missing Canadian native children case. The Feb. 2013 Brussels court of six judges found 40 global elites guilty including Queen Elizabeth, former Catholic Pope Benedict Ratzinger and Canadian Prime Minister Brent Harper. guardianlv.com/2013/03/jd-arrest-warrant-issued-for-pope-francis-i-for-crimes-against-humanity-and-child-trafficking/ 

Catholic Pope Benedict Ratzinger resigned as Pope in Feb. 2013 only a few days after receiving his arrest warrant.

Annett’s pending arrest warrant was not the first for ITCCS members. Queen Elizabeth and British and Canadian government officials appeared to be behind several 2013 and 2014 detainments. Arrested and held without charges in Jan 2014 were British citizens David Compan and his wife and in 2013, Canadians Steve Finney and Kevin Annett.

What were the crimes of these activists against child abuse?

They publicly posted the 2013 International Common Law Court findings against Queen Elizabeth, Canadian Prime Minister Brent Harper and Catholic Pope Benedict Ratzinger.www.examiner.com/article/pope-bergoglio-child-trafficked-pope-benedict-queen-elizabeth-covered-crimes

What were Queen Elizabeth’s, Pope Benedict Ratzinger’s, Pope Francis Bergoglio’s and Canadian Prime Minister Brent Harper’s possible crimes?

Since 2008 Queen Elizabeth, Pope Benedict Ratzinger, Pope Francis Bergoglio, plus Canadian government officials have appeared to prevent excavation of 31 child mass grave sites of the 50,000 missing Canadian indigent children case.

Queen Elizabeth was found guilty by the Brussels court for the 1964 disappearance of ten native children from the Canadian Kamloops residential school. Two witnesses to the abduction died of mysterious causes prior to the international court hearing.

The charges of child trafficking against Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio were not new. In the 1970′s the now-Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio was believed to gain his position as head of Argentine’s Catholic Church by trafficking children from Catholic orphanages during the Junta’s Dirty War. A witness to several meetings between Bergoglio and Junta officials has agreed to testify at the March international trial.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was accused of baby trafficking, plus helping to kidnap opponents of Argentina’s military junta during the Dirty War. Lawyers filing the 2005 complaint represented the Plaza de Mayo human rights group. articles.latimes.com/2005/apr/17/world/fg-cardinal17

According to a Feb. 5 decision by the UN Committee on Rights of the Child, the Vatican implemented policies that have led to “the continuation of clerical sex abuse and the impunity of the perpetrators.” Tens of thousands of children were abused by clerics worldwide according to UN findings – the majority of which have not gone to court due in part to the lack of cooperation from Catholic Church officials. www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-05/scathing-un-report-demands-vatican-act-against-child-sex-abuse/5241300

“Every Anglican clergy, like every catholic priest, must now cover up the raping of children in their church if they want to keep their job – thanks to the Queen of England” said Kevin Annett to a crowd of reporters at a New York media event on Feb. 7. “By her September 2010 agreement with the former Pope Benedict Ratzinger to abide by the Catholic ‘protect the rapist’ policy known as Crimen Sollicitationas, Elizabeth Windsor and the Vatican formed a criminal conspiracy.”

Officials of the Jesuit Order to which Pope Francis Bergoglio belonged would also be prosecuted in the March international court. Witnesses have come forward to verify that under a secret oath, the Jesuits authorized and encouraged members to kill or torture opponents of the Vatican and Pope. www.biblebelievers.org.au/jesuits.htm

Catholic clegy sex abusers remained operating “under the authority of the Holy See” according to the 5 Feb. 2014 UN findings. The committee requested that Pope Francis Bergoglio “immediately remove all known and suspected child sexual abusers. . . The Holy See has consistently placed the preservation of the reputation of the church and the protection of the perpetrators above children’s best interests, as observed by several national commissions of inquiry.” www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/05/un-denounces-vatican-child-abuse

Last week Pope Francis Bergoglio testily responded to the UN findings by stating the UN was interfering in Church affairs, though claimed he was studying the matter.bigstory.ap.org/article/vatican-hits-back-un-committee-abuse-report

“Lawyers confirm that evidence abounds of the church at all levels continuing, even following the resignation of Pope Benedict Ratzinger, to do everything in its power to shield abusing Catholic clerics from justice and maintain secrecy, and do the least possible for victims,” said Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society in Britain.

Annett planned to seek political asylum in the United States in order to continue prosecution of the Vatican, Queen Elizabeth, Brent Harper and other global government officials for their crimes against children.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:54

Posted by lizardking on 09/06/2015

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Tumblr_n7jam1RizN1tepew7o1_500

There is a belief that Fred West, a freemason, provided girls for some of the UK's Satanic elite.

In 1973, 21-year-old Lucy Partington, cousin of the novelist Martin Amis, set off from a friend’s house in Cheltenham, in England, to catch a bus.

She took a lift from Fred West, and was later murdered.

Fred West, Jimmy Savile and the child killers Peter Tobin and Robert Black all lived in Scotland at the same time.

In Scotland, Jimmy Gallogley was a friend and neighbour of Fred West.

Gallogley was a church elder.

Gallogley has been accused of murdering the 12-year-old schoolgirl Moira Anderson.

Reportedly, Gallogley and West were involved in a child abuse ring.

According to The Sunday Times, 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring linked to the death of Moira Anderson..

The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.


The Scottish child killer Ian Brady worked for the top Scottish drugs gangster Arthur Thompson, who was an associate of the Kray Twins.

Arthur Thompson reportedly worked for the British security service MI5.

In Scotland, Scott Chirashi had his heart ripped out by an individual or by a gang.

Scott lived in Alva in Scotland, not so very far from Kirckaldy, where the body of young Mikaeel Kular was found butchered.

The official version is that Fred West and his wife Rosemary tortured, raped and murdered at least 12 young women and girls.

Most of the murders occurred between May 1973 and September 1979 at their home in Gloucester.

Jimmy Savile abused children Parklands Children’s Home in Gloucestershire.

Fred West was born into a family of farm workers in England.

West married Catherine Costello and then Rosemary Letts.

Numerous murders took place.

Fred West was arrested in 1994 and very shortly died in mysterious circumstances.

He was found hanged at Winson Green Prison, in Birmingham.

Fred West's brother John West also died soon after in mysterious circumstances.

In 1996, the Wests' house, along with the adjoining property, was demolished.

Among those who were murdered were:

Carol Ann Cooper who was living in a children’s home in Worcester when she disappeared.

Fred West may have supplied girls to Satanist groups.

Fred West: Caterer to a Coven?

In Fred West's property, bodies that were found beneath the cellar, the back patio and the garden.

Professor Bernard Knight, who oversaw the operation, noted that finger and toe bones were missing from all of the bodies.

In the 1943, a body had been found at Hagley Wood, part of the Hagley Hall estate belonging to Lord Cobham (Lyttelton family) in Worcestershire.

Small bones had been removed from the body, and buried nearby.

Professor Margaret Murray, an archaelogist, a professor of Egyptology and a leading authority on witchcraft, believed that that the crime was linked to Satanism.

In Satanism, finger bones are buried near the sacrificed victim.

Fred West had a bar in his home which was called The Black Magic Bar.

Rose West had a fascination with Satanism - an interest shared by one of her victims, nanny Lynda Gough.

Fred West allegedly told a journalist that "he was covering for others."

According to Professor Margaret Murray, the Satanists "come mainly from the professional classes."

Fred West swore that he did not remove any bones from the bodies.

He also, eventually, swore that he never killed the women found under the grounds of his house.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:54

Posted by lizardking on 09/07/2015
Church of England bishop charged with indecently assaulting two young males

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Peter-Ball-011

Peter Ball, former bishop of Gloucester and Lewes, is accused of misusing position for sexual gratification

A former bishop in the Church of England has been charged with indecently assaulting two young males and abusing his position for his own sexual gratification over a 15-year period.

An investigation by Sussex police into allegations of assault by Peter Ball, the former bishop of Gloucester and of Lewes, resulted on Thursday in the Crown Prosecution Service announcing he was being charged.

Ball, 82, is accused of the sexual abuse of a number of young males between 1977 and 1992. Jaswant Narwal, chief crown prosecutor for CPS south-east, said: "After a thorough and careful review I have decided that Peter Ball should be prosecuted for misconduct in public office and two indecent assaults.

"It is alleged that he sexually abused a number of young males between 1977 and 1992. The misconduct alleged is that he misused his position and authority to manipulate and prevail upon others for his own sexual gratification. During this time Mr Ball was a bishop in the Church of England."

Ball is charged with misconduct in a public office between 1977 and 1992, indecent assault on a boy aged 13 or 12 in 1978 and indecent assault on a man aged 19 or 20 between 1980 and 1982.

He is due to appear before Brighton magistrates on 10 April.

Sussex police carried out a six-month investigation into historic abuse allegations in the diocese of Chichester and in November 2012 Ball was arrested at his home address in Landport, Somerset. He is thought to be the most senior figure in the Church of England to be charged in connection with a sexual abuse investigation.

As part of their investigation detectives carried out what they said was a "comprehensive and painstaking" three-month analysis of two reports from Lambeth Palace, "which contain reviews of church files relating to certain child safeguarding issues within the Chichester diocese from between 20 and 25 years ago". They also reviewed internal church files containing details of clergymen's careers in the diocese.

The handling of allegations of abuse in the Chichester diocese was subject to an inquiry in 2012 commissioned by the outgoing archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.

In May 2011 Lady Butler-Sloss produced a report, commissioned by the church, reviewing the cases of two separate priests serving in the diocese who between 1996 and 2010 were the subject of allegations of child abuse that took place before 1984. She concluded that across the diocese there was "a lack of understanding of the seriousness of historic child abuse". There was, in the early stages, "a failure to respond appropriately to disclosures of abuse by victims and to give them adequate and timely support", the report said.

Ball was a senior figure in the diocese before he was enthroned as the bishop of Gloucester in 1991, a ceremony attended by Prince Charles. When Ball resigned in 1993 he moved to Manor Lodge, in the Somerset village of Aller. The wisteria-clad property is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, the private estate headed by Charles.

Sussex police said their detectives had worked with the full co-operation of the church to investigate allegations of sexual offences by Ball against 19 young men and boys, who were at time in their late teens or early 20s, at addresses in East Sussex and elsewhere between the 1970s and the early 1980s, except for two who were 12 and 13 when the alleged offending occurred in the late 1970s.

Ball was arrested on 13 November 2012 but was released at his home that afternoon on medical advice, without being interviewed, the police said.

A spokesman for the force said: "It was subsequently established, following medical advice, that he was not medically fit to be further arrested, or interviewed by police. However in March 2013 he was supplied by police with details in writing of the allegations against him, and supplied a written response."

The written response was submitted to the CPS in May 2013, along with other evidence obtained during the investigation. Since that date Sussex police have continued to provide the CPS with all the further information they requested to assist in their decision-making process, Sussex police said.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:55

Posted by lizardking on 09/08/2015
Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? 

Because if he did, it would certainly be in keeping with all the other anomalous behaviour exhibited by Jim Gamble regarding Arguido, Gerry McCann. (See Jim Gamble tag)

This topic of discussion is far from new, though no less important for being that, but it is doing the rounds currently on Twitter. www.youtube.com/user/ka0ssis

"Gerry McCann was convicted for child sex abuses in 2002, althought the evidence has been hacked and emptied from the case file by someone who has access to the National Sex Offenders Register, namely Jim Gamble though the CEOP mainframe connected to every police station crime files in the UK, the reference for this conviction still exists in the judiscial reference files and confiemes that Gerald P McCann was placed on the Child Sex Offenders Register following conviction in court, and is still on that register today!"

Much more than that I don't feel it's necessary to post; principally because there are mountains of stuff to be had by searching the net:

Gerald McCann: CATS system - registration number 19309

Cartas Rogatorias Vol III
Page 27

Leicestershire Police Force

From: DC443 J.N. HUGHES
To: SIO, Operation Task
Department: Main Crime Unit
Date: 16th May 2008

Subject: Background Information- Gerald McCANN

Dear Sirs

In response to your letter of request, I can provide the following information regarding the above-mentioned subject

Gerald McCann was born on June 5, 1968 in Scotland.

He is the bearer of British passport No **********.

He lives with his wife and children at Orchard House, 5 The Crescent, Rothley, Leicestershire, LE7 7RW.

The house is subject to a mortgage for the amount of GBP 323.493 with the Northern Rock Bank.

There is no report or statement of bank credit cards listed in the research carried out. However I was alerted to the fact that if an individuals maintains an open account with the same bank or a credit card for a long period of time, these details do not appear in this type of research.

He works for the NHS as a cardiologist at Glenfield hospital.

His previous address was 14 Queniborough Hall Drive, Queniborough, Leicestershire, LE7 3DZ.

His phone number is ******** and he has a mobile phone Vodafone No **********.

He is the owner of two vehicles registered in the PNC, a light blue Volkswagen Passat - R119 and a green BVV VW Touran, FM54 CXR.

No record was found in the National Police Computer. Search reference NE91/0031.

A search of the crime location and information system only indicates that Mr McCann was the victim of a theft of golf clubs from inside his car in the drive way to his home on 01/04/2006. Criminal Reference NQ/010145/06-9

A search of the local section of the child abuse shows a registration number 19309 in the CATS system. A consultation with the DC Soand from the department in question confirms that this is just a file reference, but as a complement to Operation Task system for the purpose of reference, if any investigation should be necessary by the department. No work has been done on the basis of this file.

An examination of all other police files using a search system does not reveal any information about him.

Submitted for your information.

Failing a Google search, you could do worse than paste these URLs into your browser. It is the comments that are of much interest as anything else, and of course, those by KaOssis.



Suffolk Police state that "When a CATS investigation is allocated to an officer for investigation, they will ensure that a detailed ‘initial investigation details and summary’ log will be completed. This log entry should contain specific details of the allegation and the intended course of action for the investigating officer."

WPC is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the contract to
support and maintain CATS – Case Administration and Tracking System
which currently has two modules – Child Protection and Domestic Abuse.
CATS can also be configured to record information about Vulnerable
Adults if required.
The CATS system was developed in the absence of a national database
for Child Protection, and in light of the recommendation in Lord
Laming’s Report into the death of Victoria Climbie that Chief Constables
must ensure that their police force has in use an effective Child
Protection database and IT management system. The Domestic Abuse module
was developed later to complement the Child Protection system.
System Benefits
• CATS gives police officers a much clearer picture of the child or
vulnerable person referred to them. The data collected in CATS can be
used to piece together vital information on family background of that
individual, helping the officer make more informed decisions.
• CATS may also be used to help identify previous accusations against
suspects offering further lines of investigation and valuable
information to help assess the safety of the vulnerable person. It may
also be used to help identify repeat offenders.
• Incidents go through a managed process, from a new referral to a
finalised incident. As a case is progressed, CATS validates the
information collected and ensures the case has visibility to the
relevant officers and staff members.
• Incident Reports can be generated for sharing of information between Police and Social Services.
• A full audit trail is available in CATS, which enables supervisors to monitor usage of the system.
• WPC has provided an online forum for users to download software
updates, find answers to frequently asked questions, and discuss usage
of the application.
The only way that files are emptied in the CATS system, is if the
persons held on that register have died and has no links to a paedophile
ring or organised child porn trafficking, or someone’s hacked into it,
and it’s a known fact that CEOP Jim Gamble had access to the CATS system
well before the McCann’s went to Praia, and also has a habit of
emptying crime files when he was in Northern Ireland’s Serious Crime
Squad and has links to the IRA. Gamble is also suspected of manipulating
certain evidence during Operation Ore and Landslide, leading to the
possibility that Gamble had been quite deliberate in the concealing the
identities of certain persons, namely that of MP’s and Lords that used
their credit cards online to access illegal child porn prior to
Operation Ore.

Here is some background infomation of Operation Ore:

In my opinion, Jim Gamble is in the business of protecting
paedophiles from exposure, and Operation Ore was an organised assult on
innnocent persons that had the same names of certain members of
Parliament that needed a scapegoat system that Gamble could easily
manipulate on the inside of the Law Enforcment system, especially in the
area of credit cards, as you know, Gerry McCann made a statement to the
PJ that he had never owned a credit card, but then we read on his blog
that he’d had his wallet containing his credit cards stolen just a
couple of weeks after he reported the abduction of his daughter
Madeleine while he was making a call from a London airport phone booth,
which was then returned back to him less than 24 hours later still
containing his credit cards minus the specific photo of Madeleine Gerry
mentioned in his blog that his wallet contained, which I believe was
Gerry’s attempt at making up some excuse to cover up the use of his
credit cards for online porn sites and possibly accessing illegal child

There is also the fact that the UK Police forwarded a list of
visiting paedophiles in Portugal at the time of Madeleine’s abduction at
the request of the PJ, but this list was withheld by the Chieff
Prosecutioner in Lisbon, and is still being wihheld today. I believe
that Gerry was on that list of UK paedophiles, due to his registration
in the CATS system (SIO, Operation TASK- a Main Crime Unit Operation
investigation of a cetain paedophile ring), and was associated with
other UK paedophiles/expats living and working in Portugal and Lisbon,
which had links to the Casa Pia Orphanage paedophile scandal, and also
links to Operation Landslide paedophile ring in the U.S.

Another rarely mentioned fact, conerned the father of Hollie Greig,
Denis Charles Mackie. Hollie was sexually abused not only by her father
for many years, but also by a Freemason ring of paedophiles in
Scotland. Elish Frances Angiolini QC, a Scottish lawyer who has served
in the political role of Lord Advocate in Scotland since 2006, prevented
any action being taken by the police and the Sheriff of pursuing any
legal actions or arrests of any of the Freemason peasophiles mentioned
by Hollie in her statement and consequently allowed the main offender,
Denis Charles Mackie, also a Freemason member, to escape the country and
settle in Portugal the same month of the McCann’s holiday to Praia.

It is clearly stated that "a CATS record will be created for every child abuse related referral received at the CAIU or where an invitation to attend a child protection case conference or case conference review is received. A CATS record will also be created when a police check request has been received from a partner agency.

When a CATS investigation is allocated to an officer for investigation, they will ensure that a detailed ‘initial investigation details and summary’ log will be completed. This log entry should contain specific details of the allegation and the intended course of action for the investigating officer.


Can it be assumed the file nr was allocated when social service visited them, but because sr social service officer deemed they were practising responsible parenting (according to GM's claim anyway) nothing was recorded .

Having said that, that cannot be right nor does it make sense, because even if the visit didn't result in any action needed to be taken, it should still record what caused the visit in the first place. So at the very least, it should have purpose of visit. Even if no action was recommendation it should have been recorded as such. So why a void of contents file? Another enigma?

There are just three issues in this hypothesis that I would like to mention, the first of those being importantly, the date that the, CATS system registration number 19309, was registered. That date having to be pre-March 2007 to have any significance.

Secondly, irrespectively of date; why is the file empty?

And thirdly, Gerry McCann's claim that he had is wallet stolen, or more importantly, his credit card. Because if we are to attach the same significance to the missing credit card that the writer does, I.e. McCann had to show that his credit card had been in a third party's possession, should various nefarious online activities concerning said card, ever come to light.

Because there has to be some significance to the credit card, why else would McCann come out with a tale of such incredulity surrounding the 'stolen wallet' that it makes the claim that Madeleine was abducted, almost plausible?

Gerry McCann has his wallet stolen. A day or two later it is returned to him, I'm not sure how, returned to him sans Pounds Sterling, but complete with credit cards and thirty Euros.

I'm going to have a Bill Maher moment here, and say; Imagine the balls it takes, to stand in front of another human being and tell them that?

Because let's face it, you believe that? Then not only do I have a bridge to sell you, I have a river full of bridges that I want to sell you.

Oh! and by the by, I think this must be the thirty Euros in question. The wallet saga and more wallet saga.

The Wallet Histronics

Gerry's 2nd Trip Home

Case Files Released: Portuguese Reports (1) ...... Gerry McCann had his wallet stolen during a brief trip to London, ... One picture is said to show Madeleine at 15-months-old while the other was taken in church more recently. ...www.mccannfiles.com/id178.html - En caché

According to Philomena McCann, Gerry's sister, "He bent down to put something in his rucksack and some dirty animal had the wallet out of his back pocket."

Gerry's blog entry:

Day 47 - 19/06/2007 - Tuesday
Flew in to London to for a series of meetings. Helped a passenger on the flight who collapsed. He was ill enough to require a full assessment on arrival and went off to hospital in an ambulance.

Unfortunately shortly after arriving in London I had my wallet stolen which meant I was running late. I did manage to get to all my meetings which ran late into the evening. We had very good discussions regarding sustaining the search for Madeleine long term. The role for Kate and I in the campaign will not be nearly be so public. We have to balance any campaigning in the search for Madeleine with protecting Sean and Amelie and making sure their privacy is protected. We are exploring the use of new media and using local advertising, particularly in Europe. There will of course be event driven media exposure such as the balloon launch on Friday 22nd. There are several other very good ideas being developed and a few large companies are willing to help us.

The man who apparently received medical assistance has never been publicly identified.

And Gerry has his wallet stolen. Not lost. Stolen. But no more details given.

And then... hurrah! The wallet has been returned.

Day 57 - 29/06/2007 - Friday
Early rise this morning dropping off and picking up good friends from the airport. One of our friends from Amsterdam, who has been actively campaigning to publicise Madeleines disappearance, dropped in to see us for a couple of hours since he is on a golfing trip in the Algarve.

Our friends brought back my wallet which had been returned, needless to say minus the Sterling, although all my cards and €30 were still in it! It is good to have my driving license back and one or two other important things.

Can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it reads oddly.

NO ONE BUT NO ONE WHO STEALS A WALLET WOULD RETURN MONEY OF ANY CURRENCY.....so what were the histrionics really all about? There was according to Gerry a photograph of Madeleine in a church in his wallet...this photograph has never been shown to the public unless the McCanns are holding it back for the simple reason the photograph is of Madeleine inside the church in PDL...the church McCann claimed he did not know where it was the night May 3rd.

Gerry McCann and the stolen wallet

"You can moad all you like, but no moderator has helped sort out imposters all, infact, cause this imposter has access to my personal settings, and if I'm not mistaken, the only person I know that can hack into personal setting on the net that has a problem with me, is Jim Gamble and the McMafia paedophile mob at CEOP.
I aleady exposed his paedophile ass for hacking Gerry McCann's crime file's in the Law Enforcment data base using CEOP's mainframe and emptied out the file of the evidence tha Gerry used his credit card's to download ilegal child porn off the net and ended up being charged for having over 200,000 indecent images of children and babys beiing sexually abused and murdered and for trafficking his own produced video's of child abuses and murder, which landed him on the UK National Child Sex Absue Offence Register.

You can check it out yourself that IS Gerry's registered as a paedophile and got caught in Operation Ore in 2006 before he took his family to Praia de Luz and faked his daughter Madeleine's abduction, tjhen tried to make out that he's had his credit card's stolen the same month he reported his daughter being abducted in London Heathrow in May 2007 to make people believe he was a victim of credit card fraud if anyone found out he'd been caught downloading ilegal child porn on his own computer!"

A search of the local section of the child abuse shows a registration number 19309 in the CATS system. A consultation with the DC Soand from the department in question confirms that this is just a file reference, but as a complement to Operation Task system for the purpose of reference.

You can believe it or not, but the SIO, Operation Task, Main Crime Unit is where all the UK's paedophile data files from Operation Ore are kept, the registration of Gerry's paedophile crime's reference file exist's, but Jim Gamble and his McMafia paedophile mob hacked it a couple of month's pior to Gerry's family holiday in Praia and removed the evidence, a habit of Jim Gamble's he's had since he was in the Serioous Crime Squad in Ireland, of which reports exist to prove this! The hacker who is impersonating my account work's for Jim Gamble at CEOP, this is their link: 


The Portuguese police were told by British police: “The McCanns have no credit or ATM cards”. But their flights to Portugal and hire of a Renault Scenic in Portugal were paid with credit cards. Then Gerry McCann admitted having credit cards, saying they went missing after his wallet was stolen. He gave two different places where his wallet was stolen: Waterloo Station - or ‘near Downing Street’.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:56

Posted by lizardking on 09/08/2015
Australian Police Expose Paedophile Parents Network

An investigation by Australian police has unravelled an international network of paedophile parents, which has led to arrests in the US and Britain.

The operation by Queensland police, Task Force Argos, has led to the break-up of the major international paedophile ring of parents, who abuse their own children and share images of the assaults.

The matter came to light when officers from Task Force Argos, a team of police targeting online predators, intercepted an email sent to a known Australian sex offender containing pornographic photos of children.

Investigative leads in Australia were sent to authorities in the US and Britain, which unearthed a network of parents who abused their own children and shared images of the assaults via the Internet.

"All children have an absolute right to grow up free from the fear of sexual abuse and exploitation, and especially from those they trust," the Australian quoted Brian Moskowitz, a special agent with America's Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, as saying.

The Australian information led British authorities to arrest the operator of an "open naturist" website open only to parents who abused their children.

The UK website operator and his wife allegedly abused their young son and daughter, filmed the assaults and distributed the images to other paedophiles.

A forensic examination of the couple's computers recovered "chat logs" that led US authorities this week to two fathers who resided in Texas and Michigan.

The men allegedly held Skype Internet video sessions with each other and during the sessions abused their children.

When US authorities executed a search warrant on the Texas man's home, police say he admitted to assaulting his son just hours earlier during a Skype session with the Michigan man. The Michigan man, a father of three boys, has been arrested.

"Sadly, today's technology in the hands of a predator with access to children has put our children at greater risk than ever before," Moskowitz added.

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Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:56

Posted by lizardking on 09/08/2015
Sex offender doctors 'free to treat patients'

Eleven doctors are still free to work in the NHS despite being convicted of sex and child pornography offences, The Daily Telegraph can reveal today.

The General Medical Council (GMC) has imposed conditions on six of them but five are free to treat patients unsupervised, according to figures released under the Freedom of Information Act.

All those convicted of child pornography offences are only allowed to work under the condition they do not have contact with children.

The Daily Telegraph has been told that the GMC cannot strike them off automatically because it would contravene human rights laws.

It has also emerged that the GMC does not have access to the Sex Offenders Register and has to rely on the police to inform them of sexual offences and investigations.

The disclosures will fuel concerns about the effectiveness of the register and the backgrounds of some medical professionals working in the NHS.

David Davis, the shadow home affairs secretary, said last night: "Yet again we see another massive loophole in the Government's sex offender legislation.

"When the register was established it was trumpeted as a major defence for people who would be vulnerable to the actions of sex offenders.

"The doctor-patient relationship is grounded fundamentally in trust. It is hard to see how such trust could be upheld when people are allowed to continue practising after committing a sexual offence — in itself this is a breach of trust."

Joyce Robins, a co-founder of the pressure group Patient Concern, said she would like any judgement made by the GMC against a doctor to be displayed in their surgery.

She said: "The patients’ rights come first because we are the vulnerable ones."

The GMC must be allowed access to the Sex Offenders Register, she added, because "the police are poor at communicating these things".

In the last five years 52 doctors have appeared before the GMC after being convicted of sex or child pornography offences and 38 have been struck off.

Two remain suspended and one removed themselves from the register voluntarily.

Six — all convicted of child pornography offences — are still eligible to work with conditions, while five can work unsupervised.

The GMC said: "The GMC does not have access to a comprehensive list of individuals who are subject to reporting requirements in relation to the Sex Offenders Act. There are arrangements in place to ensure that the police notify us of criminal convictions."

It states in its guidance to doctors: "Police forces inform the GMC when a doctor is charged, cautioned or convicted. Doctors are also required to inform the GMC directly."

The GMC enquired about an automatic bar on doctors on the sex offenders register.

It said: "Advice was obtained from a leading QC who concluded that an automatic bar, without exceptions, would not be compatible with human rights legislation."

The GMC's rules on sexual misconduct:

The General Medical Council, requires any doctor with a conviction for sexual offences to appear before a fitness to practise panel.

The GMC's own guidance says in cases of sexual misconduct where a doctor has abused their position of trust or is required to register as a sex offender, removal from the medical register is normally the only appropriate sanction.

On doctors convicted of child pornography offences, the guidance states that it is "highly likely that in such a case the only proportionate sanction will be erasure". But it adds that the punishment must be proportionate and if necessary explain clearly why a doctor has not been struck off.

The guidance said any doctor on the sex offenders' register could be banned from treating patients as part of the condition imposed on their practice.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:57

Posted by thinkforyourself on 09/09/2015
Yet another friend of Prince Charles is a pedofile:


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:58

Posted by thinkforyourself on 09/09/2015

Sept 8, 2015 23:11:01 GMT csp said:
Of all the threads on this forum, this one sickens me the most.. and I can't believe more people aren't up in arms about this issue. It's plain as day, I even had a colleague who's son was going to a private christian school and one of the teachers was caught with CP. She was telling her son not to make a big deal out of it.. I on the other hand went berserk at her for trying to play down the situation.. but then again, a dull mind lacking of critical thinking.. what should I have expected.

I could not agree with you more; there is no better example of what the lemmings on this planet will put up with, than the disgusting, rife and rampant establishment pedofilia. No matter how foul and repugnant they get, the public never react. 

It seems that the Government can get away with anything. In Britain, all they have to do is throw the press a dead politician, or a B-rate celebrity, in order to convince the public that pedofilia is being investigated, when in reality, it is still ongoing in Government, all the way up into the Royal Household. 

If the most evil crime that is pedofilia is not causing riots, what will? 

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 21:00

Posted by lizardking on 09/11/2015
“Trooper of the Year” Good Cop Sexually Assaults a 4-Yr-Old Girl Multiple Times, “Cries” When He is Sentenced

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Officer-demers
Officer Demers pulled a handkerchief from his suit to “wipe tears” from his eyes in front of everybody in court. Photo via Scott Dolan/Staff Writer for Central Maine News

MAINE — Officer Andrew Demers worked as a police officer for 26 years with the Maine State Police.

He was a so-called good cop. Police supporters trusted him.

He received the “Trooper of the Year” award twice.

He was one of the most highly “decorated” police officers in Maine’s history. He was a model of what faithful police wives have in mind when they say “Yeah but some cops are GOOD!”

This “good cop” has been sentenced to prison for only four years — and may get out sooner because of his statist privilege — for sexually assaulting an innocent child.

The child was only 4-yrs-old.

Now that he’s been caught, Officer Demers began “crying” as he pleaded guilty in a courthouse to molesting the 4-yr-old child.

We wonder, did he ever shed one tear as he molested this poor child over and over again?

Officer Demers will pay just $5,000 to the child, a tiny fraction of what he made as a police officer, funded by American taxpayers.

Some might question whether Demers feels any remorse for what he did to this helpless child, given that part of his defense case used the excuse that his actions were “out of character” and were caused by all of his stress working as a police officer.

As if he’s the victim.

“Crimes like this come from a dark place within a person that are often buried deep within and unknown,” the judge said.

Despite pleading guilty to sexually assaulting the child, the courthouse was packed with police supporters, police wives, and statists who kept defending him by referring to his “exemplary” behavior as an officer.

The child’s parents, however, sat silently on the other side of the courthouse, mourning over what this monster did to their little daughter.

At first Officer Demers was facing 30 years in prison for gross sexual assault. But his attorney was able to get that charge dismissed.

After that the parents wanted a sentence of at least eight years — at least something! — but even that sentence was again reduced. In all Officer Demers will spend only four years in prison.

Officer Demers admitted to sexually assaulting the child multiple times.

“He took my little girl’s innocence,” the child’s mother stated.

Demers’ defense attorney claimed that Officer Demers was already punished because his reputation was ruined and because he brought heartache to his family.

“Officer Demers is, by every single account, the last person that anyone ever expected would be involved in an offense like this and this alone speaks volumes about who he is, as he has lived his life in a way that is the farthest cry from behavior at issue here than one can imagine,” his attorney wrote.

“There are also very real, significant concerns about Andy’s safety while incarcerated in the custody of the Department of Corrections,” he added.

The attorney requested that Demers be allowed to serve a lesser sentence in the county jail instead of prison.

The judge rejected that request.

Officer Demers at one point pulled a handkerchief from his suit to “wipe tears” from his eyes in front of the court room.

As he walked out of the courthouse, a reporter tried to ask him a question but he would not answer. 

Officer Demers decided to plead guilty as part of an offer between the attorneys. Originally Officer Demers was going to receive a Class A felony charge of gross sexual assault, for which he would face up to 30 years in prison. By pleading guilty, that charge was dismissed.

Officer Demers will be released soon, but the child’s trauma and anguish caused by this “good cop’s” sexual assault could last a lifetime.

What else did this “good cop” do that we don’t know about? How many fathers, mothers, and children did he lock in cages for smoking a harmless plant? How many people did he beat? How much money did he steal from hardworking Americans in order to generate revenue for the State in the form of “traffic tickets”? How many times was he silent as his “brothers in blue” abused and harassed citizens? Did he rape any other children that we haven’t found out about?

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 21:00

Posted by thinkforyourself on 09/12/2015
Here is yet another example of the rampant and evil pedofilia:


All about Shillaphobia

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 2 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 21:01

Posted by lizardking on 09/12/2015

Another disgusting and casual display of the mainstream attitude towards paedophilia.

All about Shillaphobia

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