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Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Ernie Snuggs
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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by susie Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:32 am

In 2015 Why did 75% of all missing kids come from Virginia right before Halloween?

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by csp Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:21 am

Freemasons delete webpage on paedophile Gordon Anglesea’s libel judge


Convicted paedophile, police superintendent and freemason Gordon Anglesea is dead.

in 1994, Anglesea was famously awarded £375,000 in libel damages against four media organisations who presciently linked Anglesea to allegations of child abuse by suggesting he had been a regular visitor to the infamous Bryn Estyn children’s home in North Wales.

But the libel judge – Sir Maurice Drake – gave a monstrously biased summing up in favour of Anglesea, in which he said:

“Experience in the courts shows that where men and women, boys and girls make complaints of sexual assault they do sometimes make up stories, either completely or exaggerate some incident out of all proportion so that it no longer bears any relationship to the truth.

“And of course a complaint that someone has sexually assaulted you is comparatively easy to make up and difficult to rebut. It is the nature of a sexual complaint that no one else is likely to have seen it.”

It turned out – unsurprisingly – that Justice Drake was, like Anglesea, a freemason.

Which is probably why the Provincial Grand Chapter of Hertfordshire has deleted all references to him being a member

The page has been deleted – although an archived version can still be seen, at least for the time being.


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by csp Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:54 pm


1) Wikipedia states pizzagate debunked by DC Police
2) Man emails DC Police, they say they investigated and found nothing
3) Man then files FOIA (freedom of information request) for the investigation files
4) DC Police respond saying they did not investigate as it was a 'fictitious online conspiracy theory'

And let me remind every one, the Podesta's (who are closely tied to the owner of Comet Ping Pong through leaked emails) collect pedophile and serial killer art.

Also note that James Alefantis is one of the most powerful people in DC according to GQ in 2012, a Pizza shop owner and art gallery co-op owner....


(He's number 49)

Also note that Norway recently busted a child sex ring, and it appears reddit are also modifying search results to remove this video from search results and MSM is barely reporting on it at all:


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by csp Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:44 am

I think I subbed to martyleeds on YouTube after someone posted a numerology video here a while ago, however he has just posted a great overview of the all Pizzagate evidence:


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by lizardking Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:41 pm

csp wrote:I think I subbed to martyleeds on YouTube after someone posted a numerology video here a while ago, however he has just posted a great overview of the all Pizzagate evidence:

Amazing, thanks csp.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by lizardking Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:41 pm

Fmr. Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney Exposes Pedo's Inside Trump Administration

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Harvey Weinstein cover-up in the UK

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:29 pm

In the UK it is rather telling that the media are running with a story about a British Woman nicknamed "the white widow" who was an alleged British woman who deserted to join ISIS. She was prominent in the media in 2014 and there have been no other stories about her since.

However, just today...


All media channels are running with this story as their main focus, amazing that, is it not?

How convenient, covering-up the Harvey Weinstein 'Jewish' predator story, we cannot have this Jew exposed as a predator, possible rapist can we?

This sort of smoke and mirrors happens in the UK media all the time, whenever there is a new story about Madeline McCann, you can guarantee some other story is being buried.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by mitch Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:52 am


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Post by mitch Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:13 pm

An Open Letter to Harvey Weinstein: Do You Want to be Remembered as a Pervert or as "An Hero"?

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Schpankme Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:21 pm

YouTube Is Littered with Creepy Pseudo “Kid-Friendly” Videos found on the "YouTube Kids app".
Jason Fitzpatrick | October 26, 2017

There’s a growing and disturbing trend on YouTube wherein people create and upload videos clearly geared towards children, but filled with violent and inappropriate content. How inappropriate?

Read more about: When Kid-Friendly Is Anything But

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Dabbin Good Wed May 02, 2018 1:12 am

“Smallville” actress Allison Mack was arrested Friday for her role in sick upstate sex cult Nxivm, where prosecutors allege she recruited “slaves” to sleep with the group’s leader — and held them down as they were “branded” with his initials.

A gaunt, disheveled Mack, 35, appeared in Brooklyn federal court Friday and pleaded not guilty to charges of sex trafficking and forced labor — a month after leader Keith Raniere was collared on the same charges.

Mack was Raniere’s direct “slave” and previously had a sexual relationship with him — but also acted as a “master” to other slaves, who were starved and branded like cattle.

Georgia Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority is under investigation after being accused of running a SEX ring and pimping out its pledges to local politicians and businessmen
Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority at Georgia's Fort Valley State University has been suspended after allegations of a sex ring surfaced
Dabbin Good
Dabbin Good

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by lizardking Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:21 pm

Nov 2, 2015
by Jack Ruhl, Diane Ruhl Accountability

Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 11062015p01phc
Plaintiff Lee Bashforth holds a photo of himself outside Los Angeles Superior Court on July 16, 2007, the day that the Los Angeles archdiocese and attorneys for more than 500 victims of clergy sex abuse arrived at a $660 million settlement. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

The U.S. Catholic church has incurred nearly $4 billion in costs related to the priest sex abuse crisis during the past 65 years, according to an extensive NCR investigation of media reports, databases and church documents.

In addition, separate research recently published calculates that other scandal-related consequences such as lost membership and diverted giving has cost the church more than $2.3 billion annually for the past 30 years.

Between 1950 and August of this year, the church has paid out $3,994,797,060.10, NCR found.

That figure is based on a three-month investigation of data, including a review of more than 7,800 articles gleaned from LexisNexis Academic and NCR databases, as well as information from BishopAccountability.org and from reports from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Up until now, "nearly $3 billion" has been the most widely cited figure by media, academics and activists for the cost to the U.S. church for clergy sex abuse and its cover-up. NCR research shows that figure is too low, probably by as much as a billion dollars -- and perhaps much more.

Download this FREE NCR eBook to learn more about impact of Humanae Vitae.

Making direct comparisons between NCR figures and official figures from the bishops' conference is difficult, perhaps impossible, for a number of reasons:

There are no uniform reporting standards for public disclosure of financial records for U.S. Catholic dioceses. For example, of the 197 dioceses and eparchies that are members of the U.S. bishops' conference, NCR could find only 60 that had made some kind of public financial report available for 2014. Previous reporting (NCR, Feb. 27-March 12) found the quality of these financial disclosures varies dramatically. Very little information about how much a particular diocese spent on counseling for victims of abuse or for monitoring priest offenders can be found in these reports.

The NCR research relies largely on media reports, which tend to report only court cases or large settlements and in major media markets. Areas with little media coverage will be underrepresented in the results.

Settlements with nondisclosure or confidentiality restrictions are not included in the results. NCR found nearly 150 such settlements since 1950, most (74) in 2003 or before, but many even in recent years, seven in 2015 alone. Media rarely report routine financial data related to sex abuse, such as a particular diocese's cost of training church volunteers to be in compliance with the U.S. bishops' Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Information from the bishops is incomplete. Because of the way they report on sex abuse, they provide no data for 2003, and data released after 2013 isn't directly comparable to data released before 2013 because of changing data collection methods.

NCR figures are reported for the year in which the settlement was reached and announced (the year the liability was recognized), while the bishops' figures are reported for the year the costs were actually paid out. This partially accounts for the large differences in amounts reported by NCR and amounts reported by the bishops in certain years. For example, some settlements are reached during one year, but the money is not distributed to victims until the next year or later.

The annual reports issued since 2004 by the bishops' Office for the Protection of Children and Young People have their own set of problems. As NCR has previously reported, the data collection is voluntary. The most recent annual reports have compliance rates of about 98 percent for dioceses and 70 percent for religious orders, but early reports had much lower reporting rates.

Related: Editorial: The deep, lasting financial cost of sex abuse

And the data are self-reported, unaudited and issued in aggregate. Data can't be double-checked or specific dioceses examined.

The NCR examination of reports from around the country unearthed amounts previously unreported in official church financial disclosures as well as amounts left out of reporting on other databases because they were not considered major settlements or judgments against the church.

Only data about settlements and judgments in two specific periods, 1950-2002 and 2004-2013, can be directly compared between the NCR research and reports from the U.S. bishops. (See accompanying charts below.)

While the NCR investigation unearthed amounts not reported in 2004-2013 by Georgetown University's Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), there was no way to determine precisely which amounts those are.

NCR arrived at its $3.99 billion total by adding to its findings two other sets of figures reported by the bishops:

The cost in 2004-2013 for therapy for victims ($78 million); support for offenders ($142 million); attorneys' fees ($433 million); child protection efforts, including training, background checks, safe environment coordinators, and other measures ($259 million); and for "other costs," a designation covering such items as abuse investigations, insurance premiums, emergency assistance for victims and monitoring service for offenders ($47 million).
$96,832,258.22 for similar services for the period 1950-2002 reported in the 2004 report by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Dollar amounts for such services for other periods are not available, but most certainly would have been and are being spent. For this reason, the $3.99 billion figure is almost certainly a low estimate.

As a way of illustrating the magnitude of the costs to the U.S. church, if that amount were divided evenly among the nation's 197 dioceses, each would receive nearly $20 million.

In attempting to compile as thorough a record as possible, articles surfaced that provided some insight into why it will probably be impossible to ever get a complete picture. In 2002, for instance, The Washington Post reported that three years earlier a judge gave permission to the Milwaukee archdiocese to shred documents that it wanted destroyed because those papers "showed how much money it had spent on treatment, litigation and settlements related to sex abuse."

Other articles recount the efforts by the church in several states to block legislation that would either temporarily lift or permanently alter statutes of limitations, laws governing how long victims have to report allegations of sex abuse. The cost of this work, done through bishops' state Catholic conferences, is not publicly reported and can't be included in cost estimates.

It is probably impossible to calculate the effect such great losses have had on the church's ministries and outreach, since some of the restructuring of the church in the United States has simply resulted from shifts in population from old centers of Catholic life in the Northeast and Upper Midwest to the South and Southwest.

However, Charles Zech, director of Villanova University's Center for Church Management and Business Ethics, said that just the interest off the amounts lost over the years to the sex abuse crisis would help the church more justly compensate its lay workforce.

Zech, who has strongly criticized Catholics' lack of support for the church (he points out that Catholic giving is half that of Protestants), said bishops also are responsible for financial shortfalls that affect the level of ministry and the level of pay. "We don't treat our laypeople very well," he said, noting that one of the prevailing attitudes is that there is no need to pay lay ministers a decent wage because they are performing ministries.

[Jack Ruhl is a professor of accountancy at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Mich. Diane Ruhl, a clergy abuse survivor, is a registered nurse and veterinarian in Kalamazoo.]

Settlements and judgments against the church

2002 and before (USCCB) 2004-2013 (CARA) Total (USCCB and CARA)
$ 475,674,835.73 $ 2,044,614,703.00 $ 2,520,289,538.73
NCR research NCR research NCR research
$ 290,413,017.88 $ 2,343,003,083.00 $ 2,633,416,100.88
Difference Difference Difference
$ 185,261,817.85 $ 298,388,380.00 $ 113,126,562.15

Note: These figures do not include other costs associated with the abuse crisis, such as therapy for victims, support of offenders, and operation of safe environment programs.
Sources: Jack and Diane Ruhl/US Conference of Catholic Bishops/CARA

Year Bishops' data on settlements
and judgments NCR data on settlements
and judgments
2002 & before $ 475,674,835.73 $ 290,413,017.88
2003 No comparable data $ 187,659,500.00
2004 $ 106,241,809.00 $ 152,099,500.00
2005 $ 399,037,456.00 $ 256,854,000.00
2006 $ 277,213,420.00 $ 226,302,000.00
2007 $ 526,226,283.00 $ 1,134,022,583.00
2008 $ 374,408,554.00 $ 94,102,000.00
2009 $ 63,575,843.00 $ 52,814,000.00
2010 $ 88,737,073.00 $ 36,699,000.00
2011 $ 73,681,782.00 $ 321,100,000.00
2012 $ 68,302,318.00 $ 14,255,000.00
2013 $ 67,190,165.00 $ 54,755,000.00
2014 Not comparable time frame $ 61,210,000.00
2015 Not yet available $ 55,650,000.00
TOTAL $ 2,520,289,538.73 $ 2,937,935,600.88

Note: These figures do not include other costs associated with the abuse crisis, such as therapy for victims, support of offenders, and operation of safe environment programs.
Sources: Jack and Diane Ruhl/US Conference of Catholic Bishops/CARA

This story appeared in the Nov 6-19, 2015 print issue under the headline: NCR research: Costs of sex abuse crisis to US church underestimated .

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Realearth Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:37 pm


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Schpankme Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:48 pm

Realearth wrote:The game of life video

​These video and it's producers haven't a clue as to the Holohoax; and they insinuate that the Holohoax is coming to US INC, CANADA, etc. This video, in the very short time I watched (LIVE) is nothing more then fear-mongering.
What should we expect from a video who's thumbnail shows the Christian, Fear-mongering agenda, by showing an Angel of Death, clutching at the Book of Life.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Dactylion Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:57 am

"Exclusive: FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat"


Pizzagate mentioned.

Wonder how long before they regard flat-earth as a "terrorist threat"

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Ernie Snuggs Sat May 16, 2020 9:48 pm

Tracy Twyman was an author of occult books and an expert on symbolism. She exposed a child trafficking ring operating on public YouTube channels. These channels used coded language and emojis to advertise and communicate with pedophiles worldwide. Tracy discovered the location of an elite pedo trafficking facility in Williams AZ. She took a large amount of information to the FBI and was turned away. Tracy began experiencing severe electronic harassment. All of her accounts were hacked, and her content was deleted from her website and social media accounts. She also began to receive videos of surveillance and mind control that was specifically tailored for her. After a year of this harassment, Tracy was found hung in her garage. The FBI has still not intervened. Tracy was in communication with Isaac Kappy, who also committed "suicide" after outing elite pedos. Kappy was murdered in May 2019, Tracy was killed in July 2019.

Ernie Snuggs

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by susie Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:54 pm


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by susie Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:57 pm

Ernie Snuggs wrote:Tracy Twyman was an author of occult books and an expert on symbolism. She exposed a child trafficking ring operating on public YouTube channels. These channels used coded language and emojis to advertise and communicate with pedophiles worldwide. Tracy discovered the location of an elite pedo trafficking facility in Williams AZ. She took a large amount of information to the FBI and was turned away. Tracy began experiencing severe electronic harassment. All of her accounts were hacked, and her content was deleted from her website and social media accounts. She also began to receive videos of surveillance and mind control that was specifically tailored for her. After a year of this harassment, Tracy was found hung in her garage. The FBI has still not intervened. Tracy was in communication with Isaac Kappy, who also committed "suicide" after outing elite pedos. Kappy was murdered in May 2019, Tracy was killed in July 2019.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by susie Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:28 pm

Gislaine Maxwell, her close Jeu daddy, his beginnings.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Online Ordering of Paedo Parts

Post by susie Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:40 am

(Waif Air)


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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by plaxton__ Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:47 pm

susie wrote:

Hi Susie,

I still haven't found this video. Is it real? Have you seen it? Do you know where to find it?



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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by susie Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:01 am

House of Maxwell

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by susie Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:09 am

plaxton__ wrote:
susie wrote:

Hi Susie,

I still haven't found this video. Is it real? Have you seen it? Do you know where to find it?

You will never find it I am sure. I think it does indeed exist. Blackmail is how people are controlled in this world.

I am not sure if corona was the false flag for all this paedo activity or if it is more financial hiding like 9-11 but since they got away with theft in such a grand fashion in 01 they are tightening the coffin screws now w/ the planscamdemic.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by susie Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:44 am

Fake science connection to the paedo pile.

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Worldwide Paedophilia  and Rape - Page 5 Empty Re: Worldwide Paedophilia and Rape

Post by Russian Blue Cat Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:48 pm

Mom Fights for Law to Protect Children After Daughter’s Likeness Used for Sex Toy

In case you don't realise what this means, it means some pedo was looking at a picture of this woman's child and then created a child sex doll modeled after her child.
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