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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

J Rhawk
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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:53 pm

Dismissive, but fair enough. Advice accepted.

Realearth, we would still like to know if you (or any IFERS participant) has non-opinion, non-belief, non-theory, non-pretend evidence, leads, analysis or knowledge of the actual age of the flat Earth?

Further, as originally asked by Tankjones1991, do you have any research or analysis of the original pushback against evolution, also known as intelligent design?


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Schpankme Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:14 pm

Oliver_Bestfall wrote:
actual age of the flat Earth?

Age of the Earth
  • Faith based creationists, 6,000 to 10,000 years old
  • Theory based scientism, 4.54 billion years old
  • Everyone else, unknown

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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Real World Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:34 pm

Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Evolut10
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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Schpankme Tue Dec 11, 2018 9:08 pm

Real World wrote:
The theory of Snowman evolution

Theory based science (pretend) uses explanations to promote a set of ideas, which are agreed upon and taught in the major Universities.

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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Schpankme Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:23 pm

Holy Roman Empire / Judaeo-Freemasonry Vatican (Jesuits) / see crypto Jews / see NAitional ZIonist J E Ws (NAZI)

1809 - Jesuits invent Theory for Transmutation of Species

Darwin adds "natural selection" calling it the "Theory of Evolution". alien

Last edited by Schpankme on Fri Jul 19, 2019 7:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Admin Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:03 pm

Do you believe that your father was an ape, your grand-father was a reptile, and your great grand-father was an explosion? For those who don't believe such pseudo-scientific non-sense (and for those who do), the following presentation lays out the undeniable proof that you are NOT some slowly evolved ape-man and that prehistoric giant reptiles are nothing but a Freemasonic hoax used to bolster this destructive disempowering atheistic nihilistic paradigm they are propagating to the masses.

Evolution and Dinosaurs Debunked along with my other documentaries, The Earth Plane, The History of Flat Earth, and 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball are now available to purchase from Amazon on DVD or you can watch them all free on my YouTube channel.

Evolution and Dinosaurs Debunked: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JZB1XHH
The Earth Plane: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J3B7DPX
The History of Flat Earth: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J35GDD4
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J3B7F35

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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Schpankme Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:30 am

Society through indoctrination is made intellectually blind their reality defined by what they perceive to be fact and fiction.

From birth, everyone is taught the three R's: reading, writing, arithmetic, faith and theory.

Hebrews 11:1
faith is hope in the evidence of things which are not seen.

NASA 11:1
theory is an idea presented as true but that is not known to be true.

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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Dab_Tsog Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:48 pm

I have read through this thread but not sure if I skipped a part or not; is it generally accepted here that evolution is a falsification, and also a subliminal programming tool that reeks of eugenics, in that if we were to have all come from the cradle of human life in Africa then that leaves everyone but the white man unevolved, or beneath him? This whole BLM movement has irked me somewhat and this huge drive that seems to want to make white people guilty of pretty much everything about history. I wonder about the possibility and the effects on minorities if they percieve themselves to be oppressed/slaves/victims.

Not sure if i am making myself clear but it sort of dawned on me today that evolution in itself seems to be seeded my racism, and the quiet implications that could have on many a people is outstandingly shocking.

I had just finished watching Dana Ashlie's latest video on white slavery, and pretty much the slavery of humankind throughout history, whilst seeing the polarisation in the news in which it never seems to be mentioned.

I guess i am angry that I am hearing such vile things from either side (so much so that I have deleted all social media. AGAIN, and I will not be going back) and no one seems to be thinking clearly. I sometimes have to step back and check my own thoughts.


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by J Rhawk Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:20 pm

Seems these days the Ballers are literally masking God

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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:08 pm

Dab_Tsog wrote:I have read through this thread but not sure if I skipped a part or not; is it generally accepted here that evolution is a falsification, and also a subliminal programming tool that reeks of eugenics, in that if we were to have all come from the cradle of human life in Africa then that leaves everyone but the white man unevolved, or beneath him? This whole BLM movement has irked me somewhat and this huge drive that seems to want to make white people guilty of pretty much everything about history. I wonder about the possibility and the effects on minorities if they percieve themselves to be oppressed/slaves/victims.

Not sure if i am making myself clear but it sort of dawned on me today that evolution in itself seems to be seeded my racism, and the quiet implications that could have on many a people is outstandingly shocking.

I had just finished watching Dana Ashlie's latest video on white slavery, and pretty much the slavery of humankind throughout history, whilst seeing the polarisation in the news in which it never seems to be mentioned.

I guess i am angry that I am hearing such vile things from either side (so much so that I have deleted all social media. AGAIN, and I will not be going back) and no one seems to be thinking clearly. I sometimes have to step back and check my own thoughts.

its a emotional grab for power. BLM plays a political game. Simply look at the placement: nobody is against black lives. But let us look at history. BEFORE the Europeans came to Afrika the continent was at war under its many nations. War, suppression of other nations and slavery was normal. When the Europeans came they got offered slaves from African nations themselves for other goods they had. Let us be very clear on this history the parts that are true anyways is full of oppression war, racism. Racism is not reserved for the blacks. Many whites were used as slaves as well. But come on. Don't feed into this. Just stop it. Of course governments and especially the situation in the vs there is segregation and stereotyping linked to race. And sure that has to be brought up, exposed and changed and improved. Let us do that then.. instead of these stories and emotional ways of playing into guilt of companies and shit and then sticking this racism consultant in their company.. i mean come the fuck on. We all want change, focusing on blacks sure no problem. Lets do that then there could have been countless of things right now to have actually been done to improve the situation. Look at it rationally, look at facts. Go look at the statistics yourself. Check if stories that are told hold up.

Ask yourself this: how come these news outlets and shit all fall for blm and take over their message. All these companies and celebrities chipping in. We haven't seen it much in our time but its essentially the same type of political activism that is done with climate change. We all get slammed with guilt but in the end you know its just stupid. Just look at the netherlands. We can't go over to all windmills and solar. Solar anyway is a very minimal contribution not even mentioning what happens to the ground when you cover everything or what happens to birds when you plant down the entire netherlands with windmills. I have seen the actual calculations of what it means if you would go to full green power in the netherlands. It would be literally covered in windmills. Just like the whole climate thing is bullshit and they dont give a fuck about nature, blm doesnt care about black lives. It cares about power using racism as a sort of classes you see that? Instead of Marxism with different classes its changed to races.


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Admin Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:56 am


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by J Rhawk Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:28 pm

Ed's rant is epic!
Probably one of the best clips of information available...
It ties it in real well.👁

J Rhawk

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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Lightning_Peasant Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:45 am

The Devolution of Humans

The deteriorating health of man is rather alarming, but is completely ignored by most of the public. We now have higher rates of cancer, retardation, autism, heart attacks, strokes, obesity, arthritis, depression, blood disorders, immune disorders, and the list goes on. We also have declining rates in cranial size, jaw size, hearing, eyesight, intelligence, bone density, oxygen% in blood, testosterone levels in men, straight teeth, sperm count, fertility in women, and I am sure there are plenty more to add to this list as well. When I bring up these topics individually I am usually met with great resistance. The typical responses when I bring up the declining health usually comes with replies such as: Well people are living longer and that's why there are higher rates of cancer, people are living more unhealthy lifestyles, I don't know, and we have better testing now. The "we just have way better testing now" is a constant one I hear to shoo away unpleasant truths.

With this high amount of decline in humans how can people believe evolution? For one, the changes were rapid and happened over a few generations compared to thousands to millions of years claimed by evolutionists. That conflicts with their theory and they should concede that there is nefarious activity going on if changes like this are happening so rapidly and/or evolution cannot explain this process properly and the theory needs examined.

Another issues I have noticed is the decline in people's posture. I see a mom that is bow legged and then her daughter is even more bow legged. Why would people evolve and develop worse posture over a short amount of time? Again how did it happened so quickly? It's just genetics is the excuse. Such bullshit, there are many programs that can fix posture issues if used properly such as yoga, tao-yin, qigong, and functional patterns for example. Most people are instead led astray by doctors to get surgery that never works long term and tend to lead to more issues. Eventually I will bring more stats on this matter. For now I would be curious what could be added to this lists of what has gotten worse over time and why/how do evolutionist get away with just ignoring or giving responses that make no sense with a small amount of scrutiny.

Last edited by Lightning_Peasant on Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar)

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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by tonyatl Sun May 30, 2021 3:54 am

Admin wrote:Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Evolution-lie

thank you for posting these excerpts. i will buy the book if there is not a free online version. i have never believed in evolution, but it is always nice to see documented evidences of the lies and filth which these fraudsters peddle to the goyim/sheeple.....baaaaa......


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by tonyatl Sun May 30, 2021 5:07 am

Just Vital wrote:I was thinking about what I was told about evolution and how humankind spread himself across the earth. This always made sense to me, but by now I know this could be a complete lie.

So my question is; Is humankind created/designed in Africa and populated the earth from there? And if this is so, did humankind adapted (micro-evolution) to the different circumstances, so different ‘races’ started to exist. Or is this ‘spreading of humankind’ a complete lie (and races might be designed separate)?

I would love to hear some thoughts on this. Enjoy your weekend!  Very Happy


the out of africa theory is quickly fading and falling apart. Robert Sepehr (sp ?) on his youtube channel has posted a few videos addressing the topic, including one very interesting lecture excerpt by a died-in-the-wool out of africer who conceded against his fondest hopes that the theory is a bucket of horse manure. he said that the opposite is the case - that migration from europe into africa occurred. africa is the cellar of human development.

i do believe that humans were bred there but they are the negroid races who are of a different lineage than white and mongoloid races. in other words, the former are a cross breeding between a superior race and simians. i base my views on evidence lloyd pye provided in his book which i recommend - sorry that i don't have the title off the top of my head.


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by tonyatl Sun May 30, 2021 5:13 am

Tankjones1991 wrote:Hope this finds everyone well.

I have spent quite a bit time here, slowly going through all of the informative posts. I thought that this may be the best  place to ask people their opinions on the age of the world in which we reside?

They claim the earth is 4.5 billion years old. According to the big bang theory. How old do you all think it is?

How long ago do you think intelligent design came into play.

Thanks for your time.

i am incomplete disagreement with caustic replies your question received. please see lloyd pye for an excellent book on the some potential answers - especially with respect to intelligent design and human development. He relies on zecharia stichin who has been proven to be a quack, but i don't think that it matters too much to pye's overall thesis as he infuses it with scientific evidence. on the other hand, i recall him relying on Lucy but i think that it was to disprove a lot of the evolutionists' claims.

fwiw - i think that a healthy forum is place for discussion and questions.


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by tonyatl Sun May 30, 2021 5:29 am

Lightning_Peasant wrote:The Devolution of Humans

The deteriorating health of man is rather alarming, but is completely ignored by most of the public. We now have higher rates of cancer, retardation, autism, heart attacks, strokes, obesity, arthritis, depression, blood disorders, immune disorders, and the list goes on. We also have declining rates in cranial size, jaw size, hearing, eyesight, intelligence, bone density, oxygen% in blood, testosterone levels in men, straight teeth, sperm count, fertility in women, and I am sure there are plenty more to add to this list as well. When I bring up these topics individually I am usually met with great resistance. The typical responses when I bring up the declining health usually comes with replies such as: Well people are living longer and that's why there are higher rates of cancer, people are living more unhealthy lifestyles, I don't know, and we have better testing now. The "we just have way better testing now" is a constant one I hear to shoo away unpleasant truths.

With this high amount of decline in humans how can people believe evolution? For one, the changes were rapid and happened over a few generations compared to thousands to millions of years claimed by evolutionists. That conflicts with their theory and they should concede that there is nefarious activity going on if changes like this are happening so rapidly and/or evolution cannot explain this process properly and the theory needs examined.

Another issues I have noticed is the decline in people's posture. I see a mom that is bow legged and then her daughter is even more bow legged. Why would people evolve and develop worse posture over a short amount of time? Again how did it happened so quickly? It's just genetics is the excuse. Such bullshit, there are many programs that can fix posture issues if used properly such as yoga, tao-yin, qigong, and functional patterns for example. Most people are instead led astray by doctors to get surgery that never works long term and tend to lead to more issues. Eventually I will bring more stats on this matter. For now I would be curious what could be added to this lists of what has gotten worse over time and why/how do evolutionist get away with just ignoring or giving responses that make no sense with a small amount of scrutiny.

your questions are perfectly valid and warrant study. however, it may be premature to enlist them as arguments for devolution until you have factored out environmental causes for these effects. in other words, we are bombarded with radiation - eg 4g/5g, people hold their phones to their heads; gmo foods and all kinds of chemicals we consume; miscegenation ( i'll probably be booted off for that one ); and so many other exogenous influences. if these adverse factors were removed, it is possible that humans would stabilize. but of course they would not evolve as the evolutionists claim.

for example, many of the condition you cite, eg autism, are caused by vaccines.

the good news as that this thread has so many cogent arguments against evolution that it is not necessary to resort to the devolution arguments. however, if environment is an explanation for the ills you cite, then it shows that the asshole bankster jewish overlords are not so bright - that they have created an environment which is not conducive for healthy thriving living. I have the feeling that we would be biologically sound if a lot of our modern life were not corrupting our environment.


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Xander Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:32 pm

We know that selective breeding can have radical effects over generations (or quicker), so I do understand why people cling to evolution. Look at all the amazingly different dog breeds for example. If you were placed on Earth with no prior knowledge, you would swear they were different species and couldn't interbreed. In many ways humans and apes look more similar than a lot of dog breeds look to each other. It stands to reason that in the past, we may have been the result of some kind of cross-breeding between species. We can't say we were or weren't if we are truly honest. Any volunteers want to test my hypothesis?!

I think we have to separate creation and macro-evolution from sexual selection, micro-evolution and selective breeding. As is usual with the elites MO, they mix some truth with absolute fiction.


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Shmack_1 Mon Aug 30, 2021 11:02 pm

Xander wrote:We know that selective breeding can have radical effects over generations (or quicker), so I do understand why people cling to evolution. Look at all the amazingly different dog breeds for example. If you were placed on Earth with no prior knowledge, you would swear they were different species and couldn't interbreed. In many ways humans and apes look more similar than a lot of dog breeds look to each other. It stands to reason that in the past, we may have been the result of some kind of cross-breeding between species. We can't say we were or weren't if we are truly honest. Any volunteers want to test my hypothesis?!

I think we have to separate creation and macro-evolution from sexual selection, micro-evolution and selective breeding. As is usual with the elites MO, they mix some truth with absolute fiction.

I breed vegetables and fruit trees, and yes if you didn't know any different some things that are sexualy compatible you would swear are another species and would not interbreed. I would not be surprised if we are indeed sexualy compatible with some "primates" and it is known by the PTB. Maybe even we could make a "mule" (donkeys X horse but sterile) between man and chimp or gorilla? I'm sure this would of been tested somewhere overtly or covertly and if compatible made secret. Plums, apricots, peaches, cherries were all considered a different species at the turn of the century until Luther Burbank (a mason which i do not trust) started cross breeding them all. Now you can get all different varieties of these interspecific hybrids.
Not being racist in anyway but from a purely objective observation, some black people especially papwa new Guinean and African have features very similar to chimps and gorilla, and some Asians share similar facial features to some of the smaller primates. To my eyes anyway. Micro evolution is very much real, with species showing an amazing large amount of plasticity enabling adaption and change of form to fit different niches. But there are limits to that plasticity, a new hybrid between 2 different dog breeds will never produce a cat, or some new form of dog creature that has gills and lives underwater! Darwinian macro evolution is pure bullshit!


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Xander Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:21 pm

You're right, there are tons of examples in the plant kingdom. I agree too, I think they'll know already if we are sexually compatible with other primates. I think Eric should take one for the team and find out! Very Happy #GoForthAndMultiply

(I'm only kidding!)


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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty I'm past the point. Now what?

Post by NASA Wetsuit Company Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:26 am

Studied biology, masters in fermentation.
Asked my colleagues of the day, between classes, if it all seems to be more like organic programing using DNA and extreme mastery, could there be a creator? Got laughs and no ways.

Fastforward 20 years, my spiritualality is always curious where I came from. I can't ignore the question. I agree we are created, but just because there is a creator why must that creator be God? Or devine? What if our creator is many? What if the creator(s) are gone now? And who is in charge of the "global" deception?
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Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth! - Page 3 Empty Re: Evolution is a Lie - Intelligent Design is the Truth!

Post by Admin Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:18 pm

The Theory of Evolution DEBUNKED:

Let's explore various historical concepts that have been used to uphold and validate the Theory of Evolution. I'm confident that these findings and key historical events, which have been instrumental in shaping my own perspective, will similarly assist others in questioning and, ultimately, rejecting this theory entirely...

Read the Full FREE PDF "Escaping the Maze" here: https://tinyurl.com/escapingthemaze

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