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Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth

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Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth

Post by Realearth Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:23 pm

ConsciousTruth wrote: I think the answer is pretty simple- the kind of people who you would want to speak out are exactly the people who won’t- because anyone with a powerful position, a highly qualified well paid professional- or a military or government official , will be afraid to be ridiculed publicly and lose their job.
Also I think the other reason it’s just accepted by everyone is because it’s not a subject ever really spoken about.

One must always keep in mind that truth is like a fire that spreads very fast.
That's what keeps me going, I'm impressed lately by the number of new people I meet that are aware of the FE issue compared to just a few years ago.
Eric and FE activists determination to spread the truth has become an unstoppable avalanche moving down a mountainside gaining size, power and attention.
There is much to look forward to in this FE movement. Peace

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Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth

Post by Frenetic Zetetic Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:20 am

I've always felt anyone who did the math would think they did it wrong, and the consensus is right and they (the individual) must be wrong. People would have surely noticed no curvature via math before...right? One person versus a million others = people will default believe in anything, even with massive amounts of evidence to the contrary.
Frenetic Zetetic
Frenetic Zetetic

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Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth

Post by Realearth Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:00 pm

Frenetic Zetetic wrote:I've always felt anyone who did the math would think they did it wrong, and the consensus is right and they (the individual) must be wrong. People would have surely noticed no curvature via math before...right? One person versus a million others = people will default believe in anything, even with massive amounts of evidence to the contrary.

Please keep in mind that math can falsely prove or disprove anything you wish.
Only repeatable verifiable experiments can prove the truth.

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Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth

Post by zeteticseparovich Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:10 pm

Mt Goldsworthy train hauled ore from the Yandi and Newman mines to Port Hedland. It was a 10 hour journey with 682 cars loaded with iron ore and measured 4.5 miles long. This train under the globe model would deviate in elevation by 13.5 feet from one end to the other, this is obviously ridiculous and would have to be taken into consideration if the globe model is to be true .
Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth - Page 2 _metho11


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Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth - Page 2 Empty Re: Architects and Engineers for Flat Earth Truth

Post by Observant Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:51 pm

You can use Google earth to prove the earth has no curve. Measure the Great Lakes and use topo/elevation feature and shows it to be flat. I am a Professional Engineer who can see the evidence the earth has no curve. Now I am sharing that with my family and friends. As the opportunity arises using the example I just shared is a good way to get your friends, family and co-workers thinking for themselves.


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