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Adam Green is a Shill ! Do you agree ?

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Adam Green is a Shill ! Do you agree ? Empty Adam Green is a Shill ! Do you agree ?

Post by nsdcrew Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:22 am

After my last exchange of comments on a live stream on Odysee with Adam Green, I am now sure he is clearly a shill, just like the Goyim League!

The only reasonable explanation I see for why so many famous conspiracy theorists are almost all shills is that they share a lot of truth about their preferred topics. However, in the end, the compartmentalization of information is enough to keep the sheep (including truth seekers) away from the bigger picture, which includes all the conspiracies and, at the same time, the real possible solutions to escape them!

What are your thoughts on Adam Green and my reflection?



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Adam Green is a Shill ! Do you agree ? Empty Re: Adam Green is a Shill ! Do you agree ?

Post by Earthtoed Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:23 am

nsdcrew wrote:After my last exchange of comments on a live stream on Odysee with Adam Green, I am now sure he is clearly a shill, just like the Goyim League!

The only reasonable explanation I see for why so many famous conspiracy theorists are almost all shills is that they share a lot of truth about their preferred topics. However, in the end, the compartmentalization of information is enough to keep the sheep (including truth seekers) away from the bigger picture, which includes all the conspiracies and, at the same time, the real possible solutions to escape them!

What are your thoughts on Adam Green and my reflection?


Not sure who Adam Green is, but I agree 100% that the more famous conspiracy theorists are almost all shills. The deep state uses them as damage control, and they are always politically correct. Moreover, they are famous because they are accepted by the media that is controlled by the deep state. The true litmus test for a conspiracy theorist is how open they are to every sociological topic.


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