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ancient cosmology and the four corners of the earth

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ancient cosmology and the four corners of the earth Empty ancient cosmology and the four corners of the earth

Post by Senpai420 Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:37 pm

Hello everyone,

has anyone checked out the theory about earth being a square within a circular heavens? the freemasons square and compass. Richard kallberg has some fascinating research but unfortunately he hasn't been online since 2017.

Ancient Cosmology's and the Four Corners of the Earth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSBKIbtVRxs&t=5s

He also pointed out a lot of masonic symbolism on the gleasons map and errors in the mechanics of how a circle earth works.

FLAT EARTH: 20 Things Wrong with the AE Map - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r51aPK-MtWQ

To most a square earth would be absolutely ridiculous but looking at cymatics is seems very possible.


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