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Precession of the Equinox

Jack Aurora
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Precession of the Equinox - Page 2 Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by comradelevelplane Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:43 pm

comradelevelplane wrote:
EthericData2 wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
EthericData2 wrote:Does the geocentric model have equinoxes and ages?

Does anyone know of any videos or links that can explain how the precession of the constellations operate with the geocentric model?

None in the geocentric model. The Pole Star has remained unchanged. No precession or changing of the Pole Star. No precession means no astrological ages.

There must be a precession because the constellations do rotate in the sky while remaining in fixed positions.

I wonder if an astrological age can be determined by the constellation positioning of the heliacal rising and setting of Sirius or something of that nature?

Precession does NOT exist. The sun has always and will always return to it's vernal equinox at the cusp of Aries. Any claim of this modern term "the age of" the zodiacs is FALSE.
this topic has been bugging me a lot. the term precession. their is the precession of the equinox. Hindu astrology worshipped the moons 28 day cycle, and had their rishi divided into 28 of what western astrology would call 'houses'. precession means that the vernal equinox was slowly ascending through the constellations as first observed by the babylonians then the greeks who interpreted it into 12 signs and 12 houses in a 360 degree ascension. which the hindus did, too. it is a fact the vernal equinox occurs at the cusp of aries. meaning the 1st house, aries. it fits the geocentric model, that eventually the equinox will once again enter the constellation aries as first observed by the babylonians or hindus or whichever ancient culture you want to put first. the so called great year. all that heliocentrists back then did was agree that it could be the earths wobble on its axis. you know, theories. however astrology has been used as a calendar and for navigation and even mysticism for thousands of years. supposedly, if understood correctly you can even predict the weather. or if you're one of those elites, you could birth a leader.

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Precession of the Equinox - Page 2 Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by comradelevelplane Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:41 pm

comradelevelplane wrote:
EthericData2 wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
EthericData2 wrote:Does the geocentric model have equinoxes and ages?

Does anyone know of any videos or links that can explain how the precession of the constellations operate with the geocentric model?

None in the geocentric model. The Pole Star has remained unchanged. No precession or changing of the Pole Star. No precession means no astrological ages.

There must be a precession because the constellations do rotate in the sky while remaining in fixed positions.

I wonder if an astrological age can be determined by the constellation positioning of the heliacal rising and setting of Sirius or something of that nature?

Precession does NOT exist. The sun has always and will always return to it's vernal equinox at the cusp of Aries. Any claim of this modern term "the age of" the zodiacs is FALSE.

I actually mean precession of Polaris does not exist. The North Star, Polaris has been observed as the center as long as we've been alive. Procession of the equinox just means that the vernal equinox (Cusp of Aries), or first the first house Aries, is slowly ascending through the constellations as can be observed and has been since Babylon.

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Precession of the Equinox - Page 2 Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by pitagoras Sat Oct 07, 2023 6:41 am

I found this article that shows you basically that the "72 years per degree" is a total inaccuratcy; by observing the architecture of ancient times which you can see that they still align to this day with astrological events like solstices and equinoxes.  
Precession of the Equinox - Page 2 Pic
This is the Padmanabhaswamy temple constructed 400 + years ago and it still aligns with the equinox of today.

Last edited by pitagoras on Sat Oct 14, 2023 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammer and typo)


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Precession of the Equinox - Page 2 Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by TyrannicalSawdustRex Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:43 pm

The term "Precession of the Equinoxes" is a deliberately misleading term. The Sun is not part of the celestial dome - it is small and local, crossing the circle equinoctial ( see old maps) twice in its yearly journey between the tropics. The temple in the above post shows that.

Precession of the constellations occurs because at this time the celestial dome rotates once every 23hrs 56mins or so , but Polaris has always been the polestar.

That's how I see it


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Precession of the Equinox - Page 2 Empty Lunisolar Light Tango(?)

Post by RileySlowWave Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:40 am

hey all, great seeing a discussion on this topic

i've been using an astrology app [Astro Future] alongside a starfinder app [Sky Tonight] as well as just sitting outside in the evenings, & have made some good observations:

from WA State we see basically the same constellations whizzing by every night [this time of year], gently shifting forward [been watching Orion & Sirius circle S->W]; & Luna doing her monthly thang [shifting up & down sky from ∠13º to ∠70º at meridian]; as well as ol' Sol climbing back up the sky [we can assume he's about halfway there, heh]

kind of a breakthrough observation: using the Astro Future app, i noticed/realized that full moons occur when Sol & Luna are directly opposite on the zodiac; so the notion that her phases are connected to her 29.5 day synodic period [as she laps the sun] makes sense

it's pretty phenomenal, really: the fixed stars just churn, & as we JUST had an equinox, it was plainly evident that it occurs WHEN Sol passes into Aries

the concept of an annual 'clock' or machine w/ all of the intricacies we see is mind-boggling

i'm pretty satisfied w/ the relationship between Sol & Luna's whereabouts in connection w/ her phases; also mixing in the multi-angle dance they're participating in

seeing the planets move around on the Astro Future app is neat, too, as they're quite obviously moving alongside Sol

all of this makes me a more spiritual person

throwing in a gratitude for the community

also, i'm fine w/ the mystery of the nature of Luna's illumination [what she is & how she glows, etc.]; i'm just becoming firm in the lunisolar positional relationship

final throw-in: Daylight Savings Time totally f's the noonday sun

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Precession of the Equinox - Page 2 Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by TyrannicalSawdustRex Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:37 am

Delved a bit into the trepidation of the equinoxes.



Two links that provide information on the astrologers of the past who recorded the trepididation (oscillation) of the equinoxes - the prevalent view up until the 17th century.

Gives a cycle of around 650 - 700 years or so ,back and forth. There are records of recession of the equinox in Vedic/Hindu records . There are accounts from Arabian astrologers too.

There is no "Great Year" . The statement that the Greeks knew the earth is a globe is a complete modern lie designed to give credence to a Solar system which does not exist , and allows the scientific priesthood to dismiss these recorded observations.  

I am in complete agreement with those astrologers regarding the tribulation of the equinox.

Mainstream science freely admits that the measured rate of precession is not constant and at the moment is increasing exponentially. Perhaps we are approaching a period of reversal.

I suppose the controllers know all this and plan accordingly.


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Precession of the Equinox - Page 2 Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

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