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Precession of the Equinox

Jack Aurora
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Precession of the Equinox Empty Precession of the Equinox

Post by Mipham Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:50 pm

Hello Eric and Everyone. I've been devouring and processing ton of Eric's and Weiss' work.
Can anyone explain what causes the Precession of the Equinox? And have the Pole Stars changed over time as is suggested by "experts"?



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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by Mipham Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:17 pm



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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by RedorBlue Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:37 pm

Procession of the equinox is mainstream theory/fantasy . Never seen any proof of change in position of the Pole star .

The movement of the constellations through the seasons is the result of the starry dome circling the earth in 23hr 56min compared to the 24hr circuit of the sun


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by Mipham Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:38 pm

Thanks. Does that result in the changing of the Pole Star?


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by RedorBlue Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:47 pm

No , the yearly procession of the constellations does not move the Pole star , they circle around the it.

Pole star has been used for navigation for thousands of years. I've seen articles saying the Pole star describes a very small circle around the actual axis of the stellar vault - easy to check by viewing through a tube with cross hairs. Never done it myself because it doesn't really matter.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by Mipham Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:53 pm

The Globers use this as evidence:

"During the 1st millennium BC, Beta Ursae Minoris ("Kochab") was the bright star closest to the celestial pole, but it was never close enough to be taken as marking the pole, and the Greek navigator Pytheas in ca. 320 BC described the celestial pole as devoid of stars.[9][13] In the Roman era, the celestial pole was about equally distant between Polaris and Kochab.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by RedorBlue Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:38 am

Globe heads state any old shite . The stars are in in the same positions now as they were thousands of years ago.

Only fragments of Pytheas' work have survived (paraphrased )  to this day .


Do more research on your sources


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by Jack Aurora Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:40 am

I know sound magnetism.
So I'm comparing earth with a speaker magnet. As an excercise.

The earth is round and flat like a speaker magnet.
N pole in the centre, and S pole on 4 equalateral sides on the outsides.
When active, the energy is directed from the S to the N, and the sound comes out of the N pole...this is layman explanation. You can flip polarities though if you like.

This causes the magnetic field to start spinning.very fast in the centre, and then relatively slowe as you go out. Causing what seems like a magnetic drag.

Imagine the sun, moon and stars all inside this magnetic field, each with its own spin relative to the function of the magnetic electric frequency. The sun therefore will always keep its time spinning around the N pole.The closer it gets the slower it spins. The further away the faster..

Each one has its own unique frequency and spin. The sun fast, the moon a bit slower, and stars and wandering stars even slower.

Theory... maybe the Black Sun is spinning fastest of them all...just purely speculating.
Until it is found or proven.
Eclipses are our only clue so far... I think???

Any other thoughts on this???
Jack Aurora
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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by tones Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:09 am

The constellations circle the earth 0.009 seconds less than 24 hours every day. The calculation is 1 degree every 72 years. RedOrBlue - that's 4 minutes every 72 years, not everyday.

The evidence for no axial precession is that the date of the seasons do not move 1 day every 71 years, and the calendar has never been adjusted for this as claimed.

Regarding the position of Polaris, is there more evidence for this? Is Stellarium fake software which shows the shift over thousands of years?


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by Admin Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:25 am

Sidereal days are 23:56, the constellations turn 4 minutes faster per day than the Sun, not 0.009. And there is no evidence that Polaris moves and other stars become the center of rotation other than convenient claims by heliocentrists.

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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by tones Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:41 pm

Sideral Days use the stars as a fixed reference point in space to rationalize earth's rotation and orbit around the sun. Yes the stars rise 4 minutes later each day, so that in 1 year, they are back to their original position.

This does not claim to represent the movement of constellations.

The movement of the constellations is an additional 0.009 seconds per day slower. (I incorrectly deducted this from 24 hours above)

The constellations complete a full cycle, known as a Great Year, in 25,920 years.
360 degrees per 25,920 years = 1 degree per 72 years = 4 minutes per 72 years = 3.333 seconds per year = 0.009 seconds per day.

I think the confusion is that globalists portray 2 separate mechanisms, when it is actually just one mechanism on a very large scale.

It is this Great Year clock which is the precise trigger for the 6 and 12 thousand year solar cataclysm cycle.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by RedorBlue Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:16 pm

The whole mainstream concept of the precession of the equinoxes is based on the imaginary idea that the earth spins and wobbles through space . This will always cause confusion in the globe model since no rotation of earth has ever been shown to exist, hence the whole model is a fiction.

This is the evidence for no axial rotation.


This website (mainstream by the way)  honestly lists some problems with the current view of precession . "Problem 5" even assigns earths wobble to the solar system, i.e. earth does not wobble.

Who recorded the Great Year ?

Regarding Stellarium software . Any programmer will tell you - shite in = shite out.

Ancient history appears to be a production of the "age of reason" - old records are copied , changed and falsified or invented to fit the agenda . Everything we have been told we know is wrong.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by tones Sat Oct 23, 2021 8:23 am

Yes axial rotation does not exist. That's why the newly fabricated figure of 25,771 years is claimed to be calculated using the lunar laser ranging hoax, hence signaling the fake measurement.

However the rotation of constellations by 1 degree every 72 years has an ancient history of observation.

There is a distinction between the observation and the false mechanism attributed to it.

To simply claim it does not exist because everything we know has been falsified is not a solid argument.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by RedorBlue Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:45 am

The problem is that we have to choose which ancient records to accept and which to discard . It's all hearsay.

Hipparchus (whose work has not survived) is credited here as first describing the precession


Page 5 gives his figure of 5.1 arc sec per year precession of the constellations Aries and Libra .

This figure is afterwards - after what is not stated - revised to 50.2 arc sec per year.

You can play with the math if you want .

It is stated in the article that the rate of precession varies and also stated ,on the last page , that mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata believed that precession of equinox was merely an oscillation , mistaken of course - doesn't fit with the dogma does it.

Perhaps you can present a solid argument for the theory of precession but I can't . All I see is that the heliocentric model requires it.

Presenting a solid argument against imaginary concepts is like platting fog is it not?

The oscillation of the equinoxes ,now that is far more interesting.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by tones Sun Oct 24, 2021 2:16 pm

The heliocentric model not only does not require axial precession, it is completely betrayed by it, as the fraudulent theory is easily falsified. It is one of the best flat earth proofs.

I think this validates the observation of movement of constellations, as it is unlikely to be fabricated to generate such an impossible mechanism.

Indeed the observation forced the need for a false mechanism, and then to fabricate a number with feeble equations, so as not to reveal the catastrophe cycle and forecast the next one.

I believe the 25,920 year cycle is accurate because it correlates with exactly known solar plasma events, at fractions of the cycle.
The fraction of the whole cycle corresponds to the magnitude of the event.
Younger Dryas impact. 1/2 cycle 12,870 - 12,970 years ago
Great Flood 1/4 cycle approx 6,500 years
Tall el-Hammam 1,641 BCE 3,702 years 1/7 cycle
Bronze Age collapse 1177BC 3,240 years 1/8 cycle
Carrington Event 1859 202.5 years 1/128 cycle
This cycle of events produces the next half cycle catastrophe in 2062.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by RedorBlue Sun Oct 24, 2021 5:26 pm

More on the oscillations mentioned .

"Trepidation of the Equinoxes" is it's correct title. Known to astronomers/astrologers of the Vedic ,Arabic and Hebrew civilisations .

Basically it describes the recession and accession of the equinox in a cyclical period of around 640 yrs . It is also noted in Hebrew records that neither recession or accession occurred over a period of 18 years 4 months and seven days before the period of recession began -Vatican Hebrew text.

This tribulation of equinoxes prevailed up to the late medieval until Copernicus published his "on the Revolutions..." stuff and introduced the precession of equinoxes required support the heliocentric model.

Worth looking at . This is also worth looking at if you are interested in the Carrington Event of 1859 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo6npAVtYR4


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by tones Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:00 am

We make fun of fun of people brainwashed by a misleading video.
It’s important for us to be not be victims of the same tactics.
Especially from the man in the video who believes in Van Allan belts, meteors and satellites.
It took me 5 minutes to find many sources of reports from 1859 of solar superstorms, massive aurora and telegraph damage all over the world, which he claimed didn't exist.
I can't post them now because this forum does not allow new members to do so for 7 days.
But you can easily google newspaper reports from 1859.
I think it is unlikely that these reports were all falsified at the time.

From my brief reading about Trepidation of the Equinoxes, it was also based on a heliocentric model.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by RedorBlue Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:47 am

Trepidation of equinoxes is based on observation alone - shape of earth , geocentric or heliocentric model has nothing to do with it .

Surely you are aware of the rate of change of the precession of the equinox . This is mainstream science admitting that we are in an accession stage in the tribulation . It oscillates as shown through time

Copernicus brought in the heliocentric shite and the precession . Known as the tribulation before that .

Also since science admits that precession rates change over time then your Great Year calculations can be binned .


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by tones Wed Oct 27, 2021 10:59 am

The document I read about Surya Siddhanta who proposed oscillating equinoxes, is full or earth orbiting sun diagrams and calculations.
You may be the only person today who still believes in oscillation.

The modern myth of the increasing rate of precession is not an observation but a calculation based on false models. It doesn’t falsify the Great Year observation. These observations have been fairly consistent over the centuries at 1 degree every 72 years. Hence they had to be eradicated by falsified technological calculations such as satellite measurements and lunar lasers.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by RedorBlue Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:52 pm


Read about the problems that the " Precession" model of the equinoxes has . Makes it quite clear that the 1 degree every 72 year thing is a crock. You still believe in pile of shit introduced by kopernikurs to shore up that bigger pile that is the heliocentric model .

At some point you'll realise that everything you think you know because you've been told that you know it because everyone knows it is nonsense.


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Precession of the Equinox Empty procession of the equinox and others

Post by blakeslist Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:40 pm

Mipham wrote:Hello Eric and Everyone. I've been devouring and processing ton of Eric's and Weiss' work.
Can anyone explain what causes the Precession of the Equinox? And have the Pole Stars changed over time as is suggested by "experts"?


I think this video explains it all.

I couldn't understand how the stars could move or the sun, but it is a projection.
Stergios's moon mappings are here


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by EthericData2 Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:39 pm

Does the geocentric model have equinoxes and ages?

Does anyone know of any videos or links that can explain how the precession of the constellations operate with the geocentric model?


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by tycho_brahe Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:30 am

EthericData2 wrote:Does the geocentric model have equinoxes and ages?

Does anyone know of any videos or links that can explain how the precession of the constellations operate with the geocentric model?

None in the geocentric model. The Pole Star has remained unchanged. No precession or changing of the Pole Star. No precession means no astrological ages.

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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by EthericData2 Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:19 pm

tycho_brahe wrote:
EthericData2 wrote:Does the geocentric model have equinoxes and ages?

Does anyone know of any videos or links that can explain how the precession of the constellations operate with the geocentric model?

None in the geocentric model. The Pole Star has remained unchanged. No precession or changing of the Pole Star. No precession means no astrological ages.

There must be a precession because the constellations do rotate in the sky while remaining in fixed positions.

I wonder if an astrological age can be determined by the constellation positioning of the heliacal rising and setting of Sirius or something of that nature?


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Precession of the Equinox Empty Re: Precession of the Equinox

Post by comradelevelplane Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:18 am

EthericData2 wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
EthericData2 wrote:Does the geocentric model have equinoxes and ages?

Does anyone know of any videos or links that can explain how the precession of the constellations operate with the geocentric model?

None in the geocentric model. The Pole Star has remained unchanged. No precession or changing of the Pole Star. No precession means no astrological ages.

There must be a precession because the constellations do rotate in the sky while remaining in fixed positions.

I wonder if an astrological age can be determined by the constellation positioning of the heliacal rising and setting of Sirius or something of that nature?

Precession does NOT exist. The sun has always and will always return to it's vernal equinox at the cusp of Aries. Any claim of this modern term "the age of" the zodiacs is FALSE.

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