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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by csp Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:41 pm

Schpankme wrote:
FL@T-E@RTH wrote:
it does not explain how I lost 15kg in 3 weeks when I cut out sugar from my coffee completely

As I explained:  "What happens when you remove sugar from your diet?  The body no longer has a direct source of energy in the form of refined sugar, and must now use Stored Fat, which it converts to glycogen (sugar); this process is called Ketosis.

You also lose a lot of water weight due to your body depleting its available glycogen stores - glycogen is stored with water.

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:01 pm

Schpankme wrote:
FL@T-E@RTH wrote:
it does not explain how I lost 15kg in 3 weeks when I cut out sugar from my coffee completely

As I explained: "What happens when you remove sugar from your diet? The body no longer has a direct source of energy in the form of refined sugar, and must now use Stored Fat, which it converts to glycogen (sugar); this process is called Ketosis."

You started burning FAT to compensate for the calories lost by removing sugar from your diet.

Not that I would do this: but, people who eat at McDonald's and Burger King type establishments would be better off eating the Large Fry's, Apple Pie and drinking a real sugar drink.

I appreciative your posts, and I realise we are going off-topic, I can see what you are saying, a reduction is sugar equates to fat burning = fat loss.
However, can you explain to me how I went from 75KG at 25, eating the same diet, with the same exercise, the only increase was from 4 cups of coffee per day (with 2 sugars) to around 8-10 cups, and in that 15 year period I put on 35KG.
I noticed you mentioned McDonalds, I have not eaten that crap since 1988 and I do not eat fast-food and never have really have, certainly not in the last 20 years.
So what caused me to put on 35KG in 15 years if it was not refined sugar (going from 4 cups (and 8 sugars a day) to 8-10 cups and 16-20 sugars a day?

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by CSI Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:49 am

Here's another attempt to try and legitimize the hoax:

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Bro Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:04 pm

Of Course Nuclear Weapons Exist... Get Real...

You Can See From this 40 Second Video That Nuclear Weapons are Real...

Nukes Are Impossible To Fake...

When Set Off Nuclear Weapons Will Destroy Everything For 100s of Miles...

Just Watch..


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Schpankme Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:45 pm

Bro wrote:
When Set Off Nuclear Weapons Will Destroy Everything For 100s of Miles]

The fear mongering about  Nuclear (Nucleus) Weapons was created by removing one electron from an atom, thus causing an explosion through fission reaction, whose HALF-LIFE effect continues to kill biological life for thousands or even millions of years; a Radio Active Waste Land of Death and Mutation.

Theoretical Science (pretend):

Nuclear Physics


Fission Reaction

   Nuclear energy
   Nuclear waste


  Radio active atoms
  Radioactive decay

Jew Creation Stories:

  Theoretical Science, THEO means God:  God Science
      Space  (Big Bang)  ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion

  Creation Science, CREATION means God:  God Science
      Heaven  (Holy Spirit)  ADAM, remove Rib create Women

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Puffpanda Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:47 am

Hey guys, perhaps I missed it but didn't see any mention of low background steel. Was talking to a friend about the nuclear hoax and he brought up the demand for pre 1945 steel in sensitive equipment.


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Schpankme Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:42 am

Puffpanda wrote:
Hey guys
I didn't see any mention of low background steel

the nuclear hoax
pre 1945 steel

Low-background Steel
Is steel produced prior to the NAZI inventing Atomic Pretend (1940s), which is said to have increased "background radiation levels" across the face of the Earth. Low-background steel does not suffer from such Radio Active Properties.

"The primary source of low-background steel is ships that were constructed before the Trinity test, most famously the scuttled German World War I battleships in Scapa Flow." ~ Wikipedia

There is no ATOM therefore there can be no Atomic Pretend.

NAZI means NAtional ZIonist Jewdaism

1939 - NAZI first to disclose making Atomic Pretend
1942 - NAZI first to report rocket reaching the man-made construct of Space
1945 - NAZI first to establish Russian and American space Enterprise
1948 - NAZI symbols (Swastika, Star of David) found within the newly created Zionist State of Palestine.

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Puffpanda Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:48 am

I'm not sure telling someone who brings up a valid question (seemed valid to me) that the atom doesn't exist would be a good answer in any scenario. And if it is it would require a lot of explanation that most people wouldn't have time for. Or did I miss something from that answer?
Are you saying the whole low background steel thing is all made up then? Any links to info about it?


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Schpankme Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:11 am

Puffpanda wrote:
I'm not sure
the atom exist[s]

Can you bring forth thy JEW Theoretical ATOM?

The indoctrinated recite JEWdaism Creation Stories about Heaven and Space:

  • Space  (Big Bang)  ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion
  • Heaven  (Holy Spirit)  ADAM, remove Rib create Women

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Puffpanda Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:34 am

Well there is a ton of physics books that bring forth the atom. Not saying it's all true but when someone drops those on your table you can't just say that jew shit is just a lie and expect them to be on board. Was hoping for something more concrete to counter the low background steel argument.


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Schpankme Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:48 am

Puffpanda wrote:
physics books bring forth the atom
Not saying it's all true
you can't say that jew shit is just a lie and expect them to be on board

JESUITS (crypto JEWdaism) invited Big Bang
JEW invited ATOM
Remove Electron create Explosion (there are no electrons, no protons, no Atom)
Big Bang is an ejaculation into the Virgin Source, which created the Atom, and Spaceballs that Orbit about one another (exactly like the Atom, Electrons and Protons).

Part of being indoctrinated to balltardism (Scientism) is to beLIEve about everything you are told without first-hand-knowledge or replication.

Theoretical Physics = Pretend

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Puffpanda Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:29 am

Okay but when certain aged steel is better for making some instruments based on its radiation levels it's not just theoretical physics. What made the steel different?


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Schpankme Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:39 am

Puffpanda wrote:
certain aged steel is better
based on its radiation levels
it's not just theoretical physics

So, the Germans made Steel differently then current manufacturing techniques which causes the Steel to react to Radio Frequencies?

How magical, when STEEL can absorb Fake Atomic Radiation after 1945, so this never happened "randomly" to IRON ORE prior to 1945?

What about researching the oldest living organism on the face of the Earth for Atomic Radiation (ionizing radiation);  Lets hug a TREE?

They claim "ionizing radiation" can break chemical bonds.  Japan across it's many islands is full of trees, deer, bear, and other wildlife, even after exploding two Fake Nukes.  

Chernobyl is yet another place filled with the horror of Fake Nukes, which is now classified as an Animal Sanctuary;  all this can be found researched within this Topic you are reading.

Puffpanda on Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:34 pm
"physics books bring forth the atom. when someone drops those on your table you can't just say that jew shit is just a lie and expect them to be on board."

Tell me about "that JEW SHIT IS JUST A LIE"
Who controls your Media?  "that JEW SHIT"
Who controls your Educational System?  "that JEW SHIT"
Who controls your Entertainment Industry?   "that JEW SHIT"
What was Albert Einstein for promoting fake Space?   "that JEW SHIT"

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Denspressure Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:03 pm

CSI wrote:Here's another attempt to try and legitimize the hoax:

Really awesome to see the original films and scanners.
Scanning is my jam, so I love watching these kinds of video's

Though, in my opinion they should wear cotton or latex gloves to minimize skin contact, which transfers dirt, oils and fingerprints. I do that when I scan.

With all this raw footage made in the 50's becoming avaible, I am sure many editing artifacts that were hidden by older, less dynamic publish media become visible. The relative low quality footage made avaible to the public at the time (Slides, 8mm, prints, VHS) would hide imperfections.

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by starfox42 Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:42 am

Schpankme wrote:
Puffpanda wrote:
Hey guys
I didn't see any mention of low background steel

the nuclear hoax
pre 1945 steel

Low-background Steel
Is steel produced prior to the NAZI inventing Atomic Pretend (1940s), which is said to have increased "background radiation levels" across the face of the Earth. Low-background steel does not suffer from such Radio Active Properties.

"The primary source of low-background steel is ships that were constructed before the Trinity test, most famously the scuttled German World War I battleships in Scapa Flow." ~ Wikipedia

There is no ATOM therefore there can be no Atomic Pretend.

NAZI means NAtional ZIonist Jewdaism

1939 - NAZI first to disclose making Atomic Pretend
1942 - NAZI first to report rocket reaching the man-made construct of Space
1945 - NAZI first to establish Russian and American space Enterprise
1948 - NAZI symbols (Swastika, Star of David) found within the newly created Zionist State of Palestine.

That is a good question, Schpankme is just a firecracker! Wealth of knowledge, that one, albeit a little abrasive at times.

"Devices that require low-background steel include:
Geiger counters
Medical apparatus: whole body counting and lung counters
Scientific equipment: photonics
Aeronautical and space sensors

As these devices detect radiation emitted from radioactive materials, they require an extremely low radiation environment for optimal sensitivity. Low background counting chambers are made from low-background steel with extremely heavy radiation shielding. They are used to detect the minutest nuclear emissions.[7]"


So, it seems like the things that even require this "special steel" are magical tools themselves...
Geiger counter? used to measure radiation...
whole body/lung counter? used to measure radiation...
"Photonics is the physical science of light (photon) generation, detection, and manipulation through emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, and detection/sensing.".... which again is measuring radiation basically
and aeronautical and space sensors... beep boop space noises, as mary would say.

So, yeah, definitely something I haven't thought about before, and I work in a world class medical facility. So nice job, free thinker, PuffPanda. Thank you also, Schpankme, I learn so much from your valuable input.

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by MMDC Sat May 05, 2018 1:26 am

Hi, I just wanted to share this funny little thing real quick.
Today I accidentally read the backside (with explanation and terms) of a energy supply bill.
Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 0JbFwfd
Here they elaborate from which source your energy comes. (in dutch)
It says:
source from the global(/total) delivery from your supplier:
renewable energy 15,38%
Cogeneration or combined heat and power 1,02%
fossil fuels 15,43%
nuclear energy 66,33%
unknown?! 1,84%

I find the use of 66,33% nuclear energy very particular. (666?)
But, it will just be me being a bit too suspicious.
It made me chuckle though.

Very Happy

This is one of the plants
Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 RUFBLrx
, and the other one is at Tihange.
("nuclear" steam clouds!) Very Happy
It is located at 14,55km from where I was standing (the surface I was standing on iss 65metres in height.)

I wanted to give thanks for the documentary (3hour one). It has shed light on what is.
I live near(ish) that "nuclear" plant, which they claim to have all sort of cracks in the concrete structure. Spreading the message all over the country, supplying people with iodide pills and preparing them for the worst - for when we end up having no electricity or having to sell a kidney to get some or even for when it would explode.. For some reason I did not care before, as I had some suspicion.
After watching the docu, I can now see what kind of propaganda this is. Fear mongering with a flair of money and power games. As it seems to be a valuable material and they bring countries in bad daylight by spreading the word that they have "nuclear" weapons.
The plant is located (at Doel) near the industry area of the city called Antwerp. I think that they want to shove any problem caused by the whole plethora of plants in that area, on the "nuclear" plant, just to be able to continue the way they are now. With only eliminating one "evil", being the "nuclear" plant.
Also, with the "necessary" studies and repairs, they can increase the bills. Which is already happening.  
I'm "very curious" to what it all will lead eventually.

Another little anekdote, there used to be a place near the industry of Antwerp (like across the street there is a chemical plant) where there were a lot of festivals.  After I had spend a night there and blew my nose... There was coming black stuff out of it... I was always shocked by it. And this did not happen only one time... They often crank up their processing at evening or night times. As they harm "less" people with it or to have less people notice it..? Back when I used to live in the city, you could often smell the industry (when the wind was in the "right" direction) from a decent distance... Which was not a pretty sent... Below you can see the size of the industry. It is completely surrounded by cities and farming fields...

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 73jBUUH

Take care,

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty New and Improved Fake Nuclear Bomb

Post by CSI Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:06 pm

US Conducts Successful Field Test Of New Nuclear Bomb

"The US Air Force completed two more tests of the B61-12 gravity nuclear bomb by dropping a dud (or "non-nuclear test assembly")....."

Since non-nuclear is the only assembly possible.

"The bomb tests are a part of the Pentagon's $7.6 billion 'B61-12 Life Extension Program', which aims to “refurbish, reuse, or replace all of the bomb’s nuclear and non‐nuclear components” and extend the service life of the B61 by at least 20 years."

Who wouldn't vote for a bit more 'Life Extension", Eh?

Actually to "refurbish, reuse, or replace"... and.....increase the life extension of the massive amount of money siphoned off from the taxpayers to produce this little gem:

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 B21_ne10

"Old model had a parachute and a fixed tail section"
"New model has more electronics and steerable fins"

"The B61 nuclear gravity bomb, deployed from U.S. Air Force and NATO bases, has almost 50 years of service, "making it the oldest and most versatile weapon in the enduring U.S. stockpile."

Steerable fins and 50 years.....wow!....now that's some notable improvement and unparalleled longevity......it's amazing how long you can rely on archaic technology when you'll never use it.

And here's a swell graphic demonstrating the laser accuracy of this new baby:

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 B61-1210

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling safer already, what with "minimized collateral damage and nuclear fallout".

And meet Phil, the proud compartmentalized fool who helped to create this fake bomb:

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 B61-pr10
"Phil Hoover, an engineer at Sandia National Laboratories, shows off a flight test
body for a B61-12 nuclear weapon"

"President Trump has endorsed the ambitious and expensive plan to modernize the US nuclear triad, begun under his predecessor."

"After former President Barack Obama authorized a nuclear modernization program, Trump revised it into an ambitious 30-year project that would cost at least $1.2 trillion to complete. Some $800 billion will be spent on maintaining nuclear forces, while about $400 billion will be spent on modernizing them, under the pretext of an existential need to deter “revisionist powers” such as China and Russia."

Of course the 'Puppets in Chief" do what puppets are told.

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Servei12

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 49132411

Here's a link to the article:


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by AJRas Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:40 pm

HBO is doing a 5 part miniseries starting 5/6/19, Chernobyl.

Chernobyl dramatizes "the true story of one of the worst man-made catastrophes in history and tells of the brave men and women who sacrificed to save Europe from unimaginable disaster.
The miniseries focuses on the heartbreaking scope of the nuclear plant disaster that occurred in Ukraine in April 1986, revealing how and why it happened and telling the shocking, remarkable stories of the heroes who fought and fell."

...And the show's creator is Jewish, Craig Mazin.

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 17444411


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Schpankme Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:02 pm

In 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, exploded releasing about 400 times more radioactive fallout than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Gray wolves from the radioactive forbidden zone (18.6 mile/30 kilometers) around the nuclear disaster site of Chernobyl are prospering, likely because the exclusion zone -- devoid of people -- has "become a de facto nature reserve." ~  Michael Byrne, wildlife ecologist at the University of Missouri at Columbia.

"Instead of being an ecological black hole, the Chernobyl exclusion zone might actually act as a source of wildlife to help other populations in the region." ~  Michael Byrne, wildlife ecologist at the University of Missouri at Columbia

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Cherno10
Plants have grown up around abandoned houses (Credit: Guy Corbishley/Alamy Stock Photo)

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Guest Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:25 pm


I found it kind of interesting. Bit long, but still.


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Dab_Tsog Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:13 am

Guest wrote:https://www.bitchute.com/video/7LcjbmSdTNLb/

I found it kind of interesting. Bit long, but still.

Channel restricted now.


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by tycho_brahe Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:11 am

Ignore the Donald Pleasance thumbnail as Blofeld from the James Bond films. The News - Benders 1968 BBC episode:  Robert Larkin, a successful documentary film director has an appointment with the mysterious 'JG' at the office of CWNS (Classified World News Service). CWNS operates between government and media companies, supplying news footage and stills. The TV show says everything after and including Hiroshima is fake. All news is manufactured by the CWNS.  Talks about how nukes are not scientifically possible.

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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by StillWakingUp Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:05 pm

It's all very interesting but it contradicts to the idea of Operation Dominic and Operation Fishbowl.
If nukes are not a thing, then what were those operations about if not testing strength of the firmament?


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by korilaji Mon Aug 29, 2022 2:26 pm

lizardking wrote:Post by harry on May 3, 2015 at 9:49pm

I wanted to ask about fukushima, do you think all the reports of pacific sea life dying is just fear mongering?... I was pretty heart broken by fukushima, I now have my doubts about the whole thing.

Thanks to this forum, im starting to appreciate how controlled the alternative opposition is.

I trust Eric Dubay mate, if Eistein inveted it i doubt the whole story from the beginning Smile


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Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Empty Re: Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!

Post by Russian Blue Cat Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:12 pm

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist! - Page 3 Bandic38

Supposedly survived 2 nuclear bombs but didn't have any nuclear radiation damage
obviously this guy is lying just like when people claim they survived 2 fake shootings
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