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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:44 pm

susie wrote:

there, i made my point without the vid.

You edited and replaced a Christian proselytizing her brand of phony religion for 40 minutes, with a very informative video. Thank you for making that change.

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by susie Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:27 am

Looks like they might be starting a war with Venezuela and then Iran.

Might explain the rumor of tanks on the borders of Florida. Then again, there are tanks in all 50 states right now. pig

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by susie Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:31 am


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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by susie Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:06 am

The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn0.gstatic
WWIII- Conflict of Nations game

President Donald Trump wasted no time on Friday defending his potentially world-altering decision to kill the leader of Iran’s elite paramilitary forces, Qassem Soleimani — and warning that other enemies of the U.S. could easily face the same fate.

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Wed May 06, 2020 7:43 pm

Includes brief footage of one of Eisenhower's—a war criminal—death camps, in which many were inhumanely murdered after the so-called "cessation" of war hostilities.


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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by susie Tue May 12, 2020 1:28 am

Rockefeller heirs to Big Oil find dumping fossil fuels improved bottom line

Cashing in on crashing oil markets

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by nowhereelsetogo Wed May 13, 2020 2:37 pm

Ezra Pound:

Broadcast from Rome / March 15, 1942

(Pound is addressing England)

The enemy is Das Leihkapital (loan capital). Your Enemy is Das Leihkapital, international, wandering Loan Capital. Your enemy is not Germany, your enemy is money on loan. And it would be better for you to be infected with typhus, and dysentery, and Bright’s disease, than to be infected with this blindness which prevents you from understanding how you are undermined, how you are ruined.

The big Jew is so bound up with this Leihkapital that no one is able to unscramble that omelet. It would be better for you to retire to Darbyshire and defy New Jerusalem, better for you to retire to Gloucester and find one spot that is England than to go on fighting for Jewry and ignoring the process.

It is an outrage that any clean lad from the country — I suppose there are still a few English lads from the country — it is an outrage that any nice young man from the suburbs should be expected to die for Victor Sassoon, it is an outrage that any drunken footman’s byblow (bastard child) should be asked to die for Sassoon.

As to your Empire, it was not all of it won by clean fighting. But however you got it, you did for a time more or less justify keeping it, on the ground that you exported good government or better government than the natives would have had without England.

You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew. Your allies in your victimized holdings are the bunyah, you stand for nothing but usury.

And above metal usury; you have built up bank usury, 60% against 30 and 40%, and by that you will not be saved. Corrupting the whole earth, you have lost yourselves to yourselves.

And the big Jew has rotted every nation he has wormed into. A millstone. Well, an exceptionally good swimmer might conceivably be cast into the sea with a stone tied round his neck. He might perhaps untie it. If he were a Scotchman, he would remember his jackknife, before being thrown overboard.

You seem to remember nothing. It were better you were infected with typhus. As to federal union, or JEW/nion. There is no question of race in Streit’s proposition. It is as proposed a union of slaves, under jewry. Offered by liars and abettors of thieves.

You have stolen land from your late Allies, and land slips from your control. The only conquests of Britain and Rosenfeld are conquests from their alleged allies.

All right, say that Franklin Delany swipes all South America — to what end? And ruin the United States of America while he is doing it. What’s that to you? It is not England’s salvation. Will you ever look at the story of empire? You are not even in the mercantile system, you are in a fake mercantile system, not even mercantile. It was for a time called mercantile or the mercantilist system and defined as considering the happiness of a nation to consist in the amount of money it owned, and its process to consist in stealing, welching, pouching the greatest possible amount of same (i.e., of money) from other nations.

That defines the usury system, the only system Anglo Saxons have known or used in our time.

And it will not save you. NOR will Judaized Russia. Nor will the Kahal, the Jew’s central committee of bleeders. WHAT is their system? Unvarying, cheap goods, sweated out of cheap labor, dung dust hurled on the world, the world conceived as sweat shop, to hell with the 8-hour day, down with abundance. Dumping sweated goods, dumped against any and every nation that pays a just price for labor. That is your ally.

And in your past a trail of blood and of infamy. You bought Hessians to kill your own blood in America. You bought ’em from a stinking feudal overlord, who was in the hands of the Rothschild; that is History. You stirred up the American savages against your own kin in America. But now Eden and Cripps have called in the Muscovite, to bum and destroy all Eastern Europe, and kill Finland, for the sake of the stinking Jews nickel mines.

Your infamy is bound up with Judaea. You can not touch a sore or a shame in your empire but you find a Mond, a Sassoon, or a Goldsmid. You have no race left in your government.

God knows if it can be found still scattered in England.

It must be found scattered in England. The white remnants of England, the white remnant of the races of England must be found and find means to cohere; otherwise, you might as well lie down in your grave yards.

You have for years had cheap goods dumped in from Russia. Your alliance with Moscow will bring no relief to that wound. Your Jews have ruined your home manufactures. Loans from the city of London, loans to the Orient, interest paid in cheap cotton goods, loans to the South American countries, interest paid in beef from the Argentine, and ruin of English grazing. The laws of durable government have been known from the days of King Wen. When empires go to rot, they go to rot for known reasons.

The Times, Telegraph, Manchester Guardian, are there to conceal these reasons. Your press is an infamy, has been throughout our time.

The laws of durable government have been known from the days of King Wen, and when the Roman Empire perished it perished from the same follies that your kikes, your Rothschilds, Beits, Sieffs, Schiffs, and Goldsmids have squirted into your veins.

Cheap grain dumped from Egypt, ruin of the Italian farming, usury, and more usury, that is the answer.

For two centuries, ever since the brute Cromwell brought ’em back into England, the kikes have sucked out your vitals. A mild penetration, for a hundred years they have bootlicked your nobility and now where is your nobility? You had at least the semblance of control; you had, let us say, some influence with the Lords of Judaea as long as they wanted your titles, as long as Levy Levinstein Lawson wanted to be addressed as Lord Burnham. You could turn the worst edge of their avarice, or rather you could turn it off, the upper or huppar clawses; and turn it onto the peer. As you did without mercy.

But when the same scroungers have moved over to New York City, how will you manage ’em? The same bloody minded extortioners, or their descendants. The same financial houses. The same Rothschilds who plotted with Sherman, and Vandergould to kill the American nation, who betrayed the United States in the sixties. Head office in London, agents in the U.S. of America.

Now the address is altered. Main office in Wall Street and Cohen in London. You send Willie over to spy on us. You send 5000 usurers’ pimps over to Washington and give special passports, diplomatic, to inveigle the United States into your plans to get cannon fodder from Idaho and from Iowa to weld your slaves cellar on Europe. And this time you get dumped into the ash can.

You have even forgotten your Kipling. Pig Baldwin has forgotten his cousin; if his obscene and treacherous mind ever grasped the meaning of Rudyard’s stories. Let me recall one passage to the sow face:

“The Americans,” wrote Rudyard, “obligingly slaughtered each other in order that the Czechoslovaks might inherit Boston Common.” Cras tibi, tomorrow is your turn. Damn it all, you slaughtered the flower of England in the Boer War. Then in 1914 in the first three months, the best of you went out and got slaughtered.

. . .been seen only too clearly. And your foul papers, the filth of your newsprint has been subsidized to keep your minds off it.

A dirty bit of meat by the name of Gollancz has used your book trade to conceal it. You have almost no means of communication. When a Brooks Adams writes five volumes that would help you to see it, six copies reach England. You have lost the health of the mind. God knows how the scattered handful of Englishmen still in England can still speak one with another.

I see no remedy in your parliament. I don’t mean as parliament. I mean in the personnel. It is your problem. You do not now even elect your own parliament. Whether with an election you could get anything save old dead meat, I do not know. During the last war a few men had a glimmer of instinct. On whatever formula, they called it pacifism. Was it? All of ’em I ever met were pugnacious. Was it an instinct to save the butt end of the race by not fighting? Is it a mistake to combat Germans by force?

Is there a race left in England? Has it any will left to survive? You can carry slaughter to Ireland. Will that save you? I doubt it. Nothing can save you, save a purge. Nothing can save you, save an affirmation that you are English.

Whore Belisha is not. Isaccs is not. No Sassoon is an Englishman, racially. No Rothschild is English, no Strakosch is English, no Roosevelt is English, no Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Khan, Baruch, Schiff, Sieff, or Solomon was ever yet bom Anglo-Saxon.

And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you have murdered your empire, and it is this filth that elects your politicians.

You have lost your tradition. You have not even learned what Lord Byron told you. You are, as even that foul rag the Times tells you, a little late in making a start.

In the year 1942 Anno Domini, there is only one start you can make. And that is a start toward being England. A refusal to be a province of Israel, or an outpost of Yankee-Judaea.


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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by susie Mon May 18, 2020 4:56 pm

The Kalergi Plan of Population Replacement
Kalergi Plan
"The so-called “Kalergi plan” is an increasingly popular strain of the white genocide conspiracy theory, which alleges that there is a deliberate plan to undermine European white society by a campaign of mass immigration, integration and miscegenation conducted by sinister (and often Jewish) elites.

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian-Japanese politician, whose work is considered by some as pioneering European integration and laying the ideological groundwork for the European Union. As Right Wing Watch have stated, racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories have since developed that allege that Coudenhove-Kalergi devised a long-term scheme to undermine the white race by encouraging immigration into Europe, creating a populous devoid of identity who would supposedly be easily ruled by Jewish overlords."

Kalergi plan and the hidden interests behind mass immigration
"The issue of mass immigration is currently dividing the European public. While those on the left are in favor of open borders policy and mass immigration from the third world, the numbers of those Europeans that believe that the multicultural experiment has fail is on the rise. They believe that we need stronger border controls which will stop the waves of immigrants coming to Europe. In every case it’s becoming clear that the elites from Brussels have some personal interests hidden behind their support for mass immigration. The new ambiguous laws and declarations which will allow even more steady migrations are certainly not just the result of some misgiven humanitarianism of those elites. But the main questions rising among Europeans are, what are those hidden interests? Why are many European leaders ready to risk their reputations, and even their votes, because of their almost fanatical support for mass immigration from the Middle East and Africa to our old continent?"

"If we want to know the answers to this questions, we have to research the so called »Kalergi plan«, which can help us understand the real goals behind the happenings in Europe today, and behind this seemingly irrational support for mass immigration. The man behind this ominous plan was Richard von Coudenhove Kalergi, one of the main architects and ideologues of European Union, but in spite of his important role in the creation of the EU, he remains unknown to the general public in Europe today.

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, who was one of the first proponents of the European integrations and the founder of the Paneuropean Union, is regarded as the ideological father of the European Union. It was on his suggestion that the Beethoven’s 9th Symphony of his famous Ode to Joy composition became the hymn of Europe, and he also worked closely with the team that designed the flag of European Union. But his influence didn’t stop with the hymns or flags. It ran much deeper, to the very foundations of the EU. It was him who has through his works laid the blueprint of the EU, by advocating the unification of European states into one Paneuropean entity."

"Kalergi who, as we shall see, announced the coming of the new racially mixed man, was himself of racially mixed background. He was half Austrian, half Japanese, born in Tokyo in 1894, where his father, a diplomat and a member of the nobility, served as the ambassador to the Austro Hungarian Empire. He spent most of his youth on the family estate in Czechoslovakia, until 1908 when he went to study in Vienna, where he continued to live and work after his studies. He joined the prominent Masonic Grand Lodge Humanitas in 1921, and founded his movement the Paneuropean Union a year later. This movement mostly stood for European integrations, which would result in the creation of the United States of Europe with one common market, common currency and an unrestricted, free movement of the population. The colonies which some European countries held at that time would also be incorporated into this new European super-state, which would in fact enable mass migrations of Africans into Europe. Kalergi claimed that a lasting peace could be achieved only with the abolition of the nation states which were in his opinion, because of their everlasting rivalries, the main reason for wars in Europe. This were the main ideas and principles which Kalergi explained in his Paneuropean Manifesto, published in 1923."

"But it wasn’t just the politicians who supported the ideas and views of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. He also gained a lot of support among influential bankers. After he published his most important work titled Practical Idealism in 1925, in which he described in detail his vision of future Europe, his Paneuropean Movement received a generous donation of 60,000 German Goldmarks from an international banker Max Warburg. Kalergi came in contact with Max Warburg through Baron Louis Rothschild, a prominent member of the famous banking Rothschild family, which is known as one of the richest families in the world even today.  The Rothschilds were of course also big supporters of Kalergi and of his plans for the creation of Pan Europe, the super state which would unite all European nations into a single entity. With the help of the Rothschilds and Max Warburg, Kalergi became acquainted with many influential bankers from Wall Street such as Paul Warburg, the brother of Max Warburg, Jacob Schilf and Bernard Baruch. Paul Warburg and Jacob Schilf are also known as the people who helped establish the American Federal Reserve Bank. But what is even more interesting, is the fact that the above mentioned Jacob Schilf, a known capitalist, financed the Russian revolution and the Bolsheviks, and  it was him who gave Trotsky the financial means for his return to Russia.

Many people saw Kalergi's endeavors for European integrations and a United Europe as a noble cause. They believed that his main objective was to raise the standard of living and to achieve an everlasting peace, because he himself used this kind of rhetoric, when preaching about his ideals; he claimed that he is fighting for the prosperity of the whole humankind. But hidden beneath this noble humanistic rhetoric, were not so noble personal interests of his main financial supporters. The crisis that we are witnessing in Europe today are in fact the direct consequences of their goals and of their struggle, which is still being presented as some kind of a humanistic effort."

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:02 pm

"You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

The October Revolution was not what you call in America the 'Russian Revolution.'

It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people.

More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history.

It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time.

The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators [Jews]". —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The above quote is from the introduction of the book, The Secret Behind Communism, by David Duke.

In the book, and at roughly 29 minutes in the below video, Duke mentions another book of Solzhenitsyn's, Two Hundred Years Together, and states that he waited 10 years for it to be published in English and that it "remains unpublished to this day." It was published in English in 2017. Find it here: https://www.scribd.com/document/173661607/The-Secret-Behind-Communism

Duke's book, The Secret Behind Communism, can also be found on scribd.com (a service which can't be beat for only $48 a year, and it includes several excellent perks to go along with membership, https://www.scribd.com/perks). [edit] It looks like they've done away with the annual $48 subscription. I'm apparently grandfathered in since I've been subscribed for several years now.

The Secret and the Ethnic Origin of Communism

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by nowhereelsetogo Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:13 pm

markwilson wrote:"You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

The October Revolution was not what you call in America the 'Russian Revolution.'

It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people.

More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history.

It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time.

The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators [Jews]". —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The above quote is from the introduction of the book, The Secret Behind Communism, by David Duke.

In the book, and at roughly 29 minutes in the below video, Duke mentions another book of Solzhenitsyn's, Two Hundred Years Together, and states that he waited 10 years for it to be published in English and that it "remains unpublished to this day." It was published in English in 2017. Find it here: https://www.scribd.com/document/173661607/The-Secret-Behind-Communism

Duke's book, The Secret Behind Communism, can also be found on scribd.com (a service which can't be beat for only $48 a year, and it includes several excellent perks to go along with membership, https://www.scribd.com/perks). [edit] It looks like they've done away with the annual $48 subscription. I'm apparently grandfathered in since I've been subscribed for several years now.

The Secret and the Ethnic Origin of Communism

Can also get here: https://ia800708.us.archive.org/14/items/TheSecretBehindCommunism_201812/The%20Secret%20Behind%20Communism.pdf without having to join anywhere.

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Germany 1945 in color

Post by AussieBrady Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:20 am

I hit the like button but it was really too sad to watch.


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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:18 am

[edit 7/18/20, I happened to notice the below link is broken. I could not find the article to provide a new link]
[2nd edit 7/18/20, Found the problem. "July 3-17 Dates Temporarily Not Available," so the link may work later. https://tinyurl.com/yy5oujxy]

Don't be Misled by Fake News "Limited Hangout" on Epstein [and now Ghislaine Maxwell]

July 9, 2020

NY Times: Deutsche Bank Settles Over Ignored Red Flags on Jeffrey Epstein


Last edited by markwilson on Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Sat Jul 18, 2020 7:27 pm

THE SHIFT IN DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE WEST [i.e., (((some))) get quite giddy at the thought of the destructive force of the sword of Islam, Sharia law, "Israel's broom"]


FYI, the tribesman (((Noel Ignatiev))), founder and co-editor of Race Traitor magazine, which had the tagline, “Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” died in November, 2019. See, Genocidal jew Noel Ignatiev Is Dead – Good Riddance

The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Screen67

Sharia Law, Islamic Sharia Law https://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/sharia-law.html

Islam's Sharia law is cast from the words of Muhammad, called "hadith," his actions, called "sunnah," and the Quran, which he dictated. The Sharia law itself cannot be altered but its interpretation, called "fiqh," by muftis (Islamic jurists) is given some latitude.

As a legal system, the Sharia law is exceptionally broad. While other legal codes regulate public behavior, Sharia regulates public behavior, private behavior, and even private beliefs. Compared to other legal codes, the Sharia law also prioritizes punishment over rehabilitation and favors corporal and capital punishments over incarceration. Of all legal systems in the world today, the Sharia law is the most intrusive and restrictive, especially against women. According to the Sharia law (see the links for details):

• Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (See Compulsion).
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
• A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
• A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death (see "Islamophobia").
• A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
• Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab (see Taharrush).
• A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34 and Religion of Peace).
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Mathematics in Quran).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal." [yet man is by design, herbivore/frugivore]
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Sat Jul 25, 2020 9:18 pm



"I don't see much future for the Americans...it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities...everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?" —Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-1944

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by susie Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:18 pm

Massive Explosion Shakes Beirut

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by Just Vital Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:26 pm

susie wrote:
Massive Explosion Shakes Beirut

Let me be the first to point out that the explosion (on all footage I have seen) looks fake as a globe. Not to mention the 'victims' we see on camera. No idea what actually happened there obviously, but that were my first observations.
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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by Just Vital Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:50 pm

Just Vital
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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by susie Wed Aug 05, 2020 9:42 pm


Last edited by susie on Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:16 pm

susie wrote:UFO-Like Object Spotted Aboard US Aircraft Carrier (+Video)
Have seen videos pointing out these TR-3B triangle craft over the explosion.
Also have been seen over cali fires and other chaos.
Pfft, masonic triangle freaks.

Total disregard for the subject of the thread. What is the tie-in to the subject of the thread, or is it that you just don't care? You and Just Vital post your miscellany somewhere else. This thread isn't about Lebanon explosions of questionable origin, or funny looking space-mobeels on aircraft carriers.

"Pfft" is right.

Last edited by markwilson on Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by AlmightySavoisien88 Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:23 pm

Just Vital

Sorry but you're retarded on this one. And putting a nigger as intelligence credit is retarded too. There's nothing fake in this explosion. Overconspiring kills the conspiration.

The bottom line is that that shithole interracial predominantly muslim country is basically dead. Which means more dark people into Europe.

Did the jews did it ? We'll never know. Could be. What's important is the planned context of economic collapse which is completely artificial.

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:57 pm

AlmightySavoisien88 wrote:Just Vital

Sorry but you're retarded on this one. And putting a nigger as intelligence credit is retarded too. There's nothing fake in this explosion. Overconspiring kills the conspiration.

The bottom line is that that shithole interracial predominantly muslim country is basically dead. Which means more dark people into Europe.

Did the jews did it ? We'll never know. Could be. What's important is the planned context of economic collapse which is completely artificial.

Your conjoining of a particular skin color to intelligence—or lack thereof—while using a disparaging epithet tied to nothing more than skin color, and presumably having something to do with a person's "intelligence credit," is abhorrent.

Can we please get back on topic?

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by susie Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:51 am

markwilson wrote:
susie wrote:UFO-Like Object Spotted Aboard US Aircraft Carrier (+Video)
Have seen videos pointing out these TR-3B triangle craft over the explosion.
Also have been seen over cali fires and other chaos.
Pfft, masonic triangle freaks.

Total disregard for the subject of the thread. What is the tie-in to the subject of the thread, or is it that you just don't care? You and Just Vital post your miscellany somewhere else. This thread isn't about Lebanon explosions of questionable origin, or funny looking space-mobeels on aircraft carriers.

"Pfft" is right.
Did NOT know where it should be posted and since the discussion in the previous posts were concerning this very subject (blast or no blast) I felt this was as good as any.
Thanks for being such a pleasant member of this forum.

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:52 am

susie wrote:
markwilson wrote:
susie wrote:UFO-Like Object Spotted Aboard US Aircraft Carrier (+Video)
Have seen videos pointing out these TR-3B triangle craft over the explosion.
Also have been seen over cali fires and other chaos.
Pfft, masonic triangle freaks.

Total disregard for the subject of the thread. What is the tie-in to the subject of the thread, or is it that you just don't care? You and Just Vital post your miscellany somewhere else. This thread isn't about Lebanon explosions of questionable origin, or funny looking space-mobeels on aircraft carriers.

"Pfft" is right.
Did NOT know where it should be posted and since the discussion in the previous posts were concerning this very subject (blast or no blast) I felt this was as good as any.
Thanks for being such a pleasant member of this forum.

It seems you are digging the hole deeper in your duplicity. In your own post yesterday at 3:18 pm, you provided the FIRST video unrelated to the subject of this thread, and were the FIRST to broach the Lebanon explosion as somehow related to this thread, "The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM," by way of a 5+ hour video provided by the lamestream UK media rag, The Sun, though without providing a shred of evidence as to who perpetrated the act.

Why the duplicity? You were the first one to misappropriate the thread for subject matter off topic. Why now pretend "previous posts were concerning this very subject (blast or no blast)"?

There were no previous posts to your own addressing the blast in Lebanon by perpetrator(s) unknown. You took the thread off-topic.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Provide the post previous to your own, from yesterday, in which you now claim "previous posts" gave you legitimacy to post unrelated material to the subject of the thread, because those "previous posts" were of the nature "concerning this very subject."

That I'm "such a pleasant member of this forum" has nothing to do with you derailing the thread, now with two other people making asinine remarks about your own first misguided post yesterday at 3:18 pm.

Are we done playing duplicitous denial that you were in fact the first to derail the thread?

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by Russian Blue Cat Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:00 pm

The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 76f21610

Top CEOs pledge to hire 100,000 low-income and minority New Yorkers

The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Downlo63

"to address systemic economic inequality." Jews perpetuating the myth that whites are privileged and the system somehow favors whites and discriminates against non whites.
The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 10648210

The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Downlo62

If the program targets specifically non whites how are they "seeking to hired based more on skill" wouldn't they be seeking to hire based more on race, specifically discriminating against whites and segregating them.
Russian Blue Cat
Russian Blue Cat

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The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM - Page 2 Empty Re: The International JEW -The World's Foremost PROBLEM

Post by markwilson Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:36 pm



A puppet on strings.

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