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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Devon1 Mon Nov 30, 2020 3:45 pm


Here's a link showing what they're putting into the vaccines.


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Russian Blue Cat Mon Nov 30, 2020 3:52 pm

Here's how the jews create artificial toilet paper famines
Step 1: Send less toilet paper to all the stores
Step 2: Have the media go into stores and clear out the toilet paper sections and take pictures
Step 3: Report that "Toilet Paper is Scarce Again as ‘Panic Factor' Returns" as NBC puts it...
Step 4: People get scared, rush to buy all the toilet paper, when the stores barely have any they assume it's because everyone has been buying it all like the media says, when in reality the stores are getting less toilet paper shipped.
My mother works at a store and confirmed that the store gets barely any toilet paper when the media claims people are panic buying

CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 0a19ac10

NBC posted the same article twice in their attempt to spread fear and lies

Last edited by Russian Blue Cat on Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Mon Nov 30, 2020 5:49 pm

Mutual Maskerbation | WhatsHerFace

from WhatsHerFace:

"They say history repeats itself, but who would’ve thought history would be repeating so soon. In just a few months we are back to government mandated lockdowns and more arguing about PCR testing. We might’ve failed the first time this happened but maybe this is the universe playing the same story on repeat hoping we get it right this time. So let’s learn from past mistakes and change the end of this repeating story. Freedom is non-negotiable, it can’t be put on hold or be taken away, because if it can, then it never really existed at all."

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:25 pm

Dr. Vernon Coleman On The New Moderna RNA Vaccine, The Great Reset & More.

Richie is joined by Dr. Vernon Coleman. Covid-19 is miraculous. It has seemingly wiped out the flu and the common cold. Cases of those perennial ailments have disappeared in the UK. Is there something up? Dr. Vernon Coleman discusses this and also the news of a brand new vaccine from Moderna, which it claims, is 95% effective. www.vernoncoleman.com

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:19 pm

The Great Reset Dystopian Sci-Fi Short Film (4 minutes)

The Great Reset had to happen so the cashless society could be brought in and the one world government could be introduced... With society now in a Police state and a Mandatory Vaccine now in place. Kain is finding refuge in the empty streets of London in search of a way out...

The Great Reset is the fifth part in the Sci-Fi Dystopian Short Film series.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:36 pm

Cashless Society | Dystopian Sci-Fi Short Film (5 minutes)

The Cashless Society was the step before the new world economy called the Global Credit System, which was all part of The Great Reset.

Cashless Society is the sixth part in the Sci-Fi Dystopian Short Film series

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by BosnianFlatearther Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:30 am

CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Img-d910


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by BosnianFlatearther Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:35 am

BosnianFlatearther wrote:CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Img-d910
This is the thing that i was aftaid the most since i do travel to Europe frequently


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:16 pm


VIDEO: If you want a future for yourself or your children, stop wearing the masks. I go over the experiments they have run on us vis a vis social conformity and I try to show that even science has been corrupted by the force of "group consensus." You have to stand on your own two feet and not cave to the pressure of what everyone else is doing. It's too important.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:29 pm

PCR Test inventor Kary Mullis Explains what the PCR Test Can Do

Short video clip (subtitled in Spanish) where 1993 Chemistry Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis explains what the PCR test can, and cannot do. Quite interesting.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:44 pm

DARPA & Moderna's 666 'Espresso Machine' (Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Plandemic - Propaganda/Hoax)

"The grant, part of DARPA’s Nucleic Acids On Demand World-Wide (NOW) initiative, will allow Moderna to create a 6-foot by 6-foot by 6-foot container that would be capable of producing "hundreds of doses" in just a few short days. These containers could be placed anywhere in the world, making distribution more seamless."

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:34 pm


Last edited by Spydaman on Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : format transferred from LBRY wrong)

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Devon1 Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:35 pm

This week I've been doing a lot of research into the planet Saturn. I'm starting to think this grand conjunction all of these new agers are talking about is actually the return of the Black Sun and the Covid has been a huge ritual to embrace its return.




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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:59 pm

What Really Makes You Ill_ with David Parker and Dawn Lester


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Devon1 Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:55 am


This guy has a good channel displaying the fact that the vaccine will screw up our DNA.


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:12 pm

The Darkest Winter (Are You Prepared?)

We are in the last few months of a tumultuous year and it appears there might be more unprecedented events on the way. This message is for anyone who has concerns about the upcoming U.S. elections, the potential for chaos and civil unrest, or those who fear what a “second wave” of Covid-19 could mean for the future of humanity. Specifically, it’s important to understand a number of recent government simulations and exercises.

First, let’s look at the exercise known as Event 201.


Darkest Winter

The Dark Winter exercise took place in June 2001, only months before the 9/11 attacks. This exercise took place at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, and involved several Congressmen, a former CIA director, a former FBI director, government insiders and privileged members of the press. The exercise simulated the use of smallpox as a biological weapon against the American public.

During the Dark Winter exercise authorities attempt to stop the spread of “dangerous misinformation” and “unverified” cures, just like with the Event 201 simulation. Dark Winter further discusses the suppression and removal of civil liberties, such as the possibility of the President to invoke “The Insurrection Act”, which would allow the military to act as law enforcement upon request by a State governor, as well as the possibility of “martial rule.” The script says martial rule may “include, but are not limited to, prohibition of free assembly, national travel ban, quarantine of certain areas, suspension of the writ of habeas corpus [i.e. arrest without due process], and/or military trials in the event that the court system becomes dysfunctional.”

What is important to know is Dark Winter was largely written and designed by Tara O’Toole and Thomas Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center along with Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of the Analytic Services (ANSER) Institute for Homeland Security.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Thu Dec 03, 2020 7:42 pm

Beware Of Crisis Actors in Protests and Other Mass Events


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Spydaman Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:36 pm

ModeRNA Covid-19 Vaccine: What It's Inside in 3 Mins - Dr. Christine Northrup


Dr Christine Northrup summarizes the critical and very risky elements characterizing the ModeRNA Covid-19 "vaccine" a very dangerous poison for humanity at large.

Nov.3, 2020

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by BosnianFlatearther Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:58 am

Every time I open a jewtube lately video surfaces of how covaids vaccine will work. Anyone else has experience with this?


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Realearth Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:11 pm

BosnianFlatearther wrote:Every time I open a jewtube lately video surfaces of how covaids vaccine will work. Anyone else has experience with this?

IFERS is a research forum, not a question forum.
Please research and report your provable findings to this forum.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:14 pm

Spydaman wrote:PCR Test inventor Kary Mullis Explains what the PCR Test Can Do

Spydaman, you've had two videos disliked in the last few days. The one above and "ModeRNA Covid-19 Vaccine: What It's Inside in 3 Mins - Dr. Christine Northrup." I watched both and thought them informative. I would expect, as a matter of courtesy in a non-YouTube research environment, that a reason might be given for disliking them.

I invite whoever disliked Spydaman's two videos to give a thoughtful explanation as to why. Including that first disliked video beginning on 12/1, Spydaman has posted seven videos in this thread (one post is empty, returning a "transferred from LBRY wrong").

If the information is egregious enough to hit the dislike button, maybe you can inform the rest of us what prompted it. I watched both, including watching the other video offerings Spydaman posted since that first one on 12/1, and certainly didn't see a reason why I would dislike either of the two, much less the others. All were informative.

I imagine Spydaman would like to hear from whoever it is disliking his stuff for no good reason. Just a guess.

Recommendation; if "likes" are identified by name, perhaps "dislikes" should be treated the same way. I don't think we should let people hide behind anonymity while disliking stuff without offering a valid reason for doing so. At least a valid reason would inform others. An anonymous dislike does not.

Wholeheartedly recommend all go up a few posts and listen to  the video Spydaman shared, What Really Makes You Ill_ with David Parker and Dawn Lester. We're here to separate true reasoning from false reasoning and there is a lot of true reasoning in Spydaman's recommended video.

Be on guard people. Use intellectual forensics to discover them. The Lobby

forensic (adj.) "pertaining to or suitable for courts of law," 1650s, with -ic + stem of Latin forensis "of a forum, place of assembly," related to forum "public place" (see forum). Later used especially in sense of "pertaining to legal trials," as in forensic medicine (1845). Related: Forensical (1580s). https://www.etymonline.com/word/forensic

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Lightning_Peasant Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:08 pm

I found this to be important as they are losing the morale of their enforcers. The more this happens the harder it will be to have their goons do their dirty work for them.

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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Russian Blue Cat Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:48 am

markwilson wrote:
Spydaman wrote:PCR Test inventor Kary Mullis Explains what the PCR Test Can Do

Spydaman, you've had two videos disliked in the last few days. The one above and "ModeRNA Covid-19 Vaccine: What It's Inside in 3 Mins - Dr. Christine Northrup." I watched both and thought them informative. I would expect, as a matter of courtesy in a non-YouTube research environment, that a reason might be given for disliking them.

I invite whoever disliked Spydaman's two videos to give a thoughtful explanation as to why. Including that first disliked video beginning on 12/1, Spydaman has posted seven videos in this thread (one post is empty, returning a "transferred from LBRY wrong").

If the information is egregious enough to hit the dislike button, maybe you can inform the rest of us what prompted it. I watched both, including watching the other video offerings Spydaman posted since that first one on 12/1, and certainly didn't see a reason why I would dislike either of the two, much less the others. All were informative.

I imagine Spydaman would like to hear from whoever it is disliking his stuff for no good reason. Just a guess.

Recommendation; if "likes" are identified by name, perhaps "dislikes" should be treated the same way. I don't think we should let people hide behind anonymity while disliking stuff without offering a valid reason for doing so. At least a valid reason would inform others. An anonymous dislike does not.

Wholeheartedly recommend all go up a few posts and listen to  the video Spydaman shared, What Really Makes You Ill_ with David Parker and Dawn Lester. We're here to separate true reasoning from false reasoning and there is a lot of true reasoning in Spydaman's recommended video.

Be on guard people. Use intellectual forensics to discover them. The Lobby

forensic (adj.) "pertaining to or suitable for courts of law," 1650s, with -ic + stem of Latin forensis "of a forum, place of assembly," related to forum "public place" (see forum). Later used especially in sense of "pertaining to legal trials," as in forensic medicine (1845). Related: Forensical (1580s). https://www.etymonline.com/word/forensic

I of course disliked both those videos.
The first one "PCR Test inventor Kary Mullis Explains what the PCR Test Can Do" for spewing nonsense acting as if viruses were real.
The second "ModeRNA Covid-19 Vaccine: What It's Inside in 3 Mins - Dr. Christine Northrup" because this woman is an absolute puppet of the jews.
The fact that she brings up her "medical" schooling, trying to brag about being on tv. Major shill red flags.
She then tries invoking RNA and DNA science fiction nonsense she then rightfully claims vaccines have toxic metals but then in almost perfect controlled opposition fashion says these metals "literally make us into an antenna with 5g" more unproven claims that 5g is a danger [like controlled op David Icke and Alex Jones claim]
Next she claims there going to store our biometric information with the nanoparticles in the corona vaccine and these nanoparticles are little robots like little antenna that will track literally everything going on with our bodies and store all the information so bill gates can give us a barcode and connect us to cryptocurrency. This is controlled opposition nonsense, it taints the truth, muddies the waters, and gets people to laugh at anyone saying anything against vaccines. Nanoparticles, RNA, DNA, Viruses, all unproven science fiction, if 5g is dangerous i have yet to see a personal experiment anyone can do proving this like with flat earth. Proving flat earth is easy with an open mind and all the experiments provided by eric and this forum.
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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by markwilson Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:52 am

Russian Blue Cat wrote:
markwilson wrote:
Spydaman wrote:PCR Test inventor Kary Mullis Explains what the PCR Test Can Do

Spydaman, you've had two videos disliked in the last few days. The one above and "ModeRNA Covid-19 Vaccine: What It's Inside in 3 Mins - Dr. Christine Northrup." I watched both and thought them informative. I would expect, as a matter of courtesy in a non-YouTube research environment, that a reason might be given for disliking them.

I invite whoever disliked Spydaman's two videos to give a thoughtful explanation as to why. Including that first disliked video beginning on 12/1, Spydaman has posted seven videos in this thread (one post is empty, returning a "transferred from LBRY wrong").

If the information is egregious enough to hit the dislike button, maybe you can inform the rest of us what prompted it. I watched both, including watching the other video offerings Spydaman posted since that first one on 12/1, and certainly didn't see a reason why I would dislike either of the two, much less the others. All were informative.

I imagine Spydaman would like to hear from whoever it is disliking his stuff for no good reason. Just a guess.

Recommendation; if "likes" are identified by name, perhaps "dislikes" should be treated the same way. I don't think we should let people hide behind anonymity while disliking stuff without offering a valid reason for doing so. At least a valid reason would inform others. An anonymous dislike does not.

Wholeheartedly recommend all go up a few posts and listen to  the video Spydaman shared, What Really Makes You Ill_ with David Parker and Dawn Lester. We're here to separate true reasoning from false reasoning and there is a lot of true reasoning in Spydaman's recommended video.

Be on guard people. Use intellectual forensics to discover them. The Lobby

forensic (adj.) "pertaining to or suitable for courts of law," 1650s, with -ic + stem of Latin forensis "of a forum, place of assembly," related to forum "public place" (see forum). Later used especially in sense of "pertaining to legal trials," as in forensic medicine (1845). Related: Forensical (1580s). https://www.etymonline.com/word/forensic

I of course disliked both those videos.

answer: Of course you did.

The first one "PCR Test inventor Kary Mullis Explains what the PCR Test Can Do" for spewing nonsense acting as if viruses were real.

answer: The comment under the video is the quoted comment under the original video on Libry.tv (https://tinyurl.com/y4svsj55), and Spydaman made no endorsement, on way or another, of anything discussed in the video. In fact, the end of the video shows an inverted pyramid indicating an opposition to the Masonic pyramid with all-seeing eye, in my estimation. The "antítesis" is Spanish for "antithesis." https://tinyurl.com/y5pu5fv9

The inverted pyramid also has "annuit coeptis humanae libertas," or possibly "annuo (nod, approve) cœpta (beginnings, undertakings) Human liberty" See, https://tinyurl.com/y3dq3uxd. Also see Google Translate, "signals enterprise human freedom," https://tinyurl.com/yyf7zfxx.

antithesis (n.) 1520s, "opposition, contrast," originally in rhetoric, "the bringing of contrary ideas or terms in close opposition;" 1530s as "that which is in (rhetorical) opposition or contrast," from Late Latin antithesis, from Greek antithesis "opposition, resistance," literally "a placing against," also a term in logic and rhetoric, noun of action from antitithenai "to set against, oppose," a term in logic, from anti "against" (see anti-) + tithenai "to put, place," from reduplicated form of PIE root *dhe- "to set, put." https://tinyurl.com/y52lu42o

Finally, it is an old presentation, 7/12/1997, and please take note again of the inverted pyramid of the Freemasons at the end of the video. It presents The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci, standing on top of the now-inverted pyramid.

"The proportional relationship of the parts reflects the universal design. And a "medical" equilibrium of elements ensures a stable structure. These qualities are thus shared equally by God's creation of the human body and the human being's own production of a good building. In the late 1480s, this theme of the artistic microcosm emerged as one of the great unifying principles of his thought. This architectural application is not the end of the matter, however; it only represents the beginning of a concept which had a literally universal application.

This image provides a perfect example of Leonardo's keen interest in proportion. In addition, this picture represents a cornerstone of Leonardo's attempts to relate man to nature. Encyclopaedia Britannica online states, "Leonardo envisaged the great picture chart of the human body he had produced through his anatomical drawings and Vitruvian Man as a cosmografia del minor mondo (cosmography of the microcosm). He believed the workings of the human body to be an analogy for the workings of the universe." https://tinyurl.com/ybopllfe

I'll comment on your belated snipe of the second video, now in full view, in a separate post.

*snipe, verb [no object]
1 shoot at someone from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range: the soldiers in the trench sniped at us.
2 make a sly or petty verbal attack: the state governor constantly sniped at the president.


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CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation - Page 37 Empty Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation

Post by Russian Blue Cat Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:50 pm

Biden says he will sign federal mask mandate as he lays out 100-day plan to fight coronavirus pandemic

"President-elect Joe Biden has said he will sign a federal mask mandate on day one of his administration
“My first 100 days, I'm going to ask for a masking plan. Everyone for the first 100 days of my administration to wear a mask,” he added.
The mask mandate would be enforced wherever possible “under the law”, Mr Biden said. This would include federal buildings, interstate travel, and other jurisdictions controlled by the federal government. States would likely hold the power to mandate, or not mandate, masks in their own jurisdictions.
But Mr Biden vowed that on day one he would “follow the science” when dealing with the pandemic
"Masking, vaccinations, opening schools. These are the three key goals for my first 100 days," Mr Biden said.
But Congress would need to act, according to Mr Biden, to provide these schools with the necessary PPE and additional funding to safely reopen."

The fact that his first action on day one is gonna be to take away people's freedom to breathe clean air shows what his presidency will be like. How are they going to enforce masks for interstate travel? Check points? Are police gonna be stopping people from freely traveling, seems likely.
His statement "follow the science" replace science with church and you'll see that Science™ has become the major religion that governments are forcing people to beLIEve or else.
They bring up schools reopening and needing money for Personal protective equipment to safely reopen which most likely means forcing kids and teachers to wear masks all day.
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