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How Everything Works on Flat Earth

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:34 am

I'm starting a new series of videos entitled "How (insert misconception here) works on Flat Earth" to teach various often asked or misunderstood elements of FE research and will be using this thread to post them.  Once I've completed the series I plan to compile them into a larger documentary sized work which will be called "How Everything Works on Flat Earth."  The first video below is "How Sunsets Work on Flat Earth":

Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:35 am

How Seasons Work on Flat Earth:

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by starfox42 Sat Apr 28, 2018 6:38 am

Admin wrote:I'm starting a new series of videos entitled "How (insert misconception here) works on Flat Earth"...


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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Bethenny Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:22 am

Eric, I so greatly appreciate your hard work and altruistic tenacity. As those who toil steadfastly against your efforts increase in hostility and ignorance, just remember: "The gifts of prosperity are to be wished; but the achievements of adversity are to be admired."

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by tristancobane Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:11 pm

Very much looking forward to this series Eric. I continue my endeavour to educate as many people as I can and your videos are among the most useful tools in my arsenal. Thank you for all your hard work and inspiration once again brother.

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:24 pm

Thanks so much everyone, I appreciate the encouragement!

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Zer0R Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:45 am

There are many misconceptions out there, some more specific than others.
Are you just going to the basics for now?

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:55 am

If anyone has any suggestions for future videos about various misconceptions, please let me know

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by starfox42 Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:42 am

Admin wrote:If anyone has any suggestions for future videos about various misconceptions, please let me know

Waterfalls, airplanes/helicopters/submarines/ships, mountains.... I have some ideas, I'll come back to this.

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Jacois Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:23 pm

"How Gravity Works on Flat Earth"

Attacking Gravity is like attacking God for those who believe in it. Harry Growler has a great tact when talking about things falling, asking the question, "Well how did it get up there?". Density/Buoyancy are a good explanation, but I get tripped up when people demand an answer to what causes Density/Buoyancy. I'm still unsure whether it would be better for me to agree Gravity exists, but it's explanation is wrong, or if it just simply doesn't exist.

I don't have the words to articulate it as well as I would like, so a video on that aspect would be helpful.

Looking forward to the rest of the series! Smile

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Puffpanda Wed May 09, 2018 9:18 pm

Admin wrote:If anyone has any suggestions for future videos about various misconceptions, please let me know

I'm pretty sure all hurricane level storms rotate the same direction on their respective side of the equator. I know some smaller storms don't, but how those rotate in opposite directions once past the equator on a flat earth would be a good one.

I know there's some good videos but I keep seeing this come up so how the southern stars work on a flat earth.

How gps works on a flat earth should be a pretty easy one.


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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Conticci Fri May 11, 2018 4:46 pm

Admin wrote:If anyone has any suggestions for future videos about various misconceptions, please let me know

One that I hadn't thought about which was asked of me to explain is how volcanoes work on the FE model. I'm not sure if the same principles apply, with tectonic plates colliding and separating or if there's an alternative explanation I'm unaware of. Maybe they're similar in a way to the movement of the tides in that the explanation can't be observed empirically.


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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Sun May 13, 2018 5:28 am

Long before the theory of gravity was a glimmer in Newton's imagination, the natural physics of density and buoyancy already perfectly explained why apples fall down. Quite simply, objects fall or rise based on their relative density to the medium surrounding them. Apples fall because they are denser than the air, while helium balloons rise because they are lighter - no 'gravity' necessary. This is why raindrops fall down through the air and air-bubbles rise up through water! Everything seeks its relative density and rises or falls until settling accordingly. This is why a tiny pebble sinks to the bottom of the ocean, but gigantic cruise-ships and aircraft carriers stay afloat on the surface, because even though a pebble is so small, its mass relative to its volume (its density) is more than water, so it sinks, and even though a cruise-ship is so large, its mass relative to its volume is less than water, so it floats. If Newton's apple had landed in a puddle instead of on his head, he would have seen the apple only fell through the air because it was denser than the air, but then floated on top of the water because it was less dense than water. Have you ever noticed how its easier to stay afloat with your lungs full of air than it is when they're empty? Submarines float on the surface when their ballast tanks are filled with air, but when the vents are opened and seawater floods in, they begin to sink as the submarine's density becomes greater than water. Depending what depth they wish to dive sailors simply adjust the ratio of air/water in the tanks, and when ready to re-surface they blow compressed air into the tanks forcing the seawater out, lowering the density, and thus causing them to rise back to the surface. We can also prove this fact of relative density by filling a balloon with approximately half helium and half air. Since helium is lighter than the oxygen, nitrogen and other gases that compose the air around us, filling a balloon with just the right amount of helium to compensate for and balance out the density of the plastic results in a 'gravity-defying' levitating balloon at equilibrium that neither rises nor falls!

Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Lightning_Peasant Mon May 14, 2018 12:41 am

Guess the like/dislike ratio wasn't to jewtubes liking. I watched this earlier and it was over 500 likes. I watched it with my Fiancée later today and I see this. How Everything Works on Flat Earth Img_2711

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Wondering Man Mon May 14, 2018 1:12 am

Likes were back down to 0 when I just had a look too!

How Everything Works on Flat Earth Likedislikes

Wondering Man

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Mon May 14, 2018 3:46 am

Wow, that is ridiculous.  YouTube has just reset the like/dislike ratio of this video!  Before I went to bed it had 600 likes and 10 dislikes.  I just woke up and now the video has only 7 likes and 36 dislikes!  WTF YouTube!?  They are messing with my channel in a number of ways:

Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 8:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by PLANE PERMACULTURE Mon May 14, 2018 4:15 am

Wow, I didn't screen capture it or anything but there was definitely a ton of likes on there just a little bit ago today.
Anyway, Great video! Excellent idea for a series and final compilation! Water is probably the most important topic to cover for obvious earth surface reasons. I know it's hard to separate things into pieces though since everything really is connected. Thanks for all you do Eric! Much LOVE!


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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2018 4:17 pm

Admin wrote:Wow, that is ridiculous.  YouTube has just reset the like/dislike ratio of this video!  Before I went to bed it had 600 likes and 10 dislikes.  I just woke up and now the video has only 7 likes and 36 dislikes!  WTF YouTube!?  They are messing with my channel in a number of ways...

This is a farce. They must be awfully troubled by the contents of this awesome video. The topic is obviously a sore spot for them. I remember when you put out your first "gravity doesn't exist" video a couple of years back; it wounded their scientific tyranny so much that they had to conjure gravitational waves a couple days later Wink


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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by PLANE PERMACULTURE Tue May 15, 2018 1:55 am

As of a minute ago it has been reset again to 0 Likes and 28 dislikes. I added another first like. Hmmmmm this video seems to have hit a button over at google. How Everything Works on Flat Earth Untitl10


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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Tue May 15, 2018 3:26 am

They have just removed all the likes once again, so if you go back and check your like it will still show up as blue but say "0 likes." If you click the like button again, it will take your like away and say "-1 likes"!!!

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Truth Center Tue May 15, 2018 4:53 am

hmmm...something's not right here...I've liked the video yet it's still at zero. I guess jewtube really don't like Eric's video

How Everything Works on Flat Earth Ericch10
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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue May 15, 2018 7:07 pm

Admin wrote:

[YouTube] just removed all the likes once again
"0 likes" "0 dislikes"

Today, JEWTUBE has Zeroed out the Likes/Dislikes on this video with about 11,400 views. It's time the people realize that JEWdaism controls your School System, Media, and Entertainment Industry, they also control what you perceive to be Fact and Fiction.

You want the TRUTH: this "fake race" called JEWdaism wants to "control censorship" on every venue where users are criticizing this self proclaimed "master race" or its anti-White (genocide) agenda.

Some say move to TWITCH
Emmett Shear, Twitch CEO, claims to be JEW
Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, owner of The Washington Post, claims to be JEW

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by starfox42 Wed May 16, 2018 10:13 am

How Everything Works on Flat Earth Ericdu10

yep. again.

oops, wrong video haha. but still! look at it.

How Everything Works on Flat Earth Eric_c10

23 up, 31 down? with over 12k view? yeah right, youtube.

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:46 am

Earth is a level motionless plane with the Sun, Moon and stars revolving over and around us just as you experience every day.  The North Pole is the magnetic mono-pole center-point with Polaris, the North Pole star situated directly above.  Polaris is the only motionless star in the heavens with all the other constellations revolving perfect circles over the Earth every night.  The so-called "planets," known to the ancients as "wandering stars," were named such because they were observed then as we can observe today to wander the heavens taking their own unique spirograph-like patterns making both forward and retrograde motions over and around the Earth during their cycles.  Meanwhile the "fixed stars" were named such because they were observed then as we can observe today to stay fixed in their constellation patterns night after night, year after year, century after century, never changing their relative positions.  If Earth was truly a tilting, wobbling, spinning space-ball as NASA and modern astronomy proclaim, rotating 1000mph on its axis, revolving 67,000mph around the Sun, spiraling 500,000mph around the galaxy, and shooting off several million more mph through the universe, the star patterns would never look the same two nights in a row, let alone be fixed in exactly the same constellations for thousands upon thousands of years!

The reality is that the Earth and Polaris do not move, while everything else in the heavens revolves over Earth and around Polaris East to West like in a planetarium dome.  Our Earth planetarium, however, is so vast that perspective won't allow any observer to see all the stars simultaneously from any one vantage point.  We can see Polaris, Ursa Major/Minor and other Northern constellations from every point North of the equator simultaneously, but conversely cannot see the so-called South Pole Star - Sigma Octantis, the Southern Cross or other outer constellations simultaneously from every point South of the equator, because they all sweep over a great southern arc from their rise in the evening to their setting in the morning.  Facing North, the stars turn counter-clockwise, from right to left, facing South they turn clock-wise, from left to right, facing East they rise in front and set behind, while facing West they rise behind and set in front.  So their apparent motion, angle and inclination changes depending where you are on Earth and what direction you are facing, but their actual movement is always East to West.

For a more in-depth explanation see p-brane and my videos on the subject here:  http://ifers.123.st/t18-flat-earth-star-trails-explained

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How Everything Works on Flat Earth Empty Re: How Everything Works on Flat Earth

Post by Admin Sun Oct 27, 2019 4:31 pm

Many people think that modern astronomy’s ability to accurately predict lunar and solar eclipses is a result and proof positive of the heliocentric theory of the universe. The fact of the matter however is that eclipses have been accurately predicted by cultures worldwide for thousands of years before the “heliocentric ball-Earth” was even a glimmer in Copernicus’ imagination. Ptolemy in the 1st century A.D. accurately predicted eclipses for six hundred years on the basis of a flat, stationary Earth with equal precision as anyone living today. All the way back in 600 B.C. Thales accurately predicted an eclipse which ended the war between the Medes and Lydians, and as far back as 3000 years ago the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and others accurately predicted eclipses to within seconds of modern methods. Eclipses happen regularly with precision in 18 year cycles, so regardless of geocentric or heliocentric, flat or globe Earth cosmologies, eclipses can be accurately calculated independent of such factors.

Another assumption and supposed proof of Earth’s globular shape, heliocentrists claim that lunar eclipses are caused by the shadow of their ball-Earth occulting the Moon. The idea is that the Sun, Earth, and Moon spheres perfectly align like three billiard balls in a row so that the Sun’s light casts the Earth’s shadow onto the Moon. Unfortunately for them, this explanation is rendered completely invalid due to the fact that lunar eclipses have happened and continue to happen regularly when both the Sun and Moon are still visible together above the horizon! But for the Sun’s light to be casting Earth’s shadow onto the Moon, the three bodies must be aligned in a straight 180 degree syzygy.

As early as the time of Pliny, there are records of lunar eclipses happening while both the Sun and Moon are visible in the sky, and it continues happening during lunar eclipses to this day. In an attempt to explain away the inconsistencies in their theory, heliocentrists usually claim light refraction must be happening on a scale large enough to account for the phenomena, but even if this highly-implausible reverse-engineered damage-control explanation is accepted, it cannot explain how Earth-bound observers are supposedly able to see 12,000 miles, 180 degrees around a globular Earth to objects on the other side. The reality is eclipses are a far more occult and mysterious phenomenon than lining up three billiard balls.

Lunar eclipses only occur during full Moons when the Moon is at the crossing point of the ecliptic opposite the Sun, and Solar eclipses only occur during new Moons when the Moon is at the crossing point of the ecliptic and aligned with the Sun. Such solar and lunar conjuctions and oppositions happen a minimum of 4 times per solar year and depending on their exact altitudes and observer location will produce partial, total or annular eclipses. In ancient cosmology these lunar nodes and accompanying eclipses were personified as the gods Rahu and Ketu, often shown devouring the Sun or Moon. During solar eclipses the new Moon conjunction directly crosses the Sun causing the black-out effect, and during lunar eclipses the full Moon opposition to the Sun causes the shadowy red tint. This phenomenon is wholly celestial involving the luminaries and their regular interactions with one another, and not in any way terrestrial involving the Earth beneath our feet causing upward-casting shadows into the heavens.

See my other videos in the "How Everything Works on FE" series:
How Gravity Works on Flat Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAEdY3Dv4wU
How Sunsets Work on Flat Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPvwdn6Iodo
How Seasons Work on Flat Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyhu5wM6_6s
How the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADNeFSuKnqM

For more in-depth information on eclipses, please see:
Total Eclipse of the Mind: https://ericdubay.wordpress.com/2018/07/11/total-eclipse-of-the-mind/
Rahu - The Black Sun: http://ifers.123.st/t65-rahu-the-black-sun
Luminaries Mysterium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjOCCOlx1Y4

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