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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by defrank Fri Nov 03, 2017 10:59 pm

Please allow me guys to open up a thread as I think this is probably the biggest next step we should take to understand the nature of our Stationary Earth AND the Universer. I have been going to some of the megalithic sites in the northern regions of Spain and I was surprised like other "heretics" that there are winter solstice alignments in some of the carvings. I understand the best preserved are in Ireland and England.

Megalithic Sites & Ley lines ?image=%2fdmsimgs%2favebury-web%282%29.

I´m pretty sure there is some great research being carried out there BUT, without the Flat Earth perspective.

There is a huge cover up about this, historically about how they built them, even the guy on the Ley lines video from the "Bristol Dowsers Society" have meetings at the "Theosophical Society"!

I´m translating this from Spanish correct me if I´m wrong, the alignments are facing solstices, lunar standstills, and "pagan" festivals
Megalithic Sites & Ley lines 37369500216_67f654199d_k
AC (North Greater Lunar standstill), BD (Beltaine), CD (Summer Solstice), CE (Beltaine), DA (Samain), DC (Samain), ED (Summer Solstice)

I´m very grateful to this guy

I think the whole issue is very revealing when we now know we´re on a plane, this is probably another reason they "changed" our view of the world, so we don´t understand the energies we´re connected to, stars, Earth and the influence we can do upon them.

Last edited by defrank on Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding info)


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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by defrank Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:04 am

I don´t know if the vid is legit or not,
but I think it´s all possible now when we understand where we´re sitting


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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by tristancobane Tue Jul 24, 2018 5:58 pm

Hi defrank. Hope you're still active. I haven't had a chance to watch the videos you posted but I will do this evening. This is a subject that interests me very much. I'm from Ireland so I am very familiar with a lot of these ancient sites. Are you aware of the structure the ley lines present when you transfer them onto and AE map? It appears to closely resemble the flower of life.

Here's where I stand with regard megalithic sites... I don't know how old they are whether it be hundreds or thousands or years. I don't know what they were used for. I don't know anything about them. But I sure want to find out. Surprised this post hasn't got more attention. One thing I will say is that I can feel the vibration(hum) when I visit these sites in Ireland. There is something incredibly powerful about them. The change in the air. We have a lot of stone circles and giant tombs/graves within a few miles of where I live and the entire country is scattered with these and other stone structures. I can only speculate as to what these are and listen to the theories of others but I don't know the truth behind them.

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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by defrank Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:41 am

Sheridan megalithic sites

Hi Tristan,
I understand sacred geometry, us , and the Earth it's ALL about Energy
we've got this sites all over the place and sure most important ones in England and Ireland, I've noticed there is a huge cover up about them and much desinfo going on, some of the carvings in sites in northern Spain seem to be Maps of the Stars, period, and the Labyrinths found in remote places of Scandinavia and sure other places I think are about our CONSCIOUSNESS, and our ancestors used to "walk" through it, there are alignments also to solstices and lunar standstills .

The ancient irish used the OGHAM, I'd suggest you when you go to the irish sites take some Ogham sticks or Runes with you and try them out , take as long as you need.
One of the most important sites in Ireland was bombed by the British Military blaming that the IRA had put ammunition there, you believe that BS?. I think that's only half the story .

Your people used to carve the Ogham in the TREES and load them up with Energy from the STARS, and this IS Mighty "stuff".. the biggest cover up is not only the shape of the Earth but the energies in it , and the CHURCH aRE the Gatekeepers,


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Post by defrank Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:46 am

..and fuck everything else, the material world is part of the demonic conspiracy we're living


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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty When The Survivors of Atlantis and Hyperborea Wake Up

Post by MarkIssara Tue Oct 23, 2018 12:53 pm

Thanks to Max Igan I stumbled upon a fascinating documentary from alternative researcher, Sylvie’ Ivanowa - When The Atlantis and Hyperborea Survivors Wake Up -

It includes information from many sources in what some call the “New Chronology Movement,”.
One of the more major sources, is the work of Russian researcher, Anatoly Fomenko who has written a huge 7 book series http://chronologia.org/en/ laying out his version of the true history called History: Fiction or Science?
Watch The Survivors Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJk0yT4erxuRcCMBujshjWZ-KNAHAWCx6

Visit the website: http://megaliths.org/
Sylvie's style of presentation takes a little getting used to and curiously enough she is quite fanatically anti-flat earth, calling Eric a psy-op agent...strange because she appears to be truly open-minded and pro following your God-given senses...maybe it goes against the extraterrestrial conversations she had on one of her 200 ayahuasca sessions. In her quite aggressive anti FE rant video https://youtu.be/5cZH4LUHRec she makes quite clear that she doesn't understand much about perspective and distortion of light, however, her documentary, in my opinion, contains some very interesting discoveries and is well worth viewing. Cheers


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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by Philharmoniac Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:38 pm

I know a fair bit about megalithic sites having tralled to many around Europe such as Carnac, Avebury, and Stonehenge but I learnt most having watched much of the Megalithomania series and another one called Origins, both of which I highly recommend looking up.
Rather than me ramble on about my own theories and discoveries at this point, the
man you all need to know is Michael Tellinger, who is now a pretty ardent flat earther too. He even spoke about FE once in one of his megalithic sites presentations, but nearly everyone walked out so he decided his audiences weren't quite ready for that yet. He is also big on the NWO exposure, and even had the balls to speak out quite lucidly and convincingly about Hitler, Bravo... I'll leave you all to do your own research, but definitely check out this presentation first - it isn't just about ancient sites (mainly though) but also sound, vibration, cymatics, giants, all sorts of stuff - this guy is really bringing a lot together and will be a key player in the unveiling of truth I am certain. Enjoy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XZLv2WT84CI


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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by Philharmoniac Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:32 am

We also shouldn't overlook the legend Graham Hancock, who I believe still has some dissonance on flat earth, nevertheless he has unravelled many mysteries of the Egyptians especially the pyramids, and the ancient civilisations' use of psychedelics and their significance in all this thereof, which he regularly dabbles in himself with Shamans near ancient Peruvian sites. Here is a random pick of a presentation he did on the totally inhuman Gobekli Tepe site, but again do your research as it doesn't scratch the surface, there's loads to find on him alone. He is in collusion with Tellinger now too, and the other megalithomen who all have their niches and fields of expertise. I could post all day!! I'll find some of my personal faves and post now and then. It's really exciting stuff https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rUO9hUb3SB8


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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by Schpankme Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:37 am

Philharmoniac wrote:
We shouldn't overlook the legend Graham Hancock
he has unravelled many mysteries of the pyramids,
ancient civilisations'

"I have no problem with the notion that the universe is full of life, or with the notion that we are being visited now, or have been visited in the past, by “astronauts” from other planets." ~ Graham Hancock

Hancock is of the mind that the "megalithic sites" were built by a mysterious advanced civilization.

Hancock further states:
"NO ancient text or tradition that I have yet come across provides persuasive evidence for the 'ancient astronaut hypothesis'".
"My own view is that all of the anomalies of history and prehistory are ... explained as emanating from a lost, advanced HUMAN civilization of prehistoric antiquity."

"Most paleontologists rejected the idea that a sudden, random encounter with space junk had drastically altered the evolution of life on Earth.  The Younger Dryas comet impact and the obliteration, 12,800 years ago, of a lost high civilization of prehistoric antiquity." ~ Graham Hancock, Magicians of the Gods

The problem Hancock faces in finding the correct answer to the "megalithic sites" is that he is trapped in theory, this pretend knowledge of how things evolved in a prehistoric time, which creates a false timeline on Earth.  Graham Hancock is creating the problem not solving it, but this doesn't effect his book sales to others who also have faith in theory.

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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by Schpankme Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:07 am

Philharmoniac wrote:
Michael Tellinger
check out this presentation
this guy is really bringing a lot togethe
[He] will be a key player in the unveiling of truth

In  the video Michael Tellinger, author of Slave Species of God, discusses the space travelers called the Anunnaki, who ate gold dust for longevity, spread it as an atmospheric cloaks for their home planet Nibiru, and to this day use it to enslave us in debt.

He tells how banksters and Illuminati control Earth.

His findings fill gaps from Zecharia Sitchin...

JUDAISM: The 1st Anunnaki-Spawned Religion

Promotes Crow777 and his moon computer glitch (hologram theory).

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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by Philharmoniac Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:15 am

Hmm I see your point. I really should have re-reviewed Hancock since discovering FE myself, apologies. I was more infatuated with his theories on psychedelics and the ancients at the time. There is probably much more relevant information from the the more sober megalithomania crew, including Tellinger who fortunately seems to be running the show. I know the Annunaki stuff from him is pretty wild, but there is always some truth amidst the haze on these fairly cryptic topics.


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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by Guest Tue Nov 19, 2019 2:37 am

I am not a follower of a particular religion but there are some things I am trying to connect and i can't really do much with this because it falls into the area of speculation but it is more like brainstorming to connect some dots that i would miss otherwise.

The stars could be laid out as some great plan that we can see as in a sequence of incarnations that need to happen instead of a certain time that a certain person incarnates, but a sequence of incarnation that would create a perfect mind or Self. The calendar has been messed with and it could be this reason to muddy peoples true origins. It could also simply be the connections we need to make as a collective Self or mind.

Right now key ley lines and certain people that incarnate, say in america where "star"-dom is so great, are owned by corporations. Money is used as a tool to convert that energy that they generate into material that is useless in itself but is useful once people allow it to transfer energy into cash that powers the entire world basically. Also key locations are owned with simple cash just to own them and so the people with talent and skill are owned, isolated and sucked dry until they are not profitable anymore. Everyone knows we are simple stock on the world market.

What if these bloodlines that own everything are preventing a real mind/conscious/self revolution through circulating certain genes in key positions that don't allow this to happen. Sort of a suspense of everything where they convert all the energy produced by people into cash. What if these key ley lines are really places that connect with certain people that can speed up this process if allowed to commune and work together. The practices of certain orthodox jews seems right in line with pretty much owning the world and sort of like keeping the messiah for themselves.

What I am trying to link is messiah, jesus consiousness/christ concsiousness with reincarnation with lay lines with stardom with the money system with astrology and people in high places and jews.

This i don't necessarily believe or follow. Its just that so many people believe in reincarnation and this grand plan effectively god. Its possible for sure, i am just brainstorming a little on how this fits together with the fucked upness in the world


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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Tue Nov 19, 2019 3:48 pm


If you need to understand religion, you need look no further than the lessons of Warning For Religious People, http://ifers.123.st/t146-warning-for-religious-people and you may begin to  understand the manipulative nature of religious dogma.

Perhaps all significant religious temples, cathedrals and Taco Bell's are constructed on the the map intersection of Ley lines.  Meanwhile, evidence has shown that maps are highly inaccurate pieces of paper.  

Religious leaders will continue to manipulate the masses across borders and international waters.

If you are brainstorming to find answers, look for evidence.  If you are looking for the individual strands of a spider web, it may be easier to find the flailing flies already caught up in the trap.

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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by travma Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:33 am

In Greece they talk about those type of artifacts some 60 years. They always mix together observations, facts, truths with common bs, lies and arbitrary concepts.


Μirroring/symmetry of mountains, dissolving power of water always stronger from the west side, constant quantity of oxygen on the planet, morphogenetic field (genesis of shapes) etc.


Τhis man was a rotary founder and philosophy club member with a name "Παρνασσός" known  to have even to current days relation to freemasons




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Megalithic Sites & Ley lines Empty Re: Megalithic Sites & Ley lines

Post by nowhereelsetogo Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:17 pm

MarkIssara wrote:Thanks to Max Igan I stumbled upon a fascinating documentary from alternative researcher, Sylvie’ Ivanowa - When The Atlantis and Hyperborea Survivors Wake Up -

It includes information from many sources in what some call the “New Chronology Movement,”.
One of the more major sources, is the work of Russian researcher, Anatoly Fomenko who has written a huge 7 book series http://chronologia.org/en/ laying out his version of the true history called History: Fiction or Science?
Watch The Survivors Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJk0yT4erxuRcCMBujshjWZ-KNAHAWCx6

Visit the website: http://megaliths.org/
Sylvie's style of presentation takes a little getting used to and curiously enough she is quite fanatically anti-flat earth, calling Eric a psy-op agent...strange because she appears to be truly open-minded and pro following your God-given senses...maybe it goes against the extraterrestrial conversations she had on one of her 200 ayahuasca sessions. In her quite aggressive anti FE rant video https://youtu.be/5cZH4LUHRec she makes quite clear that she doesn't understand much about perspective and distortion of light, however, her documentary, in my opinion, contains some very interesting discoveries and is well worth viewing. Cheers

Unfortuantely Sylvie suffered badly from copyright threats so most of her beautful videos are not public any more.

Chronologia on the other hand have published a new work on jews

I didn't realise she was anti-FE, big disappointment. Controlled opposition then.

Last edited by nowhereelsetogo on Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added a bit)

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Post by susie Sun Aug 16, 2020 11:37 am


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