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Flat Earth Poem

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Bro Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:49 am

voyager wrote:the haikus are great!
and they are my preferred way
to communicate

BRO wrote:
O..M..G ---    What a Face

Its a HaiKu Off... Belly Up To The Bar Boys... Sock It To Me Bro  !    ----  (Check That Out -- It's Horizontal Ku... )

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Bro Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:59 am

voyager wrote:
(...see what I did there ^)
(get ready for some reading)

BRO wrote:
The Only Problem
With A Haiku Is You Just
Get Started and Then...

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Bro Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:03 am

Voyager wrote:
evolving onward
perpetually forward
the circle unseen

BRO wrote:

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Bro Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:08 am

Voyager wrote:
the mindless don't mind
had they thought to try to know
they would think again

BRO wrote:
I Have A PhD
Brilliant - Renown - Genius - Me !
Shit, Where Is My Key…

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Bro Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:11 am

voyager wrote:
who am I to judge
my perspective wanders far
yet I see the clouds

BRO wrote:
Oh Death, Be Not Proud
Nothing Can Touch Or Hurt Me
I Was Aborted…

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Bro Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:23 am

BRO wrote:
My Ku is All Gone
Voyager Wins The Princess
I Must Kiss A Toad...

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by voyager Mon Jul 10, 2017 5:13 am

BRO wrote:
O..M..G ---    What a Face

Its a HaiKu Off... Belly Up To The Bar Boys... Sock It To Me Bro  !    ----  (Check That Out -- It's Horizontal Ku... )

Hilariousness, These totally made my day, Valient effort!

BRO wrote:

My Ku is All Gone
Voyager Wins The Princess
I Must Kiss A Toad...

niggas be triflin
my haiku skills be stiflin
*drop the microphone*


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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Bro Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:18 am

bengbeng wrote:whit blindingly white teeth
begging at my feet
want me to buy there shieet
esc,esc ctrl alt del

Nice... I like how you have the mind of the reader extend your word 'del' to the acutal word delete in their mind... thereby creating a rhyming of it with 'shieet'...

and so... In honor of all those who ramble on and on... and rarely get to the point... or overdue the point...

BRO wrote:
I Think Therefore I’m
Omit Needless Words…

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Bro Thu Jul 27, 2017 4:27 am

bengbeng wrote:thanks Very Happy  but to be fair i probably seen it used similar in other places and just copyed it.
can you tell me the basic rules? so i dont offend any one whit my ignorance

No rules to poetry... Like no rules to love... Your free form poetry was great.

Voyager and I were just sharing creative HaiKu poetry format with each other... Poetry can come in any form and any cadence... any style... like the millions of different styles of musical expression.

But if one wants to express creative prose (Poetry) in a old Asian structured format (many Japanese especially are fond of this format) they can choose to do it in the formal 5/7/5 Creative Haiku Format... known around the world.

Which is...

Formal Haiku Structure... A 3 Line Poetic Expression of Any Nature.

First Line: 5 Syllables / Second Line: 7 Syllables / Third Line: 5 Syllables.

With the first two lines (usually) being the mental setup and the last line (usually) being the punch line /shock line /humor line / the oh my line/the elegant line... Its the revelation line.

For example... Here is a new 5/7/5 Formal Haiku...

Time Is Eternal
Infinity Of Lifetimes
Don’t Be Late Today…
So the first line 5 Syllables (Time (one syllable)... Is (one syllable)... Eternal (3 syllables)) so 1 +1 +3 = 5 syllables

Second Line 7 syllables (Infinity (4 syllables)... Of (one syllable)... Lifetimes(2 syllables) so 4 + 1 + 2 = 7 syllables

Third Line 5 syllables (Don't (one syllable)... Be (one syllable)... Late (one syllable)... Today (two syllables) so 1+1+1+2 = 5

Thus the 5 - 7 - 5 format.

Its just a way to blend Yin Poetry (Creativity, Expansive, Inspiring -- Prose Energy) with Yang Structure (a locked format of 5-7-5)... putting a circle within a square within a circle... etc.

Check Google for info on the Haiku format... and here is link to syllable count website of any word or combo of words you want to use... To count you number of syllables in any line... https://www.howmanysyllables.com/syllable_counter/

But even this formal Haiku format has evolved over the past centuries... and their are Haiku formats that are of different count.

Anyway... Its just a fun way of putting elegance or prose or creativity or inspiration or humor or pathos into a formal structure which forces you to be creative and disciplined at the same time... which is a kind of inner rush... tying both sides of the brain together to produce a creative result... something greater than the whole.

T'was rumored that that many Japanese Samurai (martial artists ?) would compose a last Haiku before battle so they would center themselves, calm their mind and also leave something behind in case they did not return.

Play with it... It is just a tool of creativity... It Lets off Creative Steam... But all Poetry Is Just Creativity Disguised In Words.

"I Create Therefore I Am" --- is as good as any other prose shared and there is no structure there except simplicity.


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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by superuserdo Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:27 am

A Sure Footing

the world takes on a different shape
when its time to awake

no familiar sun or moon
& daylight ends too soon

visions of eternity

on the edge of an imaginary space
yet still today they run the race

toward the folly of a fool
six billion crank the tool

from the science books of darwinian creation
they claimed to form our nation

the truth is hidden in plain sight
to see it you must reclaim your might

and throw the race...of insecurity

I wanted to write a poem about this for a while so I sat down, held the pencil and it just came out.

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by superuserdo Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:37 am

bengbeng wrote:sorry guys i dont really know the rules of poetry
but i also want to play
so live whit it

today everyone is poor
and that makes them always want more
the resson for this is sure
our leader is a whore
rotten to the core

time to settle the score

The 'poor' will become rich when they change their minds
but it takes time
to change a paradigm

Here is a good place to start: The Science Of Getting Rich

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Schpankme Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:31 pm

While pondering the Fe(ore some 4,000 miles below Spaceball Earth;
by kneeling down and sticking my head in the sand no Fe(ore could be seen;
without loosing faith in what could not be seen Science theory has rescued me.

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Schpankme Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:37 pm

Theoretical Science this Hollywood plot
Where Nuclear Physics cost the graduate a lot
To see an Electron removed from the Atom was not
Part of the curriculum where Fission Reaction was taught

They say this Nuclear energy is the destroyer of worlds
Where the Nuclear waste is stored up in hordes
The Half-Life to kill for one million years
Only time heals the Radioactive fear

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by MrWilliams Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:53 am

NASA is still lying like the snake's in the grass/
That Neil Degrass Tyson's pear-shaped earth is a laugh/
The spacecraft on Mars was as fake as the past/
When spacemen went through radiation unharmed/
They all pray to Satan and have strayed from the path/
These masons are faking space and creating the demand/
The supply is CGI and painting the stars/
It is making me laugh, but it's worthless to challenge me/
When space is fake, like the ball earth insanity/
And gravity it is obvious it's an absolute fallacy/
Sticking water to a ball spinning around magically/
I'm smashing these Globers over and over, happily/
NASA is a backward's breed, stealing cash quite causally/
Neil Degrasse Tyson's pear, Newton's apple and his gravity/
All the scripture's paint a picture of a flat earth reality/
Thinking the unthinkable at the pinnacle of my sanity/
It's fiction, and it's fake as all the picture's of our galaxy
It's all gone pear-shaped and space is just imaginary/
Pseudoscience lying truth denying it's not an actual fact like all your crap and abstract mathematical insanity/
The first plan had to be to see then delete the roots of the truth as the few grew up too much gradually/
No matter how you feel, I'm still gonna spill this can of beans/
Yes it is photoshopped, but then I guess it just has to be/
All the telemetry data got erased, or it just vanished it seems/
We can't even go back to the moon, let alone interplanetary/
How dare you even question this technological masterpiece/
Laughably held up with duct tape tin foil and plasticine/
You laugh at me, but it's faker than the Luna lander blast off scene/
A disaster piece movie on the moon that clearly you can't achieve/
My eyes were blindfolded once, but now I see and my mind is free/
We don't have time for a meeting at the flat earth society/
You lied to me Barack the UN map is flat, undeniably/
Talk about the flat earth, and I'm looked at like some kind of freak/
I find it difficult that fools believe they're living on a spinning ball/
Do they think at all, or are they just repeating all the shit in school/
Our thinking is critical and the awakening invincible/
The evidence is empirical that the earth is not spherical/
It is called sea level because we will never ever see a curve/
The Yoda quote is no joke, you must unlearn what you have learned/
Mass and density, I feel it will prevail eventually/
I'm sure this was taught before the turn of the third century/
CGI lie's and pictures sprinkled with a pinch of salt/
We sit and talk, but the ridicule we deal with is quite difficult/
Diver's seen in visor's and the bubbles are unmissable/
Is NASA floating in space or are they really in a swimming pool/
I like to dance in the darkness like the star's in heaven/
Around Polaris, that's never moved from the past to the present/
The governments like to use fear-based propaganda as a weapon/
We will never get any answers if we never ask the question's/
Harry, he's touring on the street doing activism actively/
When NASA sees, they'll hope the passive sheep drift off back to sleep/
You can laugh at me but actually, at least all of my Art is free/
RASA, JAXA and NASA are all Masonic master thief's/
My truth is the flat, unmovable Earth beneath us/
They lie and hide in plane sight and deceive us/
Relying on our weakness blind is how they keep us/
It's the deepest conspiracy ever to be kept secret/
The ball-Earth has been cursed from the day of its birth/
No matter how much I observe, I just can't find the curve/
Do you believe the space station is cruising through space/
In the thermosphere, it should melt or consume into flames/
Why on Earth does NASA keep confusing our brains/
Now the truth will explain all of these illusions away/
The International Space Station has been proven a plane/
If I am honest, this dog shit they produce is all fake/

Last edited by MrWilliams on Tue Oct 18, 2022 10:33 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I suck at spelling! I am sure I missed some more!)

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by MrWilliams Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:38 am

I used to believe a lot but now I don't because I'm quite focused/
Belief is the enemy of knowing but the people don't even notice/
I'm not joking I used to believe in the tooth fairy and Father Christmas/
And in genies sitting in bottles that pop out and grant me wishes/
I believed that dinosaurs existed and that we are spinning on a ball/
But after years of researching, I don't believe a single thing at all/
The words social distancing their translation is forced separation/
Repeatedly deceiving and misleading me with your lying statements/
The word isolation can be replaced with being stuck in a prison/
They hide and disguise the truth with different types of euphemisms/
Pensioners died from lack of sun and wearing masks is what killed them/
Call it sheltering or shielding you're still imprisoned in a building/
Are you feeling the first wave because I have Bearley felt a ripple/
They will fiddle with more numbers now to keep the sheeple dumbed down/
And somehow they will bend right over and demand the injection/
Even if it's a biological weapon mixed with horrible infections/
Are we all empty-headed except the fluoride we've ingested/
Mixed with the pure lies inside your minds is where it festers/
That bank card that everyone just so happens to need/
It has no battery but magically manages to keep track of me/
A plastic piece that's contactless obfuscating the obvious/
Until we reach the day all our brains fail to acknowledge it/
Discouraging the unwise and making them mindless/
Are you trying to disguise a lie, if not why not call it wireless/
Ignition sequence start, wait, Houston we have a problem/
The system is falling apart and the movement is not stopping/
The solution is to lock them in or put them inside a coffin/
Coughing so much we can't breathe fall face-first on our noggins/
Being alone is like existing in a prison constantly/
Solitary confinement like my mind is under lock and key/
The ink pours out from my pen again forever flowing constantly/
like blood pumped from my heart, it's never stopped or ever forgotten a beat/

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by MrWilliams Mon Mar 08, 2021 2:55 pm

Life is just a gamble, we play the cards we are dealt/
I can't explain the pain of wanting to fold through all this hell/
But we seek help, extending a hand to be held/
I hope I get to start again, so I can stand where I fell/
All the anger I have felt, these thoughts I cannot entertain/
The blood is flowing through my veins and then the pain goes to my brain/
Are you insane talking to myself again, are you the one to blame/
The lies will often change, but the truth just remains the same/
Life is a twisted little shit bitch, give me a break/
We give, and we take, we even forgive the slithering snake/
Now envision my hate forgiving every sin that's been made/
Ever since I have been raised, I've made it through the darkest of days/
We sit and debate all the wicked decision's that's been made/
We sit, and it plays in our brain's over and over again/
We sit and pray, hoping all the sheeple manage to change/
We sit here with fear and pain existing in this prison enslaved/
I came from the bottom, but all the time my mind is breaking/
With some time inside my mind, I might arise and then awaken/
When I look inside my eye's, I'm not surprised that I've seen Satan/
I am not waiting for some Lord or savour, just putting my thoughts to paper/
There are layers to people hatred and I ain't afraid to say it/
In a way, I am just a slave and restrained inside this matrix/
But I am breaking out of these cages, laying waste to all the haters/
As I create this with the syllables I scribble on pages, frustrated/
Creating this isn't difficult, making miracles on paper/
We should all start in creating a new life in the making/
And on the odd occasion, glance at the star's and constellation's/
My beliefs are fading, only showing the truth that has replaced it/
Unlike all the lies, the truth never fears an investigation/
I think with my head and my heart through these hardships I'm facing/
Try to escape the hating, if you can wait, then I'll explain it/
This world is ours that we're shaping, now it is ripe for the taking/

Last edited by MrWilliams on Mon Apr 10, 2023 3:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I cannot spell! Still learning aha <3)

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by MrWilliams Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:26 am

I present you with this present in the present moment.
Am I lacking devotion, eye's wide with emotion.
To the truth I am devoted but not coping, my heart's broken.
The future we are approaching is turning out dystopian.
Seeing is believing, but experiencing is truly knowing.
I'm dropping obvious knowledge and providing it in a poem.
Non-stop showing you the lies that your mind doesn't notice.
My constant motion is like rivers flowing when trying to reach the ocean.
De-weed all the lies and provide some light for the truth.
Strike at the roots of evil is what the people need to do.
The deceitful will lose, seek for the evidence and the proof.
I'm confused with what they're teaching and speaking on the news.
Obfuscating what they are saying, leaving a trail of abuse.
Failing to prove, but when explaining, they are changing the people's views.
It's entertaining for the brainless, and that's a painful statement, too.
Indoctrinated all the nations, just aim at our brain's and shoot.
Not a Three fifty-seven, but frames per second is the weapon that they choose.
Repetitive methods have been tested, and it lets them mess with you.
The talk is subjective, then it's reflected on everything you do.
The televisions infectious, it is just telling us anything but the truth.
The truth is, the human race has become complacent with enslavement.
I provide that statement and hope your mind escapes the matrix.
It's hard to take, but I'd rather be awake than brain-dead.
Awaken, learning lesson's from people's acquiescent weaknesses.
Stop following the authoritative figure's as the sheeple did.
Knowledge has been depleted, but the truth will never be defeated.
Belief is the enemy of knowing, but the people don't see this.
Let's learn from history's lessons, or we are destined to repeat them.

Last edited by MrWilliams on Tue Jul 09, 2024 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by Flatbomb Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:32 pm

I believed it once as did you
The the information that is untrue
Believed by many, told true by meek
Our verity is now oblique
Coordination of insubordination breeds
Indoctrination of the creation
For those ordained are contained
For those enlightened are not frightened
Shrewd lies criticise until our people realise

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Flat Earth Poem - Page 2 Empty Re: Flat Earth Poem

Post by MrWilliams Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:37 pm

This is the point of no return, this is explosively violent.
I grew up in this Kingdom that is supposedly united.
Inciting a riot, but at the same time I stray away from the violence.
I want to change people's mindsets because the masses are blinded.
Get your chakras aligned before the shackles are tightened.
Enlighten your mind to this prison system you reside in.
Don't remain silent, speak out against the place you're confined in.
It's your right to be defiant towards these oath breaking tyrants.
I want to stop typing and not sure if I should keep writing.
But these thoughts are striking like Thor but more lightning.
Not sure where my mind went or the cause of my blindness.
If the truth is within, then I guess I'm just beginning to find it.
Rewind it back to the beginning of your spirit, just focus.
I present you with this present in the present moment.
Am I lacking devotion, eye's wide with emotion.
To the truth I am devoted but not coping, my heart's broken.
This is the point of no return, do you think that I'm joking.
The future we are approaching is turning out dystopian.
Seeing is believing, but experiencing is truly knowing.
I'm dropping obvious knowledge and providing it in a poem.
Non-stop showing you the lies that your mind doesn't notice.
My constant motion is like rivers flowing, trying to reach the ocean.
I wanted to drift off to sleep into the deepest of comas.
Just die choking in a dream before I had awoken.
The casket is closing and the darkness approaching.
My hearts partially frozen, but that was the path I had chosen.
De-weed all the lies and provide some light for the truth.
Strike at the roots of evil is what the people need to do.
The deceitful will lose, seek for the evidence and then proof.
I'm confused with what they're teaching and preaching on the news.
Obfuscating what they are saying, leaving a trail of abuse.
Failing to prove, but when explaining, they are changing the people's views.
This is the point of no return, and that's a painful statement, too.
Indoctrinated all the nations, just aim at our brain's and shoot.
Not a Three fifty-seven, but frames per second is the weapon that they choose.
Repetitive methods have been tested, and it lets them mess with you.
The talk is subjective, then it's reflected on everything you do.
The televisions infectious, it is just telling us anything but the truth.
The truth is, the human race has become complacent with enslavement.
I provide that statement and hope your mind escapes the matrix.
It's hard to take, but I'd rather be awake than brain-dead.
Awaken, learning lesson's from people's acquiescent weaknesses.
Stop following the authoritative figure's as the sheeple did.
Knowledge has been depleted, but the truth will never be defeated.
Belief is the enemy of knowing, but the people don't see this.
Let's learn from history's lessons, or we are destined to repeat them.

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