Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
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Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
Hello. My name is Eric Dubay and I'm a Flat Earther. Contrary to what you have been told to believe about me by the mainstream media, the government education system, and society in general, I am not an idiot, uneducated, or a religious zealot. I am a college graduate, spent 7 years teaching at a prestigious University, have published 5 books, and am not a follower of any religion. I was once a spinning ball Earth believer like yourself. In fact, the only difference between Spinning Ball Earthers and Flat Earthers, is that Flat Earthers have done their research. Of course, however, you will be told the opposite, that Flat Earthers are uneducated morons unaware of modern scientific theories, but the reality is every Flat Earther is well educated regarding the Spinning Ball Earth fantasy presented by NASA, taught in schools, and accepted as gospel truth by the gullible masses. In fact, you will find the average Flat Earther is far more knowledgeable about the Spinning Ball Earth we're supposedly living on than the average Spinning Ball Earth believer! This is because Flat Earthers are all people who attempted to prove for themselves whether or not Earth is the way modern scientific and astronomical theory preaches, and discovered that it most certainly is not.
There are hundreds of proofs and scientific experiments which have conclusively shown the Earth to be a stationary plane, but you have never and will never hear about these heavily censored experiments in our controlled media. You never hear of the Michelson-Morley, Michelson-Gale, Sagnac, Kantor, and Airy experiments, for example, all of which proved the Earth to be motionless. You also never hear of the Rowbotham, Blount, or Carpenter experiments all of which proved the Earth to be a level plane devoid of any curvature. Instead you are repeatedly shown NASA images of a spinning ball Earth and astronauts in zero-G space. You are told the oceans curve around and stick to the underside of a spinning ball thanks to Newton's magical gravity. You are told Eratosthenes measured shadows to prove the ball, and Magellan circumnavigated the ball. Again, us Flat Earthers are well aware of the supposed proofs and alleged evidence we are given regarding the spinning ball Earth fantasy. The difference is we have further analyzed these supposed proofs and found glaring holes in them even larger than the size of NASA's annual budget.
I have personally debunked every such claim of supposed spinning ball Earth evidence I could find in my book "The Flat Earth Conspiracy," and also compiled "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" in my book of the same title. I will not re-iterate myself here as you can read these online for free now in over a dozen languages, but suffice to say, there is no aspect of the spinning globe model that stands up to critical scrutiny, and every alleged proof offered is easily refuted. The spinning globe and every argument used to defend it is simply pseudo-science masquerading as truth. The pictures and videos presented to the public by NASA and other government space agencies are as real as a Hollywood motion picture and as scientific as science-fiction. Science facts, on the other hand, prove the flat Earth.
For example, it is the natural physics of all fluids to remain perfectly level and flat until disturbed in some way. If dammed up and released, all liquids will quickly disperse in every unobstructed direction until finding their new level. This ever-present, never-broken law of physics is so reliable that builders use water spirit-levels to level all their constructions. When you look out at the sea-horizon, from as high as amateur balloons and rockets have ever gone, the water line always remains completely level and flat. If, however, the Earth is a spinning ball as NASA and modern astronomy claim, then somehow the massive oceans must all in defiance of physics, curve thousands of miles around an irregular pear-shaped oblate spheroid. In reality, measurements have been repeatedly taken throughout history until modern times using lasers, levels, sextants and theodolites to test for Earth's supposed curvature and every time have proven what our eyes and experience tell us to be true: The Earth simply does not curve downwards 8 inches per mile squared as dictated by spherical trigonometry and NASA's own calculations for a globe Earth 24,900 miles in equatorial circumference. This mythical curvature exists only in the fisheye lens footage they constantly film and the fake CG images of Earth they constantly propagate.
Now, dear Spinning Ball Earth believer, there is much more you must learn and even more that you must unlearn to understand fully the depth of this deception. It will take more than just a few minutes of Flat Earth research to overcome a lifetime of indoctrination, but I implore you to do just that. Try and prove to yourself whether or not the spinning ball Earth we are taught to believe since kindergarten is in fact a reality. I can speak on behalf of every Flat Earther when I say that's exactly what we did. We did our due diligence in researching and proving one way or the other whether this seemingly flat, motionless plane we all stand upon is actually a tilting, wobbling, rotating and revolving pear-shaped oblate spheroid, hurdling around the Sun, or whether everything is actually just as it seems: Water always remains level and flat, the horizon always remains level and flat, the Earth is motionless, just as it seems, and the Sun, Moon and stars all revolve over and around us, just as it appears. I encourage you to please explore this fascinating subject for yourself by viewing the many other Flat Earth documentaries and interviews on my YouTube channel and visiting The International Flat Earth Research Society at Thank you!
Last edited by Admin on Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:31 am; edited 4 times in total
Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
As always, thank you very much Eric for the great effort.
Some Ball Earth believers might think that Flat Earthers do not use "The Scientific Method" to prove that Earth cannot be anything but flat and motionless.
Take a look at the following simplified diagram of The Scientific Method flow, which is in line with the universally accepted rational way of thinking used in all aspects of life:
Eric Dubay's "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" book is basically a collection of experiments that describes documented real-life observations. In terms of the above diagram, this is equavelent to Step 4. "Experiment to Test Your Hypothesis".
If we start our Hypothesis in Step 3. with the modern accepted Ball Earth, you will find that Ball Earth Hypothesis will fail against AT LEAST one of the observations in Step 4.
If even ONE observation failed to match the Ball Earth Hypothesis, this will lead to wrong result at Step 6. "Make a Conclusion", which will lead us to try the process with a different Hypothesis.
The only Hypothesis that will pass ALL 200 observations is the Flat & Motionless Earth model.
If a Ball Earth Believer needs a place to start their investigation, I recommend going through all the 200 observations and verify them again yourself (which requires hard work).
Some Ball Earth believers might think that Flat Earthers do not use "The Scientific Method" to prove that Earth cannot be anything but flat and motionless.
Take a look at the following simplified diagram of The Scientific Method flow, which is in line with the universally accepted rational way of thinking used in all aspects of life:
Eric Dubay's "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" book is basically a collection of experiments that describes documented real-life observations. In terms of the above diagram, this is equavelent to Step 4. "Experiment to Test Your Hypothesis".
If we start our Hypothesis in Step 3. with the modern accepted Ball Earth, you will find that Ball Earth Hypothesis will fail against AT LEAST one of the observations in Step 4.
If even ONE observation failed to match the Ball Earth Hypothesis, this will lead to wrong result at Step 6. "Make a Conclusion", which will lead us to try the process with a different Hypothesis.
The only Hypothesis that will pass ALL 200 observations is the Flat & Motionless Earth model.
If a Ball Earth Believer needs a place to start their investigation, I recommend going through all the 200 observations and verify them again yourself (which requires hard work).
RelearningLogic- Posts : 18
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Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
'Every flat earther is well educated regarding the spinning ball earth'
I think that's a very good point.
I used to watch so many documentary about space, showing the scale of other 'suns' in the universe, blackholes and super nova.
I realised by talking about the flat earth to my surroundings that the people that had an extended knowledge about space and the spinning ball got highly interested and started to lean toward the Flat earth side and started doing researches.
The others that just couldn't buy the Flat Earth had a very basic knowledge of the spinning ball and the universe. They were just believing it because 'all the scientist agree on it'.
'We went on the moon everybody knows it and there are footage'
And gravity being the answer for everything.
Sadly i don't think these people will change mind untill it goes on TV and it becomes cool to do your own research.
I think that's a very good point.
I used to watch so many documentary about space, showing the scale of other 'suns' in the universe, blackholes and super nova.
I realised by talking about the flat earth to my surroundings that the people that had an extended knowledge about space and the spinning ball got highly interested and started to lean toward the Flat earth side and started doing researches.
The others that just couldn't buy the Flat Earth had a very basic knowledge of the spinning ball and the universe. They were just believing it because 'all the scientist agree on it'.
'We went on the moon everybody knows it and there are footage'
And gravity being the answer for everything.
Sadly i don't think these people will change mind untill it goes on TV and it becomes cool to do your own research.
Ann- Posts : 15
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Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
I'd like to know the current search statistics for flat earth and how many people consider themselves flat earthers or are open to it. I tried to find out but no joy. Any thoughts?!?
qdoc- Posts : 10
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Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
qdoc wrote:I'd like to know the current search statistics for flat earth and how many people consider themselves flat earthers or are open to it. I tried to find out but no joy. Any thoughts?!?
csp- Posts : 424
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Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
Thanks Csp, I Found Something Similar Before
But All I Can See Is A Relative Type Scale
Rather Than Absolute
Or At Least Being Able To Compare To Other Searches
Would Like To Know If The Sheeple Are Waking Up!!!
But All I Can See Is A Relative Type Scale
Rather Than Absolute
Or At Least Being Able To Compare To Other Searches
Would Like To Know If The Sheeple Are Waking Up!!!
qdoc- Posts : 10
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Join date : 2017-10-01
Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer,
Happy New Year!
In 2018, earthquakes will ravage the population. These earthquakes will not be caused by fracking, coal mining or even HAARP. This year, the widespread devastation will be due to the slowdown of the Earth's rotation (Parsons, 2018).
Really-really smart people have announced that the Earth is a spinning ball in outerspace, filled with red-hot jelly, known as magma. The Earth's rotation is slowing this year, due to the magma "sloshing" (Voosen, 2017). The internal red-hot-jelly magma is sloshing around inside the tummy of the Earth, so this will slow the rotation by one whole millisecond this year, tumbling land masses, rock formations and parking garages everywhere.
As that hot-jelly jiggles asunder, Peter Molnar concedes that "it’s not absurd to think that a slight mismatch in speed between the solid crust and mantle and the liquid core could translate into a force somehow nudging quakes into synchrony" (Voosen, 2017). No Pete -- that is not absurd at all. Pete is probably really, really smart, too.
So, heed to take, for Pete's sake, there are preparations to make in the wake of the hot-jelly-shake earthquake.
Works Cited
Parsons, Jeff. "Powerful earthquakes to ravage Earth in 2018 as planet's rotation temporarily slows." Mirror. January 2, 2018. Web. Retrieved from
Voosen, Paul. "Sloshing of Earth's core may spike major earthquakes." October 30, 2017. Science Magazine. Web. Retrieved from
Happy New Year!
In 2018, earthquakes will ravage the population. These earthquakes will not be caused by fracking, coal mining or even HAARP. This year, the widespread devastation will be due to the slowdown of the Earth's rotation (Parsons, 2018).
Really-really smart people have announced that the Earth is a spinning ball in outerspace, filled with red-hot jelly, known as magma. The Earth's rotation is slowing this year, due to the magma "sloshing" (Voosen, 2017). The internal red-hot-jelly magma is sloshing around inside the tummy of the Earth, so this will slow the rotation by one whole millisecond this year, tumbling land masses, rock formations and parking garages everywhere.
As that hot-jelly jiggles asunder, Peter Molnar concedes that "it’s not absurd to think that a slight mismatch in speed between the solid crust and mantle and the liquid core could translate into a force somehow nudging quakes into synchrony" (Voosen, 2017). No Pete -- that is not absurd at all. Pete is probably really, really smart, too.
So, heed to take, for Pete's sake, there are preparations to make in the wake of the hot-jelly-shake earthquake.
Works Cited
Parsons, Jeff. "Powerful earthquakes to ravage Earth in 2018 as planet's rotation temporarily slows." Mirror. January 2, 2018. Web. Retrieved from
Voosen, Paul. "Sloshing of Earth's core may spike major earthquakes." October 30, 2017. Science Magazine. Web. Retrieved from
Oliver_Bestfall- Posts : 100
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Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer,
Major Earthquake Update: new material July 24, 2019
Dr. Roger Bilham states the obvious, "It is straightforward. The Earth is offering us a five-year heads-up on future earthquakes" (Parsons, 2018). Dr. Roger Bilham from the University of Colorado in the United States has evaluated the inside of the spinning ball earth. Apparently, the spinning is slowing down and the jelly is shaking faster now.
As every spinning ball earth believer knows, deep inside the ball, there is a bunch of hot jelly magma. This hot jelly is a squishy wad of melted iron, nickel, silicon, oxygen, aluminum and magnesium (McBirney & Noyes, 1979). Because the most important part of the spinning ball earth is that it keeps spinning, any threat to the spin is a threat to the ball earth itself.
Therefore, it is wise to pay close attention when an article is posted with this title, "NASA bombshell: Earth's rotation is slowing and it could cause major earthquakes" (Martin, 2019). The best thing to do right now is to purchase bottled water, freeze-dried food and shock-absorbing foundations for all houses in the neighborhood. Every spinning ball earth believer must unite in this singular purpose.
The Moon is moving farther away from the planet, which means that the spinning ball earth "uses energy to keep the tidal bulge ahead of the Moon's orbit" (Martin, 2019). Solar System Ambassador Matthew Funke explains quite clearly that the tidal bulge on the earth is attempting to rotate at the same speed as the rest of the planet and when the bulge moves ahead of the Moon, the Moon attempts to pull it back.
The spinning ball earth's spin suffers degradation of rotation because, as Solar System Ambassador Funke clearly describes, "One of the rules of the Universe is that angular momentum can't go anywhere" (Martin, 2019). The Solar System Ambassador has spoken -- angular momentum cannot go anywhere.
In conclusion, this news is not fake, hot jelly will shake. As the jelly shakes, the spinning ball earth quakes.
Works Cited
Parsons, Jeff. "Powerful earthquakes to ravage Earth in 2018 as planet's rotation temporarily slows." Mirror. January 2, 2018. Web. Retrieved from
ALEXANDER R. MCBIRNEY, RICHARD M. NOYES, Crystallization and Layering of the Skaergaard Intrusion, Journal of Petrology, Volume 20, Issue 3, August 1979, Pages 487–554,
Martin, Sean. "NASA bombshell: Earth's rotation is slowing and it could cause major earthquakes." Express UK. July 24, 2019. Web. Retrieved from
Major Earthquake Update: new material July 24, 2019
Dr. Roger Bilham states the obvious, "It is straightforward. The Earth is offering us a five-year heads-up on future earthquakes" (Parsons, 2018). Dr. Roger Bilham from the University of Colorado in the United States has evaluated the inside of the spinning ball earth. Apparently, the spinning is slowing down and the jelly is shaking faster now.
As every spinning ball earth believer knows, deep inside the ball, there is a bunch of hot jelly magma. This hot jelly is a squishy wad of melted iron, nickel, silicon, oxygen, aluminum and magnesium (McBirney & Noyes, 1979). Because the most important part of the spinning ball earth is that it keeps spinning, any threat to the spin is a threat to the ball earth itself.
Therefore, it is wise to pay close attention when an article is posted with this title, "NASA bombshell: Earth's rotation is slowing and it could cause major earthquakes" (Martin, 2019). The best thing to do right now is to purchase bottled water, freeze-dried food and shock-absorbing foundations for all houses in the neighborhood. Every spinning ball earth believer must unite in this singular purpose.
The Moon is moving farther away from the planet, which means that the spinning ball earth "uses energy to keep the tidal bulge ahead of the Moon's orbit" (Martin, 2019). Solar System Ambassador Matthew Funke explains quite clearly that the tidal bulge on the earth is attempting to rotate at the same speed as the rest of the planet and when the bulge moves ahead of the Moon, the Moon attempts to pull it back.
The spinning ball earth's spin suffers degradation of rotation because, as Solar System Ambassador Funke clearly describes, "One of the rules of the Universe is that angular momentum can't go anywhere" (Martin, 2019). The Solar System Ambassador has spoken -- angular momentum cannot go anywhere.
In conclusion, this news is not fake, hot jelly will shake. As the jelly shakes, the spinning ball earth quakes.
Works Cited
Parsons, Jeff. "Powerful earthquakes to ravage Earth in 2018 as planet's rotation temporarily slows." Mirror. January 2, 2018. Web. Retrieved from
ALEXANDER R. MCBIRNEY, RICHARD M. NOYES, Crystallization and Layering of the Skaergaard Intrusion, Journal of Petrology, Volume 20, Issue 3, August 1979, Pages 487–554,
Martin, Sean. "NASA bombshell: Earth's rotation is slowing and it could cause major earthquakes." Express UK. July 24, 2019. Web. Retrieved from
Oliver_Bestfall- Posts : 100
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Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer,
In my last letter, we were talking about how the Earth-spin was slowing down and that was causing the hot-jelly inside the earth-belly to quiver and shake and make the earth quake. I hope that everything is okay, because I was just reading on the internet that things would be even worse if the Earth-spin speeds up, even by 1 mile-per-hour.
You'll want to read this ..
It may help you prepare for when all of the ocean water whooshes down to gather at your equator, your satellites will be all out of whack. Witold Fraczek, a geographic information system (GIS) analyst, says that it is going to be rough when the Earth-spin speeds up, there's going to be "Reverse Rain" and "We would have enormous earthquakes [as] tectonic plates would move quickly and that would be disastrous to life on the globe.”
But how would it possibly spin faster? Good Question.
Scientists might grow concerned that with your Earth-spin slowing down, causing hot-jelly shake-quakes, maybe they could stab some rockets upside-down, maybe at a slight angle and speed the Earth-spin back up. You never know with these rocket scientists.
You need to remind the scientists that if the Earth-spin is too slow or too fast, the Spinning Ball Earth is doomed. So, maybe you'll get lucky and they'll get the spin Just Right. Good Luck with that.
But, if you would prefer to live on a flat, motionless Earth with no spin, I believe that we can make room for you. Just leave your scientists and your analysts behind on that Spinning Ball.
They are not welcome here.
In my last letter, we were talking about how the Earth-spin was slowing down and that was causing the hot-jelly inside the earth-belly to quiver and shake and make the earth quake. I hope that everything is okay, because I was just reading on the internet that things would be even worse if the Earth-spin speeds up, even by 1 mile-per-hour.
You'll want to read this ..
It may help you prepare for when all of the ocean water whooshes down to gather at your equator, your satellites will be all out of whack. Witold Fraczek, a geographic information system (GIS) analyst, says that it is going to be rough when the Earth-spin speeds up, there's going to be "Reverse Rain" and "We would have enormous earthquakes [as] tectonic plates would move quickly and that would be disastrous to life on the globe.”
But how would it possibly spin faster? Good Question.
Scientists might grow concerned that with your Earth-spin slowing down, causing hot-jelly shake-quakes, maybe they could stab some rockets upside-down, maybe at a slight angle and speed the Earth-spin back up. You never know with these rocket scientists.
You need to remind the scientists that if the Earth-spin is too slow or too fast, the Spinning Ball Earth is doomed. So, maybe you'll get lucky and they'll get the spin Just Right. Good Luck with that.
But, if you would prefer to live on a flat, motionless Earth with no spin, I believe that we can make room for you. Just leave your scientists and your analysts behind on that Spinning Ball.
They are not welcome here.
Oliver_Bestfall- Posts : 100
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Join date : 2016-12-21
Age : 53
tycho_brahe likes this post
Re: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer
Dear all,
I'm a complete newbie here and stumbled upon the flat earth topic by accident. I needed to find my way in this world of propaganda, censorship and trolling, but I think this is a good place, thanks Eric!
A question about which I didn't want to start a new topic, and I decided to post here:
After having gone through many examples and experiments, I didn't find a coordinates experiment yet and I was wondering whether it would make sense, is possible, has already been done and I'd like to ask your opinion.
Considering that in the south, longitude lines next to one another relate differently in the round earth model than in the flat earth model,
/ \ in the flat earth model and \ / in the round earth model, would the following make sense, has something like this been done?:
-Someone looks up a high building south from the equator and it's exact latitude, let's say in Brisbane.
-He/she take a gps-device, a device with a strong zoom lens and a compas and travels a considerable distance to a place in the west with the exact same latitude.
-From the spot with the exact same latitude as the building the person looks up the east on the compas and focusses straight at the east.
Would this then mean that the building pops up in view off-center either way? A bit left from the center in a flat earth model and a bit right from the center in a round earth model?
By the way: I'm not a spinning ball earth believer anymore, but I'm the only one in real life here that I know off!
Crazy stuff, but fascinating, and I think fundamental to all the gaslighting going on in so many ways worldwide, disabling human perception, thought and I guess even feeling.
I'm a complete newbie here and stumbled upon the flat earth topic by accident. I needed to find my way in this world of propaganda, censorship and trolling, but I think this is a good place, thanks Eric!
A question about which I didn't want to start a new topic, and I decided to post here:
After having gone through many examples and experiments, I didn't find a coordinates experiment yet and I was wondering whether it would make sense, is possible, has already been done and I'd like to ask your opinion.
Considering that in the south, longitude lines next to one another relate differently in the round earth model than in the flat earth model,
/ \ in the flat earth model and \ / in the round earth model, would the following make sense, has something like this been done?:
-Someone looks up a high building south from the equator and it's exact latitude, let's say in Brisbane.
-He/she take a gps-device, a device with a strong zoom lens and a compas and travels a considerable distance to a place in the west with the exact same latitude.
-From the spot with the exact same latitude as the building the person looks up the east on the compas and focusses straight at the east.
Would this then mean that the building pops up in view off-center either way? A bit left from the center in a flat earth model and a bit right from the center in a round earth model?
By the way: I'm not a spinning ball earth believer anymore, but I'm the only one in real life here that I know off!
Crazy stuff, but fascinating, and I think fundamental to all the gaslighting going on in so many ways worldwide, disabling human perception, thought and I guess even feeling.
Emperor's New Clothes- Posts : 50
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tycho_brahe and CockneyChristi1 like this post
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