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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Admin Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:34 pm

Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Googleresults

Since late 2014 Google Analytics has shown a drastic exponential rise in people searching the term “Flat Earth.”  The number of pages referencing flat Earth have also jumped from a meager few thousand results to the current figure of over 21 million all in the space of a year and a half!  So who is responsible for this rapid resurgence of the flat Earth concept?  Alleged ex-NASA insider Matt Boylan calls it is “his movement” and claims full responsibility himself, Poet and book-collector Paul Michael Bales also feels he was the one responsible for this resurgence, while many others have pointed to video-game designer Mark Sargent as being the real catalyst.  In this article/video I will show conclusive proof beyond any reasonable doubt who has actually been the most influential and responsible for the growth of the modern flat Earth movement.

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Every time I have publicly contested the claims of these three individuals, they accuse me of doing so out of “ego,” and say that I am “creating division in the movement.”  First of all, defending my perspective and exposing flaws in their arguments is done out of respect for the truth, not my own personal aggrandizement.  Secondly, they are all making the exact same claim as myself, so any amount of “ego” present in my claim is also equally present in theirs.  And lastly, it is my contention that THEY are the ones creating division in the movement by purposely mixing truth and lies in typical controlled opposition fashion to muddy the waters, discredit the message, and deter neophytes from researching further.

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Please see the evidence we at IFERS have gathered regarding these individuals and other suspected controlled opposition shills in the flat Earth movement:

Matt Boylan - The Jew Apologist Shill:  http://ifers.123.st/t57-matt-boylan-the-jew-apologist-shill

Paul Michael Bales - The Lying Morpheus:  http://ifers.123.st/t74-paul-michael-bales-the-lying-morpheus

Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues:  http://ifers.123.st/t7-mark-sargent-raging-shill-clues

The Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame:  http://ifers.123.st/t38-flat-earth-shill-wall-of-shame

To begin with, the simple answer to the question of who started the flat Earth movement is no one!  The Earth has always been flat and there have always been people who knew this, spoke about it and wrote about it.  Ever since the advent of NASA, however, the flat Earth concept has been mired in ridicule and nearly disappeared completely from human awareness.  No pro-flat Earth books had been published in approximately 50 years and the only website about the subject was “The Flat Earth Society” which treated the entire thing like satire and made several false claims about what flat Earthers actually hold true.  

Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Flat-earth-society

Back in 2008, long before Matt Boylan, Paul Michael Bales or Mark Sargent were anywhere on the scene, I published a book and started a website called The Atlantean Conspiracy which contained several articles about the truth of Geocentricity and even quoted Charles Johnson, the former President of the International Flat Earth Research Society.  At the time I had already read Samuel Rowbotham and William Carpenter’s old 19th century flat Earth books, and though personally still on the fence regarding the shape of the Earth, I was confident they were correct about the location (or Geocentricity) of Earth, so I wrote about it.  

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In 2009, after watching Alex Jones interview and praise several NASA astronauts on his show, I wrote an article and sent a message to him and his producers about the Moon Landing Hoax and included a link to Samuel Rowbotham’s flat Earth book for them to read.  Alex even mentioned this on-air the next day and called me a “flat-Earther” who “thinks he’s covering up some Atlantean Conspiracy,” (the title of my book and website).  

Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Googleplus1

For the next several years I continued writing books/articles about various conspiracies and worked on building a huge social media presence.  By making multiple accounts, adding as many friends/followers as possible, joining and posting to as many groups and pages as possible, over the course of a few years I began building up very large followings on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter, StumbleUpon, PInterest, Tsu and many other sites.  To give you an example of their efficacy you can see here my main Google Plus account currently has over 135 million views and my secondary one has over 87 million.

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Meanwhile, at this point, Matt Boylan, Paul Michael Bales, and Mark Sargent had still yet to make a blip on the internet radar.  The first of them to mention flat Earth was Matt Boylan when he created his “NASA Channel” on YouTube in mid-2011.  He made a few decent videos exposing NASA image fakery, but his channel certainly did not contain many flat Earth proofs/evidence, and there are more videos of him ranting about Axe deodorant, hookers on Tinder, his championship sexual prowess, and other irrelevant topics than there are exposing the flat Earth.  In short, anyone visiting his channel would NOT become a flat Earther and would be more likely turned off from the subject due to his manic ranting style and lack of factual content.

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In early 2014 I began writing my book “The Flat Earth Conspiracy” and came across Paul Michael Bales on Facebook, a recent flat Earth convert who had been collecting a library of old original flat Earth books and letters.  Hoping to find some good reference material, I messaged him asking for recommended titles and he told me a few choice books to check out.  The full extent of our interaction consisted of a short Facebook conversation, yet curiously after my book was published and the flat Earth movement began growing, Paul began stating publicly that he was “the Morpheus to my Neo” and that he “taught me everything I know about the flat Earth.”  He even made the ludicrous claim that my book was “plagiarized from old Facebook posts of his!”  Matt Boylan also jumped in and had the gall to say that “my entire book was plagiarized from his information,” which is equally laughable considering he and “his information” are only mentioned in 2 paragraphs of my 252 page book.  Needless to say, both of their claims are baseless and go to show how desperate they are to receive credit where it is not due.

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You can also see from this Google analytics chart that the Flat Earth keyword had not made any significant change in 2011 since the launch of Matt’s YouTube channel, nor in late 2012/early 2013 when Paul claims to have gotten his start.  The moment when the Flat Earth tides shifted and the exponential growth of the movement began was clearly around and after November 2014, the exact month when I exploded all of my flat Earth research onto the internet.  In November 2014, I published the first pro-flat Earth book written in 50 years, “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” I also published several popular articles on the subject, uploaded the most popular “Flat Earth Conspiracy” documentary on YouTube, began giving radio interviews, and soon re-started Charles Johnson’s IFERS (International Flat Earth Research Society).  These simultaneous actions, my intentional exploding of credible flat Earth information onto the internet all at once, which I had been preparing for the entire year before, are undoubtedly the catalyst behind the exponential growth curve seen beginning here.

Later on, around March 2015, recent flat Earth convert Mark Sargent came out of nowhere, began uploading new flat Earth videos every day, uploading new interviews several times per week, got offered his own radio show, started being heralded by many as “the King of flat Earth,” and credited with starting the modern flat Earth revival.  At first I was glad to have him on-board until the cracks began to show and the clear disinformation campaign began.  Mark claimed the Moon and stars were “holographic projections” maintained by alleged “dome-builders” who keep us inside a “Truman show” enclosed structure among much other non-sense.  He even lied about me in several interviews including one where he claimed that I promoted the idea of a constantly rising flat Earth to account for gravity, when in fact I constantly expose this false concept as being disinformation.

So, in conclusion, not only do I have publicly available proof of promoting flat Earth before any of these people, but I also have a much larger following/influence than all of them put together.  My International Flat Earth Research Society receives over 50,000 visitors per month, my YouTube channel currently has 6.2 million views, my website has 8.6 million, both my 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball and The Atlantean Conspiracy books have received over 1 million downloads each, just two of my Google Plus accounts have a combined total of over 200 million views!  Combine all this with my reach on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Pinterest etc. and my long-standing record of diligent activism and it should be obvious who is the most responsible / influential person in causing the current flat Earth revival.  But, of course, if I dare to stand-up for myself and say so, that’s just my ego causing division in the movement, right?

Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:33 am; edited 3 times in total

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Schpankme Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:51 pm


Unfortunately, it's very easy to build the Flat Earth "controlled opposition".  There's many to choose from;  we have the religious fanatics who want to sell the book they worship, and have you become just another slave to the master creator of the book;  then there's the financially invested, those educated idiots who believe they evolved by switching species, created on a spinning Spaceball from nothingness.

Best regards

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by csp Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:56 pm

Excellent synopsis Eric.


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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by lizardking Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:40 pm

Comprehensive proof that you are the only person worth listening to on this topic, and that you 100% reinvigorated it singlehandedly. These cloying hanger-ons are nothing but government agents who don't share a brain cell between them and they are the ones causing the division and confusion among Flat Earthers, for that is their only purpose.

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:43 pm

Great job Eric. As I always say, there is no movement outside of the one you created with IFERS. Every other person has proved to be a shill fraud, and no one else is worth listening to.

A Paul, Matthew and Mark trying to take credit away from the real leader? Sounds Biblical. Very Happy

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Themis Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:56 pm

You woke up so many people, with your serious dedicated work
so only you deserve the title leader of Flat Earth movement and President of
Only real IFERS is this one.

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Admin Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:08 pm

Thanks so much everyone!

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Beashambassador Sun May 29, 2016 9:03 pm

After many months as an objective researcher, not clouded by a past prejudice, I can say unequivocally that Eric Dubay Brought Back the Flat Earth.

Eric's Flat Earth revival is the answer so many of us have been seeking for so long.

Knowing the truth has set us free

Thank you Eric, Your the best!

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by damnice Mon May 30, 2016 2:53 am

Thank goodness Eric did put this stuff out. When I first started research into the FET in Jan 2015, the very first video I watched on the subject was Eric's The Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary. I watched Jeranism's videos too but noticed he was including a bunch of other stuff in his work that was easily disprovable which seeds doubt and feeds the destruction of credibility. I called him out on it and heard nothing but crickets. I was well aware of the shill infestation in the 9/11 Truth Movement that has almost completely consumed it entirely. There are very few genuine truth seekers that look for truth in all things and teach nothing that can't be proven or at the very least reliably speculated as provable, the rest are either shills or rationalizers clinging to their preconceived beliefs. This community of IFERS is very solid and I'm glad I landed here first.


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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by baiken Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:37 pm

Just curious Eric, how did you first encounter Flat Earth? What made you read the books from the 1800s? I agree you were the godfather of the current movement, just curious how you figured it out. Thanks


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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Admin Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:54 am

As I've mentioned in interviews, I never fully bought the spinning ball-Earth model and always had a nagging inkling that it was ballshit. Upon discovering the Moon landing hoax I found a quote from Charles Johnson, previous head of IFERS, talking about how the Moon was just a light, so there is nothing they could possibly land on. That led me to Rowbotham, Carpenter and the other 1800s authors and the rest is history. Peace

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by baiken Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:06 am

Nice. I like your work and dig your style. Thanks for what you do.


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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Admin Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:17 am

This video could not have been compiled 2 years ago. Think of where Flat Earth will be in 2 more. The world's waking up.

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Caliph Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:22 am

Eric Dubay brought back the flat earth. There is no greater authority as learned or as effective in explaining. Matt who?


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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

Post by Admin Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:34 am

In the past 4 years, the term "Flat Earth" has shown a drastic exponential growth in Google trends, going from a mere few thousand results to tens of millions currently. The following presentation explores the reasons behind this sudden explosion beginning in late 2014, and the various figure-heads online who compose this blossoming Flat Earth community.

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Who Brought Back the Flat Earth? Empty Re: Who Brought Back the Flat Earth?

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