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Total Eclipse of the Mind

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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty august 17 eclipse

Post by toploader Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:31 am

Hi everone. I have seen the predicted path of the eclipse across America for this august. I noticed that the shadow will move east? this seems a bit strange to me as the supposed ball earth is spinning that way pretty fast. Is there a simulation on a flat earth model to show me how this might work. I might just be getting confused. Many thanks, Dave


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Schpankme Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:21 pm

toploader wrote:
I have seen the predicted path of the eclipse across America for this august
I noticed that the shadow will move east?

Is there a simulation on a flat earth model to show me how this might work

August 21st, 2017
Total Eclipse and the Flat Earth - Part 2
by ThePottersClay


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Just Vital Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:07 pm

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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Real World Sun Aug 20, 2017 9:35 pm

Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Eclips10
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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Ann Mon Aug 21, 2017 1:09 am

Real World wrote:Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Eclips10

Don't wanna be the devil's lawyer but if the light source is big enough the shadows will converge in a cone shape. I believe with the scale they give us it still fit their model. Not saying it's right but it doesnt seem like a problem to me?
Or somebody sees something wrong with it?


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Real World Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:53 pm

Dear Ann,

Globe-headed Erastotenes was assuming that Sun rays are entering Earth with a straigh lines:
Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Medir-10

They cant have both versions correct.
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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Ann Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:24 am

I see, my bad, I was unaware of it.
Gotta read some about this now that must have some consequences.

Thank you for the info.


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by PriorityMinority Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:21 am

The moon can be transparent enough to see stars through it; but opaque enough to completely block the sun's light during an eclipse?
I need help! Samuel Rowbotham tells us that the moon is the cause of a solar eclipse and leaves no room for debate on that - he states it as a fact. But if it were in front of the sun, wouldn't we see the sun's light, just dimmed a bit?I didn't see the eclipse in the States recently so can't tell, but most photos look like the sun is totally blocked, implying an opaque body between us and it.


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by PriorityMinority Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:23 am

Just for the record, he also writes that the moon is "admitted to be globular"; and draws us to an analogy of a ball that is one half illuminated by itself. The moon certainly appears fairly "round" when it is at a high angle; when it is at low angle, just "rising", it is the more "ethereal" subject that Gabrielle Henriet writes of.


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Admin Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:41 am

Ancient cultures around the world claimed that Rahu eclipses both the Sun and the Moon. This seems more likely to me than the Moon eclipsing the Sun: http://ifers.123.st/t65-rahu-the-black-sun

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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by PriorityMinority Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:00 am

Also, if it were the moon crossing the face of the sun, we would see THE MOON (like, all the patterns on it or whatever, like what we normally see when we see the moon); slowly, erm,,,crossing the sun...
But we see nothing of the sort, just parts of the sun gradually being "devoured" for want of a better word.
so, Rowbotham and the heliocentrists don't make sense here


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by csp Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:14 am

PriorityMinority wrote:so, Rowbotham and the heliocentrists don't make sense here

Well, Rowbotham was in England, and during his lifetime (if records are correct), never witnessed a solar eclipse.

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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by PriorityMinority Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:00 am

Yeah, i'm not dissing him, but he may have seen one in another country or at least been reliably well informed from another person. However, it's kind of besides the point.
I guess it is a Rahu thing that is invisible in the blue sky,and then becomes opaque as it touches/moves in front of the sun.Otherwise, if it were the moon, wouldn't we see, like...THE MOON next to the sun and then gradually move across it?or have I just been really dumb here? Very Happy


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Admin Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:28 am

One thing to note is the fact that the celestial bodies stop for a minute and a half at perfect alignment before continuing to move proves it is them that is moving and not the Earth supposedly spinning at a uniform speed under them.


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by PriorityMinority Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:44 am

Absolutely! The earth ain't moving, it's dead still, always has been and will be unless something pretty f''cking major happens! Very Happy


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by newflatearther2000 Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:44 pm

Has everybody seen this video?
Is authentic?

it certainly supports the Rahu theory


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:31 am


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Admin Sun Oct 27, 2019 5:30 am

Many people think that modern astronomy’s ability to accurately predict lunar and solar eclipses is a result and proof positive of the heliocentric theory of the universe. The fact of the matter however is that eclipses have been accurately predicted by cultures worldwide for thousands of years before the “heliocentric ball-Earth” was even a glimmer in Copernicus’ imagination. Ptolemy in the 1st century A.D. accurately predicted eclipses for six hundred years on the basis of a flat, stationary Earth with equal precision as anyone living today. All the way back in 600 B.C. Thales accurately predicted an eclipse which ended the war between the Medes and Lydians, and as far back as 3000 years ago the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and others accurately predicted eclipses to within seconds of modern methods. Eclipses happen regularly with precision in 18 year cycles, so regardless of geocentric or heliocentric, flat or globe Earth cosmologies, eclipses can be accurately calculated independent of such factors.

Another assumption and supposed proof of Earth’s globular shape, heliocentrists claim that lunar eclipses are caused by the shadow of their ball-Earth occulting the Moon. The idea is that the Sun, Earth, and Moon spheres perfectly align like three billiard balls in a row so that the Sun’s light casts the Earth’s shadow onto the Moon. Unfortunately for them, this explanation is rendered completely invalid due to the fact that lunar eclipses have happened and continue to happen regularly when both the Sun and Moon are still visible together above the horizon! But for the Sun’s light to be casting Earth’s shadow onto the Moon, the three bodies must be aligned in a straight 180 degree syzygy.

As early as the time of Pliny, there are records of lunar eclipses happening while both the Sun and Moon are visible in the sky, and it continues happening during lunar eclipses to this day. In an attempt to explain away the inconsistencies in their theory, heliocentrists usually claim light refraction must be happening on a scale large enough to account for the phenomena, but even if this highly-implausible reverse-engineered damage-control explanation is accepted, it cannot explain how Earth-bound observers are supposedly able to see 12,000 miles, 180 degrees around a globular Earth to objects on the other side. The reality is eclipses are a far more occult and mysterious phenomenon than lining up three billiard balls.

Lunar eclipses only occur during full Moons when the Moon is at the crossing point of the ecliptic opposite the Sun, and Solar eclipses only occur during new Moons when the Moon is at the crossing point of the ecliptic and aligned with the Sun. Such solar and lunar conjuctions and oppositions happen a minimum of 4 times per solar year and depending on their exact altitudes and observer location will produce partial, total or annular eclipses. In ancient cosmology these lunar nodes and accompanying eclipses were personified as the gods Rahu and Ketu, often shown devouring the Sun or Moon. During solar eclipses the new Moon conjunction directly crosses the Sun causing the black-out effect, and during lunar eclipses the full Moon opposition to the Sun causes the shadowy red tint. This phenomenon is wholly celestial involving the luminaries and their regular interactions with one another, and not in any way terrestrial involving the Earth beneath our feet causing upward-casting shadows into the heavens.

See my other videos in the "How Everything Works on FE" series:
How Gravity Works on Flat Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAEdY3Dv4wU
How Sunsets Work on Flat Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPvwdn6Iodo
How Seasons Work on Flat Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyhu5wM6_6s
How the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADNeFSuKnqM

For more in-depth information on eclipses, please see:
Total Eclipse of the Mind: https://ericdubay.wordpress.com/2018/07/11/total-eclipse-of-the-mind/
Rahu - The Black Sun: http://ifers.123.st/t65-rahu-the-black-sun
Luminaries Mysterium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjOCCOlx1Y4

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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty variation in duration of eclipse

Post by kaush101 Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:55 pm

hello Eric
I noticed 2 More things which debunk haliocentric model.I am not sure its right or wrong you can check it
1 - variation of time duration in luner and solar eclipse
The shortest total lunar eclipse in recorded history was in 1529 and lasted only 1 minute and 41 seconds and longest was  1 hour and 42 minutes.
so if earth and moon is moving at constant speed then duration should be always same but its not it always varies
same with solar eclipse there is always variation of duration between each solar eclipse proves what they taught us about haliocentric model is wrong
2 - if earth is moving on axis every 24 hours any country around equator should have equal 12 hours day and 12 hours night like in brazil.but there is around 2 hours of difference between longest and shortest day its not possible on equator if earth is moving at constant speed.

correct me if I am wrong


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by zeteticseparovich Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:48 pm

Occult origins of the devil horns comes from astral priests having the knowledge to accurately to predict annular eclipses coinciding with sunrise and sunset atop the ziggurat. what ever causes eclipses is not 2 terra-firma balls obscuring each other in some perfect alignment.

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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty lunar eclipse 2022

Post by Margaret33 Tue Nov 08, 2022 7:32 pm

Was anyone able to watch the eclipse last night and help me understand what it is that is casting the shadow on the moon i know in my heart the earth is flat i do a lot of research but still have questions thanks ...margaret


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Nym Tue Nov 08, 2022 8:51 pm

It took me a long time to stop thinking I needed a replacement model or explanation for globe claims to be able to take flat earth ideas seriously.

I think it's less important to focus on what the explanation for a phenomenon actually is, than it is to focus on why the lie people believe can be demonstrated to be in error.

It's pretty amazing when you highlight a contradiction or something and instead of acknowledging it, you get asked "well how would you explain it then" - it's literally of no importance whether I can or cannot provide an alternative for you, the only thing that matters is that your heliocentric claim has been shown to be in error.

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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Margaret33 Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:09 pm

heliocentric claim? No, I don't believe,in the Globe lie I wasn't trying to come across that way. Sorry if I did.


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Margaret33 Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:10 pm

i take it very seriously it changed my life


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Total Eclipse of the Mind - Page 2 Empty Re: Total Eclipse of the Mind

Post by Ant Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:11 am

This explains eclipses or whatever they are .... beautifully


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