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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by Admin Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:21 am


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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by starfox42 Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:45 pm

Eric, who is the guy talking at about 16:00 to the end of the video?

Update on my previous post here; purchased a van. Got it checked out, it's mechanically sound. I'm in the process of building it right now, waiting for warmer weather to insulate it and build a little bed in there, some cabinets for storage. I ordered my solar panel, it should get here soon. Starting out with your standard 100W Renegy panel. Every day that passes that I'm still living in this big lie is really wearing on me, especially the past couple months. I need to get out, do something, make a change.

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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by PLANE PERMACULTURE Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:46 pm

Hey Everyone! Hey Eric! Thanks again for sharing that video! Just thought I'd pop in here and say hi.

The guy at the end is Curious Life but unfortunately his channel has been shut down or deleted. I have no idea why? Hopefully he will come back or at least did it himself on purpose. He had some great videos and was one of us that made the connection to where all this "awakening" should be headed.....into the real natural world. He made some great connections and points in the clip I included. The only thing I would add is he really understated the significance of permaculture. I think he is or was just getting into it or hasn't been doing it very long. It can sometimes take a while to shake off the old world view based on programming and disconnection to awaken to the reality we truly live in.

I really encourage everyone to investigate permaculture! It's an ethical design science based on nature/creation. The globe deception most people are under has taken hold and spreads by our disconnection to the natural.....to the real world. All this unnatural system technology and anything else used as a middle man or anything put between us and the natural real world we live in is the reason we continue to be in this mess. We live on and in a natural system.....no matter how many boxes we put ourselves in. We might as well learn how to symbiotically interact with it and thrive while we do so. Our potential to create abundance rapidly is so apparent when you step into and learn from the natural systems already revealed to us in examples like forests and other life grown from no added fertilizer or man-made interaction. We can either be a creative force or a destructive force when interacting with this world. It's simply a choice. The answers are simple. No need for electronic gadgets or (de)vices or anything else not known in the natural world. The preventative is the cure. I would like to remind people to think about the rice experiment and not just the results of hating or sending things/people negative energy but the results of ignoring something or someone. Our Ignorance or indifference to something has a powerful consequence. When we fight the unnatural system we are sending it our energy. We need to become aware and move on and ignore. We can transition into the natural very fast if we just decide to. If we start to live outside the unnatural system then our energy no longer feeds it and it will be exposed. We might also find that by doing so it not only supports us but dissolves the hold on our minds and bodies from the unnatural system as well.

I just uploaded another introduction video on permaculture if anyone is interested. Also please share with family, friends or anyone else. Let's spread this know-ledge!


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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by tristancobane Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:03 pm

I'm in the very early stages of doing this. Currently looking to buy a few acres of natural beauty and dedicate most of it to a permaculture type environment, being completely self-sufficient for food, water and energy.

I've already sourced the shipping containers that will be used for my dwelling. Shipping containers are relatively cheap, durable and there’s no shortage of them. Also, the structure is already there for you, so you don’t have to worry about building a stable structure yourself. There’s so many ways you can adapt them to suit your personal needs and remodel them whatever way you desire. I plan to bury a 40ft shipping container underground. Most of this will be used for storage of personal items and books etc. The rest will be a small area to study and work on projects. On top of this 40ft container will be another 40ft container. I'll find some old windows from the skip/recycling centre and use an angle grinder to cut out where these will be fitted. This area will have a small kitchen and living area divided by a partition, with access to the lower container via a trapdoor and ladder. Again, old, salvaged timber will be used for worktops, shelves and seating areas. On top of this 40ft container will be a 20ft container that will be the sleeping quarters. This will be accessed by a ladder also. No need for a bed as I sleep on the floor. These two exposed containers will be insulated and clad with some recycled timber. I can manage to do all this myself with a few helping hands, on occasion. However, I don't know enough about growing my own food/permaculture at this stage but have time to learn and there’s plenty of great information out there. I fully intend to keep as many animals as I can sustain on the property so I will need to educate myself on how to look after these animals so they can have a happy, healthy life. Perhaps I could kidnap a few from local farmers and save them from their suffering and impending death. This project is taking my mind off all the negativity we have to put up with. We all need something to work towards. The simplest way of living is my goal. I feel trapped, stressed and unhealthy because of this psychotic system we live in. You can never seem to get ahead, constantly attacked and bombarded with things that are detrimental to a healthy mind, body and spirit.

As for energy, I don't really feel like I need many electronic items in my life. The less clutter you have, the clearer your mind is, in my experience. The library is there if you need to use a computer. I’ll be quitting my slave job in the near future so free to do whatever I want after that. It would be nice to connect with some like-minded people in person. If any of you needed a helping hand with a building project or anything else, I'd be happy to muck in and put my skills to use.

Last edited by tristancobane on Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Minor amendments)

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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by andyow1 Mon May 21, 2018 3:19 pm

Hi Everyone. I posted something similar in the "how to debate a ball-earther" section but that was probably the wrong place for that inquiry. Does anyone have any input/insights they can share as to where to live in the most relative freedom? We are Swedish citizens and are in Spain now (canary islands) but it is semi illegal to talk about certain historical facts (especially those facts from 1940-45) here in Spain. Very strange indeed that one cannot question the establishment history. If something is true then it should hold up to infinite questioning and scrutiny. Also the Spanish government backed by the NWO came down very hard on the poor Catalonians so there doesn't seem to be much freedom in Spain. Sweden is also not that free although it appears so. What about Norway or Iceland? We can live there with our Swedish passports and they are outside the EU. Are they any better? Or is Thailand a good place? If so, how does one stay for longer without visa issues. Any input and info would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Andy


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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by PLANE PERMACULTURE Sun May 27, 2018 2:47 am

I have no experience outside the corporation that is U.S. and the land it occupies/claims so i can't really help you personally. I do have an amazing book from a permaculture farm in sweden. It's a really good book I recommend even if you don't end up anywhere near there. Their youtube channel. Their website with info. on their book.
It can be a frustrating dilemma for sure. In the end we might have to be the change in the world we are looking for. LOVE and THANKS!

edit: apparently the links don't work if I'm not signed in so they may not work for others. If you search richard perkins or ridgedale permaculture you should be able to find it.

Last edited by PLANE PERMACULTURE on Mon May 28, 2018 1:27 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : link functionality)


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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty I would like your opinions on how or where to proceed from here!

Post by PLANE PERMACULTURE Sun May 27, 2018 3:38 am

Hey everyone!
I'd like your opinion on how to proceed from here. I have made youtube videos and I have tried to gain awareness of those videos by going into whatever chat on whatever show (even questionable ones) just to get any eyeballs on said videos. That or comments on videos. I've tried to remain anonymous for privacy reasons and I feel it helps people think about the idea/message rather than just follow a personality or idol for whatever reasons. I don't want to gain any sort of status or popularity I just want people to put things ALL together and realize certain things. For instance, the fact that F.E. awareness alone will not save us anymore because we have been so disconnected from nature/creation and natural living. Which, in my opinion, is both the preventative and the solution. Also, for the same reason, trying to change the unnatural system or get F.E. into mainstream will never equate to true change in reality. The combination of awareness and knowledge of how to live with actions and interactions both symbiotic and synergistic is, in my opinion, the key people are missing.

Any ideas on which radio shows or channels or podcasts or whatever I might consider to get this message picked up to gain some momentum toward true reality and real change? Is it too high of a mark to climb or dream to fulfill? I may make a few more videos but honestly what else is there to say? How many times do I have to say it? I'm pretty much not gaining any more subscribers or viewers (as far as I can tell) after spending time in chats or comments. So that's starting to just be a waste of time.  The problem I am having is the answers are simple and not super sexy (in terms of modern programming at least). They don't take the rest of your life to wade through and they don't provide online entertainment forever. The Fear porn and Love porn, no matter how truthful, are still just two sides of the same energy draining coin that is computers and the internet.
What do you all think? Eric if you ever wanna team up, let me know! I'd love your opinion too. Any ideas would be helpful! If there was an opportunity to spread the message on a "show" I might consider openly discussing it. Otherwise I'd rather remain anonymous as I will be permanently quitting all this inappropriate unnatural technology, that is just a distraction from real life and the real world, sometime in the near future. I'd like to see things rolling in the right direction before then. My hope is/was to tell others so they could tell others and I could exit. Then they could tell others and exit and so on and so forth. Hopefully this made some sense. I think you may get the idea...
Questions?....ideas?... all welcome!

edit: I made a separate thread for the above post. Apparently someone thinks it fits here better. I didn't really wanna change the discussion here. It's not really a specific post about natural living although that is a big part of it. It's more a, where to go from here, question with focus on Flat Earth community realization that natural living is the missing piece to the solution that people are searching for. How to spread that message and where to (what are the trusted outlets, venues, ways....etc.). We can scream at the top of our lungs that the earth is flat and only so many people will realize for themselves before a good majority of the people left in the deception are just sheep or followers. People are all different that is the problem. If we are to get the snowball rolling (so to speak) we need to start setting examples with both our speech and behavior... give the followers something worth following. Just a bunch of talk only takes us so far. Lucky for us the solution has benefits for the individual as well as the group and the rest of the non-human world. It brings us back and locks in our ability to fight off future deceptions. It's a win win win... scenario. At least that's the way I see it. What do you all think?

Last edited by PLANE PERMACULTURE on Mon May 28, 2018 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarification)


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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by observer Sun Dec 09, 2018 8:16 pm

For the last few years i have been building a home in a backpack, mostly with camping equipment. Im not completely done yet, but i did test my stuff out for a week in a row when it was summer and in summer you can live fine out of a bag. I still need to figure out how to do in winter and learn how to best get food, then i just need to grab my food/seeds and my bag and go find a water source and i can stay there as long as my food last.

Mmmm.....Cooking food on a fire in nature taste beter than from the nicest kitchen.

Have you guys ever sleept in a diagonal lay hammock? No? You dont know what you are missing. I actualy sleep beter in the woods than in a nice bed, thx to my hammock. I cant recomend it enough. There is many brands, but i have only tryed ticket to the moon, and recomend you get a double. Hammock sleeping is the truth!

Ofcorse you will also need an hammock underquilt for warmth, and if you plan to hang from trees get straps for the trees, ropes cut in to the bark and damage the tree.
And whats great about hammocks is that you sleep under a tarp so you can tie one side up and get a nice view from inside.

Serious tho, i have high confidense that you never sleept beter than you will if you do this correct. And rumors say the diagonal lay hammock is good if you have a bad back. Just try it, you have no idea how great they are.

(im sure most ppl have a different view on simple living, but i cant buy land and house, so i will have to do what i can. Anyway i have been deep in the camping market and bushcrafting stuff, so i will share a few more stuff i have found. If you want a portable fire place to cook on, there is nothing like the firebox stove, its expensive but a joy to use. The guy who makes it is called steve and has a youtube channel where he do out door cooking on his firebox, he has passion in it and has created a great product. As for pots, there is no pot like the path finder pot, sold by a guy called dave canterbury, he also has a good youtube channel on bush crafting. And if theres any intrest in bush craft i can also recomend MCQbushcraft on youtube, sadly he also hunt animals. And if any one want to see simple living at its simplest, cheeck out primitive tecnology on youtube.)

Last edited by observer on Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:07 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : adding)


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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Off Grid Community Open Invite

Post by Ifersgold Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:28 pm

This is an open invite to IFERS members to join our budding off grid permaculture community.

Me and my family have been living off grid on 40 acres near Wendover Nv for a few years now. I have 7 years of experience homesteading the high desert. We are looking for people to join us in living here to help out with the work of maintaining and building sustainable permaculture food systems. My name is Geoffry Goldsborough, do your research then contact me if interested please contact me here or at geoffrygoldsborough@gmail.com Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Amanda10

20 minutes of I-80 take the Bonneville Speedway exit. This is where speed week is held each year to compete for fastest land speeds. Take Leppy Pass Rd towards Pilot Mountain. The Punjabi Sinclair Truck stop is there to greet you. Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 20200712

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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 20200713

Currently just a small one room house and a yurt have been built. Construction is mostly paced by income.
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I'm a former intelligence officer turned permaculture homesteader. This patch will be grown to seed again this year and will be third generation local grown. Chipmunk and mice are the biggest enemy. We use dog and cats to protect them. But still loose 20 to 30 % of outdoor grow. An in ground greenhouse is on the way. The legal limit for mature cannabis plants in Nevada is 24 per household. Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 20200812

I'm hoping to interest folks who are already in the area who are into off grid living and permaculture. More people are getting the urge to flee the city each day. An appropriate instinct I suppose.

We are looking to start a 501c3 for fundraising. We have been working out the details of organizational structure. We hope to be fundraising within a year. But we sure could use some more helping hands.

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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by Lightning_Peasant Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:43 pm

Humans the Shepherds of Nature Part 1

The older I grow, and the further I have moved from materialism the more I have realized how out of touch most people are with nature. We should be care takers of the land wherever that may be. I've seen many versions of food forests on many different terrains. It is impressive what a human can do with the right kind of motivation. Here are some examples:

New Jersey on a 1/3 acre of land.

One man transforms 65 Hectacre

Florida 2 acres and 23 years later

There are many more of examples like this. I see these people tend to be happier and healthier. Living with nature instead of separated like we see in many cities, some suburb and even rural areas. Happy they are growing their own food as well as putting that extra ingredient in which comes from using your own hands to grow it. I don't mean that someone should grow 100% of what they eat, but many people don't grow anything. As far as solutions to the system I see growing your own food as one of the best methods to go about it. Imagine if everyone grew 25% or more of their own food. That would shake the economy to the core.

One of humanities gifts I see that is rarely mentioned is humans' ability to be friends with many species of animals. There are many examples of humans befriending but not limited to: chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, parrots, bees, lizards(big and small), cats, dogs, wolves, tigers, bears, foxes, horses, cows, buffalo, sheep, goats, dolphins, whales, seals, walruses, turtles, otters, beavers, groundhogs, mice, rats, and there are many more. Some of these relationships will be through domestication while other times the party is free and just chooses to hang out with the human or not. I cannot think of any other being that is able to able to be near so many different animals and the animals be as calm as they are with their own. Of course there are many of examples of this happening with other animals as well but not to the extent as humans. The one example I can think perhaps close but still far away are dogs.

What I see now is that we are destroying the land with big time agriculture. It's highly impractical and waste large areas of land. The square foot gardening method shows how much space is wasted in modern farming. In the U.S.A. rows are kept at 3 foot spacing in order for tractor wheels to get through the field. The whole design of the field is based off of the machinery, not what is necessary to grow the best food or even the most practical with the land available. The square foot gardening method uses spacing of 3", 4", 6", and 12" spacing to designate how many plants per square foot. With minimizing the space created by the 3 foot row spacing it increases the yield greatly compared to conventional gardening methods. I don't believe it is the most ideal form of living with nature but it is a good start for most beginners in my opinion. Often I hear the scarcity argument from Mainstream Media on how we just aren't going to have enough space to feed so many people. Well with how people are currently living it would still be possible, but not sustainable. Having huge 1000 acre farms with 3 foot spacing everywhere is wasting huge amounts of land. This is just one of the many examples of how modern farming methods are destroying the environment. In part 2 I will go more in depth with the damage Big Ag is doing to the environment.

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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by Truth Center Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:04 pm

Here's a cool video showing a family that made a cob house out of sand, clay, and straw. This is the true way that man was meant to live. We aren't meant to be slaving away everyday wasting away at the precious time in our lives. We're supposed to be out in nature and are meant to care for the land. This is clearly the more sustainable and happy way to live.
Truth Center
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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by Lightning_Peasant Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:12 am

Winter Gardening for the coming Dark Winter

With the constant use of "dark winter" and the events unfolding it is looking like a food shortage could be in the near future. The best thing I believe for this is to be prepared. How our ancestors ate and survived during the winter is rarely discussed. Growing up I remember being taught hunting was extremely prevalent during the these times as well as storing things in cellars. I was told how blocks of ice were cut and used to refrigerate food. Of course there is truth in these things, but I had no idea food was grown all winter. Fresh greens, root vegetable, herbs, squash and even melons were grown in the winter and were commonly sold in markets around cities such as London and Paris.

One of the methods used was cloches.
Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Cloche10

Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Victor10

These methods were used with leafy greens and others that would be able to tolerate the harsh winter with a glass covering. There were also cloches with extremely thick glass to offer more protection. I can't seem to be able to find a good picture on them though. When using cloches leave the snow on them as it offers an additional layer of insulation. The bottom of the frame should also be sealed with the garden soil. Watering will be needed with every 2-3 weeks. Depending on your location this may vary. Also be sure to do this when the conditions are right, mid 40 °F(5°C(ish)) and sunny preferably.

An additional unfortunate reality is that many of these species grown in the winter no longer exist. This is mainly due to industrialization, grocery stores, and lack of gardening. "96% of the commercial vegetables available in 1903 are now extinct(Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, "Biodiversity and Your Food.") And eight of the fifteen breeds of pigs raised in the United State fifty years ago are now extinct, along with a staggering sixty breeds of chickens that were raised in the United States prior to World War II(American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, "Rare Breed Facts")."  This being said there are still plenty of seeds we can use. Also by selectively breeding we can create our own new species that can provide us with delicious food during the winter.

Modern methods that are currently used are cold frames, hoop houses, and greenhouses. I am going to focus on cold frames as they tend to be the best bang for your buck and most people will be able to do it. It can be extremely simple and/or aesthetically pleasing by using greenhouse panels and wood such as: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Cold_f10
source: https://www.sunset.com/garden/backyard-projects/cold-frames

I'm sure some of you are reading this thinking yeah I can see how that would work for certain plants to a degree but melons, berries, herbs like basil couldn't grow in -20°F(-29°C). I couldn't believe when I read how much more clever our ancestors were than us. I don't know that I would have thought of this for years or ever perhaps. For cold hardy vegetables dig down 16"(41cm) and make the hole's length and width the same or slightly larger than the dimension of your cold frame. Fill ground with 12"(30.5cm) of manure and/or leafy green matter. By leafy green material it can be old leafy greens, grass clippings, leaves, and be sure not too have the roots attached as weeds could spring up. Make sure to compact the manure and leafy green material so there will be less sink as it decomposes. After that you can use garden soil, or compost/soil mix and fill the rest of the 4in(10.5cm). For other less cold tolerant plants the heat will not be enough. In order to grow melons such as cantaloupe, potatoes, tomatoes, and various other berries dig down 40"(102cm) and then fill with 36"(92cm) of manure and/or leafy green material and fill the rest of the 4"(10cm) with garden soil, or compost/soil mix. Also a ground covering should used such as hay, leave clippings, mulch, and there are many other additional ones that can be used depending on what you are trying to grow. An added benefit is after decomposition takes place you will be left with fresh garden soil. This can then be used for things like raised garden beds, and repairing banks. I recommend doing your research to find the right plants to grow in your area and don't be afraid to fail. Feel free to experiment with the use of compost in layers as I'm sure it will cause different effects.

I thought this was interesting historically:

Tiberius was the second emperor of the Roman Empire. He was born forty-two years before Christ and lived to be seventy-seven years old. In garden circles he is famous today for being the first known person in the world to use a greenhouse. His servants used sheets of mica-a flat, glass-like material-to create a greenhouse for growing cucumbers. In The Natural History of Pliny(Book XIX, Chapter 23), Pliny the Elder claims Tiberius loves cucumbers: "Indeed, he was never without [them]; for he had raised beds made in frames upon wheels, by means of which the cucumbers were moved and exposed to the full heat of the sun; while, in winter, they were withdrawn, and placed under the protection of frames glazed with mirrorstones."(Pliny the Elder, The Natural History of Pliny, 156)

I would recommend checking out Backyard Winter Gardening by Caleb Warnock as it has a lot of good recommendations.

Last edited by Lightning_Peasant on Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:36 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Cleaning text up)

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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by Jack Aurora Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:44 pm

Blessings everyone.

I'm glad to announce that as of tomorrow I'll be living off-grid.
I've found a wonderful community here in western cape, South Africa.
Secluded in the mountains away from all the psychosocial bullshift.

I would encourage you to do the same.
I know it's easier said.
But I just got kicked out where I live because of the greed and covid crap, so I'm letting go of society for good.

I'm taking the most important step into a new truthful reality.
A very plane one...pun intended

Live close to the ground.
Keep your thoughts simple.
Lao Tzu.
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Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living   - Page 2 Empty Re: Off Grid/Simple/Natural Living

Post by Azziza Tue Oct 12, 2021 2:32 pm

Hello there,

how nice to read all ideas and ways of living. Loving in an offgrid cob home was our dream for quite some years. We live on the countryside now, in an old school building, in the middle of nowhere, as fas as that exists here in The Netherlands. We have a homestead here, solar panels. In two classrooms we have woodstoves, two more to go. We can tap our own water (plenty of rain here...), but we need to put everything in place. We have also had a compost toilet, we want to have one again.

We are not offgrid yet, we dont have our own battery for example. But we are making progress.

I tell you, homesteading has its challenges, oh boy. But it is our life, our way. We are inspired by permaculure, there is a herbal spiral , perennial plants etc. Fruittrees, berries etc.
We are aso interested in foraging, I try to learn as much as possible, collecting mushrooms for example.

I love our place, really do, but its cold in winter and we have a mortgage, which sucks. We rent out a classroom to a tenant, and one classroom for Airbnb; that makes part of an income, but still. It is our goal so be independent.

Reading all that stuff about Chiang Mai: I want to go there! So nice and warm, much easier to be off grid and self sufficient.
But, we are rooted here, putting in all of our love into this place....so we are not ready to go. Maybe we can do it up all the way, sell or rent it all out, and get out of Europe.

Spain, I know, so many places to build up a life. Everything comes with a cost; it depends what one is willing to give up really.

We have thought so much about moving, in our minds we have lived in so many countries...trying to see where would suit us best. I dont know, we are in the countryside, near the sea... we are fortunate. But to be truly free, financially, yes that is the goal.

Lets keep on investing in our dreams and living it, and if it does not wrk out now, it can work out later. We can live in a natural way, I am convinced of that. To keep on relying in the system, it is not an option I feel.

Have a great day.

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