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Suppressed Science and Scientists

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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by makesyouthink Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:16 am

Who Built the Moon? Christopher Knight

Problems with Foucault’s pendulum

We became more and more fascinated by everything to do with pendulums. During one particular telephone conversation, which had gone on for over an hour, we had, yet again, discussed at length the idea that there might be some unknown law of astrophysics – that was revealed by pendulums – at work here. We considered some highly speculative thoughts that ranged from standing electromagnetic sine waves due to a gyroscopic effect of the Earth’s spin through to gravitons containing packets of information about ‘geometrical shape’. But we agreed that we just did not know enough to even start to investigate such ideas. Chris wrote the following paragraph into a draft of this chapter as a summary of our mutual frustration and finished work for the day.

‘We have to admit that we still do not understand why it is so, but the use of pendulums in association with these ancient values appears to be elemental to the planet Earth – some physical reality seems to be at work here. Every pendulum reacts to the mass of the Earth but there seems to be some kind of ‘harmonic’ response at certain rhythms: points where the mass and the spin of the planet resonate in some way.’
But at that very point in time everything changed.

At five o’ clock the following morning Chris was unable to sleep and decided to get up and make a cup of tea. It was then that a ‘library angel’ turned up.7 Looking for something to read he pulled the delivery sleeve of a magazine that had arrived in the post the previous day and flicked it open. The main feature article in this edition of New Scientist was entitled: ‘Shadow over gravity’. It sounded interesting even early on a dark November morning.

But he quickly realized it was far more important than merely ‘interesting’. The opening paragraph was incredibly similar to that which opens this book, carrying a description of how it feels to witness a total eclipse – and then it transpired that the thrust of the article was that solar eclipses have a profound effect on pendulums! A debate is presently raging as to why this should be the case, because the suggestion has been made that pendulums may well be the key to a significant hole in Einstein’s theory of relativity.

The starting point concerns the work of Jean Bernard Leon Foucault who demonstrated a special quality of pendulums at the Great Exhibition, held in London in 1851. His pendulum, now always referred to as ‘Foucault’s pendulum’, is simply a very heavy weight fastened to a very long wire attached to a ceiling inside a very tall building, with a universal joint allowing it to rotate freely around a fixed point so that it will swing in a slow arc in any direction. Giant pendulums of this kind are now routine exhibits at some of the major museums around the world including the Smithsonian in Washington and the Science Museum in London.

Once set in motion its direction of swing will appear to rotate at a rate of about twelve degrees an hour. But this is actually an illusion because it is the observer and the rest of the world that is moving whilst the pendulum is maintaining a fixed swing back and forth in relation to the Universe. This happens because the pendulum is independent of the movement of the Earth, which is rotating underneath the pendulum, making it appear that the pendulum is changing direction. The reason a pendulum swings is because the Earth’s gravity continually tugs down on it. According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity this relentless tugging is due to the fact that every mass bends the fabric of space-time around it causing other masses to slide down into the dimple it creates in space-time.

The amount of rotation of a Foucault pendulum is dependent on latitude. At the North or South Pole the pendulum appears to rotate through an entire 360 degrees once every turn of the Earth (each sidereal day) because the planet rotates all the way round underneath it. In the northern hemisphere at the latitude of the British Isles the rate of rotation is reduced to around 280 degrees per day and the rate of rotation continues to fall the closer one gets to the equator, where a Foucault pendulum does not rotate at all.

For over a hundred years everyone knew that a Foucault’s pendulum would swing in an entirely predictable manner at any specific location. Then in 1954 a French engineer, economist and would-be physicist by the name of Maurice Allais found that this was not always the case. He was conducting an experiment at the School of Mining in Paris to investigate a possible link between magnetism and gravitation, in which he released a Foucault pendulum every fourteen minutes for thirty days and nights, recording the direction of rotation in degrees. By chance, a total solar eclipse occurred on one of those days.

Each day the pendulum moved with mechanical precision but on June 30th 1954, when a partial eclipse occurred, one of Allais’ assistants realized that the pendulum had gone haywire. As the eclipse began, the swing plane of the pendulum suddenly started to rotate backwards. It veered furthest off course twenty minutes before maximum eclipse, when the Moon covered a large portion of the Sun’s surface before returning to its normal swing once the eclipse was over. It seemed that the pendulum had somehow been influenced by the alignment of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

This was totally unexpected and utterly startling. Allais’ experiment was being conducted indoors, out of the sunlight so there was no apparent way the eclipse could have affected it. Allais was at a loss to explain what had taken place but when he conducted an improved version of his experiment in June and July 1958 with two pendulums six kilometres apart he found the same effect. Then during the partial solar eclipse of October 22nd 1959, Allais once again witnessed the same erratic rotation – but this time similar effects were reported by three Romanian scientists who knew nothing of Allais’ work.

Many people have questioned his results, mainly because science does not like that which it cannot explain. Many others have now repeated the experiment with mixed results: some found no measurable effect, but most have confirmed the result at different locations – including one conducted in an underground laboratory! 8

It is interesting to note that in 1988 Allais was awarded a Nobel Prize for economics. Like Alexander Thom (and many other paradigm busters) a major discovery had come from someone working outside their own field. These are bright people who are driven by curiosity and who are not the products of conventional training.

Allais despairs at the standards of those that oppose without logic or reasoning: ‘In the history of science, every revolutionary result meets with very strong opposition… Relativists say I’m wrong without providing any demonstration. Most of them haven’t even read what I wrote.’

In 1970 Erwin Saxl and Mildred Allen of Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, studied the behaviour of a pendulum before, during and after a total eclipse. The pair took a slightly different approach to Allais as they used a torsion pendulum, which is a massive disc suspended from a wire attached to its centre. Rotating the disc slightly causes the wire to twist. When it is released, the disc continues to twirl first clockwise, then anticlockwise, with a fixed period. But during an eclipse, their pendulum sped up significantly. They concluded that gravitational theory needs to be modified.

In India in 1995, D C Mishra and M B S Rao of the National Geophysical Research Institute in Hyderabad observed a small but sudden drop in the strength of gravity when using an extremely accurate gravimeter during a solar eclipse. But results have been mixed. When the eclipsed Sun rose above Helsinki on July 22nd 1990, Finnish geophysicists found no disturbance to the usual swing, yet in March 1997 scientists observed gravimeter anomalies during an eclipse in a very remote area of north-east China.

The mystery continues and yet no academic institution appears willing to invest time and money to study this phenomenon in depth. However, Thomas Goodey, a self-funding independent researcher from Brentford in England, has decided that he will investigate the Allais effect by using several pendulums during an eclipse. Because modern equipment is much more accurate and sensitive than that available in 1954 – giving twenty to one hundred times better resolution, he is confident of a clear result.

Goodey plans to travel the world over the next few years with twelve specially constructed pendulums. In May 2004, he presented his strategy at a meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Las Vegas and invited physicists to join him. As New Scientist reported, several leapt at the chance.

Goodey suspects that the anomalies occur when an observer is near the line that connects the centres of masses of the Sun and the Moon. During a total solar eclipse, the Sun–Moon line intersects the surface of the Earth at two points on roughly opposite sides of the globe. This theory would explain why the sunrise eclipse in Helsinki did not produce a result. Goodey is quoted as saying that observations at this ‘anti-eclipse’ point where no eclipse is visible might carry much greater weight.

We wait with interest to hear the final results of Thomas Goodey’s experiments. At this point it seems as though we might well have been right to suspect that pendulums reveal a great deal about the nature of our planet’s gravity and its gravitational relationship with the Moon and the Sun. Could it be that because the Moon blocks out the disc of the Sun so perfectly it is acting as a shield to an ongoing interaction between the Earth and the Sun? Or perhaps it is because all three centres of mass are lined up and something physical occurs at this time?

We also wonder whether the unknown individuals who devised the Megalithic Yard and its inherent geometry understood much more about this pendulum effect than we do. Our previous findings strongly suggest that they knew a great deal more about the Earth –Moon–Sun relationship.


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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by Admin Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:58 am


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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Link to a whole load of complete Sh*te by The Guardian newspaper

Post by Charliesoft Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:01 am

This is complete crap by the Guardian - another company I'm simply going to boycott due to this utter w*nk I found on their website.
It's like a crime how they can try to distract people in this most pitiful way.
I'm also boycotting NatGeo,Discovery and The Sun and Google and Wikipedia (Wiki for promoting porn).


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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by lizardking Sat Jul 22, 2017 5:24 pm

False heroes & Role models (Brian Cox, Russell Brand etc).

I definitely do not agree with everything stated in the video but still an interesting watch.

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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by lizardking Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:24 pm

Jesuit Fraud Albert Einstein VS. God Fearing Nikola Tesla: Which Created Modern Science?

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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by Dabbin Good Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:06 am

[quote="Thinkforyourself"]Posted by questionauthority on 08/01/2015

Apr 27, 2015 21:24:46 GMT drahcir9 said:
I would add Ed Leedskalnin to the list because despite popular belief that he took the secrets of coral castle to the grave, he did in fact apply for patents for all of his inventions and devices but all were turned down as the reviewing boards could not understand them. Ed, being raised in latvia and mostly home schooled by himself, had an intuition about things and i believe did not use accepted western scientific terminology in his applications for patents.

I hadn't looked at Coral Castle in a long time. I was under the impression it was "solved". I remember the door is actually what cut the blocks.. and he moved them with the tripod. Your statement about him, clearly had me intrigued again. And I just spent a few hours reading the his work and - others posts.  

I did see the picture of him holding up the mason square/compass..and all seeing eye.. But darn, I am going to overlook that for the moment. I remember there being like a 6 digit number somewhere.. and that was it. I seriously don't remember that diagram of the sun/earth on the door.  Reading through some of his work.. It really seemed like he didn't want to mention the word grabbity.  I am going to go out there and say deep down he was an aether man..  He seemed to convey that he thought it was a "magnetic" universe. There seems to be alot of stuff i never knew about.. like the well and his "copper/bronze" coated soles.  

As was said - he didn't think the "heliocentric model" was correct. I am going off the top of the head here.. But he said, "If you want the truth.. I have a telescope.. and a sun dial.,. It seems the telescope would look through holes in the rock pointed right at Polaris.. And the sun dial seemed to be totally different then your standard one.  

I really am fixing to dive into this.. I seen on the forum site listed there- people have been at it for years... So I was hoping, I might peak some other peoples curiosity here....   "I'll be back" Smile

I have now read tons of information about Coral Castle. There are many mentions in there about how they would dangle "metal" on strings and they seemed to start aligning with the Sun.. As if the Sun was attracting it somehow.. I found this very interesting and will be researching much more about it.

Also it seems that Ed was using Telluric energies.. He would essentially make a "magnetic" field around him an energize it.. He accomplished this by driving large stakes in the ground and running wires from one to the other.. then applying electricity to amplify the field. Water will "evade/avoid" this field.. Hence the well dug.. and something about Crystals helping also...
This is just a quick assessment, but believe this is definitely in the right direction.. and needs to be looked into deeply.

Last edited by Dabbin Good on Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Condensed/added information)
Dabbin Good
Dabbin Good

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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by Dabbin Good Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:57 pm

As I have stated before that I believe everything is created and maintained by an "electrical" nature..
Just as Nikola Telsa states, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

During some research of Scalar/Telsa waves (which "they" deny exists) I found a guy that some call the "New Tesla" his name is Konstantin Meyl.

Meyl has not only recreated Telsa's wireless energy (about 20 years ago).. but has went so much further.. He has shown that cancer and many other biological problems can be corrected and are caused by "frequencies"..  And points out how the mobile phone is actually designed without any care for the negative health effects that they produce..

Researching him - I found that a paper of his was being redacted called, “DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication.”

There were many articles claiming it was "Crack Science" and being redacted. The article on Live Science states: "According to an expert critical of the work, quoted on Retraction Watch, the same physics applies to telepathy, telekinesis and the human aura."

I clearly remember it being stated, on redactedwatch, with other ridiculing remarks - making it sound as though the paper was being "recalled" because of faulty BS science.

On Redactionwatch they state:
A German professor who claims to have developed “a self-consistent field theory which is used to derive at all known interactions of the potential vortex” will have at least two papers retracted, thanks to the scrutiny of a concerned economist."


My first thought was, "Why and how can "concerned economist" get a science paper about biology redacted". It amazed me... Especially after reading the rest of it.. They have since re-wrote/edited that article.. as the quote on Live Science proves..  

When reading the articles, I knew they were not redacting it for "bunk science" as they were alluding to - but because he had supposedly submitted his paper to multiple journals.. Which I found out is a big NO NO in the "science world".    
My thinking is they were taking forever to answer him about publishing it - so he then submitted it to another..

About 6 months or so ago. Someone I have talked to on-line for awhile, wanted me to watch a veryyyy long series of videos AHK  - Alien Human Kind... I was very hesitant - because I knew it had to do with aliens/ufos - to which I really find boring these days....  but I finally gave in and set out to watch them - and am very glad I did..
Almost all of his videos have very long and repeating intros.. and the good information is spread out in them. Literally most of the videos that are 10 min long. Could be explained in 2 minutes..  But damn does he put out alot of good info in most of them.. . I literally still have about 50 subjects I want to research that I learned from them.

So as I am watching this video about Le Cercle...an he lists groups that was started by them and one is named "The Economists"...

Referred to part is at 9:50 of the video..

Talk about the AH HA moment.. Now I knew why "economist" were the ones that were trying to debunk his paper as "bunk science".  

Le Cercle

In a report dated Sept. 13, 1982, the German publication Der Spiegel describes it as a, "legal cartel" made up of "loyal Bundesnachrichtendienst agents, foreign intelligence agents, reactionary politicians and ultra-right journalists" who played a crucial role in the 1980 election.

In a report from The Independent dated June 28, 1997, the "exclusive think-tank is said to be funded by the CIA" is mentioned because its chairman at the time, former Member of Parliament Jonathan Aitken, was reportedly going to be removed over a libel trial that ultimately sent him to prison for perjury.

In addition to securing changes of government in Germany and the United Kingdom (where Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979), the agenda included objectives such as:
"Undercover financial transactions for political aims"
"International campaigns aiming to discredit hostile personalities or events"
"Creation of a (private) intelligence service specializing in a selective point of view"
"Establishment of offices under suitable cover each run by a coordinator from the central office. Current plans cover London, Washington, Paris, Munich and Madrid"

The Economist

The Economist Group is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli, Layton and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders.

The Economist Group's principal activities are magazines, newspapers, conferences and market intelligence. Publications and services delivered under The Economist brand include The Economist magazine, The Economist online, Economist Intelligence Unit, Economist Conferences, Economist Corporate Network....
Economist Corporate Network

The Economist Corporate Network is a members-only service within The Economist Group providing global and regional business intelligence briefings, presentations, and advice to its subscribers.

The Corporate Network relies on the "information, insight, and interaction" provided by regional experts in its parent organization. 81% of its customers are business executives at the director or senior management levels. It has offices in Dubai, Johannesburg, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo.

Researching The Economist Magizine/Group - I found many things that show their blantant "illuminati" connections..   Here is the 2015 Cover which is filled with symbolism like the helicopter that has "Crop-o-Dust" written on it, and under it is a kid eating..

Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Economist_magazine_jan2015

Here is a link to an article that points out some of the symbolism: https://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/economist-2015-cover-filled-cryptic-symbols-dire-predictions/

So now it is clear to me, why "Economist" were trying to debunk Konstatine Meyl and "news" outlets slander him..
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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by Admin Tue May 01, 2018 7:03 am


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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by spacecreature Mon May 21, 2018 10:30 am

I am curious, are there actual scientists with official degrees from mainstream universities, that have gone all the way and are now flat earthers?
The only one I have come accross, was a Youtuber supposedly a student in physics, called Brian Mullins, and he disappeared to go live as a farmer in a remote location.
There is also Dell's cohost, he has a physics degree or something of the sort. Anyone else???


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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty The Truth about Science and Academy

Post by trake Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:06 am

What they don't tell you about academic publishing | 5 SECRETS
This 15 minute video explains how politics, fame, money and dirty tricks permeate and pollute the academic world.

Short skit on how academic journals make their money.

A video by Vertasium about a recent discovery that the majority of studies are false or unreproducible.

A tedEd 5 minute video about the reproducibility crisis in science.

A clip from a lecture about the replication crisis 2017.

Rachael Ainsworth Tedex talk on the broken research culture in science.


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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Re: Suppressed Science and Scientists

Post by trake Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:56 am

Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 6wq25x


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Suppressed Science and Scientists   - Page 3 Empty Natural miracle cures labeled as dangerous

Post by OpenDoor_ Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:45 am

This medicine https://theuniversalantidote.com CDS(Chlorine Dioxide) is a very powerful molecule that has been shown to cure an number of severe illnesses, chronic conditions/illnesses, infections, and parasitic infections.

This medicine is inexpensive and abundantly available.

In order to not get shutdown by the government CDS cannot be called a cure or a medicine.

CDS can be difficult to find due to the unrelenting propaganda from the main stream media.

This is a great place to purchase some https://miracleproducts.shop/products/cds-water-purfier. The company is based in Australia and sells it as a "water purifier" which is another thing CDS can do.

Please go watch the 2 hour long documentary and check out the in depth information course at https://theuniversalantidote.com for a deeper look.

Last edited by OpenDoor_ on Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : First post, didn't know the url links needed the "https://")


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