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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Russian Blue Cat
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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:24 am

Did somebody ask for "chemicals" in this thread? I can't remember.

Declassified Docs Reveal Genocide by Aerosols "Chemtrails"

Our enemy the State loves us. https://tinyurl.com/yanld8oc

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Schpankme Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:27 am

markwilson wrote:
Did somebody ask for "chemicals" in this thread

Yet another distraction having nothing to do with Evidence for the Chemicals claimed to be coming from Jet Engine - Chemtrails.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:21 pm

Within the two threads—this one, and GPS - Cell Tower - Microwave - 5G—Schpankme has used the term "fear" 18 times of his own self-serving volition.

Who uses that tactic, a fallacious appeal to "fear," no more germane to a discussion of the technology discussed in these pages, than the silly idea that "belief" has anything to do with any harm a particular technology may, or may not, cause? Just Vital

The total count of the term "fear" in all posts, both threads, including found in quotes, is NINETY FIVE times.

The most egregious use of the fallacious appeal is by none other than Schpankme and his tag-team partner, Just Vital.

Here are my uses of it in the two threads:

Quoting Just Vital: Just Vital wrote this; "Remember, almost all fears

Quoting Just Vital again: and you live in fear

Quoting Just Vital again: filled with fear propaganda

Quoting Just Vital again: Do you see it? Information regarding 5G is "fear propaganda."

In the box above my comment which quotes Schpankme: Again, here you are Fear Mongering with heaping piles of nonsense.

In the box above my comment which quotes Just Vital: video filled with fear propaganda

In the box above my comment which quotes Schpankme: This is called FEAR MONGERING

Pointing out Schpankme's use of the deceptive tactic of changing others quotes in order to attack what he himself creates (i.e., quoting Schpankme again): Mark did not say that; Schpankme did. And Schpankme's reply to Schpankme's own statement is; "This is called FEAR MONGERING...."

After Schpankme used above tactic, I ask him: Why are you fear mongering here?

I comment to Schpankme: ASCERTAINING FACTS is not fear mongering.

Calling out a deceiver again (again quoting Schpankme): Schpankme, after butchering Mark's comment to massage it into the distorted creation he himself births, then replies with; "This is called FEAR MONGERING without physical evidence based on what you heard in a VIDEO."

To correct the record, I provide my full comment Schpankme butchered above, and ask: I'll leave it to the reader as to whether the above statement can be classified as "FEAR MONGERING."

Here's a classic use of his deceptive practice of changing quotes (editing quotes to frame what he wants to then reply to):

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Screen30

Obviously he did NOT quote me saying, "Chemicals have been proved FEAR MONGERING" It's simply a deceitful tactic he uses, and is practiced at.

Finally, I ask: Fear mongering, or research?

YET THE SAME GUY HAS THE AUDACITY AFTER I PROVIDE SOME CONTEXT OF CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT'S USE OF MASSIVE ENERGY TO TURN TWO 110 STORY TOWERS INTO DUST, IN ONE COMMENT, TO TELL ME I'M OFF TOPIC. The point being, if the Cabal used energy on 9/11 (massive energy, they did), then it is not too farfetched that they have other plans with other means of weaponizing energy. Logically.

Last edited by markwilson on Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:47 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:35 pm

MORE classic deception:

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Screen31

Do you see what he did? I provided a video I thought informative. Does he comment on the content of what was addressed in the video? No, he does not. But he again fallaciously accuses me of distraction.

How were the damn chemicals delivered? She says "planes were used to drop the chemical" in Texas. Also, "confirmed spraying" by airplane in the video.

Does he address the delivery of chemicals mentioned in the video?! No. He does not.

Are you a member of the Tribe, Lawi?

Last edited by markwilson on Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:03 pm

"In general, aerial delivery systems receive, transport, and disperse fluids, powders, or other substances from aircraft to terrain below for various reasons. In certain cases including fire fighting, weather control...."


Question: Are chemicals dispersed using this aviation patented delivery system?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:18 pm

"In general, aerial delivery systems receive, transport, and disperse fluids, powders, or other substances from aircraft to terrain below for various reasons. In certain cases including fire fighting, weather control, decontamination exercises...."

"These and other applications where large quantities of materials are to be aerially dispersed...."


Question: Are chemicals dispersed in either "weather control," or "decontamination exercises," and under the overwatch of Federal hazmat safety requirements?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:29 am

"In 1953, an odious series of 36 tests was conducted on citizens of Winnipeg in Canada. Our government lied to the Winnipeg mayor, assuring him that the tests were non-toxic and defense-necessary. The actual purpose of these CIA-designed tests was to see how large a percentage of the population could be given chemical-induced cancer. (emphasis added)

Our spray planes and spray trucks saturated the people of Winnipeg with the carcinogen zinc cadmium sulfide, the same chemical sprayed on many American cities." (emphasis added)

See, https://tinyurl.com/w56q7ku

Regarding the assertion in the above article that the spraying occurred in 1953, see the below extract from another source discussing the same criminal activity by our most benevolent State, who wouldn't dare think to now spray particulate matter into the air above us:

"Between July 9, 1953 and Aug 1, 1953, six kilograms of zinc cadmium sulfide was sprayed onto unsuspecting citizens of Winnipeg from U.S. Army planes. The Army returned 11 years later and repeated the experiments in Suffield, Alta. and Medicine Hat, Alta., according to Lisa Martino-Taylor. (emphasis added)

Local governments had no knowledge of these experiments, according to documents obtained by Martino-Taylor, a professor of sociology at St. Louis Community College and author of “Behind the Fog: How the U.S. Cold War Radiological Weapons Program Exposed Innocent Americans.” Instead, they were fed a cover story by the Pentagon."

See, https://tinyurl.com/y4svunwt

See also Wikipedia (operation LAC):

"Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage) was a United States Army Chemical Corps operation which dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States and Canada in order to test dispersal patterns and the geographic range of chemical or biological weapons." (emphasis added)

See, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_LAC

"The ZnCdS used in the Army studies appeared as a yellow or green (depending on whether copper or silver was used as an activator), somewhat fluffy powder under visible light. It was composed of about 80% zinc sulfide, ZnS, and 20% cadmium sulfide, CdS"

See, https://www.nap.edu/read/5739/chapter/5

"Common zinc compounds found at hazardous waste sites include zinc chloride, zinc oxide, zinc sulfate, and zinc sulfide." (emphasis added)

See, https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/substances/toxsubstance.asp?toxid=54

Cadmium sulfide (below are its hazmat considerations):

H302: Harmful if swallowed [Warning Acute toxicity, oral]
H341: Suspected of causing genetic defects [Warning Germ cell mutagenicity]
H350: May cause cancer [Danger Carcinogenicity]
H361fd: Suspected of damaging fertility; Suspected of damaging the unborn child (emphasis added)
H372 **: Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure [Danger Specific target organ toxicity, repeated exposure]
H413: May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life [Hazardous to the aquatic environment, long-term hazard]

See, https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Cadmium-sulfide#datasheet=LCSS

Also regarding zinc sulfide, and from another source (within which it is referred to as "Asbestos dust":

Health Hazard
Excerpt from ERG Guide 171 [Substances (Low to Moderate Hazard)]:

Inhalation of material may be harmful. Contact may cause burns to skin and eyes. Inhalation of Asbestos dust may have a damaging effect on the lungs. Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Some liquids produce vapors that may cause dizziness or suffocation. Runoff from fire control may cause pollution. (ERG, 2016)

See, https://m.cameochemicals.noaa.gov/chemical/23077

Ex-EPA boss Whitman offers first-ever apology for bad info on post-9/11 air quality: ‘People have died because I made a mistake’

"Just seven days after the attack, while dust and debris laced with lead, asbestos and a host of other contaminants, coated the buildings and streets surrounding the World Trade Center site, Whitman released a statement declaring the air "safe to breathe." (emphasis added)

See, https://tinyurl.com/rv7zspm

SUMMATION: Government is not the answer, it's the problem.

No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, Lysander Spooner (1808-1887)
See, https://tinyurl.com/janf7pq

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Russian Blue Cat Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:42 am

Realearth wrote:
Russian Blue Cat wrote:Let me help some people out when it comes to proof, if you can't replicate or prove it yourself how does it benefit you or others by beLIEving in it? Show me at least 1 experiment anyone can do proving these white streaks are somehow bad for us and the environment

Stress is harmful to the human body.
Looking at these strange ominous chemtrails, sometimes covering most of the sky, is stressful to many.
One can replicate this stress.
There's your proof....

Automatically assuming that it's chemtrails without providing any experiments proving these white streaks are harmful chemicals lets me know you have nothing to say of any importance.
Russian Blue Cat
Russian Blue Cat

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Realearth Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:34 am

Russian Blue Cat wrote:
Realearth wrote:
Russian Blue Cat wrote:Let me help some people out when it comes to proof, if you can't replicate or prove it yourself how does it benefit you or others by beLIEving in it? Show me at least 1 experiment anyone can do proving these white streaks are somehow bad for us and the environment

Stress is harmful to the human body.
Looking at these strange ominous chemtrails, sometimes covering most of the sky, is stressful to many.
One can replicate this stress.
There's your proof....

Automatically assuming that it's chemtrails without providing any experiments proving these white streaks are harmful chemicals lets me know you have nothing to say of any importance.

For this thread Chemtrails = white streaks
Refer to first posting page of this thread.

Last edited by Realearth on Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Sp.)

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:13 pm

[edit] he addresses chemtrails/5g in the first few moments.

[2nd edit] Powerful. At the very end. The artist painting the globe. The globe, replete, with, chemtrails. Background video? In answer; chemtrails. Brilliant.

Question; why does the artist paint chemtrails about his globe ball resting on a hand?

Question; whose hand is it?

Last edited by markwilson on Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:37 pm

Let's toot our horn in bold banner:

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Screen32

Question; are "lab-created nano aerosols" composed of chemicals? or perhaps only water, with maybe some crystallized peanut butter added to taste?


1) "Climate change will affect nearly every person on the planet in the coming decades,” according to Jake Fontana, a research physicist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). [unaware he lives on a horizontal plane]

*Jake Fontana, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, Faculty Member, https://navy-research.academia.edu/JakeFontana

[interpretation] We're changing it, and you're going to live in our product.

2) "Our ability to reliably predict and reasonably prepare for that change depends on how well we can model the climate."

[interpretation] "how well we can model the climate." As a verb. Jake runs. He models. We model the climate as we deem appropriate.

3) "Thanks to a new tool developed by Fontana and his team at NRL, more accurate models may be on the way."

[interpretation] Our precision in the deployment of our lab-created nano aerosols will allow us to more accurately engage target in the future.

4) "In fact, Fontana says that the largest uncertainty in models of the climate and extreme weather events is related to how clouds interact with aerosols, tiny particles in the atmosphere that come primarily from volcanic eruptions, desert dust storms, and burning coal and oil.

[interpretation] (wink, wink, this is really all about our "lab-created nano aerosols.") But we do pay some lip service here to the natural aerosols, as opposed to our synthetic chemical aerosols.

5) "The real power of this system is that PNs can be atmospheric catalysts and monitors in the same experiment—making them very versatile tools."

[interpretation] A catalyst is not a monitor. A chemtrail is not a contrail. One is designed, one natural.

Catalyst, noun, a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change: chlorine acts as a catalyst promoting the breakdown of ozone. --Apple Dictionary

We catalyst a change, and then monitor it at the same time; all by the wonders of our chemicals! Neat!

[interpretation of definition] Our synthetic chemical(s) "increases the rate of chemical reaction," as they interact with the in-place, natural (organic vs. synthetic) aerosols already in nature, with oh, let's say clouds, as an example, and yet without our chemical, "itself," undergoing "any permanent chemical change." We change, and are not changed.

6) "After decades of challenges, we may finally have the tools for conducting experiments with nano-sized aerosols, experiments whose results could inform climate models and give us more accurate predictions."

[interpretation] We have the nano aerosols now resulting in us being able to "inform" (wink, wink) "climate models and give us more accurate predictions," because we "inform" the model and control the model with our nano aerosols.

7) "As we face a future with increasingly more extreme weather events, this could be invaluable."

[interpretation] Why are we faced with a "future with increasingly more extreme weather events"? Have the laws of nature decided, in consultation with this clown, to do something other than what they have always done?? Who is causing the "increasingly more extreme weather events"? Because it isn't nature.

8 ) "The researchers point out that such aerosols have potential in wide-ranging applications from next-generation optical technologies to nanomedicine and remote sensing. Perhaps someday, other types of nanoparticles could even be deployed as a form of climate engineering."

[interpretation] "nanomedicine" and "remote sensing"

Lab-created nano aerosols as chemical-laced nanomedicine. Along with the remote sensing delivered by those same chemicals.

Please hear the order of what he just confessed; "nanomedicine and remote sensing" --with "nanoparticles" (chemicals), "deployed as a form of climate engineering," but only "perhaps someday." Future; we will neither confirm nor deny we are presently "climate engineering," with our "lab-created nano aerosols [chemicals]."

The art of the lie.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Fri Mar 20, 2020 4:17 am

An interesting correspondence from one "Andrea Psoras-QEDI [apsoras@qedinternational.com], to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and as regards the subject, "CFTC Requests Public Input on Possible Regulation of Event Contracts," along with an article by an Amy Worthington of https://www.globalresearch.ca/, titled "Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons In The Age Of Nuclear War," can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/uf5sfan

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Screen45

Some interesting Notes under the correspondence from Psoras to the CFTC:

5. "The Theft of Sunlight," Clifford Carnicom, 10-25-03: " ... Measurements show a rapid reduction in the transmission of sunlight from a value of 97% on a 'clear day' to the lower level of approximately 80% during the early stages of heavy aerosol operations....The absorption and displacement of this solar energy into environmental, military, biological and electromagnetic operations represents a theft of the natural and divine rights of the inhabitants of this planet." www.carnicom.com.

6. "Visibility Standards Changed," Clifford Carnicom, 3-30-01: "It will be noted that in October of 1997, a change in the reporting system of visibility data was reduced from a former maximum of 40 miles to a limit of 10 miles. It is a reasonable question to ask as to why that change was made, and whether or not it was made in anticipation of ... large scale aircraft aerosol operations over large scale geographic regions." www.carnicom.com .

8. "Atmospheric Conductivity," Clifford Carnicom, 7-09-01, www.carnicom.com.

9. For facts on barium toxicity, see Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, September 1995. For references on barium related to chemtrails, see www.carnicom.com for the following articles: "Barium Tests are Positive," Clifford Carnicom, 5-10-04; "Sub-micron Particulates Isolated," Carnicom, 4-26-04; "Barium Affirmed by Spectroscopy," Clifford Carnicom, 11-1-2000; "Electrolysis and Barium," Carnicom, 5-27-02; "Rainwater Metals," Carnicom, 7-30-01; "Barium Identification Further Confirmed," Carnicom, 11-28-00.

15. Angels Don't Play This HAARP, Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, 1995; "HAARP: Vandalism in the
" Begich and Manning, Nexus Magazine, January 1996.

17. Death In the Air, Global Terrorism and ToxicWarfare, Leonard G. Horowitz, Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2001; "Military Conducting Biological Warfare in Washington," 12-12-97, www.rense.com: Probing the Chemtrails Conundrum, William Thomas, Essence Publications, 2000, www.willthomas.net.

18. For a comprehensive list of those involved in Operation Cloverleaf and associated projects, see: "Chemtrails--Top Intel, Military, and Defense Contractors Watching Carnicom.com," rense.com, 1-12-00. Among agencies most interested in opposition to chemtrail projects is the United States Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute associated with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. See: "The Monitors of JGI," Clifford Carnicom, March 17, 2003, carnicom.com. 19. The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War-- A paper presented at the World Depleted Uranium weapons Conference at the University of Hamburg, October 16-19, 2003, Dr Leuren Moret ... Dr. Moret is a former staff scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Her work is highly documented with scientific papers.

30. "Air Force Increases Rank of Lie," letter by Walter M. Washabaugh, Colonel, USAF, denying the existence of chemtrails, received by e-mail on May 22, 2001 and posted at www.carnicom.com by Clifford E Carnicom, May 22 2001.

35. "An Airline Manager's Statement," Posted by C. E. Carnicom on behalf of the author, 5-22-00. Quote: "The few airline employees who were briefed on Project Cloverleaf were all made to undergo background checks, and before we were briefed on it we were made to sign non-disclosure agreements which basically state that if we tell anyone what we know we could be imprisoned .... They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft .... When we asked them why didn't they just rig military aircraft to spray these chemicals, they stated that there weren't enough military aircraft available to release chemicals on such a large basis as needs to be done .... Then someone asked why all the secrecy. The government reps then stated that if the general public knew that the aircraft they were flying on were releasing chemicals into the air, environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop."

46. "Chemtrails, Bio-Active Crystalline Cationic Polymers," Dr. Mike Castle, 7-14-93 Seewww.willthomas.net.

48. "Nanoparticles Toxic in Aquatic Habitat, Study Finds," Rick Weiss, Washington Post, 3-29-04.

62. "HAARP: Vandalism in the Sky?" Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, Nexus Magazine, December

67. "14 Hertz Signal Suppresses Rainfall, Induces Violent Winds," 10-25-00, Newshawk Inc.; "When the Army Owns the Weather--Chemtrails and HAARP," Bob Fitrakis, 2-13-02: In this article HAARP inventor Bernard Eastlund is quoted on how HAARP can affect the weather: "Significant experiments could be performed. The HAARP antenna as it is now configured modulates the auroral electrojet to induce ELF waves and thus could have an effect on the zonal winds." Find this article with search
engine at www.rense.com.

78. Testimony by Dr. Leonard A. Cole before the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, May 6, 1994; also Clouds of Secrecy, The Army's Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas, Leonard A. Cole, Rowman & Littlefield, 1988.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by susie Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:07 pm

Nami vans seen at schools during lockdown

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:30 pm

susie wrote:http://www.nami.org.hk/en/nami/board_of_directors.html
Nami vans seen at schools during lockdown

I couldn't find anything on the vans at schools (that's not to say there isn't, but I couldn't find anything on it). What is the source for that information? A search results in several "Nanotech Co." companies. Is "Nanotech Co." related to the "Nami" organization and vans you provided a link to (and if so, which "Nanotech Co.")?

Curiously, I did find another NAMI that seems to be all over COVID-19 as it relates to mental illness. Is it a curiosity? Possibly ominous? https://tinyurl.com/qqghxmj

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Screen46

These people are all over coupling the two together; Coronaviruses (i.e., a "common cold," The 1989 American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine), with mental illness.

For example, under the banner, "NAMI Urges Congress To Help People With Mental Illness In The COVID-19 Crisis," we find:


1. Remove Barriers To Mental Health Treatment

People need ways to manage existing mental health conditions and maintain mental wellness while reducing their exposure to COVID-19. This is especially important for people with mental illness who have co-occurring medical conditions or who take medications that suppress their immune system. To address this, Congress should....

2. Promote Coverage For Health And Mental Health Care

People with mental health conditions are often uninsured or face barriers to getting needed treatment and supports, particularly during this time of national crisis [what national crisis?]. To address this, Congress should....

3. Ensure Safe Housing For People With Severe Mental Illness

Many people with serious conditions are living in tents, under bridges, coming in and out of shelters, or living in group homes. People with mental illness facing housing insecurity are uniquely vulnerable to being exposed to the virus, and an outbreak in shelters or encampments would exacerbate this national emergency. Additionally, many people with mental health conditions are at risk of losing housing with the loss of steady income. To help, Congress should....

4. Support Nonprofits’ Capacity To Serve

Nonprofits, specifically 501(c)3 charitable organizations, are on the frontlines every day, serving people with mental health conditions. During the coronavirus crisis, nonprofits like NAMI organizations are struggling to meet greater demand, fill in gaps in public services and provide information and supports to people from the safety of their homes. To support nonprofits, Congress should....

5. Provide Paid Leave To Preserve Health

Many people with mental health conditions are in jobs that do not have paid leave. This gap could force people to choose between giving up their paycheck to avoid spreading the virus or continue to go to work and possibly contribute to community spread. To address this, Congress should....

It doesn't take much contemplation to see Orwellian-speak oozing from these people. Link a benign "national crisis" common cold ailment that man has seasonally weathered throughout time, to "mental illness." What does a stuffy nose have to do with mental illness, and why should Congress interfere with medical, and/or "mental illness" issues, best left to the several States? Unless it is we're seeing, what was a previously soft, now become the hard, rollout of the Red Terror communist takeover of America. It's beginning to feel like it. Is there not something fundamentally broken now as we become more like the Chinese people audibly bleating from their government provided housing while they are placed under house arrest?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:38 pm

susie wrote:http://www.nami.org.hk/en/nami/board_of_directors.html
Nami vans seen at schools during lockdown

Are you not linking to the wrong NAMI? In the video you shared in the other thread, the NAMI Comfort Systems van seen in it seems to belong to this outfit: https://www.naminc.com/

Are those vans, by themselves, something to be concerned about?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by markwilson Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:32 pm

Yuma, AZ, sun beating down on us quite vigorously when sitting outside. No reason crystalized water would not timely evaporate in this heat behind flying aircraft. No reason whatsoever.

A persistent chemtrail of particulate matter intermingling with natural cloud cover. From my cheap $250 phone:

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Chemtr10

Compare with the short video of a contrail evaporating behind the aircraft I shared a few days ago in this thread.

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Russian Blue Cat Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:28 pm

How to get people to write you off 101: Point to the air and start talking about invisible, undetectable, and unprovable danger

Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 3tqhsq10
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Russian Blue Cat

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by AlienActivity Sun May 10, 2020 12:58 am

As soon as the coronavirus hit here where I live in the US (around March) the chemtrail game has switched up. They are basically non-existent most days, as opposed to before it was basically 24/7. I really wonder what they are up to, have they just swapped their game up totally and most of their agenda is on the corona stuff and whatever else now? Probably.

Curious if anyone else has similiar experiences?

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by susie Wed May 20, 2020 5:25 am


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by susie Wed May 20, 2020 5:30 am

AlienActivity wrote:As soon as the coronavirus hit here where I live in the US (around March) the chemtrail game has switched up. They are basically non-existent most days, as opposed to before it was basically 24/7. I really wonder what they are up to, have they just swapped their game up totally and most of their agenda is on the corona stuff and whatever else now? Probably.

Curious if anyone else has similiar experiences?
Early mornings heavy saturation here.  Timeline identical.  And of course tornado producers non stop.  They say tornado alley is now in the south.   Rolling Eyes

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by susie Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:01 pm


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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by susie Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:13 pm

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by Dab_Tsog Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:02 pm

Hello all. I just found this article from 2001 and thought I would archive it here. It suggests that the flood in Devon, UK, on August 15, 1952 was an experiment by the RAF and the Mod. They even made a documentary about it called, The Day They Made It Rain.



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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by susie Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:21 pm

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Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP   - Page 17 Empty Re: Chemtrails, Geo-engineering And HAARP

Post by nowhereelsetogo Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:29 am

Had a day out with my three grown DAUGHTERS yesterday and talked a little about the spraying - there were trails lingering and morphing in the sky. It is very difficult to convince people that they should pay attention.

Thanks for posting that. I've sent it to my lovely GIRLS. I hope they cry a bit like I did when the LADY breaks up a little.

I'm trying to find the time to investigate chelation(?), specifically of the mentioned elements. Does anyone have any dense, reliable information?

I'm fed up watching hours of stuff for very little value or unscientific, unverifiable article that end by pushing products.

I know a good healthy diet rich in leafy greens hepls but we're probably getting f*cking saturated.

I know of 'Mr Aluminium' and have started studying his work.

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