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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators   Empty The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:28 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/21/2015

The oldest and largest secret society in existence has a secret so huge and well-hidden, so contrary to what we have been taught to believe, that its exposure threatens to not only completely and single-handedly crush their New World Order "United Nations" but to radically reshape the entirety of modern academia, universities, the mainstream / alternative medias, all the world's governments, space agencies, and the very Earth beneath our feet.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators   Empty Re: The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:28 pm

Posted by pilot on 04/21/2015
That was a great interview.  The bit about the "vacuum of space" needing to be a closed system was really important and seems obvious, but no one ever acknowledges it.   I'm kind of shocked that moon hoax researchers never brought that up.  It seems like some people think there is space travel in low earth orbit, even though they are sure apollo was faked.  I don't quite get that.  How could you ever trust anything nasa claims after coming to the conclusion they lied about masons on the moon?

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators   Empty Re: The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:28 pm

Posted by snorlaxx on 04/25/2015
This is a really good interview. This is what I sent my open minded friends and family.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators   Empty Re: The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:29 pm

Posted by rebecca on 04/30/2015
You make some excellent points in this interview Eric. And it is so obvious that the light of he sun and moon are completely different! 
Have sent this around to some friends to get them thinking.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators   Empty Re: The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:30 pm

Posted by planetruth on 05/04/2015
Instant Classic as Eric explains in FE MasonMatrix Manipulators the reasons behind why the Globalists wish to deceive the mass sheeple. 

"So it’s like trauma based mind control beating the divinity out of us."

Starts at 49:51

“Our eyes and ears tell us the Earth is flat and motionless, everything in the sky revolves around us but when we cease to believe our own eyes and experience we have to we have to prostrate ourselves at the feet of the of the very pseudo scientists who are blinding us treat them as experts. Astronomical priests who have special knowledge only they can access like the Hubble telescope.

So by brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental it actually makes every other kind of lesser indoctrination a piece a cake, earth being the flat earth center of the universe of which everything else and the heavens revolve, gives special importance and significance not only to earth but to us humans, the most intelligent of the designers design.

By turning earth into a spinning, thrown around the Sun, shot into infinite space from a God-less big bang, they turned humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless accident of a blind dumb universe.

So it’s like trauma based mind control beating the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations.
Now people are always asking us “why do they do this?”, Well other than the obvious profit margin motive, NASA being the biggest black hole, big budget in existence, sucking in more than $30 Billion in tax payer dollars for the fake Moon landing alone, and nowadays hundreds of billions of dollars, not just NASA but RASA, and all the other fake space organizations around the world giving CGI Images costing hundreds of billions of dollars.

So this modern atheistic, Big Bang, heliocentric globe earth, chance evolution, paradigm spiritually controls humanity by removing God or any sort of intelligent design from the mind and replaces purposeful divine creation with haphazard random cosmic coincidence.

And so by removing Earth from the motionless center of the universe these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference.

If the Earth is the center of the Universe then the ideas of God creation and a purpose for human existence are resplendent, but if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars and billions of galaxies then the ideas of God creations and a specific purpose of for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.

By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist sun worship, not only do we lose faith beyond the material we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, social status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism.

If there is no God and everyone is just an accident then all that matters is me, me, me. So they’ve turned Madonna, the Mother of God into the Material Girl living in a material world.

Their rich powerful corporations and slick sun cult logos sell us idol to worship to slowly taking over the world while we tacitly take over the world while we believe their science, vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, watching their movies all sacrificing our souls to the altar of materialism.

It’s a big deception!”

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators   Empty Re: The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

Post by Schpankme Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:52 pm

How do Freemasons fake space and explore Spaceballs?

They catch a ride on NASA CGI.

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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators   Empty Re: The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

Post by Admin Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:08 pm

Now in HD remixed and remastered by ODD Reality:

Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:08 am; edited 2 times in total

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The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators   Empty Re: The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

Post by Schpankme Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:54 pm

John F. Kennedy (35th President of US INC)
12 September 1962
"We Choose to Go to the Moon" speech at Rice University in Texas.

"We meet at a college noted for knowledge,
in a city noted for progress,
in a State noted for strength,
and we stand in need of all three,
for we meet in an hour of change and challenge,
in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance."

For the children who are now customers of Rice University in Texas have just complete their 14,000 hours of indoctrination where they have been taught to fear the mighty wrath of fake nukes, which are capable of travelling to their locations, via ICBMS/MIRVs, through the man-made-construct of Space.
Cold War (1947 – 1991) .. Duck and Cover

"The greater our knowledge increases,
the greater our ignorance unfolds."

For the most dangerous creature on the face of the Earth is an educated idiot.

"No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come,
but condense,
if you will,
the 50,000 years of man's recorded history in a time span of but a half-century."

Can you see the opening minutes for the movie -- 2001: A Space Odyssey -- this epic 1968 Science Fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The screenplay, written by Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke. You will note that Clarke also invented the communication satellite in the 1940's, long before anyone could have had physical verification of the man-made-construct of Space.

"Stated in these terms,
we know very little about the first forty years,
except at the end of them advanced man had learned to use the skins of animals to cover themselves."

Without murder there are no skins to cover ones self within the garden.

"Then about ten years ago,
under this standard,
man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter."

Then came Hillbilly Evolution which states, that you came down from the trees as Apes to cook your meat and dairy, causing your women folk to loose most of their body hair so the Babes could no longer cling to mother up high in the canopy, so now you've been forced to live in caves, and burn trees for warmth.

"Only five years ago man learned to write and use a cart with wheels."

This means educating someone to read and write and communicate in a language based on ideologies which have been created for them.  You don't need to confuse the people by changing their language, you just need to teach them one language and control what they perceive to be fact and fiction. Let them read about it and they will believe what they read, because there is nothing to tell them differently.

"Christianity began less than two years ago."

What more can be said, the illiterate taught their offspring to fear and worship the magical man, and now these children can read the same stories to their children.

"The printing press came this year,
and then less than two months ago,
during this whole fifty-year span of human history,
the steam engine provided a new source of power."

The mass media and entertainment industry control what you think and wear.

"Newton explored the meaning of gravity."

Thy Lord God of [G]ravity to replace the magical man and give power to the unknown and ever expanding universe.

"Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available."

This new concept of the Consumer, who pays tax on his labor, and tax on his property, and tax on his utilities, and tax on his transportation needs.

Only last week did we develop penicillin and television and nuclear power,
and now if America's new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Venus,
we will have literally reached the stars before midnight tonight.

There is no Nuclear Power, No Spacecraft, and Venus is one of the wandering Stars.

This is a breathtaking pace,
and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old,
new ignorance,
new problems,
new dangers.

You the Tax paying Consumers need Corporations of high-standards to explore the man-made construct of Space.

Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships,
as well as high reward.

The new religion of Theoretical Physics will be worshiped through the Educational System, and enforced through the Media and entertainment Industry.

"So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest,
to wait."

"But this city of Houston,
this State of Texas,
this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them."

"This country was conquered by those who moved forward and so will space."

The North American Continent was conquered by White Imported Christian who carried symbols of torture, and brought with them sickness and disease.

"William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony,
said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties,
and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage."

Maybe Bradford forgot to notice the Indians thriving on the same piece of Land as his Colony.  God save the King.

"If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything,
it is that man,
in his quest for knowledge and progress,
is determined and cannot be deterred."

"The exploration of space will go ahead,
whether we join in it or not,
and it is one of the great adventures of all time."

There are no governments there are only Corporations.

"This generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space."

"We mean to be a part of it - we mean to lead it."

"For the eyes of the world now look into space,
to the moon and to the planets beyond,
and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest,
but by a banner of freedom and peace."

Space the fake frontier, these are the voyages of the corporate Enterprise.

"We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction,
but with instruments of knowledge and understanding."

"Yet the vows of this nation can only be fulfilled if we in this nation are first."

The Fear of being last into fake Space.

"In short, our leadership in science and in industry,
our hopes for peace and security,
our obligations to ourselves as well as others,
all require us to make this effort … to become the world's leading space-faring nation."

Worship the new One World Religion and give generously at the alter of Theoretical Science.

"We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained,
and new rights to be won,
and they must be won and used for the progress of
all people."

Three cheers for Alien Technology.

"There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet."

"Its hazards are hostile to us all."

"Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind,
and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation may never come again."

Will make Movies about Space and it's exploration.

But why, some say, the moon?
Why choose this as our goal?
And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain?
Why, thirty-five years ago, fly the Atlantic?
Why does Rice play Texas?

We choose to go to the moon.

We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,
not because they are easy,
but because they are hard,
because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills.

Let us turn to the Book of NASA, Chapter 9:11-33, where we read:

True godliness resteth only upon [G]ravity and therefore always remaineth invincible. But whosoever heareth these my words and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which hath builded his house upon the sand.

Oh LORD God of [G]ravity shall not they teach thee and tell thee and utter thy word [G]ravity?

Thy LORD God of [G]ravity, is greatness and power and victory: for all that is in heaven above and on earth below is thine: thine is the kingdom and thy glory of [G]ravity.

Did thy LORD [G]od of Gravity not make thee Billions, and Billions, and Billions, and Billions of stars in the sky, more in multitude, then the sand of the sea shore which is innumerable.  

Feel the Heliocentric Faith coursing through your veins.  Praise be to [G]ravity.

And the FREEMASONS did rejoice.

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