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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:31 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/03/2015
The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   33981

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   130325tabernacle

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Cosma.4

After watching The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug and The Battle of the Five Armies, I began thinking that the films/books are referencing the Flat Earth. In the movie there is a huge central mountain in "middle Earth" full of treasure, guarded by a dragon, and fought over by 5 armies. Considering the research I've been doing into Mount Meru/Sumeru being a huge mountain of magnetite at the very center-point of Earth, this legend very well may be based on fact. 

Also considering the layout of Atlantis and ancient wheel maps are in "rings," the idea of "The Lord of the Rings" fits with this geography.

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Atlantida3-g

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Cloth

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Yn0Sj0XXpRLKZ2s6lAmQ

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   86g5Dr7MB_X3kzsUTJKl

The gate of "Lonely Mountain" is guarded by giant human being statues as well, just like many of the temples here in Thailand:

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Erebor_gate

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   P11202801

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   07THI-191-p1

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:32 pm

Posted by eschaton on 05/03/2015
Apparently Tolkien was heavily influenced by Finnish Mythology in which they lived in a flat World. I've also heard that Tolkien believed that the "Mythology" books he was reading were in fact true and not fictional.

This is interesting description of the Lord of The Rings World.  Notice how Sauron reshapes the Earth into a sphere just like they've done to us. 

The Physical State of Arda (Eä)

Arda, after its creation was originally flat in shape, containing mainly the continent of Middle-earth and Aman to Extreme West, also called the Undying Lands, where the Valar lived and later on where the Elves lived during the dawn of the Dominion of Men. When the King of Númenor, Ar-Pharazôn tried to reach the Undying Lands as a way to become immortal, due to the corrupting powers of Sauron and Morgoth, Eru Illuvatar, at the request of the Valar, removed the entire continent from Arda and reshaped it into a sphere, which is the shape of the Earth today.

Even though Aman was removed from Arda, and all paths on Arda are now bent, there remained a straight path across the sea that only the Elves or those granted special access (like the Ringbearing Hobbits Bilbo, Frodo and Sam, along with Gimli) could travel. In this way those allowed to take this path were able to travel outside the realm of Arda and so pass to Aman. Because this path was only open to the Elves, the mortal races of Middle-earth (Men, Dwarves, Hobbits etc.) were unable to ever again come within sight of the Blessed Realm during life.


I haven't dug to deep into the LOTR connections but I'm sure there are many more.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:32 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/03/2015
As for "The Two Towers" the Kabbalistic/Masonic symbology is quite obvious:

9/11 Masonic Symbology

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   The-two-towers-rings-kabbalah

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Tracing-dame1

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Mason-middle-pillar-isis

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Thehighpriestess

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Ixxi-1

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Cathedrals

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Ttwrs

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   350px-ParodyConspiracy

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Jachinboaz2

Notice: Salomon Brothers two towers, Temple of Solomon two towers, and Sauron/Sarumon's tower from Lord of the Rings:

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Saruman

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Saruman-Two-Towers

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Threepillars

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Three%2520pillars%2520web%2520sight

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Lodge

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   223f3e25d56b

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Broken-column1

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Freemason-first-degree-pleiades-orion-wayne-herschel

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   AASRPicsFromMiddleEast1

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:33 pm

Posted by on 05/04/2015
and let's add to the list the M-one-eye Puppet Master's Collection Agency:  

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   4j3h_Xho4vErGY_AlFnM

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Y66yDPrd_aDToSOQpbPj

Sinister Sites: IRS Headquarters, Maryland

The art in front of the IRS Headquarters features a pyramid with a capstone between two pillars. The black and white stripes refer to the Hermetic concept of duality.

That is all well and good, but what does “Vox Populi” have to do with the IRS? Can citizens weigh in or vote on anything about the IRS? Why are the pillars black and white? Why is there a pyramid with a capstone between them? As it is the case for most occult symbols, there’s as basic (and unsatisfactory) interpretation given to the masses and a “real” meaning for those in the know. For those in the know, the art is a nod to the highest degrees of Freemasonry, the true source of power in America – not unlike what the Washington monument stands for.Twin Pillars

The symbolism of the twin pillars is ancient and very meaningful as it refers to the core of hermetism, the basis of secret society teachings. In short, the pillars represent duality and the union of opposites:

“The right Tablet of the Law further signifies Jachin – the white pillar of light; the left Tablet, Boaz – the shadowy pillar of darkness. These were the names of the two pillars cast from brass set up on the porch of King Solomon’s Temple. They were eighteen cubits in height and beautifully ornamented with wreaths of chainwork, nets, and pomegranates. 

On the top of each pillar was a large bowl – now erroneously called a ball or globe – one of the bowls probably containing fire and the other water. The celestial globe (originally the bowl of fire), surmounting the right-hand column (Jachin), symbolized the divine man; the terrestrial globe (the bowl of water), surmounting the left-hand column (Boaz), signified the earthly man. 

These two pillars respectively connote also the active and the passive expressions of Divine Energy, the sun and the moon, sulphur and salt, good and bad, light and darkness. Between them is the door leading into the House of God, and standing thus at the gates of Sanctuary they are a reminder that Jehovah is both an androgynous and an anthropomorphic deity. As two parallel columns they denote the zodiacal signs of Cancer and Capricorn, which were formerly placed in the chamber of initiation to represent birth and death – the extremes of physical life. They accordingly signify the summer and the winter solstices, now known to Freemasons under the comparatively modern appellation of the “two St. Johns.”

In the mysterious Sephirothic Tree of the Jews, these two pillars symbolize Mercy and Severity. Standing before the gate of King Solomon’s Temple, these columns had the same symbolic import as the obelisks before the sanctuaries of Egypt. When interpreted Qabbalistically, the names of the two pillars mean “In strength shall My House be established. “In the splendor of mental and spiritual illumination, the High Priest stood between the pillars as a mute witness to the perfect virtue of equilibrium – that hypothetical point equidistant from all extremes. 

He thus personified the divine nature of man in the midst of his compound constitution – the mysterious Pythagorean Monad in the presence of the Duad. On one side towered the stupendous column of the intellect; on the other, the brazen pillar of the flesh. Midway between these two stands the glorified wise man, but he cannot reach this high estate without first suffering upon the cross made by joining these pillars together. 

The early Jews occasionally represented the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, as the legs of Jehovah, thereby signifying to the modern philosopher that Wisdom and Love, in their most exalted sense, support the whole order of creation – both mundane and supermundane.”
– Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:34 pm

Posted by dark on 05/04/2015
It's said that CS Lewis and Tolkien were good friends and members of the Golden Dawn, which Crowley was also a part of. Lord of the Rings trilogy definitely has much symbolism

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:34 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/05/2015
The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Librtycp

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Liberty%2520cap

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Happy%2Bsmurfs

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Mithra

There have been many mythological mushroom heroes known throughout history. Perseus was an ancient mushroom hero, founder and King of the city-state of Mycenae (Mushroom City). Perseus flew around on winged sandals making “Perseia” a magical herb, grow wherever he dropped the chape of his scabbard. Wherever Perseus dropped his cap, “myces,” mushrooms would sprout underneath. Libertus is another mushroom hero whose depiction can be found atop the US Capitol building of all places. Libertus wears a Liberty Cap (or Phrygian Cap) which is shaped like and named after the Liberty Cap mushroom. This is where we get the idea of a “thinking cap” because when you ingest the cap you are teleported into an introspective, wondrous experience. The Phrygian/Liberty Cap was worn by Masonic revolutionaries during the French and American revolutions as well as by Perseus, Mithra, Santa, Elves, and the Smurfs. It is also worn as a “night cap,” a double entendre which nowadays means having an alcoholic beverage before bed. The original idea of a night cap, however, was when Mithraic/Mystery school initiates would eat a large mushroom cap then lay in hot tubs and astrally project out of body.

Mushroom Mythologies

The Multi-Faceted Magic Mushroom

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:34 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/05/2015
"The Lord of the Rings" by Bernard Weckman

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Eye-of-sauron

A few weeks ago I finished re-reading Tolkien’s The Hobbit and the Lord Of The Rings, the latter considered by many to be one of the greatest literary achievements of the twentieth century. This I followed by watching – for the third time – Peter Jackson’s LOTR movie trilogy and the sequels An Unexpected Journey and The Desolation Of Smaug. Really good stories come in many shapes and cultural guises from the Sumerian Gilgamesh to Homer’s Helen of Troy, from the Norse Edda to the Arabian Nights, from Goethe’s Faust to Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code etc.etc.

Then we have the spectacular visual epics of Star Wars or – more recently – Thor and its sequel. But, truth be told, all good stories, no matter in which guise, are only ever variations of the same few themes, the same themes that are also at the heart of every folktale: love, adventure, the quest for the meaning of life and the battle between good and evil. That about sums it up! Such “high stories” are portals to inner worlds. Any story that does not resonate with you, any story that does not take you out of yourself, out of the one-dimensional consensus reality into the multi-dimensional reality of your mind, any story that does not compel you to confront the above-mentioned themes, is not truly alive! It may entertain for a while, perhaps, but will not give you sustenance. One can view the LOTR condescendingly as a fairy-tale for both adolescents and adults; a thrilling tale of high adventure to while away a few hours in order to escape the soul-destroying and mind-numbing grind and pointlessness of modern life. You can enjoy it on that level, yes! But there is far more to it than that! In fact, there is more depth and true spirituality in the Lord Of The Rings than there is in the whole of the Bible!

The Lord Of The Rings – book and movies alike – is so immensely popular because it fills a spiritual need. It resonates with many many people because it tells a timeless tale about the spiritual forces at work in a mythic past – in a setting and with an ambience that a European can relate to. It transports us to a world that almost certainly never was but – as we know in our hearts – should have been: the Shire, where the story begins! And from the Shire the brilliant cinematography of the movies, the haunting tunes and, of course, the tale carry us off and open the mind’s eyes to the vast vistas of Middle Earth. There are larger-than-life characters that we can identify with and love or hate or both at the same time. There is awe-inspiring architecture. There are sweeping landscapes, both natural and man-made that make the heart ache with longing and with the painful sense of what has been lost. And if one’s mind is really open one understands that the tale is an enjoyable fantasy on one level, yes, but on another level, it is a true and accurate reflection of the disturbing everyday reality we actually live in.

There is the evil overlord Sauron with his reptilian Illuminati one-eye symbol! Regardless of what made Tolkien choose the name Sauron it does conjure up images of a creature of saurian origin. There is treasonous Saruman selling out to Sauron for the sake of power! Doesn’t he make you think of our politicians? There are assorted orcs, trolls and goblins – public servants, brain-dead celebrities and the vast armies of sheeple! – pitiable critters who are doing the bidding of the master for a few crumbs off his table; in brief slaves to be ruthlessly used and abused and disposed of once they have fulfilled their purpose. There is the fortress Isengard, the moloch who devours the forests, disembowels the Earth and turns it into a wasteland in order to build and feed Sauron’s and Saruman’s war-machine. But there is also the wizard Gandalf, the wise spiritual guide and mentor of the “Fellowship of the Ring”, its facilitator and motivator. He can communicate with animals and has some sort of control over natural forces. Like the shamans of old he “dies and returns” as a changed man! Although he is gentle and kind by nature he is by no means a jelly-kneed and faint-hearted pacifist! He is no slouch when it comes to fighting and killing for a just cause. And most importantly, there are the Hobbits, down-to-Earth creatures, unprepossessing and unpretentious, just ordinary folk! In the movie An Unexpected Journey Gandalf says of the Hobbits in general and Bilbo Baggins in particular:

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Bilbo

“Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check! But that is not what I found! I found that is is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay, simple acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid that he gives me courage!” It is the Hobbits who ultimately triumph, against all odds, over the forces of evil. It is they who defeat Sauron and Saruman. I believe that it will be our own world’s Hobbits, ordinary men and women, that will defeat the wannabe architects of the Jew World Order!

There was a time when people all over the world believed that everything was alive and imbued with the same Divine Spirit. Gaia was the matrix of physical and spiritual existence, linking human beings not only to the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms but further afield, i.e. to the Otherworld. The nightmarish life we are now caught up in and most problems that afflict modern man are a direct consequence of this link having been severed! When did this happen? And exactly who or what is to blame? I do not have a ready anwer. Whatever the cause – fall from grace we did!

There is no doubt in my mind that the advent on the world stage of the three so-called Abrahamic religions, Judaism and its offshoots, Christianity and Islam, while not the sole cause of our decline as a species, greatly facilitated and hastened a process that was already underway. Who can tell what the world might be like without these destructive forces in it? I venture to say that without them we might not have fallen quite so low! Christianity and Islam, two flavours of “Judaism for Gentiles”, were both imposed and ruthlessly enforced by the sword. This forcible conversion was an unmitigated disaster for all Pagan peoples. Cut loose from their moorings they were set adrift, their moral compass destroyed.

We should not have a problem understanding this for that is exactly what happened much closer to our own time: the destruction of many first nations, such as the Native Americans and the Australian aborigines, when they came into contact with Christian Europeans. It was the nefarious agenda of this new god, his insane commandments and his bid for total control of everybody and everything that poisoned the mind and paved the way for the devastation wrought upon the world throughout the centuries that followed the forced conversion of Europe in particular. As any psychologist worth his salt can tell you: someone who has been abused is highly likely to turn into an abuser himself! And thus we find that degradation of the natural world and murder, pillage and rape at the hands of Europeans, on a scale not seen before, is the legacy of Christian Europe, a situation that is now exacerbated by the fact that the originator of this Satanic mind-set, Judaism, has actually succeeded in making itself the world’s hegemon and basically no longer needs Christians as a proxy army. I do no often find myself in agreement with Richard Dawkins but his assessment of the god of the Old Testament, Yahveh, is spot on:

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

Man was NOT made in his image. No! Man was enslaved and mind-controlled, his psyche was dismantled, traumatized and re-shaped in the image of this nauseatingly depraved deity, a deity created by sinister forces in Babylon the Whore! Most people of European descent are, unfortunately, ignoramuses when it comes to knowledge of their very own cultural and spiritual traditions of long ago. They are quite at home with recently adopted words and concepts that originate in Eastern cultures and religions. Who hasn’t heard of karma, nirvana, mantra, chakra, I Ching, koan ….. and so on and so forth …. ad nauseam! But how many are there who know that Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday are named after Germanic deities? I can hear some say: “So what? These gods and goddesses aren’t real! So why should it matter?” Well, I have news for you! Yahveh ain’t real! And he doesn’t matter, either! Why should the history and religion of this Middle Eastern tribe of nobodies matter to anyone?

Can someone please explain to me why the Bible should be considered true while the beliefs and values of all other cultures and religions are deemed to be myths and superstitions? Who is not acquainted with the ridiculous creation story of Scientism – the Big Bang – and with the creation story told in the so-called Holy Bible? But how many Europeans can recite the creation stories of their ancestors, the Celtic or Norse people? Who can name their gods and goddesses? Who knows what Ginnunga-gap is or Wyrd or Ragnarok? These days, for instance, many non-Jews dabble in Jewish mysticism, i.e. the teachings of the Kabbalah and the Tree of Life. Let me assure the dabblers of one thing: your ears would be burning if you knew what Jewish kabbalists think of you non-Jewish interlopers! Norse mythology has the Yggdrasil, the world tree, a concept every bit as beautiful and meaningful as its Jewish counterpart.

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Yggdrasil

What reason could any man or woman have for worshipping a Jewish god and/or dabble in things Jewish unless he has been blinded and is ignorant of his own people’s past and cultural treasures? Although the ancient Norse religion is alive in a modified form – and has even been officially recognised in Iceland – I would not necessarily expect too many modern men and women to believe in the literal existence of the Norse gods and goddesses and to return to the religion of yesteryear. For myself, at least, I do not consider this possible or desirable. But I do feel the urgent need for all of us to make amends for wrongs committed against the Earth and our fellow creatures in the name of that worthless alien “spirituality” based on the Judeo-Christian-Islamic mindset.

I do feel the need to honour my Germanic ancestors. I do acknowledge their history, their spiritual beliefs and values, their way of life as being worthy of respect and worthy of being remembered! We can perhaps never return to the halcyon days of yore. Or can we? I do not know but fervently hope that we can! But this I know: one day soon there will be born a true New World Order! A world order without Judaism and its pernicious Satanic legacy.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:35 pm

Posted by schpankme on 05/06/2015
May 6, 2015 0:54:10 GMT @lobellver said:
And this is the same [Mythic] hat, but used by the military all around the earth. 

Thats an excellent connection between the Mithra Cap and the Military Beret.

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR84iSfCD7OFVD5JtLMHQGqXByGHUaA2-mPNBkKZiToqH_19Azf5A

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Phrygian_Cap

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:35 pm

Posted by schpankme on 05/07/2015
French Revolution and the "Phrygian liberty cap" or  LIBERTY CAP.

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Sansculottes

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   A2000_37_05flaggposter_2

Mithra and Lady Liberty created by the French

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Liberty

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:36 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/08/2015
Atlantean Etymology

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Russian Blue Cat Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:49 am

Was listening to the lord of the rings audiobooks awhile back and found this absolute Gem!

Russian Blue Cat
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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Admin Mon Jan 11, 2021 7:35 am

The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   13803810

Tolkien's middle Earth was originally a flat round world

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The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection   Empty Re: The Lord Of The Rings/Flat Earth Connection

Post by Devon1 Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:29 am

Here's a great video from Jordan Maxwell. I'm pretty sure JRR Tolkin was aware of the Cult of Saturn.


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