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Heavy/Primary Water

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Heavy/Primary Water   - Page 2 Empty Re: Heavy/Primary Water

Post by debonair Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:11 pm

observer wrote:I would like to suggest that we use this thread (or a diferent if thats beter) to discus all types of drinking waters. I would be very interested to hear what other ppl do to have clean and safe water. Is this possible? And if so, what do you guys drink?

Not too sure that I am going to bother with distilling water, the cost of doing it far outweighs the benefits, unless you really have to, like when you do not have access to clean water.

We use an ultrastream filter from the USA. We used it on the horrible, over chlorinated, Gold Coast, Australia tap water and the ph level of the water rose from 7.5 to 9. Labelled "silver filter" on the attached photos.

Now living in France, the tap water on the lower west coast is beautiful tasting straight from the tap with a ph of 8.5, adding the filter to it, the ph went up to 9. Pics attached.

What really surprised me was that we started out using Brita filtered jugs and the ph level went down on the tap water and it was more acidic. We also had a large ceramic water system with a plaster/charcoal/silver drip water filter, and that also made the water more acidic. This one is labelled "blue filter" on the attached photos.Heavy/Primary Water   - Page 2 Water_11
Heavy/Primary Water   - Page 2 Waterf11

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Heavy/Primary Water   - Page 2 Empty Re: Heavy/Primary Water

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Tue Oct 22, 2019 6:44 pm

So, here is a fascinating video that shows how easy it could be to fake an Undersea River or Lake -- or even fake a moon walk.


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