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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by csp Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:09 am


Alex Kipman displays some hologram technology.

At the end, the Q&A host asks Jeff from NASA (a hologram) what they think of the technology, he says they are using it across multiple projects and think it's very useful.

Go figure.


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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by susie Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:11 pm

NASA Patented sun/star.  Explain two suns?

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by csp Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:29 pm

Also note he is mocking us when he talks about a moon base being like a base in Antarctica... he even smirks when saying this.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by susie Wed May 11, 2016 6:21 am

NASAs lies and Nonsense
History of people who started the occult band of boogiemen.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals

Post by susie Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:13 am

Yet another example of NASA corruption.
NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals wrote:

by Gary Lite  · Published May 5, 2016 · Updated May 31, 2016

There’s the official explanation for why NASA is spraying lithium, a pharmaceutical drug most often used to treat people with manic depression or bipolar disorder, into our ionosphere, and then there is the probable reason(s).

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 NASA-Chemtrials

It would be easier to accept NASA’s official explanation if they were not so secretive about everything they study and do in space – but one thing is for certain – NASA’s own personnel have admitted that lithium, along with other chemicals, are intentionally being placed into our environment regularly. It is possible that many of NASA’s own employees aren’t even aware of the true motivations for carrying out such a project, ironically displaying the very behaviors that these chemicals/pharmaceuticals are meant to instill.

In the first bombshell video a NASA employee (Douglas.e.rowland@nasa.gov) admits that lithium is being sprayed in the atmosphere, and says that it is “harmless to the environment.”

Before I give you NASA’s official explanation of why they are spraying psych-meds over hundreds of thousands of Americans, I’d like to point you to some references so that you can do your own research, and discover that this is no conspiracy theory. It is very real, and there is ample scientific documentation to corroborate what I put forth here:

A Pub Med abstract titled, Feasibility of Aerosol Vaccinations in Humans discusses how an increase in antigen volumes can be beneficial in aerosol delivery of vaccines, and could be used in “developing countries and disaster areas.” The abstract also admits that several thousand human subjects have already been aerosol vaccinated with live attenuated measles and influenza A vaccines. The executive summary further states that aerosol vaccinations are ideal for “large populations.” This has apparently been happening since as early as 2003.

Another discussion of aerosolized vaccinations can be found in The New England Journal of Medicine. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Aerosolized Vaccines Against Measles states that these vaccines were tested on children in India that were as young 9 months old.

The World Health Organization has been researching aerosol vaccines for years now, as have “philanthropic” agencies which have clear aims to sterilize the population. It is also worth noting that the pharmaceutical industry has been absolved from any legal responsibility for medicating the masses since they were awarded  legal protection from all lawsuits by Congress in 1986. This law was challenged, but upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011. Many powerful agencies are making sure that we “take our medicine.”

In fact, many nations are participating in our unwitting, forced vaccination, and the dumping of any number of attenuated viruses, chemical concoctions and other ‘chemtrails’ on our heads with dogged frequency.

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) considered giving a license application to PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the environment in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria. They planned to release cholera on their people.

According to the regulator, this GMO vaccine qualified as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000.

Of course, we can’t ignore the USA. Michael Greenwood wrote an article stating that:

“The incidence of human West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large–scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.”

So, hopefully we’ve established that this IS happening. But why?

As more nations refuse genetically modified food, and refuse to drink fluoridated water, which has been named as a neurotoxin by one of the world’s premiere medical journals, the power structure that desires a complicit population has to figure out a way to alter our neurochemistry.

Lithium alters how we think by changing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine secreted by our endocrine system. Lithium strongly alters the brain system, yet the NASA employee in the above video states that “it is not dangerous” and doesn’t harm the population. Even doctors who normally prescribe this medication for the mentally ill have said that it is dangerous because it is hard to figure out proper dosing. Surely, spraying copious amounts of lithium indiscriminately into the air via aerosols should be questioned – but here’s NASA’s official stance on this practice:

“The project is studying neutral and charged particles in the ionosphere and how each affects the way the other moves resulting in currents in the region. The variations matter because all of our communications and GPS satellites send signals through the ionosphere. A disturbed ionosphere translates to disturbed signals, so scientists want to know just what causes the ionosphere to behave in specific ways.” (NASA)

Meanwhile, should the over-medicated start to actually figure out what is being done to them, the government has imposed gag orders on the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who might easily refute the ridiculous claims of NASA.

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Fried-Sky-1
The US Navy admits to conducting electromagnetic warfare drills over the Olympic Peninsula. Reader submitted photo.

Notably, every single person who works for NASA, the NWS or NOAA are paid with taxpayer dollars.This means that we are paying to be medicated and poisoned.

Here, to corroborate information being given by the NASA employee in the video, is the Code 8440 RMMO which states the exact purpose of using Wallops Flight Facility to launch a rocket containing lithium thermite:

“Purpose: The primary purpose of this mission was to test the loading methods for lithium canisters to be flown on the upcoming Kudeki (Kwajalein, April 2013) and Pfaff (Wallops, June 2013) missions, and verify their functionality under sounding rocket launch and space flight conditions.

Rocket Type: Two-stage Terrier MK70 Improved-Orion

Location: Wallops Range

Launcher: MRL

Date of Launch: January 29, 2013

Time: 17:50 EST

Experiment results: Thermistor data looked nominal. Good report from airborne optical platform of recorded video and lithium clouds also visible by ground observation.’

We also learn from this specific call that lithium has been dumped in our skies since 1970. If you wanted to medicate the masses to create mindless, slave-like prisoners who didn’t even know they were imprisoned, this is surely a good way to do it. Spraying lithium into our skies, along with countless other bacteria, viruses, prions, parasites, fungi, carcinogens, toxins, hormone-altering drugs, anti-flora and anti-fauna, as well as gene-altering micro-dust is nothing more than bio-warfare against the world’s citizenry. You can call them chemtrails or something else, the effect is the same.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” ~ Edward L. Bernays, Master Propagandist

Last edited by susie on Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Schpankme Sat Jun 11, 2016 3:34 pm

susie wrote:
NASA is spraying lithium into our ionosphere

vaccines were tested on children in India that were as young 9 months

pharmaceutical industry absolved from any legal responsibility for medicating the masses
upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011

spraying lithium into our skies, along with countless other bacteria, viruses, prions, parasites, fungi, carcinogens, toxins, hormone-altering drugs, anti-flora and anti-fauna, as well as gene-altering micro-dust

No one is spraying chemicals into the nonexistent IONOSPHERE at altitudes between 50 to 600 miles (80 to 1,000 km) above the earth's surface.

No one and nothing man made is at altitudes above 25 miles (40 km).

This is just another Fear Mongering article.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by csp Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:33 pm


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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Hebrew text from digital imaging master hidden in HTML files for NASA projects.

Post by thugnastylol Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:10 am

I stumbled on an odd tool wiki page from a link on a nasa.gov page while trying to find out what systems are used to generate all of the 3D images we are fed:

**Things inside of asterisks are my opinion**

Wiki App - http://ojo-wiki.herokuapp.com/index.php/Main_Page

I then checked out the public source code repository on GitHub (programming code available to look at and download) for this wiki - https://github.com/vightel/ojo-wiki/

Code project members screen - https://github.com/vightel/ojo-wiki/graphs/contributors)

**One photo is a regular looking guy, the other a black ski masked face**

Website of the creator of github tool (Pat Cappelaere - Vightel)


**This project is a diagram of how to get "Custom Data Product" from choosing existing images, to defining requirements, then searching all plane based images and other databases images and giving you custom final images to specification. It will even automatically distribute and notify via social media.**

I looked at some code and found an HTML page with no real content, but it had an out of place and unformatted line of hebrew text inside HTML tags. So I loaded the code and it was a letter translated with the internet below.

**Why would a Nasa contractor coder making search tools be a "dedicated graphics designer" and also be helping another graphic designers learn to make more money in hebrew (inside of the code for a NASA web tool)? **


בעבודתי כמעצבת גרפית אני נתקלת בהתנהלויות מסויימות החוזרות על עצמן באינטרקציה עם לקוחות ומעכבות את העבודה עמם. מדובר בדברים אלמנטריים שניתן לפתור מאוד בקלות, ומודעות לנושאים הללו יכולה להביא ללקוחות חסכון גדול בזמן וכסף.
אני מגישה לכם את המאמר הזה בתור שירות לכם ובשבילכם, כדי שתדעו למה כדאי לכם לשים לב ועל מה לתת דגש, לפני פנייה למעצב/ת גרפי/ת ובזמן העבודה עמו/ה.
המאמר נכתב בלשון זכר מטעמי נוחות בלבד.
טעות ראשונה: דוחים את הפנייה למעצב/ת לרגע האחרון
כמו בכל דבר שאנו דוחים לרגע האחרון לשם עשייתו, אנו יוצרים מצב שהוא נעשה בלחץ ובדוחק של זמן. כשאתם מזמינים עבודה "מהיום למחר" אצל מעצב/ת, זה מתבטא בכך שאין לו די זמן להשקיע בקונספט של העיצוב ובביצוע שלו, מה שמוביל לכך שהעיצוב שתקבלו לא יהיה איכותי כמו שהוא היה יכול להיות, במידה והייתם נותנים למעצב/ת עוד יומיים-שלושה לעבוד עליו (תלוי כמובן ברמת מורכבות הפרוייקט).
מה המשמעות בכסף:
פרוייקטים "מהיום למחר" עולים לכם יותר, מעצם העובדה שאתם מכניסים את המעצב/ת ללחץ של עבודה, וכתוצאה מכך הוא נאלץ לדחות ביצוע של פרוייקטים אחרים שהיו שם לפניכם.
שורה תחתונה:
אתם יוצאים קירחים מכאן ומכאן. גם מקבלים מוצר פחות איכותי וגם משלמים על זה יותר כסף.
טעות שנייה: לא מחפשים עיצובים שמצאו חן בעיניכם ולא שולחים למעצב/ת דוגמאות
אומנות היא לא מדע מדוייק. מעצבים שונים יעצבו עיצובים שונים לאותו נושא, וייתכן שלכם יש רעיון שונה מזה שיש למעצב/ת לגבי איך אתם רוצים שהעיצוב יראה. על מנת שהמעצב/ת יקלע לטעם שלכם, מומלץ מאוד לעשות חיפוש באינטרנט ולהציג בפניו דוגמאות לעיצובים שמוצאים חן בעיניכם. זה יכול לתרום רבות לכך שהעיצובים הסופיים יתאמו לתמונה בראש שלכם.
לדוגמה: לפני שאתם מבקשים מהמעצב/ת עיצוב לוגו, כנסו לגוגל, שמרו את הלינקים ללוגואים שמוצאים חן בעיניכם או העתיקו את התמונות למחשב שלכם, ושלחו לו אותם בזמן השיחה שלכם.
מה המשמעות בכסף:
אם אתם לא מביאים דוגמאות לעיצובים, אתם למעשה לא נותנים למעצב/ת כיוון כלשהו (מלבד דברים כלליים שאולי שוחחתם עליהם) וזה אומר שיכול להיות שהוא יעצב משהו שלטעמו הוא מצויין, אבל לא קולע בדיוק למה שהתכוונתם אליו. בפועל, זה אומר יותר זמן התבחבשות, יותר סקיצות, יותר תיקונים, ויותר כסף.
שורה תחתונה:
אל תתעצלו ועשו את עבודת ההכנה הזאת, זה ישתלם לכם וגם יתרום לתקשורת ביניכם לבין המעצב/ת.
טעות שלישית: מוסרים למעצבת טקסטים לא מוגמרים, שלא עברו עריכה והגהה
טקסטים הם חלק אינטגרלי מהעיצוב עצמו וממראה התוצר המוגמר, לכן כל שינוי בטקסטים יכול להוביל לשינויים בעיצוב כולו. אם אתם מגישים למעצב/ת טקסטים לא מוגמרים ומסתמכים על כך שההגהות ייעשו לאחר העיצוב, יכול להיווצר מצב שבשלב התיקונים הטקסטים שישתנו יכריחו שינוי גם של העיצוב סביבם, מה שיוביל לעבודה כפולה של המעצב/ת. בנוסף, תיקון הטקסטים ע"י המעצב/ת גם הוא זמן עבודה שהייתם יכולים לחסוך, וכך לקבל לידיכם את המוצר הסופי מהר יותר.
מה המשמעות בכסף:
עבודה כפולה על שינויים בעיצוב וזמן עבודה על תיקוני טקסטים, הם שני דברים מהותיים שיעלו לכם ביותר כסף ויותר זמן, שאתם בקלות יכולים לחסוך מעצמכם עם קצת עבודה מקדימה.
שורה תחתונה:
הביטוי Time Is Money קיים בדיוק בשביל מקרים כאלו... תעברו על הטקסטים שלכם ותוודאו שהכל תקין לפני שליחתם למעצב/ת, כך תחסכו לעצמכם כסף, זמן, ואולי גם כאב ראש (לשניכם).
טעות רביעית: מתעכבים בשליחת חומרים ותיקונים
מה לעשות, המעצב/ת צריך את שיתוף הפעולה שלכם על מנת שהוא יוכל לעצב משהו בשבילכם. זוהי מערכת יחסים דו צדדית. הוא זקוק לקבל מכם את החומרים הרלוונטיים (בין אם זה טקסטים, תמונות וכיו"ב) על מנת להתחיל בעיצוב, או לקבל מכם פידבק ובקשות לתיקונים (במידה ויש), על מנת להמשיך את העבודה.
המעצב/ת כאן בשבילכם, רק מחכה שתקחו את הצעד הבא במסע שלכם ביחד. זה דורש מכם לשנס מותניים ולגייס קצת מיקוד ואנרגיית פעולה כדי שמה שאתם רוצים יוכל לצאת לפועל. בשלב הזה, זה תלוי רק בכם.
מה המשמעות בכסף:
כשאתם מתעכבים בהגשות של חומרים או תיקונים והמעצב/ת נאלץ להמתין לכם ו/או לרדוף אחריכם, כל הפרוייקט מתארך. זה עשוי להוביל לאיחורים בדד-ליינים, אתם תקבלו את המוצרים הסופיים מאוחר יותר והמעצב/ת עלול לדרוש תוספת תשלום על כך שהוא מפסיד זמן וכסף.
בנוסף, יש הבדל מהותי בין המשך עבודה על פרוייקט מלפני שבועיים, לבין המשך עבודה על פרוייקט מלפני חודשיים. ככל שעובר יותר זמן מהפעם האחרונה שנעשתה עבודה על הפרוייקט, כך גם תחילת העבודה עליו מחדש תיקח זמן רב יותר. וגם זה, כמובן, מתבטא בכסף.
שורה תחתונה:
אם אתם מחליטים לפנות למעצב/ת, תעשו חושבים עם עצמכם ותכינו את כל החומרים הרלוונטיים מראש (אלו שאתם יכולים לספק כמובן). ואם כבר התחלתם תהליך עיצוב והמעצב/ת מבקש מכם משהו, תהיו זמינים בשבילו.
טעות חמישית: מוסרים למעצב/ת חומרים שאינם שלכם ומפרים זכויות יוצרים
מאז שהאינטרנט, וגוגל במיוחד, נהיו כל כך נגישים וזמינים, זה קל מתמיד למצוא כל אינפורמציה שניתן להעלות על הדעת, בין אם בצורת תמונה, מלל, סרטון וכיו"ב. מה שהרבה אנשים לא מודעים אליו הוא שרובם המוחלט של החומרים הללו מוגנים בזכויות יוצרים ששייכים, מן הסתם, ליוצרים שלהם או לחברות שקנו את הזכויות הללו. קוראים לזה "קניין רוחני".
בפועל, זה אומר שאם אתם משתמשים בפרסומים שלכם בחומרים שאינם שלכם בזכות (כלומר לא יצרתם אותם בעצמכם או לא רכשתם אותם), אתם מפירים זכויות יוצרים ועלולים לעמוד לדין על כך או לקבל קנסות כבדים. תאמינו לי שזה קורה לא מעט. יש מחלקות שלמות בחברות עורכי דין שמתעסקות רק בזה.
מכיוון שבעיצוב עסקינן, במידה ואתם מגישים למעצב/ת שלכם חומרים שהעתקתם מאיפשהו וטוענים שהם שלכם, למעצב ככל הנראה לא תהיה דרך לבדוק זאת ורוב הסיכויים שהוא יסמוך על כך שאתם דוברי אמת. בסיטואציה כזאת אתם הופכים אותו לשותף לעבירה ומסכנים את שניכם. לא חבל?
מה המשמעות בכסף:
זה די ברור, לא?
שורה תחתונה:
תעשו טובה לאנושות ותרכשו את התמונות שלכם ממקורות מוסמכים (יש אתרי אינטרנט רבים שקיימים רק בשביל זה), או שתצלמו אותם בעצמכם. בנוסף, אתם יכולים לתת דרור ליצירתיות שלכם באמצעות כתיבת תכנים משלכם (כמו שאני עושה באמצעות המאמר הזה לדוגמה), או שתתנו למישהו אחר לעשות את זה בשבילכם. אני בטוחה שתוכלו למצוא את הפתרון החוקי לכל חומר פרסומי שתזדקקו לו.  
טעות שישית: מכתיבים למעצב/ת כיצד לבצע את העיצוב ולא מקשיבים לעצותיו המקצועיות
לפעמים כדאי להקשיב למעצב/ת שלכם. לא סתם אתם משלמים לו שיעצב לכם את הפרסומים שלכם. הוא למד את המקצוע ועוסק בו זמן מה עם לקוחות שונים, ולכן יש לו מושג קלוש לגבי מה עובד יותר ומה פחות. זה לא אומר שאתם לא יכולים להעלות הצעות לייעול ולשיפור, וטוב שתעשו זאת, אך אל תצפו שהמעצב/ת בהכרח יסכים אתכם.
בהרבה מקרים שבהם לקוח מתעקש על משהו ספציפי בניגוד לדעת המעצב/ת, התוצאה בסופו של דבר תיראה ממש לא משהו, בלשון המעטה, וזה יכול להיות פספוס גדול.
מה המשמעות בכסף:
עיצוב לא מדוייק משדר מסר לא מדוייק לקהל הלקוחות שלכם, מה שיכול להשפיע על איך שאתם נתפסים בעיניהם, ובסופו של דבר על המכירות שלכם.
שורה תחתונה:
יש משפט יפה בעולם הפרסום: "אל תתן ללקוח שלך את מה שהוא רוצה, מגיע לו יותר מזה". זכרו שהעיצוב הוא הפנים והייצוג של העסק שלכם, אז תנו למומחים לעשות את העבודה.



Dedicating myself to graphic designer certain בהתנהלויות (*to good*) i you experience by interacting with customers and the work with them. This is a very elementary things that can be solved easily, and awareness of these issues can bring customers to a large savings in time and money.
I offers you the this article as a service to you, to you and for you to know why you should pay attention to and what to give emphasis, before contacting graphic designer/airport/airport and work with him/her.
The article was written in memory of as a convenience only.
First mistake: reject the call designer/airport the last moment
As with all that we reject the last moment for revealing his, we create a situation that it is undignified pressure of time. When you invite a "today for tomorrow" with production designer, this is reflected by that he has enough time to invest in its concept of design and implementation, what leading to the design and will not be high quality as it could be, if and give designer/Airport as long as two to three days to work on it (of course, depending on the level of complexity of the project).
What this means money:
Project "From today for tomorrow" immigrants you more, by virtue of the fact that you put the designer/airport to the pressure of work, and as a result is forced to postpone the execution of other projects that were there before you.
Bottom line:
You are going bald from hence. also receive a Product quality and pay more money on this.

A second mistake: not looking for artist who like them and send designer/airport examples
Art is not an accurate science. different designers they wrest my words: different designs to the same subject, your may have a different idea for that designer/airport for how you want the design will show. To שהמעצב(*Designer*)/airport most tastes your taste, it is highly recommended to search the Internet and show him examples of themes who take like them. This can contribute to the many שהעיצובים that final will be at the top of your image.
For example: before you ask מהמעצב(*Designer*)/airport logo design, enter a petition, they kept the our list ללוגואים(*Logos*) who take like them or copy the pictures to your computer, and took them to him during your call.
What this means money:
If you do not bring examples of themes, you are in fact not give designer/airport in any direction (except for general things that you spoke about them) and that could be it shape something שלטעמ(*Signs*)ו is an excellent, but not to the point exactly what you mean. In practice, this התבחבשות(*translation unknown*) says more time, more sketches, more patches, and more money.
Bottom line:
To spend some time and do the work of this preparation, it is worthwhile to you, and will contribute to the communications between you and the designer/airport.

Third mistake: Removed designer texts not finished, not have edit and proof
Readings are an integral part of the design itself and the finished product, so all the phony can lead to change to change the entire design. If you offers designer/airport texts not finished שההגהות(*The glosses*) seems to be made after the design, can occur anymore than שישתנו(*Will be changed*) repair stage texts also change the design around them, what would lead to the double work of designer/Airport. In addition, repair texts by the designer/airport also is working time you can save, and get to the final product more quickly.
What this means money:
Double-work on changes in design and work on the text patches, they are two things significant experiences you most money and more time, you can easily save yourselves with a little work in front.
Bottom line:
Expression Time is Money exists just for such cases... you will pass on your texts and make sure everything correctly before sending them designer/Airport, so save yourself money, time, and perhaps even pain (just).

The fourth mistake: Delayed sending materials and repairs
What to do, designer/airport to the collaboration, in order to that he could design something for you. This is a two sided relationship. He needs to get you the relevant materials (whether this texts, pictures, etc.) to begin with, or to get you feedback and requests for repair (if and), to continue the work.
Designer/airport here for you, just waiting for that the next step in your journey together. This requires you roll up our sleeves and win some postal code and solar energy to what you want to be able to carry out. At this point, it is only you.
What this means money:
When you are בהגשות(*Submissions*) of materials or patches designer/airport was forced to wait for you and/or to chase after, all the project expanding. This may lead to lateness alone-parties who are, you will receive the final product later designer/airport may require additional charge on so he loses time and money.
In addition, there is a substantial difference between continuing to work on a project at the presence of the two weeks, and continue to work on a project of 2 months. As more time passes from the last work done on the project, so even getting started on it again will take more time. And this, of course, is reflected in the money.
Bottom line:
If you decide to contact the designer/Airport, do think with yourself and prepare all relevant materials in advance (these you can provide of course). And if already started it design process designer/airport asks you something, you will be available for him.

A fifth: Removed designer/Airport your non-materials and disturbing copyright
Since the Internet, and Google especially, became so accessible and available, it's easier than ever to find all the information you can imagine, whether in the form of image, text, video, etc.. What many people don't know about it is the absolute most of these materials are protected by copyright belonging, probably, their filmmakers or companies who purchased the these rights. call this "Intellectual Property Rights".
In practice, this means that if you use your publications materials are not in its (i.e. not the earth: thou hast made them yourself or not delight them), you are violating copyright and might be brought on to or receive heavy fines. believe me it happens. There is not a whole departments in companies lawyers that only one.
As punch dealing, if you are serving designer/Airport your שהעתקתם(*Copied*) materials from somewhere that they will, designer apparently there will be no way to check this and most of the chances that he יסמוך(*rely*) that you speak the truth. In the event that you make it a letter, and the both of you. Not too bad?
What this means money:
This is quite clear, not?
Bottom line:
Do ותרכשו(*what will gain*) good for humanity the pictures your certified sources (there are many Web sites that exist only for this), or taking them for yourself. In addition, you can give your creativity by writing your own content (as I do with this article for example), or you give someone else to do it for you. I am sure you can find the legal solution for all promotional material you need.

A sixth: make designer/airport how to perform the professional לעצותיו (*his advice*) design and listen
Sometimes we should listen to your designer/airport. Not just you pay him will shape you the postings. He will learn the profession and deals with time what with different customers, so it has the slightest idea about what works and what more less. This does not mean that you are not able to raise proposals to streamline and improve, and you will do this, but to watch שהמעצב(*Designer*)/airport necessarily agree to you.
In many cases where a client insists on something specific as opposed to know designer/airport, the result at the end of which appear just not something, to say the least, and it can be missing large.
What this means money:
Precise Design is transmitting a message not just to your customers, what can affect how you are perceived in their eyes, and ultimately on your sales.
Bottom line:
There is a beautiful phrase in the world publication: "to give your customer what he wants, he is entitled to more than that." remember the interior design is the multiplicity of your business, then let the experts do the work.



More info about the tools used to make images (also finding and hiding islands)

Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) a US Gov organization:

They make images of the earth:


"The EO-1 project is assisting the Landsat 7 program with global island acquisitions by supplementing coverage with data from the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) sensor."

"Each red dot on the map indicates the location of an island scene with its associated place name, but does not represent the exact footprint of the area imaged."

**Why would the image not represent the exact footprint of the area imaged?**

Also Art?
Some quotes:

"All Advanced Land Imager (ALI) and Hyperion data products are available for search and download through Earth Explorer or GloVis."

**All land based (lower than "orbit", planes, balloons, etc.) images from the ALI sensor or Hyperion sensor are distributed through 3D rendered software.**

"Because EO-1 is a tasking satellite, it collects data only when requested. It does not provide continuous coverage of the Earth, and, therefore, may not have coverage data for your area of interest. To obtain imagery of an area not available in the archive (or to schedule a date for data acquisition) you can submit a Data Acquisition Request (DAR)."

**Why not record the entire earth as you go and not just "requsted areas" after they are requested. Maybe a 3D artist needs to make something to hide the footage they have or they need to go snap some new photos with SOPHIAfrom 45,000 feet**
GloVis search tool mentioned above - "http://glovis.usgs.gov/ImgViewerHelp.shtml"

**Some are "composite images**

Fun entry from the FAQ Section -

Q: Why do the dates for some of the MODIS images on GloVis not correspond with imagery for the same date provided through the MODIS Rapid Response System?

A: The data from the Rapid Response System (rapidfire) site are daily data collections. The MODIS products on GloVis are a collection of both daily and composite products. Refer to the About Browse page for a description of which datasets are daily and which are composites. As the daily data and multi-day composites are different products, they won't look the same and the dates won't be the same. The date that appears in the Scene Information field for daily data is the acquisition date, but for multi-day composites it is the first date of the collection period.

Earth Explorer Government site:


**Just a search and tools on top of Google Satellite (a 3D rendered map with some areas having arial footage)**


Notable other projects from one of the two programmers:
Ron Gross (ripper234)

Bitcoin.org (https://github.com/ripper234/bitcoin.org)
Bitcoin-Potato - A game of Hot Potato or "Sucker" (https://github.com/ripper234/Bitcoin-Potato)
MasterCoin (https://github.com/mastercoin-MSC/mastercoin/blob/master/CoreValues.md)

Translating Burning Man Festival documents and principles into Hebrew for Midburn Festival in Israel.
1 Page plauqe with Burning Man's / Midburn's 10 principles (https://github.com/ripper234/10plaque)
User License for Communication system for Burning Man (replacing Playa Info) (https://github.com/ripper234/voice-of-the-desert)

I know this is all over the place, I am still working connections out.  More soon.



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Post by csp Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:03 am


It seems the space balls are now shooting their space balls!

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Post by Schpankme Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:08 am

csp wrote:

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Hubble-detects-giant-cannonballs-shooting-from-star

space balls are now shooting space balls!

The two greatest lies ever propagated on humankind are Ball Earth and Jew Savior, both taught by the priesthood and both made possible by an ejaculation into the Virgin source.

By definition, this is an ejaculation into the Virgin source

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Post by susie Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:21 pm

Related to Dubya and the rest of the satanic brotherhood.

Image Credit: NASA/Sean Smith
As Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, nears his 50th year at the center he's feeling reflective -- about feeling reflective.
Bushnell came to NASA Langley in June of '63, drawn by the allure of the Apollo program and with an interest in high-speed gas dynamics.
Today, he spends a good part of his time thinking about air traffic control systems and low energy nuclear reactions. He's concerned about how humanity will survive the catastrophic effects of climate change, but has some ideas that might help -- big, revolutionary ideas too. For instance, he thinks it might be possible to irrigate the Sahara desert with seawater and grow edible, salt-tolerant land plants called halophytes.
Bushnell loves coming up with big ideas like that -- always has. But every so often, he takes a little time to ponder his own future.
"About every 10 years I would go sit down by the Chamberlin, look out over Hampton Roads and decide whether or not I needed to stay any longer," he said.
The answer, of course, was always yes, because, Bushnell says, "This is a magnificent place to work -- absolutely magnificent."
Bushnell's journey to the gates of NASA Langley actually may have started before he was even born. He's an innovator, which is something that seems to be encoded in his genes.
According to Bushnell, one of his early American ancestors, David Bushnell, invented the submarine. During the Revolutionary War, that submarine, the Turtle, was used in an attempt to break up the British blockade in New York harbor. Although the Turtle failed to sink its target, the HMS Eagle, the experiment wasn't a total loss. Inside the submarine was another new invention. David Bushnell had discovered that gunpowder would explode underwater.
"So he also invented torpedoes," said Bushnell, "and it was the torpedoes that scared the British much more than the submarine."
Another of Bushnell's ancestors, Cornelius Bushnell, not only built the USS Galena, an ironclad used by the Union Navy during the American Civil War, he also backed John Ericsson in the development of the USS Monitor, which famously fought the CSS Virginia in the waters of Hampton Roads in March of 1862 - the first battle between ironclads.
Bushnell himself grew up in a small town in southern Connecticut. Though he had an older sister and younger sisters, the age gap was significant enough that he considered himself "essentially an only child."
Bushnell actually credits much of his success as a thinker and innovator to the autonomy he had as a young man.
"I wandered everywhere," he said. "I grew up on a sea coast, and so I walked the beaches. It's that independence that was, I think, essential."
And it has served him well. In his long career at NASA Langley, Bushnell has worked on the Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs. He also ran technology for the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP), worked the delta wing X-15 and did research in viscous flow physics and drag reduction. And that was all before he became Chief Scientist in the mid '90s and took on "just about every technical area" at the center.
The walls of Bushnell's office are flush with awards and certificates. He's a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the Royal Aeronautical Society. He's published somewhere in the neighborhood of 260 reports, given hundreds of lectures, and by his estimation, at least six patents carry his name.
He's played the game, he says, but by his own rules.
Bushnell is concerned, though, that the American education system isn't fostering that same play-by-your-own-rules mentality in today's children. In a world where invention and innovation produce wealth, he says, American culture is more fixated on athletes and celebrities, and creativity is being snuffed out early on.
"Right now, China has more honor students than we have students," he said.
A voracious reader, Bushnell casually tosses around those kinds of facts. The shelves in his office are jam packed with titles like "The Singularity Is Near," "Warped Passages," "The Elegant Universe" and "The World in 2050."
One of his hobbies is to go to thrift stores and buy big bags of cheap books. Fiction, non-fiction: he reads whatever he can get his hands on.
"It's just more input," he said. "I'm an info junkie."
But he does have interests that give him respite from the constant flow of information.
True to his nautical heritage, Bushnell owns a sailboat and enjoys sailing from time to time. He also served as a scoutmaster with the Boy Scouts.
"I had my troop like a bunch of Marine rangers," he said. "We didn't drive up to the campsite and set up the big stove and everything else. I had these guys packed so we would hit the trailhead and disappear into the national forest during spring break."
He even served as an EMT in Gloucester for a few years, during which he learned that it was possible to save just about anyone, unless they'd had a massive stroke or were suffering from internal bleeding.
That same community-service impulse that drove Bushnell to volunteer as a scoutmaster and EMT carries over to his work at NASA Langley, where he's able to help society on a larger scale.
And at 71, he's showing no signs of slowing down. A self-professed health nut, Bushnell says he does 150 pushups every morning, runs a couple of miles every night and lifts free weights on the weekend. He also takes "handfuls of supplements" and tries to stick to a low-fat, low-sodium, low-sugar diet.
He says he feels as good now as he ever has.
So if June rolls around and Bushnell finds himself at Fort Monroe, once more gazing out across the water and pondering his future at NASA Langley, there's a good chance he'll make the same decision he's made several times before.
"I flunked retirement," he said. "I have no interest in retiring -- not while I'm still vertical."
Joe Atkinson
NASA Langley Research CenterThe Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Bushnell_670

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Cosmic one-eye symbolism.

Post by Skywalker Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:34 pm

Here's another ridiculous news story with blatant occult symbolism.


Apparently colliding 'galaxies' (numerology 33) now display one-eyed symbolism. It's even the right eye that is closed (on the left in the picture but would be the right eye of the face they are on). And look.at the galaxy designations... IC???... "I See"!!!???

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Nrao16cb21b

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Post by Skywalker Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:49 pm

I've recently been thinking about that vector or chevron symbol that's on all the space agency logos, and it's occult meaning, and it finally dawned on me.

From wikitionary. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/chevron


Borrowing from French chevron ‎(“rafter, chevron”), the mark so called because it looks like rafters of a shallow roof, from Vulgar Latin capriō, from Latin caper ‎(“goat”), the likely connection between goats and rafters being the animal's angular hind legs.

It's a reference to the Goat of Mendez, Baphomet, Pan, etc.

Pretty crafty!

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Post by Schpankme Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:57 pm

Skywalker wrote:
I've been thinking
vector or chevron symbol
it's occult meaning
it finally dawned on me
From wikitionary

It's a reference to the Goat of Mendez, Baphomet, Pan, etc.

It finally dawned on you to read the Wiki page for Chevron and post that it means Goat?
Did you dismiss my account for the Chevron in these very pages, to popularize the Freemason version?
So, every Chevron on a Military Shield of arms means Baphomet?

Chevron indicates Fiction.
NASA means:  To deceive with fiction

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Fake_s11

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Post by Skywalker Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:53 pm

I do now remember your post about fiction (memory not great, just had to re-read it). Not disputing that the symbol doesn't indicates fiction, just pointing out that the word is derived from "goat" so there could be other occult meanings in there as well.

I only posted the Wiki link to show the meaning of the word, but I already knew for example, Chervrolet means "Goat's milk" - well, Baphomet does have breasts after all!!!

Schpankme wrote:
Skywalker wrote:
I've been thinking
vector or chevron symbol
it's occult meaning
it finally dawned on me
From wikitionary

It's a reference to the Goat of Mendez, Baphomet, Pan, etc.

It finally dawned on you to read the Wiki page for Chevron and post that it means Goat?
Did you dismiss my account for the Chevron in these very pages, to popularize the Freemason version?
So, every Chevron on a Military Shield of arms means Baphomet?

Chevron indicates Fiction.
NASA means:  To deceive with fiction

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Fake_s11

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Post by Schpankme Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:58 pm

Skywalker wrote:
the word is derived from "goat"
there could be other occult meanings in there as well
Chervrolet means "Goat's milk"
Baphomet does have breasts

Well, lets bring your attention to the movie Capricorn One.

o Fake Space Mission To Mars (fiction)
o Or maybe it should be called, The Milk Run To Mars?
o Baphomet One?

Do you think the occultists were distracting us when they titled the fake Space movie as Capricorn One?

Goat > Baphomet ?


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Post by lotuseater Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:44 pm

Werner von Braun uses the name "Elon" as the leader of Mars decades before Elon Musk comes around.

edit: original reddit link https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/2vg4fj/in_wernher_von_brauns_book_leader_of_mars_was/

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Post by Schpankme Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:44 pm

lotuseater wrote:
Werner von Braun uses the name "Elon" as the leader of Mars decades before Elon Musk comes around

Thank you lotuseater, this connection went unnoticed by myself, and I'm sure many others.

Elon Musk connections:

1995, founded Global Link Information Network
renamed Zip2 company, was one of the first to provide "online licensing" for city guide software to newspapers.

Connection: News Media, Internet

1999, co-founded X.com
an online financial services/payments company, which was renamed in 2001 to PayPal.
October 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in stock.
Before the sale, Musk owned 11 percent of PayPal stock.

Connection: Banking, News Media, Internet, Data mining, IRS

2002, founded Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, or SpaceX
By 2008, NASA awarded the company contracts (3.5 billion) to handle cargo transport for the International Space Station -- with plans for astronaut transport in the future -- in a move to replace NASA’s own space shuttle missions.
On May 22, 2012, Musk and SpaceX made history when the company launched its Falcon 9 rocket into space

Connection: Government, Fake Space, nasa.gov, School System, News Media, Entertainment Industry, Internet, Technology Leader

2003, co-founded Tesla Motors
Tesla, Inc. is an American automaker, energy storage company, and solar panel manufacturer based in Palo Alto, California.
Five years after its formation, the company in 2008 unveiled the Roadster who's power-train is based on an electric motor and lithium ion battery propulsion. With a stake in the company taken by Daimler and a strategic partnership with Toyota, Tesla Motors launched its initial public offering in June 2010, raising $226 million.

Connection:  Government, Fake Space, nasa.gov, School System, News Media, Entertainment Industry, Internet, Auto Manufacturing, Solar manufacturing, Battery manufacturing, Technology Leader

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Post by FL@T-E@RTH Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:56 pm

Elon Musk is behind the move to electric cars from petrol (UK) or gas (US) cars, in the same way they have held a monopoly on oil for the last 100 years, they now want to take a monopoly on electricity and restrict travel.
Electricity is cheaper to produce than extracting and refining oil into petrol (UK) or gasoline (US) and shipping it from the MIddle East to the West and Europe., especially with solar, wind and hydro electricity production which is sustainable and effectively cost free after the infrastructure has been built.

Then want to own the monopoly on electricity, if everyone had a car that needed to be charged every night, the electric companies profits would soar 10 fold and with the explosion of battery devices (mobile (cell) phones), laptops, ipads, handheld computers etc our consumption of electricity is at an all time high.
If you control the production of electricity you have a monopoly and can dictate any price per Kw/h you desire!

Also lithium (used in the batteries) is incredibly expensive to produce, which of course artificially drives-up the price of electric cars, (mobile (cell phones) laptops etc.

Switching form oil (petrol/gas) to electricity benefits only the powers that be who control the electricity production, all under the illusion it's somehow better for the environment, where in reality, the cost will be exponentially more to the consumer.

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Post by Schpankme Sun Jun 25, 2017 3:12 pm

FL@T-E@RTH wrote:
lithium batteries is incredibly expensive to produce
which of course artificially drives-up the price of electric cars
mobile (cell phones) laptops etc

Feb 21, 2017
"The lithium is less than 1 percent of the battery cost. A $10,000 battery
for a plug-in hybrid contains less than $100 worth of lithium."

How is it that Lithium battery sold for each Electric car costs about three times that of a new "crate engine"?

What we see is that TESLA MOTORS, through it's fake space connection, has become the "Technology Leader" for Lithium battery production, helping to controlling volume and pricing.

ref:  Battery University

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by susie Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:34 pm

NASA & Russia Collaborate to Steal More
NASA and Russia are teaming up to create a groundbreaking new space station in orbit around the Moon, it was announced today.

By Henry Holloway
10.09, 27 Sep 2017 UPDATED 16.09, 27 Sep 2017

“We have agreed to join the project to build a new international Deep Space Gateway station in the moon’s orbit”

Igor Komarov
Moscow and Washington have agreed to build the station called Deep Space Gateway – finally bringing a long standing concept into reality.

Russia’s space agency Roscosmos announced the ambitious project today in a speech at International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia.

Following in the footsteps of the International Space Station, the moon ship would be open to astronauts and cosmonauts from around the world.

Space bosses hope the Deep Space Gateway will allow mankind to stage space flights to Mars and elsewhere in the Solar System.

It comes after US President Donald Trump announced in his debut speech on Capitol Hill he wanted astronauts to arrive on “distant worlds” within the next ten years.

NASA and Roscosmos hope the space station’s first modules would be completed by 2026 – the 250th anniversary of the United States.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by susie Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:35 pm

This section is "ongoing fraud" of NASA. That is why I posted that article as it indeed incorporates the "ongoing fraud".

Schpankme wrote:
susie wrote:
NASA is spraying lithium into our ionosphere

vaccines were tested on children in India that were as young 9 months

pharmaceutical industry absolved from any legal responsibility for medicating the masses
upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011

spraying lithium into our skies, along with countless other bacteria, viruses, prions, parasites, fungi, carcinogens, toxins, hormone-altering drugs, anti-flora and anti-fauna, as well as gene-altering micro-dust

No one is spraying chemicals into the nonexistent IONOSPHERE at altitudes between 50 to 600 miles (80 to 1,000 km) above the earth's surface.

No one and nothing man made is at altitudes above 25 miles (40 km).

This is just another Fear Mongering article.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by csp Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:11 am

Been following Tom Delonge since the Blink 182 days, and I knew he was into the occult and aliens (back when I was into the whole "alien conspiracy theories" as most of us probably were), however its now apparent that he is a Freemason:

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Tom Delonge's new band, Angels and Airwaves is an occultists wet dream:

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Also note, that when Hillary Clintons emails were leaked, there were emails with him discussing the "alien agenda" with John Podesta (Pizzagate, child abduction/rape/sacrifice links):


Using pop culture icons to spread the FUD alien agenda, all while solidifying the NASA backed concept of "outer space" - Freemasons, builders of our fake reality.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by susie Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:53 pm

FL@T-E@RTH wrote:Elon Musk is behind the move to electric cars from petrol (UK) or gas (US) cars, in the same way they have held a monopoly on oil for the last 100 years, they now want to take a monopoly on electricity and restrict travel.
Electricity is cheaper to produce than extracting and refining oil into petrol (UK) or gasoline (US) and shipping it from the MIddle East to the West and Europe., especially with solar, wind and hydro electricity production which is sustainable and effectively cost free after the infrastructure has been built.

Then want to own the monopoly on electricity, if everyone had a car that needed to be charged every night, the electric companies profits would soar 10 fold and with the explosion of battery devices (mobile (cell) phones), laptops, ipads, handheld computers etc our consumption of electricity is at an all time high.
If you control the production of electricity you have a monopoly and can dictate any price per Kw/h you desire!

Also lithium (used in the batteries) is incredibly expensive to produce, which of course artificially drives-up the price of electric cars, (mobile (cell phones) laptops etc.

Switching form oil (petrol/gas) to electricity benefits only the powers that be who control the electricity production, all under the illusion it's somehow better for the environment, where in reality, the cost will be exponentially more to the consumer.
Motors in the Americas will only work with oil from the American continent. the "middle eastern oil" bullshit is just that, bullshit. Making plastics and other products is different but in motors it's only oil from the Americas that will work with our engines. Difference between heavy and light oil.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   - Page 3 Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Ace UK Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:26 pm

I don't know if you guys know this, I mean you probably do but NASA which in full means: National Aeronautics and Space Administration actually has a numeric total of 666. More proof these people are as satanic as can be and are deceiving the whole world.

Lucifer works by inverting everything so to unlock this you have to use the inverted alphabet. So Z = 1, Y = 2, X = 3... A = 26. Whereas in normality A = 1, B = 2, Z = 26 etc..

With 'National Aeronautics and Space Administration' write out which each letter represents in the inverted alphabet numerology. Then add them altogether and you'll get 666

I hope this makes sense.

Ace UK

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