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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:37 pm

Nov 15, 2015 at 12:07am susie said:


Secret for over 40 years, Gladio is a NATO-backed network of armed soldiers inside the nations of Europe which bypasses the control of nation governments. Ostensibly intended for use only in case of a Soviet invasion, Gladio has in fact carried out a string of false flag terror attacks. In 1990, the European parliament called for national political investigations, but most national governments have chosen not to investigate it.

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:38 pm

Post by thinkforyourself on Nov 15, 2015 at 3:27am

Nov 15, 2015 at 12:07am susie said:

Thank you for posting this hugely important article Susie. Operation Gladio proved without a doubt, in both European courts and parliaments, that the CIA/USA and several European nations and their security forces, intentionally carried out false flag terrorist attacks agains their own men, women and children in order to take away our civil liberties.

I must point out that the article is too kind towards the CIA, because it tries to justify what they did by saying that they were scared of the USSR, when in fact as a Senate committee meeting in the early 70's heard, the US were actually funding 90% of the Soviet military spending.

The USSR were secretly on the same side as the CIA for the duration of the Cold War, and they were merely an excuse for the NWO to steal our human rights.

All about Shillaphobia

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:39 pm

Post by susie


Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact. Gladio was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy.

The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism. Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance.

The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism. The strategy of tension is a concept for control and manipulation of public opinion through the use of fear, propaganda, agents provacateurs, terrorism, etc. The aim was to instill fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities.



Gladio Wikipedia
Detailed Article from Statewatch
Interview with Gladio Researcher Daniele Ganser Le Monde Diplomatique
Secret Warfare: Gladio by Daniele Ganser
[Global Research Article on Gladio][5] by Daniele Ganser
Vincenzo Vinciguerra Gladio Terrorist
Strategy of Tension Wikipedia
America.gov Response to Gladio
Nato’s Secret Armies by Daniele Ganser, 2004 or read online at Google Books


Gladio and its “stay-behind” networks may be one of the most historically “accepted” or “confirmed” examples of false-flag terrorism. The documentation, the resolutions, confessions, and convictions all confirm that Gladio is much more than the media or government would have you believe—a mere “conspiracy theory.” See the State Department’s special site dedicated to dismissing “conspiracy theories,” including their page on Gladio.

Truth movers should take advantage of Gladio and the stay-behind networks as a confirmed precedent of the US and western governments participating in ruthless terrorist attacks against their own people in order instill fear, control the population, and frame left-wing political opponents. People who believe that such things do not or cannot happen should be forcefully made aware of such examples as Operation Gladio.


The August 2, 1980 bombing of the Bologna train station which killed 85 people, is widely recognized as a Gladio operation. While it was initially blamed on the communist “Red Brigades,” eventually, right-wing and fascists elements were discoverd to be the culprits. Two Italian secret service agents and Licio Gelli, the head of the infamous P2 Masonic lodge, were convicted in connection to the bombing. 1

“The makings of the bomb… came from an arsenal used by Gladio… according to a parliamentary commission on terrorism… The suggested link with the Bologna massacre is potentially the most serious of all the accusations levelled against Gladio, and comes just two days after the Italian Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti, cleared Gladio’s name in a speech to parliament, saying that the secret army did not drift from its formal Nato military brief” The Guardian January 16, 1991 1

1969: “In Italy, the Piazza Fontana massacre in Milan kills 16 and injures and maims 80 [….] during a trial of rightwing extremists General Giandelio Maletti, former head of Italian counterintelligence, alleges that the massacre had been carried out by the Italian stay-behind army and rightwing terrorists on the orders of the US secret service CIA in order to discredit Italian Communists.” 10

1985: “In Belgium, a secret army attacks and shoots shoppers in supermarkets randomly in the Brabant county killing 28 and leaving many wounded. Investigations link the terror to a conspiracy among the Belgian stay-behind SDRA8, the Belgian Gendarmerie SDRA6, the Belgian right-wing group WNP and the Pentagon secret service DIA.” 10

According to Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a far-right terrorist linked to Gladio and currently serving a life-sentence for the car bomb murder of 3 policement, “The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.” 6

Vinciguerra also made this statement to The Guardian, “The terrorist line was followed by camouflaged people, people belonging to the security apparatus, or those linked to the state apparatus through rapport or collaboration. I say that every single outrage that followed from 1969 fitted into a single, organised matrix… Avanguardia Nazionale, like Ordine Nuovo (the main right-wing terrorist group active during the 1970s), were being mobilised into the battle as part of an anti-communist strategy originating not with organisations deviant from the institutions of power, but from within the state itself, and specifically from within the ambit of the state’s relations within the Atlantic Alliance.” 1

In 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning Gladio. The resolution requested full investigations and a total dismantlement of the paramilitary structures involved—neither of which have come to pass.

Similar Gladio-like operations have been discovered across Europe, including France, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Switzerland…

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:40 pm

Post by susie

Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia

“[Operation Gladio] is riveting, incredibly well researched, and horrifying in its implications; it should be mandatory study in universities and government.”

IQ al Rassooli, member of the Advisory Council for the Intelligence Summit and author of Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam

“The people and their misdeeds exposed in Paul Williams’s Operation Gladio will cause the reader to question what person of authority and leadership can be trusted, especially since these foul acts are not confined solely to the dusty pages of history.”

Sgt. Thomas Juby, retired Royal Canadian Mounted Police Forensic Crime Scene Investigator and member of the Advisory Council for the Intelligence Summit

“The Court of Public Opinion is finally in session. We, the Jury, will read aloud this critical verdict to the world: ‘These Emperor Caesars definitely have no clothes!’ Vicious felons have been hiding in plain sight. Williams’s book is not just a book but a blatant indictment against these exposed, treacherous, and ruthless tyrants!”

Brent M. P. Beleskey, producer for The Intelligence Summit: International Educational Forum, former consultant for the Ontario Gang Investigators Association, member of Drug Watch International, and investigative researcher for Paul Palango’s Dispersing the Fog: Inside the Secret World of Ottawa and the RCMP

“For decades the CIA has been conducting covert wars without the knowledge or consent of the United States Congress or the American people. The CIA has funneled billions of dollars into dark operations, funding gun running, criminal figures, and attempted coup operations that resulted in the deaths of scores of people—all under the guise of ‘national security.’ Paul Williams exposes one such operation—Gladio—and courageously reveals the shadowy connections between US intelligence, the secret Vatican bank, and the global Mafia. Williams demonstrates a level of courage I have seen in few authors today.”

Kevin M. Shipp, former CIA operative and author of From the Company of Shadows

Product Description

This disturbing exposé describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe. Journalist Paul L. Williams presents evidence suggesting the existence of “stay-behind” units in many European countries consisting of five thousand to fifteen thousand military operatives. According to the author’s research, the initial funding for these guerilla armies came from the sale of large stocks of SS morphine that had been smuggled out of Germany and Italy and of bogus British bank notes that had been produced in concentration camps by skilled counterfeiters. As the Cold War intensified, the units were used not only to ward off possible invaders, but also to thwart the rise of left-wing movements in South America and NATO-based countries by terror attacks.

Williams argues that Operation Gladio soon gave rise to the toppling of governments, wholesale genocide, the formation of death squads, financial scandals on a grand scale, the creation of the mujahideen, an international narcotics network, and, most recently, the ascendancy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit cleric with strong ties to Operation Condor (an outgrowth of Gladio in Argentina) as Pope Francis I.

Sure to be controversial, Operation Gladio connects the dots in ways the mainstream media often overlooks.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:44 pm

Post by susie


12/05/2012 · by thewizardofcrisis · in Behind The Curtain, Headlines, The Ruby Slippers. ·

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Rita_katz_00

Who says Al Qaeda takes credit for a bombing? Rita Katz. Who gets us bin Laden tapes? Rita Katz. Who gets us pretty much all information telling us Muslims are bad?Rita Katz?

Rita Katz is the director of SITE Intelligence, primary source for intelligence used by news services, Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA. What is her qualification? She served in the Israeli Defense Forces.

She has a college degree and most investigative journalists believe the Mossad “Helps” her with her information. We find no evidence of any qualification whatsoever of any kind. A bartender has blackberries intelligence gathering experience.

Nobody verifies her claims. When SITE says Al Qaeda did it, it hits the papers. SITE says Israel did not do it, That hits the papers too. What does SITE really do? They check the internet for “information,” almost invariably That Israel wants information reported and it is sold as news, seen on American TV, reported in our papers and passed around the Internet Almost as though it Were actually true. Amazing.

It is quite Likely That you think everything you know about terror attacks Such as the one in Detroit or Whether Osama bin Laden is alive or dead comes from Rita Katz. Does she make it all up? We do not know, nobody knows, nobody checks, They simply buy it, print it, say it comes from SITE Intelligence and simply forget to tell us That this is, not only a highly biased organization but Also an extremely amateur one also.

Is any of this her fault, Ritas? No. She is herself, selling her work. The blame is not Site Intelligence, it is the people who pass on the information under misleading circumstances.

Imagine if the carried paper to a story like this:
“Reports That Al Qaeda was Responsible for the mosque bombing,

This is fair. Everyone Should Be Able to earn a living and That information comes from Israel Could Be without bias but not are the chances very good.

Certainly would not take it And Seriously If They Knew her background:

Rita Katz’s father was Executed as a spy by the Arabs and she spends her days raking the mud When It Comes Arabs and Muslims.
This professional slanderer, and the Zionist enemy of all the people of the Middle East is an agent provocateur riling the U.S. to engage in wars on Behalf of Israel.
In fact, any news organization, and most use this service, That fails to set out That They use the sources are “rumored” to be a foreign intelligence service with a long history of lying beyond human measure, not is to be taken seriously.

Can we test That SITE Intelligence is the Mossad? No. Would a reasonable person assumes it is? Yes

Would a reasonable person believe anything from this source Involving Islam or the Middle East? No, They Would not.

SITE’s primary claim to hunger, other than bin Laden videos with odd technical faults is Their close relationship with Blackwater.
Blackwater has found useful site. Blackwater exists no longer? As They Had to Change Their Name Because Of utter lack of credibility.

What can be learned by examining where our news comes from? Perhaps We Could start being realistic and begin seeing much of our own news and the childish propaganda it really is.
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Rita-3

Propaganda does two things:

1. It Makes up phony reasons to justify acts of barbaric cruelty or insane greed.

2. It blames people for things They did not do Because The people doing the blaming really did it themselves. These Things We call “false flag / USS Liberty” incidents.

Next time you see Palestinians dancing and someone tells you They are celebrating a terror attack, it is more Likely They Are attending a birthday party.
This is what we have learned, HAD Perhaps this is what we remember best.


Looking for truth in a world of false prophets-

Finding the truth, no matter who gets offended


ALL Bin Laden tapes are found by the examination 2 people ….

SITE is staffed by TWO people, Katz and Josh Devon.

I Have Been Thinking about the people who “find” the Al Qaeda videos or audio tapes online and alert the press as to Their findings.Who Are These People? Do they work for the Govt?

As it turns out, YES They Do. And it gets better …… One of These idiots is Rita Katz.

Source: ME Times

Yes, despite a massive manhunt by the world’s intelligence agencies, BL Seems To evade Their combined Efforts, staying on the run. But he still has time to drop into His recording studio and cook up a fresh tape for the likes of Rita Katz and her outfit Called SITE

SITE is staffed by TWO people, Katz and Josh Devon.

These two individuals yet manage to do what the ENTIRE combined assets of the Western world’s intelligence can not:

Be the first to Obtain fresh video and audio tapes from Al-Qaeda with Bin Laden making threats and issuing Various other comments. If BL Appears a bit “stiff” in the latest release, that’s Because He is real stiff, as in dead.

How Is It That A Jewish owned group like S.I.T.E. can outperform the world’s best and brightest in the intelligence field and be the first to know That a group like al-Qaeda is getting ready to release another tape?

How is it possible That Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. Can work this magic? Maybe looking at Katz’s background will help:

Rita Katz is Director and co-founder of the SITE Institue. Born in Iraq, her father was tried and Executed as an Israeli spy, whereupon her family moved to Israel [the move has-been descritti Both as an escape and an emmigration in different sources]. She Received a degree from the Middle Eastern Studies program at Tel Aviv University, and is fluent in Hebrew and Arabic. She emigrated to the U.S. in 1997.

Katz was Called as a witness in the trial, but Did not the government claims she was a terrorism expert. During the trial it was Discovered That Worked HAD Katz herself in violation of her visa agreement When she first arrived in America in 1997.

Also she admitted to receiving more than $ 130.000 for her work as an FBI consultant on the houses.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Obl-comparison

IntelCenter was caught Also adding to the ITS logo to tape at the examination time as Al-Qaeda’s so-called media arm As-Sahab logos added ITS, proving the two Organizations Were one and the same.

The Pakistani based Al-Qaeda group Jundullah, formerly headed by the Alleged mastermind of 9/11, an organization Which Enjoys the funding, support and protection of the CIA, Also Produces propaganda tapes and literature for As-Sahab and in turn IntelCenter.

We have just about lost count of the amount of times IntelCenter has released a tape from “Al-Qaeda” or “Bin Laden” at the most politically expedient time for the government, Whether That Be Bush or Obama.
The most infamous was the Bin Laden tape That appeared just before the 2004 election That Both Bush and Kerry Attributed to George W. Gaining Bush re-election.

It takes only minutes to summarize the companies bin Laden’s speeches and Within hours, They Will have provided full translations, analysis included.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 0

Because Hardly any news agencies, newspapers or magazines are in a position to Obtain this information or Examine Themselves, the translations Often end up being quoted verbatim in the media. Also They land on the desks of intelligence analysts in the United States and Europe, Providing Them with special delivery, albeit secondhand, of bin Laden’s words.

It is a hot day in June on the East Coast of the United States. The location of SITE’s headquarters Intelgroup can not be disclosed. The company is housed in an inconspicuous office building – there is no company sign.

The interior – neutral carpeting and light-colored desks, a humming air-conditioning system and a gurgling water cooler – offers little hint of the company’s delicate field of business. Josh Devon, holding a cup of iced tea from Starbucks, invites His visitor into a conference room where the walls are draped with maps. This is where Devon briefs FBI agents. The 29-year-old is wearing a white shirt and sporting three-day growth. When he founded SITE, together with Rita Katz, he was all of 23.

‘We Followed Simply’

“We simply Followed the jihadists,” he says, the idea behind Describing SITE. “We went where They went.” He means-online.

When he joined forces and Katz, Devon was still a student of Middle Eastern Studies, but His business partner was Already a legend. Beginning in the late 1990s, Katz Almost single-handedly uncovered a number of funding sources of Islamists.

Katz, a Jew born in Iraq who speaks Arabic, infiltrated Islamist Organizations disguised as a Muslim woman – and wearing recording equipment. She passed her on to the Findings
Authorities. Were there court cases, and some Organizations Were banned.

Then Came Sept. 11, 2001.
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSerefXoYB3hPcnE9UmanQ9cBsZ9Pwu0Z0P_t6kZS0lwWJEluMi

A short time later, Rita Katz and Josh Devon Were among the first to notice That al-Qaeda and Its ilk Were creating an online presence. They established businesses SITE, an acronym for “Search for International Terrorist Entities,” Began surfing and Their way in pursuit of radical Islamic terrorist organizations. A U.S. magazine was one of Their first subscribers. Government agencies in Switzerland and the families of Sept. 11 victims Followed soon. SITE was in business

Monday, January 25, 2010

The irrelevance of Bin Ladin

An audio message allegedly from Usamah Bin Laden was released Sunday, Christmas Day Attempted Claiming That the airline attack over Detroit was His work.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and assert two things about the audio. First, I do not think it is genuine. Second, I think it Demonstrates That Bin Laden, Whether he is dead or alive, is now irrelevant.

Nothing about this ‘message’ smells right.

The Sound That’s Bin Laden’s claim was behind the Christmas Day bombing is dubious. The modus operandi of Nigerian terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab bore no resemblance to That of Bin Ladin’s al-Qaeda. Bin Laden plans operations for years beforehand; Attempts to arrange for large simultaneous attacks or attacks on symbolic targets, and uses teams. One guy in an amateurish attempt hastily Recruited That only blows up His own crotch? That Is not al-Qaeda.


Israel, Please, No More Bin Laden Tapes, Nobody is Buying It!

Will, sadly, there are still many to be That do buy it-as bizarre as That Is, imo.
Like my Xtian-Republican-Daughter, Whose ministers Encourage support Israel regardless of what Contrary evidence is presented.
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Anwarawlakihoaxerfake-371x351

Debbie Schussell Pundit, former Mark Siljander (VT staff writer) staffer, has bitterly complained about the strong ties Between Fox News and Al Jazeera. Fox owner, Rupert Murdoch, is the Most Powerful “influencers” of the ultra-rightists in Israel.Attempts by the press to present Al Jazeera of today as the “pro-terrorist” media Seemed like it many years ago is an epic misrepresentation.

A further Top abuse, of course, is not only no longer? That we are seeing the raised easily debunked bin Laden video tapes doubles Whose Were “mysteriously” released by SITE Intelligence, the Rita Katz / Israeli group Them That Seems To find in trash bins behind delicatessens .

Apparently, SITE got the message, as I Discovered this article:

Rather sarcastic but honest observation of what was going on Within SITE, Intel 2 Party, who are FBI / CIA actually got reports and released to the media, Whom thought it credible.

From the now deceased Web page: S.I.T.E. Institute

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQ4d9HdAuT8eM3i1n0F45wQ-YhTw1SamBy-CPmHaTQBbyU9D3nBA

After Several years of public service, the SITE Institute, a non-profit organization, ITS has ceased operations. Its assets sold and the proceeds Have Been Transferred to other non-profit Organizations consistent with the educational and charitable mission of the SITE Institute. Some of the formerly Activities Conducted by the SITE Institute will now be Carried out by the SITE Intelligence Group, a for-profit entity.

To learn more about the SITE Intelligence Group, please visit www.siteintelgroup.org.

Whatsamatter, there, Babe Rita? All Those doctored up “Bin Laden” videos catch up to your old SITE Institute to the point That A name change was needed to keep attention away from your past antics?

And why did you scrub away pertinent info from your new web page? Or did you lose your of ONE TEAM, Josh Devon and just do not have the time For Those tedious details?

And the next time you just happen to “discover” the latest AQ / BL tape, try and be a bit more discreet in announcing the release of the tape.
After all, you best out When the world’s intelligence agencies on a regular basis in “finding” these tapes, people tend to be a bit suspicious.

P. S. One more suggestion: It might make your latest incarnation of blackberries SITE believable if the IP address Was not the exact as another MOSSAD asset MEMRI. See, you both have the IP address examination.

Checking with Whois raised easily one can find IP addresses, so HAVING the same IP number as another MOSSAD asset, well, let’s say That some might find That A bit more convenient than necessary.

Kudos to your move to a new location, away from the hustle and bustle of DC
An added bonus of being located in Fort George G. Meade, Maryland means-your only 30 minutes away from the world’s largest spy agency, the National Security Agency.

But, you Probably Knew That When You moved SITE.

With That said, here’s Hoping you and your buddies MOSSAD the best in your future aL-Qeada and Bin Laden video productions.

So, Rather They Are Still Providing this propaganda, now we have another simular source Certainly you can see by When They are released, by the timing,
and what is said, That Israel Mossad is behind it.

Monday, January 25, 2010



It Seems Israel is Becoming anxious about the American peoples commitment to Israeli Zionist dreams of creating a Greater Israel. They are so anxious That They Have released a tape They Are Claiming That is the very dead Osama Bin Laden (http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/osama_dead.html?q=osama_dead.html) threatening the U.S. with acts of terrorism If They continue to support Israel.

This latest tape is the most blatantly transparent piece of nonsense That has ever emanated from the Israelis and Their Allies and Demonstrates how fearful of losing the support They are of the American people and the West Generally. The give-away for this piece of garbage particolare is the way the Israelis have tried to link the Al Qaeda’s cause to the Palestinian (http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2010/2010/01/2010124161031586341.html) causes.

American’s, and indeed, many in the West, are Becoming rapidly disillusioned by Israel’s behavior over the past Few years. In Particular, since the release of the Goldstone Report Showed That Israel’s warcrimes in the Gaza During Operation Cast Lead in over a thousand Gazans Which Were Murdered brutally, People Have Become alerted to Israeli Skulduggery and Attempted cover-ups for Their Crimes. And, in the latest Developments on the West Bank, people in the West are Becoming increasingly aware That the Zionist Netanyahu government has no intention whatsoever of ever Allowing a Palestinian were to exist despite all the talk of talks, Negotiations, roadmaps, accords, etc.. As recently as this last Sunday Netanyahu Said That Jewish settlements in the West Bank will REMAIN Israeli

Israel, by linking the Palestinian cause with Osama bin Laden is Attempting to undermine the Palestinians quest for a sovereign State and in the process claim That Israel’s enemies are America’s enemies and That the Struggle Against ‘Terrorism’ intrinsically links the Palestinian fighters with Al Qaeda and, Therefore, the U.S. must continue to support Israel in Their Fight Against the Palestinians seeking Their Own sovereign state.

In the fake video, Osama Bin Laden thrashes Israel

The sports tape to voice Which Does not sound like Bin Laden’s old tapes, and a still picture dating back some years. Of course, if Al Qaeda wanted to post Osama’s speech, a video would normally prepared sono stati.

The fake Osama lashed at length at Israel for oppressing the poor Palestinian terrorists and vowed to defend every inch of the land the Palestinians Consider Theirs.

Sadly, Our Controlled AIPAC’s American Congress Dismissed dispite the Goldstine-ITS Report Findings, As They have many other charges of Israels A Violations.

Britain Says Were Forged Passports in Dubai Assassination by Israel


Updated | Wednesday | 7:59 pm A British government investigation has Concluded That Israel was Involved in the forgery of 12 British passports used by suspects in the killing of a Hamas official in Dubai in January,

Britain’s foreign secretary, David Miliband, said in a statement to the House of Commons on Tuesday.

As my colleague John Burns reports, Mr. Miliband Called the passport fraud “intolerable” and said That he had “asked That A member of the Embassy of Israel be withdrawn from the UK as a result of this affair, and this is taking place. ”

Julian Borger, The Guardian’s diplomatic correspondent, reported: “The Guardian Understands the official is a senior Mossad agent,” referring to Israel’s intelligence agency.
Pentagon Release Front IntelCenter Another Dubious Bin Laden Tape


With the Latest, just-just by coincidence was released after the latest confrontation Between Obama, Biden, and Israel over Israels aggressive actions in expanding settlements.

Caroline Alexander and Mahmoud Kassem

Bloomberg News

Bin Laden’s Tape (Audio): If Mohammed Warns Of Killings Executed

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Bin Laden Audio Tape From

The leader of al-Qaeda re-emerged today, reminding the world of His Existence. In a new audio tape, Osama Bin Laden Addressed Imprisonment and the potential execution of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, one of the Men Accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks. Bin Laden warned Americans That any captured by al-Qaeda will be killed if Mohammed is Executed. Mohammed is currently going through the trial in the United States and is Likely to get death penalty if convicted.

Bin Laden Also Criticized Obama for U.S. President “Following in the footsteps of His predecessor” George W. Bush Maintains h in the relations with Israel.

The tape was aired on Arabic television network Al Jazeera on Thursday. Al Jazeera reports Were there no immediate comments from the U.S. side.

The last time the World Heard from al-Qaeda was in the aftermath of the failed Northwest Airlines Flight 253 bombing on Christmas Day When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab of Nigeria tried to blow up Airbus A330 on approach to Detroit. Within days of the incident, al-Qaeda Responded Claiming responsibility for the bomb attempt.On January 24, Bin Laden released audio tape confirming His Own responsibility for the attack.

Motivations behind That One-Obvious-

Yet another attempt into making sure everyone is properly scared of another 9/11-style devastating attack on U.S. soil.

According to The New Bin Laden audiotape he is Claiming responsibility for the foiled attack on Flight 253 to Detroit and promises blackberries airliner attacks if U.S. Continues to support Israel.

CIA-linked IntelCenter, a company-That was CAUGHT red-handed manipulating an al-Zawahiri video now claims this new sound That is a ‘possible indicators’ for an upcoming attack Within the next 12 months.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Photo_1339160646693-1-0

Another clue: the Alleged Usamah listed only one grievance, That Of Palestine, and he framed it in terms of the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Would not he have some Concerns about the U.S. drone strikes on the positions of al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the northwest of Pakistan and Afghanistan? About Obama’s escalation of the Afghanistan war? If this is a recent audio, as shown by the reference to the December 25 attack, why not gloat about the attack on the CIA forward operating base by an al-Qaeda double agent only A Few days afterward?

It is not like him to attempt to steal the thunder of Hamas in Gaza, Hamas and al-Qaeda has Already Told to butt out.
Now this latest one!

March 25 (Bloomberg) – Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden warned Americans blackberries That would be killed if the Self-Proclaimed mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks is Executed, According to an audio tape aired by al-Jazeera.

“The day America will take Such a decision it will have taken a decision to execute whomever we capture,” Bin Laden said in the audio tape. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four co-conspirators Accused are to go on trial in the U.S. and the government intends to Seek the death penalty.

In the recording, the al-Qaeda leader warned President Barack Obama Also further Top of attacks on U.S. soil if the Palestinian “situation” Is not resolved. There was no immediate comment from U.S. officials.

Virginia-based IntelCenter said the statement Appears to be authentic, and That it is “a valid indicator of an Increased threat of kidnappings targeting Americans in the immediate period and Following through” the trial of Mohammed.

The tape was aired on Arabic television network Al Jazeera on Thursday. Al Jazeera reports Were there no immediate comments from the U.S. side.

Now, can you read into the motivations That Israel and / or possible Neocon Shadow CIA Agents, may in faking Achieve Such messages?

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:46 pm

Post by susie

"Need Crisis Actors for That False Flag? We've Got The Best in the Business!"

Check out the victims and their wounds around the 2:00 mark and the one at 8:55. Realistic as all get out, plenty of blood and gore for making that False Flag, whether it be in Boston or Sandy Hook or the upcoming one predicted by the bastard who ran part of the 9/11 False Flag, former VP Dick Cheney.

The 'dummies' used in parts of these scenarios are light years away from the old CPR dummies of the 1990's. Even the amputations look real.

Stu Segall, head of Strategic Operations, has an extensive Hollywood background, which is evident in the superb quality of the videos realism.

Strategic Operations has changed the face of tactical training by introducing to the training world “Hollywood” movie and TV-making techniques to make live training as realistic as safely possible. This innovation has been made possible by Stu Segall who brings to Strategic Operations more than 35 years experience as a producer of feature films, television movies and shows.

Stu Segall Productions is now one of the largest independent TV and film studios in America with 10 sound stages on 20 acres.

Stu has produced over 800 hours of primetime television series, including Renegade, Pensacola, Wings of Gold, Invisibleman, The Chronicle, 18 Wheels of Justice, High Tide, Cover Me, Rising Son, Veronica Mars, Desire and Secret Obsessions.

Stu Segall Productions has produced for ABC, Beacon, CBS, Disney Channel, Fox, NBC, Paramount, Showtime, Sony/Columbia/Tri-Star, Studios USA, Universal, UPN and Warner Brothers.

In 2002, Stu created Strategic Operations, of which he is President, with a mission to provide “hyper-realistic” training for the military, law enforcement, and other organizations responsible for homeland security and public safety.

Using the “magic of filmmaking,” Strategic Operations creates tactical scenarios in great detail by controlling and manipulating both the physical and sensory environment. Design experts and public safety officials help movie industry professionals create a state-of-the-art, next generation tactical training environment unique in the U.S.

Don't some of the scenes in the above video remind you of an event that happened in Boston?

Maybe Rita Katz, of SITE, the Israeli Jewess living in the USA that just so happens to 'find' all those jihadist beheading videos, uses these guys?


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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:46 pm

Post by radicaldualist

Jewish owners recently sold Paris’s Bataclan theater, where IS killed dozens

‘We’re devastated because we knew everyone who worked there,’ says former owner Pascal Laloux

The Bataclan theater, targeted in Friday night’s Paris terror attacks, was Jewish-owned for decades, but was sold two months ago, its former owners said.

French magazine Le Point said early Saturday that the Bataclan, where at least 80 people were massacred by Islamic State gunmen on Friday night, has for years been the target of anti-Zionist groups as the Jewish owners often put on pro-Israel events. The publication quoted a member of the extremist group Army of Islam, who told French security services in 2011 that, “We had planned an attack against the Bataclan because its owners are Jews.”

The Eagles of Death Metal, the band performing at the theater when the attacks began, played in Tel Aviv’s Barby club in July.

Pascal Laloux, one of the theater’s former owners, said Saturday that the theater was “sold in September after 40 years.”

“We’re devastated because we knew everyone who worked there,” he told Israel’s Channel 2 news.

His brother Joel, the co-owner, told Channel 2 that they sold the theater on September 11, and he recently immigrated to Israel. He said he took a call from the theater at the time of the attack “and I could hear the gunfire.”

He also said a member of the Eagles of Death Metal was “hit by a bullet and killed.” There was no confirmation of this. “There is blood everywhere,” he said. “It will take three days just to clean that up.”

Pascal said Parisians no longer feel safe “after what happened here.”

“The terrorists have no rules,” Pascal said. “We have to take the bull by the horns” in the battle against terror, “and France and the government never do.”

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:47 pm

Post by thinkforyourself on Nov 15, 2015 at 6:41pm

Amazingly, it isn't just magic passports that are surviving, but magic terrorist fingers as well! Very Happy


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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:47 pm

Post by susie

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:50 pm

Post by lizardking

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Charles_Carl_Roberts_mugshot

The 2006 Amish school shooting:

Even Wikipedia's "mainstream" description of the shooting has vital clues:
Survivors said that Roberts was mumbling his words and was not making direct eye contact.
A team of officers was positioned just behind a shed attached to the rear corner of the schoolhouse and they requested permission over the radio to approach the windows. The permission was denied.
At approximately 11:07 a.m., Roberts began shooting the victims. State troopers immediately approached. As the first trooper in line reached a window, the shooting abruptly stopped. Roberts had committed suicide. It took the troopers about two and a half minutes to break into the school to assist those children who were not killed instantly.
When State Police Commissioner Jeffrey Miller interviewed Roberts' co-workers, they claimed to have noticed a "change" in him over the past couple of months.
Reports stated that most of the girls were shot "execution-style" in the back of the head. The ages of the victims ranged from six to thirteen. According to the The Washington Post, police and coroner accounts of the children's wounds differed dramatically; Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Jeffrey Miller said Roberts shot his victims in the head at close range, with 17 or 18 shots fired in all, including the one he used to take his own life as police stormed into the school by breaking through the window glass. However, Janice Ballenger, deputy coroner in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, told The Washington Post in an interview that she counted at least two dozen bullet wounds in one child alone before asking a colleague to continue for her.

Inside the school, Ballenger said, "there was not one desk, not one chair, in the whole schoolroom that was not splattered with either blood or glass. There were bullet holes everywhere, everywhere."
The West Nickel Mines School was demolished the following week, on 12 October 2006.
Roberts called his wife from the schoolhouse on his cell phone and told her that he had molested two young female relatives (between the ages of 3 and 5) 20 years previously (when he was 12) and had been daydreaming about molesting again.
On 4 October 2006, the two relatives whom Roberts said he molested 20 years ago told police that no such abuse had ever happened, throwing a new layer of mystery over the gunman's motive and mental state during the shooting. Miller said there was no evidence any of the Amish children had been molested.

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:50 pm

Post by lizardking

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:50 pm

Post by susie

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:51 pm

Post by susie

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:51 pm

Post by susie

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:52 pm

Post by vortexkitten on Nov 14, 2015 at 8:53am

This Paris attack stinks of foul play.

It just so happens:-) that Germany and France were having a friendly football game in the Paris Stadium at the same time the" explosions" went off.
Christ some media reporters really do talk a load of shite, I heard this one reporter saying that 'the mood in France was similiar to that of the time just before WW1'.

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:52 pm

Post by mitch on Nov 14, 2015 at 9:57am

As we have seen at the fake Chinese colour revolution protests and at the charlie heddo false flag event, once again they have instantly available professionally prepared signs, this time its "pray for paris"  (puke)

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:53 pm

Post by mitch

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:53 pm

Post by susie

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:53 pm

Post by iahawks

There's a guy on YouTube who breaks down a lot of fake shootings with a fine-toothed comb. I don't know if he is ultimately a shill, and it's always good to have that possibility in mind, but nevertheless he really blows the lid off of these fake shootings. The channel is Peekay22… just FYI. (Edit: there's nothing up there yet on the this Paris thing as of my writing this, but I'm sure there will be soon.)

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:54 pm

Post by susie on Nov 15, 2015 at 11:42pm

Nov 15, 2015 at 6:33pm radicaldualist said:

Your link is messed up and I fixed it here. But I found this looking for it:


They got what they wanted and that was attack on Syria the NON ROTHSCHILD BANK country. One of very few left.

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:55 pm

Post by radicaldualist

Paris "Terrorist Attack" Hoax - CCTV Footage At Cafe Shows "Terrorist" Sparing Customers Lives

Paris France "Terrorist Attack" Hoax - Satanic Ritual - All See Eye On The Floor At Batacan Theater

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:56 pm

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:56 pm

Post by susie

“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.
- Josef Stalin

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:58 pm

Post by susie


Of course the Jesuit had to have the controlled neocon media spotlight.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 3 GettyImages-496806746-640x480


Two days after the horrendous jihadist attacks in Paris, Pope Francis preached about the “end times,” encouraging his hearers to be vigilant and ready at any moment to meet God face to face.

In his Angelus message Sunday, the Pope invited the ten thousand pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter’s Square to think about their death, the day they will meet God and give an accounting for their life.

The Pope also explicitly addressed the Paris carnage, expressing his “deep sorrow for the terrorist attacks that bloodied France late on Friday, causing many casualties.” Along with offering his condolences to the victims and their families, Francis condemned the massacre as an “unspeakable affront to human dignity.”

“Such barbarity leaves us shocked and we wonder how the human heart can conceive and carry out such horrible events, which have shaken not only France but the whole world,” he said.

Francis unequivocally recognized the Islamist ideology behind the attacks, denouncing the use of God’s name to justify the brutal attacks as “blasphemy.”

Commenting on Sunday’s Scripture readings, the Pope said that Jesus’ preaching about the end of the world contains “apocalyptic elements, like war, famine, and cosmic catastrophes.”

“In those days,” Francis repeated, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.”

These signs are not the most important things, however, the Pope insisted. “Our final goal is the meeting with the resurrected Lord.” The most important thing is not knowing when the end will come, but being ready for it when it does, he said.

“We are called to live the present,” Francis said, but always ready to meet God whenever he may call.

At the end of the world, Francis said, “Jesus’ triumph will be the triumph of the cross, the demonstration that the sacrifice of oneself out of love for one’s neighbor, in imitation of Christ, is the only victorious power and the only stable point in the midst of the upheavals and tragedies of the world.”

The Pope also warned against an unhealthy curiosity to know details of the future, with recourse to psychics and horoscopes, saying they distract us from what is really important in the present.

We are called rather “to watchfulness,” Francis said, that keeps us focused and ready at all times.

“In our days,” he concluded, “there is no lack of natural and moral disasters, as well as adversities of every kind.”

“The Lord tells us that everything passes and only He and his Word remain as a light to guide and strengthen our steps,” he said.

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:58 pm

Post by licaga on yesterday at 8:27pm

Found a website were you can watch YouTube video in slow motion and frame by frame http://rowvid.com/

Works great did some research with this tool

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