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Rahu - The Black Sun

Jack Aurora
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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by TheFreedomMinistry Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:20 pm

RickFE wrote:Think of the welding masks we use. They have new ones, that are clear, and go dark when needed. They are probably lenses like at your optometrist that click around following it. Polarizing lenses. Would explain how the moon goes transparent in its "shaded" area. Most technology mimics nature. Where else could we have taken technology from these local bodies? Incandescent bulbs/hot, Fluorescent bulbs/cold and gas reaction. Technology mimics nature. The computer is an attempt at a human brain copy. Electronics and circuitry was made to mimic the nervous system.Cheers

Astute observation, and absolutely correct. ALL modern (and ancient) technology mimics nature, as it all is derived from nature to start with.

In regards to Rahu, I believe that's what I saw covering over most of the moon on Saturday this weekend that just past. Rahu (or the black sun) would be the 'body' that shades the moon when it's not full, correct?

Thanks for the great information in this threat all that have contributed!


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Admin Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:34 am


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Admin Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:07 am

You can quite clearly see Rahu passing affront the Sun starting at 1 hour 40 minutes here:

Also available here in this shorter video


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by doxoliday Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:00 pm

Rahu, the black sun does appear during eclipses and disappears shortly thereafter and the above footage lends itself to that observation even though the guy in the Strange Truth Project video does start listing somewhat dubious refutations of the AE map at 1:50 while advocating a simulation hypothesis which is pretty unconvincing and highly speculative to say the least.

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by JohannJohann Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:56 pm

Admin wrote:You can quite clearly see Rahu passing affront the Sun starting at 1 hour 40 minutes here:

Also available here in this shorter video

That video is shilly as shilly can be, starts of by saying earth is flat and we live in a simulation followed by the AE map is false because he doesn't believe the sun does not set, the video then switch over to some idiot talking about the earth being flat pear shaped whatever its suppose to mean and some deluded talk about a magic sun and Antarctica being two islands. You shouldn't give these people any airtime in my opinion Smile


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Schpankme Wed Apr 17, 2019 6:54 am

Please watch the first minute:thirty seconds (1:30) of the video provided; ignore the theoretical BS about Photons.

  Observe how one polarized lens placed over another causes the object to look black.


The Sun, Moon and Stars 'look to be' diffused light; meaning, "created" with multiple lenses like the Moon shows us during the Eclipse.  If the Moon acted like the polarized lens, with
another polarized lens slowly moved in-front of it, this would replicate the Eclipse.  This would not require a Black Lens, but one hidden without light, without detection, until it moved
across the face of the Moon.

Here we see two identical polarized lenses with one offset at 90 degrees.

Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Polari11

Video provided
Bell's Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Jack Aurora Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:09 pm

I have a question...

What is Ketu in this whole Rahu inquiry?
Ketu is always mentioned along with stories of Rahu...

So if Rahu has to do with the eclipses, what is Ketu?

I'm asking because I am now referring to the Swastika with the four dots.
To me, personally, and deeply rooted psyche the Swastika is symbolic to the directions the universe is spinning in, and the four major luminaries.... sun, moon, rahu, ketu.

The Sauwastika is the same symbol with the opposite directional spin.
As viewed from above it is swastika, and as from below, sauwastika.
Am I correct in understanding it this way?

So... What is Ketu, and what is it's role?
Jack Aurora
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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Admin Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:56 pm


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by susie Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:10 am

Admin wrote:

in case it disappears from youtube.

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Black Sun Below

Post by Koubenakombi Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:43 pm

Hello everybody, this is my first post and I'm studying/considering the existence of a Black Sun below the plane. That said, the current magnetic north area would act like a prism, refracting radiation from below, projecting its rays on the dome and composing two focal points (the sun and the moon). Unfortunately I cannot explain the different cycles these two focal points experience (sun 365 and moon 28). A prism may diverge rays, but could not alter their velocity (being both at the same density environment), specially because the rays have the same source (point of origin). Any clues on that subject would be highly appreciate. Regards. sunny


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Xander Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:44 pm

Koubenakombi wrote:Hello everybody, this is my first post and I'm studying/considering the existence of a Black Sun below the plane. That said, the current magnetic north area would act like a prism, refracting radiation from below, projecting its rays on the dome and composing two focal points (the sun and the moon). Unfortunately I cannot explain the different cycles these two focal points experience (sun 365 and moon 28). A prism may diverge rays, but could not alter their velocity (being both at the same density environment), specially because the rays have the same source (point of origin). Any clues on that subject would be highly appreciate. Regards. sunny

Your best bet on these kind of ideas is Flat Earth Philosophy on YouTube. He's not the best at making his ideas clear but I do think he is on to something.

His channel can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_gQ2763DquK5PkLqbO59w

EDIT: I'm beginning to think this guy may be a bit of a wally, but I still find the basic premise promising.

Last edited by Xander on Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:19 am; edited 1 time in total


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Xander Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:03 am

I've also been recommend these channels that apparently share the same basic premise, that the earth is a torus (the land is flat) and in the centre there is a black hole with the sun, moon and stars being projections and reflections.

Vibes of Cosmos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0p9kL7SLlYD5HnFUy-9XAhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0p9kL7SLlYD5HnFUy-9XA

Awake Souls: https://www.youtube.com/user/awakesouls/videos

I've not watched any of them yet so I can't vouch for any quality. The second one seems to have a Christian theming, but personally I don't really care as long as the information is good/interesting.

I've yet to discover anyone with a mathematical breakdown/model of these ideas which is really what I want to see. I can't help but feel they're roughly on the right path though.

EDIT: I wouldn't bother with Awake Souls. It's crap.


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Thank you

Post by Koubenakombi Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:05 pm

Thank you, Xander.
I've already downloaded 30 videos from youtube (watching them in order) from your first recommendation.
Like you, I'm able to consider the valid points (physics and chemistry), leaving any belief system aside.
In fact, flat earth was the first time I enjoyed the idea of a creator (intelligent design?), but first I prefer to understand how things work... then, maybe, I could move to other realms... or whatever we could become in this old mining pit.
The idea of other resets, mud floods and classic/tartarian architecture brought me here, all together with Fomenko.
I'm a skeptic regarding our 1800's men, living in mud brick/hay houses, handling chisels and shovels, pushing horse buggies around capabilities to build the old images we see.
In fact, flat earth is easy on the mind: it allows to drop all universe/space, alien, satellites, history (most of it), allowing us to center ourselves. Nothing out there, lets focus on our place.


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Xander Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:47 pm

No worries. I think he has interesting ideas that are worth considering but there is no real rigor there. He gets things wrong, so you have to check what he's saying is true in some cases. I think the part that intrigued me the most was him linking the torus shape and the whirlpool that's been rumoured to exist at the North Pole. The earth being shaped like a torus makes intuitive sense to me. It can still be flat where we are.

Ultimately they're all just ideas and unless we can get some solid science behind them with testable hypotheses, then they'll just remain interesting ideas.

Yes, I too was an atheist until I discovered the truth of this plane. I have to make my peace with making fun of religious people in my teenage years. They were right (in a sense) all along.


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Koubenakombi Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:05 am

Hi Xander,

So I've spent around 24h, watching 70 videos of Flat Earth Philosophy, about the Lindsay Harris design and I can report he started with a functional/acceptable model and evolved into something bad... really bad. All model's justifications are bounded by electrons & protons, strong/weak electromagnetic fields, high/low pressures, the duality and hand gestures (magician?!) as if the model could explain itself. Unfortunately no scientific method (far away from the establishment science - I don't trust anyone dressed in white anymore!), but simple physics and chemistry. His preferred phrase is "... and this is how it works!" doesn't really explain much... so, after investing time, looking for concepts and ideas, I wrote to him, explaining the impossibilities in the current model and inviting him to look into other models... as imaginative as he is, he could offer some insight definitely.
Talking about other models, I've found a "crater earth" series (Wim Carrette), 44 episodes, 20min each... a mix of flat and some other earth... basically it uses the moon map and places us into a moon crater... so you can imagine how extensive the land mass would be. Some interesting history, energy points and "space" considerations... but I'm still processing his map flip. Not sure if you already know this series, if not, I think you will find it interesting.



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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Koubenakombi Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:06 am

Lindsay Harris Design >>> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_gQ2763DquK5PkLqbO59w/videos


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Admin Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:13 am

In June 1850, the Royal Astronomical Society published that: "we must seriously doubt that the Moon is the only satellite of the Earth."

In the report of the Academy of Sciences on October 12, 1846 and again in 1847 the director of one of the French observatories showed a series of calculations and observations that led him to conclude the following: there is at least one non-luminescent celestial body of considerable size attached to the Earth as a satellite.

The astronomer and mathematician Sir John Herschel admitted that there are invisible moons in the firmament.

Johann Heinrich Lambert, a mathematician, physicist, astronomer and philosopher wrote that where there are large dark cosmic bodies and claimed the existence of these non-luminescent orbs in the sky has been widely documented over the centuries.

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by inquirer Thu May 18, 2023 5:16 am

What would the paths of Rahu and/or Ketu look like? If they had a circular revolution like the sun and the moon I would imagine there would be eclipses every day. This would indicate a path like the wandering stars, however unlike the wandering stars they would also need to be close, even more so than the sun and the moon.

Also I assume the moon can be tracked to intersect with the sun during every solar eclipse. The way I see it this means either:
-Solar eclipses are caused by the moon being directly below the sun and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon
-Solar eclipses are caused by Rahu being directly below the sun while the moon is directly above it and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon, and Rahu and Ketu are the same celestial body
-Solar eclipses are caused by Rahu being directly below the sun while the moon is directly above it and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon, and Rahu and Ketu are different celestial bodies

Although the black sun seems to solely be a way to explain eclipses in theory. I’m not seeing any evidence for its existence.


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by RileySlowWave Thu May 18, 2023 6:26 am

inquirer wrote:What would the paths of Rahu and/or Ketu look like? If they had a circular revolution like the sun and the moon I would imagine there would be eclipses every day. This would indicate a path like the wandering stars, however unlike the wandering stars they would also need to be close, even more so than the sun and the moon.

Also I assume the moon can be tracked to intersect with the sun during every solar eclipse. The way I see it this means either:
-Solar eclipses are caused by the moon being directly below the sun and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon
-Solar eclipses are caused by Rahu being directly below the sun while the moon is directly above it and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon, and Rahu and Ketu are the same celestial body
-Solar eclipses are caused by Rahu being directly below the sun while the moon is directly above it and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon, and Rahu and Ketu are different celestial bodies

Although the black sun seems to solely be a way to explain eclipses in theory. I’m not seeing any evidence for its existence.

hey, this is a great question, & excellent analysis

Rowbotham in “Zetetic Astronomy” deduces/concludes, like you said, that solar eclipses are the moon blocking & lunar eclipses are the *other* thing passing it, as evidenced by the “copper glow” it continues putting out, which would be obscured if a shadow…

he makes the point, too, that mathematics are usually whacky when trying to predict this stuff, & what we really have are reliable patterns spanning over time [i think 18 year cycles in part]

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Koubenakombi Thu May 18, 2023 9:59 pm

Still... I can't wrap my head around a single source (black sun) creating different focal points (sun, moon and invisible others), even considering radiations' nature, density elements (refraction). GodGevLamste (youtube channel) offers an explanation for different time frames, but I still think some extra considerations must accompany that... just a gut feeling.



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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by RileySlowWave Fri May 19, 2023 4:47 am

RileySlowWave wrote:
inquirer wrote:What would the paths of Rahu and/or Ketu look like? If they had a circular revolution like the sun and the moon I would imagine there would be eclipses every day. This would indicate a path like the wandering stars, however unlike the wandering stars they would also need to be close, even more so than the sun and the moon.

Also I assume the moon can be tracked to intersect with the sun during every solar eclipse. The way I see it this means either:
-Solar eclipses are caused by the moon being directly below the sun and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon
-Solar eclipses are caused by Rahu being directly below the sun while the moon is directly above it and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon, and Rahu and Ketu are the same celestial body
-Solar eclipses are caused by Rahu being directly below the sun while the moon is directly above it and lunar eclipses are caused by Ketu being below the moon, and Rahu and Ketu are different celestial bodies

Although the black sun seems to solely be a way to explain eclipses in theory. I’m not seeing any evidence for its existence.

hey, this is a great question, & excellent analysis

Rowbotham in “Zetetic Astronomy” deduces/concludes, like you said, that solar eclipses are the moon blocking & lunar eclipses are the *other* thing passing it, as evidenced by the “copper glow” it continues putting out, which would be obscured if a shadow…

he makes the point, too, that mathematics are usually whacky when trying to predict this stuff, & what we really have are reliable patterns spanning over time [i think 18 year cycles in part]

here's a Rowbotham quote which concludes "Chapter Eleven - Cause of Lunar and Solar Eclipses:"

"The formulæ above quoted are entirely superfluous, because they add nothing to our knowledge of the causes of eclipses, and would not enable us to predict anything which has not hundreds of times already occurred. Hence all the labour of calculation is truly effort thrown away, and may be altogether dispensed with by adopting the simple process referred to earlier, and calling that which eclipses the moon the "lunar eclipsor," or the moon's satellite, instead of the "earth's shadow," just as the moon is the sun's eclipsor."

dude bats homers

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Ring of Fire Eclipse

Post by Jimbofunk1 Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:45 pm

Could it be the third celestial body instead of the moon?

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 3 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by lunastal Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:03 am

I dont think the moon necessarily has to be a flat disk, it can be round and translucent. I think the moon is a sort of anti-sun, the reason being the law of thermodynamics. It's been shown that the moonlight is actually cold and septic. I think the moon exist to absorb the suns heat or cool the earth, keeping the world system at a relative average temperature. If there was no moon, the suns heat might not dissipate fast enough, and the earth temperature would steadily rise over the years and decades. The moon, in my admittedly ignorant opinion, cools the earth.


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