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Rahu - The Black Sun

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:55 pm

Posted by Observicus on 06/24/2015
Another Rahu event filmed in January 2010.
The effect is unusual, can anyone comment on what is being seen here?
First 15 seconds, camera issue, light problem, video edit?

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:55 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/01/2015
I have just cleaned up this thread. From now on, let us keep all discussion on Rahu, and not on Magic Mushrooms, Black Knight, etc. 


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:56 pm

Posted by banazir on 07/08/2015
Interesting concept this third object in the sky. Does it not downplay the dualistic nature of our world? The Yin and the Yang, male/female etc that Eric has mentioned? Maybe it gives creedence to the third eye blind concept, or does it perhaps give a more balanced sentiment (Earth/Moon/Sun/Rahu)? I think there is a song in there somewhere! 

Speaking of songs:

The Police - Invisible Sun (1981) from MTVClassic1 on Vimeo.

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:57 pm

Posted by vamsi108 on 07/22/2015
Here is a few verses from the bhagavat purana - Srimad Bhagavatam spoken by Sri Sukadev Goswami about the planet rahu. As a neophyte in vedic cosmology I cannot really make any statements with great profundity nevertheless I am trying according to my limited understanding to present what little i have grasped, so please forgive any mistakes I may make in my statements given my limited understanding. According to the vedic model of the universe the moon is actually further away in its orbit above the Bhumandal plane then the sun is, the difference in some measurements given by parralax measurements  may be accounted for by the horizontal position on the greater plane of Bhu mandala (*Please see my endnote regarding my disclaimer on parallax measurements ). With all information nowadays that is thought mythical, or the so called facts of modern cosmologists there is so much scope for speculation, misinterpretation, propaganda or plain old mistakes in judgement based on erroneous information or conclusions, that it is difficult to draw a solid conclusion . I myself as a follower of vedic traditions am biased by that perspective, nevertheless I try to be as objective as I can given my own conditioning and perception of reality and present the vedic model accordingly .

Given the huge model of the Bhumandala plane which is 4 billion miles across, which brings it into close proximity to the outer shell of the universe, the orbits of the moon and sun above the bhumandala plane are also huge distances within the inhabited realms or the inner plane of Bhumandala.Due to the scale and large distances these celestial bodies traverse there speeds are also correspondingly fast. Outside of the loka loka mountain range the universe is considered uninhabited according to vedic texts, so there is no need for the sun or moon to orbit within the outer plane of Bhumandala . 

Endnote* I personally am not confident in the ability of parallax measurements in regards to the vast astronomical distances because even the slightest miscalculation can result in millions of miles of error and I'm also aware that the zeitec model makes calculations which have significant differences in scale. So whatever proofs or evidences there are regarding these models, I am in no way qualified in either to make any judgement whatsoever on them because basically, I have not researched either of them thoroughly enough to accurately dismiss or represent them . I'm simply trying to reconcile some of the obvious contradictions these theories may have if we were to assume they have some validity in relation to the vedic version of cosmology and vice versa . 


SB 5.24.1: Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King, some historians, the spea kers of the Puranas, say that 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles] below the sun is the planet known as Rahu, which moves like one of the stars. The presiding deity of that planet, who is the son of Simhika, is the most abominable of all asuras, but although he is completely unfit to assume the position of a demigod or planetary deity, he has achieved that position by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Later I shall speak further about him.

SB 5.20.43 — The sun is situated [vertically] in the middle of the universe, in the area between Bhūrloka and Bhuvarloka, which is called antarikṣa, outer space. The distance between the sun and the circumference of the universe is twenty-five koṭi yojanas [two billion miles]. 

SB 5.24.2: The sun globe, which is a source of heat, extends for 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles]. The moon extends for 20,000 yojanas [160,000 miles], and Rahu extends for 30,000 yojanas [240,000 miles]. Formerly, when nectar was being distributed, Rahu tried to create dissension between the sun and moon by interposing himself between them. Rahu is inimical toward both the sun and the moon, and therefore he always tries to cover the sunshine and moonshine on the dark-moon day and full-moon night.

SB 5.21.19 — My dear King, in his orbit through Bhū-maṇḍala, the sun-god traverses a distance of 95,100,000 yojanas [760,800,000 miles] at the speed of 2,000 yojanas and two krośas [16,004 miles] in a moment. 

SB 5.22.8 — Above the rays of the sunshine by a distance of 100,000 yojanas [800,000 miles] is the moon, which travels at a speed faster than that of the sun. In two lunar fortnights the moon travels through the equivalent of a saṁvatsara of the sun, in two and a quarter days it passes through a month of the sun, and in one day it passes through a fortnight of the sun.
SB 5.22.9 — When the moon is waxing, the illuminating portions of it increase daily, thus creating day for the demigods and night for the pitās. When the moon is waning, however, it causes night for the demigods and day for the pitās. In this way the moon passes through each constellation of stars in thirty muhūrtas [an entire day]. The moon is the source of nectarean coolness that influences the growth of food grains, and therefore the moon-god is considered the life of all living entities. He is consequently called Jīva, the chief living being within the universe. 

SB 5.20.35 — Beyond the ocean of sweet water is a tract of land as broad as the area between the middle of Mount Sumeru and the boundary of Mānasottara Mountain. In that tract of land there are many living beings. Beyond it, extending to Lokāloka Mountain, is another land, which is made of gold. Because of its golden surface, it reflects light like the surface of a mirror, and any physical article that falls on that land can never be perceived again. All living entities, therefore, have abandoned that golden land.
SB 5.20.36 — Between the lands inhabited by living entities and those that are uninhabited stands the great mountain which separates the two and which is therefore celebrated as Lokāloka.
SB 5.20.37 — By the supreme will of Kṛṣṇa, the mountain known as Lokāloka has been installed as the outer border of the three worlds — Bhūrloka, Bhuvarloka and Svarloka — to control the rays of the sun throughout the universe. All the luminaries, from the sun up to Dhruvaloka, distribute their rays throughout the three worlds, but only within the boundary formed by this mountain. Because it is extremely high, extending even higher than Dhruvaloka, it blocks the rays of the luminaries, which therefore can never extend beyond it. 


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:57 pm

Posted by Admin on 07/23/2015
Thanks Vamsi! As a side-note I wanted to mention that I'm quite sure the current understanding of how far a yojana is incorrect and far exaggerated likely to fit in with the "infinite space" model prevalent these past 500 years.

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:57 pm

Posted by icedrink58 on 09/21/2015
left picture: earth and moon in "correct" scale
right picture: how a solar eclipse works (usual explanation from physics books)
Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Earth-moon Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Solar-eclipse

and this is the earth in scale to the sun
Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 54

Wait? You still have questions? You are sceptical? What? Are you serious? How can you question the godly wisdom of NASA scientists? How dare you!!

Look at how smart they are to predict all the upcoming solar eclipses (eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/solar.html):

Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 SEatlas2001 Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 SEatlas2021 Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 SEatlas2041 Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 SEatlas2061
Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 SEatlas2081 Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 SEatlas2101

And if you don't understand how those patterns come to be, then you must be unworthy to even talk to a real scientist, who could explain all this with the movement of the earth, sun and moon over all these years.....but of course he has better things to do then waste his time with childish questions like that. Just look at the second picture that explains how a solar eclipse works and leave real scientists alone with your dumb questions, please.
Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Wink

But seroiusly. How does NASA come up with the predictions of solar eclipses like that (and still claiming this is based on ball-earth calculations)??

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:58 pm

Posted by vortexpuppy on 09/22/2015

Sept 21, 2015 12:01:21 GMT icedrink58 said:
left picture: earth and moon in "correct" scale
right picture: how a solar eclipse works (usual explanation from physics books)

Wait? You still have questions? You are sceptical? What? Are you serious? How can you question the godly wisdom of NASA scientists? How dare you!!
Look at how smart they are to predict all the upcoming solar eclipses (eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/solar.html):
And if you don't understand how those patterns come to be, then you must be unworthy to even talk to a real scientist, who could explain all this with the movement of the earth, sun and moon over all these years.....but of course he has better things to do then waste his time with childish questions like that. Just look at the second picture that explains how a solar eclipse works and leave real scientists alone with your dumb questions, please.
Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Wink

But seroiusly. How does NASA come up with the predictions of solar eclipses like that (and still claiming this is based on ball-earth calculations)??

Hehe, yeah the pictures to scale show the nonsense nicely and also why everything then needs to be so far away. lol.

Eclipses have been well understood for over 1000 years. Basically they repeat themselves according to specific cycles (metonic, saros, etc).
So if you tabulate them once (by observation), you can accurately predict them w/o any maths simply by referring to the tables.

The pretty graphs are just map projections of this data, using the the spherical BS model and the tools of projective geometry...

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:58 pm

Posted by icedrink58 on 09/22/2015

Sept 21, 2015 15:32:25 GMT vortexpuppy said:
Eclipses have been well understood for over 1000 years. Basically they repeat themselves according to specific cycles (metonic, saros, etc).
So if you tabulate them once (by observation), you can accurately predict them w/o any maths simply by referring to the tables.

The pretty graphs are just map projections of this data, using the the spherical BS model and the tools of projective geometry...

Just look at the one eclipse path in the last picture that goes over Greenland. How can NASA explain this path with the ball earth rotating? Makes absolutely no sense for the eclipse path to go (like a mirrored "C") back to Newfoundland (or rather back to West-Greenland, if the start was Newfoundland). 
I would like to hear the followers of scientism explain that to me, while i rotate my toy globe in front of them, haha. 

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:58 pm

Posted by maundermin on 10/07/2015
This photo was taken through the eyepiece on my solar telescope on May 20, 2012 during an annular eclipse. I was at Big Basin NationalPark.Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 YkTdzJY4s59zEsxRfXmO

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by grav Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:43 pm

Eric first introduced me to Rahu, which has other names most likely. The Eclipser, Nibiru, Dark Twin, Wormwood. Nothing new to you guys. If earth is the battery or some electrical charger, then its 3 satellites circle above on electromagnetic tracks. Not a new idea. I expect this next comment will be met with great prejudice, but here it is. Some Advanced Being/s designed the mechanism we understand as the universe. It is flat, not unlike a motherboard, embedded with worlds. Also not a new idea. But who designed it? The best answer I have found is the Gnostic Pleroma. One of the aeons, Sophia, took it upon herself to break away and become earth, Gaia. The gnostics say that she allowed the Archons to come here to harass us, as a test. Test of what? Why would a great mind need to send our spirits (electrical bundles) into a created landscape to discover? A therapeutic hypnotist says all her subjects who regressed to past lives do indeed say the same thing. That they live, die, and report back to some hall (Akashic?) about their experiences and suffering when they inhabited their flesh suits. Enough crazy talk! you will say. OK, fine.
Am I the only soldier who still fights in open forums? It sure seems so. All you babies hide from the big bad bullies in forums. That includes you, Eric. The battle for truth can not be won when all its defenders retreat to their ivory towers.


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Schpankme Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:28 pm

grav wrote:
Rahu, [which most likely has other names.]
The Eclipser, Nibiru, Dark Twin, Wormwood.

Some Advanced Being/s designed the mechanism we understand as the universe.

the Archons come here to harass us, as a test.

How many times are you going to come here and pitch this SAME BULLSHIT?

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by grav Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:18 am

Soorrrryyy. Kiss my ass and goodbye, IFERS. My first post and this??
Delete my account, please. You are as bad as everyone says.


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by csp Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:22 am

grav wrote:Soorrrryyy. Kiss my ass and goodbye, IFERS. My first post and this??
Delete my account, please. You are as bad as everyone says.  

You come here, make a post containing unfounded speculation and expect to be greeted with open arms? Sleep

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Hundredth Monkey Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:13 am

Perhaps one of the more difficult things for me to grasp about the flat earth model is Rahu, the black sun. If the sun and moon are the same size, and there's a third unknown object that blocks the sun and moon's light, why are the shadow size for the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse different?

The arc of the shadow eclipsing the moon is much larger than the size of the moon:
Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Partial-Lunar-Eclipse

While the arc shadow eclipsing sun seems smaller or same size as the sun:
Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Wjyi9x

Also, the solar eclipse complete blocks the sun light where as the lunar eclipse gives off a reddish translucent hue when completely eclipsed. Wouldn't you see similar effects of the solar eclipse on the lunar eclipse if it were the same object blocking the sun and the moon? Yet the lunar eclipse has completely different qualities compared to the solar eclipse.
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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by RickFE Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:01 pm

I read through this thread and found it very interesting. I remember seeing a map on this forum that had the moon going in circular rotation but also a small circular pattern of its own as it accomplished its passage. What if Rahu is a partner of the moon causing its phases and eclipses? And possible that it has the odd solar alignment, which is also why those are only seen in certain parts of earth. It might be an eclipse to someone in Africa, but to me it isn't. Much like the lenses on a welding helmet these days can be activate magnetically, it could be transparent. Just a theory of course but after reading a lot of the content here I couldn't find anything indicating Rahu's path or how it fits predictions. I have looked in astrolabes recently and am wondering if there is anyone who knows of Rahu being on the astrolabe. From the texts and writings, it is very apparent they knew of its existence. Probably erased from history to fit the globe 500 years ago if I had to guess. I think Rahu and black sun is key in understanding a lot of the causes and effects with the sun and moon. Just wish there was more recent information.

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by LoveTruth Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:39 am

There must be 4 objects/celestial bodies... white sun/black sun, white moon/black moon?

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by LoveTruth Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:21 am

OMG, wait. In astrology there are Rahu (black sun) and Lilith (black moon). That makes 4...balance...yin/yang....white/black....masculine/feminine.

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Admin Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:06 am

In Vedic astrology there is "Rahu" and also "Ketu," but it's difficult to get a consensus on exactly what they are and how they are inter-related.

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by LoveTruth Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:43 pm

Yes. I will make this my new rabbit hole. Smile

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by DXB Mon May 15, 2017 10:45 am

LoveTruth wrote:OMG, wait. In astrology there are Rahu (black sun) and Lilith (black moon). That makes 4...balance...yin/yang....white/black....masculine/feminine.

Rahu which eclipses the sun is described as head without body, and ketu which eclipses the moon as body without head, which seems to fit with the type of eclipse each body experiences.

my question is, we know that the sun can be far from the moon when the lunar eclipse takes place, but is the moon always close to the sun when the solar eclipse takes place?


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Admin Wed May 17, 2017 12:16 pm

Rahu and Ketu

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by csp Wed May 17, 2017 12:58 pm

Very interesting, I'd love to see a few different sources verify this

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by Outsidethebox41 Wed May 17, 2017 9:44 pm

That footage is F-ing amazing!!!!


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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by RickFE Fri May 19, 2017 3:27 am

Think of the welding masks we use. They have new ones, that are clear, and go dark when needed. They are probably lenses like at your optometrist that click around following it. Polarizing lenses. Would explain how the moon goes transparent in its "shaded" area. Most technology mimics nature. Where else could we have taken technology from these local bodies? Incandescent bulbs/hot, Fluorescent bulbs/cold and gas reaction. Technology mimics nature. The computer is an attempt at a human brain copy. Electronics and circuitry was made to mimic the nervous system.Cheers

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Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Rahu - The Black Sun

Post by JohannJohann Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:30 am


I was just wondering how you got the swastika symbol as a symbol for the the black sun? The swastika is one of the oldest and most used symbols in the ancient world, it was used as a calendar to know which season it would be. The big dipper constellation movement around Polaris over one year creates a swastika. Anyone's input would be great? Peace

Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Big_di10
Rahu - The Black Sun - Page 2 Big_di10


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