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How the ball earth was constructed

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How the ball earth was constructed Empty How the ball earth was constructed

Post by PacMan Sun Mar 31, 2024 5:59 pm

This video not only shows how Angular resolution limit of the eye and perspective is calculated, but also how they used the limit of our senses to numerically dimension their beloved ball.


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How the ball earth was constructed Empty Re: How the ball earth was constructed

Post by enagfis Mon May 13, 2024 5:00 am

PacMan wrote:This video not only shows how Angular resolution limit of the eye and perspective is calculated, but also how they used the limit of our senses to numerically dimension their beloved ball.
I love the aether cosmology guys. Shane, Toby, Alan, and Witsit are all bosses IMO.

Thanks, Walter How the ball earth was constructed 1f617


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How the ball earth was constructed Empty Re: How the ball earth was constructed

Post by enagfis Thu May 23, 2024 4:03 am

How the ball earth was constructed JQRbbHJ


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How the ball earth was constructed Empty Re: How the ball earth was constructed

Post by TyrannicalSawdustRex Fri May 24, 2024 11:45 am

An excellent explanation of how TPTB came to use the limits of resolution of the human eye as a "proof " of the size of of a spherical earth.

Is that Witsits video?

The study of optics dates back well before the solar system was introduced so the capabilities of the human eye to resolve objects would have been known , even in the times when mankind knew we lived on a plain.

Also seems to me that telescopes could have been in use well before the early 1600s since Greeks and Egyptians produced optical lenses . We all know telescopes bring back into view objects which the eye loses the ability to resolve - immediately showing the earth "radius" to be imaginary.

Spent much time unsuccessfully trying to find the size of the globe as given throughout the ages - a tangled web there. Now we know.

Good stuff.


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