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Basic pressure math - "It's just 14psi ..."

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Basic pressure math - "It's just 14psi ..." Empty Basic pressure math - "It's just 14psi ..."

Post by PacMan Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:34 pm

Basic pressure math - "It's just 14psi ..." M8ezdo10

In reference to a discussion about the "space"-suits not reasonably being able to handle the necessary forces versus the vacuum, someone said it's "only" 14 psi pressure vs. nothing.
Well, it's closer to 15 but OK.

Versus a vacuum, that pressure in a suit means that on every 4x4 inch (=16 si) of fabric laminate, there is the force equivalent of the weight a (1) full-grown man (14x16=224 pounds), bloating/stiffening it. - Let's use that as basis for reasoning here.

Then, on one (1) square-feet (144 si), there's a force equivalent to the weight of (144/16=) 9 such people and a full suit (with a low est. area of 3500 si) is bloated over its area by a total pressure force equivalent to the weight of about (3500/16=) 219 big-ass men. That would for sure make any suit very difficult to move in.

Interestingly, the reason the walls are so thick in a vacuum chamber, is that they need to handle this level of forces over large areas. 10x10 feet = 100 Sq. feet needs to hold the force eq. to the weight of more than (100 x 9 =) 900 people or (900 x 224 Pounds =) +202 kP or +91 metric tons. A 6x6 feet wall need to "only" hold back (36 x 9 x 224=) 72600 Pounds or +33 metric tons of pressure-force without cracking open. So, to no surprise, the walls of a vacuum chamber are made of feets-thick slabs of steel and reinforced concrete. Alike what you would find in bridges made for trains.

Basic pressure math - "It's just 14psi ..." Vac_we10Basic pressure math - "It's just 14psi ..." Tr_web10
Now, of course, any supposed lunar "lander" operating in vacuum would need, in fact, to be a reversed vacuum chamber, holding the same level of pressure inside. Naturally requiring the same kind of very sturdy design. But how large and thick were those walls on the "lander" again? - made of tinfoil, curtain-rods, cardboards and tape?

Granted, using the length of the white-dressed people in the picture as measure, the pressurized white compartment of the "lander" is maybe 1/3 the height of the pictured vaccuum chamber and roughly equally wide (about 6x6 feet walls). So maybe the walls of a "lander" just need to be 1/2 as thick, equivalent 1-2 feet of steel & concrete. The 1-3 inches thick walls of a "lander" however are supposedly made of 0.1-0.5 inch aluminum and (maybe) an inch of composites, NO way near the material strengths of steel and reinforced concrete.

So no, sorry, think again.

And just take a minute to ponder these images and ask yourself if it seems at all possible. Is there ANY resemblance between that vaccum-chamber and the 1969 so called "Lunar lander"?
Would you say that school sci project would stay intact even if you put just ONE metric ton on top of it (?) - or would it be totally flattened, you think?

Basic pressure math - "It's just 14psi ..." Lem_we10

There is no doubt when it comes to the simple science of this comparison. There is simply no parity. Not even close.
- It is beyond ridiculous to suggest that such a design would even come close to the vacuum of the NASA fairy tale "space" without bursting like a teen pimple.
And it is clear that no such manned vehicle has ever been to such a place.


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