The South Pole Does Not Exist!
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Peter Toepfer
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IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: Arctic, Antarctic and Beyond the Ice Wall
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Re: The South Pole Does Not Exist!
Almost forgot nASA island
Almost forgot nASA island
NosLegio- Posts : 6
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Re: The South Pole Does Not Exist!
adbask wrote:Are you serious?
If it's true, I am definitely learning something.
Any evidence to substantiate this?
NosLegio provided the information about the islands which is really interesting.
I think a good book to read is 'The Smoky God' a story about Olaf Jansen and his father venturing to lands beyond the north of Greenland where they found giants and the possible place termed as Eden in the Bible. It's an interesting book. I haven't read it for years so my memory on it is hazy. Jon Levi narrates the first couple of chapters here:
and here:
I would also recommend you watch these videos for further information on this topic:
Xander- Posts : 163
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Re: The South Pole Does Not Exist!
Wasn’t sure where to post this, but thought it was very interesting!
I tried this myself on google maps too!
jessieThinks- Posts : 11
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Re: The South Pole Does Not Exist!
Admin wrote:
The “Australian Handbook, Almanack, Shippers’ and Importers’ Directory” states that the distance between Sydney and Nelson is 1400 nautical or 1633 statute miles. Allowing a more than sufficient 83 miles as the distance for rounding Cape Farewell and sailing up Tasman Bay to Nelson leaves 1550 statute miles as the straight-line distance from the meridian of Sydney to the meridian of Nelson. Their given difference in longitude is 22 degrees 2’14”. Therefore if 22 degrees 2’14” out of 360 is 1550 miles, the entirety measures 25,182 miles. This is larger than the Earth is said to be at the equator, and 4262 miles greater than it would be at Sydney’s southern latitude on a globe of said proportions! One 360th part of 25,182 gives 70 miles as the distance between each degree of longitude at Sydney’s 34 degree Southern latitude. On a globe 25,000 miles in equatorial circumference, however, degrees of longitude at 34 degrees latitude would be only 58 miles, a full 12 miles per degree less than reality. This perfectly explains why Ross and other navigators in the deep South experienced 12+ mile daily discrepancies between their reckoning and reality, the farther South traveled the farther the divide.
I'd like to point out one error (supposed). Nelson is located to the south of Sydney at 41 degree south latitude, vs 33 degree. I don't think its correct to divide the distance between them by the difference in longitude. If you recalculate 1550 miles along the 33th latitude line it will be approximately 1280/1470 Miles (nau/sta), which accounts to a circumference of 20,945/24,050. This is still much more than Globe standards along 33 latitude suggest (18,130/20,860), but less that circumference along equator (21,600/24,900), contrary to what is stated in the post.
atsamazing- Posts : 1
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Re: The South Pole Does Not Exist!
Does anyone know how the ice wall is formed?
Why is the ice so compact, high, and the sudden edge?
Is there a force that is pressing the ice against the firmament?
Why is the ice so compact, high, and the sudden edge?
Is there a force that is pressing the ice against the firmament?
EthericData2- Posts : 47
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