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Ocean Waves

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Ocean Waves Empty Ocean Waves

Post by Fakeflip Wed Nov 03, 2021 7:39 am

Ocean waves are Liquid waves. Also known as surface waves. Surface waves are the only ones in physics which show dual propagation, transverse and longitudinal, both at the same time. The only ones in the whole nature, in fact, with dual propagation.

Wave propagation, whether transverse or longitudinal, in this very case BOTH simultaneously, is ONLY mathematically possible when waves are travelling on a STRAIGHT LINE, known as still water level or equilibrium line.

This is due to a Principle of Propagation, established by Christiaan Huygens . The Principle of wavelengths established in 1682 on his Treaty called Mécanique Théorique et Physique.

Waves on round surfaces, like balloons, are known as UNPHYSICAL PHENOMENA. According to the Oxford dictionary (lexico) unphysical is any phenomenon not in agreement with laws or principles of physics. Waves on balloons cannot be defined, classified or derived. This is due to their wavelengths. Their wavelengths do not match the Principle.

A wave must have a DEFINED wavelength. From crest to trough, the wavelength must be exactly the same number, no matter which points of the wave are linked. This is what the Principle says.

But waves on spherical surfaces form angles, just like an accordeon when opened: the crests become more wide open whereas the troughs become closer together. Consequently, wavelengths become INDEFINITE, turning these waves UNPHYSICAL.

That's not the case with ocean waves. They only have perfect mathematics because they are straight. All formulae are able to calculate exactly what happens in the ocean. That's because lambda λ can be defined.... λ Lambda is the most important measurement on a wave, that's why wave physics constitutes the strongest scientific argument in favour of the the truth.... because waves are only EXPLAINED if they are straight.

Earth is flat, waves prove that

Next, I'll talk how wave DIFFRACTION proves flat earth.

Yours, Fakeflip



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CajunPie, RedorBlue, johnwillert, jrgile, nowhereelsetogo, tycho_brahe, Agenda2030 and like this post

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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by johnwillert Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:10 am

Thank you for your work on this subject, very interesting and informative.

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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by Gemini Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:37 am

Interesting, would love to see a video about that.

Do you have any other posts such as this?


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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by Fakeflip Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:42 am

You can check my vídeos in Portuguese language on my YouTube channel.

I still haven't had the time to create an English language channel....

Is there a way for you to generate subtitles? I have plenty of videos on waves... I have also defeated 4 physicists on debates... I have images of one of them crying Crying or Very sad as well... really funny...


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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by Gemini Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:45 am

Oh thank you for posting here. I really don't have ideas on how to generate subtitles.

It would be really helpful if you could posts your posts (like this thread) in this forums so we can learn.

defeating 4 physicists is actually a feat given the fact that we don't have much in youtube.


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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by Fakeflip Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:54 am

Do you know how waves can easily wash Antártica away from the 🌎 globe???

Waves diffract. Whenever they encounter an obstacle, they will DIFFRACT. That is, they will wrap around the obstacle, embracing it.

On the Ocean, islands are the obstacles. Even huge islands like Australia are EASILY wrapped around by a Tsunami. In 2004, Australia was wrapped around , the wave turned left in Perth, turned left again in Tasmânia.... it killed many.

How about Antártica?

Well, it only hit the stations on the Indian Ocean... no other stations on other Oceans reported the arrival of that Tsunami.... even though NOAA says so. According to NOAA simulator and documents, the Tsunami wrapped around Antártica, but bases do not confirm.
No Diffraction around Antártica, because it's not an island.


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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by Gemini Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:08 am

That actually do make sense, do you have posts disproving the globe model besides the waves and tides topic?

Say for Example, Sun and Moon's movements, gravity, ...etc


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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by Fakeflip Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:36 am

In my YouTube channel there is a vídeo in English about the Southern Stars. It is a translation from an Experiment performed by an Australian Channel called No Fanfare.

There is also an Experiment I myself performed in order to show it is perfecly possible to obtain pressure gradient inside a closed environment. It's in Portuguese though, but images are self explanatory.



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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by Fakeflip Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:39 am

There's also another Experiment where a mass of 4 kg of Mercury is sent vertically from one pot into another... proving There's no gravity, but thermodynamics. Its in Portuguese, but the original is in English and you can find it in you tube.


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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by owlspotter Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:24 pm

Fakeflip wrote:
Earth is flat, waves prove that
Next, I'll talk how wave DIFFRACTION proves flat earth.

Loved the visual image of the waves trying to propagate across a round surface but conclusions went too far for me.

Earth being round is an idea whose absence of evidence to support the claim is enough to dismiss it. I don't see how we not being able to use math language to work with waves over round surfaces due to undefined wavelength make them non-existant or lead us to infer that earth is flat. Similar concept can be applied to diffraction. Only physical proof of a flat earth is a direct measurement of his flatness, no failed measurement of the roundness can give us that.

Anyway, well written post that caught my attention.


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Ocean Waves Empty Re: Ocean Waves

Post by Fakeflip Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:37 pm

Thanks for your compliment.

Concluding non-existence of such waves from the text I wrote is something I never intended... Waves on spherical surfaces do exist and are even possible to be calculated. Such calculations are done through various assumptions of a flat, orthogonal plane. Theories like Airy or La Place ( harmonics) are the mathematical tools used in such derivations....

But these waves, on spherical surfaces, can never be defined as transverse or longitudinal as Huygens Principle is in disagreement with such waves.. this is what renders them UNPHYSICAL.

UNPHYSICAL phenomena are those in disagreement Principles or Laws.

Ocean waves are Transverse and Longitudinal and propagate on a STRAIGHT LINE, known as Still water level. Because of such behaviour, ocean wave theories like Airy, Diaz or Stokes, among others, assume a flat Earth. George Airy, the most explicit, displays a list of assumptions for his Linear Theory.

As for diffraction, I am sorry, but it is a FACT. Tsunami should easily diffract around Antarctica if it were an island.

Instead , they only hit the stations located on the ocean where they were formed.

NOAA, states that diffraction DOES occur. They have "records" and simulators stating full diffraction around "the island "

But stations do not confirm.


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