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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Devon1 Sat May 01, 2021 4:07 pm

I'm pretty sure we are living though the apocalypse and with each passing day, I become more convinced of this.

So to make people more aware of the "GREAT RESET," I am starting this thread. Feel free to look through what I've found over the years.

Last edited by Devon1 on Thu May 13, 2021 7:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Devon1 Sat May 01, 2021 4:16 pm

This is from the Kolbrin Bible. The Colebrin is a collection of scriptures written by Egyptian Priest and Celtic Druids. The source text has a more to it than the video, if you want to read it, here is a link: https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-UYOlu_UlIMBrR3ju/The%20Kolbrin%20Bible_djvu.txt

Last edited by Devon1 on Sat May 01, 2021 7:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Devon1 Sat May 01, 2021 4:28 pm

This is a prophecy from a 15th century Catholic nun. She seemed to have mystical abilities so she was kicked out of the church and painted as a witch.


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Devon1 Sat May 01, 2021 6:51 pm

Another Egyptian / Greek apocalypse prophecy. I believe this one comes from the Alchemical and Hermetic tradition. Funny how he's talking to Asclepius, the god of medicine.


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Devon1 Sat May 01, 2021 6:55 pm

Hopi Indian Prophecy. It's interesting how they reference the poles.


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Devon1 Sat May 01, 2021 7:15 pm

No doubt we are living thought he Kali Yuga. If anyone wants to read the source text, here it is... http://om-aditya.ru/userfiles/ufiles/purany/sri_kalki_purana.pdf


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Ifersgold Thu May 13, 2021 6:29 pm

I happy to see this thread. I have been interested in this for a bit. Thanks for starting this. There are already some good sources on the forum. From what I see, we are at an end times. But not The End Times. It also seems like an end and a beginning overlap. So while we are at the end of an age, I also think we are the beginners of the new age. Cyclical cataclysmic events, and human population bottlenecks, all seem to overlap on the same data.

In addition to being a type of sacrificial dome, I think this place is also like a garden. It looks as if something intelligent is gardening in an complex system for specific outputs. I.E. a kind of animal, human, or a novel kind of experience in consciousness itself. New ways to be in form and experience life. This idea also coincides with the electric universe theories, and the world as a simulation theory, the holographic universe theory.

Here are a couple older posts regarding evidence of Cyclical Cataclysmic events:

--sacrifical dome - Flat Earth Advanced Lecture: 'The Secrets Of The Dome'   Empty Flat Earth Advanced Lecture: 'The Secrets Of The Dome'
Post by Thinkforyourself Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:56 pm  Posted by apolok on 03/19/2015.

Re: Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax
Post by Ifersgold Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:34 pm
Here is another source supporting cyclical cataclysms.

Chan Thomas wrote The Adam & Eve Story. It was declassified in 2013 in a CIA freedom of information dump. The book talks about the historical evidence of clock like cyclical cataclysms. You can read parts of it online.

THE LITTLE ICE AGE, by Brian Fagan and
LIFE/DEATH RHYTHMS OF ANCIENT EMPIRES -Climatic Cycles Influence Rule of Dynasties by Will Slatyer

Climate, Disease, and the End of Empire
By Kyle Harper

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Ifersgold Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:20 am

Mormonism has some unique end times prophecies that now appear to be eminent. I.e war in Israel, also encroaching threat of Chinese encroachment on u.s. territories.

In the church it was commonly believed that a sign of the end times would be that the temple of Solomon will be rebuilt overnight during war after the mosque has been destroyed. The Mormon temple might be believed to be built overnight also. Not 100% on that.

Either way both the Mormons and the Jews have there pre fabbed temples ready to be erected in Jerusalem as of years in waiting already. I have heard from many reliable sources in the church that the Mormons have plans to convert the Jerusalem Center into a temple with a few easy renovations. Currently the LDS Jerusalem center is a nice building owned/ran by I think BYU university. I've personally toured the building. It's nice enough to be an LDS temple and it can be easily converted to a small working temple with a few pre built conversions including as He sliding walls, or just according walls.

For the Jewish temple at the temple mount a lot of the parts are stored in tunnels under the mosque. The main walls can be put in place by a crane in a matter of hours. It's the same method or technique as building border walls.

I think it's from the book titled The Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  It's a compilation of quotes and accounts from letters journals and other historical documents. I'm paraphrasing a prophecy by Joseph Smith here:

In those days the constitution will hang by a thread. The United States Would be invaded. I think be the heathen Chinese. But the boys from the mountains will come and fight off the Chinese, and save the constitution and a free people.

This references a them in the book of Mormon known as the title of liberty. It is a very inspiring story in the faith. Moroni was a general who fought a war to preserve a government of liberty.

Wikipedia says: According to the Book of Mormon, Captain Moroni was an important Nephite military commander who lived during the first century BC. He is first mentioned in the Book of Alma as "the chief captain over the Nephites."[1]

Not that this is the most credible source for predicting the future. But the Chinese invading the United States was thought laughable up only till the past 20 years. And a temple being built overnight sounded like a miracle not an engineering feat with prefab pieces to assemble.

Now astrologically we have just entered the new age. Wether you like it or not. Regardless of how interested you are in the stars. This astrology stuff matters. Think about 911 as a new age ritual. A big party for the elite. A time of jubilee. The twin towers represents the twin fishes of Pisces. They destroyed the twin towers and built a giant fountain to represent the Aquarian man pouring water. Remember that 60's song about the dawning of the age of Aquarius? It's no longer dawn. It's a new day.

The Mormon Church believed their church was to play an important role leading up to the events of the end times. The idea that they knew they were in the last days astrologically and spiritually is in the name of the church. ..The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, or the last days Saints.

What is to happen after the last days? Christ comes, war happens, and in the end there will be one church led by Jesus himself. And his people will be of one heart and one mind. And they shall be called Zion.

Is that where technology and human nature are taking us? To one heart and one mind? Is that a sort of singularity?

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Nf35 Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:37 am

Ifersgold wrote:Mormonism has some unique end times prophecies that now appear to be eminent. I.e war in Israel, also encroaching threat of Chinese encroachment on u.s. territories.

In the church it was commonly believed that a sign of the end times would be that the temple of Solomon will be rebuilt overnight during war after the mosque has been destroyed. The Mormon temple might be believed to be built overnight also. Not 100% on that.

Either way both the Mormons and the Jews have there pre fabbed temples ready to be erected in Jerusalem as of years in waiting already. I have heard from many reliable sources in the church that the Mormons have plans to convert the Jerusalem Center into a temple with a few easy renovations. Currently the LDS Jerusalem center is a nice building owned/ran by I think BYU university. I've personally toured the building. It's nice enough to be an LDS temple and it can be easily converted to a small working temple with a few pre built conversions including as He sliding walls, or just according walls.

For the Jewish temple at the temple mount a lot of the parts are stored in tunnels under the mosque. The main walls can be put in place by a crane in a matter of hours. It's the same method or technique as building border walls.

I think it's from the book titled The Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  It's a compilation of quotes and accounts from letters journals and other historical documents. I'm paraphrasing a prophecy by Joseph Smith here:

In those days the constitution will hang by a thread. The United States Would be invaded. I think be the heathen Chinese. But the boys from the mountains will come and fight off the Chinese, and save the constitution and a free people.

This references a them in the book of Mormon known as the title of liberty. It is a very inspiring story in the faith. Moroni was a general who fought a war to preserve a government of liberty.

Wikipedia says: According to the Book of Mormon, Captain Moroni was an important Nephite military commander who lived during the first century BC. He is first mentioned in the Book of Alma as "the chief captain over the Nephites."[1]

Not that this is the most credible source for predicting the future. But the Chinese invading the United States was thought laughable up only till the past 20 years. And a temple being built overnight sounded like a miracle not an engineering feat with prefab pieces to assemble.

Now astrologically we have just entered the new age. Wether you like it or not. Regardless of how interested you are in the stars. This astrology stuff matters. Think about 911 as a new age ritual. A big party for the elite. A time of jubilee. The twin towers represents the twin fishes of Pisces. They destroyed the twin towers and built a giant fountain to represent the Aquarian man pouring water. Remember that 60's song about the dawning of the age of Aquarius? It's no longer dawn. It's a new day.

The Mormon Church believed their church was to play an important role leading up to the events of the end times. The idea that they knew they were in the last days astrologically and spiritually is in the name of the church. ..The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, or the last days Saints.

What is to happen after the last days? Christ comes, war happens, and in the end there will be one church led by Jesus himself. And his people will be of one heart and one mind. And they shall be called Zion.

Is that where technology and human nature are taking us? To one heart and one mind? Is that a sort of singularity?



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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Devon1 Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:23 pm

Ifersgold wrote:Mormonism has some unique end times prophecies that now appear to be eminent. I.e war in Israel, also encroaching threat of Chinese encroachment on u.s. territories.

In the church it was commonly believed that a sign of the end times would be that the temple of Solomon will be rebuilt overnight during war after the mosque has been destroyed. The Mormon temple might be believed to be built overnight also. Not 100% on that.

Either way both the Mormons and the Jews have there pre fabbed temples ready to be erected in Jerusalem as of years in waiting already. I have heard from many reliable sources in the church that the Mormons have plans to convert the Jerusalem Center into a temple with a few easy renovations. Currently the LDS Jerusalem center is a nice building owned/ran by I think BYU university. I've personally toured the building. It's nice enough to be an LDS temple and it can be easily converted to a small working temple with a few pre built conversions including as He sliding walls, or just according walls.

For the Jewish temple at the temple mount a lot of the parts are stored in tunnels under the mosque. The main walls can be put in place by a crane in a matter of hours. It's the same method or technique as building border walls.

I think it's from the book titled The Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  It's a compilation of quotes and accounts from letters journals and other historical documents. I'm paraphrasing a prophecy by Joseph Smith here:

In those days the constitution will hang by a thread. The United States Would be invaded. I think be the heathen Chinese. But the boys from the mountains will come and fight off the Chinese, and save the constitution and a free people.

This references a them in the book of Mormon known as the title of liberty. It is a very inspiring story in the faith. Moroni was a general who fought a war to preserve a government of liberty.

Wikipedia says: According to the Book of Mormon, Captain Moroni was an important Nephite military commander who lived during the first century BC. He is first mentioned in the Book of Alma as "the chief captain over the Nephites."[1]

Not that this is the most credible source for predicting the future. But the Chinese invading the United States was thought laughable up only till the past 20 years. And a temple being built overnight sounded like a miracle not an engineering feat with prefab pieces to assemble.

Now astrologically we have just entered the new age. Wether you like it or not. Regardless of how interested you are in the stars. This astrology stuff matters. Think about 911 as a new age ritual. A big party for the elite. A time of jubilee. The twin towers represents the twin fishes of Pisces. They destroyed the twin towers and built a giant fountain to represent the Aquarian man pouring water. Remember that 60's song about the dawning of the age of Aquarius? It's no longer dawn. It's a new day.

The Mormon Church believed their church was to play an important role leading up to the events of the end times. The idea that they knew they were in the last days astrologically and spiritually is in the name of the church. ..The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, or the last days Saints.

What is to happen after the last days? Christ comes, war happens, and in the end there will be one church led by Jesus himself. And his people will be of one heart and one mind. And they shall be called Zion.

Is that where technology and human nature are taking us? To one heart and one mind? Is that a sort of singularity?

I've read several old books concerning the nature of God and it's my understanding that God is the only thing that truly exists and therefore is the singularity. The transhumanist idea of the singularity is stolen from these old ideas and I'm sure it is a lot like round Earth science, a materialist misdirection of the truth.

I'm glad you mentioned Mormonism. I was inspired to find something to verify your post and discovered the video below. It's pretty interesting how America is falling apart right now and the vile lefties hate Christian prosecution is mainstream.  It's also interesting how our media keeps blaming China and Russia for everything.  You should know that Joseph Smith was a freemason so I'm sure he was in on the NWO agenda. Because I live in America, I think I'm going to flee to the Rocky Mountains when they completely destroy the economy.

I'm also adding the Albert pike prophetic letters to this thread because they seem to paint a similar picture.


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Ifersgold Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:50 am

I did not know about the albert pike prophecy. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing. So many similarities, and yet I know there is more to add. I think one of Eric Dubay's old posts talks about the norse legend of the destroyer. My memory tells me it's nearly identical a description of a body of fire in the sky. I'll see if I can find the post.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by kamalzack Tue Jul 06, 2021 4:22 pm

Islamic prophecy that now I understand is the emergence of Al Mahdi with his armies from the east. Now the east here might refer to a city in the far east of the world that is inhibited by the descendent of the 'Ad tribe of people after Prophet Noah. Al Mahdi will rise before Dajjal or Anti-Christ comes. Only then will Isa or Jesus comes down to the Earth to kill Dajjal. And then the Gog and Magog will be unleashed. Isa will bring the faithfuls to the top of a mountain in Syria because Gog and Magog are too many and too strong. Eventually God will kill all Gog and Magog with disease and the world will be peaceful again for a certain time until the Armageddon arrives. But the faithfuls will die first of a mysterious smoke.


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Realearth Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:58 pm

End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources are tools used by the Oligarchs to control and rule over the masses.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Shamans and psychics exist.

Post by Ifersgold Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:16 pm

[quote="Realearth"]End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

Real Earth what is your perspective on epistemology? What method do you use to gain knowledge? I think the scientific method, and direct experience are pretty good. When I was in spy school they taught us to collect data, and then we would put all our data together and analyze it to try to gain knowledge that we can then create actionable directives.  


What are epistemological perspectives?
epistemological perspective. epistemology is a ‘general set of assumptions about the best ways of inquiring into the nature of the world’ (Easterby-Smith, et al., 2012, p.17).---

End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources = Data  

Collecting data in this way is a valid method of gaining knowledge. Even if its about fiction. Even if its about finding patterns in the history of the Star wars universe, its still a valid method.

The quality of the data will vary from source to source. However consolidating all known data to get a general consensus on something is of value.
This is something akin to data mining. Just as studying all religions one finds there is a consistent philosophy behind them all. They each may be expressing the message differently but it is essentially the same message.

The Tibetans would have a large group of shamanic practitioners look at the same thing. They would all go have their visions, and then report what they have seen. By doing this they get a fuller more accurate picture of something.

The CIA uses the same method with their remote viewing program. They don't rely on the report of just one remote viewer. They have 200 remote viewers look at the same thing and then look at all their reports. That is valid research. A cop on the scene of an accident collects all the witness reports, not just one.

And every intelligence agency in the world is doing the same method of data collection, and analysis to gain knowledge.

Ifers is friendly to spirit science, and psychic phenomena. So that is not the issue here. There are such things a shamans and psychics. Nearly all cultures throughout history have shamanic traditions, and prophetic reports. So by collecting all known prophecies of end times, and comparing them for consistencies and inconsistencies is a valid form of knowledge.

But this issue keeps coming up. Id like to address it. It is one of epistemology.

Epistemology  [əˌpistəˈmäləjē]  NOUN philosophy, the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

Epistemology (/ɪˌpɪstɪˈmɒlədʒi/ ; from Greek ἐπιστήμη, epistēmē 'knowledge', and -logy) is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. Epistemologists study the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues. Epistemology is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with ethics, logic, and metaphysics.

What are the main problems of epistemology?
The central problem in the epistemology of perception is that of explaining how perception could give us knowledge or justified belief about an external world, about things outside of ourselves. This problem has traditionally been viewed in terms of a skeptical argument that purports to show that such knowledge and justification are impossible.

What is the purpose of epistemology?
Epistemology is the investigation of the nature of knowledge itself. Its study focuses on our means for acquiring knowledge and how we can differentiate between truth and falsehood. Modern epistemology generally involves a debate between rationalism and empiricism.

What are epistemological perspectives?
epistemological perspective. According to your text, epistemology is a ‘general set of assumptions about the best ways of inquiring into the nature of the world’ (Easterby-Smith, et al., 2012, p.17).

What is epistemological scepticism?
Epistemological skepticism is the idea that individuals lack knowledge or justification for a specific group of propositions (Barnett, 2014). Skepticism with respect to all propositions is known as global skepticism, and it reveals that knowledge is nonexistent (2014).-------------------------------

Real Earth, if your a global skeptic, or are of the mind that we can not know anything, what is the point of being on a research forum?

And as far as the elites using religious prophecies to control the masses, that is an interesting opinion. Because one could make the argument that there is a group of Elites out there that are promoting Darwinian atheism to try to wrestle control of minds away from the church. Is there not a concerted effort trying to get people to not believe in religion, to worship the state, and not God in church. I see a great push to influence people into atheism and state'ism. So which one is it? Are the elites wanting us to go to church so they can control us, or are they trying to get us out of church so they can control us? Religion is the old guard of control, and "scientism" is the new guard of control?

Ultimately we can not escape belief. We can not make decisions without belief.

There is further value to be gained when you see that what we are going through now has happened before. A cataclysmic human population bottleneck and the end of a 2000 year age. There is a lot of data in the historical record that can be used to help us make sense of what is going on now.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Realearth Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:16 am

Ifersgold wrote:
Realearth wrote:End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

Real Earth what is your perspective on epistemology?
What method do you use to gain knowledge?
I think the scientific method, and direct experience are pretty good.
What are epistemological perspectives?

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum

Bring forth your facts and proofs thereof.


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by tycho_brahe Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:04 pm

Realearth wrote:
Ifersgold wrote:
Realearth wrote:End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

Real Earth what is your perspective on epistemology?
What method do you use to gain knowledge?
I think the scientific method, and direct experience are pretty good.
What are epistemological perspectives?

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum

Bring forth your facts and proofs thereof.


I’m sorry but your post makes zero sense. You seem to arbitrarily pick and choose what topics are questions, opinions, and “I think” (whatever you meant by that lol). I’m currently binging a Spiritual Science topic and your above post applies there too but of course I don’t blame you for not making that disclaimer. My soapbox is simple if you don’t like a topic then it behooves you to avoid it. I for one stay away from many nonsensical topics that exist on here. You should do the same.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Realearth Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:43 pm

tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
Ifersgold wrote:
Realearth wrote:End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

Real Earth what is your perspective on epistemology?
What method do you use to gain knowledge?
I think the scientific method, and direct experience are pretty good.
What are epistemological perspectives?

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum

Bring forth your facts and proofs thereof.


I’m sorry but your post makes zero sense.
You seem to arbitrarily pick and choose what topics are questions, opinions, and “I think”
I don’t blame you for not making that disclaimer.
My soapbox is simple if you don’t like
I for one stay away from many nonsensical topics that exist on here.
You should do the same.

Perhaps you should read this slowly so you might understand.
Not interested in what makes sense to you.
Not interested how things seem to you.
Not interested in what you blame or don't blame.
Not interested in your soapbox.
Not interested in what you stay away from.
Not interested in what you think I should do.

The title of this Forum
"International Flat Earth Research Society"

Bring fourth your researched facts and proof thereof.

Suggest you read the Forum rules to avoid being banned.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by tycho_brahe Sat Jul 17, 2021 6:16 am

Realearth wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
Ifersgold wrote:
Realearth wrote:End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

Real Earth what is your perspective on epistemology?
What method do you use to gain knowledge?
I think the scientific method, and direct experience are pretty good.
What are epistemological perspectives?

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum

Bring forth your facts and proofs thereof.


I’m sorry but your post makes zero sense.
You seem to arbitrarily pick and choose what topics are questions, opinions, and “I think”
I don’t blame you for not making that disclaimer.
My soapbox is simple if you don’t like
I for one stay away from many nonsensical topics that exist on here.
You should do the same.

Perhaps you should read this slowly so you might understand.
Not interested in what makes sense to you.
Not interested how things seem to you.
Not interested in what you blame or don't blame.
Not interested in your soapbox.
Not interested in what you stay away from.
Not interested in what you think I should do.

The title of this Forum
"International Flat Earth Research Society"

Bring fourth your researched facts and proof thereof.

Suggest you read the Forum rules to avoid being banned.

As I said prior you pick and choose when to stick to the above. All arbitrary on your part. My statement still stands.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Ifersgold Sat Jul 17, 2021 11:27 pm

I pasted the link for wikipedia's definition page for research below. I hope you will read it. Questions and analysis are part of it.

Also you may want to read up on research methodology too, since this is a research forum.

Until you or the admin who liked your comment can outline what epistemological perspective your using, until you set up an acceptable research method, I am forced to continue without learning much from your comment other than you don't like the subject.

Religion is usually started with a shaman or group of shamans who have a vision, or gnosis experience. This is all from inner or esoteric sources. Entheogenic sacraments, etc. The shaman shares his vision with others. A worldview is set up around the shamans gnosis, and culture, and a religion. Over time, those who have gnosis on a subject shrink in number. Those without gnosis come to positions of authority and are left to try to explain to everyone why they do what they do. The living gnosis dies, becomes codified into external codes and laws, it turns exoteric. So in other words most religions start with something true or real and over time it dies and becomes religion. Having said that the revelations or prophecies from gnosis may still be intact in writing. And can be valuable.

Again, if it was just one source this wouldn't be good data. But by collecting all the witness statements from the accident it garners a fuller understanding of what happened.

In this way I find value with this thread.

We all have bias, we all have motivated reasoning. That's why we need each other. To see each others blind spots. That's why I feel privileged to be a part of this research community. But if there is a systematic bias here, it's no longer a research community. It's just a club.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Realearth Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:47 am

Ifersgold wrote:I pasted the link for wikipedia's definition page for research below. I hope you will read it.

Wikipedia is not a good source, it is controlled by the ADL and other Jewish liars.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Realearth Sun Jul 18, 2021 3:05 am

tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
Ifersgold wrote:
Realearth wrote:End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

Real Earth what is your perspective on epistemology?
What method do you use to gain knowledge?
I think the scientific method, and direct experience are pretty good.
What are epistemological perspectives?

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum

Bring forth your facts and proofs thereof.


I’m sorry but your post makes zero sense.
You seem to arbitrarily pick and choose what topics are questions, opinions, and “I think”
I don’t blame you for not making that disclaimer.
My soapbox is simple if you don’t like
I for one stay away from many nonsensical topics that exist on here.
You should do the same.

Perhaps you should read this slowly so you might understand.
Not interested in what makes sense to you.
Not interested how things seem to you.
Not interested in what you blame or don't blame.
Not interested in your soapbox.
Not interested in what you stay away from.
Not interested in what you think I should do.

The title of this Forum
"International Flat Earth Research Society"

Bring fourth your researched facts and proof thereof.

Suggest you read the Forum rules to avoid being banned.

As I said prior you pick and choose when to stick to the above. All arbitrary on your part.   My statement still stands.

Perhaps your statements belong on a Social media platform.
Not interested in your statement of opinion
Only interested in facts and proofs thereof
This is a research forum

Posts : 322
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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by tycho_brahe Sun Jul 18, 2021 5:33 am

Realearth wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
Ifersgold wrote:
Realearth wrote:End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

Real Earth what is your perspective on epistemology?
What method do you use to gain knowledge?
I think the scientific method, and direct experience are pretty good.
What are epistemological perspectives?

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum

Bring forth your facts and proofs thereof.


I’m sorry but your post makes zero sense.
You seem to arbitrarily pick and choose what topics are questions, opinions, and “I think”
I don’t blame you for not making that disclaimer.
My soapbox is simple if you don’t like
I for one stay away from many nonsensical topics that exist on here.
You should do the same.

Perhaps you should read this slowly so you might understand.
Not interested in what makes sense to you.
Not interested how things seem to you.
Not interested in what you blame or don't blame.
Not interested in your soapbox.
Not interested in what you stay away from.
Not interested in what you think I should do.

The title of this Forum
"International Flat Earth Research Society"

Bring fourth your researched facts and proof thereof.

Suggest you read the Forum rules to avoid being banned.

As I said prior you pick and choose when to stick to the above. All arbitrary on your part.   My statement still stands.

Perhaps your statements belong on a Social media platform.
Not interested in your statement of opinion
Only interested in facts and proofs thereof
This is a research forum

The above post is emotional. Please refrain from emotions and follow the below guidelines.

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum First and Foremost. Thank you. Peace.

Posts : 63
Points : 1281
Reputation : 10
Join date : 2021-06-21


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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Realearth Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:53 am

tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
tycho_brahe wrote:
Realearth wrote:
Ifersgold wrote:
Realearth wrote:End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources =
Belief without proof = Pretend

Real Earth what is your perspective on epistemology?
What method do you use to gain knowledge?
I think the scientific method, and direct experience are pretty good.
What are epistemological perspectives?

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum

Bring forth your facts and proofs thereof.


I’m sorry but your post makes zero sense.
You seem to arbitrarily pick and choose what topics are questions, opinions, and “I think”
I don’t blame you for not making that disclaimer.
My soapbox is simple if you don’t like
I for one stay away from many nonsensical topics that exist on here.
You should do the same.

Perhaps you should read this slowly so you might understand.
Not interested in what makes sense to you.
Not interested how things seem to you.
Not interested in what you blame or don't blame.
Not interested in your soapbox.
Not interested in what you stay away from.
Not interested in what you think I should do.

The title of this Forum
"International Flat Earth Research Society"

Bring fourth your researched facts and proof thereof.

Suggest you read the Forum rules to avoid being banned.

As I said prior you pick and choose when to stick to the above. All arbitrary on your part.   My statement still stands.

Perhaps your statements belong on a Social media platform.
Not interested in your statement of opinion
Only interested in facts and proofs thereof
This is a research forum

The above post is emotional. Please refrain from emotions and follow the below guidelines.

This is not a question forum.
This is not an opinion forum.
This is not a I think forum.

This is a Research Forum First and Foremost.  Thank you. Peace.

My post are factual and in compliance to Forum rules.

I appreciate you finally recognizing this is a Research forum and heeding my advice.

Posts : 322
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Reputation : 233
Join date : 2017-01-25

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Ifersgold Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:49 pm

Who decides what the facts are? Real earth? Eric? Unless realearth and eric are the same person.

I just had a conversation with a guy who said it's a fact that the moon has a wobble. He really believes it as a fact. Most of us here believed the globe earth was a fact at one point. So facts are only facts when agreed on.

I can't believe you doubled down on this. And Eric liked your comment again. So, that's mind numbing. There are only two conclusions I can draw from this, a hidden agenda on this forum, or plain ignorance.

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Join date : 2020-05-09
Age : 47
Location : The northeast corner of Nevada.

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

Post by Realearth Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:00 am

Ifersgold wrote:Who decides what the facts are? Real earth? Eric? Unless realearth and eric are the same person.

I just had a conversation with a guy who said it's a fact that the moon has a wobble. He really believes it as a fact. Most of us here believed the globe earth was a fact at one point. So facts are only facts when agreed on.

I can't believe you doubled down on this. And Eric liked your comment again. So, that's mind numbing. There are only two conclusions I can draw from this, a hidden agenda on this forum, or plain ignorance.

Your ignorance of the meaning of the word fact is not hidden.

If many agree or believe something does not make it a fact.
Fact = something that is proved to be true.

Posts : 322
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Reputation : 233
Join date : 2017-01-25

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End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.  Empty Re: End times prophecies from all religions and occult sources.

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