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Electronics are Magic

The Compassionate Cynic
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Electronics are Magic - Page 3 Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Xaiara Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:56 am

Today is January the 9th of 2004 and, according to the Synchronary, Red Electric Dragon from the wavespell of the Blue Storm (to catalize, energy, self generation).
Today's antipode is the Blue Electric Monkey (Magic, Play, Illusion) and the analog energy is the White Electric Mirror (Endlessness, Reflect, Order)
The Planetary Human as Psicrono (the manifestation of free will, influence and wisdom within the wavespell of the Night, wich is abundance, dreams, intuition) ...

It seems to exist an intelligent consciousness in everything that impregnates even objects and is alive in languages as Logos.
Probably, there are different ontological levels inside humankind.

I am very glad to find this questioning about how the audiovisual technology of the last century and the current one works. It is very impressive how a scene can be captured in a paper by a chemical reaction... or how a sound can be recorded in the crappy plastic of a cassette!?

Regarding electricity, I have also arrived to the conclusion that it must be the channelling of a consciousness, similar to what water is but in etheric form.
In this regard, there are two videos of John Levi about the mentioned themes:

False history of power


Living on a computer



Kind regards


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Electronics are Magic - Page 3 Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:05 pm

Hi Xaiara,

Thank you for the kind words and support! And good points about intelligent consciousness as well as electricity.

Good video finds too. Sort of an opposite perspective to the computer being a world… the world is a computer. Or continuation of it.

Here is a very recent YouTube channel I found that seems to be questioning audio devices real explanation at least some.


He also does one on Bluetooth.

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Electronics are Magic - Page 3 Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by AFlatEarther Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:08 am

Tree wrote:Hi Xaiara,

Thank you for the kind words and support! And good points about intelligent consciousness as well as electricity.

Good video finds too. Sort of an opposite perspective to the computer being a world… the world is a computer. Or continuation of it.

Here is a very recent YouTube channel I found that seems to be questioning audio devices real explanation at least some.


He also does one on Bluetooth.

Not even a couple of seconds into the video he shows a CGI cartoon image of the ball Earth religion's conceptual fantasy world. What in the world? Can't even watch a video about audio devices without getting bombarded with brainwash? Question is, how did you not spot it nor warn about it mate?


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Electronics are Magic - Page 3 Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:03 am

Not even a couple of seconds into the video he shows a CGI cartoon image of the ball Earth religion's conceptual fantasy world. What in the world? Can't even watch a video about audio devices without getting bombarded with brainwash? Question is, how did you not spot it nor warn about it mate?[/quote]

Yeah, the globe view is pervasive. But it’s only one of the many ways we are lied to. Or perhaps, misunderstanding our interpretations. Flat earth is a very important truth because, as I’m sure you understand, it basically wakes you up to all the major lies. But knowing the lies is not enough, we then need to explore the truth. On top of this there’s more lies that they have probably told us (such as how electronics work). I believe flat earthers can have a tendency to get too stuck on ‘flat earth’ as the sort of ‘ultimate truth’. It can in some ways replace ‘god’ for them. I’ll hear them quote common flat earth facts like they are quoting scripture. And veroucisly argue ‘their’ truth. Because they looked through that p90 camera themselves. And they remember how they felt on that hot day standing at the beach. With a friend they love. And all that leads to a stronger belief that nasa is lying. And I’m not saying nasa isn’t lying, But I think it’s important to stay vigilant for searching for truth even after waking up to the flat earth. Remember how hard it was to finally see the truths behind flat earth when you were still subconsciously blinded by the globe earth propaganda? What if now some elements of ‘flat earth’ are holding you back from seeing the ‘next level’ of truth? I’m not trying to sound too all knowing here because I certainly don’t know much of it, but I think I do see that there’s a little more to it than just ‘flat vs round’… perhaps you do too. It starts to go into a sort of spiritual side of things. But maybe that’s just the ‘mental shelf’ that our mind labels for things that are ‘reaching beyond our knowing yet we are aware of them..’ …maybe that’s why the occult calls them ‘the mysteries’. Who knows.

All that’s a little intangible I understand, but here’s a concrete example: what if the earth actually IS a sphere, but it doesn’t work like we think it does? We know that water does not lay flat on a sphere. That you cannot stand on a sphere. Etc. so we conclude it must then be ‘flat’…. Because that’s how physics work from our ‘size’ human perspective. But what if it does act like a ‘sphere’ when viewed from afar, but then acts like an immobile flat surface when viewed close up. Sounds irrational but it is actually exactly what we observe in the world around us; Things seem to not follow the same physical laws as us at at much smaller scales... Tiny microbes pop around and behave strangely. They don’t seem so affected by ‘weight’ the same as us. At an even smaller scale, subatomic particles are said to not follow the same laws of physics as us (quantum physics’). It seems atleast possible then that at a much much LARGER scale, like that of the entire ‘planet’, that the physics again don’t work the same as they do for us in our human size scale. This is just a theory of course, but it’s something that I’m open to because I’m not so blinded by having to always fight anything that is ‘round earth’…

For example, what if one day a flat earther DID go high enough to see the entire earth, and we concluded that it actually WAS a sphere… a religiously stubborn flat earther would simply always conclude that they were ‘lying’ somehow. His only truth is that it MUST be flat… but then he is acting just as stubbornly blind as the globers! But the likely greater truth is that beyond this realm there are probably so many more layers of ‘truth’ that we cannot possibly understand as the little humans that we are now. But one day, when we die, if we do have ‘souls’ or something that goes beyond the physical body, then we will likely encounter these greater ‘next level’ truths. And so I think we should try to prepare our minds as best we can now to help us understand the next truths in the afterlife. To me, the best way to do that is not to be too stuck on some ‘belief system’ that explains things ‘beyond my current realm of living’. rather that be ‘flat earth’ or ‘round earth’. Instead I should focus primarily on the ‘human experience’ since that is my ‘current realm of living’. That means eating right. Having friends and family. Being kind if possible. Making art. Learning. Laughing. Crying. Enjoying. Etc. and occasionally exploring these mysterious topics to try to further our human understanding and experience.

Sorry if I got a little off topic! Thanks for reading and contributing your own ideas and comments! Smile

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Electronics are Magic - Page 3 Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Xaiara Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:30 pm

The video requires a dose of forgiveness towards the sin of using the current standard way of representing the Earth in the collective para-conscious.
We are working towards this correction.
The information offered about the mystery of sound technology and its historical evolution is entertaining and accessible to those ignorant of the subject.


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Electronics are Magic - Page 3 Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

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