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Electronics are Magic

The Compassionate Cynic
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Electronics are Magic Empty Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Tue Jan 12, 2021 8:51 pm

Electronics are Magic A302ac10

Electronics are Magic
Theory says: electronics, such as microchips, are secretly powered using hidden scientific laws one might believe is more akin to “magic” than science. The secretive few who know the electronic’s true properties want to keep us in the dark so as to continue their control over us using these devices.

Question: which of these statements is true?;
There are billions of galaxies with trillions of stars too far to see
The earth evolved over billions of years
Microchips are made of billions of connections the size of atoms

At one time I thought they all were true. But now I’m more skeptical to believe scientists when they throw numbers in the billions at me, especially when it’s accompanied by things too far or too small to see. Often I find the truth is simpler than what they tell us. And so I wonder, are microchips for example CPU’s, and solid state drives, really as complex as they say they are, or is there perhaps another simpler explanation? To be clear I’m not saying they don’t work, obviously they do, but do they work the way they tell us?

A Critical Look at What We Really Know
First, an honest reflection about how little most of us truly understand first-hand about how these electronic devices work; Think about it, do you truly feel you understand how your phone, or laptop works? With mechanical tools, such as  engines, we can at least take them apart and see the process, but with electronic devices we are much more limited with this approach. Inside most electronic devices, such as your phone, there is simply smaller electronics (transistors, microchips, etc.)... These can be further taken apart, but we never get to a point where we can literally see what is really happening since modern microchip connections are allegedly around 70 atoms. You can make simple circuits at home but anything complex requires prebuilt microchip parts. People “build their own computers” but that really means they order the prebuilt parts. Try building your own microchips and you won’t get far without their high tech laser equipment that can allegedly etch at the atomic scale. Experts in the field do most of their research in books or through computers which are already built with electronics and so it is hard to find a source who truly has a first hand understanding from the most basic inner workings of a complex electronic device. Even those who do programming don’t work to actually build the physical transistors and most have limited theoretical knowledge for how the chips themselves are layed out. It would be interesting to talk to someone who designed the physical parts inside a Solid State Drive or othe microprocessor. Not the programming, but the physical inner workings. I will link some videos of people supposedly trying to explain the inner workings of these microchips but upon watching them I am more reminded of some of the absurdly complex lectures on relativity. Some of the “math” may work which will satisfy most technical minded people, but for me the “logic” for why they amplify and re-amplify electric charges thousands of times as these “electric charges” zip around these boards just never seems to connect to running a computer or even computing logic. I could just be too dumb to understand them, but it’s also possible something else is going on.

The official story for how microprocessors Work:
Microchips are allegedly constructed by a process called nanolithography or microlithography. Tiny lasers are shot at layers of material to burn out paths that connect literally billions of transistors, capacitors, and other components, each just 70 atoms thick. On many solid state drives in a computer these transistors are literally designed to hold single electrons. Think about that. We can’t even see electrons. More recently it’s been theorized electrons are just a “cloud of probability” so how can it hold them? A chip the size of your fingernail can have billions of transistors on it and can process billions of logical processes per second. All this processing runs smoothly enough to create entire Interactive computer games, videos, Internet, and all the other distractions that keep us transfixed to these enchanting devices for years of our life.

A zoomed in look at how small microchips are:

Physical Creation of these Transistors seems logically impossible. How can they move a laser so precisely to etch out these carvings? Littererally, what motor is turning to move the laser arm so precisely? How does burning away layers of material create all of the complex transistors and other components? For many microchips they are not simply rows of the same type of component rather there appears to be varying types of electronic components and transistors and capacitors all interweaving on a single chip. Here is a picture of a microchip from my encyclopedia that was published in 1994. This microchip only has 1,238 transistors and other components, they are much larger than today’s components and yet they are barely still visible. But look at the insane complexity at this scale! Compare this to today’s microchips that have several billion transistors on this same size chip. 1000 transistors can fit onto the width of a human hair. Is this really possible? I believe it’s healthy to at least question this claim.

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Logic Design?
In addition to the physical creation of these microchips seemingly being impossible, how these transistors actually translate into logical computer code also completely eludes me. Transistors seem to act like gates that allow the flow of an electric current to pass through them, but how does connecting thousands of these correlate into logical design to run a program? These transistors that open and close are supposed to be the most fundamental level of making programs run on the computer, but then what “program” is telling the transistors to open or close in logical ways? It just seems like you’ll always need another fundamental level of programming “instructing” for the next fundamental level if that makes sense.

Healthy Skepticism
Are we really capable of such precise complex engineering? Perhaps, but I also used to think the space program was possible. Then I realized while the space missions were “technically possible” it was simply far more likely they were staged. So now I wonder if there is again a more likely reasoning behind this microchip design rather than the official story. It should be noted that Intel was funded by the government specifically the Pentagon. They supposedly wanted to develop microchips to guide their missiles.

An attempt at unbiased perspective
We are so entrenched into our view of the world that it is hard for us to consider other possibilities. But let’s try to form an unbiased view by considering if we showed a person from two hundred years ago a computer or smart phone. Their more natural view may lend some unbiased insight: I believe this person would immediately say the phone was using magic. When asked what they mean by “magic” they would likely think there must be some “magical spirit” that is inside the device running it. We would of course laugh and tell them no, actually it is all made from physical tiny machines. Billions of them. So of course they would not believe this. So we would take one apart and show the electronic components. And they would hold a SSD card or Microchip in their hand and ask how can this make the computer work? And we would tell him that inside it were billions of smaller devices called transistors that bounce around pieces of electricity so precisely that it creates logic that can process billions of connections per second to make games, music, and pictures work. And he would say he doesn’t believe us and to prove it. And we would tell him it’s too small to see because they are the size of atoms. And he would think that this is absurd, how would one even begin to physically craft at such a scale? And he would question how we knew this. And we would tell him we learned about it from one of these devices. My guess is this man would probably find it much more likely that there was some “magic spirit” of sorts living inside this computer device that makes it work. And while at first I would laugh at this I have to ask, is this really that much more outlandish of a claim than billions of complex circuitry?.

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Intelligent Electric Spirit
A first objection to this theory might be Replacing the complexity in microchip design with the complexity of an intelligent living spirit doesn’t help explain how microchips work any better. And I would agree with this. But my logical problem with microchips is not that they are too complex (for they would by necessity have to be super complex to run computers) my objection is that they are too complex for us humans to have made. And so the only other logical solution is that the complexity is being run by an intelligence that we did not create. We are merely using it. It was already intelligent and complex enough to perform the tasks a computer requires. Humans merely learned how to tap into this electric-spirit energy and “train it” to run our electronics. The circuit boards act as guides or directions that the circuit board’s electric-spirit reads like a language. Similarly to how a farmer guides and instructs a sheep-dog to heard his sheep. He need only to make simple whistles and repetitive training to “show” the dog how to do something. But he did not create the dog. He did not design the complex workings of how the dog moves its legs and gauges distance and intelligently heards the sheep. He merely is using the dog’s innate intelligence for a specific task he has trained it for. An unbiased visitor to our world might assume the dog was this highly complex machine the farmer had designed. Not realizing the dog’s intelligence was innate and independent from the farmer. Perhaps this “electric spirit energy” works in the same way. The circuit board guides and trains this wild living electric current to do complex and intelligent tasks for us in our devices such as playing a video or music or creating an interactive game. The general intention and design is required as well as an understanding of the magic language of circuitry but perhaps this living electric-spirit energy “reads” the circuit board and perhaps the intention of the designer through psychic spells and it infers the rest through its own intelligence and previous memory of past experiences in using electronics. This would not deny programming is real. But programming may be a language that is interacting with this intelligent medium in order to run its systems. In fact programming code is further broken down into another code for the computer to read so it’s still several steps removed from the logic of the circuit. Perhaps programming is analogous to a musician writing sheet music for an orchestra to play. The sheet music is very exact and logical (as is programming), and the musicians follow the music to play the song, but this sheet music doesn’t fully explain the infinite complexity that is required of each individual person to actually move their hand and play the music and gauge if they are in tune. All of this requires an intelligence that the sheet music can’t create. The person who wrote the sheet music never needs to know about all this layered complexity the individual musicians are doing, all he sees is a full orchestra playing his song he wrote. From a programmers stand point all they do is write a specific code (or notes on a sheet music for our analogy) and feed it into the computer. The computer takes all of this logical input and through the intelligence of the electric current it deciphers the code into a game or song or video on your computer. It’s also possible the electric current itself may not be intelligent, rather instead it could be the elusive “aether” is actually the intelligence, and the electro magnetic current is a reaction of this.

Why The Secrecy?
If this were the case that electronic circuit boards are actually instruction panels for an intelligent electric-spirit force, (or aether intelligence, etc.), what might be some of the clues?  I would think the great past inventors who discovered it would have to have been studying magic and supernatural sciences for years. Perhaps this is what alchemy actually was. We are told alchemy was the study of trying to turn metal into gold. But it is shrouded in secrecy and cryptic languages and occult magic symbols. If alchemy really was just about turning metal into gold why were many great thinkers such as Isaac Newton so obsessed with it? Wouldn’t he be more interested in more interesting scientific discoveries? Perhaps alchemy was more mysterious and supernatural than we are told. Perhaps alchemy is actually the pursuit of experimenting with rare materials such as gold to tap into a magic spirit energy source that we know as electricity, but is actually so much more. Is it just coincidence that gold happens to be one of the best conductors of electricity? Followed by silver, and then copper I beleive. Strikingly similar to our value system for these metals years before this discovery. So, did alchemy actually ever stop, or did it just go into hiding again after being persecuted? Could modern circuit boards be the result of these hundreds of years of continued secret alchemy study? Could our mainstream modern understanding of chemistry and atomic theory be actually a clever guise to hide a more supernatural truth behind these processes? The reasoning being obvious that they of course want to avoid being accused of witchcraft and also they don’t want us to obtain the powers for ourselves concerning this electric-spirit because then we would not need them and they would not be in control. It’s possible our understanding of chemistry and atomic theory has elements of truth in it but never gets us the whole picture. Similar to that of a heliocentric model of the universe sort of working until you compare it to the flat earth model which works much better. The real truth may be hidden in complexity and distracting ideas that are all red herrings to hide the truth. Similarly to how alchemist hid their inventions recipes through cryptic language. Our current understanding of the atom has changed so much since its original conception, from a structure to a cloud, to essentially pure energy at undefined points, that it perhaps should have been thrown out all together and reconsidered from scratch. But physics has a way of just “patching up” their broken theories rather than consider alternatives.

History of Spiritualism in Science
When researching for this theory I was surprised to find that many of the famous discoverers of electricity actually believed electricity was interacting with the spiritual realm. Electricity came during the 1880s when “Spiritualism” was prominent.
Thomas Edison, the father of electricity was surprisingly into the occult. It was even rumored he had invented a device that could communicate with the dead. Tesla was also very spiritual and he too was trying to invent a “spirit phone” to communicate with the dead. Other investors pursuing spiritual inventions included Alexander Bell, sir Oliver Lodge, and Marconi, the inventor of the electric telegraphy. The degree of their success in this supernatural pursuit could be interpreted differently depending on whether or not electricity is a form of communicating with the spirits. Many people of the time considered this a possible explanation for these electronic devices. So then why is electricity today viewed from an entirely secular perspective? Further research is needed but my guess is the same reason alchemy became banished; people feared it was evil to tamper with the supernatural and science didn’t want to be harshly persecuted again as it had during the hay day of alchemy, so it tried to explain it in purely materialistic terms. But even when alchemy was officially outlawed the kings would often still have personal alchemists because they wanted to use their discoveries for themselves. And electricity inventions were far too useful to ignore; so perhaps they hid the real reason for how they worked so it would be accepted by religious people. This would also have the added benefit of keeping the knowledge for manipulating this phenomenon of electricity more secretive therefore easier to control sense most people would be trying to understand electricity on a physical materialistic level they would not be as successful at creating new inventions with it. Interestingly, there was a disagreement between Tesla and Edison on the nature of electricity with Tesla believing there was a spiritual explanation and Edison insisting it could all be explained materialistically (despite Edison later siding with Tesla’s idea when trying to create a spirit phone). Whether connected or not, Tesla’s lab was burned and his inventions destroyed, while and Edison became rich. And today we describe electricity in a purely materialistic view. In fact basically any credible study by a scientist on this subject is basically disregarded no matter the outcome.

Here is a list of some of the electronics I find most skeptical for their given explanation:

Flash Memory/SD Cards Are Impossible To Build

History of microchip design. Has a feel of space history to it.

A zoomed in look at how small microchips are:

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Speakers Don’t Make Logical Sense
A guitar is shaped in a specific shape so that it can create the specific sound a guitar makes. Same with a piano. Or a violin. Or any instrument. They all have a very unique shape and material. So how is it that a speaker shape can produce all of these sounds (guitar, violin, piano, etc.) nearly identical to the instrument without being a similar shape or material as the instrument? In what precise way is the speaker cone vibrating to produce the different sounds of a guitar, a piano, a human voice, and all the other instruments? If this is possible why is it only electronic devices that can create this ridiculously vast array of instruments from a single shape? (The speaker cone shape). Is it possible to play a violin sound from a speaker box shaped instrument that is not electronic? Theoretically it should be, yet I’ve never heard of this.

Bonus Theory on Sound: I’m not an expert on this yet but my initial studying leads me to think sound is probably a unique wave, or atleast some moving energetic force. Mainstream view of sound says that it is not a wave itself (in the way a radio wave is a wave) but rather a physical phenomenon that occurs because air atoms “bump” into one another like a chain of dominoes to create a “compression wave” movement that eventually bumps into your eardrum. Your eardrum is then allegedly able to decipher exactly what instrument is playing purely from the pattern of the air molecules bumping into it. This is analogous to you being able to tell which friend jumped in the pool based on the waves that splash on you. There’s just too much subtlety that is lost. To me it makes far more sense that sound is a wave of unique energy that travels through the air to your eardrums and your eardrums decipher the sound itself. I believe that as the sound wave passes through the air it vibrates the air molecules but this vibration is simply a biproduct of the sound wave rather the sound wave itself. How the eardrum deciphers the sound energy wave is a mystery but it could still have to do with vibrations since the sound wave would be much more accurate to the sound than a bumping of air molecules would be. As for vacuums not having sound? First, I’m entirely convinced they don’t. But even if they don’t, it is possible sound waves need to travel through air. That would not prove the air itself was or was not the sound wave, simply that it may require it. Similarly, a bird needs air to travel through, but that does not mean the air is the bird. However, if sound can travel through a vacuum that would certainly disprove sound being a physical phenomenon and prove it is a unique wave. The problem with all of the videos on YouTube testing this is they don’t record the sound from INSIDE the vacuum, so we can’t tell if the vacuum container is what was blocking the sound. Frustratingly, the only video that did do this did not show the results he just told us it didn’t record sound. Apparently there have now been several mainstream articles claiming sound CAN travel in a vacuum. Of course they immediately have reasons for it, one being the sound wave is traveling on top of an electromagnetic wave? Or that the particles that “bump” into each other are just really far away? It all sounded like desperate conjecture to explain that sound couldn’t possibly be a wave itself. Anyways, this is off topic. More research is needed.


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Vinyl Record Players don’t make sense for storing sound information
Have you ever critically considered the explanation for how a record player works? Beyond the speaker making these impossible sounds, how does the speaker actually “read” the sound it needs to make based on a needle bumping along a groove? I get the concept, that the different ‘bumps’ on the record are read as different levels of vibration and thus interpreted into sound, but on a practical stand I can’t understand how the speaker could read much past Morse code from bumps in a groove, yet somehow they are able to play full orchestras and thousands of instruments with subtle variation from these tiny bumps on a groove. It seems like an impossible amount of accuracy and information to translate on a record ‘bump’. In addition, some records claim to transfer the information for surround sound too! Take a look at this video of a record player in slow-motion through a microscope, does it really look like the information of an entire orchestra is encoded here? Interestingly the tip of the needle is made of diamond, allegedly only because it is hard, but perhaps the information is actually being encoded in this crystalline structure rather than the grooves of the record. Recent mainstream articles show research that diamonds could be used as super efficient information storage devices.

Vinyl record played under microscope

Another Vinyl Record played under microscope

What’s more, the needle seems to be going off its track several times. I wonder if this stopped the song? More zoomed in study of the record being played may reveal some deeper secrets. Another idea, according to mainstream theory of how records work you could allegedly take a blank disc of plastic and carve out grooves with a knife in such a way to recreate a guitar solo or any other sound if done right.

Phonograph Machine
Let’s look at the earliest types of record players to see if we can decipher what is really going on. The first recording device was invented by Thomas Edison and was called the phonograph. It worked by someone singing and playing guitar while a needle etched into a cylinder made of bees wax or soap (animal fat) or tin foil. If I observed this process without a biased influence what might I think is happening? My thought would be that this needle was running along this cylinder and somehow forming a “memory” of this moment into the cylinder itself. Exactly how this worked I wouldn’t know. But I believe I would be led to propose that perhaps inorganic objects can hold a “memory” of sorts (in this case of a song). But perhaps that’s not entirely true since the bees wax or animal fat is technically organic. But still, how could this material possibly hold memory? Memory is stored in the brain, right? Allegedly In material mechanistic components called synapses that fire and release just like a machine. Right? Maybe not. Even today with all our “advanced” technology that science institutions have given us we still do not know where memory is stored nor have the faintest clue how it actually works. So what if memory is more of a “force” or “trait”, (perhaps similar to the electric-spirit) that encompasses our world. And our minds are simply tapping into this infinite memory. What if memory is actually a “slice of time” that is being focused on by our minds. So that when we remember something our minds litterally travel back in time to re-experience this moment again. Perhaps records are doing the same thing. These “memories” of the past don’t seem to interrupt or change this past (at least not often… Mandela effect?) but seem to instead simply re-live it through bringing back the sound of that recording. Maybe seeing ghosts is actually someone from the future remembering the past. Does that mean you could go back and warn yourself about the future? Maybe not. But maybe you could write the future by imagining it in your present mind. Is that a paradox? Idk, anyways. So, basically the wax cylinder stores the memory of this recording in time and saves it for access later by replaying it. Of course, this is only a theory that I might logically think of when observing what is happening of this phenomenon from this invention. The alternative (and, official story) is that little microscopic “bumps” are created on the wax roll. Then later when played back the needle bumps over these bumps again and bounces it up and down which moves a diaphragm connected to a speaker which somehow reproduce the exact intricate sounds of a person singing and guitar playing. Supposedly nothing about it cannot be explained with physical mechanics of bumps and grooves bouncing a needle up and down. I believe the only reason this even seems possible is because it is what we are told. But how many people have really questioned this explanation?

Phonograph machine

As we work our way up in record technology the reasoning behind the method still seems mysterious. Allegedly, a laser scans across a disc to reflect back or not which creates a binary string of ‘on’ or ‘off’ signals. This is then interpreted as information. In theory perhaps this works, although the sheer amount of information that can be stored on CDs is staggering. It’s also rather confusing to see exactly how the laser swings around to accurately find the location for the information. Allegedly the first perimeter of encoded information tells it where all the information is located to access it further. But how can the laser target any specific point with it spinning so fast? A more detailed examination should be done. Perhaps see if the laser is indeed thin enough to actually target these nanometer points without hitting a collection of them.

How do televisions unscramble a linear stream of radio signals into a full moving video image? What is the intelligence or logic behind the unscrambling of this stream of bits to make it into a picture? I’ve read about some of the details of cathode-ray tubes and how it allegedly beams back and forth very quickly across the television to form an image on the screen, but frankly I find the explanation rather impossible seeming for how it does this. Still, more research is needed.

Limited First-Hand Experiences
Do you know anyone who designs electronic circuits? Not works in the factory and does one tiny part but I mean someone in charge of having a full picture of what they are creating when they physically piece together the inner transistors (the size of 70 atoms) of a new microchip. There should be a design director of sorts I just don’t know of any I could talk to first-hand. The thing is even if there is someone who does this circuit board design job the entire process could be claimed to be too complex and compartmentalized enough that no one single person has a full grasp of how the process works. Also, I find often they piece together microchips that are already fully built in other places. And even if they are completely legitimate electronic designs I’m sure the companies would not want to give up their trade secrets, so first-hand experiences of this knowledge are very limited.

Taking Electronics Apart
I watched videos of people taking apart electronics. Transistors. Capacitors. Batteries. Etc. Like literally just cutting them in half with a pair of pliers to see the inside. I actually used to do this a lot as a kid too. What is strange is there seems to be basically nothing inside of them. Usually just a solid looking chunk of metal or plastic with maybe a metal strip inside. I just thought they would be more intricate inside if there are literally billions of transistors. It’s really odd to me. Again, I don’t know exactly how they work but this finding might help someone who does to see if it makes sense to them? I would really like to cut open a flash memory to see if it is complex, but I guess it may be too small to see. Anyone have a microscope?


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Further Research
Ideas for how to prove (or disprove) this theory that electronics do not work the way they tell us and may in fact have supernatural properties:

Examine the inside of microchip under a microscope to see if you can actually see the billions of tiny transistors. I don’t have a microscope but if someone does this might be a good test.
Try to build your own phonograph machine might give insight into how they work. Though it wouldn’t really prove or disprove the reason for why it works. In fact, it’s maybe possible the people making them don’t fully understand how they work, just that they work. Building a computer chip probably would reveal the inner workings but I don’t think there’s much chance of being able to do this.
Examine further the process for how the computer chips are made. Perhaps a first hand tour of the design process
Test alternative ways for creating electronics based on viewing electricity as a living force. Admittedly, I’m not sure how to even approach this method. Perhaps studying alchemy proposals or other ancient alternative methods for manipulation of energy.

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Hypothetical Explanations for How these electronics and energy fields may work.
The following theories attempting propose some explanations for how these microchips might be explained are highly theoretical. I don’t claim any proof for them it’s more to get us thinking and wondering about other explanations. It’s a bit like trying to consider what is past our continents; no one really knows but I think it’s interesting to propose theories. Just remember the following is just speculation and logical imagination:

Theory 1 - Magic
the aether is an intelligent energy field that can be tapped into to intelligently power devices through electricity. There are most likely closely guarded laws that govern how to tap into and manipulate this energy field that is understood by a few scientists though probably still being studied. The “scientific laws” are logical but may more closely resemble some of the rules of ancient magic. These may be hidden in scientific terms. It’s possible this would explain the obsession with the occult with many of the elite organizations while simultaneously repressing the supernatural studies from the masses.

Theory 2 - Hidden Sciences
It’s also possible the explanations behind these microchips may be purely scientific and not have any intelligent spirit force behind it, but instead the forces are easier to manipulate than described and the rules for them kept secret. The “magic” side could be a psyiop to distract from real hidden sciences. Whether hidden science or “magic” may be mostly indistinguishable if the laws and methods are very different.  

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Theory 3 - As Above So Below
Perhaps these microchips are actually little microcosms of living electric creatures. They are completely unaware that entire existence is being used to power our computers or phones. Microchips actually do resemble little cities with roads and buildings. Maybe this “electric current” is actually the living beings. Obviously they live and act diffently than we do, they likely don’t have physical bodies but rather are entirely energetic in form. They also experience time differently than we do. I have a theory that all animals may experience time different, being that the smaller they are the slower time seems to move for them. You can actually observe this phenomena in animals; a little bird flutters around on a branch almost impossibly quick compared to humans and larger animals. It’s true being small allows one to move quicker but that doesn’t seem to fully explain how they are able to process the world so much quicker too. Looking at smaller animals, flies, butterflies, ants, and other small insects seem to dart around at seemingly impossible speeds. But viewing them in slow motion will reveal they are not just darting around randomly but seem to be litterally processing the world faster than we are. This seems counterintuitive when we realize their brains are so much smaller. But if they are litterally experiencing time differently then it may make sense. It also may explain why time seemed to take so much longer when we were children. Other explainations are possible of course but it’s important to see there are other possibilities for this phenomenon. As we zoom down to even smaller levels, past bacteria, we reach near atomic levels. At every level of size we find life. Why should the atomic level be any different? But electricity moves so much faster at this size that it seems near instantaneous. But perhaps to the tiny electric creatures the world feels at normal speed. It’s also possible the designers of these microchips are not even aware that this size level is alive and simply believe they are tapping into secret “magic” energy fields. Perhaps though microchips are more grown organically. I imagine placing the necessary materials on a board and the already living enteties of this level of life naturally grow onto them like a mold would grow, yet because they are comprised of silicon and gold etc. like material their forms are much more structured than that of a mold. Crystals and geodes may be other examples of living growth from unconventional material. As above so below. Does that mean that we humans and our world is possibly just a power source similar to a giant microchip for a bigger creature? At this point this is all wild theory but understanding that I’ll make some thoughts on it. It’s an interesting coincidence that gold, silver, and copper happen to be the best conductors of electricity for circuit boards, gold being the best, followed by silver, then copper, believe. Yet we used these in the same value level long before microchips. Perhaps elements of value transcend the levels in some way. Or maybe we used to make microchips in the past and these materials kept their value far past the ancient microchips. Or just coincidence. It is also interesting how much our flat earth sort of resembles a circuit board with an electric current flowing over the whole thing, and these stars perhaps absorbing the energy during electrical storms of lightning. Is lightning striking down or is energy going up into the sky?... Theologically it has some interesting meanings as well. Perhaps “god” is the creature that is above our level. He exists beyond the dome and uses our world to power his device or self (what ever it is it would be at a level that we can’t comprehend so any analogy will sound very shallow). If this were the case then this “god” above us would want us to “focus” on him which would provide him with “power” of sorts. Perhaps through prayer. Or through building of great religious structures in his name. Cathedrals and temples serving as transistors and capacitors of sorts. The pyramids may have been a highly focused version. Perhaps focused enough that the god was able to come down to our level even. This would also make sense that when we instead turn our attention away from god he loses energy and says this is bad. Instead when we look “below” us (at the circuit board level of creation) we start to think that we are gods (and we sort of are to them). This powers us up of course but it also would eventually cut us off from God above (if we stopped sending him power would he throw us away like an old battery?). Another danger is in over powering the creatures below so that they actually take us over! Through A.I. maybe. That’s why we might perceive them as demons coming from “below” and why alchemy and such was so disdained by religious people. Of course they too may be simply trying to “power themselves” just through a God above. All this is really more sci-fi at this point and so I won’t go much more into this but I think it is likely that the world and our universe is stranger than we might currently understand it, so it’s important to question into some big hypotheticals now and then too.

Theory 4 - Alien tech.
Another possibility is these electronics are “gifts” from a far more advanced civilization. Perhaps from a far off continent, or from the future. Or perhaps even from a demonic realm. I’m reminded of the crop circle of the “alien” holding a CD disc allegedly saying “beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.” Of course, these crop circles may be a psyop but they may also hold some hidden truth in plain site. A darker theory is they are controlling us with these technologies. I think more likely they are guiding us, or perhaps experimenting a little. There may be varying factions and goals. If this is the case the technology likely is powered differently than how it is taught in our text books because they don’t want us using the energy to create other things, rather they want to control it. If this is the case we may could find new energy in these devices by studying them closely. Or perhaps they do work as described but the aliens are simply advanced enough to actually craft these electronic devices such as microchips with billions of transistors.

Theory 5 - honest misunderstandings
It could be less nefarious. It could be that the scientists really don’t understand themselves how it works and yet it does work and so they feel compelled to have an explanation for it. Edison saw the phonograph needle was making grooves in the cylinder and so he assumed this was the cause for holding the sound. He didn’t really even consider the electric field was “recording a memory of it” because he didn’t understand that. Or he did consider it but found it too frightening. Since then it could be that our scientific discoveries have taken off in development with our explanations lagging behind for “why” these things were working.

Theory 6 - it’s possible they actually work like they say
It’s admittedly possible microchips and electronics work exactly like they tell us. Perhaps I’m not smart enough to comprehend their design process. Perhaps I am merely so distrusting of scientific authority that I am incorrectly blanketing my distrust onto all sciences. It’s possible, but then I look at that microchip again and think about the billions of transistors the size of atoms that needed to be made so perfectly. And again I feel the odds of them being able to build these and them working the way they tell us just doesn’t seem as likely. Of course that’s just a feeling based on logical observation, but atleast it’s enough to make me question it further.

Thank you for the time in reading this theory. It’s not proof, it’s admittedly still more in the form of observations and skepticism for the current explanation of electronics and a curiosity for if there may be another explanation. Hopefully it leads to further ideas whether proving or disproving the current explanation. Any Ideas for furthering this inquiry is welcome

Last edited by Tree on Tue Feb 16, 2021 7:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:06 pm

Sorry, the pictures didn’t work at first. Here is some.


Here is a microchip from my encyclopedia. This one is only around 2000 transistors. Modern ones have billions.

Here is a close up of a record player


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:52 am

I’ve been watching some keynotes explaining the lithography process in greater detail and so far it simply seems even more impossible.

Dr. Sam Sivakumar explained the effort it takes to design just a small “layout” area on the microchip that was only around 140 nanometers and only comprising 30 or so transistors. It seemed it took great effort just to design this area with multiple “masks” needing to be designed and consideration for how close each transistor was and redesigning where they can place the connections in different spots to make it easier. The thing that seems unlikely is not just the difficulty for them to do this with one little area (140 x 140 nanometers), but how can they do this laborious time intensive design process millions of more times to create all of the layout areas on just one microchip? Not to mention then print millions of copies of the microchips.

16:00 minutes in he talks of the difficulties

Mass producing problems:
If I’m understanding it correctly, They talk of needing to design and place “masks” through which the laser shines through to burn the needed area of the silicon. How are they able to place a new mask on for every new burn? Wouldn’t that be too time intensive? Unfortunately this video is from 2012 so the technology may be older but they should still need to change masks I would think.

I also tried to watch some videos on how CDs are made and the videos I found seemed to skip past the actual information engraving onto the disc with a laser instead spending most time on the cleaning and layers, which is not what I believe most people would care about, so still some mystery.

Hard Drive
Also found an explanation for a spinning hard drive which is similar to a cd but holds much more information. One square centimeter = 30 billion bits. It can read millions of bits per second with the arm moving over many different sectors. Honestly seems pretty impossible to me, but if they can put a man on the moon.. oh wait. Hmm, Yeah, I’m still skeptical until I can see it made for myself, or get a better understanding of it.


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:00 am

When you imagine manipulating energy using magic you might think of crystals and other energy artifacts. Often crystals are used to depict the energy source of various sci-fi/fantasy civilizations. Strange, since we don’t usually consider “crystals” when thinking of our own modern electronics. You probably heard that circuit boards are made from silicon, but if you are like me you would be surprised to learn that the silicon wafer that the chips are built on is actually sliced from a huge crystal (several meters) that is grown. This crystal is perfectly uniform in its atomic structure down to the atom. Also incredibly strong, to the point a single thread of it suspends the entire crystal. To me it seems a strange and specifically grown chosen structure to use for circuit boards. Why wouldn’t they just stir up a batch of silicon rather than grow this delicate crystal? There must be some reason we use them, right? Supposedly, the only reason silicon is used is because of its conductivity of electricity, which is “medium” or “semi” (conducts it some, but not too much). Supposedly, Nothing about it’s crystalline structure really matters apparently, it’s just because it makes for a convenient base to build the rest of the electronics on that is “semi” conductive. To me this just seems a bit surprising. One other aspect to silicon crystals is that they can be “doped” with foreign particles to make it more easily into an “excited state”. Which again, seems more of a term or method used for organic living things rather than cold physical materialistic mechanics, but maybe that’s just me.

Silicon Crystal grown in lab :

Electronics are Magic 59500010

There are others though that think there may be more potential in crystals than we know. There are several mainstream science articles theorizing how crystals could be used to store data. Not as a template for a circuit board but rather in the crystal itself. Personally I’m of the suspicion that they may be doing something similar to this already and that is how they record volumes of information, not in a physical process of bumping around electrons but in a more energetic holistic method captured by these living crystals.

Crystals can store data:

Interestingly, silicon crystals are not the only crystals used in electronics. Quartz crystals are necessary for keeping track of time in electronics. Perhaps you could call them “time crystals”. Is this where this pop-culture idea originates from? Or do we perhaps innately know there is some connection with crystals and time and energy?

Electronics are Magic 4daf4310

Electronics are Magic 482b9b10

Other crystalline structures are also used for suspiciously boring and nonsensical reasons, such as the tip of record needles being diamond. Which really makes no sense to me sense one would think that the needle should need to be soft or it may scratch unwanted new holes in the record as it spun. if the tip were soft it may simply “bounce” as is allegedly needed. Though if the information of the record was somehow being “tapped into” through this diamond crystal, might this make more sense?

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake developed a theory called Morphic Resonance which attempts to explain how all similar organisms may share a sort of “collective consciousness” in their memory that can be tapped into. This would explain many phenomena in life such as how memories are stored, how organisms grow, and even how certain crystalline compounds are easier to create after they’ve been created many times because they share a memory for patterned structure (this is an example he gives). Dr. Sheldrake offers many ideas that go against the authoritie’s ideas on science and so are often overlooked by his peers however they are well thought out and his experimental ideas are well documented. I’m not an expert on all the details yet and it is a radical theory, but it seems to have some possible validity to its concept. I do think his theory would work to help possibly explain (very loosely) how a crystal wafer (circuit board) may record a “memory in time” into its structure, which can then later be accessed again. Since the crystals are literally “grown” in the labs this may give credence to them being “alive” and therefore able to store memory or consciousness in time. Obviously this doesn’t explain all of the details of how it works or how we use them but it does make more sense than if circuit boards were just made from hunks of metal or something. The fact that there are literally slices of crystal which could be “alive” and have various other mysterious aspects such as being traditionally connected to supernatural powers is an interesting coincidence for the material they use.

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:29 pm

Electronics are Magic 400afb10

I’ve learned that crystal radios use a “crystal detector” to detect radio waves. Since when and how do crystals detect energy waves in the air? The mainstream science seems relentless in telling us that crystals provide no healing energy or other natural force. They’re just pretty rocks. And if you think otherwise you’re crazy. Yet they use them in every electronic to detect and manipulate every known energy wave (radio, electric, light, etc.).

Electronics are Magic 21b31210

Crystal Radios are the simplest form of a radio you can make. It requires no battery or energy source. It powers (as far as I can tell) entirely on the energy of the radio wave.

I will be studying more fully the components and their given reasons for how they work. The most mysterious part so far is the crystal detector itself. I don’t understand how it interacts with radio waves yet. By the way, modern radios also use a crystal detector, but it is called a diode.

The common theme amongst all these electronics seems to be the crystal.

Circuit board - made of silicon crystal.
Time devices - quartz crystals
Record player - diamond tip needle
Radio - crystal detector
Future data storage - crystals

What is it about these rocks that are so able to interact with energy fields? I wonder if crystals is the key to all these electronics.

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by FiachraW Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:31 pm

Wow @Tree this is intriguing to say the least! Your humility is refreshing, Thinking about how a microchip could be akin to a miniature urbanised a city, a grid as you say, the terminology "off-grid" and "blockchain grid" present in societies digitisation, and the inevitable push-pull from communities.
In the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror, Lisa has a tooth which she takes for a science project, some sediment gets inside it and a city is built from it? Another similar episode is conveyed in South Park where Cartman gets seamen and they become technologically advanced.
I would well believe it is magic! But it has been resold and repackaged as science and engineering,
the use of natural core elements like Diamonds and Precious Metals to extract these energies is something that intrigues me...


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:42 am

Thanks FiachraW! I really appreciate you taking the time to consider it.
Yep there’s a lot of terminology that seems to transcend the idea.
That’s very interesting about the Simpsons and Southpark episodes hinting this idea. I’ll watch them. I think pop culture seems to reflect hidden truths and repressed ideas of our reality, similar to how dreams can be interpreted as reactions to repressed thoughts. Obviously not every dream or tv shows reflects exact truth, it’s an interpretation; and scientists don’t traditionally like to interpret as much, but I think for sure we can get a good feel for the overall state of humanity through pop culture as well as some perhaps specific hidden truths. I’ll have to look up these episodes, they may lend some insight.

Also, if you know any others who have explored this theory I would love to read some others ideas to expand my research on this. I’m sure there must be others who have questioned these devices, though I just haven’t found them yet.

Yes, definitely been rebranded as electronics. People kind of react against the term magic but it really mostly means unexplained technology. Yes I think the key may be in crystals and these precious metals. If they could be shown to poses an energy source that is capable of self organizing information or can tap into the an invisible field, we might could learn how they may use them.

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by FiachraW Sat Jan 30, 2021 12:11 am

https://lbry.tv/@EricDubay:c/The-Holographic-Nature-of-Reality:c talks about memories here @Tree


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:25 am

Very interesting, thanks for the link. So the concept is the whole world, or atleast the brain, may be a sort of hologram of sorts. It’s quite interesting a hologram can be cut apart and still retain the entire image, though it is also rather mysterious to me how exactly this works. Notable that it still takes a crystal of sorts (a piece of glass) to create a hologram. I’m completely amazed about them being able to cut up a salamander brain and it still work. Seems like if we lived in a fair scientific world then a few replications of this experiment should prove the non-locality of the mind being in the brain. And they should get a Nobel prize in science or something. This is a great video, although it does still assume the technologies mostly work the way we explain. Maybe it’s more the opposite: Maybe holograms are more “mind-like” rather than our minds more “holographic-like”. not sure. Anyways, very interesting. Hopefully I can research holograms more.

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by KrystleJade Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:17 am

@tree your observations are very interesting - Thankyou for presenting them here. Thinking about what you said about the pyramids possibly being transistors and about gold as a conductor: it was said the pyramid tops - their points - used to be covered in gold. Interesting.
I also have many questions regarding the way in which these technologies actually work and found your hypothetical theories very interesting. There is so much more to this world than what we know. And very probable that a lot is hidden from the general public.

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:52 am

KrystleJade wrote:@tree your observations are very interesting - Thankyou for presenting them here. Thinking about what you said about the pyramids possibly being transistors and about gold as a conductor: it was said the pyramid tops - their points - used to be covered in gold. Interesting.
I also have many questions regarding the way in which these technologies actually work and found your hypothetical theories very interesting. There is so much more to this world than what we know. And very probable that a lot is hidden from the general public.

Thank you Krystle! (Very fitting name by the way   sunny  it’s indeed all very mysterious. I hope we can learn more about how these electronics may actually work. Yes, gold as a conductor could be part of the key. It seems a strange of a coincidence that these rare metals and crystals are all used in electronics. Yes, I have heard about that the pyramid tops used to be gold. It’s very fascinating! I will look at this more thanks! I’ve since read some accounts that the tops of some old cathedrals too may have been used to tap into an electric field in the air.  

Here is someone I recently found who has some interesting theories on some of the same things I’m researching. Michael Tellinger. He seems to be looking at it in an opposite direction; viewing our cities as circuitboards (which I also lean towards in possibility) . I don’t know if he has also considered that our circuit boards could also be alive. Or atleast tapping into this mysterious energy field. He also has some interesting views on the importance of sound which he sees as fundamental to creation. I wonder if he would also consider it a unique wave as I believe it is. (Actually, i don’t think it is even a “wave” but more a unique “energy shape” or “color” though I’m not an expert on this). He talks about cities as circuit boards around 2:23 in. (Skip to two hours 23 mins in).


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tiwar Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:32 am


No magic. lol

It is hard to comprehend how all these chips work at first but I know there’s no magic involved. Don’t trust me, look for yourself.

I have a reasonable understanding of electronics components as I’ve been building music electronics for myself since around 2006 and I’ve often looked into how the parts I use are actually manufactured.

It’s not that hard to make simple electronics from scratch, for example; you can make your own capacitors with paper, oil, two pieces of wire for the leads, and a very small container to place it in. You can do the same with Mylar foil, paper, two pieces of wire and a container to put it in. Resistors can be made from wire alone and some potentiometers (variable resistors) are still made this way; rheostats, for example.  How much of each material will determine the values in Microfarads (capacitors) or Ohms (resistors). Even a simple microphone cable or power extension cord has its own resistance and capacitance (minimal) by the nature of what it is.

Transistors are a very simple device as well. Not something you can make from kitchen chemicals and garden shed supplies but they are still a simple thing.

I’ll stick to simple ICs and not micro processors etc as that is what I’m familiar with; although I can’t give highly technical explanations about all this manufacturing stuff I do stillunderstand enough to know how they work and to know there’s no magic involved.

Computers use far more advanced ICs but the manufacturing principal is much the same, only on different scales. It’s the nano scale that is mind blowing, not the technology itself. We have come along way since the vacuum tube; however - and in audio applications - I still prefer vacuum tubes as they sound superior to solid state devices.

They are made with silicon wafer substrates and layers. The layers are achieved with chemicals, it’s called doping...as in adding. If you want a part of that layer removed (to make a simple transistor) you place over it a resist film (a chemical) in the configuration you need and then etch/dissolve the rest of it away with more chemicals. Remove the resist film with another chemical and you have the desired result; a Mosfet transistor, for example.

If you search “how to make a PCB” you may comprehend it as the technique for etching shares similarities only on a far smaller and more advanced scale for ICs etc. It will illustrate what resist film, enchant, and so forth are.

This guy makes his own transistors and ICs (Integrated Circuits) by hand (as a proof of concept sort of thing) and it’s worth browsing his channel so you understand what it takes to make an IC.

A brief overview of what an IC is:

A Schematic of an actual IC; you can see what is in the plastic chip via the schematic. The simple and common LM386 audio amplifier:


Microscope photograph of another IC, the LM741:

Electronics are Magic 0-C7398-C0-9-D48-408-A-9-D88-BB21-BEDA5-DF5

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by FiachraW Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:05 pm

Tree wrote:
KrystleJade wrote:@tree your observations are very interesting - Thankyou for presenting them here. Thinking about what you said about the pyramids possibly being transistors and about gold as a conductor: it was said the pyramid tops - their points - used to be covered in gold. Interesting.
I also have many questions regarding the way in which these technologies actually work and found your hypothetical theories very interesting. There is so much more to this world than what we know. And very probable that a lot is hidden from the general public.

Thank you Krystle! (Very fitting name by the way   sunny  it’s indeed all very mysterious. I hope we can learn more about how these electronics may actually work. Yes, gold as a conductor could be part of the key. It seems a strange of a coincidence that these rare metals and crystals are all used in electronics. Yes, I have heard about that the pyramid tops used to be gold. It’s very fascinating! I will look at this more thanks! I’ve since read some accounts that the tops of some old cathedrals too may have been used to tap into an electric field in the air.  

Here is someone I recently found who has some interesting theories on some of the same things I’m researching. Michael Tellinger. He seems to be looking at it in an opposite direction; viewing our cities as circuitboards (which I also lean towards in possibility) . I don’t know if he has also considered that our circuit boards could also be alive. Or atleast tapping into this mysterious energy field. He also has some interesting views on the importance of sound which he sees as fundamental to creation. I wonder if he would also consider it a unique wave as I believe it is. (Actually, i don’t think it is even a “wave” but more a unique “energy shape” or “color” though I’m not an expert on this). He talks about cities as circuit boards around 2:23 in. (Skip to two hours 23 mins in).

I just watched that video! So interesting if thats what society was, or the remnants of it, a giant electrical circuit grid doubled as something else? What kind of powers you can infer from that are endless. Public Enemys "Grid" got released this year which is pretty telling I feel Very Happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo-UTkdTvbw.
Also what is the cone they were using ? Seems ominously similar to current events and the forewarning of the vax ?

"The word ―media‖ comes from Media, an ancient place in the middle-east near Libya. The
Medes were an ancient cult involved in the same activities practiced today by the modern
―In Media were the sorcerers and astrologers, not necessarily negative people but a tribe, a
very adept cult from the ancient world who specialized in the use of talismans, amulets,
mantras and sorcery. And the kings of the world knew that if battle hadn‘t worked, or if legal
means hadn‘t worked to get rid of an enemy, or you didn‘t want it known that you were
getting rid of your enemy, you simply called on the Medes. And you bring the representative
of the Media into your court and he will take care of the problem because he is going to put
the spell on your enemy, the hex, because they know how to do it. And that‘s where we get the
word Mediterranean, Mediation Meditation, and Medication, the Medics. Study this alone
and a whole interesting subject will open itself up, because we still have the sorcerers and the
voodoo and the witch doctory, we still have it today only now it‘s the Techno Shamanism, it‘s
the Silicon Sorcerers, it‘s the Ivory Tower Witchdoctors and they‘re still very busy at what
they‘re doing up at Madison Avenue and behind the other great corporate giants who are
only too happy to tell you what to think.‖ -Michael Tsarion, ―The Subversive Use of Sacred
Symbolism in the Media‖ Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003
These Median sorcerers and other wizards of old often carried
magical wands as well, wooden staffs from which to cast their
spells. These were always made of just one certain kind of
wood: holly. Hollywood.
―Merlin and the old magicians of Celtic England always used
their magic wands and these magic wands were always made out of holly wood. And that's
why today we still have Holly-wood, working its ‗magic‘ on us — showing us in movies how
to view things, what we should think, or just offering us a big box office diversion.‖ –Jordan
Maxwell, ―Matrix of Power‖
―So we still find that those magi in the movie business are putting their ‗spells‘ on us. The
makers of cinema know all about the libido, sexuality, desires and drives of the human beings
that they are trying to pacify and control. The fact that ‗programs‘ are called ‗programs‘ is
fascinating in itself. Programs are what one puts in a computer. They see the human mind as
a computer and have been putting in their programs every day for decades.‖ -Michael
Tsarion, ―Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology‖ "
Eric Dubay The Atlantean Conspiracy (Final Edition) - PDF

Being a pompous level plane earther I winced a little that he used the word 'planet' so often when describing geocentricism, I often much prefer to hear straight up it's flat.. his information is thorough nonetheless.
Looking at how sound is potentially the first form or sense in creation, vibration is sound is a powerful conclusion. Watching all those geometric shapes being formed from sound at 1:10 is so intriguing, the lower the vibration the duller the image which is formed and the higher the vibration the more geometrically appealing it becomes.. Kind of like how you can sense if someone is of a lower and higher vibration by being in their company? Not geometrically but it appeals to the sense of feeling/vibration you get from somebodys presence.


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tiwar Wed Feb 17, 2021 12:02 am

FiachraW wrote:

"The word ―media‖ comes from Media, an ancient place in the middle-east near Libya. The
Medes were an ancient cult involved in the same activities practiced today by the modern
―In Media were the sorcerers and astrologers, not necessarily negative people but a tribe, a
very adept cult from the ancient world who specialized in the use of talismans, amulets,
mantras and sorcery. And the kings of the world knew that if battle hadn‘t worked, or if legal
means hadn‘t worked to get rid of an enemy, or you didn‘t want it known that you were
getting rid of your enemy, you simply called on the Medes. And you bring the representative
of the Media into your court and he will take care of the problem because he is going to put
the spell on your enemy, the hex, because they know how to do it. And that‘s where we get the
word Mediterranean, Mediation Meditation, and Medication, the Medics. Study this alone
and a whole interesting subject will open itself up, because we still have the sorcerers and the
voodoo and the witch doctory, we still have it today only now it‘s the Techno Shamanism, it‘s
the Silicon Sorcerers, it‘s the Ivory Tower Witchdoctors and they‘re still very busy at what
they‘re doing up at Madison Avenue and behind the other great corporate giants who are
only too happy to tell you what to think.‖ -Michael Tsarion, ―The Subversive Use of Sacred
Symbolism in the Media‖ Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003”

Being a pompous level plane earther I winced a little that he used the word 'planet' so often when describing geocentricism, I often much prefer to hear straight up it's flat.. his information is thorough nonetheless.
Looking at how sound is potentially the first form or sense in creation, vibration is sound is a powerful conclusion. Watching all those geometric shapes being formed from sound at 1:10 is so intriguing, the lower the vibration the duller the image which is formed and the higher the vibration the more geometrically appealing it becomes.. Kind of like how you can sense if someone is of a lower and higher vibration by being in their company? Not geometrically but it appeals to the sense of feeling/vibration you get from somebodys presence.

From the quote above that you included in your post I must say something. Correct something.

The etymology by Tsarion following “Mediterranean ” is completely wrong.

How many times have we seen people say “history” really means “his story”? It doesn’t. Our word History comes from French “estoire.” In German it’s Geschichte....and there’s no way one can say that Geschichte means “his story”. German and English are both Germanic languages, only the later is bastardised with many foreign words accepted into our vocabulary. If it weren’t, we’d still be speaking Anglo-Saxon (true English).


People need to learn etymology, not just group similar sounding word together and spread it; of course it doesn’t help when their only language is English and they never study etymology. Just because a word shares something such as a prefix “med-“ doesn’t make all words using it related in the way Tsarion would like us to believe.

Etymological explanations for one word from one language group cannot infer meaning to a similar in another language group.


The “etymological” explanation for Mediterranean, Meditation &c. is ridiculous and has no basis in linguistics whatsoever.








Yes, incorrect etymology is very annoying to me as I’ve loved etymology for many years. At best Tsarions explanation is very weak and is relying on something amounting to a mere prefix. By his logic - or stretch of the imagination-  it could be stated that Medic and Modulation share more than just a prefix, which it doesn’t.

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:43 am

Electronics are Magic 7f3a3b10

Electronics are Magic 3bc61610

Electronics are Magic C2452010


Thank you for the reply and suggested videos! I think that’s a great idea to start with understanding the basic circuitry to see if I can connect it to more complex electronic design later. I’ve been learning about basic circuit design from a friend with a degree in electrical engineering which is helpful as well as my own studies so I’ll hopefully continue to learn more. Good videos also!

I should clarify some by what I mean by magic. I believe these circuit boards and electronics work by way of real laws and rules. Anyone can build a circuit board and get some predictable results by utilizing the same materials and methods used just on a much much smaller and simpler scale. The main part I have difficulty with believing the official story is with complex microchips. Computer programs are very complex. Therefore, these microchips that make up this computer must also be very complex and logical. But to me building a microchip with 60 billion logical transistors on a scale too small to even see just seems impossible. Maybe they do it, but I’m just saying an alternative theory is that maybe instead they are tapping into an invisible ethereal force which is actually the thing that is complex and logical and actually running the programs. Maybe not, but seems plausible in my mind. Atleast until I learn more how they craft so many components.

I think the number is almost too big for us to think about too. Drawing up a microchip schematic is probably similar to that of sketching up a rough blueprint for a city. Drawing the roadways and connecting the buildings. New York City has about 1 million buildings. If every transistor on a microchip with 60 billion transistors represented a building you would be designing a city 60 thousand times bigger than New York City! If someone sketched one transistor in every second working non stop it would take them 1800 years to finish! And this is just the initial design. Then they would need to actually build it! i don’t know. Maybe they can, but this is just so amazing to me that I sort of need to see it to believe it.

Unfortunately, just as the scale of these microchips has reached a point that is seemingly impossible, the size has conveniently also shrunk to a point that prevents us from actually seeing it for ourselves! I know about Moore’s law. We quote it like it’s a biblical law. But do they really save that much money on material by making the chips the size of atoms? Seems like a lot of trouble. And, conveniently, It provides the perfect veil to seeing these hypothetical multi-billion transistor interactive cities.

I guess at the least it gets me studying electricity and other sciences! So if it does work like they say maybe I’ll be a trained electrical engineer by the time I’m done! Haha.


Yeah I found it very interesting too  Surprised  I do wonder about other structures too.
That’s cool public enemy released a record called off the grid. Maybe they can be the B.o.B of magic electricity! Haha. But I doubt they know about this theory. Still, may be some symbolism in it. Interesting their crosshairs symbol looks like the universal sort of symbol Tellinger referenced of like a cross and circle. Of course, pop culture references have to taken with a grain of salt but I do think there’s hidden truths in them.

Very interesting about the possible root meanings of “media”. I’m not an expert on etymology but there probably are multiple layers of meaning and links. I haven’t really studied it so I don’t know. @Tiwar you probably know more than me on this. But it’s good to be open to interpretation. History and root meaning is always a little foggy because we have to rely on what other people wrote and passed down. Not saying we can’t figure it out it’s just not always as clear cut as sciences can be since you can’t really perform a test. Seems a good thing to learn more about!

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by FiachraW Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:13 pm

Yea I was about to say that. Some of this definitions are 14th century and a lot of them derive from the term middle? Like medium, I feel Tsarions comments are subtantiated. I dont know for sure as I haven't researched it further than Erics book


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tiwar Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:51 am


“I think the number is almost too big for us to think about too. Drawing up a microchip schematic is probably similar to that of sketching up a rough blueprint for a city. Drawing the roadways and connecting the buildings. New York City has about 1 million buildings. If every transistor on a microchip with 60 billion transistors represented a building you would be designing a city 60 thousand times bigger than New York City! If someone sketched one transistor in every second working non stop it would take them 1800 years to finish! And this is just the initial design. Then they would need to actually build it! i don’t know. Maybe they can, but this is just so amazing to me that I sort of need to see it to believe it. “

When designing circuits - with a software program - that have a lot of repeated “blocks” you can do what amounts to copy and paste. Also, these programs have auto routing. Which means you hit a button and the computer lays it all out for you...but it doesn’t just give you one possible layout, it offers many choices. You can also drag components or whole sections (circuit blocks) around the PCB and then have it auto configure it again until you’re happy with the results.

Granted, doing this for a small circuit PCB is a long way off from billions; however, the possibility is there to do similar things with micro processors.

Although I cannot prove it personally I see no reason why it can’t be done on the scale they state.

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Planeswalker Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:35 am

Fantastic write up! I have also thought about how absurd technology seems to my miniscule brain. While I don't require answers for these phenomena, I do appreciate the thought exercise you've provided me and for that, I thank you.


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:40 pm

Planeswalker wrote:Fantastic write up! I have also thought about how absurd technology seems to my miniscule brain. While I don't require answers for these phenomena, I do appreciate the thought exercise you've provided me and for that, I thank you.

sunny Surprised
Thank you so much for reading and enjoying the write up! I appreciate the read. This world is mysterious and sometimes thought exercises are how we come closer to the truth or atleast consider new possibilities to what could be.

I need to add to this theory, just haven’t had time recently although I’ve found a few more things on it recently. Not sure if it will lead anywhere or not but I enjoy the research. study

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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:41 pm

Electronics are Magic 73697a10

To modify this theory some, i believe electricity may be alive. Or perhaps it is atleast the energy force of the living. Here is some evidence for electricity being alive;

Creating Life
Scientists use electricity to spontaneously form amino acids. The complex building blocks of life seem to spontaneously form when an electric charge is applied (and given the right circumstances). This seems to imply electricity is fundamental to creating life. Perhaps it is a sort of self organizing energy field?


Electricity is used for cloning. DNA is allegedly moved from cell to another. Then the cell is “zapped” with electricity to get it to come to life and begin growing. They don’t seem to know why, they simply know it works.


Electricity heals wounds
Electricity heals burns. They healed up to 50% faster. Scientists do not know why. They have a very vague theory that it is directing the cells towards the damaged tissue. Seems they can never admit there’s something mysterious happening.


Healing Paralysis
Electricity heals paralysis. four patients who were paralyzed from the waste down have been healed by zapping their spines with electricity. There does not seem to be much curiosity about why this would work. To me the most logical explaination is that this mysterious force called electricity which does such impossible things as run high tech computers to help people live (bio-electric) must be on some level connected with life and perhaps has the power to heal this tissue. Or atleast instruct our body to. Or we use the electricity somehow as a super energy for our body? It makes me wonder if you would gain some sort of healing benefits or enhanced abilities by running light volts of electricity through you? I think I’ll pass on testing this though!


Healing Memory
Electric shock is used to treat depression, schetzophrenia, and now research is being done to have it help treat Alzheimers. They don’t know why, they have theories, but mostly they just know it seems to help in some cases.


Humans are Electric
We are electric. Our movement is bioelectric. When you run electricity through a muscle it will move. Mainstream science admits electricity plays a role in muscle movement but it also seems to underplay it or emphasize the mechanistic influence of ATP molecules “binding with other molecules and releasing their energy”. I find their model to be very unlikely. At the speeds and precision needed for quick muscle movement of say a person typing or a squirrel darting from limb to limb it seems more likely that the mechanisms used are electric, energetic, and more fluid in nature. Mainstream science has a way of always wanting to explain things in a materialistic way. For those that do beleive muscle movement is done through molecules binding and unbinding I challenge you to find a video of this happening. You will instead find CGI cartoons of +satellites, molecules moving in absurdly complex and unintuitive ways. The real pictures of molecules are blurry globs that wiggle around offering nothing even remotely similar to their mechanical like motions.

Nature is Orderly
If electricity is not alive per say, it may atleast be a force that self organizes systems. We seem comfortable with saying that there is a fundamental law of nature that it is chaotic, but why do we assume this? Look at nature. Trees. Animals. Recurring weather patterns. Our sky is a clock. Everything about nature leads me to believe there is some sort of force or perhaps fundamental law that self organizes things. Nature is not chaotic it is orderly. Perhaps electricity is a focused force of ordered patterning.

Better Model of Electricity is Needed
What I do know is electricity is mysterious and too small to see. It seems to poses what we could only explain as “supernatural forces”. It may be entirely logical but I doubt if our current model of electrons orbiting around a central source of protons and neutrons (solar system atomic model) will help us understand how it really works.

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Electronics are Magic Empty Atomic Model Skepticism

Post by Tree Wed May 26, 2021 5:15 am

Electronics are Magic E413ce10

Atomic Skepticism Clues
Here are a series of clues I’ve gathered that make me question the mainstream atomic model as well as the entire history of atoms and particle physics. It’s a work in progress not a fully finished thesis. I welcome constructive criticism or further evidence as we study the subject together.

Esoteric Coincidences

Solar System Atom Model
It makes me suspicious that the mainstream model of atoms is literally called the solar system model, complete with little orbits circling around a sun nucleus with nuclear sun energy within it. This wouldn’t be the first time mainstream science has pushed a false heliocentric model. The difference is this one is tiny. It might surprise you to know that the first atomic atomic model with a central orbiting nuclear system was actually called the Saturnian model in 1903 by Nagaoka. It featured electrons orbiting in rings around a giant Saturn like nucleus. Saturn is a common theme amongst pagan worship. Maybe a coincidence though.

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Hydrogen and God
Hydrogen is a very important atom in the atomic model. I believe it may represent God. It’s invisible, odorless, yet it is the most common element. Stars are made of it. It’s the lightest so it supposedly would be the highest in the sky (in the heavens). It’s atomic number is 1 and it creates a single circle around it similar to a 0. I’ve read 1 and 0 are symbols of God for alpha and omega? Alpha particles are also common in atomic experiments. One of the most famous experiments the gold foil experiment is arranged in a circle with the gold in the center, similar to the hydrogen model. Alpha particle are shot at the gold center. Dr. Manhattan (the man made God in Watchman) had the symbol for hydrogen etched into a third eye placement on his forhead.

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Dalton’s Symbol for Hydrogen
But here’s the really strange one; Dalton, who created the first atomic model in 1803, believed atoms were just balls. He had no concept of electrons or nucleus at the time. He created symbols for these atom-balls. Most of the symbols were just random with no connection to anything (that I’ve found so far). But strangely, the symbol for hydrogen looks exactly like what hydrogen actually (allegedly) looks like! (a nucleus dot with a single orbiting electron looking like just a circle.). This solar system model of the atom was not even conceived of at the time, so how did Dalton’s symbol match hydrogen’s actual atomic structure?. Coincidence? Maybe. Hydrogen was also very important to Niels Bohr who apparently made many models of it.

Atomic Nuclear Hoax
Another possible significance to hydrogen is that it is split to create a hydrogen bomb. Is this a significant analogy to a separation from God? Of course, atoms also help perpetuate the likely hoax of nuclear bombs which keeps us all in fear (watch Eric Dubay’s evidence for nuclear bomb hoax! Also, shout out to Globebusters for adding some more info to these ideas and mentioning this post! Really appreciate all you’lls work and encouragement. Hope we can all find the truth together!).

Esoteric Carbon Coincidence
Carbon atom, the “building block of life” and what we humans are made of, is 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. That’s 666… What are the odds? Also, most important basic structure that these carbon atoms create is the 6 sided hexagon. Which could also be seen as a 2D drawing of a cube.

Modern Atoms

We Can’t See Atoms.
For basically the entirety of the atomic theory we have never been able to see these so called atoms. Even today, they still cannot see atoms. With an electron microscope they will show a few blurry images of data. Also a “movie made of atoms by ibm” which is pretty questionable in my opinion. Just google pictures of atoms and the results look suspiciously similar to satellite pictures, you will get basically only CGI cartoons. Even when they claim to have photographed a strontium atom, just a little further reading into their claim reveals that actually they are filming a glowing speck of dust millions of times bigger than an actual atom (so, really its a lit speck that contains (allegedly) millions of atoms.

Changing Atomic Model
Despite barely being able to see these atoms, we are told engineers are able to craft complex electronics that are allegedly built just several atoms thick. I still cannot get a satisfactory answer as to how this is really done (see my first post on microchips).

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Stable Engineering
The model for atoms seems to constantly change. But every time it does they are very sure that this time they have it right. The changes in the model are so radical that they might as well just give it a new name. Yet, despite these radical changes, our chemistry and electrical circuit engineering never seems to be thrown off. Even when they decided that actually electrons are not a thing but a “cloud of probability” somehow all the flash memory that was designed to hold an electron as a piece of memory still worked. How? Is it now holding a probability cloud? And years earlier when they “proved” electrons were a physical particle that could be shot as cathode ray or alpha particle, how do they explain electrons no longer being a thing? The cathode rays in old TVs seem to still work. Perhaps I just don’t understand the new model fully (it’s all still new research to me). But still I wonder how necessary is this model if it can go from actual particles to clouds of probability and not effect our chemical or electrical engineering?

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Think Critically
On the chance that you do get a scientist to admit critically that their proof for the atom is not correct they will defensively argue that well it’s just a model and it works so what’s the problem? The problem is that it is not treated like a model, it’s treated and taught like hard facts. I also shouldn’t have to have a model to replace it just to be skeptical of believing the current model. theirs is very complicated and very specific with seemingly (in my opinion) little evidence to back up many of the claims. I’m inclined to believe that until shown otherwise that elements are simply “made of that element”. A hunk of metal consists of simply metal. If you break it apart it’s simply smaller pieces of metal. There’s probably a practical limit to how small you can break something apart as the pieces would get smaller and smaller but at no point would you eventually find “tiny balls stuck together being circled by a “cloud” of tinier balls.” Atleast, that seems very unlikely. I’ll believe that when I can see it, or atleast see good evidence for it for myself. Electricity can be explained as a completely separate thing that is not made from atom electron parts but does interact with our physical world as we obviously observe.

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Atomic Numbers Accuracy Coincidence?
The atomic numbers given to atoms was originally entirely based on weight, and was a sort of rough estimate to arrange the elements by their weight. I believe this was by Mendeleev. It was never meant to be taken so literally. What are the odds that these fairly arbitrary numbers happen to also be the exact number of “protons” and “neutrons” for so many? From what I read (I need to read more on this and get double sources) many of the numbers that Mendeleev assigned happened to have been the exact correct atomic numbers! This seems unbelievable; there should have been almost no way for Mendeleev to test the number of protons at the time. I equally question that Henry Moseley was able to accurately test the radioactive X-ray measurements through defracted crystals (crystals are always involved…) to measure the atomic weights. But I’m not sure, more study is needed here.

Origins of the Atomic Model

Brownian Motion Proves Atoms?
Brownian motion is an incredibly shaky premise for the existence of atoms yet it is often cited as proof of their existence. The story goes that in 1827 Scottish Botanist, Robert Brown, noticed that tiny pollen particles would wiggle about and move in water despite there being nothing else visible in the water. So, this is certainly an interesting observation and makes me curious too. The science communitie’s conclusion for this observation was that there must be tiny particles called atoms bumping into the pollen (for some reason, they did not seem bothered to explain what is causing the atoms to bump around). But, to me there’s a lot of more practical explanations for this observation that could easily account for this movement; could be a disturbance in the water, a static charge in the air, or could even be that the pollen itself is alive and has free will to move (sounds ridiculous now but this was actually Brown’s original conclusion! But perhaps this would indicate a soul, so this idea was not permitted.) Another very reasonable explanation is that of an aether that underlies all things and the pollen perhaps is affected by this aether at very tiny levels, like it is swimming in small currents. This would seemingly point towards the existence of an aether, for these particles to move about in. It’s not really fully understood or agreed upon as to what the aether is but the general thought I believe is it’s an underlying medium for everything else to exist in and move about in. It also provides a way for things to connect at far distances. Anyways, the point here with Brownian Motion phenomenon observed is that when you really isolate the observation and are allowed to first come to your own conclusions from them you can see that this leading to “proof of atoms” seems to me like a rather large leap to make. I wish more experiments were about describing the observations and allowing people to come to their own conclusions rather than forcing a theory from them.

Biology In Question
Atoms are not the only tiny thing I question critically; I find our entire model of biology to be very questionable. I’ll be it, atleast we are able to see “something” when we look at microbes and cells! But there’s definitely a huge gap between what we actually observe at the cellular level and the unbelievably complex and specific diagrams and schematics of supposedly how these cells and our body works. For example, compare the detailed model designs of exactly how proteins and hormones and dna is constructed with that of the actual microscopic images of these structures which in reality look like various “blobs” of globular shape. Everyone’s seen the detailed organelles of the inside of a cell, but try to find the photograph they took as reference for that picture, you won’t find one because they can’t see inside cells. I’m not a biologist but I know one very well and she has told me they don’t really know how macromolecule shapes look at the detailed level, they’re more just a best guess. She works with dna which actually she admits she can not really even see! Basically, from my talk with her I’ve found these structures are not so well proven as we think.

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Muscle Movement
I have a feeling electricity plays a far bigger role than they are leading us to believe at this level. Take a look at the mainstream science view of how muscles move; at the most fundamental level, little tiny structures called mycin heads reach up and literally ‘grab’ the muscle (called actin sites). They then mechanically pull them a few microns. Then various molecules work like screws to mechanically unbind the mycin from the actin. And then the whole process happens again as the mycin reaches up and grabs it again. The whole thing is explained in very mechanical terms with many working parts. This process only moves the muscle a few microns (about a thousandth width of a human hair), therefore the process must happen billions if not trillions of times per second just to let you bend your finger all with the incredible precision of your eyes and mind to let you say play the piano. It’s truly unbelievable. In fact, if i literally saw the microscopic video of it happening I would probably still question it. But incredibly they have basically zero video or images of this process. Yet no one questions it. I’m not claiming to know how the muscles do work, I’m just not sure biologists do either. If I was forced to make a model I would probably incorporate electricity given what I know about it (near instantaneous speeds. Incredibly accurate at processing complex data at tiny scales (example: its process in electronics). Very mysterious. Very tiny. And it does already play a very prominent role in the body (the heart beat generates a current. Muscle movement is first signaled through electrical signals. Etc.). It’s like they know it is important but they can’t help but still explain it mechanically. Why? Could electricity have properties in a near super-natural realm? And they don’t want us to know? Or maybe we have a hard time accepting it as a possibility. Or maybe it really is all biomechanical and their theories, despite the lack of visual evidence, is just unbelievably accurate. More study will tell in time I hope.

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The actual photos of DNA look nothing like the CGI models they create. How do they possibly know these squiggly globby strings look like a double helix? The famous “photo” of DNA double helix that everyone has seen in their textbook was photographed with an X-ray. It happens to look like an x which is a funny coincidence.

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Trust Your Common Sense
Your own basic understanding of how things work tells you that atomic theory doesn’t make sense. I’m not claiming that it is necessarily untrue, but your own logical senses should be taken into account for whether or not to accept a theory. If you take any material and you cut it apart into smaller pieces, you simply get smaller pieces of that same material. Breaking up a material into smaller bits does not ever change its fundamental material nature. To do that other energies and forces are necessary like heat or pressure. The idea that water and air and rock are all actually the same thing seems absurd to me. They’re quite obviously very different to your perception. How could the number of tiny balls packed together with tinier spinning balls orbiting them possibly account for the many differences between water, air, metal, plants, sand, humans, and all the other elements? It doesn’t really make sense. What’s more, even the logic of it within the same object doesn’t really make sense to me; how do these little balls not ever collide? They had to invent a force just so they wouldn’t because if they did we would allegedly get a nuclear explosion. So then how do they stick together? Another force? How do the many trillions and quintillions of them on earth not ever accidentally bump into each other enough to accidentally cause a nuclear explosion? Yet we are precise enough to do this ourselves if we want to make a nuclear bomb? How does sharing a tiny electric ball make them stick together? How does an entire rock all “share these balls” as its inner structure? How does this make it stick together? Why when you add another pebble does it not stick to the rock? How can a rock and water be the same thing? Why does none of it make any logical sense? That sounds funny, but litterally, why would the fundamental constructs of our reality make no sense to the beings of that reality? Imagine for a moment you’d never heard this atomic theory and someone wanted to convince you of it. What would be your reaction? What would you need for them to show you to go against all of your senses and reason? You would need to see it for yourself at the very least. But the blurry images they show don’t seem to me to bring enough evidence to support this unintuitive theory of atoms, in my opinion. I don’t want to disregard all my critical senses just because scientists have complex mathematics and a position of authority. We are all in this mysterious realm together and we all deserve a voice to critically offer ideas and help us try to figure it all out. It’s kind of fun that life is a puzzle actually! I’m curious what you’lls ideas are to help us solve it.

Absurdity of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics is setup as “totally absurd yet true”... so that any illogical objection we might have with it is refuted by claiming that its absurdity is actually an aspect of the theory! It’s genius, really. Since it is touted as strange and illogical it shields itself from any objections to it claiming it is illogical… it is also almost entirely based in the realm of mathematics rather than testable observable science (which is of course because it is so illogical no real experiments would work.).

Nuclear Power Plants
Nuclear power plants (as best I understand them) are essentially just big steam boilers! Perhaps this is my ignorance, but I somehow pictured them more complex and having to do with atomic structures being manipulated with lasers and nano tech but yeah It’s basically just boiling water as best as my layman's understanding of it. So did we really need a grasp of atomic structure to build these things? They certainly reinforce the belief in atoms.

Original Atomic Experiments

Problems With Atomic Experiments
In my early analysis i’ve personally found there seem to be some fundamental problems with several of the atomic experiments done. Could be my ignorance, but that’s my first feeling of reviewing them. Remember most of these were done in the late1800 or early 1900. The experiments were often rather crude and much lower tech, yet they are still held to such acclaim today and the fundamentals of the experiments conclusions are continued to be built on today despite their flaws at the time (today they have gotten more clever; physics no longer performs real world experiments that can be easily debunked without utilizing super high end equipment and often complex theoretical mathematics all out of the reach of the nosey independent scientist or curious person. But they can’t escape the old experiments that they built their theories on. It is not so much the experiment itself that is flawed (though sometimes they seem to be too!) more that the conclusions from the results seem very illogical, or forced, when really a variety of alternative logical conclusions can be made from the results.

Physics Experiments
I am still new to researching some of these early atomic experiments and so I still have a lot to learn from them. More research is needed but here are some of my early looks at them. The important part is to observe the explanation for the experiment and come to your own natural conclusion and see if it makes sense compared to their conclusions.

I like puzzles and games and maybe you do too so I’m going to present this experiment as a puzzle game; I’ll tell you the experiment and the result and you must come to your own conclusion about what this experiment implies (or proves). You must think of your conclusions BEFORE reading the famous physist’s conclusions! Then read there’s (and mine I guess) and see which one you think makes sense! This isn’t to prove anybody wrong or right, rather this is just how all science should be presented in my opinion; Let people come to their own conclusions!

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Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment
If you had a thin sheet of metal, like gold, and you shined light at it, what would happen? Obviously, it would reflect off of the metal in various angles (especially if it were wrinkly foil). Okay, makes sense. So, now what if you had a sheet of gold metal that was super thin. Almost gold leaf, it was so thin. So thin that when you shined a light at it much of the light would pass right through it! Pretty cool. But, there would probably still be a few pieces of light that didn’t pass through and did get reflected off at different angles. Especially if the light was irregular (or in the case of this experiment, it was a beam of radioactive particles called alpha particles. But keep in mind at the time they had virtually no concept of what these light emitting particles were just that they made beams of light when they shine (I wanted to research this part more but found it hard to find a video of an actual alpha particle emitter similar to what Rutherford used. Mostly I just found CGI versions). But essentially it was an irregular light shining at this thin foil. (Perhaps they were particles, perhaps it was just light, whatever.) So, my Personal conclusion from these demonstrations is nothing beyond what I’ve always logically seen happen with metal and light my whole life. The gold foil is just reflecting the light like shiny metal always does. Since it is thin and the light is strong much of the light is able to pass through it just like light can pass through a thin sheet of paper. And at the same time the paper can reflect some of the light too. Why does it do this? Perhaps no reason. this simply may be a property of how light behaves. But Rutherford’s came to a very different conclusion: he concluded that this must mean that inside the gold was made of tiny balls of gold and inside these balls of gold were made of empty space except for the very center which must be made of very dense balls of gold (atomic nucleus). Or perhaps positively charged balls. Rutherford believed that the light passing through the gold sheet foil must actually be made of particles too but most of the gold particles are empty so the light particles pass through it. But sometimes they hit the dense center of the gold atoms which is denser and that is when it bounces off and reflects the light. What keeps these denser parts from bumping into the other dense parts or how do they hold together is not really explained. I may just not have a full grasp on the experiment yet but I don’t understand how one would logically come to this conclusion that Rutherford came to. Why does light seem like it is particle just because some of it passes through a thin physical object? If all atoms were mostly empty space then why do we not accidentally stick our hand through the table? I understand his conclusion but it just does not seem like the most logical one.

Electronics are Magic Cc189910

JJ Thompson’s Cathode Ray Experiment
A long glass vacuum tube has a metal plate at one end. The metal plate is charged with electricity using a battery or some power source. A concentrated light beam is then observed to be shining down the tube extending from the metal plate shining on the glass at the end. You can bend the light ray with magnets. The metal plates do not change weight after the experiment and you can use different metals but the light beam stays the same. To me this seems to indicate that the light beam source is probably not comprised of the metal plates since changing types of metals doesn’t change the light beam. Obviously I would conclude that the light beam is not a physical particle but is light energy or something. The interesting part of this experiment to me is that you can manipulate the concentrated light beam with a magnet! Very mysterious and interesting. But JJ Thompson’s conclusions were very different; he concluded that this proves that the light beam was actually a physical thing made of particles, specifically the metal plate. The reason the plates did not change weight or shape despite shining the beam for a long time (supposedly, siphoning off pieces of the metal plate into this beam) is because the light particles are very very very light weight. So light weight we don’t even factor their weight in equations dealing with single atoms. They’re a thousand times lighter than an atom.. You might even just say they don’t have weight. Supposedly though Thompson claims to have sort of weighed them by measuring their emissions I believe. But he concluded they must have weight because everything was made of atoms (which was not a proof but an assumption of the time made by Dalton). Thompson claimed that the reason the light beam did not change as you changed metal plates is because all of the metal plates are made of the same material he reasoned, even ones of different material (zinc, copper, etc.) they were all actually made of the same materials called corpuscles (later named the much cooler sounding electrons) and this particle was actually the light beam! My thought from this is why then is there not a metal residue left in the glass tube where the light beam particles (which Thompson says are made of metal particles) are dissipating at the end of the tube and I would think collecting on the bottom of the glass. I equally wonder how the metal plate does not start falling apart as you allegedly shoot off the particles of it that are supposedly sticking it together. His model of the atom from his conclusions of this experiment was the “plum pudding model”, rather different than today’s model, but we still cite his experiment as the basis for proof of electrons as a particle. Perhaps his conclusions were correct and he just got rather lucky with his model but for me this doesn’t make me feel like I now feel confident in the theory electrons. But the problem is modern day experiments are even more abstract so i’m not sure what experiment to look towards for proof. To be fair, I am relatively new to learning about these theories so I may feel I understand it more in time. Btw, if you’re curious, this cathode ray tube is how old televisions worked! Which are really fascinating to study if you’re looking for something. Check out “oscilloscopes from old tv” if you want to see some trippy inner workings of televisions!

Electronics are Magic D64e4710

Thomas Young’s Double Slit Experiment
One last experiment I would point to is that of the double slit experiment by Thomas Young in the 1800s. Young shined a candle light (today we use a laser) through a few pieces of paper with slits cut out of them. The results showed a strange pattern of light on the far wall, not one you would might expect to see if light shined straight through the slit, rather it was broken up. Young then concluded that this pattern shows light is a wave, which to me is quite a leap! Today we are used to hearing that “light is a wave,” but try really critically thinking about this idea. Why are we comparing light to water? It’s different. To me, light does not behave like a wave in any way I have ever observed. Light behaves like light. It shines out as rays of light in straight directions from its source. Never parallel unless directed like a beam. It can illuminate entire rooms and the air it would seem. It can be reflected or absorbed or sometimes even refracted it would seem. It helps us see. This is the true nature of light we all observe everyday. None of this reminds me in the slightest of watching waves on the ocean. Nor ripples in a pond. And remember liquid water waves are the ONLY real waves humans have ever observed. Radio “waves” sound “waves” gravity “waves”?... they’ve drilled it into normalcy, but they’re all pretty theoretical, and often illogical, often each leaning on each other as proof of itself. Sound, light, radio signals, these are all mysterious, but i wouldn’t compare them so strongly to the movements of liquid. Young’s only evidence that light is a wave was because the blurry broken pattern of light on the wall kinda sorta resembles the pattern that two tiny rippling waves on still water make when the waves collide with each other. I would note that even with real water waves I have yet to see a conclusive example of these water waves “canceling each other out”. They may cause interference, but they don’t seem to make each other “disappear” as would be required to be an example of light wave interference “canceling itself ”. Besides that, how does a beam of light make another beam of light less bright by running into it? “Interference patterns” of light should be brighter, not less-brighter, it seems to me. Same with water waves, actually. Also, water waves after going through a slit emienate out in all directions. This is not what we see with the light ray otherwise you would have the light shining onto the back of the slit board (after exiting the slit). Anyways, this experiment is fascinating and needs more research. I’m not trying to push a conclusion here yet, just that this experiment proving light is a wave seems like a leap without some more observable “wave like” properties shown that light behaves. I’ll have to research it more. Btw, Niel Degrass Tyson has a nice funny video showing a reenactment of the original experiment by if you’re looking for a chuckle.

Independent Experiments Needed.
I hope I’m not being too much of an armchair critic. I should start doing some of my own experiments too! I will in time. But I’m not trying to prove anyone wrong. I’m not even entirely sure they are wrong. The point is to invite people to critically look at these experiments and let them come to their own conclusions. And to be more part of the people trying to solve this big mysterious realm puzzle. I say let’s run the original physics experiments ourselves and write our own conclusions. Publish these in contrast to the mainstream view. Or if they match then embrace what is already published. But let’s come to our conclusions by our own common sense.

Electronics are Magic 39b2a510

Spiritual Speculation
What is the bigger picture of what’s going on? I’m going to be philosophical and even spiritual here for a moment. For those that are not into this line of thinking feel free to skip. There’s plenty of room to view it purely scientific too, but for me you will come to a greater truth by looking at puzzles from more than one vantage point of perspective. So here’s a spiritual philosophical perspective at this model;

It seems to me that the scientific theory of the world aims to always break things down into smaller pieces. It understand something by understanding it’s pieces individually. This is a good way to start, but if you also ignore the whole then you will never have an entire understanding of what’s going on. What is a tree? Materialist view will tell you it is branches and leaves and roots. They’ll tell you the parts it’s made of. What is a leaf? It’s made of “molecules a”, and “molecules b” and etc.. what are these molecules made of? They’re made of atoms, which are made of protons, neutrons, electrons, which are made of quarks and things which are theoretically eventually made of strings. Science seems to refuse to be able to rest on a conclusion of form (for better or worse. Just an observation). You can always go smaller. Reminds me of falling into a fractal. Which is not necessarily a bad way to view things I suppose. But a characteristic of a fractal is you can never reach the center. This may be a fundamental truth of our universe. But it may not be. You fall ever farther away. Or down. But you never reach a conclusion. Mainstream science continues there inwards zooming to infinity by saying these strings are in a multiverse of infinite universes. Now, maybe that’s all true. I don’t know. But it’s not science it is philosophy and religious possibilities. And so if I were to look at it from a religious framework I would say they are getting farther from Source the farther they look. The deeper they go. The more they divide. I find it surprising that string theory is not that all things are connected by invisible strings of energy (which is what I first thought it was) but rather these strings are closed loops. Separate, like the serpent eating its own tail. It’s almost like they’re just running away from the truth. But they can never fully escape “God” or “Source” or singular Truth entirely. This is done by having them move through a fractal. Ultimately everything is one. We are all connected. But of course this view of oneness can also have its problems if not balanced. Someone meditating for days saying they don’t need to eat because it is all the same. Food, air, there’s no difference. So they die. I guess then they do become “one” entirely with the world! But then they miss their unique experience of being an individual. We’re supposed to be individuals. But we’re also supposed to be aware of the connectedness of life. Of the ultimate source. So maybe the best approach is something of a balance of both perspectives; understanding that a tree can be divided into parts such as branches and leaves and fruit. And this can help us to understand that fruit is good to eat but branches are not! And maybe further division can be helpful when mixing compounds for chemistry and medicines. But perhaps continually dividing to the point where you are spending billions of dollars to try to smash together invisible parts (in a large hadron collider) may not be helpful. This may be like falling down the fractal rabbit hole and never reaching a safe place of useful knowledge. Truth may be a direction we move towards yet never fully reach. Or maybe we do eventually get there but either way we aren’t there yet and we need to take breaks along the way. So, perhaps religion seeks to understand things holistically and science seeks to understand it individually. The Devine and the profane. Materialistic and spiritual. Neither side is correct in full. Both are necessary ways to view the world. But maybe the key is a balance between this holistic view and specific view of the world.

Is Life Special?
The message pushed by the modern atomic model implies: that you are not special. You are made of the same things as everything else. Dirt. Rocks. People. Dead people. Monkeys. We are all the same material to the materialistic model of atoms. They’ve already looked as small as you can see and there is no soul or anything special about living things. In fact your atoms are mostly empty. And they’re chaotic and random. There’s also a sense that everything can always be further divided. Oh, and also nuclear bombs are real and can blow you up at any moment, so be afraid.

Independent Scientists
No independent citizen scientist can perform the experiments needed to prove atoms exist as we do not have the equipment. However, we can recreate the old experiments done by physicists that originally (allegedly) proved the foundations of modern atomic theory. This is a weak spot in the atomic model in my opinion because I find many of these original experiments to have rather questionable conclusions compared to what they actually observed. This is often explained away by saying the atomic model is “just a model”... and it’s meant to be updated. Still, many proofs are still claimed today by these older often flawed experiments conducted in the 1800s and early 1900s. Modern physics experiments will not usually conduct physical experiments (ironic actually) or atleast not ones an independent scientist could easily conduct. Oftentimes they require lots of expensive equipment that the average person could never hope to get. Without them they cannot test the experiments for themselves. The few who do have access are not individuals but part of teams working on directed projects (always funded by a larger organization) so it’s rather difficult to replicate most modern experiments regardless of their absurdity (for example the LIGO that allegedly proved gravitational waves by measuring the movement of a light beam less than 1/1000th of a proton…). The other thing they do is have the results be “data that is interpreted”. It’s rarely simply a result. It always goes through complex computer data read outs that only a select few have the authority to interpret. This isn’t always the case and sometimes there are good reasons for its complexity and need to be interpreted, it’s just a pattern I’ve noticed seems to happen more times than it should. One last thing they do, is not run experiments at all! They simply give theoretical mathematical equations that are so complex no one can hope to contend with them (take a look at the actual math involved in quantum mechanics proofs.). And those that try have already fallen into the math trap (it’s not about proving it right or wrong with math, it’s about critically thinking about the concept yourself). Why do they do all this? Maybe they don’t. Maybe it’s just humans wanting to feel we know when we don’t. Maybe they’re trying to hide God. Or maybe they’re just trying to dazzle us while they rob us blind. Maybe all three. I don’t know. More research is needed

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Electronics are Magic Empty Unreal Microchip Scale

Post by Tree Thu May 27, 2021 6:40 pm

Perhaps these circuitboards are “grown” rather than built? Maybe they’re inorganic silicon crystal based life at the microscopic scale, harvested by humans. The scale is truly unreal here. He can’t even see the transistors after zooming all the way in! I would theorize that companies who discovered that these crystalline circuits could be grown would have incentive to keep this a secret, even for purely monetary reasons.


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by BushidoKi Thu May 27, 2021 7:15 pm

Maybe wedding rings and diamonds hold memory of when you say " I Do" on the big day. interesting stuff man.


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:33 pm

Certainly could be, BushidoKi. Thanks for the read. It’s possible spiritual energy and intentions may play more of a significant role in our reality than we realize. So many things about the human body and experience just can’t be adequately explained through materialistic bio-mechanisms and chemical reactions, including memory. A question I want to know is are there people who do know how and why it really works or are we all in the dark? If not for microchips I would probably assume everyone was just kind of fooling themselves about their ignorance of how the body truly works but microchips are basically impossible creations (atleast for how they tell us they’re made), so it leads me to believe they probably know more about the truth of other impossibly complex creations such as humans. But who knows.

Here’s an interesting article about the occult origins of the television. Not sure how precise it is entirely, but it’s got some interesting points:


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Electronics are Magic Empty Re: Electronics are Magic

Post by Tree Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:44 pm

Hard Drives seem impossible.

Modern hard drive = 1 billion bits per square inch. Super high end hard drives claim 1 terabyte per square inch!

The needle head hovers 10 nanometers above the hard drive as it spins. That’s the width of two strands of dna. While it spins it somehow zips back and forth to read individual points on here about the size of an atom. The precision needed is unbelievable.

Analogy is given of an airplane flying 1 millimeter above the ground and circling the earth every 25 seconds while counting every blade of grass. Somehow remembering where each individual blade of grass is on earth and being able to fly over to it specifically and access it along with billions of other blades to form logical complex programs.

That is an impossibly amazing machine. One akin to the complexity of a living organism. Yet that is the analogy given for a modern hard drive. Are these machines really constructed by humans? Or are we just tapping into another more complex energy? Perhaps a free energy of sorts, but rather than just power it is of memory and information. One that is all around us In the lumenferous aether. And these magic circuit boards are simply tuning into a specific frequency of sorts to access this “memory”. Perhaps it is not an “electron ball” being stored in a specific silicon cubicle that is bumped into later, rather It is a continuous energetic aether that all memory and information can be accessed at from any point in space, as long you tune to it properly. Perhaps my analogies are a bit lacking, but that’s because I don’t fully understand how it might work, I just know it can’t be the way it’s described, atleast that seems to go against all my common sense for what humans can make. And we can make some amazing things. Paintings. Architecture. Fine tuned mechanics and electrical devices. But I do not believe we can sculpt billions of memory holders on a size and scale that is beyond what we can imagine with precision rivaling that of the brain. To me it seems more likely they are lying about their methods.

A farmer grows impossibly complex plants that give food. Did he design and build these complex plants that give food? Of course not. And it wasn’t “magic” exactly either. There was a method. A recipe to his alchemy of sorts. He adds dirt, a seed, and water, and in time a plant grows! Anyone who had not seen this might assume it was magic or that this farmer was a genius (and he might be tempted to not share his secret if it meant he was credited as the sole provider of this resource). I believe microchips and hard drives may work similarly. They are a creation that is grown, probably as living crystals. Perhaps this is directed by humans but certainly not constructed on the atomic scale. Take a look at the microchip construction process, it closesly resembles following an alchemical recipe; gold, crystals and rare minerals. Many chemical baths. Heating things and cooling them. Washing and adding more chemicals. It seems less of a construction process and more of following a “magic” recipe. Of course it only seems magical because we don’t understand the process, but if we could figure out exactly how this was done we might could see if there is something more to these processes than all physical crafting.


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