The Truth About Secret Societies
IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: NASA, UN, Freemasonry, Vatican, Jews, Jesuits, NWO
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The Truth About Secret Societies
Freemasonry is a secret fraternal order that has existed for hundreds, arguably thousands, of years and is now operating in most every country in the world. Masonry promotes itself as a philanthropic club for men of morals and they perpetuate this image through members of the first three “Blue degrees.” 97% of all Masons fall into this category and they are often upstanding citizens, pillars of the community who truly are charitable and benevolent. However, the higher degrees, the inner-circle of World Freemasonry, use the society’s worldwide influence to advance their control.
This video was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available from Lulu and Amazon:
Learn more about Freemasonry:
Last edited by Admin on Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
325 c.
The Emperor Constantine at "The Council of Nicaea" accomplished two things:
1. He created an entirely new Jew Savior-God for the Roman Empire called "Hesus Krishna";
2. Creation of the New Testament, first produced as one Master Document in which the story line could be appended and manipulated.
The Holy Roman Empire emerges, this front for Judaeo-Freemasonry promotes Jew the Race and Jew Savior, which are claimed to be oral translations from "Hesus Krishna", now called Jesus Christ.
The Holy Roman Empire publishes Heliocentricism inventing spinning Spaceballs and offers two (2) options to the paying public:
1. HEAVEN, this Faith based religion called Catholicism
2. SPACE, this Theory based religion called Heliocentricism
Mormonism uses Kabalist-Freemasonry rituals and rights to promote Jew the Race, Jew Savior, and spinning Spaceballs; all copyrighted in New York City by Joseph Smith.
Jehovah’s Witnesses uses Kabalist-Freemasonry to promote Jew the Race, Jew Savior, and spinning Spaceballs; all copyrighted by Charles Taze Russell the founder of Zion’s Watch Tower magazine.
Zionism emerges as a political party who's member's, known since 1933 as NAtional ZIonists (NAZI), are to provide for an occupational government within the state of Palestine, and to promote the fake race called Jews, Jew Savior, spinning Spaceballs, and Anti-Semitism.
Bolsheviks become the ruling party in Russia, later renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its successor regime, the Soviet Union. These Zionist Jews "considered themselves the leaders of the revolutionary working class of Russia." Their beliefs and practices were responsible for the murder of 70+ million Russian People in a failed attempt to convert them from Orthodox Christianity into a Super Power of Atheists.
NAtional ZIonists (NAZI) Declare War on Germany, who then enter into the “Haavara” or “Transfer” agreement, which rescinded the Zionist controlled "German goods boycott", and provided for the emigration of Jews into the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA) under the directorship of James Armand de Rothschild.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
JacobLaw- Posts : 1
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Ernie Snuggs- Posts : 4
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
"Grand lodges in Victoria and New South Wales have pointed to social media campaigns as the success behind recruiting new members.
Several have reported a 10–15 per cent increase in young people aged between 18-30 joining their group.
In the Grand Lodge of South Australia and the Northern Territory, 75 per cent of its 115 new members over the past year were in the 20–30-year-old age bracket.
Port Adelaide Freemason Cooper Andrew Allan, 22, said young people were finding a sense of purpose with the group.
"Things are changing, the world is changing, and I'm looking for some stability and I'm looking for something I can latch onto and find some meaning," he said.
"Inside that lodge room there's no phone, there's no iPad. It's very much like an enlightenment society. It's a time for peace, tranquillity and learning."
Doesn't it sound like their trying to advertise freemasonry?
"Bob James, the author of a book on Australia's Freemason history, said the group did have a dark past and lodge rooms had historically excluded races, religions and sexes.
"There was a lot of disputation about the Jews in particular, but as far as coloured people, such as Indigenous Australians, they weren't even considered to be possible recruits," Dr James said.
Pretending that jews were discriminated against by freemasons so they can victimize jews even more, when in reality Judaism is Freemasonry.
"In Australia, some elite and influential people have been Freemasons, including a number of prime ministers, premiers and entertainers.
Dr James said the group had wielded considerable political influence, and during the early days of settlement some state leaders had been connected to lodges in England that wanted to establish an English Masonic Empire.
"In early days in Tasmania, the people who were high up in the Freemasons at the time were also the people who were making decisions about state-level politics, the governor of the state and that sort of thing," he said.
Mr Allan said for young people, the idea of "a society of secrets" was appealing, but they were mostly joining to find meaning in an ever-changing globalised world.
"Obviously I can't tell you what the secrets are … but I can tell you with great confidence, it's nothing world-shaking, it's not nuclear codes or water passages or where's the magic bullet that shot JFK."
"to find meaning in an ever-changing globalised world." Brainwashing people to think our flat world doesn't have meaning then trying to entice people with the truth to join their cult.
"it's nothing world-shaking" putting the truth in plain sight and mocking those who do know what freemasonry is about
Russian Blue Cat- Posts : 269
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry:
I believe what he says but I think even this is some kind of psyop. The black and white clothing and the hair covering the eye tells me this was a freemasonic production, but why?
I have 4 possible suggestions:
1) The simplest idea is maybe it's to normalise freemasonry and satanism. I don't really buy this one though.
2) To push Christianity and the Jesus psyop. I'm not saying Jesus is a psyop, I honestly have no fucking clue because they have hidden and lied so much to us, but if he was this would make sense. Some scholars think that Jesus and Lucifer are the same being and some think Jesus and Lucifer were brothers (Janus symbolism?). If they believe Jesus was Lucifer then it makes sense for them to trick people into worshipping him.
3) Straighforward revelation of truth. I do believe their religion compels them to tell us the truth even if they mock it or deny it after releasing it. This life is very much an intelligence test and most people are badly failing - including me for most of my life! Let's just say the Jesus thing is true and he is the only way to get into heaven, then them releasing this information is them telling us how our souls can be saved. They've fulfilled their objective of releasing the information and they therefore won't face bad Karma.
4) Maybe there is a natural duality between different Freemasonic lodges: some wanting to deceive and enslave the masses and others wanting the truth to be known and spread freedom. I've started to study Janus lately and it really does seem like there is some kind of duality at play.
I read a book this week called 'This Perfect Day' by Ira Levin. It's a dystopian novel in a similar vain to 'Brave New World' but it got me thinking how close we are to living in that kind of reality. In many ways we are there now.
Last edited by Xander on Fri Jun 03, 2022 11:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
Xander- Posts : 163
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Altiyan sent somebody an email pretty much confirming the earth is flat:
In it he states: "So Ryan, if the world was round, they’d tell us it was flat, and vice versa. I can confidently tell you the most outrageous idea that the earth is a plane, is supported by inner Freemasonry. Not spoken in black and white language, but strongly alluded to."
Xander- Posts : 163
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
When confronted with objective, demonstrable, empirical proof that Earth is not a fantastical tilting, wobbling, spinning space-ball, one sticking point that globe defenders consistently revert back to is, if the evidence flat Earthers are presenting is true, then why has there not been a single whistle-blower to come forward and expose this mother of all conspiracies? How is it possible that not one of the hundreds of thousands of people that NASA has employed over the decades has come forward and admitted the hoax? What about the Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese and all the other government space agencies along with SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and other corporate space enterprises? If Earth is not a globe and we never went to the Moon, why haven't these governments or corporations tattletaled on each other and exposed this massive lie to the masses?
tycho_brahe likes this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Straight from the horses mouth.
Here's an link so that there'll be a backup incase they take that video down:
Last edited by trake on Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:53 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added backup video)
trake- Posts : 10
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
The largest mechanism used to implement the New World Order agenda is the worldwide secret society network. Politicians, bankers, businessmen, and media personalities – the biggest names in history and world affairs form a huge secret society matrix. This hierarchical pyramid-structured network is constantly recruiting and placing members in key influential positions. In order to orchestrate world events and policy decisions from behind the scenes, many niche secret societies groom and position politicians, media personalities, and other “yes-men” so they may best aid the Great Work...
The following presentation "The Secret Society Network" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:
CajunPie, Russian Blue Cat, Freepressfreepeople, tycho_brahe, zeteticseparovich and comradelevelplane like this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Like the Freemasons, the “Illuminati,” their concepts, and esoteric knowledge traces back thousands of years to the Egyptian Mystery Schools/Religion. However this order was first publicly identified in 1776, the same year America signed the Declaration of Independence. On May 1st, 1776, “Mayday,” Adam Weishaupt, professor of Law at Ingolstadt University, officially formed the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati was designed to be an organization so elusive, so secretive as to hide its membership within other secret societies. Weishaupt wrote in his journal that Freemasonry was in fact the organization most fit for infiltration by the Illuminati...
The following presentation "The History of the Illuminati" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
The Round Table is a secret society that was started around the turn of the 20th century by Freemason and Rothschild agent, Lord Alfred Milner, who was entrusted the mission by Cecil Rhodes. When statesman/businessman Cecil Rhodes died in 1902 he was one of the wealthiest men in the world. In his will Rhodes devoted his entire fortune to the creation of the Round Table groups, the purpose of which would ultimately be to form a world government, or as he said in the will, “To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world.” Cecil Rhodes strong desire for world government was epitomized in his statement, “I would annex the planets if I could.”
The following presentation "The Round Table Society" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:
Russian Blue Cat and jessieThinks like this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
The Council on Foreign Relations is a private group not affiliated with the U.S. government, but made to look that way. Just as the “Federal Reserve,” the name “Council on Foreign Relations” sounds official to the unsuspecting ear, and they even print a magazine called “Foreign Affairs” to help pacify the organization in the public mind. But the truth is, the CFR is not a council belonging to the U.S. government and is, in fact, a secret society masquerading as an official organization...
The following presentation "The Council on Foreign Relations Exposed" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:
Russian Blue Cat likes this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
The Skull and Bones secret society was officially founded at Yale University in 1832, but finds its roots in Freemasonry, and takes its symbology from the Pirates / Brotherhood of Death. Like the Masons, Bonesmen choose their own initiates, and the only way to enter the Brotherhood is to be “tapped” by an existing member. Only 15 members are accepted each year which is absolutely amazing considering the number of important historical figures who just happen to be Skull and Bonesmen...
The following presentation "The Skull and Bones Secret Society" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:
Russian Blue Cat likes this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
The Bilderberg Group is an annual conference of elites so secretive it was nameless until being coined "The Bilderberg Group" after its original meeting place. They first convened in 1954 at the Bilderberg hotel in Holland under direction of Prince Bernhard and David Rockefeller. There is a core of 39 regulars with nearly 130 elites in politics, banking, business, and the media invited each year. It is composed of Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses, Presidents and Prime Ministers from all over the world, IMF/World Bank/Federal Reserve heads, US Senators, CFR members, EU Commissioners, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Journalists, TV News Anchors, CEOs, and more...
The following presentation "The Bilderberg Group" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in July 1973 and is composed of approximately 325 elites in business, banking, and politics. The Trilateral Commission is propagated as being an economic cooperation between America, Europe, and Japan, but in reality is another secretive society/organization – this one specializing in creating the trilateral economic interdependence necessary to bring in the New World Order system of world currency and world governance. They are setting up the framework and power structure necessary for these multinational banks and corporations to assume total control, dominating the world’s populations, governments, and economies.
The following presentation "The Trilateral Commission" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:
CajunPie, jessieThinks, tycho_brahe and Scoutpi1 like this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Bohemian Grove is a 2,700 acre forest retreat for the elite. Every July since 1873, hundreds (now thousands) of top politicians, bankers, businessmen, and media personalities gather at the grove for two weeks of events ranging from the expected, such as meetings, speeches and lectures, to the very unexpected, like drunken mass orgies and mock human sacrifice rituals affront a 40ft. tall statue of a Babylonian owl-god!
The following presentation "The Bohemian Grove Society" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here:
Note: For people asking about the inclusion of Alex Jones and David Icke, The Atlantean Conspiracy was published in 2008 before I came to the conclusion that they are gate-keepers: Like all good controlled opposition, there must be a majority of good information mixed in with the misinfo however, and the specific quotes and ideas I have included are ones that I agree with.
Russian Blue Cat, Slowbutsure and comradelevelplane like this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
" The square is a right angle, formed by two right lines. It is adapted only to a plane surface, and belongs only to geometry, Earth-measurement, that trigonometry which deals only with planes, and with the earth, which the ancients supposed to be a plane."
zeteticseparovich- Posts : 13
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Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Admin wrote: the elite.
I just want to ask why everyone keeps calling them "elite"? I have seen it so much these last days and it bothers me a bit. It feels wrong to give the ppl that wants to kill and enslave us a name that compliments them. Or am i missing something? There must be a more fitting name to use?
To quote payday monsanto: "I will not call you rotten motherfuckers elite Cause you mastered the mechanics of an evil technique"
Slowbutsure- Posts : 31
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TyrannicalSawdustRex likes this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Slowbutsure wrote:Admin wrote: the elite.
I just want to ask why everyone keeps calling them "elite"? I have seen it so much these last days and it bothers me a bit. It feels wrong to give the ppl that wants to kill and enslave us a name that compliments them. Or am i missing something? There must be a more fitting name to use?
To quote payday monsanto: "I will not call you rotten motherfuckers elite Cause you mastered the mechanics of an evil technique"
Convenience my friend. Also they are characterised by having enormous wealth, power and prestige so it is convenient to call them elite from a material point of view, not intellectual or spiritual.
I prefer to call them cunts.
Slowbutsure likes this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Slowbutsure wrote:Admin wrote: the elite.
I just want to ask why everyone keeps calling them "elite"? I have seen it so much these last days and it bothers me a bit. It feels wrong to give the ppl that wants to kill and enslave us a name that compliments them. Or am i missing something? There must be a more fitting name to use?
To quote payday monsanto: "I will not call you rotten motherfuckers elite Cause you mastered the mechanics of an evil technique"
By definition: "In political and sociological theory, the elite are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a group."
Slowbutsure and comradelevelplane like this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Admin wrote:Slowbutsure wrote:Admin wrote: the elite.
I just want to ask why everyone keeps calling them "elite"? I have seen it so much these last days and it bothers me a bit. It feels wrong to give the ppl that wants to kill and enslave us a name that compliments them. Or am i missing something? There must be a more fitting name to use?
To quote payday monsanto: "I will not call you rotten motherfuckers elite Cause you mastered the mechanics of an evil technique"
By definition: "In political and sociological theory, the elite are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a group."
Ok, but cunts is better tho.
Slowbutsure- Posts : 31
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Admin and TyrannicalSawdustRex like this post
Re: The Truth About Secret Societies
Dunno if true or of intrest, but i just got told this on twitter. If its crap you can delete it.
"The word elite somehow came to mean people who are richer/smarter/better than others, but the original meaning is not that.
It is two words:
Ite-nation, people
So, the actual meaning is the people of god. Of course, they're not talking about Yahweh..."
Slowbutsure- Posts : 31
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IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: NASA, UN, Freemasonry, Vatican, Jews, Jesuits, NWO