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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by jewry/trannywood Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:30 am

Agree but they have a high rate of hook-noses and tranny like females.


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by markwilson Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:10 pm


Dear Joe Rogan, "No, you are giving us far too little credit. I [Eric Dubay] am a University graduate with a double B.A. in Philosophy and English. I taught for seven years at Thailand's most prestigious University. I have published five books, translated to 16 languages, read by millions of people. My academic credentials FAR out-weigh yours Joe! You are a jester, paid to make people laugh but you have been hanging around the King's court so long you have started to fancy yourself an intellectual. You are not. You are a jester. So make us laugh, clown. Quit pretending you're some erudite scholar." Love, Eric Dubay

"Flat Earth Metabunk Debunked" [at 00;47;35]

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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by BosnianFlatearther Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:05 pm

Dear Joe Rogan, "No, you are giving us far too little credit. I [Eric Dubay] am a University graduate with a double B.A. in Philosophy and English. I taught for seven years at Thailand's most prestigious University. I have published five books, translated to 16 languages, read by millions of people. My academic credentials FAR out-weigh yours Joe! You are a jester, paid to make people laugh but you have been hanging around the King's court so long you have started to fancy yourself an intellectual. You are not. You are a jester. So make us laugh, clown. Quit pretending you're some erudite scholar." Love, Eric Dubay

Hahahah I love this , nice job Eric


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Admin Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:07 am


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Admin Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:10 am


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Dual1ty Thu Oct 24, 2019 2:02 pm

So yesterday Rogan had Snowden on and within the first 5 minutes he talks about how there's free speech and Neil Degrasse Tyson's name comes up (lol, you can't make this stuff up). Funny how Snowden isn't even in the United States but it was no problem for the show's producers to set this up and make it look perfect...

So as we already know, the only requirement to be heard in the so-called "alternative media" today is to not question the globular Earth and the heliocentric model (and the derivative theories), so people like Eric Dubay are out by default. Meanwhile, the real alternative media gets almost no views and experiences censorship.

Anyway, I guess I'll watch it because Snowden has some interesting things to say, but fuck Joe Rogan. If you want to watch it too, search for it on YouTube because I won't link it.

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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Wed May 20, 2020 7:48 pm

"Spotify Strikes Podcast Deal With Joe Rogan Worth More Than $100 Million
His full library, dating back 11 years, is to hit the service Sept. 1, and become exclusive to Spotify after that, before the end of the year ... " Wall Street Journal 5/19/2020, By Anne Steele.


So, apparently Joe Rogan's podcasts will no longer be available on YouTube after September 1st, 2020.


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Admin Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:06 pm


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Warwick Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:35 pm

A friend sent me this, a full breakdown. I am only 10 minutes in but i am sharing it while it is still on Youtube



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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Ifersgold Mon May 02, 2022 12:00 am

The elites are aware that they are losing control of the narrative. Look how they are setting up a new controlled dialectic using The JRE. Now it's not left right, but old new. Joe Rogan and Elon Musk play lead roles in this new thing.

Rogan, Elon Musk, Donald Trump are all actors. Elon Musks fraud is the most obvious and easy to research. Anyone involved with Elon, or who endorses Elon is either an idiot or part of the fraud. This gives us an easy litmus test when considering if a source is likely to provide good information or not. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, the google brothers are not self made men, not geniuses. They were tapped to be the face for a new CIA/NSA/ company/operation.

The control over information the CIA has is far more expansive than I had previously supposed. We are talking literature and novels, all art promoted commercially, academia, journalism, politics/politicians, churches, new age spiritual movements, popular/ influencial podcasts & websites and even chefs. If Anthony Bourdain worked for the CIA there is no hope, no free agent famous person. https://youtu.be/7PAl9gRpgkE
See professor Hamamoto on youtube, search anthony bourdain CIA.

Terrance McKenna admitted to working for the CIA his entire career!!! First in deep undercover roles, and then in a public relations role. They approached him after he got in trouble with interpol for drug trafficking(leverage). If that doesn't alarm you, it should. What the hell did Terrance McKenna do for the CIA? What lies were promoted, or great truths left unsaid. What awful deeds towards deception and control were committed in the name of patriotism? Did Allan Watts work for the CIA? We know Osho did. How many other gurus and teachers are controlled? Eckhart Tolle has Oprah on speed dial, would not be surprised to find both are assets of the company. The CIA likes cults and cults of personality.

The standard reaction to things they want to hide is simply to ignore it. The person or issue doesn't get play. I call this the Ralph Nader tactic.

So anything associated with the Joe Rogan community is suspect. Anything on his show is part of building and controlling a new narrative. Including Jordan Peterson, the intellectual darkweb, Weinstein's, musk, ect. This is also connected to the Q anon operation. Swaying public belief, opinion, and behavior. They are magicians indeed. But don't fall into this new controlled dialectic. Continue to be suspicious of everyone until you do your due dilligence. The fact that Eric Dubay has not been on the JRE podcast may at first seem to lend him credibility, but on the other hand Joe and his orbiting platform via Eddie Bravo have given Eric lots of play. Their plans are subtle and this could have been intentional to drive all the real hardcore truth seekers into another coral of programmed thinking. Be paranoid. Question everything. Not making accusations here. Just pointing out the lengths they go to to deceive and control.


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by John Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:07 pm


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by FE_AirlinePilot Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:51 pm

At 2min, Rogan says one of the worst lie "Snipers have to take the curvature of the earth into account" by that he means Coriolis effects and that is 100% a bald face lie. Absolutely wrong, anyone who's ever shot long range F class, ELR or been in active duty absolutely knows that the only variables you take into account for the horizontal plane is the wind and the spin drift (which is calculated from your barrel twist rate and the ogive length of your bullet) so for example a 6.5 147gr Hornady ELD-M bullet out of a 1:8 twist RH will spin about 7in to the right at 1000 yards so you'd have to compensate 0.2 mrad to the left. There is no such thing as "If I'm at 47deg latitude, and the target azimuth is pure north, I have to compensate by shooting left because of the coriolis effect, but if the target was east, I wouldn't have to) that's absolutely bullshit, anyone who's ever shot long range knows is BS, and you can research Coriolis effect on snipershide and even snipers instructors such as Frank Galli will tell you that if you enable CE in your ballistic calculator, the solution will be wrong. It's well known even in the 2+ mile ELR competition circles.

It can easily be proven on a light wind day, in fact I've done it in the Arctic many time. Comparing the ballistic solution shooting North vs shooting East. There's absolutely no difference due to curvature, or Coriolis.

On the vertical axe, the ballistic calculator will take into account the ballistic coefficient of the bullet, the mass and the velocity. There is also a little bit of aerodynamic lift if you have a crosswind.

If you read any artillery manual, it will specifically say to ignore the curvature and the rotation of the earth.

Overall it's an easily provable experiment with semi affordable equipment such as precision bolt rifle capable of accuracy under 3/4 moa, laser range finder and a steel target.
Because say you are shooting to a target azimut which is pure north 0deg
Your target is 1mile away (1.6km)
You shoot at the target using a 147gr ELD-M bullet launched at 2800FPS
It'll take about 3 seconds for the bullet to reach the target
Wouldn't the target have moved east 3000 feets since at 45deg latitude the earth rotation is 700MPH by the time the bullet gets there? Nonsense
I know the globers will say but "the atmosphere and inertia also follow the spin of the earth" effectively saying "assume the earth is flat and non rotating because we can't prove it's rotating" how does that make any sense when even 0.5 mph wind gust will affect the bullet trajectory at long range but not the spin of the earth ??


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Standswithmic Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:33 pm


Photoshop bullshit is what things "really look like" apparently


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by pitagoras Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:22 pm

Guy who worked in psycops in Afghanistan talks about Joe Rogan Being controlled opposition and psycop tactics that are commonly used.

You need to separate yourself from who you think everybody is when it comes to matters that are important, especially when it comes to politics: You do not get on the limelight of social media and stay there because you have the people's best intentions at heart; the larger your spread is, the more people that you can reach, the bigger a target for a shadow government or conspiracy... you become incredibly valuable. Many people who are used as a psyop might not even necessarily know it. - 15:58 in the video


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Admin Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:37 am

This is getting interesting:


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by samuelchill0620 Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:24 pm

Admin wrote:

Eddie Bravo calls Joe out on this clear, unexpected and mysterious change of heart, saying, "Joe, you used to be the Moon hoax crusader, then something happened.  What happened, Joe?  What happened?"

Joe Rogan traded in seeking truth and exposing liars for shiny things and a degenerate lifestyle. Now he sells snake oil pills and degeneracy just like his buddy Alex Jones.


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Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial - Page 5 Empty Re: Joe Rogan's Moon Hoax Mystery and Flat Earth Denial

Post by Admin Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:16 am

Joe Rogan's best friend Ari:


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