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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Admin Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:26 am

Long time IFERS member CSP has been hosting EricDubay.com since he kindly bought the domain for me.  A long-time poster and flat-Earther, CSP was a regular member of IFERS, but hasn't signed in in over 3 months and hasn't responded to my private messages or emails in that whole time.  The EricDubay.com website is now down and I have no means of contacting him nor any recourse that I know of to reset the server, recover the site info etc.  The only contact information I have for him is csp@protonmail.th  If anyone knows of his whereabouts, how to contact him, or advice on how I should proceed it would be much appreciated.  Thanks

Last edited by Admin on Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by superuserdo Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:56 pm


'Error establishing a database connection.'  (font on page created w/ bold type)

I could be wrong but that looks like a created web page and not your standard service error message.  I made a few web pages back in the day so to me it looks typical of something that has been made as an index/home/landing page of a site.

My best guess would be that CSP created the landing page himself for whatever reason. My second guess would be that he failed to renew it and someone previously put in a back order for the domain and they now own it.

The failure of CSP to respond could be out of sheer embarrassment for not renewing the domain.

My advice would be to put in a back order for the domain yourself just in case he has decided to let it go.


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by carter15 Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:03 am

superuserdo wrote:Interesting!

'Error establishing a database connection.'  (font on page created w/ bold type)

I could be wrong but that looks like a created web page and not your standard service error message.  I made a few web pages back in the day so to me it looks typical of something that has been made as an index/home/landing page of a site.


It's likely a WordPress website (or a similar content management system like WP)...

This kind of message can occur when the server is down or when the configuration has an error pointing to the database. Either way, the only way to resolve this would be by gaining access to the server OR obtaining the domain registrar login and pointing the name servers for EricDubay.com to a new server. Both require admin access unfortunately Sad

Hopefully this person who controls that info replies soon.


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by carter15 Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:09 am

Looks like Web-Archive has a good chunk of the site archived in their database:


Worst case scenario, someone could download the content of the archived pages and use it to rebuild a new site. STILL, you would need registrar access to EricDubay.com in order to rebuild the site on that domain


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by InnerCynic Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:50 pm

Seriously? What the hell. If the domain is important then why would you let it lapse or even let some other bozo supposedly "host" it for you and keep the name for himself and not transfer it to you? This is absurdly stupid. And if there is in fact a database error then the previous poster is correct in that it may well be a WordPress error or the site has been hammered and is down. For whatever reasons... typical with WP and it's penchant for being the target of hackers, I'd have to say this was lazy thinking to entrust to someone you can't even get ahold of or don't even know personally. As an old IT hand stuff like this just pisses me off.

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Admin Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:16 pm

CSP is not a bozo, nobody has let anything lapse, and he has transferred the domain to me. It is just his server which is down which hosts the site, and he himself that's missing. My other sites, forum, youtube, facebook have all been hacked/censored in some way so he was personally hosting it instead of leaving it on a public platform so as to be pro-active in pre-empting censorship attempts. I have started rebuilding the site now at http://www.ericdubay.wordpress.com and will re-route the domain there when finished.

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by andyow1 Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:05 am

Hi Everyone. I didn't know where to post this so my apologies if this is the wrong spot. But it seemed relevant given the context of the current thread.

If anyone can offer guidance on the following. I want to set up a new website, YouTube account, etc. to start spreading Flat Earth like a wildfire. It was clear to me from the first moment that this is the biggest lie that hides all the other lies and it must be exposed.

I want to make sure that I have a website that is secure and displays the videos I make independently of YouTube. I will still use YouTube/FB as long as I can to build a following but I don't want to be at their mercy if they decide to shut me down. So I would like to plan for that from the start.

Can anyone offer advice on how/where to buy/register a domain, where/how to host it so it is secure, where/how to host/backup all my videos and other content so they are relatively secure, etc.? And of course whatever else you think I am missing. I would really appreciate any guidance from those who have already gone this route.



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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Admin Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:10 am

I have finished re-building EricDubay.com but am now having trouble with the domain forwarding to www.EricDubay.wordpress.com When people type EricDubay.com without the www, the re-direct isn't working, but it should be working if you type www.EricDubay.com Though some people are saying even this isn't working for them!? Can some IFERS members let me know, is "www.EricDubay.com" currently working for you?

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Schpankme Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:13 am

Admin wrote:
I have finished re-building EricDubay.com but am now having trouble with the domain forwarding
the re-direct isn't working
Can some IFERS members let me know, is "www.EricDubay.com" currently working for you?

Not working:


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Admin Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:11 am

I think I may have fixed it finally. Can you confirm for me again Schpankme?


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Schpankme Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:22 pm

Admin wrote:
I think I may have fixed it finally.  
Can you confirm


Now working.

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by superuserdo Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:19 am

Good Stuff!

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by fakenasa Tue Jul 31, 2018 6:23 pm

Is there any update on CSP?

And thanks for the efforts to create the new website.


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Admin Tue Jul 31, 2018 7:11 pm

Unfortunately still no word from CSP

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by fakenasa Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:54 am

A couple questions I have is has CSP gone this long without logging in before? Or could it be health related, is his age known?

I read his latest posts and he seemed to be arguing on the magic mushroom thread so maybe he just got mad and left. But someone with his knowledge and expertise, the thought that he could have became a target of some sort seems plausible.

Either way it would be a big loss to lose CSP on here, I exchanged a couple pm s with him as I could tell he was an expert on alot of these subjects.


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Admin Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:18 am

No he hasn't gone this long without logging in before. I know he's a vegan and avid cyclist from Australia and I thought he was around my age or younger but not sure. I feel something is not right with him being gone so long especially with the website going down. He wouldn't have let that happen without getting in touch.

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by BosnianFlatearther Thu Dec 20, 2018 3:38 am

Mr Eric you got more famous, now you're in the game hahah.. my kids were playing on amazon pri.e a game called cross road I think and there's a caracter called Flat Eric


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Admin Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:23 am

Haha, does he happen to look like this?

(Ironically, "Flat Eric" as a character existed before I ever knew the Earth was flat)

Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 5:56 am; edited 1 time in total

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by BosnianFlatearther Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:04 am

Doh now I feel dumb. Didn't know man


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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Dual1ty Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:10 pm

If you go to csp's profile you can see he last logged in Tue Jul 02, 2019, so about two weeks ago. I wonder if he has said anything to Eric? confused

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Admin Fri Jul 19, 2019 2:11 am

We noticed the suspicious log in 2 weeks ago, but he hasn't said anything, even though he has multiple private messages from us asking for updates and acknowledging he is okay. It may very well be a log in from feds who have confiscated his computers, as if it was him, surely he would've responded.

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EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing Empty Re: EricDubay.com Website Down - CSP Missing

Post by Dual1ty Fri Jul 19, 2019 9:22 pm

Thought as much. Feds, police... who knows? Thanks for the confirmation anyway!

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