The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
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The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
This serves as a research compilation of Nikon's long history of symbiotic relations with Nasa. I will also provide information on the origin of the fish eye lens, sometimes called "the whole sky lens". I intend to prove that Nasa and Nikon are in bed together for more than just profit motives, but may be exercising a classic Hegelian Dialectic Divide and Conquer technique for the foreseen resurgence of the Stationary Plane/Globe debate.
Nikon gets its name from Nikon the seventh Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church who served his term from 1652-1666. He is predominantly known for introducing many unpopular reforms in the church which led to a lasting schizm. One of these reforms which was to forbid the the construction of "Tent-Like" churches. He even went as far as to have old uncanonical churches demolished.
The Nikkor brand was introduced to the west by 1933 and starting in 1959 they released the Nikon F Series, which went on to be the most widely used camera by the U.S. Space Program. It is in the realm of possibilities to conclude that Apollo 11's iconic image was captured with aforementioned camera. The F Series also has the same lens mounting ring as every other Nikon camera ever made, and is the only SLR mounting system to be over 50 years old.
Recently in 2017 Nikon/Nasa secured a contract with Nasa/Nikon for fifty-three D5 digital SLR cameras, to the tune of $344,338.35. This was just one of many shady dealings between the two companies. Below is a photo of the D5, one may find a vector symbol in its design. You will find that Nikon's product development team has always had a certain vectorial persuasion.
Here are a few notable instances of Nasa/Nikon:
"1971 The Nikon Photomic FTN* (NASA specifications) and NIKKOR lens were used on Apollo 15.
1980 The "Small Camera", based on the Nikon F3 film SLR camera and equipped with a motor drive, and the F3 "Big Camera", which utilized long film, were delivered to NASA.
The "Small Camera" was used aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia launched the following year.
1999 The Nikon F5 film SLR camera and AF NIKKOR lens were carried aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery to photograph extravehicular activities (EVA).
2008 The Nikon D2XS digital SLR cameras were delivered to NASA. Six D2XS cameras are used in space to document activities such as inspection and maintenance.
2013 A total of 38 Nikon D4 digital SLR cameras, 64 NIKKOR lenses, including the AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR, and various other accessories were delivered to NASA.
These products are used, among other things, to check solar panels and outer surfaces of the ISS.
2016 An additional 10 Nikon D4 digital SLR cameras were delivered to NASA, and are also used to check solar panels and outer surfaces of the ISS."
Nikon is the first company to mass produce the fish eye lens. The $160,000 Nikkor 6mm f/2.8 is a rare fish eye lens first introduced to the masses in 1970, just after a similar lens was used aboard Apollo 11. The lens was supposedly designed for an expedition to Antarctica. Another interesting rare camera lens is the $25,000 Nikkor 13mm f/5.6 which apparently has an uncanny ability to snap a photo with absolutely NO distortion. So "when shooting a horizon, the horizon line stays perfectly straight."
American author and inventor of tear gas, Robert Williams Wood, was the one to first coin the term "fish eye" back in 1906. Wood also wrote two science fiction novels. In his first novel "The Man Who Rocked the Earth" (1915) he accurately depicted what an atomic explosion would look like 30 years before the first bomb tests were supposedly carried out! In his second novel "The Moon-Maker" (1958) he accurately depicted what interplanetary space travel would be like 20 years before Star Wars came out! Robert W. Wood was awarded the Frederick Ives Medal for his work in camera optics in 1933. The moon crater "Wood" is named after him.
From Wikipedia:
"An 8 mm fisheye lens, also made by Nikon, has proven useful for scientific purposes because of its equidistant (equiangular) projection, in which distance along the radius of the circular image is proportional to zenith angle."
As a side note, at the time of writing it can be seen on under the section "See Also" the azimuthal equidistant projection is the first link.
In summary Nasa profits by gaining the ability to continue their charade, while gaining the public's trust in their legitimacy. Nikon profits by gaining the occasional bulk camera sale to Nasa, while gaining the public's trust in their products quality, and thus boosting sales. This can been likened to the modern day example of the most expensive car commercial in history courtesy of Tesla/SpaceX. Space hungry people will buy up anything they think is floating in space.
I propose that, for reasons that can be considered speculatively, Nikons release of the P900 is either a blatant turncoat maneuver away from Nasa (unlikely) or in an effort to further separate the flat truth minority from the globe and further divide us from the globe earth majority. This is a photo of the P900, a camera released exactly 20 years after the Illuminati card game predictions. (Notice NO VECTOR!)
Nikon gets its name from Nikon the seventh Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church who served his term from 1652-1666. He is predominantly known for introducing many unpopular reforms in the church which led to a lasting schizm. One of these reforms which was to forbid the the construction of "Tent-Like" churches. He even went as far as to have old uncanonical churches demolished.
The Nikkor brand was introduced to the west by 1933 and starting in 1959 they released the Nikon F Series, which went on to be the most widely used camera by the U.S. Space Program. It is in the realm of possibilities to conclude that Apollo 11's iconic image was captured with aforementioned camera. The F Series also has the same lens mounting ring as every other Nikon camera ever made, and is the only SLR mounting system to be over 50 years old.
Recently in 2017 Nikon/Nasa secured a contract with Nasa/Nikon for fifty-three D5 digital SLR cameras, to the tune of $344,338.35. This was just one of many shady dealings between the two companies. Below is a photo of the D5, one may find a vector symbol in its design. You will find that Nikon's product development team has always had a certain vectorial persuasion.
Here are a few notable instances of Nasa/Nikon:
"1971 The Nikon Photomic FTN* (NASA specifications) and NIKKOR lens were used on Apollo 15.
1980 The "Small Camera", based on the Nikon F3 film SLR camera and equipped with a motor drive, and the F3 "Big Camera", which utilized long film, were delivered to NASA.
The "Small Camera" was used aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia launched the following year.
1999 The Nikon F5 film SLR camera and AF NIKKOR lens were carried aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery to photograph extravehicular activities (EVA).
2008 The Nikon D2XS digital SLR cameras were delivered to NASA. Six D2XS cameras are used in space to document activities such as inspection and maintenance.
2013 A total of 38 Nikon D4 digital SLR cameras, 64 NIKKOR lenses, including the AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR, and various other accessories were delivered to NASA.
These products are used, among other things, to check solar panels and outer surfaces of the ISS.
2016 An additional 10 Nikon D4 digital SLR cameras were delivered to NASA, and are also used to check solar panels and outer surfaces of the ISS."
Nikon is the first company to mass produce the fish eye lens. The $160,000 Nikkor 6mm f/2.8 is a rare fish eye lens first introduced to the masses in 1970, just after a similar lens was used aboard Apollo 11. The lens was supposedly designed for an expedition to Antarctica. Another interesting rare camera lens is the $25,000 Nikkor 13mm f/5.6 which apparently has an uncanny ability to snap a photo with absolutely NO distortion. So "when shooting a horizon, the horizon line stays perfectly straight."
American author and inventor of tear gas, Robert Williams Wood, was the one to first coin the term "fish eye" back in 1906. Wood also wrote two science fiction novels. In his first novel "The Man Who Rocked the Earth" (1915) he accurately depicted what an atomic explosion would look like 30 years before the first bomb tests were supposedly carried out! In his second novel "The Moon-Maker" (1958) he accurately depicted what interplanetary space travel would be like 20 years before Star Wars came out! Robert W. Wood was awarded the Frederick Ives Medal for his work in camera optics in 1933. The moon crater "Wood" is named after him.
From Wikipedia:
"An 8 mm fisheye lens, also made by Nikon, has proven useful for scientific purposes because of its equidistant (equiangular) projection, in which distance along the radius of the circular image is proportional to zenith angle."
As a side note, at the time of writing it can be seen on under the section "See Also" the azimuthal equidistant projection is the first link.
In summary Nasa profits by gaining the ability to continue their charade, while gaining the public's trust in their legitimacy. Nikon profits by gaining the occasional bulk camera sale to Nasa, while gaining the public's trust in their products quality, and thus boosting sales. This can been likened to the modern day example of the most expensive car commercial in history courtesy of Tesla/SpaceX. Space hungry people will buy up anything they think is floating in space.
I propose that, for reasons that can be considered speculatively, Nikons release of the P900 is either a blatant turncoat maneuver away from Nasa (unlikely) or in an effort to further separate the flat truth minority from the globe and further divide us from the globe earth majority. This is a photo of the P900, a camera released exactly 20 years after the Illuminati card game predictions. (Notice NO VECTOR!)
RealDragons- Posts : 4
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
Great post Real Dragons, thank you for sharing all those informations.
At Polish airport in Wroclaw, recently we had exposition promoting fake space-balls and also Nikon was involved.
Me and my friend, decided to add something to it, to make it more informative with links to IFERS and Polish version of IFERS.
Information hang there for another 3 days.
At Polish airport in Wroclaw, recently we had exposition promoting fake space-balls and also Nikon was involved.
Me and my friend, decided to add something to it, to make it more informative with links to IFERS and Polish version of IFERS.
Information hang there for another 3 days.
joe12pack- Posts : 1
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
I love how the naysayers say things like "The Nikon P900 is junk, get a good telescope" or "Flat Earthers use the P900 out of focus and present it as proof when observing planets and stars."
Mag Man- Posts : 2
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
Mag Man wrote:
Flat Earthers
use the P900
out of focus
as proof when observing planets and stars
Explain yourself?
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
I thought I did. I get it all the time.. Globies saying the P900 is crap and that Flat Earthers don't know how to focus them properly. Obviously, they've refused to acknowledge their very own senses, proving that the eyes are useless when the mind is blind.
Mag Man- Posts : 2
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
Mag Man wrote:
Flat Earthers don't know how to focus them properly
This is the normal response of Heliocentric Priests, who claim that videos of Stars and Wandering Stars are out of focus, because they've been sold Jesuit Spaceballs and that's what they expect to see.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
Interesting topic, I've been meaning to ask something about the photo's I take with the NikonP900.
I'm no expert, but I like to take pictures of the moon, stars and nature in general.
Now, the pictures I take off stars can be different in 3 certain ways (what I noticed so far.)
Either they're over, on or under a certain focal point (if I may call it like that.) Each time, you get an intriguing pattern of light.
But, what I didn't know and don't understand is what we get to see when you change the colours in the picture (even with the pictures which barely captured anything.)
I've made an imgur account to upload some of these photo's.
Interesting topic, I've been meaning to ask something about the photo's I take with the NikonP900.
I'm no expert, but I like to take pictures of the moon, stars and nature in general.
Now, the pictures I take off stars can be different in 3 certain ways (what I noticed so far.)
Either they're over, on or under a certain focal point (if I may call it like that.) Each time, you get an intriguing pattern of light.
But, what I didn't know and don't understand is what we get to see when you change the colours in the picture (even with the pictures which barely captured anything.)
I've made an imgur account to upload some of these photo's.
Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
MMDC wrote:
I've made an imgur account to upload some of these photo's.
Thanks for the photos, some cool shots there.
Could I request that you upload some high quality originals of some stars?
csp- Posts : 424
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
With the advice of csp, I made an mega account to share the photo's I take from stars (with the Nikon p900.) I've selected a few, but will upload more (in time).
Star album (< link)
Any suggestions on what I should try are always welcome, as I am still new to this.
Hope you'll like what you see.
Take care.
With the advice of csp, I made an mega account to share the photo's I take from stars (with the Nikon p900.) I've selected a few, but will upload more (in time).
Star album (< link)
Any suggestions on what I should try are always welcome, as I am still new to this.
Hope you'll like what you see.
Take care.
Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
Here is a review of the enormous Nikkor 13mm f5.6, which lack of distortion is unique in the world of wide-angle lenses.
https ://
https ://
There might be a little barrel distortion, but much less than any lens of comparable focal length. I got a 15mm fish-eye lens, it has tons of distortion!
"Nikon is the first company to mass produce the fish eye lens. The $160,000 Nikkor 6mm f/2.8 is a rare fish eye lens first introduced to the masses in 1970, just after a similar lens was used aboard Apollo 11"
Can you point me to your source? I never read anywhere an ultra-wide angle lens was used on Apollo 11, nor have I seen any photos that looked like they have been taken with such a lens.
I suspect you are talking about the 5 and 10mm lens used on the 16mm Data Acquisition Camera camera?
16mm has a crop factor between 2 and 3, so this 5mm lens would be a 10mm or 15mm lens in full-frame (35mm) terms. It would not look like a 5mm lens on a full-frame camera. Like wise, a 10mm lens will be 20 or 30mm.
https ://
https ://
There might be a little barrel distortion, but much less than any lens of comparable focal length. I got a 15mm fish-eye lens, it has tons of distortion!
"Nikon is the first company to mass produce the fish eye lens. The $160,000 Nikkor 6mm f/2.8 is a rare fish eye lens first introduced to the masses in 1970, just after a similar lens was used aboard Apollo 11"
Can you point me to your source? I never read anywhere an ultra-wide angle lens was used on Apollo 11, nor have I seen any photos that looked like they have been taken with such a lens.
I suspect you are talking about the 5 and 10mm lens used on the 16mm Data Acquisition Camera camera?
16mm has a crop factor between 2 and 3, so this 5mm lens would be a 10mm or 15mm lens in full-frame (35mm) terms. It would not look like a 5mm lens on a full-frame camera. Like wise, a 10mm lens will be 20 or 30mm.
Cyriak- Posts : 16
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
Excellent post, OP! Super informative!
Frenetic Zetetic- Posts : 12
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Amateur Rocket Launch Allegedly Displaying "Earth Curve" At Nearly 300,000ft?
I've just seen this video posted in my friend's Telegram group.
Has anybody got an explanation for why at nearly 300,000ft the horizon appears curved using a rectilinear lensed camera?
My first initial reaction was "it must be fake! they're using cgi!". But due to quality and high definition of this footage I'm not so sure of its fake.
I'm not a globe believer at all, I just saw this video and couldn't really find an explanation for the apparent curved horizon at such an altitude in this amateur footage when no fisheye lens was used.
Is it deception? Are they getting better at faking footage as technology improves? What is everyone's thoughts on this?
Has anybody got an explanation for why at nearly 300,000ft the horizon appears curved using a rectilinear lensed camera?
My first initial reaction was "it must be fake! they're using cgi!". But due to quality and high definition of this footage I'm not so sure of its fake.
I'm not a globe believer at all, I just saw this video and couldn't really find an explanation for the apparent curved horizon at such an altitude in this amateur footage when no fisheye lens was used.
Is it deception? Are they getting better at faking footage as technology improves? What is everyone's thoughts on this?
King Cosmic 12- Posts : 5
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Re: The Nikon Con & The Fish Eye Lens
King Cosmic 12 wrote:I've just seen this video posted in my friend's Telegram group.
Has anybody got an explanation for why at nearly 300,000ft the horizon appears curved using a rectilinear lensed camera?
My first initial reaction was "it must be fake! they're using cgi!". But due to quality and high definition of this footage I'm not so sure of its fake.
I'm not a globe believer at all, I just saw this video and couldn't really find an explanation for the apparent curved horizon at such an altitude in this amateur footage when no fisheye lens was used.
Is it deception? Are they getting better at faking footage as technology improves? What is everyone's thoughts on this?
You can see the horizon warping flat to concave to convex which is a product of a fish-eye lens. All footage showing a curved Earth is done either through a fish-eye lens or straight up CGI.
notdownunder, King Cosmic 12 and Earthtoed like this post
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