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North korea

Just Vital
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North korea Empty North korea

Post by Ann Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:22 pm

What are your thought on that?

Some people say it's just another wwe set up and nothing will happen.

To me it follows the logic of the Rothschild supremacy as only Iran, Cuba and NK aren't in the system.
And before 2000 afghanistan, sudan, iraq and lybia were aswell out of it and we all know what happened to thrm and how.
We know aswell that USA tried to start a war with Iran couple month ago after bombing a military base of them over a facebook video showing people dieing from a gaz attack in Iran. They claimed that Iran's leader did it but there was no proof of that and Iran gov. said they had nothing to do with it.

But it seems like NK is acting like a prick, with their missile test.
It does feel like USA is scared of NK blowing up some of their territory, like it doesn't look like they just make up excuses to start a war like they did in Iraq.

Anyway. Thought it would be interesting to have some different point of view on that matter.


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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Birdog770 Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:30 pm

My 2cents. I chalk it up as war mongering and more scams by the military industrial complex to make money. Another boogie man to keep suckers in fear.

I pretty much ignore any of these news stories since I don't see any value in it.

Before any fighting took place in Syria there were years of conditioning the masses that Assad is bad and he does bad things to his people. Who benefits from Syria? More control of the region by Israel and a pipeline.

I ask myself, who benefits from a fight with NK? I don't know the answer beyond the banking part.


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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Ann Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:20 pm

Yeah was kinda feeling the same but then they went full Iraq-mode


'The report went on to speculate that North Korea had improved its technological expertise to the point where it could theoretically marry a nuclear warhead with a missile.'

Saying that they basically miniaturized the nuclear weapon and could add it to any long rang missile.
The 'you can't see it but believe me these missile that seems normal are actually nuclear'
Sounds like these good ol' WMD in Iraq that have never really be found but were so convenient to start the war.

Even tho the report is just throwing guesses around, newspaper are going like 'NK miniaturized the nuclear weapon'.

It does seem like they really wanna go there and need their people approval to do so. It sounds like Iraq 2 to me.

Shit world


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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Bro Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:59 pm

Birdog770 wrote:My 2cents.  I chalk it up as war mongering and more scams by the military industrial complex to make money.  Another boogie man to keep suckers in fear.

I pretty much ignore any of these news stories since I don't see any value in it.

Before any fighting took place in Syria there were years of conditioning the masses that Assad is bad and he does bad things to his people.  Who benefits from Syria?  More control of the region by Israel and a pipeline.

I ask myself, who benefits from a fight with NK?  I don't know the answer beyond the banking part.

On Point Birdog... Yes... War Fear Porn With North Korea Non Stop... By the MSM...

(((Who))) Runs/Owns/Controls The MSM ??

I have written posts on ZeroHedge in comment about this... In dissent to Trump's on going non stop War Porn.

North korea Nk_war10

I have been thinking about this for weeks... On Going War Fear Porn Over North Korea, Venezuela... China vs USA Trade War... WHY ???

All to distract us, from what I have deduced, from the possible passing in the USA of this HORRENDOUS UNCONSTITUTIONAL BILL FAVORING ISRAEL to the extreme in the USA by foorcing thru an American law Outlawing the Boycotting of Israel By Americans as a strategy to end Israel's Genocide Occupation of Palestine... and Israel's non stop war on other Middle Eastern Countries... Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, etc.


The United States of America was founded on Boycott Protests (Boston Tea Party Anyone ?)... and Israel has the audacity and the Power (Political, Monetary, Leverage) to get this thru the USA Legislature... and American Goys, as usual, are not even paying attention... I envy those Americans who have left the USA... I am in the Que to do so to.

This is Exactly Why the Israeli Tribe has been kicked out of 109 countries -- Not matter how much power and money and influence they gather over their fellow countrymen no matter what country it is... It is NEVER enough.

Hopefully the USA and EU will make it an even 110 expulsions of the Israeli Tribe... A peaceful expulsion.... For these and many other odious acts of political castration of American and Flat Earth Citizens.

May Life Bless Everyone From Head To Toe... But You Have To Call A Spade A Spade.

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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Bro Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:31 pm

Ann wrote:But it seems like NK is acting like a prick, with their missile test.

It does feel like USA is scared of NK blowing up some of their territory, like it doesn't look like they just make up excuses to start a war like they did in Iraq.

Anyway. Thought it would be interesting to have some different point of view on that matter.

North Korean has EVERY right to develop their own missile defense system... Just as Ann has a right(in USA not Australia) to have a Handgun and defend herself.

Here is the essential point...
North Korean can decimate South Korea in HOURS with ONLY their Artillery... -- Forget Any Nukes... and Iraq could hurt no one that is why the USA Invaded Iraq to end an enemy of Israel and to secure another American military base in the middle east... Google American Iraq Military Bases and The Green Zone.

The Nuclear Fear Porn Story is as Fake as is the Spinning Globe Earth... http://ifers.123.st/t32-nuclear-hoax-nukes-do-not-exist

If Nukes REALLY existed wouldn't at least one Crazy Psychopathic Israeli, Russian, American, Chinese, British, Indian, Pakistani Leader have used one in the last 20 years... absolutely just to see the fireworks... Yes... They would have shot one off just for the show... and so far ??

There has been none... since they do not exist they can't be set off... The science to make them work does not exist.

Nuke Propaganda is used as Fear War Porn Tools... I will huff and puff and blow your house down... Then you don't need a war you just scare everybody into your way.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fire bombed NOT nuked...You know like when you light a match to start a barbecue... but in this case you burn a whole city with Fire Bombs but call it by a new name... We Nuked Them !

The Russians Know that the Americans don't have Nukes and the Americans know the Russians don't have nukes and The Chinese know that both the Russians and the Americans don't have nukes... etc... It is ALL a big bluff... Its all Bull.

We live in a world of Complete Fraud...

and... Who knows what Kim is doing in North Korea... He could be in Hawaii for all we really know... Fake Zio News 24 hours a day every day... keep that ever in mind.

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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Ann Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:33 am

I don't believe in the nuclear as they give it to us.
I know that Hiroshima and Nagazaki were fire bombed, on the other hand I believe that 70 years later, nowadays country mist have something powerfull enough to make serious damaged.

I just referred to it because they did and we know everybody is very scared of them.

I also think that every country should be aloud to do their military test the way they want it as long as it doesn't hurt nobody.
I said he's acting like a prick, i just meant that he doesn't seems very worried. He keeps carrying on his missiles test even tho it looks like it's about to start a war.

The distraction to pass a stupid bill lowkey is a good point. I didn't see it this way.
On the other hand, so many sanction have been put onto NK and their spokesman was saying:
'The sanctions, which were unanimously passed by the UN on Saturday, were a "violent violation of our sovereignty," the official KCNA news agency said.'
'It threatened to make the US "pay the price for its crime... thousands of times," referring to America's role in drafting the UN sanctions resolution.'

I understand America could be playing the war fear game but why would NK play along?
Or is USA just gonna drop everything and let NK carry on whatever they claim NK is doing and move on?

This world is so deep into shit you wonder if there's any hope at all.


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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Just Vital Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:43 am

Ann wrote:I understand America could be playing the war fear game but why would NK play along?

Maybe the entire North Korea drama is nothing more than a hoax/movie and Kim Jung Un being the leading actor... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IsQVbvXves
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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:01 pm

I can tell you this for a fact, North Korea is the only country on this plane which has not and will not adopt a digital TV service, all other countries will be switched over to digital TV by 2023.
I have stated many times the digital TV switch-over is all part of the agenda and all ties in to the Smart Grid, micro-chipping, digital currency, tracking of everyone and every transaction and smart meters.

The DSO (Digital switch-over) was sold to the masses as offering better picture quality, more channels and so on.
In fact the real reason for the DSO was to adapt every TV transmitter (which cover on average 98% of EVERY country) to use packed bit-streams transmitted in an 8mhz band, what they have done by switching to digital is created the Worlds largest wi-fi network being serviced from every TV transmitter in every country, backed up with cell towers acting as relays.

This huge wi-fi network will be used to gather smart meter data, this wi-fi network will also be the basis of tracking everyone and every transaction when the masses eventually accept micro-chipping and a single digital currency.

Bitcoin, which is what the single digital currency will essentially be, has one huge prerequisite, it needs a constant internet connection to hash and function, this is why we have the digital switch-over, the huge worldwide wi-fi network is there to track everything, everyone, every transaction, every bit of energy you use and so on.
Bitcoin would be ideal for a digital currency stored on a microchip, it's why it has been created, to programme the masses to accept a digital currency, before they bring in a single digital currency for the world, which will just happen to have all the qualities and be perfect for using on a microchip implant.


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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Bro Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:49 pm

FL@T-E@RTH wrote:I can tell you this for a fact, North Korea is the only country on this plane which has not and will not adopt a digital TV service, all other countries will be switched over to digital TV by 2023. I have stated many times the digital TV switch-over is all part of the agenda and all ties in to the Smart Grid, micro-chipping, digital currency, tracking of everyone and every transaction and smart meters.

The DSO (Digital switch-over) was sold to the masses as offering better picture quality, more channels and so on.
In fact the real reason for the DSO was to adapt every TV transmitter (which cover on average 98% of EVERY country) to use packed bit-streams transmitted in an 8mhz band, what they have done by switching to digital is created the Worlds largest wi-fi network being serviced from every TV transmitter in every country, backed up with cell towers acting as relays.

This huge wi-fi network will be used to gather smart meter data, this wi-fi network will also be the basis of tracking everyone and every transaction when the masses eventually accept micro-chipping and a single digital currency.

Bitcoin, which is what the single digital currency will essentially be, has one huge prerequisite, it needs a constant internet connection to hash and function, this is why we have the digital switch-over, the huge worldwide wi-fi network is there to track everything, everyone, every transaction, every bit of energy you use and so on.
Bitcoin would be ideal for a digital currency stored on a microchip, it's why it has been created, to programme the masses to accept a digital currency, before they bring in a single digital currency for the world, which will just happen to have all the qualities and be perfect for using on a microchip implant.

Interesting Points about the DSO, WiFi, Smart Meters... Thankyou...

and yes Bitcoin definitely needs an internet connection everywhere the 'BlockChain Ledger' is published so that it is publicly transparent and so to do that it must be updated digitally worldwide everywhere at the same time (The Ledger) ... and for now BitCoin transactions can be anonymously transacted anywhere in the world and because of that, I think i am deducing that the 'Deep State Tribe' is behind Ethereum CryptoCurrency Platform instead of the publicly transparent and anonymous BitCoin as it exists right now.

and they (The EEA Ethereum Enterprise Alliance) promote their platform with the idea BitCoin transactions are too slow DUE TO BITCOIN'S PUBLIC TRANSACTION TRANSPARENCY AND IT'S ANONYMOUS USAGE FEATURES... !


Within the new planned Ethereum Crypto Platform Transactions will not be fully anonymous... and not with public transparency world wide like with existing BitCoin.

I am trying to read up as much as i can on BitCoin and Ethereum... It's hard to get your head around the pros and cons with all the media and Investor BS.

But with Microsoft, JPMorgan Chase and a lot of big business behind Ethereum i immediately smell a huge rat... Microsoft works directly with the US Gov on intel on world wide citizen information collection... PRISM.

PRISM..  as in...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_surveillance_program







and that would only scratch the surface for Corporation Business Partners, especially Microsoft IT Biz, involvement in helping the US Gov end our liberty and freedom under the guise of security.

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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:31 am

Excellent post Bro, you are clearly more well versed in crypto-currency and understand how it works far better than I.
I certainly agree with your comment:
But with Microsoft, JPMorgan Chase and a lot of big business behind Ethereum i immediately smell a huge rat.

Thank you for all the links and reference material provided, it appears I have quite a bit of reading to do!

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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Ann Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:51 pm

Just Vital wrote:
Ann wrote:I understand America could be playing the war fear game but why would NK play along?

Maybe the entire North Korea drama is nothing more than a hoax/movie and Kim Jung Un being the leading actor... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IsQVbvXves

North Korea back out / Iran comes in.
Funny how North Korea just display their military plans on news media, seems genuine.

I guess you're right, they might need to keep some 'vilain' in the world so we don't get bored and they can pass dodgy bill lowkey.

I'm done with 'news media' for a while..


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North korea Empty Wi-fi Worries

Post by Ireckonso Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:07 pm

The subject of a world wide digital wi-fi network is something we need to think and talk about.  I'm concerned with technology using sound as a weapon.   The power of  sound waves -  "God said let there be..."  An example of sound bringing things into existence, the devil has pipes in his chest, Pan leads by playing the flute, the walls of Jericho came down by chanting, neurosurgeons speak of the harmful affects of cell phone radiation, HAARP(most are familiar with it use to direct or alter weather), cell phone tower workers speak of installing way more power to the towers than makes sense.  Stories are popping up about new military complex weapons using sound to blast structures or make the enemy deaf.  We know of the debilitating effects on health from smart meters.  The varied effects of music on our feelings.  Most stories center around using wi-fi to inflict depression, anger, passivity or any other emotion but others speak of the transhumance caused by chip implants and programming through wi-fi.   I'm learning, but not fast enough, we all might need tin foil hats that really work before finding through experience that sound can/is/will be used against us better than lead bullets. We're talking invisible power with possibilities hard to imagine.


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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by starfox42 Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:17 pm

Just wanted to update the thread with the most recent launch, claiming to be the "highest ever," at 2,800 miles up.
US-based scientists are telling the world that this so called ICBM can reach any part of the united states.
I'll include a few articles, can't find any non-jew sources.





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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Admin Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:51 am

The Western World from a North Korean perspective

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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Jellie Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:55 pm

This is a fun one to look into, almost want to see what's going on in NK as much as "Antarctica"
North korea 7253136-3x2-940x627
Looks like some bad acting to me (but I'm no actor don't take it from me)
and also I saw at least two dudes straight up chillin in sweatshirts?
Kim must be lazy about dress code
..or the film company we paid to make that is

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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by Just Vital Tue Mar 05, 2019 11:37 pm

Jellie wrote:Looks like some bad acting to me 

That acting... clown 

The North Korea they show us seems like an entirely fictional country to me.
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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by susie Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:41 am


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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by susie Thu Apr 30, 2020 4:29 am

Kim Yo-jong could succeed brother as official N.K. leader: think tank

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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by EugeneHKrabs Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:08 pm

ahh sure all the rockets could be propaganda for some reason, and their nuclear mountain blew up a while ago so maybe their done with the nukes, if the base is destroyed. But still rockets for propaganda. I might be wrong but the rockets can't reach anything significant... that America cares about. Anyway when Trump payed a visit a while ago I bet he made a deal with Kim and told him the craic, said he wanted nothing to do with him and was gonna do peace in the middle east instead to finish next term.

Then I'd wonder why Obama shadowed him to N. Korea either before or after by days only... spot of shadow government anyone?


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North korea Empty Lmao someone who puts craic in that content has to be irish ???? I think North Korea is a total hoax, it seemed so suspicious that time Shane Smith 'visited' there

Post by FiachraW Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:48 pm

EugeneHKrabs wrote:ahh sure all the rockets could be propaganda for some reason, and their nuclear mountain blew up a while ago so maybe their done with the nukes, if the base is destroyed. But still rockets for propaganda. I might be wrong but the rockets can't reach anything significant... that America cares about. Anyway when Trump payed a visit a while ago I bet he made a deal with Kim and told him the craic, said he wanted nothing to do with him and was gonna do peace in the middle east instead to finish next term.

Then I'd wonder why Obama shadowed him to N. Korea either before or after by days only... spot of shadow government anyone?


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North korea Empty Re: North korea

Post by FiachraW Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:55 pm

EugeneHKrabs wrote:ahh sure all the rockets could be propaganda for some reason, and their nuclear mountain blew up a while ago so maybe their done with the nukes, if the base is destroyed. But still rockets for propaganda. I might be wrong but the rockets can't reach anything significant... that America cares about. Anyway when Trump payed a visit a while ago I bet he made a deal with Kim and told him the craic, said he wanted nothing to do with him and was gonna do peace in the middle east instead to finish next term.

Then I'd wonder why Obama shadowed him to N. Korea either before or after by days only... spot of shadow government anyone?

I debate North Koreas existence. After watching Shane Smith from Vice go back their in 2008 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24R8JObNNQ4, he doesnt even leave his hotel room? Place doesnt seem legit
It seems odd to say the least. This may not be substantiated but after viewing snapchats world location maps, you can basically see stories from whatever country in the world from any given time. This could be due to censorship but from a whole country there was only one story...
Just seems like barren landscape. I saw Nathan Oakley talk about it ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l_sBmsXu8I
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BotDYFR9ULk ----< then you see in the Interview this scene Very Happy
Truth in the movies lies in the news
After having petty argument w my non truther friend ( trying to convince someone of FE can be so tiresome Crying or Very sad )
he sent me this "footage" of North Korea, and tbf it is a well shot documentary... but it would be quite easy to fake this I feel?
I didnt watch the full thing because I felt it was all hoaxy material Very Happy -----> https://youtu.be/StjIv33zJ9c
Thanks for your time, Peace


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