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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Peter Toepfer
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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by Admin Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:21 pm

The 2 Types of People on the Flat Earth:

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote "the truest sign of intelligence is the ability to entertain two contradictory ideas simultaneously," and Aristotle said "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Those who are able to refrain from judgement long enough to genuinely research and weigh the evidence from all sides of a given subject are those most likely to arrive at the truth. Those who instantly resort to knee-jerk ridicule and continue to believe whatever they were first taught are those most easily deceived.


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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by comradelevelplane Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:19 am

There is a debate involving "naval radar". It goes like this. If the earth is flat, how is "radar shadow" possible below the "radar horizon"?

The only examples I can find all assume that the earth is curved. Therefore anything below the horizon is under the "radar horizon" and is considered an area of "radar shadow".

If the experiment is done on a level body of water, how is "radar shadow" possible under the "radar horizon"?

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. I thought about posting it on the surveyors, engineers, pilots and sailors section.

I also kind of think this is a weak debate, because their whole argument is based on the assumption that earth is a globe. And since there is no proof of any curvature, then the claim that it is impossible on a flat earth is easily debunked.

Let me know what you think, if it is just anti-flat earthers picking at straws or if this needs supporting evidence or not.


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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by EthericData2 Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:08 pm

Admin wrote:The 2 Types of People on the Flat Earth:  

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote "the truest sign of intelligence is the ability to entertain two contradictory ideas simultaneously," and Aristotle said "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."  Those who are able to refrain from judgement long enough to genuinely research and weigh the evidence from all sides of a given subject are those most likely to arrive at the truth.  Those who instantly resort to knee-jerk ridicule and continue to believe whatever they were first taught are those most easily deceived.

Could the flat earth theories be intertwined with the hollow earth theories?

What I am proposing is purely speculation, and I was hoping someone would be able to contribute to the discussion.

What if the Earth’s shape is similar to an eyeball?
How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Flat-earth8-wide

How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 E4541c10

The iris is the level plane, the cornea is the firmament, the pupil is the whirlpool, world’s well, maelstrom, abysmal chasm, etc., at the core is the hollow vitreous body filled with vitreous liquid, and the magnetic mountain in the center is the pineal gland.

This might explain why so many of these heliocentric talking points, such as the imaginary curvature of the Earth, is based on the demarcation of our optical limitations.

If that is true, why would the architects of the heliocentric worldview go through all of this trouble to deceive the masses? Any ideas?


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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Flat Earth Debating is Damage Control

Post by Earthtoed Fri Nov 11, 2022 11:23 am

Any more than a few years ago there was no such thing as a flat-Earth debate. The premise of the Earth being flat was simply not a viable concept in developed nations. Due to the Internet and the natural progression of the truth the topic is becoming virtually unavoidable. However, simply debating flat-Earth may not be enough. The reluctancy yet willingness of the opposition to engage in or even sponsor debates is undoubtedly coming from the inevitability of the truth. The invalidity of the spinning ball nonsense is exacerbated with every attempt to defend it, and those who cling to the fallacies will ultimately lose their credibility as well. Therefore, I believe the damage control will come in the form of very gradual concessions. That has to be their plan. The Cabal of liars can't simply concede the point and expect to get on with life as usual. In many ways the spinning-ball deception is far greater than false flagging our nation into a war. A government that deliberately teaches lies about basic science from crib to casket clearly has zero morality. Hence, the ramification of an overnight admission would dissolve whatever remains in government trust. Enough so, that the parasites currently enjoying their status would be reduced to third-class peons. But that's why leaving the debate at: flat and stationary vs. spinning ball Earth is not enough. The exposing of the evil and corrupt nature of authoritarianism should always be included as a focal point.

Any thoughts?


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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by Slowbutsure Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:11 am

I have run in to sum flat earthers who belive the sun and moon are in the clouds. I have shown them that they set/rise due to perspective and told that all those videos are at the same distance where the sun would be there due to perspective. But im not getting thru to them, so i figure i ask you guys how you would argue against it?

Sorry for off topic.


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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by Earthtoed Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:14 am

Slowbutsure wrote:I have run in to sum flat earthers who belive the sun and moon are in the clouds. I have shown them that they set/rise due to perspective and told that all those videos are at the same distance where the sun would be there due to perspective. But im not getting thru to them, so i figure i ask you guys how you would argue against it?

Sorry for off topic.

At this point I believe it is best to work on the non-flat-Earthers. There are a bunch of easily provable facts to win every legitimate debate. The faster people realize the Earth is flat the harder the fall of the cabal of psychopaths controlling the means of mass communication. Once the trust in our present system of government and media is dissolved, a paradigm shift will allow us true scientific exploration and good people won't need to debate.


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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by Slowbutsure Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:23 am

Earthtoed wrote:
Slowbutsure wrote:I have run in to sum flat earthers who belive the sun and moon are in the clouds. I have shown them that they set/rise due to perspective and told that all those videos are at the same distance where the sun would be there due to perspective. But im not getting thru to them, so i figure i ask you guys how you would argue against it?

Sorry for off topic.

At this point I believe it is best to work on the non-flat-Earthers. There are a bunch of easily provable facts to win every legitimate debate. The faster people realize the Earth is flat the harder the fall of the cabal of psychopaths controlling the means of mass communication. Once the trust in our present system of government and media is dissolved, a paradigm shift will allow us true scientific exploration and good people won't need to debate.

Fair enough, but dont hurt to see a few arguments tho.


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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by comradelevelplane Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:45 pm

Slowbutsure wrote:
Earthtoed wrote:
Slowbutsure wrote:I have run in to sum flat earthers who belive the sun and moon are in the clouds. I have shown them that they set/rise due to perspective and told that all those videos are at the same distance where the sun would be there due to perspective. But im not getting thru to them, so i figure i ask you guys how you would argue against it?

Sorry for off topic.

At this point I believe it is best to work on the non-flat-Earthers. There are a bunch of easily provable facts to win every legitimate debate. The faster people realize the Earth is flat the harder the fall of the cabal of psychopaths controlling the means of mass communication. Once the trust in our present system of government and media is dissolved, a paradigm shift will allow us true scientific exploration and good people won't need to debate.

Fair enough, but dont hurt to see a few arguments tho.

“Regiments of figures are paraded with all the learned jargon for which science is famous, but one might as well look at the changing clouds in the sky and seek for certainty there, as to expect to get it from the propounders of modern astronomy. But is there no means of testing these ever-changing never-stable speculations and bringing them to the scrutiny of the hard logic of fact? Indeed there is. The distance of the sun can be measured with much precision, the same way as a tree or a house, or church steeple is measured, by plane triangulation. It is the principle on which a house is built, a table made or a man-of-war constructed … The sun is always somewhere between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, a distance admitted to be less than 3,000 miles; how then can the sun if it be so many thousand miles in diameter, squeeze itself into a space of about 3,000 miles only? But look at the distance, say the professors! We have already done that and not one of the wise men we have so often challenged, has ever attempted to refute the principle on which we measure the sun’s distance … If the navigator neglects to apply the sun’s semi-diameter to his observation at sea, he is 16 nautical miles out in calculating the position his ship is in. A minute of arc on the sextant represents a nautical mile, and if the semi-diameter be 16 miles, the diameter is of course 32 miles. And as measured by the sextant, the sun’s diameter is 32 minutes of arc, that is 32 nautical miles in diameter. Let him disprove this who can. If ever disproof is attempted, it will be a literary curiosity, well worth framing.” -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (114-120)

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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by Admin Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:49 pm

The Best Way to Awaken People to Flat Earth:

In modern times, the idea that we live in a geocentric universe upon a level stationary plane Earth has been so marginalized, mocked, and ridiculed that even attempting to have a serious conversation about the subject usually results in nothing but a barrage of smirks, sneers, and sarcasm. In some cases, people have even lost their jobs, reputations or relationships for daring to speak openly about this uniquely taboo topic. Centuries of heliocentric pseudoscience pushed by the Royal Astronomical Society, NASA, and other official organizations along with the systematic censorship of geocentric science has resulted in a stigma where most cannot even consider the subject or have a respectful conversation about it. Instead, the idea is immediately dismissed with utter disdain or exasperation, and the presenter treated as if they must be the most backwater ignoramus of the information age...

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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by Admin Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:14 pm

The Futility of Flat Earth Debates:

Since the modern resurgence of the Flat Earth subject in 2014, the main methods of engagement by the masses have unfortunately been denial, ridicule, and once in a while, a so-called “debate.” With most any other topic, debates take the shape of formal conversations where opposing positions are presented, argued, and rebutted in an effort to better understand an issue. However, with this hot-button topic, since it is widely perceived as just an incorrect archaic assumption of our ignorant ancient ancestors, those arguing against it tend to have such arrogance and contempt that the debates usually devolve into nothing but repeated interruptions, name-calling, sarcasm and logical fallacies. While I applaud and appreciate everyone who brings attention to this important issue, I would argue that what we really need to help bring alternative cosmology center-stage is more genuine discourse, dialogue, discussions, and demonstrations, not debates.

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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by enagfis Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:53 am

Admin wrote:The Futility of Flat Earth Debates:  


Since the modern resurgence of the Flat Earth subject in 2014, the main methods of engagement by the masses have unfortunately been denial, ridicule, and once in a while, a so-called “debate.”  With most any other topic, debates take the shape of formal conversations where opposing positions are presented, argued, and rebutted in an effort to better understand an issue.  However, with this hot-button topic, since it is widely perceived as just an incorrect archaic assumption of our ignorant ancient ancestors, those arguing against it tend to have such arrogance and contempt that the debates usually devolve into nothing but repeated interruptions, name-calling, sarcasm and logical fallacies.  While I applaud and appreciate everyone who brings attention to this important issue, I would argue that what we really need to help bring alternative cosmology center-stage is more genuine discourse, dialogue, discussions, and demonstrations, not debates.

I too, Eric, would argue that what we really need to help bring alternative cosmology center-stage is more genuine discourse, dialogue, discussions, and demonstrations, not debates.

This is why I love this kid...

I know you're a busy guy, but man would I love your thoughts.

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How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?   - Page 5 Empty Re: How To Debate With Heliocentric Globetrotters?

Post by Admin Fri Sep 20, 2024 4:11 am

Flat Earth - Knowledge vs. Belief:

How can we endeavor to know, and not just believe, the true shape of the Earth?

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