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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:55 pm

In this roundtable discussion with John Le Bon and the Ball Earth Skeptics we cover topics ranging from shills in the flat Earth movement to astrotheology and kundalini awakening.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Re: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:56 pm

Posted by Lifeone on 07/18/2015

Hi Eric,

I just finished listening to this interview. During the interview you made a great case for Mark Sargent being a shill. You provided tons of evidence to support your claims. What bothered me is the host would not comment on your evidence. They only stated that they would choose to support him. it also seemed like the second host "matrix" was not into the interview and even spaced out a few times. You were a good sport man. How did you feel about the show/interview.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Re: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:57 pm

Posted by Admin on 07/18/2015

Hey, thanks, I agree with you Lifeone, I'm pretty suspicious of people who want to give everyone including Mark Sargent a voice/chance. Where's their shill radar? Why continue saying my name wrong (like all the other shills purposely do) even AFTER I corrected him on air? Why was the show focused on supposed "problems" they had with the FE model? Why complain after my second answer that "it looks like it's going to be short, sharp answers from Eric tonight?" Why was one of them shilly enough to get banned from IFERS after one post?

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Re: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:57 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/18/2015

I started this one yesterday, and I'm about a third of the way through. Excellent as always, Eric! Thank you for taking the time to do all of these interviews. I know you end up repeating a lot, but that's what it takes for this information to sink in for the majority. I can't wait for the Sargent Shill portion.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Re: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:58 pm

Posted by appeal2reason on 08/18/2015

At about the 10 minute mark it shows the clip of the sun which is clearly not setting. In my opinion the best one (that I have come across). Is there anywhere I could find it by its lonesome?

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Re: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:58 pm

Posted by thesekininja on 08/18/2015

Aug 17, 2015 18:05:59 GMT appeal2reason said:
At about the 10 minute mark it shows the clip of the sun which is clearly not setting. In my opinion the best one (that I have come across). Is there anywhere I could find it by its lonesome?

Me too, thanks bud
Exactly what I needed for a film I'm currently making so I've ripped it, cut it out and posted for you. 

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Re: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:59 pm

Posted by appeal2reason on 08/18/2015

Thanks! I have removed audio and title and will post clip for others to view. Even if it only sparks the mind of one other person it is well worth it. Seems to have the best effect when you let others discover things for themselves and not lead them in any particular direction. After seeing this clip how could someone not question the established lies most accept as truth.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Re: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:00 pm

Posted by Kiri on 08/20/2015

Hey guys

I'm having a blast at the Woodstock Fruit Festival in New York at present but I couldn't keep this to myself - Just watched the debate last night and wanted to discuss - Mod's please move this to the most relevant place Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Smiley


What really struck me was the mathematical arrogance, condescension and pure rudeness of the Ball Earther's. These very same people are the ones who can mathematically confirm that the moon landings, 911, etc happened as per the official version. They will say things like gravity or space time shifted and here's the equation - Now let's get into the equation and show you how stupid you are ! Now you should just shut up and leave it to us ! 

The problem, as I see it, is that they can NOT explain what Gravity or Time actually are and yet they use these "Constants" as a given ! I am definitely no maths genius but I do know that equations and "scientific" formulas can be used to confound, confuse and explain everything and every point of view regardless of whether you believe in the Flat Earth or the Ball Earth ! So what do we have left ? 

This is not just about this equation or that equation - This is about a systemic breakdown of ALL we have been told, to be previously 100% undeniable facts, unraveling before our eyes !

PLEASE - Enough of the equations Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Superangry Just show us a picture from one of the thousands of satellites Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Lipssealed

These are just my own thoughts and observations.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay   Empty Re: Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable with Eric Dubay

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:01 pm

Posted by Turkey on 08/20/2015

The equations are just meant to intimidate you. Like, "Oh you must not be educated enough to understand. Just trust us smart guys. See we have fancy powdered wigs and long flowing robes. We must know what we're talking about."

Sometimes I think their tactics are so obvious that they must want to be exposed. Yet, no, they seem to really be going with the strategy of deception and intimidation. Because they've never congratulated me in finding out any of their schemes. They don't accept me at their universities, or the jobs at their companies, or as a member of any of their fraternal organizations. They reject me. So, why should I play along with their nonsense?

Yeah, real math, is awesome. The problem with math, is the same problem with CGI renders. Until all but one possibility is eliminated it is misleading. Because you are running good data through an unconfirmed model. In the case of CGI you are creating false images out of validly collected data, because the render software is based on the wrong model.

It's hard to believe it is just incompetence to blame.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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